The elusive happy Harrison Ford says Indiana Jones 5 is coming in June 2023

John Williams and some guy named Harrison Ford were on stage to announce the next Indiana Jones was coming on June 30, 2023.

Aux News Jones
The elusive happy Harrison Ford says Indiana Jones 5 is coming in June 2023
Harrison Ford Photo: Pascal Le Segretain

Harrison Ford is in a good mood. Probably because another Indiana Jones adventure is almost done, and it even has a release date: June 30, 2023.

At the Star Wars Celebration weekend, Lucasfilm honcho Kathleen Kennedy welcomed the great John Williams, who is celebrating his 90th birthday. After debuting the theme to Obi-Wan Kenobi and his wonderful orchestra launched into the theme to Raiders Of The Lost Ark.

Then, Harrison Ford walked on to the stage. Ford, who is usually known for being a bit grumpier than his other Star Wars compatriots, was in a good mood, especially after having to hear the Indiana Jones theme yet again. He doesn’t seem to mind, surprisingly.

“That music follows me wherever I go, and you know what, I’m happy about it,” said Harrison Ford. “That song was playing in the operating room when I had my last colonoscopy, I passed.” One assumes he picked the music, in which case, good pick.

“The most gracious man. The gentlest man. A wonderful, wonderful talent that we’re blessed with,” Ford said of Williams.

“We have almost completed the next Indiana Jones film, featuring the music of John Williams, and I had a wonderful experience working with James Mangold, and I’m really proud of the movie that we made.”

We’ll be praying to the gods of the Crystal Skull that he’s right.


  • blpppt-av says:
    • pete-worst-av says:

      I get those same vibes sometimes too, but with me, it’s more along the lines of ‘God, please let people on the internet knock it the fuck off with being such smug, sarcastic assholes all the goddamn time’ vibes.

      • blpppt-av says:

        But I’m a smug, sarcastic asshole!

      • dariusraqqah-av says:

        Lighten up, Francis.

      • blpppt-av says:

        I actually think Harrison still likes playing Indy—-he did want Solo killed off IIRC—-for some reason he didn’t like that character as much.Its not like he’s hurting for cash as far as we know, right?

        • pete-worst-av says:

          He did, but for good reason. He may have been sick of the character back in the OT days, but I think aging has granted him a little perspective in light of the stories being told in the sequels. Personally I just think Harrison is much more like Indy than Han. He’s a weird introspective nerd who likes to be left alone to do what he does when he wants to do it. I also think his revival of the character in TFA and TROS is some of the best work he’s done in years. He gave Han a good sendoff, and for all the reasons he wanted to.

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      The movie might actually be good if they had it be about Indiana coming to grips with being too old to adventure anymore. I do like that James Mangold is directing this – he did a great job with Logan.

      • jacksbacktracks-av says:

        I liked Logan fine enough, but I just can’t believe that it ended with a cliche “hero fights evil version of same hero” ending that so many rote and typical comic book movies end with. It had many things that broke the mold, I just can’t believe they had him fight evil Wolverine. 

  • nemo1-av says:

    This reminds me of that South Park episode because now it’s true.

  • noisetanknick-av says:

    Ford then hopped into a nearby waiting aircraft and took off, before promptly crashing onto the 15th hole (par 5 with a dogleg right) of a local golf course.

  • pocrow-av says:

    “We have almost completed the next Indiana Jones film, featuring the music of John Williams, and I had a wonderful experience working with James Mangold, and I’m really proud of the movie that we made.”Can we check what he said about Crystal Skull before it was released?

    • whateverafter-av says:

      “We have almost completed the next Indiana Jones film, featuring the music of John Williams, and I had a wonderful experience working with Steven Spielberg, and I’m really proud of the dogshit movie that we made.”

  • laurenceq-av says:

    That single image is better than all of KOTCS.

  • garland137-av says:

    It’s hard for me to get excited after what happened the last time.

    • mortimercommafamousthe-av says:

      I think they learned their lesson. That lesson being if you’re going to have supernatural elements in your movie franchise, by god it had better be a major part of only the first three installments.

  • harpo87-av says:

    Controversial take: Crystal Skull did a decent job of being the movie it was trying to be, which was a merging of the first three films’ tone and style with bad sci-fi b-movies from the 50s (hence things like the clearly painted background’s and Blanchett’s Boris-and-Natasha accent). The problem was that no one wanted that film, and they didn’t give enough context, so a lot of things that were intended as homages didn’t come off that way, and didn’t work well at all out of context. (In contrast to the originals, which – with the arguable exception of Temple of Doom – worked far better even if you weren’t aware that they were doing homages to adventure films from the 30s). My biggest fear with this is that they pull a Force Awakens with Harrison Ford in basically the same role, and that empty rehashes of the same familiar stuff leaves us feeling momentarily elated but ultimately makes the film feel rote and forgettable. Star Wars also works better when it’s recontextualizing familiar genre tropes (like Indy, or The Mandalorian), and not just relying solely on intertextuality for its justification (like the Abrams SW films), but (unlike the prequels) it has to be able to stand on its own too.

    Mangold has a solid recent track record, though, so if he decides to have this be more of a Logan (which also recontextualized a lot of old Western tropes, as it basically admitted by referencing Shane), and remembers that the film has to work whether or not you “get it,” then it could be really good.

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