The BBC reportedly bends the knee to J.K. Rowling (again)

The BBC is reportedly "enthusiastic" about renewing Strike, the television adaptation of J.K. Rowling's detective series

Aux News J.K. Rowling
The BBC reportedly bends the knee to J.K. Rowling (again)
J.K. Rowling Photo: Dia Dipasupil

The BBC is falling all over itself to stay in the J.K. Rowling business. Last month, the British Broadcasting Corporation apologized not once but twice for not challenging claims made on their programs that the Hogwarts Legacy game was connected to Rowling’s transphobia. Now, the network is “enthusiastic” about renewing Strike, the series based on Rowling’s adult novels, for a sixth season, reports Deadline. As of this writing, The BBC has not responded to The A.V. Club’s request for comment.

While the deal hasn’t been finalized, Deadline reports that the new season is set to adapt The Ink Black Heart, the latest novel in the detective series which focuses on—wouldn’t you know it!—a creator, whose work was criticized as racist, ableist, and transphobic, receiving online harassment. Rowling claims that this plot “genuinely wasn’t” a reflection of her own experiences and that she’d “written the book before certain things happened to me online,” though her public flirtation with transphobia dates back to 2018 and accusations of racism in the Harry Potter world have existed long before that. (Interestingly, 2018 also saw a specific rise of racism accusations regarding the character Nagini in the Fantastic Beasts franchise.)

It’s kind of the BBC to give Rowling another platform through which to explore her own online persecution. Goodness knows the original novel and the ongoing podcast series The Witch Trials Of J.K. Rowling did not cover thoroughly enough all the ways the world’s most famous wealthy children’s book author is the true wronged party of the transgender debate.

Nevertheless, this is a television show adapted by someone other than Rowling (Ben Richards in the first series, and Tom Edge in the next four), and one which must enjoy a certain amount of popularity or the BBC would be a lot less “enthusiastic” about bringing it back. The author remains immune to controversy when it comes to putting money in other people’s pockets.


  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    Glad I’m not British so I am free to call J.K. Rowling a TERF Nazi. 

    • bio-wd-av says:

      Me too. Its liberating that I can say she’s a TERF crypto nazi cunt that’s the worst mixture of HP Lovecraft irrational hatred and Charles Lindbergh figurehead for a hate movement. History will look down on her when all is said and done.

      • chico2242-av says:

        I never liked JK Rowling or Harry Potter, but you overreacters are making it REALLY easy to root for her.

      • furioso2-av says:

        Kind of comically ironic that the people that use those words to describe anyone who disagrees with them is acting more like what they think they are not.

        • bio-wd-av says:

          Take a long hard look at what the Republicans are saying lately.  Michael Knowles at CPAC literally just said we need to eliminate trans people from the public and that you cannot do genocide on people that aren’t real.  Rowling has been quoted by Republican politicians, she knows what they are doing.  She cares not.  

          • kman3k-av says:

            Michael Knowles and JKR are not the same person. Republicans specifically, but all politicians, say shit to incite their base.This is not new…or even news.

          • asdfqwerzxcvasdf-av says:

            I have to think that if you had any legitimate arguments, you wouldn’t be falling back on guilt by association.  There must be good arguments for transgender bathroom equality or whatever it is we hate JK Rowling so much for–but we’re not hearing any of them here.  You’re really living out the right-wing stereotype of ideologues who’ve been talking to themselves for so long they don’t even remember what a logical discussion is like.

          • bio-wd-av says:

            To the idiot greys saying guilt by association, yes if it was one or two people. She proudly took a photo with Helen Joyce, Caroline Farrow, Maya Forstater and several other high profile terfs. Farrow was arrested by police for stalking a trans person. Helen Joyce said we should reduce trans populations. Maya Forstater does stump species for anti abortion groups. Rowling has associated with Get the L Out, Hands Across the Isle and the LGB Alliance, all of whom are anti trans, frequently just anti LGBTQ and anti abortion. She has worn shirts sold by Posie Parker, a woman who said sterlize trans women, Marjorie Taylor Greene is right and is a Tucker Carlson friend. Parker is also associated with Hearts of Oak, a group set up by Tommy Robinson of the British Nationalist Party, and Carl Benjamin the alt right YouTuber who said I wouldn’t even rape you to a woman. She has specifically defended people like the late Magdelyn Burns, a woman who said globalist Soros jew money funds trans ideology and that trans women are black face fakers. She has as I said, talked with Matt Walsh the self titled fascist and defender of child marriage. She recently partially defended Milo Yinipplous, an open nazi who thinks pedophila is okay. Rowling is long time friends with Baroness Emma Nicholson who had to be removed from a charity because of her transphobia. At a point if you keep surrounding yourself with far right figures and keep defending them, what does that make you?

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            The one thing that’s obvious is that you’re not mentally well. 

          • bio-wd-av says:

            I am pretty close to just making a copypaste folder of all the awful people Rowling is associated with and why for every page that mentions Rowling. You people love to say tell it as it is. Well that’s telling it as it is, a person who is surrounded by a dozen and more crypto nazis and who never speaks out against them and continues to gather support among fascists, is just a fascist without the spine to admit it.  

          • kickdacatt2-av says:

            Says the person who has to put “Lady” in front of her name…

          • isaacastalosh-av says:

            Just because someone doesn’t agree with your beliefs, does NOT make them a fascist or a nazi. People are entitled to have very reasonable doubts about this whole thing. 

          • rockhard69-av says:

            Might wanna make a folder to plan getting out of your mom’s basement instead

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            So “fascist” is yet another word you dont understand.  Noted.

          • badkuchikopi-av says:

            …the late Magdelyn Burns, a woman who said globalist Soros jew money funds trans ideology and that trans women are black face fakers.That is a hell of a sentence. Like what the hell. 

          • bio-wd-av says:

            She died of cancer a few years back. Pretty sure all her tweets are still up. The black face comment and the George Soros comment are two separate tweets. Her Wikipedie page is a real fun time. Rowling called her a brave young feminist standing up for womens rights, yeah…. sure…..

