The 15 best, and the 15 worst, movie threequels ever made

Sometimes you get The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King and Toy Story 3—and sometimes you get Batman Forever and Jaws 3-D

Film Features Jones
The 15 best, and the 15 worst, movie threequels ever made
(Left to right) Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania (Marvel Studios), Toy Story 3 (Walt Disney Studios), The Godfather Part III (Paramount Pictures) Graphic: AVClub

Whether you’re trying to finish out a trilogy or just keep a franchise going, the third film in a series is always tricky. You set the tone with the first movie, raise the stakes in the second, and then you have to find a way to hit another gear while also doing something different to play with your audience’s expectations. Needless to say, some films have pulled this off better than others, but which threequels reign at the top of the list and which ones fall short? That’s what we’re here to find out. In the wake of Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania and before the arrival of Creed III, we’re taking stock of the best and worst threequels of all time, from action hero triumphs to lackluster cash grabs.

previous arrowBest: Army Of Darkness (1992) next arrow
Army of Darkness Official Trailer #1 - Bruce Campbell Movie (1992) HD

Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell could have gone back to the same cabin in the woods for the third Evil Dead film and done just fine. But was a different beast from the very beginning, and it paid off in stunning ways. From its old-school visual effects to its bonkers Three Stooges energy, Army Of Darkness is unlike any other trilogy capper ever made, and that’s a very good thing.


  • leobot-av says:

    I say this as someone who has enjoyed the Evil Dead movies all his life. Even the remake was fun for me, in different and sometimes lesser ways, but regardless, fun. Bruce Campbell, too, almost always sends me giggling. Sam Raimi? Pretty consistently enjoyable as well. I don’t care what anyone says, I love The Gift.Still, for all this: I have never been able to finish Army of Darkness. I’ve tried at least three times as an adult. I just find it insufferable, at worst, boring at best. And yet…I keep reading things like this that convince me something must be WRONG with me and I should try again…

    • slbronkowitzpresents-av says:

      Something must be wrong with you. You should try again.

    • tboa-av says:

      For a lot of people the windmill sequence is a love/hate thing. I love that movie myself but I get it, nothing may have ever been as corny as the creation of Evil Ash.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      nah it’s a complete mess. it’s a beautiful mess that i love, but it’s a mess. 

    • GameDevBurnout-av says:

      It is very much a hot mess. But I can’t fathom how you would be able to sucessfully cover all that ground and not be able to tolerate the Medievil Dead. Its kind of hokey, but the roots are there.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      It works as an above-average action-comedy, not a sequel to the Evil Dead movies. Evil Dead 2 is barely a sequel to the Evil Dead, since it “reboots” the story in the first act. Army of Darkness does the same thing – its opening narration recaps the plot of Evil Dead 2 but doesn’t replicate the movie’s weird, crazy tone. Personally, I think the original Evil Dead is the best one because it slips the visual puns and crazy flourishes into something that looks so basic. Things like the Band-Aid box floating in a pool of blood, the “Raimi shot” of Ash looking out the cabin window, the skin lines spreading across the character’s ankle, or the stop-motion decomposition are effective because they seem so far beyond what a movie like that is capable of doing.

    • jhhmumbles-av says:

      Well, you’re clearly just a primitive who doesn’t understand metals and alloys and things.  

    • colonel9000-av says:

      Evil Dead 2 is edgy fun; Army of Darkness is goofy fun, at best, and high schlock at worst. The effects often suck, and it’s just missing the darkside vibes that made the first two movies classics.I’m with you–it’s the Disneyfication of Evil Dead, which is not something I wanted. 

    • antonrshreve-av says:
    • jmcdowell645-av says:

      Have you ever been into Ray Harryhausen? There is something awesome about a frenetic filmmaker like Raimi getting studio money to make a gonzo Harryhausen tribute.

  • gterry-av says:

    For Army of Darkness I am not sure that Raimi and Campbell could have just gone back to the same cabin in the woods. Because at the end of Evil Dead II, Ash is sucked into a portal and sent to the middle ages.

  • leobot-av says:

    Also, I’m glad Scream 3 isn’t on there. I can see why it gets panned, but I always thought it was quirky and entertaining and, as this list goes, nowhere near as disappointing as, say, X3: The Last Stand.

    • cartagia-av says:

      It’s way worse than something like Rocky III, which just flat out has no business being on this list.

      • hootiehoo2-av says:

        That is true, Rocky 3 is way better than Scream 3 and I don’t hate Scream 3.X-Men 3 on the other hand needs to be shot into space, that fucking piece of trash.

    • bdavis36-av says:

      I had a friend growing up who considered Scream 3 his all-time favorite movie, which I always thought was really funny. The first two films? He didn’t care for them. It was specifically Scream 3.

  • macintux-av says:

    No Cornetto trilogy? No Kung Fu Panda? Bah.

    • turbotastic-av says:

      The World’s End is so underappreciated.
      Personally, I’m not sure if Kung Fu Panda 3 is good enough for the Best list, nor bad enough for the Worst list. It’s fine, it’s enjoyable, but it didn’t stand out much for me. Though as far as Dreamworks movies go, Shrek 3 deserves a spot on the Worst list, no question.

      • mifrochi-av says:

        The World’s End has such a terrific first act that I almost wish they had rewritten it to remove the sci-fi / action stuff. Don’t get me wrong, the action choreography is spectacular, but it’s window dressing that feels unnecessary by the end. Nothing about the Blanks hits as hard as Gary drinking the dregs of some leftover beers after being turned out of the third bar. 

        • sarcastro7-av says:

          To an extent I agree – the tragedy of Gary is the core of the movie without question – but the unfolding of the Body Snatchers plot and the ultimate payoff off the Head Blank literally saying “Fuck it” and leaving is so good that I can’t say I’d prefer a version that was just about Gary’s failure to thrive.

      • macintux-av says:

        Kung Fu Panda 3 was undoubtedly the weakest of the three, but overall it’s such a great trilogy that I can forgive it.

      • lexw-av says:

        World’s End needs to go on the Worst list. The drop in charm and quality from Hot Fuzz is astonishing. Straight from 10/10 to 4/10 all gas no brakes. It’s not like they don’t have good ideas, but the execution is just completely charmless.

    • sobscured-wrkbrnr2-av says:

      Let’s add How to Train Your Dragon to that list. Toothless finally gets some! They do fumble on not having more Cate Fucking Blanchett.

    • doctor-boo3-av says:

      Kung Fu Panda 3 is fine but Madagascar 3 is the really great DreamWorks third film. 

  • mrfurious72-av says:

    It’s nice to see Star Trek III get a little bit of reputation rehabilitation over the past few years. For a while there it seemed to get lumped in with the “odd numbered movies bad” thing, which is cute and all but unnecessarily reductive. Yes, Star Trek V is genuinely bad, but STIII, as noted in the listing here, suffered mostly from being sandwiched between the best Trek film and one that was also very well-received on top of being kind of a breath of fresh air in terms of tone and storytelling style.

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      But the real “trilogy” of the ToS movies is Treks II-IV.

