Ashton Kutcher says he “can’t know” whether or not Danny Masterson is guilty of rape charges

Ashton Kutcher says he hopes a trial finds Danny Masterson "innocent," but avoids commenting directly on his That '70s Show co-star's alleged crimes

Aux News Danny Masterson
Ashton Kutcher says he “can’t know” whether or not Danny Masterson is guilty of rape charges
Ashton Kutcher and Danny Masterson Image: The A.V. Club

While actor Danny Masterson’s forcible rape case remains at a standstill after an initial trial last November concluded in a hung jury, his That ‘70's Show co-star Ashton Kutcher has tentatively touched on some of the charges Masterson faces in a new conversation with Esquire.

“Ultimately, I can’t know,” Kutcher tells Esquire’s Madison Vain about his thoughts on Masterson’s charges. “I’m not the judge. I’m not the jury. I’m not the DA. I’m not the victim. And I’m not the accused. And so, in that case, I don’t have a space to comment… I just don’t know.”

After performing alongside Masterson on That ‘70's Show for eight seasons between 1998 and 2006, Kutcher also acted with him on the Netflix comedy The Ranch, which ran from 2016 t0 2020. Masterson was written off the show in 2017 after rape allegations from five different women first came to light.

In the wake of mounting allegations, Kutcher has kept in touch with Masterson and his son, whom he says he thinks of often given the widespread coverage of Masterson’s case available online. “Someday, his kid is going to read about this,” Kutcher shares.

Although Kutcher asserts that he wants Masterson to “be found innocent of the charges brought against him,” he also says he “wholesale feel[s] for anybody who feels like they were violated in any way.” As Kutcher tells it, Masterson was one of the more experienced players on That ‘70's Show and was known around the set for keeping younger actors in check and advising them away from career-marring decisions.

“He’s like, ‘One fucking rule: Don’t do anything fucking stupid and fuck this up. Because if you fuck it up, you fuck it up for everybody,’” Kutcher recalls.

If convicted of all three counts of forcible rape he’s been formally charged with, Masterson could face 45 years in prison. For now, the presiding judge has set a retrial date for March 27 of this year.

If you or someone you know is suffering from sexual abuse, contact the RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673.


  • zorrocat310-av says:

    “Ultimately, I can’t know, I’m not the judge. I’m not the jury. I’m not the DA. I’m not the victim. And I’m not the accused. And so, in that case, I don’t have a space to comment… I just don’t know.” And yet here AV Club is reporting Kutcher doesn’t know. So why publish it? Further, why am I posting about this story about absolutely nothing?Now if you’ll excuse me, I am going outside to kick myself in the balls.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    “Keeping the younger actors in check”?

    • mdizzle-av says:

      ive had to kindly explain workplace rules to people that havent had a job before. or general stuff like not taking or sharing nudes.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Can I send you my resume?

        • necgray-av says:

          You gotta include letters of recommendation from Shelob and Charlotte.But not Boris. That guy parties too much.

          • inspectorhammer-av says:

            The Kinja Caffeine Spider is going to run afoul of the Spider’s Union if he tries to buck seniority like this.

          • necgray-av says:

            I’d love to know the address of their union hall so I can set it on fire with all of them inside.Although knowing my luck they’d rush out all crawly and disgusting and on fire right at me.

          • bcfred2-av says:

            You’ve called unwanted attention to yourself.

          • necgray-av says:

            (vomit noises)Incidentally, anyone scanning through the Kotaku article on PSVR2 could tell you I *definitely* called unwanted attention to myself. Sometimes I really need to write stuff into a Google Doc and hit Delete after.

          • badkuchikopi-av says:

            Am I right that that’s from Arachnophobia? I need to re-watch that movie. 

          • luasdublin-av says:

            Me a recovered arachnophobe..I need to continue not watching that movie!

          • badkuchikopi-av says:

            Give AI/deepfake tech a few more years and someone will churn out a version where all the spiders are adorable murderous kittens. 

          • bcfred2-av says:

            Correct. Apparently spiders are more advanced schemers than you’d expect.

          • bcfred2-av says:

            Wouldn’t that fall under the Rigging & Slinging Local 1182?

      • mykinjaa-av says:

        Boomer ladies on my job like to hug me – for long periods of time – chest to chest.One told me to feel how smooth her leg was.
        I declined.