          • rockhard69-av says:

            Ah now. Soros is a proper cunt and the one billionaire that gets the woketards hard

          • Rev2-av says:

            What’s your point??? Her links and concerns are well laid out in her interviews and Twitter feed. Your Milo comments are adorable, but she had a great point – too bad you hate women too much to appreciate it; letting Milo have a platform just gave him the rope needed to hang himself. He’s pretty much vanished from major news since his years of shenanigans. A lot of JK’s links are to articles about sex offenders simply changing pronouns and buying wigs/makeup so they can “identify as a woman” and go to women’s prisons. Far-leftist illiberals pushing for men to be able to go into women’s spaces is about as inceleriffic as it gets, eh?Look at the vile and dishonest misogynistic gender cultists in her Twitter with their endless hate and death threats who make JK look like an absolute saint. The more hate I see from trans cultists, the more clear it is these awful fetishists hate women and will do and say anything to get into women’s spaces. I can see why many feminists want nothing to do with male fetishists; they’re dishonest, creepy and don’t deserve a platform for their hate. But this is the internet, even the most creepy and virginal of gender pervs can type TERF! over and over to try to shut down women. This comment thread is a perfect example… Funny that I see over and over, trans supporters try to use the “he’s a closet trans” as an insult. When you basically admit that your culture is so vile, that you try to tease others about it when you’re trying to groom children and mutilate them – you should just shut the fuck up with your creepy perversions.

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            It’s like that old joke: what do you call a normal person sitting at a table with 9 Nazis? A table of 10 Nazis.

          • bio-wd-av says:

            Precisely.  Nobody forced her to be friends with people like Allison Bailey of the LGB Alliance or Julie Bindel the radical feminist who thinks marriage is a crime and identified as a political lesbian and who thinks trans people are setting back womens rights.  But Rowling made that choice and anytime someone suggests she take notice of what her friends say, she argued and blocks.  

          • bio-wd-av says:

            This is for you mr grey who typed multiple long paragraphs about traditional conservative values and how biology is on your side, how about ya suck a dick. Don’t give me the whole I don’t hate you buuuuuuut speech. You’d say the same thing to a black person in the 1950s, it would just be voting rights and some spiel about education. You dipshits always claim science is on your side when its garbage like phrenology, eugenics, race realism and gender esenetialism, but balk at climate change and covid masks. Also reread what I said. Rowling has fascist friends. Its the term Matt Walsh identifies with and who am I not to use the term he prefers. Arming men to protect cis women from trans women is comically absurd. Saying trans women are rapist predators is a lie not bore out by statistics. Your just a fucking bigot. I honestly would respect just saying what you believe more then the drivel of yes but I have concerns.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            “everyone i disagree with is a nazi!”

          • gargsy-av says:

            I think you mean “A Nazi sitting with nine other Nazis”, since you’re talking about ONE of nine people.

          • isaacastalosh-av says:

            Hi – I’m a conservative – but, please, hear me out : Most of my friends, most of my family, most of my neighbors, co-workers, – almost everyone in my small town, population 180 – are conservative. Meaning, we believe in traditional things like the strength of the nuclear family, the right to bear arms, the right to keep most (hopefully ALL, lol) of the money we make, etc. – (disclaimer : Obviously, I’m not trying to speak for everyone I know in my life – but I think I’m close…). Here’s one thing for sure though : Not a single ONE of us is a fascist or a nazi, not one of us would support a dictator, even if they seemed to be on our side – we value freedom, individuality, the right to live your life as you see fit – the less government, the better ! In other words, we’re not out to harm or kill, or lord it over, other people, and would not be supportive of any efforts to do so.There are things that people like myself hold to be absolute – absolute – truths. Not beliefs, or feelings, but actual, verifiable, provable, truths. And I’m not trying to change your mind, not trying to offend you, but one of those truths is – here goes – a male is a male, and a female is a female. This fact is not assigned to an individual at birth, it is what they are when they are born. It is what they will still be when they die. Again, I’m not trying to persuade you or try to “make you see the light”, so to speak. Rather, what I’m trying to make clear is this : The idea that a man can literally change himself into a woman, or vice-versa, either through chemicals, surgery, feelings, cosmetics, different clothes, or a combination of those – well, that is something that, at least for myself, I will never accept as a truth. A transwoman is not a woman, he is a man who wishes to be a woman, and presents himself as one. That is the truth. Honestly, I can completely understand and sympathize with such a desire.I think most people like myself would have no problem, or not much of a problem, with transpeople (is that the correct term?) – the problems start when we feel like we are being forced to ignore the truth, to ignore reality, to ignore facts – to pretend. And to pretend that we aren’t pretending! Everyone, and I mean everyone, knows that Bruce Jenner is a man – but we’re all pretending, or supposed to be pretending, that he’s a woman. Does that sound sane or rational or healthy? And honestly, that is not something that I want to be teaching my children, or have someone else trying to teach to them. I never even lied to them about Santa Claus, for crying out loud! – lol -Now, after saying alllll of that – – – none of that makes me a fascist, or a nazi, or an evil person, or – even – transphobic. I am not scared of transpeople. I do not hate them. I sympathize with their confusion and desire. I do not, however, wish to pretend with them, and it is my firm belief that for society to go in that direction would be extremely unhealthy.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:


          • kreigermbs-av says:

            Sure, bro, whatever rationalization helps you sleep at night.

        • getyerhotdogs-av says:

          cOmIcAlLy IrOnIcsuck her tits some more loser

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        Soooo brave. And it definitely won’t. 

      • bumbrownnote-av says:

        What an amazingly stupid thing to say.

      • bobwworfington-av says:

        For something to be liberating, it means you were being confined. Who was confining you to keep you from saying this?

        J.K. Rowling is not being canceled. You are not being censored. None of you are special. Fuck you.

      • roygbiv-av says:

        What’s the worst thing she’s ever said, in your eyes? 

      • roygbiv-av says:
      • Bantaro-av says:

        As a Lovecraft fan, I find this insult appropriate.

      • Rev2-av says:

        LOL. I guess this is where the gender nazis meet to bash on women… You groomer animals do this while wearing mommy’s dresses? If you hate women so much, why do the cosplay, ya incels?

    • chico2242-av says:

      You can call her anything you want, it doesn’t make you not an imbecile.

      • ghostofghostdad-av says:

        and it doesn’t make her any less of a TERF Nazi 

        • Rev2-av says:

          Doesn’t make you any less of a pedo-perv gender Nazi, either… Make up your mind, Adolph; do you hate women or want to play cosplay as one?

        • rockhard69-av says:

          Nobody gives fuck about you shitstains. Its why the BBC is doing the book movie or whatever you dumbfucks are mad about

    • recoegnitions-av says:


    • Rev2-av says:

      Isn’t “TERF” what misogynist gender fetishists say to shut down women? Just say you’re a perv that hates women and be done with it, ya little Nazi boy.