      • mrfurious72-av says:

        Very true! STIII is really a threequel-in-name-only given how different TMP is, especially tonally and visually, from everything that came afterward.

    • dinoironbody7-av says:

      I like the first and third movies better than the second and fourth.

      • mrfurious72-av says:

        I unashamedly like TMP quite a lot, though I get people’s complaints. The Director’s Cut is much better than the theatrical release. Unlike, say, The Godfather: Part III, there was a lot that was able to be fixed via alternate takes and snappier editing. The pacing is still slow, but it feels more intentional, if that makes sense.

    • sobscured-wrkbrnr2-av says:

      VI wasn’t all that much to sneeze at either.

  • hartc89-av says:

    Ant Man 3 wasnt perfect but i truly have no idea how its on this list 

    • slurmsmckenzie-av says:

      The hate for Quantumania is nuts to me. I thought it was a fine, middle of the road, Marvel movie.

    • systemmastert-av says:

      Well there was only two MCU entries in the bests and the writeups for both were concerned with how after Civil War the MCU was “expanding too fast” as well, so whatever the hell that axe the author is grinding away at would seem to be the reason.

      • platypus222-av says:

        The list has three MCU movies – Captain America: Civil War and Iron Man 3 as “bests” and Quantumania as a “worst” and I don’t agree with any of them. There are only three other “threequels” in the MCU so far (Avengers Infinity War, Thor Ragnarok, and Spider-Man No Way Home) and I’d put all of them higher than the two “bests” here (especially Ragnarok, which literally saved the Thor franchise). And I’ll bet money that Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 will be better than the two “bests” as well.I enjoyed Quantumania, it’s not one of the bests but I’d put it above Iron Man 3 at the bare minimum, easily.

    • jonathanmichaels--disqus-av says:

      They gave it a B-, that’s not a bad grade at all

    • jacquestati-av says:

      The setting was incongruent with Marvel’s horrible CGI, if it had looked decent it would have been much better. But as far as everything else, I thought it was an enjoyable movie and not worse than most superhero films.

    • lobothesecond-av says:

      No Luis, that’s the problem.

  • activetrollcano-av says:

    Iron Man 3 is not a good threequel… The whole fake-out with the Mandarin was so stupid they had to correct it in later movies. Then we have Tony Stark’s problems, who spends way too much time in the middle nowhere being an asshole to some random kid, suffering from PTSD, and all without his Iron Man suit working.And don’t get me started on Guy Pearce’s nonsensical bad guy role as Aldrich Killian, easily one of the worst Marvel villains. This was the first movie to really dip in quality from what the MCU was doing, which was only made worse when Thor: The Dark World released later that same year. The whole ending to this movie was both anti-climactic and incredibly rushed, and Pepper Potts becoming the big hero just didn’t work out narratively.Plainly, it’s not a great movie.And you guys should have put John Wick 3 on this list instead.

    • slbronkowitzpresents-av says:

      Iron Man 3 is so frustrating. I was fine with the Mandarin twist. But the removing the original villain, because “a female villain wouldn’t sell toys” is what fucked it up for me.As originally scripted, Maya Hansen should have been the one behind it all. The bones of that version of the screenplay are still in the movie.

    • bobwworfington-av says:

      Iron Man 3 is the most overrated in the entire MCU. The fake-out Mandarin was bad enough, but the entire “Is he in the suit or is he piloting a remote” just pissed me off.

      It’s telling that all of the complaints about the MCU now – “Hard to follow third act. Nonsensical CGI” really started with THIS movie. And then, for all the critics who get pissed when the movies don’t connect? This movie has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the MCU. He stops being Iron Man for what, 10 minutes?

      At least Thor 2 means something to the MCU – and was rehabbed quite nicely in Endgame, giving Rene Russo some real stuff to work with. 

      • activetrollcano-av says:

        “He stops being Iron Man for what, 10 minutes?”This was actually pretty easy to figure out.Almost exactly at the 40 minute mark of the movie, Tony loses his Iron Man suit after a malfunction and crash. He regains the suit completely at 88 minutes into the runtime, which equates to a total of 48 minutes with out it. Since the movie is almost exactly 2 hours long before the credits hit, this mathematically means that 40% of the film has no Iron Man.

        • bobwworfington-av says:

          Noooooooo…. the movie ends with him throwing his heart thing into the ocean and being all done with Iron Man.

          Then, 10 minutes later, he’s back

          • activetrollcano-av says:

            Ah, that’s what you meant. That’s what I refer to as part of the “rushed ending” because the one thing that’s plagued Tony Stark since he came up with Iron Man was this heart problem that was seemingly impossible to fix.But yet… they manage to fix everything real fast with a quick little montage that definitely wasn’t thought out too well. That’s why it’s easy to say that Iron Man 3 has one of the worst endings in the MCU.

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            again i’ll still defend it as saying that’s a very comic booky ending, in a good way. you can watch the iron man trilogy and it tells a nice, complete iron man story. also, just like comics, he’s back in the next avengers team up and noone talks about it.
            compared to something like civil war, which i think is a very solid mcu movie, but a quite bad captain america 3.

          • bobwworfington-av says:

            That’s all fair. I said Iron Man 3 was the most overrated, but Civil War is pretty overrated as well. 

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            i know you keep hammering that it’s overrated but i think, in general, most people don’t like it. civil war being overrated i’ll agree with you all day.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      i always go to bat for iron man 3. i think that scene where he rescues everyone from the plane crash is one of the best superhero scenes ever and the line where the henchmen quits mid-fight is the funniest thing the mcu has ever’s kind of interesting how divisive the iron man franchise is, considering he’s basically the most popular character in the mcu. 2 and 3 are widely considered to be bad by most fans!

      • yellowfoot-av says:

        For the most part, almost everyone generally rates Thor 2 and Incredible Hulk as the worst MCU movies. But Iron Man sequels used to occupy the space that phase 4 movies now do: a lot of people seem to consider one of them bad and the other ok, and they always express their opinion as though it’s the general consensus. In any thread comparing MCU movies, you would have one post say “obvs Iron Man 2 is complete dogshit, but Iron Man 3 was actually ok,” followed almost immediately by “Everyone knows Iron Man 3 was the stupidest movie, but Iron Man 2 is really great.” Nowadays people have one particular bugaboo phase 4 movie and the rest of them are just not as good as before, but any four random posts will definitively pick a different movie to be a standout travesty.
        I like both, but I like Iron Man 3 just a little bit more because of how angry the Mandarin twist makes the comic book nerds. It’s a good and funny twist, only made better by Shang-Chi’s use of the character.

        • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

          iron man 3 is a top 5 mcu movie for me and 2’s main problem is the action stinks and it takes too long to get to it. that being said, i always found iron man 2 more interesting than outright good (or bad), but i long for a comic book movie to feel interesting these days. i appreciate that favreau was trying to do a robert altman’style comic book movie, even if he wasn’t entirely successful.