    • gregorbarclaymedia-av says:


  • pophead911-av says:

    Kutcher saying “I don’t have a space to comment” and then commenting that he hopes the verdict is innocent is a miss for me. 

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Yeah I guess I kind of get what he was trying to say. He doesn’t want his friend to be a rapist. But probably the better way to put it is “I hope he’s innocent.” Saying “I hope he’s found innocent” sounds like “It’s really too bad that she ‘felt violated in some way,’ but I really hope he doesn’t have to go to jail about it.”

      • planehugger1-av says:

        I don’t think that’s a fair reading of what he said.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          There’s certainly room for disagreement.

          • planehugger1-av says:

            Respectfully disagreement is always good, but I don’t think Kutcher’s comments are susceptible to the interpretation you’re giving them. It’s not a fair reading to suggest he’s saying he’s OK with Masterson being guilty, and getting away with it. And sure, there are perhaps somewhat more direct ways of saying what Kutcher said. But this wasn’t a statement carefully written down and edited by professionals — it was something Kutcher said on the fly, in an interview. Given that context, was he said was quite clear, and perfectly appropriate.  

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            As I said in multiple other comments, I don’t necessarily think that’s what he intended to convey, but I do think it’s a fair reading of what his choice of words actually conveyed. Respectfully.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            If you look hard enough, you’ll find something that isn’t there.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            And sometimes it’s right there in your face.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            Oh Sheep, let’s not do this again. Just take the L, it’s okay.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            I’m perfectly happy to leave this at two people disagreeing on an interpretation, but if you’re incapable of tolerating disagreement without turning it into wins and losses, if your self-esteem really needs this that badly, then okay, Jalopnik Refugee. I will take it. I truly hope this helps you.  Please try your best to have a good day.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            if you’re incapable of tolerating disagreement without turning it into wins and losses, if your self-esteem really needs this that badly, then okayCompared to what? Your version of it? Continuously arguing with the entire commentariat despite overwhelming evidence that contradicts your views because you refuse to accept that you may have misread something or made a mistake? Oh yes, because that’s obviously the right approach /s.It’s just you and your weird contrarian blazing hot takes I struggle to tolerate.Quite frankly, I think you need to spend sometime away from the internet, particularly website comment sections. I truly hope this helps you calm down and rethink how you approach things… but I know it wont.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            If you find a few commenters saying little more than “you’re incorrect” to be “overwhelming,” then you are easily overwhelmed, which, tbh, was obvious enough from how little you can tolerate someone saying “I disagree.” Again, I’m not sure why we’re still arguing or what you want me to say. I accepted the L you offered. So just tell me what else your self-esteem needs so we can wrap this up, and we can both take some time away from the internet (not sure if you noticed that you’re here too, or if you think this is real life or what).

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            If you find a few commenters saying little more than “you’re incorrect” to be “overwhelming,” then you are easily overwhelmed.This makes absolutely no sense in this context. I’m trying to use your logic here, which also makes absolutely no sense as it’s not just a “few commenters” as you put it, it’s nearly everyone you’re arguing with across multiple threads. Furthermore, I’m not just referencing this thread, or the other threads on this article. It’s all of your comments, everywhere. I accepted the L you offered. No, you didn’t, as evident by your continued response. You can’t help it.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            “it’s nearly everyone you’re arguing with across multiple threads”“Everyone,” meaning exactly you and the planehugger person (who was the only one I argued with in the other thread)? Y’all are the only ones I’ve argued with. Again, that doesn’t strike me as particularly a lot of people, but again, you’ve demonstrated that your tolerance for disagreement is low so I see how you consider that a lot of people. And as to the context of the “arguments,” planehugger’s argument was just “you’re wrong,” and you have offered no argument at all, just a bunch of stuff about how you don’t like me, which isn’t really anything I can dispute because I know you don’t like me. I don’t like you either, but I haven’t mentioned that as it’s not relevant to the discussion and variations on “you suck,” which is all you’ve offered, doesn’t really make a cogent argument either way about Kutcher’s comments. Anyway, I don’t find myself overwhelmed still.“No, you didn’t, as evident by your continued response.”Oh, okay, I’m sorry, what does accepting the L look like to you? Tell me exactly what you want me to say so we can make your day better.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            Oh, okay, I’m sorry, what does accepting the L look like to you? Tell me exactly what you want me to say so we can make your day better.This isn’t a real question, is it?