    • jiren710420-av says:

      Cope harder. Realitys hard to hear huh? Go back to your echochamber

  • idksomeguy-av says:

    Another success for one of the world’s greatest storytellers, and richest MILFs! The only thing trannies hate more than JK Rowling are their own gentitals.

    • bdylan-av says:

      you think shes a good story teller? have you not read many stories?
      i wasn’t aware car transmission had genitalia weird.
      also i know you terfs think that gif is some sort of mic drop, but it really just shows youre getting your information on biological sex/gender from an Arnold kid’s movie. have you tried looking at other sources?

      • rockhard69-av says:

        Havent read her wizard books, shitstain. I’m just a fan of her work dumping on woketards

        • peas4breakfast-av says:

          My mom said my butt will never stop itching if I don’t wash it properly.

        • bdylan-av says:

          yes im aware anyone who is a fan of hers’s isnt because of her books. ive hated her writing for decades and now people are finally aware what fartbag of a writer she is. it’s lovely.
          either way, i remember when she outted a character after all the books were published and was considered a “woketard” by your kind. weird.

        • bdylan-av says:

          wait just let me get something straight. You arent even a fan of her work and youre simping this hard for her?
          that would be hilarious if it was so pathetic. i wish you all the luck in the world sir, you really need it.

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        The dude in your grays gave me five replies last night.Huh. It’s almost like he could use a hobby that *isn’t* being a weird troll on a c-list blog and somehow taking joy from it.

        • bdylan-av says:

          nope, gotta be obsessed with strangers genitals while calling those strangers perverts cus they exist

        • rockhard69-av says:

          Imagine being a shitstain who comes to this c-list blog for discussions with other brain dead dumbfucks

    • chico2242-av says:


    • gargsy-av says:



    • peas4breakfast-av says:

      My mom says premature ejaculation is why some men are so angry. 

  • kencerveny-av says:

    HBO has this series as C.B.Strike. It’s somewhat watchable, primarily for Holliday Grainger’s performance, but not exactly memorable. Writing isn’t up to par with your average BBC/detective style fare, sometimes slopply plotted and occasionally is kind of forehead slapping awful. Knowing now that Rowling is behind the source material, I won’t feel too bad avoiding the episodes I haven’t watched yet.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      I remember when it first came out in 2020 I want to say.  It was fine, okay, it was not particularly remarkable hell I’m a tad shocked its still going.

    • moswald74-av says:

      The show is great as a supplement to the books. 

    • carrercrytharis-av says:

      I once tried watching the Majorca Files. Got through about five minutes. The British detective show genre definitely feels like it’s hit saturation…(I’ll tell you what though, there’s nothing quite like Jonathan Creek. I did kind of drop off in the later series, though. Maybe I should pick it up again — there aren’t that many episodes in the first place.)

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Another success for one of the world’s greatest storytellers ~Someone Who Has Read At Least Seven Books, But Probably Not More Than 10Seriously, I know she’s your comrade in arms in the war against ::checks notes:: “the genitalia of total strangers*,” but there’s absolutely no way that you believe this.*SUPER weird, BTW. Stop thinking/constantly posting about genitals, ya weirdo.

    • cgo2370-av says:

      It’s how he copes with being unfuckable.

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      He clearly hates himself and I wouldn’t be surprised if that hate is derived from his own repressed sexual needs.

      • Rev2-av says:

        Nothing says supporting trans rights like admitting that being trans is a sexual perversion. But yes, if he wanted to force his fetishes on children, he’d have every right to hate himself, eh?

    • teageegeepea-av says:

      Perhaps everyone who is not the absolute worst storyteller is “one of the greatest”.

    • bdylan-av says:

      JK Rowling has many virtues as a writer, originality is not one of them.-Ursula K. Le Guin

      • murrychang-av says:

        Yeah writing easily digestible, simple stories that get kids to read is an amazing talent that she has.Those stories, however, are derivative as all hell. 

    • rockinray-av says:

      someone brought him out of the grays….

    • badkuchikopi-av says:

      ~Someone Who Has Read At Least Seven Books, But Probably Not More Than 10There aren’t enough stars for this.

    • Rev2-av says:

      Apparently you’re fighting the war for ::checks notes:: the grooming and chemical castration/mutilation of children, plus trying to reduce sex to gender cosplay so men with fetishes can get into women’s spaces. * SUPER creepy and likely to reap some ugly consequences What is it with trans cultists and their obsession with lopping off childrens’ genitals and playing Nancy Boy??? To say you’d have to be a vile sub-human pedo to support such a cult would be putting it lightly.I’d chill with the cuteness, ya perv.

    • rockhard69-av says:

      Look at the bright side wokesters. Another failed
      cancellation attempt means another example to cite in your next “cancel
      culture isnt real” circlejerk

    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      Maybe ask AV Club to stop whining about her, then?I mean the show seems to be popular. BBC shouldn’t renew a popular show people want to see because…AV Club disagrees with some of her opinions? I just dont get the logic here.AV Club being mad over this means it is good.

  • rockinray-av says:

    If the show based on her works has been doing well in ratings, and brings in enough advertising revenue (I’m assuming BBC has commercials?) to make it more than a bit profitable, why *wouldn’t* they still be in the Rowling business. Love her or hate her (me, I’m ambivalent as I didn’t read the books until I was an adult but has only watched the first movie and think she’s the Stephen King of YA: immensely popular, but has a pretty bad writing style that is clunky at its best, and outright weak at its worst and think she would be best served by shutting up or eschewing her comments about trans folks), she is still highly respected and liked by a full metric shit ton of people and is huge draw.  Hence, the media companies will still solicit her work.

    • teageegeepea-av says:

      BBC is government funded, so no need for commercials. Everyone pays a license fee for owning a television.

    • recognitions-av says:

      It’s called “doing the right thing.”

    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      The BBC should only renew shows that whiny writers at the AV Club deem ideologically pure enough to be worthy of renewal. 

    • gargsy-av says:

      “and brings in enough advertising revenue (I’m assuming BBC has commercials?)“

      Yes, I DEFINITELY want to be lectured by someone who is clearly capable of a basic google search.

  • bio-wd-av says:

    The BBC are a mess when it comes to trans issues.  Its reportedly a split 50/50, some writers thing the the editors are pieces of shit and some think its all dandy.  I’m pretty firmly on fuck the BBC.  I still remember that goddamn awful that was about lesbians claiming to be pressured into sex with trans women and the sources were a porn star who said lynch trans people, and a few terf groups run by Rowling associates.  The bloody Onion is less hateful then the BBC.