      • activetrollcano-av says:

        “the plane crash is one of the best superhero scenes ever”I can almost agree to this, as it was the best standout point of the movie, but I don’t think it can make up for all the other blunders in the film.“the line where the henchmen quits mid-fight is the funniest thing the mcu has ever done”That one is humorous, but certainly not the funniest. It was the best they had until later films really drowned it out, and honestly, with the Guardians of the Galaxy, most of their dialogue is exceedingly more comical.Infinity War by itself has dozens of even funnier moments than that, like Drax’s “Why is Gamora?!” which is right before the hilarious “What master do you serve?” exchange between Dr. Strange, Tony Stark, and Star Lord, saying: “What am I supposed to say, Jesus?”
        Much of the dialogue between the Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor is also really top notch! The line from Drax (the comical star of the film) and said to Star Lord when he sees Thor is priceless: “He is not a dude. You’re a dude. This is a man… a handsome muscular man.” After Thor wakes up, we get an equally comical moment between him and Star Lord, like when Quill compares his tragic backstory to Thor’s and drops his voice to start impersonating him.Jumping forward from that, when everyone’s on Titan and trying to come up with a plan to fight Thanos, Drax and his convo with Tony Stark, Spider-Man, and Mantis yields one of my favorite MCU exchanges ever:
        • Spider-Man: “What exactly is it that they do?”
        • Mantis: “Kick names, take ass.”
        • Drax: “Yeah, that’s right…”
        • Iron Man & Spider-Man: ಠ_ಠThat’s some really hard to beat stuff, and that’s just from Infinity War. I’d also put Captain America’s “Yeah, I know…” response in End Game high on a list of most comical MCU moments after hearing himself say “I can do this all day.”

        • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

          well luckily i’m in charge of my own opinion, and i still go with what i said first.

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          For me one of the funniest ‘Infinity War’ moments isn’t even spoken; it’s the disbelieving look Spider-Man gives Star Lord when he says Thor isn’t that good looking.

      • sobscured-wrkbrnr2-av says:

        If you approach it as a Shane Black movie with a smattering of Superhero it’s enjoyable. I do agree about the shoddy Act 3 CGI-fest that Bob pointed out, but heavy CGI isn’t really a Shane Black thing.

    • colonel9000-av says:

      Iron Man 3 raises the obvious question: if his Iron Man suits can fight and win on their own, why does Tony Stark need to be inside one? Why would he continue to risk his life fighting if the robots can do it for him?Just more MCU stupidity. 

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      Yes to all of this, and thank you for the replacement suggestion

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Thankyou. Even including the lows of ‘Eternals’, ‘Multiverse of Madness’ and the Norton ‘Hulk’, I still consider ‘Iron Man 3′ to be the worst MCU film. None of it makes sense. It’s so hard to care about a bunch of remote controlled suits fighting some generic fire-spewing henchmen. And instead of the ideologically driven villain the story hinted at, which would have been a refreshing change for the series, we get another technocrat who got his fee-fees hurt by Tony, which apart from anything else is a shocking waste of the talented Guy Pearce.

  • jrtaylor1111-av says:

    Maybe my math is bad but that seems like more than 10 of each category.  

  • magpie187-av says:

    Did I miss ROTJ on the list? Or just too obvious? 

  • cjob3-av says:

    I prefer x-men 3 to the underwhelming first film though. Blade Trinity is worse than X-Men 3 imo.

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      It’s kind of all about the moment. The first X-Men movie was like a landmark, incredibly achievement, in that they made an X-Men movie that wasn’t terrible. But yeah, once they started making good ones, it really doesn’t play so well.Like, the Statue of Liberty? Seriously?

      • tboa-av says:

        Yeah WTF No Way Home! /s

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        yeah i remember being 17 and feeling like i had the wind blown out of me when i saw it the first time. it felt so ‘real’, it took the characters so ‘seriously’, etc. and at the same time i remember feeling so offended and depressed at how bad 3 was when i first saw that there are so many better and worse x-men movies i wonder how i would feel revisiting both.

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          Yeah, I think time was kinder to 3 than to 1.

        • cjob3-av says:

          I remember how disappointed I was when they introduced Storm… standing there. Just kinda… standing there. And why TF did they cast Darth Maul as Toad? “This was my little tribute to The Phantom Menace.” Bryan Singer actually said. WTF? Why??

      • comicnerd2-av says:

        I agree the 1st X-men was the first main stream Marvel property that looked like a reasonable effort to translate their property to the big screen. That being said comparing it to other movies of the time period, ie. the Matrix, the Mummy, etc, it looks like an expensive Scifi channel pilot. 

      • robgrizzly-av says:

        The Statue of Liberty is but one in a trend of superhero movies not knowing what to do with their climaxes- going all the way back to Superman 1. 

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      ‘Blade: Trinity’ is terrible, but the story of the making of ‘Blade: Trinity’ is hilarious.

  • kendull-av says:

    Mission Impossible III onwards is where I get them all mixed up because they all feel and look the same. It’s hard to convey just how much an improvement Harry Potter 3 was over the first 2. A director with a keen visual sense took over and it looked both more real and more magical at the same time. Then 4 happened and the David Yates borefests took over.

    • sketchesbyboze-av says:

      Yates took over with movie five, though I agree that his movies are grating and bland, full of contrived whimsy and odd tonal shifts. (The fourth one is my personal favorite in the series.)

      • kendull-av says:

        I put ‘then 4 happened’ because I couldn’t even remember who directed it but its great comapred to the Yates films

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Prisoner absolutely needed a course correction, if only because the first two books (and thus movies) are aimed at younger kids. Rowling’s whole proposition was that kids start with the first one around the same age Harry was when he went to Hogwarts (11 / 12) and then age with the books. Prisoner is where things start to get darker and Cuaron was a good pick in that he understood how to balance those competing demands.

    • iambrett-av says:

      Seconded on the Yates films. The action scenes in them feel so generic, especially as they progress – wizards shooting beams at each other.

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      Having loved the aesthetic of Chris Columbus’ first two movies (he should get more credit for bringing the books to life) I actually found Azkaban’s darker visual sense a little off-putting. And Azkaban is my favorite of the books. But Goblet is my favorite of the movies. The Yule ball, the Tournament, Voldemort’s big return… Strong stuff all around. I agree about Yates, starting with Phoenix. It just became about the special effects with him. They looked fantastic, but the sacrifice was characterizations became rushed from this point on.

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    But that doesn’t stop the film from feeling overstuffed and studded with tired jokes that started to show their wear and tear the moment the first movie hit home video.I have good memories of this, I saw it once and never again. I am sure I would hate it if I turned it on now. Some movies are designed to be seen once when they come out, and never be seen again, and that’s fine.

  • kickpuncherpunchkicker-av says:

    Counterpoint-Rocky III is a fantastic movie and frankly, is superior to Rocky IV. You have a much better “villain” in Clubber Lang than Ivan Drago (who’s only reason for existence is because of the Cold War) and it cements the growth in Rocky and Apollo’s relationship from rivals to friends, which lays the groundwork for not only Rocky IV, but also the Creed movies.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Agree. III did a good job of transitioning Rocky from his grimy background into the world of a heavyweight champ. The Thunderlips thing was an overly silly diversion but otherwise it showed how he got complacent in the same way Apollo had with him years before. It was also a reminder that a lot of boxers like Clubber come from absolutely nothing and are single-minded in their pursuit of success because there is no plan B. My only issue with the character is that he should have been arrested for assault or manslaughter for what he did to Mickey.  