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            It is. I didn’t ask for this argument. You told me to take the L. I didn’t argue back that I was right and that you were wrong. I said we disagreed and that I took the L, yes with snark. That wasn’t good enough for you. You got mad that I “refuse to accept” that I’m wrong, according to you and planehugger, even though I said I was perfectly happy to exist in a state of disagreement with both of you. I don’t care that you “refuse to accept” my POV. But a state of disagreement is apparently completely unacceptable to you, so what the fuck do you want? I can say I agree with you? That I’m wrong? It would be a lie, but I can do that. Our whole discussion has been nothing but you making it clear how much you really, really don’t like me, and I get it, I promise.I truly don’t understand what about my comments has warranted this outsized response. I didn’t say Kutcher was a rape apologist. I didn’t say he was a bad person or should be raked across the coals. I said his choice of words lent itself to an unsavory interpretation, and if I were him I would have tried to issue a more thoughtful response, even acknowledging that as a celebrity he has to deal with these questions all the time and it’s understandably hard to put a lot of thought into each answer.So yeah, what do you want?

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            So yeah, what do you want?I spelled it out for you already but if want to continue acting willfully obtuse, here’s something you can’t pretend to ignore… stop commenting. 

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            Oh, so you just need the last word to feel you’ve won. You don’t actually care about making a point; you just want to say the last thing. I’ll remember that in the future so we don’t have to go through all this again. Go ahead and have it and move on with your fucking life at last. Geez.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            Oh, so you just need the last word to feel you’ve won. You don’t actually care about making a point; you just want to say the last thing. I’ll remember that in the future so we don’t have to go through all this again. Go ahead and have it and move on with your fucking life at last. Geez.Irony at it’s finest. I don’t actually need the last word to feel like I won (which, this was never about, you’re the only person labeling it that way). You’ve embarrassed yourself in ways I can only dream of orchestrating so have at it, the last comment is all yours.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:


          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            For what it’s worth, I agree with you. I’m not saying that Kutcher does want Masterson to get away with something he’s guilty of, but the wording does leave that interpretation open. Is that an uncharitable reading of what he said? Yeah, maybe. But I don’t think pointing out it was not the best choice of words is so controversial.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            At the same time, Kutcher is an advocate for those who’ve been or are being abused. “I wholesale feel for anybody who feels like they were violated in any way.” What Kutcher wants, he says, is for Masterson “to be found innocent of the charges brought against him.” Which is not, crucially, the same as Kutcher wanting his friend to get off the hook. He wants this man who was an example of how to handle yourself at a crucial time in his own life to actually be that example. To be innocent. “Ultimately, I can’t know,” says Kutcher of what the answer is or should be in this moment. “I’m not the judge. I’m not the jury. I’m not the DA. I’m not the victim. And I’m not the accused. And so, in that case, I don’t have a space to comment.” He pauses. “I just don’t know.”This is the entire excerpt from Esquire (I called it Variety by mistake). He’s asked during an interview, answers in a relatively safe neutral way, and leaves it at that. For all the wrong things usually said by celebrities, this is a prime example of how to respond to a question like that. Double so when you’re put on the spot during an interview and you don’t have the power of hindsight commenters on the internet have.

          • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

            You’re wrong.

          • icecoldtake-av says:

            I think Sheep is right though – the comment Kutcher made could definitely be misinterpreted in the way they suggested. I believe the debate at hand isn’t whether Kutcher’s comment makes him a bad person or not, it’s whether the comment itself is capable of being misinterpreted by a reasonable person in a way that would make Kutcher look bad (I believe that it can).

            That being said, the only reason the comment can be misinterpreted in the first place is that AV Club (apparently) failed to include the entire quote from the interview they are citing, where Kutcher clarifies what he meant by his initial statement. So if anyone is taking an L it is… the AV Club.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            But, Sheep is not right because it’s been pointed out multiple times in the threads they’re participating in that Ashton further clarified what he meant. They’re refusing to acknowledge that and instead continuing to argue their misguided point. There’s also a direct link to the article in the AV Club post that clarifies this. The only way Sheep is right, is if we ignore the Vanity article.(also, good job liking the single post agreeing with you Sheep)

          • icecoldtake-av says:

            Hey, I post about 3-4 times a year, so I appreciate any like I can get. No need to call someone out for doing so!