    • chico2242-av says:

      The BBC is laughably left wing. The fact that even they can’t get on board this overreaction bandwagon should probably tell you to get a grip.

      • emberglance-av says:

        For any Americans reading (who care), the BBC – BBC News at least – is VERY FAR from being left wing. Under a series of political appointees it has become an unofficial wing of the Conservative Party PR machine. Highly pro-Brexit (hard Brexit even), pro-Boris Johnson, pro Tory agenda talking points. The last time there was a genuinely left wing opposition they were pretty much locked out. The problem ultimately is that it’s underfunded and it depends on the government for regular charter renewals so it’s not in much of a position to resist. I could provide many instances of the most craven kinds of pro-Tory client journalism but I’d struggle to recall any instances of left wing bias. I’m a BBC booster but it’s in a lot of financial trouble and not really in a position to take a principled stand on public figures like JK Rowling (even if it wanted to). Ultimately it’s there to inform and entertain license fee payers so it would be counter to its mission and extremely unwise for it to boycott her. Maybe frustrating to many but this kind of programming is kind of what it’s there for.

      • bdylan-av says:

        did you know one can be left wing and still homophobic/transphobic/racist?

        • chico2242-av says:

          I did know that. I see a lot of left wing racists shitting on white people every chance they get.

          • bdylan-av says:

            Then why are you confused about the fact that the BBC being left wing doesn’t automatically exclude them from being transphobic?

          • chico2242-av says:

            An awful lot of very literal minded folk on this page. Autistic?

      • erikveland-av says:

        “The BBC is laughably left wing.” Spoken like a true USian.

      • getyerhotdogs-av says:

        shut the fuck up joanne

    • recoegnitions-av says:

      “I’m pretty firmly on fuck the BBC.”Great – no one anywhere cares. 

    • kman3k-av says:

      I still remember that goddamn awful that was about lesbians claiming to be pressured into sex with trans women and the sources were a porn star who said lynch trans people, and a few terf groups run by Rowling associates. This reads like a fevered dream you had once, jesus christ.

      • Shampyon-av says:

        For those who are wondering, the porn star in question was Lily Cade. She outright said to lynch trans women, after ranting about them all being evil rapist pedophile predators slicing up your children. She called for specific trans women to be lynched, called for all trans women to “get the rope”, and claimed famously violently misogynistic porn producer Max Hardcore was a greater ally to cis women than any trans woman. The great tale of anti-lesbian oppression she used to justify her views? She was once asked to perform a scene with a trans woman, declined, got no pushback at all, suffered no career consequences, and moved on with her life. Oh, and she’s also been credibly accused of rape – which the author of the article promoting Cade’s anti-trans views was told, but chose to ignore.One of the TERF groups Rowling keeps promoting (both the organisation, and it’s prominent members) is Get The L Out UK. According to their promotional material, “all transsexuals rape women’s bodies” by their very existence, conducted surveys that twist their own very small number of respondants results to reach their foregone conclusion, and argue that any date with a trans woman – whether the cis woman knew beforehand or not, regardless of any physical activity – should be classified as “rape by deception”.So yeah, it really does read like some kind of fucked-up fever dream. It’d be laughable if it wasn’t driving all of this bigoted, dangerous legislation and action.

      • bio-wd-av says:

        Well good thing this got enough attention to get its own Wikipedia page. The BBC had to walk back aspects of it while still claiming its a solid piece of journalism.

    • disparatedan-av says:

      Actually the majority of that article was made up of females talking about their experiences of being assaulted and pressured into sex by males. 

    • rockhard69-av says:

      The BBC is not woke enough-Dumbfuck

    • tonytonetoneee-av says:

      I’m from Scotland and i can tell the BBC are a mess for many many more reasons than this, even if they weren’t a mess for the reasons you outline, i am very sure you’d still be on the side of Fuck The BBC anyway. And that’s not to minimize your point btw.

      • bio-wd-av says:

        Oh yeah the BBC has a lot of issues.  Trans is what pops out at me most lately.  I mean having to say sorry for not pushing back at guests who say Rowling is a bigot is nonsense. 

  • reformedagoutigerbil-av says:

    It was a hot summer day when J.K. Rowling decided to finally come clean about her controversial statements regarding the transgender community. She had spent countless hours trying to figure out how to explain herself, but the words had eluded her until now.She sat down in front of her computer and started to type. The words flowed out of her, as if they had been waiting to be released for years. She wrote about how she had always felt like she was living in the wrong body, how she had felt like a woman trapped in a man’s body for as long as she could remember.J.K. Rowling had never felt comfortable with her own identity. She had always been afraid to fully embrace herself, and she had taken out that fear and self-loathing on the transgender community. She had projected her own insecurities onto others, and she knew now that it was wrong.As she wrote, tears streamed down her face. She felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, like she could finally breathe for the first time in years. She wrote about her fear of rejection and the judgment that she knew would come if she ever came out as transgender. She wrote about how she had been struggling with these feelings for years, and how she had been too scared to even acknowledge them to herself.Finally, she hit the “publish” button, and the article went live. It spread like wildfire across the internet, with people both applauding her bravery and criticizing her for the damage she had caused to the transgender community. J.K. Rowling knew that it would be a long road to redemption, but she was willing to face it head-on.In the days and weeks that followed, J.K. Rowling received countless messages of support from people all over the world. She also received a fair amount of criticism, but she knew that she had to own her mistakes and try to make amends.Slowly but surely, J.K. Rowling began to embrace her true identity. She started to dress in women’s clothing and use female pronouns. It was a difficult process, but she knew that it was the right thing to do.In the end, J.K. Rowling’s story became a powerful message of hope and acceptance. She had finally come to terms with who she was, and she hoped that others could do the same. She had learned that the only way to truly find happiness and peace was to embrace yourself, no matter how scary that might be.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    I recommend the BBC replace Strike with the 1947 classic Glenn Ford movie 200 Miles to Oregon.

  • teageegeepea-av says:

    A show that already ran for five seasons (one of which aired last year) adapting an ongoing series of novels will now get a sixth? Stop the presses, what enormous news.

    • recognitions-av says:

      Your indifference to trans people’s suffering is duly noted

    • acastanza-av says:

      As much as I loathe JK Rowling aside. At this point it honestly feels like news any time any show gets renewed for more than three or four seasons.

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      Yeah, if you deliberately choose to not engage with the critical part of a news brief, it may not seem newsworthy to you.

      • teageegeepea-av says:

        What of that “critical part” of the Newswire was actually new?