    • jhhmumbles-av says:

      Yeah, I was surprised to see it on the worst half of the list. It struck (heh, pun, heh) me as one of the better sequels in a series that kept its standards surprisingly high.  Also, no sentient robot that may or may not be a sex worker.  

    • colonel9000-av says:

      Rocky III is two or three movies in one, and has Hulk Hogan, Mr. T and Carl Weathers at the top of their game. Stallone is ripped out of his mind, there’s a goddamn ROBOT, and it’s got the best theme second only to the original.You diss Rocky III, you diss yourself.

    • MisterSterling-av says:

      Agreed. And to your point, I think it matches the pacing, art direction and photography of the previous 2 films surprisingly well. Sallone with Chartoff and Winkler made two movies that pretty much look and feel the same as the original. You could supercut the first three movies into one big, 5 hour, 40 minute movie and it might work.

      I used to hate IV, but now I love it for its ridiculousness and added production value. I think it’s the Rocky film Gen X remembers best.

    • MisterSterling-av says:

      Agreed. And to your point, I think it matches the pacing, art direction and photography of the previous 2 films surprisingly well. Sallone with Chartoff and Winkler made two movies that pretty much look and feel the same as the original. You could supercut the first three movies into one big, 5 hour, 40 minute movie and it might work.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Yep. Rocky made it, and thought he could relax. He didn’t stay hungry, and ran into someone who both WAS hungry AND able to eat Rocky alive.Without Clubber Lang, the character doesn’t get that resurgence. 

      • kickpuncherpunchkicker-av says:

        “The worst thing happened to you, that could happen to any fighter. You got civilized.”Also, slightly irrelevant, but as I’ve been watching the old 60’s Batman series lately, it’s funny seeing Burgess Meredith as The Penguin as his mannerisms after knowing him mostly as Mickey for so long.

  • ruefulcountenance-av says:

    Tokyo Drift is the best Fast & Furious film.Also I don’t understand the definition of “10″ that you’re using.

  • taylorhandsome-av says:

    Are you high?!  Rocky III is the best Rocky movie of all time, the best boxing movie of all time, and in the top three best sports movies of all time!

  • jjjj23-av says:

    First: Fuck your slideshow.Second: No TDKR? I know it wasn’t perfect, but it was still a damn good finish…Third: Do you know how to count? There are thirty examples here, not twenty…

    • idiggory-av says:

      Oh. When you first mentioned TDKR I thought you were gonna put it on the “worst” list…Maybe this is evidence that it shouldn’t be on either. 

    • recognitions-av says:

      It was not

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      TDKR is ridiculously shit on.

    • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

      TDKR was even more bunglingly convoluted than TDK before it. Both are overlong, overindulgent messes of continuity. Tom Hardy was probably experimenting with this weird, wannabe-threatening Mickey Mouse voice for Bane on set and everyone was too afraid to tell him it sounded fucking stupid.

    • lexw-av says:

      TDKR should be on the worst list.It’s a terrible movie on virtually every level other than “good stunts” and “looking pretty”. Invulnerable cops charging through bullets is sickening copaganda of a truly psycho kind, and even back then it was bad – after later events, it’s grotesque. That’s the absolute tip of the conservative centrist iceberg that is the entire movie.

  • drpiss621-av says:

    wtf. iron man 3 is one of the worst mcu movies. why does it keep getting pumped up on this site lately?

    • idiggory-av says:

      I’ve never understood where the love for IM3 comes from. I think it’s a much more interesting film than 1/2, but I don’t think it’s successful it what it tries to do… at all.

      • dmicks-av says:

        It’s one of my favorite Marvel movies, I liked that it was almost more of a Tony Stark movie than an Iron Man movie, and I loved what they did with the Mandarin. I was surprised to find out that he actually had fans, I remember being bummed whenever he showed up in a comic, he was such a goofy character, and not in a good way. 

    • erakfishfishfish-av says:

      Love/hate for Iron Man 3 seems split down the middle between those familiar with the comics and those who weren’t. I really enjoyed Iron Man 3 and found the Trevor twist hilarious, but that’s because I’m not a comics reader. I am, however, a fan of Shane Black’s work and that twist is right in his wheelhouse.Try watching Iron Man 3 again, but don’t think of it as a comics adaptation. Think of it as a Shane Black film instead. (Just to be clear—I understand why the comics readers were let down by the movie. It’s a valid point.)

      • luasdublin-av says:

        Trevor is literally the only good thing in it. I’ll stick with 1 and 2 and skip 3..Actually no , THIS credits music is the best thing about 3 .

      • Smurph-av says:

        I’m weird in that I liked the Trevor twist but still didn’t like the movie. The biggest issue for me was both of the first two movies were about how Tony has to protect the world against people misusing the armor & tech that he created, and then the third movie is about Tony fighting a random mad scientist with fire powers from a plant. It’s like they took a plot that could have been form any super hero movie and added Iron Man to it.

      • bringerofpie-av says:

        I’ve never read any of the comics and IM3 is still my least favorite MCU installment. All that stuff with the lava people was so freaking dumb, and War Machine went from being badass to a total wiener.

    • recognitions-av says:

      It’s better than 2

    • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

      Iron Man 3 was the movie that made me stop seeing Marvel movies. People give it way too much credit because of the entertaining second act. The third act is an absolute mess with the sudden stake-ruining addition of an army of robot Iron Men and Pepper’s fire infection getting hand-waved away with about 10 seconds of voice over dialogue. People say to consider it more of a Shane Black movie than a Marvel movie, but Shane Black has only written 2 1/2 good movies. So can I dislike it because it’s an undeformed action movie or because it’s written by the guy who did Lethal Weapon 3?

      • doctor-boo3-av says:

        Lethal Weapon 3 was written by Jeffrey Boam and Robert Mark Kamen, with Carrie Fisher doing uncredited rewrites. Black only did the screenplay for the first film (and a story outline for the second).You should have gone with “Because it’s written by the guy who did The Predator”

    • heathmaiden-av says:

      I have gathered that IM3 seems to be a love it or hate it MCU entry. Personally, I really like it a lot, but I am also usually a sucker for Shane Black’s style, which is why it works for me. If you don’t like his thing, you will not like that movie.

  • disparatedan-av says:

    Back to the future 3, really? It’s not a terrible film but it’s still a huge step down from the nearly perfect first 2. I’d rank it close to the Godfather 3, a two/ three star film following on from 2 all-time classics.

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      For Back to the Future’s sequels there are two camps- I’ve seen roughly an equal amount of love and criticism for both 2 and 3. So much so, that I’m not actually sure which one is more popular. 

    • dachshund1975-av says:

      I think 3 was a nice recovery over the overstuffed 2.