            I’m not sure who wrote what post when, and who read or didn’t read what post before or after writing a particular comment, so I can’t say whether or not Sheep was aware of the entire quote, but I can say that it should not be necessary to click through a link in order for a quote to be in its proper context.

            “No, no, no, you see if you click through one of the eight links I included in my article, and read through the entire other article on a totally different site, you’ll see that it’s taken from an actual quote where you say ‘Fighting tirelessly to stop animal abuse is something that I’ve always engaged in, in fact, it’s a huge part of who I am’, I just pared it down a little” – Me fielding an angry call from [Redacted]

          • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

            And sometimes people are just stubborn af.

          • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

            And as many people have said to you… you’re reading is pretty unfair.

      • emperor-nero-wolfe-av says:

        As others have said in context it looks like he hopes Masterson is found innocent because he doesn’t want it to be true.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          Probably, but I don’t see that as having been fully communicated in his comment, which is the problem, I think, with giving off the cuff remarks about things as sensitive as this (and the problem with asking him stuff like this in the first place).  Topics like this require thoughtfulness and consideration, and I think when we don’t have that it can be harmful.  I’m not up in arms about it or anything.  Just noting that the statement wasn’t as considered as I think the situation warrants, and that “I have no comment” would have been a better answer.  

          • crankymessiah-av says:

            “I’m not up in arms about it or anything.”And yet, you’ve made nearly a dozen comments about it on this article. I’d hate to see how obnoxious you are when you ARE up in arms about something…

      • PennypackerIII-av says:

        Wow you really like overly dissecting the hell out of a statement.

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      How so? It’s only natural to want to believe your friend is innocent. That’s not a miss, that’s human nature.It’s pretty clear he’s going to accept the outcome regardless.

    • murrychang-av says:

      It’s plenty fine for me.  There’s absolutely nothing wrong with anything he said.

  • thundercatsridesagain-av says:

    “Ultimately, I can’t know,” Kutcher tells Esquire’s Madison Vain about his thoughts on Masterson’s charges. “I’m not the judge. I’m not the jury. I’m not the DA. I’m not the victim. And I’m not the accused. And so, in that case, I don’t have a space to comment… I just don’t know.”If you had just stopped here, man, you would have been golden. You came so, so close only to fumble at the goal line by saying you hope he’s found innocent and you feel for anyone who “feels” they’ve been violated. Because you can’t say you “don’t know” in an attempt to maintain neutrality and then say you hope he’s vindicated, which is decidedly not a neutral position. His publicist has to have just wanted to die in that moment, because even the missteps are so close to being right. Instead of “I hope he’s found innocent” you say, “I truly hope he did not do those things” and none of this is even an issue. But mostly, more celebs need to stick to the “less is more” school of thought when it comes to sharing their opinions about things like this. It’s a minefield. How can they not see it’s a minefield?

    • stegrelo-av says:

      In the interview it’s clear that’s what he means. He wants his friend to be innocent because he wants to believe he didn’t do these things but that Masterson should be punished if he did. Of course, being found innocent wouldn’t mean Masterson wasn’t guilty, but Kutcher is basically saying, “I’ll go by whatever the jury says.”

    • disparatedan-av says:

      Don’t worry, I’m sure people will show an ounce of charity and not read his comments in the worst possible light and he’ll be fine. 

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Yeah, I don’t know why it’s so hard not to run off at the mouth about this stuff. I get that it’s not fair to be asked. Honestly if someone asked me about the rape allegations of someone I used to work with years ago I’d be like wtf why are you asking me? But it’s easy enough to just be like “I have no idea what happened. I hope that justice is reached.” and leave it at that.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        I mean I’ve found out things about people I worked alongside that made me say “really? Him?? Wow.” Now granted I’m not talking anything criminal (well, not violently criminal anyway) but I agree the suggestion that you knew someone was doing anything this hideous and just kept whistling past the graveyard is insulting. There’s no right answer for Kutcher here. He seems like a decent person and I’m sure he wants this to not be true, but also doesn’t want to call the accusers liars.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          Yeah, I just wish “no comment” was utilized more. But I have no idea what it’s like to be asked bullshit questions at all moments of my life, so maybe it just wears you down.