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          Well, to the kinds of people interested in the kinds of topics that would lead them to click on the article, it is at least somewhat newsworthy that the BBC is actually adapting that fucking ridiculous persecution complex novel.Because there is maybe a tiny bit of a difference between continuing to adapt a lame series of derivative detective novels and going ahead with adapting that absurd transphobic victimization plea.Also, anyone familiar with the BBC would know that renewing a show is not exactly a given.Of course, noted Rowling stans and TERF apologists such as yourself might try to spin this differently!

          • rockhard69-av says:

            It’s a brilliant move by the BBC to tie up with JK. She’s on fire right now. Just look how much free publicity you shitstains generate every time she does a project!

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Tfw you love trash art because it’s bigoted.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Cry about it more?

          • teageegeepea-av says:

            I don’t think Rowling is a good writer. The last book I read from her is Goblet of Fire (and I only watched the first of those movies). Some people have a big emotional investment in her, for better or worse, because they read Harry Potter as children who didn’t know what good writing is. Admittedly, I haven’t read her detective novels, and I’m going to guess you haven’t read this one either. But she’s able to crank them out and they keep selling, so it’s completely unsurprising that the existing TV series (which, again, last aired in 2022) would continue.

    • bobwworfington-av says:

      Always fun when the AVClub learns you can buy things with money and people want to have more of it.

  • sighwhitewomen-av says:

    I just came back from Universal and Harry Potter World was packed with people spending every last cent they had on wands and butter beer. Hogwarts Legacy is a massively popular game. The average person doesn’t care what J.K. Rowling’s view on gender is.

    • lordemostab-av says:

      nor should they. 

    • killa-k-av says:

      The average person doesn’t care what the average trans person identifies as either, but for some reason, JK Rowling is insisting we should Care what bathroom trans people are allowed to use.

      • batteredsuitcase-av says:

        One of the better jokes I’ve read: I feel the exact same way about trans people using the bathroom they identify with as I do about concealed carry weapons. I don’t care what you’re packing, just don’t take it out and point it at me.

        • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

          Yep.My answer is “Unisex toilets for everyone, because people should not be hanging out/lounging around piss and/or shit holes.”

      • Rev2-av says:

        According to JK, she and many other women would like it that you and other male sex offenders can’t just “identify as a woman” by getting a wig and a new set of pronouns so they can serve their time in women’s prisons.Creepy incel. What is it with gender cultist men so aggressively needing to shower with women? I believe in the old days it these people were called “pervs”, but you do you, bro…

      • rockhard69-av says:

        The trannies get real mad if you don’t identify them

    • bio-wd-av says:

      The average person has supported passively a lot of fucked up shit in history.  This is not a winning statement.

      • Rev2-av says:

        This is coming from a person that supports the grooming and chemical castration and mutilation of children and also blindly wants men to have full access to women’s spaces?At what point are your views so vile and awful that you should be locked up for them, “Lady”? Your comments are very concerning… The pedo look isn’t cool, eh?

      • rockhard69-av says:

        That’s why they need to be re-educated, comrade!

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Just looked up butterbeer and it sounds nasty.

    • rockhard69-av says:

      Capitalism is a beautiful thing and woketards are worthless shitstains

    • gargsy-av says:

      So, people who choose to go to Universal’s Harry Potter World are “the average person”?

      I bet a survey of a Republican conference would ALSO find that “the average person” has conservative views.

  • drkschtz-av says:

    JK Rowling is trashy TERF Nazi bitch

  • vanheat-av says:

    Oh the mean woman wasn’t cancelled again. Show us on the doll where she hurt you.“Bends the knee”In other words, not cancelling a popular series due to ideological reasons. It’s almost as if most people don’t give a fuck about a storyteller’s politics and just want you people to fuck off and let them veg on a fucking TV show.I know she’s a thought criminal and all, but until you get your top down socialist/social justice manage society…you lose.

  • lordemostab-av says:

    y’know, i clicked on the link that’s a timeline of her (alleged) transgressions, and the majority of it is “she liked a tweet.”  c’mon now.  and one of the few that wasn’t that was “she said there are two sexes,” and  idk, but the way it was explained to me, from trans-friendly people, was that sex is, you know, the bits you’re born with and it’s gender that may or may not match your sex, hence trans.  but apparently it’s wrong for her to say that for reasons?

    • intheupsidedown-av says:

      They want to have a one-sided conversation and immediately shut out anyone who disagrees. Funny, reminds me a lot of the far right.

      • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

        Because it’s a conversation about their own bodies and nobody else’s business. If a person want to change their name/pronouns/appearance, they need no one’s permission or opinion.Fascinating to me that billionaire cisgender woman, who could just enjoy her life, instead spends her time harassing the harmless personal choices of people she’s never met.

        • disparatedan-av says:

          A male rapist wo claimed to be a woman was recently housed in the female prison estate in Scotland, where Rowling lives. was that a harmless personal choice?

        • chestrockwell24-av says:

          Okay if it’s not our business then they cant demand society cater to their delusions.  I’m good with that. 

      • crankymessiah-av says:

        This is such an incredibly bullshit statement. Seriously, go f**k yourself. The overwhelmingly vast majority of responses to Rowling that ihave seen have been people asking for to educate herself or actually talk to some trans people to get their perspective. Which is, you know… the polar fucking opposite of shutting people out. But hey, dont let the facts get in the way of your aggressively stupid bullshit strawman.

      • kim-porter-av says:

        How dare the BBC cave to “pressure” from J.K. Rowling when they should caved to pressure from the online temper tantrum we’ve thrown.

      • scelestus-av says:

        If you go far enough left or right, they’re virtually indistinguishable from one another. 

      • bdylan-av says:

        that sounds more like Jk than anyone disagreeing with her

    • killa-k-av says:

      I mean, the biggest reason it’s wrong for her to say that is that it’s just flat-out wrong. It’s like me aggressively insisting that there are only seven colors, or there are nine planets in the solar system, except colors and planets aren’t human beings.

      • vanheat-av says:

        You think there are more than two sexes???

        • thegobhoblin-av says:

          There are more than two sexes. Many species are hermaphroditic and some species include males, females, and hermaphrodites in their reproductive strategies. The microorganism tetrahymena thermophila has seven sexes.

          • vanheat-av says:

            “The microorganism tetrahymena thermophila has seven sexes.”Do I need to point out that we are not microorganisms? And hermaphrodites are mutations, not separate sexes. I’ve only heard hardcore lunatics assert this. 