      • erakfishfishfish-av says:

        Agreed. I prefer 3 over 2, but I think it’s because I find the acting in 2 a little too over the top.

    • davpel-av says:

      I remember walking out of the theater halfway through Back to the Future 3 on opening night. It remains the only movie I’ve ever left early. I’ve seen it a few times in the years since and each time my initial decision to leave has proven justified. Just a terrible movie. 

    • dmicks-av says:

      I really only liked the original, but at least 2 had some fun moments, 3 was absolute dreck.

  • tigrillo-av says:

    …so does this mean Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over is passable?…and where is Three Colors: Red?

  • raycearcher-av says:

    I understand this is the worst kind of heresy but: Batman and Robin is not a bad movie. Like, I hated it the first time I saw it because I went into it wanting more Tim Burton grimdarkness or more of the vaguely cyberpunkiness of Batman Forever. Instead we got a lavish, impossibly high-budget tribute to the Adam West show. Kid me didn’t get it, but adult me, understanding what Schumacher was going for is pretty into it. It’s not the Batman movie everyone WANTED, but it’s a well executed movie that clearly and successfully achieves its storytelling goals. And the modelwork and CG that went into the ridiculous playground that is Gotham in the Schumacher movies is really good – probably the best fake cities in film outside a Proyas movie.

    • slurmsmckenzie-av says:

      I agree. It has to be viewed in the lens that it’s almost a continuation of the 60s Batman rather than the 80s Batman.

    • systemmastert-av says:

      I’ve maintained for years that those movies are fine, that Schumacher was making exactly the sendup of 60s Batman through a gay club lens that he wanted to make, and that a lot of the early hate for them was rooted in some deep-seated homophobia that was just more okay to go on TV and yell about at the time.

    • Spoooon-av says:

      I hated it back in the 90’s, but was “Well, look at that. It’s not all that bad!”I wouldn’t say that its my favorite Schumacher movie ever – that’s still Car Wash – but it’s perfectly fine (and way better than some of what would come later)

    • bdavis36-av says:

      And the modelwork and CG that went into the ridiculous playground that is Gotham in the Schumacher movies is really good – probably the best fake cities in film outside a Proyas movie.My brother in Christ, you need to see Metropolis and Brazil stat.

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    You know how I can tell you’re not a FnF fan? You put one of the best movies on the “worst” list.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    catch me on the right day and die hard with a vengeance is my fave of the bunch, but i’m glad to see it made neither list!

    • bs-leblanc-av says:

      I’m with you. I think the constant pace of it sets it apart from the rest. Plus having SLJ as basically a sidekick was an excellent piece of casting.

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        it really bothers me we never got him and jackson teamed up for one of the bad die hard sequels. would have made them less bad!

      • Petehammer-av says:

        It has an amazing pace. Just great action setpiece after setpiece, each topping the prior. I love the first three Die Hards (including 2), but 3 hit me at the right time and I think the aesthetic and direction really make it a great action movie.

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          If there was ever an actor to Get The Assignment, it was Jeremy Irons as Simon Gruber. I love the bit where he agrees that Hans was an asshole, but he still wants revenge on the cop who killed him.

    • markvh-av says:

      It also never gets enough credit for being a great New York movie.

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      Hell yea

    • sobscured-wrkbrnr2-av says:

      I think that was the movie where Sam L. Jackson entered my radar.

    • sarcastro7-av says:

      Agreed – it’s easily as good as the first in my book.

  • xaa922-av says:

    It’s not that Superman III is a terrible movie.Come on. It is decidedly a TERRIBLE movie. Complete trash. Utterly senseless. There isn’t a single thing to like about this movie.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      It did give us the central plot element for Office Space.

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      When last revisiting the movies, I actually found Superman 3 to be worse than Superman 4. I get that Quest for Peace was a production disaster, and it literally shows on screen, but I was happy to have the supporting cast return, and the plot itself is more in line with a traditional Superman story. 3 has absolutely no idea what it’s doing, and the shift to making it a comedy doesn’t work at all. The only scene worth a damn is Clark fighting himself (and it still makes no sense)

    • stevegilpin-av says:

      what about the junkyard battle between evil Superman and Clark Kent? That was pretty dope. 

    • dmicks-av says:

      Yes, it is terrible. As bad as Superman 4 was, at least it was a Superman movie, not a Richard Pryor movie with an extended Superman cameo.

    • mikeypants-av says:

      True, but as a 6-year-old going to see this in the cinemas, this was the greatest movie ever. Superman mirror match? Yeeeaah!! Giant killer supercomputer? Yeaaaaahh!! I even owned Superman III: The Movie: The Boardgame.It was only rewatching it with my own 6-year-old that I realised how absolutely garbage it was, but I just shut up and let my kid enjoy the damn movie. 🙂

  • scortius-av says:

    Quantumania is fine.  It’s a perfectly fine mid Marvel movie.  Many of the films on the best and worst list are just ok.  Best? Worst? This listicle sucks.

  • sncreducer93117-av says:

    So … do you use extra numbers when you count to 10 or something?

  • GameDevBurnout-av says:

    This feels like a petty cheap shot at Ant Man. All the other worsts (save for Revolutions, another whipping boy of nerds trying to be edgy which is so ironic in consideration of this film, which is made by nerds trying to be edgy) are TERRIBLE movies. Ant-Man 3 is ….fine? I sure wish it was better too, but its middling at worst. To me its like the DCU, the lameness that creeps in when the focus is more “cinematic universe building”, then earning the right to have the bigger arcs by making cracking-good chapters one at a time.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      It’s also a little tricky when they stack up these gigantic franchises and then – sorry – toss Ant-Man into the mix. I know that’s the reason they did the list, but aside from Paul Rudd being Paul Rudd, Ant-Man is the fourth or fifth most popular Avenger who’s not dead. I feel kind of the same about Jaws 3-D. That franchise died ages ago, and while Jaws 3 is notoriously bad, its bone have been thoroughly picked the last few decades.

      • GameDevBurnout-av says:

        While it was in response to the fourth jaws film, I feel the Michael Caine (who was in Jaws: The Revenge) quote applies here: “I have never seen the film, but by all accounts it was terrible. However I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific”

        As for Ant-Man, in our house he is near the top of favoured still-alive Avengers. 🙂

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        ant man is a gigantic franchise!

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    It’s a little embarrassing how much I love Batman Forever.  I know it’s not great.  I think it’s related to the huge crush I had on Val Kilmer at the time.  But it was also seeing Tommy Lee Jones chewing some scenery in a new way, and Jim Carrey at his Jim Carriest.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      It’s fucking terrible, but it has the good sense to be silly. I don’t agree with the article’s implication that Batman Forever is less cohesive than Batman or Batman Returns – it’s more a matter of Joel Schumacher proudly having zero taste. 

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      My ex loved that film like crazy, probably because they were a kid when it came out and that’s the best time to appreciate its silliness.Even I have a bit of a soft spot for some of the cheesy lines: “Your entrance was good, his was better. The difference: showmanship!”

