Bad Moms is getting a third installment, because bad momming never ends

Aux Features Film
Bad Moms is getting a third installment, because bad momming never ends
Photo: A Bad Moms Christmas

You say, “Hey entertainment industry, give us some damn original material and less reboots and remakes.” Hollywood responds with, “OK fine. Here’s a franchise about moms getting drunk and doing inappropriate shit.” And honestly, who could be mad about it?

Sure, the first Bad Moms may not have been great, and the inevitable holiday sequel, A Bad Mom’s Christmas, may have been worse to endure. But now the bad grandmoms are getting their moment in a spinoff sequel, which means we’re getting a comedy starring Christine Baranski, Susan Sarandon, and Cheryl Hines, and that can only be a good thing.

On Tuesday, STX announced a third installment in the Bad Moms franchise at CinemaCon, according to The Wrap. The follow-up, aptly titled Bad Moms’ Moms, will focus on Baranski, Hines, and Sarandon’s mothers to Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, and Kathryn Hahn’s original bad moms, respectively. At the end of the Christmas sequel, the trio of grandmothers ditched their families for a last-minute trip to Vegas.

So will Bad Moms’ Moms be The Hangover with women over 50? (If so, not mad about it.) Will it be a rehash of the first Bad Moms? Could it lead to an extended Bad Moms cinematic universe where we meet the bad moms’ moms’ moms? Is STX secretly plotting a franchise about the generationally-inherited badness of motherhood? As my therapist says, it always goes back to the mother.


  • chicosbailbonds-av says:

    At the end of the Christmas sequel, the trio of grandmothers ditched their families for a last-minute trip to Vegas. SPOILER ALERT

  • boner-of-a-lonely-heart-1987-av says:

    You’ve seen The Hangover! But have you seen The Hangover… with women?? (Record scratch) 

  • rev-skarekroe-av says:

    I’m looking forward to the prequel, Bad Great-Great-Great-Grandmoms which takes place in 1876! Scandalous ankles and bare arms will cause monocles to fall into soups at these ladies leave the kinder with the wet-nurse and take a mums-only train ride from the east coast to the oooooold west!

    • modusoperandi0-av says:

      [Scene: Haunting, ramshackle boarding house, interior. In Fainting Parloure, Susan Sarandon’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother, on fainting couch, lays dying of The Faints, as, at window, Christine Baranski’s of consumption and, in hallway, Cheryl Hines’, of childbirth.]

    • andnico-av says:

      if the Another Period folks were behind it, i would watch the shit of Bad Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandma’s

    • bartfargomst3k-av says:

      Maybe this will open up a whole Bad Moms Cinematic Universe? We’ll see the Bad Moms of 1780s France as they drink wine and guillotine their husbands, then we’ll travel to 16th century Mali to watch the Bad Moms of the Songhai Kingdom, and then finally we’ll end up hanging out with the 壞媽媽 of the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC.

  • genialblackman-av says:

    I hope they meet British mothers on vacation, leading to the inevitable spin-off Bad Mums.

    • ionchef-av says:

      Or head to Utah and then there is a spin-off called ‘Bad Moms’.But ‘Moms’ is, you know, plural for each daughter.

  • robertmosessupposeserroneously-av says:

    So, today I learned that Christine Baranski and Cheryl Hines are not the same person – but, in fact, two different actresses with two different names! 

  • koharskisdoughnuts-av says:

    They drink! They say “fuck” a lot! They shit in the street at inopportune moments! They’re Bad (insert population segment here)!

  • the-allusionist-av says:

    Huh. You’d think bad moms would be easier to pull the plug on.

  • shronkey-av says:

    The thing is they aren’t really that bad of moms. None of them are shown striking their kids nor are they criminally negligent. Where is the scene where one of the moms ODs on heroin in the bathroom of a McDonald’s while their kid eats a Happy Meal? Hell not one of them tries to sell their kids to some random creep in the parking lot of a Walmart.  

  • wangphat-av says:

    The only reason I watched these was for Kristen Bell. Big mistake to not include her

  • larrydoby-av says:

    Is Cheryl Hines old enough to be Kristen Bell’s mom?

  • dirtside-av says:

    Bad Moms: Endgame

  • stilladyj-av says:

    How do you screw up that cast? Just looking at that photo, I’m like, “I want to see that movie.” Idk how they managed to mess that up

  • nerdherder2-av says:


  • brentisangry-av says:

    The Dirty-verse endures! Alert Tom Scharpling!

  • theodorexxfrostxxmca-av says:

    They should seriously reconsider the title, maybe call it Bad Mothers? 

  • alvintostig-av says:

    Going with the munchausen by proxy storyline is a surprisingly dark turn.

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    Faster, grandma! Grandma’s gaining on us!I’m gonna haul ass to Lollapalooza!

  • rhondamumpslostherburner-av says:

    Bad Moms Christmas was such a tragic example of wasting an incredible cast. Baranski AND Bell? And the damn thing was boring? Sigh, only in Hollywood. 

  • orionisab-av says:

    It’s awesome to see men discuss what it’s like to be a daughter and mother. While this movie does have quite the twist to reality it hit a few important points for women, the level of insecurity all mothers feel and how much daughters have long striven to meet maternal expectations. It also touches on identity as a person, not just a mother and daughter. Of course, men are so qualified to judge it. 

  • homerbert1-av says:

    Uncool opinion; the first one is great and the second is very watchable. Brilliant actors, funny jokes and a smidgen of pathos. It helps that they coincided with me becoming a parent, but I reckon this item is needlessly harsh on them. 

  • memezaki-av says:

    Bad Moms may not have been greatNonsense. Complete and utter fucking nonsense. That movie is a delight.

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