          • thegobhoblin-av says:

            Hermaphrodites that are part of a species’ overall reproductive strategy are not mutations. Congratulations on knowing human beings are not microorganisms.

          • vanheat-av says:

            How are hermaphrodites part of OUR species’ reproductive strategy? They are mutations. And you used microorganisms to make your argument, professor. 

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Hermaphrodites that are part of a species’ overall reproductive strategy are not mutations. Correct. Which, of course, the dipshit doesn’t get.I’ll give him a clue: what happens when there’s a dearth of available mates in certain breeding populations?

          • vanheat-av says:

            You think human hermaphrodites can fertilize themselves? How are hermaphrodites part of OUR species’ strategy, dipshit?

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            You think human hermaphrodites can fertilize themselves? They were speaking in general terms. Conceptually. You then added the framework about humans.Fuck off and stop thinking about genitalia. 

          • vanheat-av says:

            ““she said there are two sexes,” NO, the conversation was about the human sexes. And this genius (and you) are talking about fucking microorganisms.

          • thegobhoblin-av says:

            Well said!

          • vanheat-av says:

            No, not well said. We were talking about JKR saying their are only two sexes and you pointed to microorganisms to say otherwise. That’s retarded.

          • thegobhoblin-av says:

            Poorly said.

          • vanheat-av says:

            I’m sorry, I can’t hear you, I’m asexually reproducing.

          • thegobhoblin-av says:

            I accept your apology.

          • presidentzod-av says:

            Ok that made me laugh. +1. Please continue. 

          • chrisabbeymusic-av says:

            They’re *always* thinking about genitalia. If I worried about my genitals half as much as the transphobes, my dysphoria would have been unsurvivable.

          • rockhard69-av says:

            “Fuck off and stop thinking about genitalia.”Exactly!

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Fuck off and stop thinking about JK Rowling.

          • rockhard69-av says:

            Not a problem. Woketards are used to fucking themselves!

          • disparatedan-av says:

            Hermaphrodites are not a separate sex. They have traits of both sexes. Both. As in two. 

          • thegobhoblin-av says:

            You can’t refute a statement no one made.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            At least they didnt cite the clown fish

          • bdylan-av says:

            why are you so offended by the idea that intersex people count as a 3rd sex?

          • vanheat-av says:

            I’m not offended, it’s just not true. It’s a mutation. 

          • bdylan-av says:

            what makes you think its a mutation>? why do you care that other people dont define it that way?

          • disparatedan-av says:

            I don’t see anyone taking offense. It’s just not true. 

          • kickdacatt2-av says:

            My god you’re a moron.

        • liebkartoffel-av says:

          If we are speaking purely in terms of reproduction then yes, there are (more or less) two sexes. However, scientists don’t rely purely on reproductive anatomy to determine sex, and that’s were things can get complicated. There are, of course, the not insignificant number of people who are born intersex, but beyond that there are people who have every outward appearance of being “female” but are nonetheless chromosomally “male,” and vice versa. This Scientific American article ( even talks about how individual cells in one’s body can have a differing sex. What’s more, new technologies in DNA sequencing and cell biology are revealing that almost everyone is, to varying degrees, a patchwork of genetically distinct cells, some with a sex that might not match that of the rest of their body. Some studies even suggest that the sex of each cell drives its behaviour, through a complicated network of molecular interactions.As is common with scientific questions, the simple answer is rarely the correct one. In reality, sex is more like a bi-modal distribution than a set of discrete categories.

          • disparatedan-av says:

            No peer reviewed biology paper had ever defined sex as bimodal. That is nonsense. You have been misled. 

          • vanheat-av says:

            I can’t access the article, but I can entertain your argument based on what you posted. But the activists I see aren’t arguing that it’s a bi-modal distribution; they’re arguing that sex is a spectrum like gender or that biological sex doesn’t exist at all. 

          • liebkartoffel-av says:

            You’re right, Dan, some biologists find even describing sex as “bimodal” to be too limiting.Biologists and medical scientists recognize, of course, that absolute dimorphism is a Platonic ideal not actually achieved in the natural world. Nonetheless, the normative nature of medical science uses as an assumption, the proposition that for each sex there is a single, correct developmental pathway. Medical scientists, therefore, define as abnormal any deviation from bimodally distributed genitalia or chromosomal composition (Conte and Grumbach, 1989). If, however, one relinquishes an a priori belief in complete genital dimorphism, one can examine sexual development with an eye toward variability rather than bimodality.“How Sexually Dimorphic Are We? Review and Synthesis.” March 2000. American Journal of Human Biology 12(2):151-166(

          • disparatedan-av says:

            That is about sexual dimorphism. it does not say that sex itself is on a bimodal distribution. Why don’t you describe what that bimodal distribution looks like. What unit is measured on the X axis?

          • disparatedan-av says:

            I’ll take it from your lack of a response that you realized you have no idea what you’re talking about here.

        • bdylan-av says:

          why do you care what they think?

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        “I mean, the biggest reason it’s wrong for her to say that is that it’s just flat-out wrong.”No it isn’t. Mutations notwithstanding.

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          What do the ninja turtles have to do with it?

        • killa-k-av says:

          Funny how nature doesn’t give a shit whether you do or don’t count mutations. Facts don’t care about your culture war.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            This isn’t a coherent counter argument.

          • killa-k-av says:

            You didn’t make a coherent argument to counter.

          • rockhard69-av says:

            You still talking to yourself?

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            My argument is the whole of human biology. 

          • killa-k-av says:

            That’s not how arguments work, but if you want to detail the whole of human biology, be my guest.

          • killa-k-av says:

            And your argument was: “No it isn’t. Mutations notwithstanding.” That’s not remotely the whole of human biology. You didn’t even address the cardiovascular system.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            you’re delusional 

          • bdylan-av says:

            no u

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Cool. You don’t matter. 

          • killa-k-av says:

            thAt’S nOt A CohErEnt COuNtEr-arGUmEnT lmfao

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Yes it is. You’re objectively wrong by literally any metric. 

          • killa-k-av says:

            No, you are.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Nope. No biologist on the face of the earth would agree with you. You’re ignorant/brainwashed and you’ll likely stay that way.  You speak in slogans and jargon and are an ideologue on the level of evangelical christians. And i’m sure – deep down – you’re aware I’m correct about all of this.