  • jboogs-av says:

    Exorcist III should be on the best list as well. Underrated as hell. 

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    Yeah, X-Men 3 was dogshit. Killing Cyke off screen like that made me want to throw my soda at the screen. Fuck that movie.Jaws 4 is so fucking bad but I say Jaws 3 is worse, they have scene’s where the shark is just floating at you and now moving it’s fins! 

  • comicnerd2-av says:

    I might be in the minority here but I would probably add the Dark Knight Rises to the list. It suffers the same problems as Godfather III, uninterested director, lazy production values and placing the quality supporting cast in the backseat. 

    • markvh-av says:

      100 percent. The laziest script of the Nolan trility without a doubt.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      I would watch the Godfather Part III before the Dark Knight Rises, any day. It’s no “Twixt,” but I try not to hold that against it. 

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      I was afraid TDKR would be on here, and I’m glad they forgot! It may not reach the highs of its predecessor, but with a history of superhero trilogies faltering time and again, I found it to be one of the better genre threequels up to that point.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      to me, the dark knight rises felt like batman comics when i was a kid. i think dark knight is superior in pretty much every way, but i never felt as betrayed by it as most.

    • jpfilmmaker-av says:

      Whereas Die Hard With A Vengeance isn’t on the list at all. If Last Crusade is on the list, DHWaV should be too.  I’d place them on equal tiers within their respective franchises.

      • KingOfKong-av says:

        Last Crusade was profoundly overrated imo, every Indy movie has gotten progressively worse since the perfection of Raiders of the Lost Ark, though I enjoyed Temple of Doom more than most people seem to. Die Hard With A Vengeance is great fun, you can tell Jeremy Irons is having a blast hamming it up and Samuel L. Jackson is great as McClane’s reluctant partner.

    • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

      However, it gave us the immortal Bane voice, and we wouldn’t have his character on the Harley Quinn cartoon doing a mock impression of a stupid character choice without it.“The streets will run RED….with RAZZIE-ZAZZIE”

    • ignatiusreillysvalve-av says:

      Can’t go with you on that. It’s certainly not comparable to the first two, but even a lazy Nolan movie is still much better than most directors on their best day.

  • jessiewiek-av says:

    I say this as a defender of Iron Man 3, but having IM3 in the best list and Quantumania is the worst is just baffling.We need a medium list for medium third installments, I guess.

  • Bantaro-av says:

    I gotta disagree about Alien 3. I think it brings a lot of interesting world building to the table while it gives us the toughest guy we’ve seen in the entire franchise: Leonard Dillon, played by Charles S. Dutton. Who gets into a FIST FIGHT with the Alien.

    • mycoffeeaddictionisnoconcernofyours-av says:

      My beef with Alien 3 is that is really Alien 2. They get rid of the other surviving characters from Aliens off camera and with minimal impact to the story such that the whole second movie may as well have not happened.

      • dmicks-av says:

        Yeah, not a bad movie per se, but everything Ripley went through to save Newt, and then they just kill her off, so dumb. I think they should do a reboot where only the first two happened, and give us a grown up Newt.

        • sarcastro7-av says:

          I recall the Dark Horse comic way back when that did this as being pretty good, although their choice to have the grown-up “Newt” choose the top half of Bishop as a romantic partner was odd.

        • frodo-batman-vader-av says:

          I don’t know if I’ve just Stockholm Syndrome-d myself into liking the movie, or not, but I see Newt and Hicks’ deaths as a feature, not a bug.And that’s because the movie is pretty clear about death: how unfair it is, how inevitable it is, and how the only power you can have in the face of it is to choose how you face it.Looked at this way, I think ALIEN³ cements why Ellen Ripley is one of the greatest heroes in all of cinema. Even after losing the life she had before ALIEN, and then losing the hope for another normal life she gained at the end of ALIENS, she still rises to the occasion and does what she needs to make sure no one else suffers the same kinds of loss she’s received at these creatures’ hands.And in the end, she dies a hero because she accepts that her death is the right thing to do.ALIEN made Ripley a survivor, ALIENS made her a hero, but ALIEN³ made her a saint.

      • bumbrownnote-av says:

        Totally agree – the fact Newt and Hicks are immediately killed off and the alien threat reset was such a bummer, I couldn’t enjoy the film at all. I did like the soldiers in massive anti-alien suits who show up for about 3 seconds right at the end though.

  • timchester606-av says:

    The recent Planet of the Apes trilogy is fantastic, and War might be the best one.  I’m shocked it’s not on here.

    • drbombay01-av says:

      agreed. something would have to be cut to make room, but the Apes movies should not have been omitted.

  • markvh-av says:

    I’ve never gotten the love for Mission: Impossible 3. It’s literally an episode of Alias with MI characters. Fine for what it is, but that’s all it is.Toy Story 3 and Last Crusade are good, but neither is as good as the movie that preceded it.

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      Is M:I III the one that starts with a jumbo jet exploding and ends with Tom Cruise and the villain in a slapfight?

      • markvh-av says:

        LOL yeah – that “start with big action set piece from the middle of the story then jump back to show how we got here” device is one Abrams used ad nauseum on Alias.

    • dreadpirateroberts-ayw-av says:

      I took this list as “Third films in a franchise that are good or terrible entries”, not necessarily “the best one”. In that respect IJ3 is a good film and only adds to the world it is in, regardless if you are a bigger fan of others or not. That said, I know a lot of people who are big fans of Indy 2. I am personally not one of them (even if I did appreciate the character of Short Round).

      • mifrochi-av says:

        I would have a lot of trouble putting Temple of Doom above Last Crusade in any ranking, although Last Crusade has nothing on the mine cart chase. Toy Story is more challenging. Toy Story 3 is a fine movie, but it’s waaay overrated. Especially compared to Toy Story 2, which is almost perfect (despite my love for Wall-E and Inside Out, Toy Story 2 is the only Pixar movie that doesn’t drag in the third act, probably because it runs a tight 90 minutes). 

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      Mission Impossible III is elevated a lot by coming after John Woo’s sequel, and even now I’d say it’s the pivotal turning point in the franchise. Plus, Phillip Seymour Hoffman might still be the best villain in the series. 

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    The first Bond film set the tone, the second cemented the formula, and the third followed all the rules of its predecessors while adding style points galore. I see what you did there.

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      James Bond is an interesting one to do, because we could compartmentalize for different Bonds. The Spy Who Loved Me is Roger’s Moore’s 3rd, and his best. And there are many proponents for Daniel Craig’s 3rd, Skyfall.

      • soylent-gr33n-av says:

        Poor Lazenby and Dalton never got a third.   :`(

      • bjackyll-av says:

        The World is Not Enough is better than Goldeneye. 

      • bdavis36-av says:

        I don’t even consider the Bond films to be sequels to each other at all. It seems really weird to think of them that way. There’s not really a continuous story throughout the films so I don’t know how it could be called a series. Goldfinger is a great Bond film but I definitely don’t consider it a “threequel” to Dr. No.