          • ajvia12-av says:

            and I’m sure “NO COMMENT” would be received easily, comfortably and with great acceptance from anyone who is invested in what Ashton K thinks about his friends trial/charges.lose/lose situation, and terrible for everyone involved (except the accused) ultimately- I’ve had good friends who’ve done horrible things, and most people rightly want to hope they’re wrong, didn’t do it, and are innocent- but at some point, yeah, you have to acknowledge that maybe you had a friend who was not the best person or human in many (or one specific) ways. it is not your fault, you are not them, but it hurts in ways by association and makes you doubt and question your own abilities to judge and know someone.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            All fair.

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            I would probably go with something along the lines of “It’s really not appropriate for me to comment on this case, which is still going through the justice system at the moment.” Or something along those lines.

      • planehugger1-av says:

        It’s clear Masterson and Kutcher aren’t just former colleagues, but friends. I think we should give a little latitude to people who want to still be in their friends’ corner, at least in the way Kutcher is here — expressing hope the allegations are not true.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          I think expressing hope that the allegations are not true is completely fine! If I were him I’d want my friend to not be a rapist, and I would want a woman not to have been raped! The problem is the I hope he’s found innocent part. Because being found innocent is not the same thing as the allegations not being true. I realize he didn’t mean it that way, but that’s definitely what it communicates and I think he might wish he had been a bit more thoughtful in that response. Or, at least, I would wish that if I had said it.

          • planehugger1-av says:

            I think you’re reading his comments in an unfair way. I doubt Kutcher, asked on the fly about these allegations, was trying to make some cute distinction where what he meant was, “I hope Masterson gets away with it.”  He essentially said the exact thing you apparently believe it was OK for him to say, and you’re nitpicking.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            “I doubt Kutcher, asked on the fly about these allegations, was trying to make some cute distinction”Then we agree, since I literally said in the very comment you’re replying to that I don’t believe he meant to convey what his choice of words conveyed.  

          • planehugger1-av says:

            You are not correct about what his choice of words conveyed, period.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            You’re certainly free to believe that, and you’re certainly free to keep repeating it over and over, as you no doubt will. Have at it. 

          • crankymessiah-av says:

            And yet, in spite of knowing this, you decided to make multiple comments criticizing what he said and framing it as is he meant the very thing you admit that he didnt actually mean. Which, again, is amazingly tiresome, obnoxious, and moronic.

          • crankymessiah-av says:

            “I realize he didn’t mean it that way”Then what is even the issue here? Then why are you even bitching about it? Then shut the hell up about it. “I realize this is what he meant but I will continue to actively pretend otherwise and frame it otherwise” is the stance of an absolute dipshit.

          • epolonsky-av says:

            It’s also worth noting that being “found innocent” is actually not a thing in the American legal system. You can only legally be found “not guilty”, meaning that the State did not prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. We can therefore infer that Kutcher meant “found innocent” in a non-legal sense, that is to say that he hopes that Masterson *is* innocent. (Or that he just slightly misspoke and we all know what he meant.)

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            That’s true, though I’m not sure we can infer that since your average person probably doesn’t know that (though Kutcher’s a reasonably smart individual). But yes, I do agree that 1) we all are pretty sure what he meant (including me), and 2) he misspoke, which is all I’m saying which is ruffling a lot of feathers for some reason. lol Long story short I don’t disagree with you. I never said that I think Kutcher thinks Masterson should be set free whether he raped the woman or not, nor do I think he believes that.

      • ryanlohner-av says:

        Anyone else remember that Netflix exec who actually told one of the Masterson accusers to her face that the company didn’t believe her, which quickly got his ass canned?

      • crankymessiah-av says:

        …which is pretty much what he said. But then you have obnoxious dipshit outrage machines like OP who actively choose to interpret what he said in the worst possible way so they have an excuse to be outraged.

    • 4x100-av says:

      Hope is not know. Use logic. 

    • capeo-av says:

      His publicist has to have just wanted to die in that moment, because even the missteps are so close to being right. Instead of “I hope he’s found innocent” you say, “I truly hope he did not do those things” and none of this is even an issue.That is what he said, in context. As the Esquire article notes: What Kutcher wants, he says, is for Masterson “to be found innocent of the charges brought against him.” Which is not, crucially, the same as Kutcher wanting his friend to get off the hook. He wants this man who was an example of how to handle yourself at a crucial time in his own life to actually be that example. To be innocent.That said, Kutcher still comes off as an ass: “I wholesale feel for anybody who feels like they were violated in any way,” (bolding mine) is straight-up rape apologist language. As though rape is just a misunderstanding of “feelings” between the victim and the rapist. It’s also an inherent part of why the first Masterson trial ended in a hung jury. The parochial view that because a woman had consensual sex with someone it’s their own fault if it escalates into a non-consensual situation.