          • killa-k-av says:

            You’re too lazy to actually argue or back up any of your assertions with facts, sources, and you keep appealing to the same vague authority. So you just keep repeating the same three phases over and over and accuse others of being ideologues.It’s like to I told the other fella’ – I don’t have any ideology other than “don’t be a dick to people.” If trans people want to use the bathroom that corresponds with their identity than the gender they were assigned at birth, it’s seems like the least dickish thing to do is to just let them. But then ideologues like you come along and insist that Caitlin Jenner has to use the same bathroom as me instead of Elliott Page. And you’re too blinded to see that your ideology is the extreme one.Let me guess your reply: “No you’re wrong. You’re an evil bad wokester nazi snowflake.”You can copy and paste that if you like. I’m done engaging with you.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            “I’m done engaging with you.”You’re done engaging because you know for a fact that you’re wrong. Bye!

          • killa-k-av says:

            Says the person who said there’s no point arguing with people that don’t subscribe to the same ideology as you… so you argue anyway 😂😂😂.No, wait, arguing would mean actually using sources and facts to back up your assertions. You just keep asserting the same thing over and over and act surprised that no one changes their mind 🤣

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            You said you were done engaging with me. I guess that wasn’t true either huh? “You just keep asserting the same thing over and over and act surprised that no one changes their mind 🤣”You’ve literally written the same thing three times in a row – even after you said you were done. You have no self control, no insight into anything, and your opinion doesn’t matter (thankfully).

          • bdylan-av says:

            cool so does the whole of human biology include intersex people or do they not count?

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            They count to the extent that they represent a gene mutation. Also this is about trans people – not intersex people. You have absolutely no ground to stand on here. 

          • rockhard69-av says:

            You talking to yourself?

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Trans women are a subset of men.  Any other facts I can drop on you, my child?

      • kman3k-av says:

        It’s like me aggressively insisting that there are only seven colors, or there are nine planets in the solar system, except colors and planets aren’t human beings. Wtf kind of shitty analogy is this? 

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        You made Saturn cry.

      • chico2242-av says:

        No, it’s not like that at all. It would be like you aggressively insisting that the world is round, or that the capital city of Venezuela is Caracas. Or that there are only two genders.

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        Trans women are a subset of men, not women.  Any other facts I can drop on you, son?

    • vegtam1297-av says:

      As usual with this topic, I’m sure you’re not actually interested in the truth, or else you wouldn’t be misrepresenting things so badly in the first place, but I’ll put it here in case you or someone else wants it.The majority of her (actual) transgressions are her actually saying things, like the big article she wrote to double down on all of her previous comments. Her liking tweets is only a small part of the whole thing.Her saying there are two sexes is one of the many, and it’s important not because it’s wrong. It’s a transgression because she’s using a fallacy. As you point out, no one is arguing about sex. It’s gender people are talking about. Her saying there are two sexes is wrong factually but also a distraction and confusion of the actual point. The point is gender, not sex. Whether or not there are two sexes is irrelevant. But it’s a common tactic among transphobes to muddy the waters.You even pointed out why it’s wrong but then somehow still kept up the whole “but she was wrong?” nonsense. For anyone interested in more, all you have to do is google Rowling transphobia examples.

      • vanheat-av says:

        “Her saying there are two sexes is wrong factually”What in the ever-loving-fuck are you lunatics talking about? And you wonder why people don’t take you seriously.

      • rockhard69-av says:

        No one is interested in talking to dumbfucks who demand everyone agrees with them

      • asdfqwerzxcvasdf-av says:

        That’s it? This is about the five hundredth time in a row someone has said they’re going to give the real, overwhelmingly logical reasons why we all hate her so much–and then just referred back to their own arguments. She sent some tweets. She repeated what she said before. And then…*cue organ music*…she used a fallacy.You guys are making that crazy Republican congresswoman look better by comparison with every passing minute.

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        Since when has the AV Club ever been interested in truth? They have lied and called her transphobic many times.They even lied and said there was no evidence a popular youtube got harassed over playing the new harry potter game(there was ample fucking evidence).

    • vegtam1297-av says:

      As usual with this topic, I’m sure you’re not actually interested in the truth, or else you wouldn’t be misrepresenting things so badly in the first place, but I’ll put it here in case you or someone else wants it.The majority of her (actual) transgressions are her actually saying things, like the big article she wrote to double down on all of her previous comments. Her liking tweets is only a small part of the whole thing.Her saying there are two sexes is one of the many, and it’s important not because it’s wrong. It’s a transgression because she’s using a fallacy. As you point out, no one is arguing about sex. It’s gender people are talking about. Her saying there are two sexes is wrong factually but also a distraction and confusion of the actual point. The point is gender, not sex. Whether or not there are two sexes is irrelevant. But it’s a common tactic among transphobes to muddy the waters.You even pointed out why it’s wrong but then somehow still kept up the whole “but she was wrong?” nonsense. For anyone interested in more, all you have to do is google Rowling transphobia examples.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      That’ll learn ya to go around liking tweets without consulting your god and master, The AV Club.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      Friends with literal nazis, quoted by Republicans in the United States, sets up womens shelters that exclude trans people.  Said trans people don’t deserve the presumption of innocence.  Said Matt Walsh a self admitted fascist is a good person.  You dumbasses really expect nobody to research beyond saying she said mean things on Twitter. 

      • kman3k-av says:

        y’know, i clicked on the link that’s a timeline of her (alleged) transgressions, Maybe complain to AV Club about their bad links, etc?

      • disparatedan-av says:

        “sets up womens shelters that exclude trans people.”Why don’t you go ahead and explain to everyone why you think female only shelters are a bad thing? “Said trans people don’t deserve the presumption of innocence.”No she didn’t. Stop lying.

        • killa-k-av says:

          “Why don’t you go ahead and explain to everyone why you think female only shelters are a bad thing?”They’re not. Why don’t you go ahead and explain to everyone why you think trans women shouldn’t be allowed in women only shelters?

          • vanheat-av says:

            Because they are biologically male and that’s whom the battered women are trying to get away from? 

          • killa-k-av says:

            The battered women are trying to get away from the partner that battered them. Last I checked, lesbians are women, and lesbians are capable of battering each other. Should lesbians avoid women-only shelters since they’re getting away from a woman? Also, if a trans woman gets battered by their partner – man, woman, nonbinary, whatever – where are they supposed to go? Not a lot of shelters for battered men, and even if there were, would trans men be excluded? Or are trans men welcome at women only shelters because they were assigned female at birth? And lastly, how is the shelter supposed to screen for “biological women” (*shudder*)? People like you make it seem like trans women are men with a comical wig on. Take morals, bigotry, etc. out of the whole thing. Trans-exclusionary women-only shelters, like that dumbass bathroom bill, sound like an unpractical nightmare. You’re adding more work onto organizations without a lot of resources to begin with and for what? Do you think Laverne Cox is perpetually trying to assault cis women?This whole thing is stupid and makes everything more complicated than if you just left trans people the fuck alone.

