Surprise: something spooky is going on with Bill Skarsgård in the Barbarian trailer

Georgina Campbell and Justin Long also star in the new horror thriller

Aux News Skarsgård
Surprise: something spooky is going on with Bill Skarsgård in the Barbarian trailer
Bill Skarsgård in Barbarian Screenshot: 20th Century Fox/YouTube

A quick scroll through Bill Skarsgård’s IMDb will tell you that when he shows up on screen, more often than not, something freaky is about to go down. Unfortunately, Georgina Campbell’s character in Barbarian did not get this memo.

In the new trailer for the horror thriller, Tess (Campbell) arrives at her rental to find the place has been double booked. It’s also a dodgy neighborhood on a dark and stormy night (of course), so her fellow house guest Keith (Skarsgård) offers to crash on the couch while she sleeps on the bedroom, which, as he points out, has a lock.

Tess takes the strange man up on his offer, which is bad enough. But trusting that easily pick-able lock? Girl, at least put a chair under the doorknob or something! The door obviously comes open while she sleeps, leading to a super creepy chain of events that includes the discovery of a secret passage in the basement.

But there’s more to Barbarian than Tess wandering around the dungeon-like labyrinth with her phone flash light (although there’s plenty of that). An ominous voice over that sounds designed to brainwash promises that whatever’s happening is “perfectly natural,” and the image of a cheerful suburban yellow house confuses the issue even further. And is that Justin Long? (Yes, it is!)

BARBARIAN | Official Trailer | In Theaters August 31

There’s a fun case of Twin Film happening here: in Gone In The Night (previously titled The Cow), the trailer for which was released earlier this week, Winona Ryder also shows up at a remote abode that has been mysteriously double booked. She also has a sinister experience at the house, and there may similarly be something more than meets the eye going on there. If you’re the kind of person who wanted to see both No Strings Attached and Friends With Benefits, you may want to check both out to see how closely these plots resemble each other.


  • dirtside-av says:

    They really do clone celebrities, don’t they? Bill Skarsgard is clearly just a younger, slightly more attractive version of Steve Buscemi.

  • bcfred2-av says:

    This looks fun but damn it’s hard to ignore the “don’t go in there!” instinct that any sentient human would have.

    • bernel32-av says:

      In real life “going in there” will at worst lead to a dusty basement with some rats. Somehow people expect the protagonist in a horror movie to know they are in a horror movie and act accordingly.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        Basement, maybe. Tunnel into the bowels of the earth and clearly running underneath the house next door? Pass, especially alone at night when the guy I don’t know but am sharing a VRBO with has disappeared.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    What do you know about picking locks?

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    I love when a movie tries to puff itself up by saying “From *A* producer of “. How do we know that producer wasn’t the idiot whose sole job was to get coffee for everyone? LOL

    • mid-boss-av says:

      I want them to start getting down to random crew members. “From a boom operator on The Conjuring”

    • freshfromrikers-av says:

      I had to pause on that bit. It’s so funny on so many levels. From *A* producer (as stated above) indicates it could just be someone in charge of running things on set or maybe barely involved at all after pre-pro. Also, IT was a MASSIVE production. They couldn’t get at least two producers to sign on? Finally, “From a producer of it” implies they’re stating that the movie is brought to you from those who made it, which is like … duh.

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        I get their desire to imply that their movie will be as good as IT by including “A producer”, but come one, IT was pretty great so that’s a pretty desperate looking stretch. “I duct-taped a Mercedes hood ornament to my Ford Escort, isn’t it great now???”  LOL

  • theunnumberedone-av says:

    Abysmal name for a horror movie.

    • aej6ysr6kjd576ikedkxbnag-av says:

      Unless of course, it’s about horny kids at a D&D cosplay camp getting picked off one by one by a giant sword-wielding dude in a loincloth.

      • theunnumberedone-av says:

        Exactly the picture in my head from the title. Glad not all the Kennedys fell victim to the family curse!

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