    • mercury-fusion-av says:

      I mean….if anybody has earned the right to not have their words misconstrued in circumstances such as these it is Ashton Kutcher….the man literally funded software to be developed to assist in human trafficking, primarily sex worker trafficking. His stance on this issues is very obviously, and not only that he has put his money where his mouth is.Obviously this does not give him ANY right in terms of saying some completely off the cuff bull, just to not have his words misconstrued is all I am saying.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      I feel like this article was just misworded – it’s not that he wants a rapist to get off scott clean it’s that he wants the rape not to be true = his friend to be innocent. Which it truly might not be in which I don’t think he’s gonna be like “What the hell is this verdict!” I think he’ll just be sad that his friend was a rapist. He’s not defending rape.

    • 3rdshallot-av says:

      notice, the part you told him to stop is a full unbroken quote. the rest is pieced together with small quotes bridged together with para-phrased commentary. Or what we with integrity call: bull-shit.

    • crankymessiah-av says:

      Jesus christ, stop it. He very obviously means he hoowsbhe’s found innocent in the sense that he hopes that he didnt actually do what he is accused of, not that he hopes he is found innocent irregardless of guillt. You’re actively choosing to interpret what he said in the worst possible way, which is both obnoxious and exhausting. Heaven forbid someone hope that their friend is not actually a terrible person guilty of terrible crimes! Save your faux outrage about a random fucking celebrity interview for something that actually matters.

    • HogarthHughes-av says:

      So we’re ragging on people for the way they said they hope a bunch of rapes didn’t happen?God I fucking hate the internet.

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    Yukon golds, celeriac, roasted garlic, butter, milk (somehow better than buttermilk), lemon zest, paprika, salt, pepper. The key to good mashed potatoes is to take a perfect healthy core ingredient and make them unhealthy as possible.  And don’t lecture me about “relevance” the “article.”  

    • captain-impulse-av says:

      I find your comment far more relevant than the article itself. The former I will now use (thanks!), whereas the latter will be forgotten.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Can we do grammar instead?

    • oh-thepossibilities-av says:

      Buttermilk is acidic… and while acid is a key component to a well rounded dish, you’re already getting that zing from your lemon zest, so buttermilk will push the acidity out of balance. You can also use cream instead of milk, or even half and half. It will add more fat, but your mouth won’t complain unless it’s an asshole… in which case, you may be eating wrong.

      • jhhmumbles-av says:

        There it is.  I’ve heard it said you can essentially make buttermilk by adding lemon juice to whole milk, so but I so prefer separating the ingredients out in a way that feels more controlled.  And zest makes anything better.  

    • liebkartoffel-av says:

      I’m a purist. Russet potatoes, butter (if you think you’ve used too much butter you still haven’t used enough), whole milk, salt, and pepper. Make sure to warm the milk (I add the milk and butter at the same time and wait for butter to melt over low heat) before adding the potatoes back to the pot to ensure a fluffy consistency. Always mash, never whip, stir as little as possible.

      • elsaborasiatico-av says:

        Have you guys ever tried the Joel Robuchon mashed potatoes? It’s creamy rather than fluffy (with the Yukon Golds), and with all the butter it’s more like a potato mousse or something. I actually prefer a more lumpy, rustic mash, but this is a nice decadent treat:1 kg Yukon Gold potatoesCoarse salt250 g butter, diced and kept well chilled until use250 ml whole milkSalt and pepper

      • jhhmumbles-av says:

        That’s a good deep dive with the milk and butter, Ima try it.  See, this article was TOTALLY worth posting.  

    • swearwolf616-av says:

      You think potatoes are healthy lol

    • engineerthefuture-av says:

      Looks like I’m making some Instapot mashed potatoes tonight. I generally go with lemon pepper seasoning over the zest & regular pepper though.

      • jhhmumbles-av says:

        But the zest has that freshness. Ah, whatever, to each their own.

        • engineerthefuture-av says:

          That is true. Real zest and roasted garlic are better than my lemon pepper & garlic powder. However, I also have 3 kids under 9, so I generally feel good with just having made the dinner. The oldest is becoming tangibly useful though, so it may worth adventuring back to more fresh ingredients. Haven’t found a good way to make spaghetti squash any good though, even after a family member provided a homemade garlic butter to roast it in. If real garlic butter can’t save something, I don’t think anything can.