  • iambrett-av says:

    Bourne Ultimatum is fantastic. It feels like everything that could be conceivably considered “chaff” has been cut out, distilling it into a pure action film (it’s basically just four major set-pieces) – and yet it still have a meaningful ending that packs a punch. It’s a pity we never got a worthy follow-up on that.
    I think I like the idea of Alien 3 more than the execution. A Ripley who has once again been ripped through time apart from anyone she knows, and is just bitter and tired of it all even when the alien shows up again – that’s good.
    I thought Kang was . . . fine? I don’t see why people are rhapsodizing about it. He was a lot more fun in Loki, and interesting.
    Home Alone 3 just didn’t have . . . it. It’s got to be the lack of Culkin and the Wet Bandits, as you say. Plus the product placement felt more annoying than even the use of that crappy voice recorder thing from the second one.
    There’s been kind of a move to restore the reputation of Spider-Man 3, and I have no idea why. Only good thing we got out of that film was the Bully Maguire (then ruined by about a billion unfunny Youtube videos of it, like the “steamed hams” joke from the Simpsons).

    • recognitions-av says:

      Alien 3 gets all the points off for killing Newt and Bishop and making the second film completely pointless

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      When I think of ‘Spider-Man 3′ what most often comes to mind is a Rifftrax clip of the bit right after the jazz dancing, where the bouncer appears and Mike riffs, “I was just in the bathroom, did anything gut-wrenchingly awful happen?”

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    Glad to see Puppet Master 3 take the top spot. It was nice seeing those wacky puppets killing Nazis. 

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    This article only exists so they can keep talking about Quantumania. I wonder how we’ll be dressing up talking about Quantumania tomorrow. 

  • eclectic-cyborg-av says:

    Respectfully disagree on Spider-Man 3 and Rocky III. Batman forever ain’t great, but Jones and Carreys hammyness as the villains at least make it entertaining.Also, was this entire slideshow done by someone who wanted to drag Quantumania? Because that’s what it feels like.

    • wilyquixote-av says:

      Spider-Man 3 has a poor reputation and was poorly received. But Rocky III is pretty beloved by fans of the franchise. I don’t know that you can find many people who identify asa) Rocky fans, andb) dislike Rocky III. It’s certainly different than the first two. But there’s no real way to drag it without dragging IV, Balboa, and Creed II, the other “dumb but still good” entries in the series. 

      • coatituesday-av says:

        I actually think Rocky 3 is my favorite (well, after the first one). I know he later became ubiquitous, and literally a cartoon, but at the time Mr. T was scary and dangerous-looking enough that he looked very likely to kill Rocky.Anyway – I never heard it spoken of as a bad, or even mediocre, Rocky  movie.  For perspective, I really hated that 4th one – so am I in the minority somehow?(Also – I met Mr. T once, at some A Team event [a friend worked on the show]. Really, really nice guy. Also short. You know, like Stallone.)

    • ryanln-av says:

      Both you and wilyquixote are 100% right- I don’t know a single person who liked any of the Rocky movies who is down on Rocky III. Is it the height of cinema? Nope. Was it really fucking fun, memorable, and a cultural touchstone of us fools ages 12-16 when it came out? Damn right. If a movie’s purpose is to entertain and to make you feel something- elation, excitement, goosebumps at Rocky beating the piss out of someone who beat him- Rocky III wins. Also, Mr. T. No way this should be on the list. And Jedi ranking higher than Empire is just fucking folly.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    Rpughly the first ten on here are all best until Quantumania. This is a ridiculous article. Anyone who spends more than 30 seconds here after clicking is an idiot.

  • reginaldspsk-av says:

    Naw, Quantumania is a good movie. Honestly I would put the second one there waaaay before the third.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    Does The A.V. Club moderate anymore? I shit on others and topics on here like ten times a day. I’m the embodiment of “new A.V. Club”. If I’m not in the greys ya’ll are fucked.

  • ryanjcam-av says:

    Rocky III among the worst? Wrong! It isn’t the best Rocky movie, but it’s good! Clubber is great, and it tells a story about complacency and fear.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Worst: Rocky III (1982)Incorrect.

  • dachshund1975-av says:

    Where’s The Neverending Story III? Forgot it existed perhaps? Of course, II was terrible as well but not nearly as bad as III.

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    Nice to see some love for Elm Street 3. Dream Warriors is my franchise favorite. And RoboCop 3 is a deep cut, but a really good call. (and it turns 30 this year, lol) Worst movie I saw in theaters since Super Mario Bros, which was only a few months prior. As a kid who liked anything, this affected me. Yet now, all I remember was that RoboCop could suddenly fly. In the theme of 3s, I’ll name my 3 best and worstBest: Toy Story 3War for the Planet of the ApesIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade(honorable mentions: Return of the King, Die Hard with a Vengeance, The Karate Kid 3)Worst:X-Men: The Last StandThe Matrix RevolutionsPirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End(honorable mentions: Jurassic Park III, TMNT 3, The Cloverfield Paradox)

  • erakfishfishfish-av says:

    Let’s not forget about Before Midnight. There was zero need for Before Sunrise to get a sequel, let alone two, and yet they knock the whole trilogy out of the park.

  • jpfilmmaker-av says:

    Jurassic Park III should be on the worst list, and Die Hard With A Vengeance belongs on the best. Sub out Godfather III and Mission Impossible III or Return of the King.  (MI:3 isn’t bad, it just isn’t as good as it looks when you’re not comparing it to the second one.  RotK doesn’t belong on the list at all- its not a sequel.  No one in their right mind looks at any of those movies as anything but parts of a whole).

  • jackstark211-av says:

    I will always stand up for Alien 3.  Great film.

  • ginsuvictim-av says:

    I don’t consider Batman Forever the third movie. It’s a reboot. If Tim Burton had made another Michael Keaton movie, I would consider that the third, but not the first of the two Schumacher films.

    • ignatiusreillysvalve-av says:

      This is right. Schumacher was really trying to make movies from the 60s Adam West TV show, not continue Tim Burton’s vision. Not that that excuses the Schumacher films; they’re still bloody awful.

  • newmiddark-av says:

    Surprising that the Dark Knight Rises isn’t on this list.

  • seventyard-av says:

    The new “Ant-Man” movie was not spectacular, but how that movie is on this list when the word “Jurassic” does NOT appear is outside of my understanding.

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      I will defend Jurassic Park 3. It’s basically an excuse to get on-screen some of the set-pieces from the novel that didn’t make the first film, and it clocks in at a lean 92 minutes.Or did you mean the third Jurassic World?

  • ceptri-av says:

    Batman Forever really shouldn’t be on the list. Even putting quality aside, the Schumacher Batmans are more of a reboot then a continuation of the series. The entire cast and crew are different.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    I dont care what anyone thinks Iron man 2 ( with Sam Rockwell having a blast ,and ‘proper’ Rhodey)is much better than Ironman 3 which is a bit shit .For a start its kind of a bit misogynistic(Rebecca Hall’s character was originally supposed to be the Mandarin , but that was nixed so she’s killed off half way through) , has a meh actual villain , and basically has Tony Stark be an idiot to move the plot along (here’s my home address baddies!!) . Also some scenes were stuck in purely to appease Chinese audiences .Oh and Pepper gets superpowers for a bit , but then gets better and doesn’t explode.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      ‘Iron Man 2′ also has Mickey Rourke saying “bord”, which knocks it up a couple of points.

      • soylent-gr33n-av says:

        The suitcase armor from IM 2 might be the best “suit-up” sequence in the entire MCU, maybe only approached by Tony’s Mark VII rocketing out the window to catch him in free-fall in Avengers.

  • carrercrytharis-av says:

    You’re really putting Quantumania on a list of all-time-worst threequels? It feels like you’re jumping on the prevalent critical bandwagon. It really wasn’t that bad (and it’s way more impactful if you’ve seen and understood the Loki miniseries — which, admittedly, makes it a tough sell as a big-screen blockbuster).

  • modsquad13-av says:

    So this website is only lists now, huh? 

    • frodo-batman-vader-av says:

      It turned into so gradually, we didn’t even realize it was happening.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      They’re technically “listicles”, which of course is a combination of “list” and “testicles”.

  • donnation-av says:

    Rocky III?  How dare you. 

  • theeviltwin189-av says:

    Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania is pretty meh, but I wouldn’t call it one of the worst threequels ever (hell several of the movies on here are just meh but not terrible).Also, meh? Iron Man 3.

  • clog-wog-av says:

    Poltergeist III completely shat the bed

  • brianjwright-av says:

    Will not stand for this Psycho III slander, but I was glad to see Star Trek III on the best side

  • bjackyll-av says:

    Terminator 3 could be on either side, but that ballsy ending steers it towards “Best” for me.

  • jzummak-av says:

    No Before Midnight?

  • dadamt-av says:

    Is threequel another word for a chipwreck?

  • grandmasterchang-av says:

    Worst thing about X-Men Last Stand is they wasted what was the best Marvel storyline, the Dark Phoenix.

  • bumbrownnote-av says:

    I pity the fool who disses Rocky III. 

  • legospaceman-av says:

    I’m surprised you didn’t include Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines on the worst list.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Look, we need you to play your part in the mass movement to pretend every Terminator sequel after T2 never happened. If we really try we can erase those abominations from cinematic history.

    • ignatiusreillysvalve-av says:

      I mean, it was terrible, but I couldn’t put it on this list because of the fine performance of Claire Danes; she was doing her best, and her best is very good. But yes, whatever casting director decided that whinypants Nick Stahl should play our savior John Connor really needs to be fired.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    There’s this new game I play where I full-on harass commenters here. This site is such a garbage fire without moderators that I’m just going to keep doing this until this website destroys itself.

  • tom-ripley60-av says:

    I’m sorry not Toyko Drift. 

  • mr-pouty-pants-av says:

    Somehow you misspelled “Thor: Ragnarok” as Iron Man 3.Iron Man 3 is dog shit.

  • lrobinl58-av says:

    This is incorrect. On no version of Earth is Rocky 3 one of the worst threequels. It is amazing in every way with the drama of Mickey, the music and Rocky teaming up with Apollo. AND it has one one of the BEST training montages of the series. MI 3 and Nightmare 3 are not one of the best, that is also incorrect. I absolutely adore the MI movies and am currently rewatching all of them as I amticipate the release of 7, so this is fresh in my mind. MI 3 has some good moments and I love seeing Ethan try to have a normal life, but overall, this is one of the weaker entries. Better than 2 but it still falls a bit short for me.Nightmare 3 is just a bad movie. It was nice to have Nancy come back, but this movie is a mess. All the lore about Freddy and the incredibly terrible acting makes it so hard to watch.

    • bdavis36-av says:

      Are you aware of the difference between facts and opinions? Because this post seems like you aren’t.

  • KingOfKong-av says:

    I love the phone call between Bourne and Noah Vosen in Ultimatum.“If it’s me you want to talk to, perhaps we can arrange a meet.”“Where are you now?”“I’m sitting in my office.”“I doubt that.”“Why would you doubt that?”
    “If you were in your office right now, we’d be having this conversation face-to-face.” *click*

  • give-me-a-manuel-alpha-romero-you-cowards-av says:

    Home Alone 3 was the first of them I saw, and I saw it as a kid. I’ve warmed up to the other ones but I did not and still don’t like Macauley Caulkin, so the kid in the 3rd one was good to me.

  • akrizak-av says:

    I assume that the only reason The Rise of Skywalker wasn’t on this list is because it’s being counted as a ninequel of the whole Star Wars franchise and not as the threequel of The Force Awakens.Because if it did qualify, it would take up all fifteen of the worse spots by being more terrible than all of those combined (especially since some, like Alien 3 and Quantumania, are perfectly fine movies that should be on no “worst list.”)

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I was hoping the third Hobbit film would be on the worst list as a nice counterbalance to ‘Return of the King’ on the best.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    I’ve seen Quantumania now

    Would any of those delusional defenders of the film explain to me the merit of this exchange of dialogue:
    Cassie: don’t be a dick
    MODOK: I am a dick
    Cassie: It’s never too late to stop being a dick

    Or MODOK being like “you were a brother to me” and Ant-Man being like “what no I wasn’t”

    Or how about Scott’s book and everyone mocking him and then Michael Douglas being like “I read every damn word” at the climax.

    I’m sorry, for anyone who thinks that’s good writing, I’m sorry you don’t have standards.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    Hey Bill Murray, can you repeat that explanation as to how your human and are from the Quantum Realm? No? I didn’t think so.

  • jasperpham-av says:

    Tokyo Drift is the most racing focused F&F. I’m sorry honestly it’s the best or second best FF movie and you guys are bonkers to say its the worst.

  • bloodandchocolate-av says:

    Did anyone watched the new reedited version of Godfather III? As someone who never wants to watch the original cut again, I’m curious if that one changes the perception of the film at all.

  • tommy1000-av says:

    Alien III is unjustifiably maligned. It doesn’t deserve to be on the best list either though. 

  • waylon-mercy-av says:

    I’m actually a big fan of Anne Hathaway in The Dark Knight Rises. Bane scared the shit out of me too. Really cool how they incorporated elements of “No Man’s Land”, “The Dark Knight Returns”, “Knightfall”, and more into the plot. Even more so than Batman Begins, this movie draws more from the comics than any Batfilm had before it. The Robin/Drake stuff didn’t work for me, but other than that, TDKR is absolutely one of my favorite threequels.

  • avcham-av says:

    ACES: IRON EAGLE III ought to be on both lists.

  • homersapienne-av says:

    You clearly missed Blade Trinity, which not only belongs on the worst list, but might be the worst of all these movies.

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  • lordmanimani-av says:

    Sure I’ll engage for the engagement gods. I question any list that puts Tokyo Drift down as one of the worst threequels in the context that it came after 2 Fast 2 Furious (the only one of those films bad enough for me to DNF) and saved the franchise by teeing up the reboot in Fast & Furious (#4).

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