          • jhhmumbles-av says:

            Spaghetti squash seems like not much more than the challenge of making an inherently unappealing ingredient edible. Like, congrats if you do it, but what’s the actual point? I look forward to kids becoming tangibly helpful. My six year old can get there sometimes but it doesn’t balance out the screamy meltdowns yet.  

    • ryonious-av says:

      Never had celeriac. I don’t like to eat celery itself but I like the flavor it adds to soups, for example. Is that what celeriac add to the mashed potatoes, or does it add something more?

      • epolonsky-av says:

        Flavor like celery. Texture like potatoes (actually between potato and turnip).

      • jhhmumbles-av says:

        It just adds a lighter quality to the potatoes and some variation in the overall flavor. Contrary to my comments about health, it’s probably healthier because veggies.  It does not add a strong celery flavor because it gets boiled and mixed in with everything else.  I recommend. 

    • chorg-av says:

      hey good job 

  • theunnumberedone-av says:

    The only way I could possibly care about this less is if it didn’t annoy me enough that you wrote an article about it to leave a comment.

  • bc222-av says:

    Sounds like the ultimate ep of Punk’d could solve this!

  • joe-mamma01-av says:

    Just came here to say that 90’s show sucks. 

  • minsk-if-you-wanna-go-all-the-way-back-av says:

    his That ‘70’s Show co-star Ashton Kutcher

    After performing alongside Masterson on That ‘70’s Show

    Masterson was one of the more experienced players on That ‘70’s Show
    *That ’70s Show

  • bhlam-22-av says:

    Sorry, guy. I know he’s your friend, but he almost certainly did it.

    • PennypackerIII-av says:

      Ok dip shit.

    • gregorbarclaymedia-av says:

      Allegedly raping three different woman over a period of three years? I mean, it’s not impossible that he’s innocent but, yeah, it seems super unlikely. Hell, even with one accusation, it’s statistically probable that he did it.

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    “Leave me out of it, but I hope it ain’t true!”
    – Kutcher’s scandal interpreter Lutcher.

    • charliemeadows69420-av says:

      That skit sucks so much. Everything Obama said he meant. He was not angry or a truth teller in anyway. He was nothing but an empty suit corporate lackey liar. Did nothing but lie to people about “hope and change” while bailing out Wall Street, showering healthcare executives with money, and dropped bombs on children all over the world. Skits like that are just pure bullshit.  Obama murdered children with drones.   

  • docnemenn-av says:

    I can’t really find it in myself to get too angry or high-and-mighty about a guy basically hoping, in perhaps somewhat clumsy language, that it turns out that a co-worker who they apparently counted as a fairly good friend for the better part of a decade at least isn’t a rapist and sex offender.

    • liebkartoffel-av says:

      Yeah, I think anyone willing to cut the dude a millimeter of slack understands that “I hope he’s found innocent” means “I hope my friend really is innocent and not a rapist,” and not “I hope my clearly guilty rapist friend will beat the rap.”

    • erweqr-av says:

      Yeah, sometimes people just want to punch up, it seems. I’m sorry, but if anyone found out their friend potentially did something terrible like that, wouldn’t they hope it wasn’t true…? Would you never, ever say “I hope he’s found innocent?” when referring to that?The way people react to a handful of words and refuse any context is really striking. I have to wonder how most of us would speak during an interview or if if all of our texts would be devoid of things like dark humor that could be misinterpreted.

    • elsaborasiatico-av says:

      I hate how interview quotes like this get thrown to the masses as clickbait. And people respond as if the subject arranged a press conference to announce whatever inflammatory statement, instead of simply trying to respond to a question they were asked in an interview. Like, “why did they feel they had to say anything?” But usually it’s more like the person was asked a question in good faith and is responding in good faith…then they get crapped on for being open.

    • wileecoyote00001-av says:

      Considering all the work Kutcher has done to combat sex trafficking, I think he’s earned a little slack in interpreting his intentions. 

    • heybigsbender-av says:

      Plus, you also need to take into consideration that this quote was pulled very much out of context from the article. The original Esquire article put more nuance on this quote.

  • thetweedar1-av says:

    It’s pretty dishonest to remove the sentence after the ‘found innocent’ where it clearly says he doesn’t want him to ‘get off’, but wants him to actually be innocent.

    • ghboyette-av says:

      Yeah. Removing info for clearer context has become standard for AV Club these days and I think it’s really trashy. 

      • goonshiredgoons-av says:

        Notice the byline, or actual lack of one? I wonder if a writer demanded his or her name be removed after some creative “editing” from someone else.

      • tigrillo-av says:

        Yup. What Kutcher wants, he says, is for Masterson “to be found innocent of the charges brought against him.” Which is not, crucially, the same as Kutcher wanting his friend to get off the hook. He wants this man who was an example of how to handle yourself at a crucial time in his own life to actually be that example. To be innocent.

    • tigrillo-av says:

      Yup.What Kutcher wants, he says, is for Masterson “to be found innocent of the charges brought against him.” Which is not, crucially, the same as Kutcher wanting his friend to get off the hook. He wants this man who was an example of how to handle yourself at a crucial time in his own life to actually be that example. To be innocent.

  • KingKangNYC-av says:

    “Someday, his kid is going to read about this,” Kutcher shares.

    I would hope his kid knows what a shithead his father is.

  • murrychang-av says:

    ‘Hollywoo person makes perfectly reasonable comments!’-The A.V. Club

  • terranigma-av says:


  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    This just in! Reporter asks Ashton Kutcher question that’s only tangentially related to him that he isn’t interest in talking about.

    How could he possibly have had any other answer…? What was he supposed to say “I do know but I’m not telling!” like…. come on. Grasping at straws for news.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    lol like his only connection to any of this is he co-starred on a TV show with Masterson like twenty years ago. Are they friends? Like what is this? This is the equivalent of “sigh why are you asking me?”.

    Why would Ashton Kutcher want to discuss rape in an interview? People are such airheads. Bigger airheads than Kelso.

    • epolonsky-av says:

      Per the article, they starred in two shows together, including one that is in the news again because there’s a sequel airing now with Masterson notably missing from the cast and they have apparently been friends ever since.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Bigger than us?

    • whocareswellallbedeadsoon-av says:

      They were also on that Netflix tv show The Ranch like 8 years ago…maybe less?

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    Honestly maybe we need to be more open about sexuality schools at a younger age. There’s an entire slew of criminals that end up doing weird private-life sex things. I just watched Dahmer on Netflix, forgive me, but maybe we would have less sex freaks if we were less taboo about sex as a culture. I swear until like grade 4 I thought sex was groping a woman’s boobs, thanks school. Honestly though how many times is the root of this stuff that the person had some uncomfortable early sexual experiences due to basically all adults being taboo and shy about what is an enormous topic that affects everyone, usually starting at a young age (re-calling the first time more than air came out of me – age 13?)

    I just saw a thread on instagram which was on an ad for a present for couples. The couple depicted in the advertisement was two attractive men. 90% of the comments were homophobia. Imagine a world where kids dont go “ewwwwwww” at adults kissing and adults dont go “ewwwwwww” at homosexual couples kissing. Wouldn’t that be wild.

  • frasier-crane-av says:

    “Masterson was one of the more experienced players on That ‘70’s Show and was known around the set for keeping younger actors in check and advising them away from career-marring decisions.”Well, that would explain why he claims internally he got so many converts to Scientology over the course of the series. 

  • presidentzod-av says:

    Dude banged Demi Moore. That is top shelf. #Respect.

  • heybigsbender-av says:

    “In the wake of mounting allegations, Kutcher has kept in touch with Masterson and his SON, whom he says he thinks of often given the widespread coverage of Masterson’s case available online. “Someday, his kid is going to read about this,” Kutcher shares.”From the Esquire article:“He and Kutcher remain in touch. Kutcher speaks to Masterson’s BROTHER often. He says he thinks about Masterson’s child and how the Internet lives forever. “Someday, his kid is going to read about this,” says Kutcher.”So, if the AV Club is getting that fact wrong, just keep in mind they could be getting other facts wrong. Better to read the article (it’s pretty good) and ignore this terrible Cliff’s Notes version.

  • HogarthHughes-av says:

    I’m sure Ashton Kutcher, who might do some bad movies but otherwise seems reasonably intelligent, was telling Esquire that he hopes a rapist gets off the hook.Come on people. We all know what he means. Stop searching for reasons to be mad.

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