          • vanheat-av says:

            I’m sure a screening process wouldn’t be necessary.It’s a category difference: They aren’t women. They are men. Trans men are women, so yes.Why is this complicated? Oh yeah: ideology. You are sacrificing female’s safety for ideology. I’ve been sexually assaulted and the last fucking thing I’d want to see was a female in one of those (non-existent) men’s shelters.

          • killa-k-av says:

            Why wouldn’t a screening process be necessary?Trans men present as men. They look like men. You think a trans man walking into a battered women shelter isn’t going to trigger battered women, but a trans woman will?And you didn’t address my question about lesbians at all. Why is this complicated?I just fucking said wh- because who are you making responsible for telling people to drop trou and show their genitals? And how is that going to stop someone who is post op? Are you going to force every woman to present proof of what sex they were assigned at birth? You are sacrificing female’s safety for ideology.How? I’ve been sexually assaulted and the last fucking thing I’d want to see was a female in one of those (non-existent) men’s shelters.But you’d be okay seeing Caitlyn Jenner? Your ideology has a strong hold on you.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Be honest with yourself. If I can tell who is trans, they can.And yes, my ideology is that men are men and women and women. It’s really got a hold on me. 

          • killa-k-av says:

            So if they can’t tell, it’s okay? Cool, glad we got that out of the way.And since men’s shelters are (non-existant), where are battered trans women supposed to go?

          • vanheat-av says:

            Again, be honest with yourself.Build trans shelters. Build men’s shelters. But we both know that will never happen, now don’t we? And whose fault is that, huh?Or, I dunno, keep doing this shit (your ideology at work): “The women who come to our support groups are rape victims and battered women,” says Hilla Kerner, VRRWS’s spokeswoman, who has worked at the shelter for 14 years. “One of them said to me, ‘Haven’t we suffered enough?’”

          • killa-k-av says:

            Build trans shelters. Build men’s shelters. But we both know that will never happen, now don’t we? And whose fault is that, huh?I presume the conservative lawmakers who love cutting budgets for social services. Or, I dunno, keep doing this shit (your ideology at work)Please tell me my ideology, because I have no idea what you’re talking about. See, here’s the dirty truth:I’m a pretty shitty ally.Actually, I can’t even call myself an ally, because I do literally nothing to help trans people.Literally nothing.You’re assuming I’m some militant LGBTQ+ rights activist because I’m challenging your logic, but your ideology simply doesn’t make any sense. I’m a man, and I would be way more comfortable going to the restroom with Elliot Page than a post-op trans woman.You keep saying trans women should not be allowed in women only shelters because they are not “biologically” women, but haven’t told me what will happen if a trans woman is allowed in. What’s going to happen? What is she going to do? Why are lesbian women completely fine being around other women even though they were battered by a woman – but cis women aren’t okay being around a battered trans woman, someone who presents outwardly as a woman?See, it’s actually easier to just let trans people do what they want than it is to stay up at night worrying that somewhere there’s a woman terrified that she has to sleep in the same shelter as a trans woman.That’s me being honest with myself.https://www.nationalreview.comlmao! women-only-rape-relief-shelter-defunded-then-vandalized/ “The women who come to our support groups are rape victims and battered women,” says Hilla Kerner, VRRWS’s spokeswoman, who has worked at the shelter for 14 years. “One of them said to me, ‘Haven’t we suffered enough?’”So, they’re suffering because their shelter was defunded and vandalized, right? Not because they shared the same space as a trans woman? Because, yeah, again, I’m not going out and protesting or vandalizing shelters. That’s not “trans women are women” ideology at work either, that’s a “I’m going to vandalize property that belongs to people I don’t like” ideology.

          • vanheat-av says:

            I assumed you were an ideologue because you want trans women in female spaces said there were two than more sexes. duh.I’m a straight man who has been sexually assaulted and if I’d had to go to a shelter, I’d be fine with a gay man, but a woman? Fuck no. Maybe it’s emotional, I don’t care. I’m assuming that the women who say similar things about men in their shelter have the same reaction fears: more abuse.Does that make sense?And I love how commenters continually make the logical fallacy of attacking a source rather than addressing anything in the source. Don’t go through life like that.  

          • killa-k-av says:

            I assumed you were an ideologue because you want trans women in female spacesI don’t *want* anything; I think trans women should be allowed in female spaces, and I’m asking why they shouldn’t be. I’m a straight man who has been sexually assaulted and if I’d had to go to a shelter, I’d be fine with a gay manI’m sure you would be, since from your comments it sounds like you were assaulted by a woman, not a gay man. It’s the gay man in the hypothetical men’s shelter that I’m pointing out has no problem being around other men, even though he was abused by a man, as long as none of the other men are the man that assaulted him.I’m assuming that the women who say similar things about men in their shelter have the same reaction fears: more abuse.Does that make sense?IMO, it’s completely irrational. I don’t know why a trans woman would go around women’s shelters abusing cis women. Trans women are more likely to have been abused than to have abused anyone else. And for as much as you people insist that trans women are “biologically male,” the way I see it, I’m a straight cis man and don’t have much in common with someone who was assigned male at birth and has undergone gender reassignment surgery.BUT here’s where I’ll meet you halfway:Fear famously makes people behave irrationally, and I understand how someone who has been abused to the point where they are seeking shelter would be a heightened state of fear.I even think a trans shelter would be a good idea given all of the hatred and bigotry trans people face. The only problem is that a trans-only shelter creates a giant bullseye for extremists, like the countless abortion clinics that have been destroyed over the past several decades. And I love how commenters continually make the logical fallacy of attacking a source rather than addressing anything in the source.Oh, I addressed what was in the source too.

          • vorpal-socks-av says:

            I have a question for you. Let’s say, hypothetically, that you are at a shelter with 6 other men. A number between 0 and 6 of these other men are trans. This means (by your definition) that between 0 and 6 of these other men are really women pretending to be men and should be excluded from this shelter. How do you know who should be kicked out?

          • vanheat-av says:

            Because very few pass?

          • vorpal-socks-av says:

            Not nearly good enough. The shelter has to keep out all trans men, right? I mean, that’s the only way you’ll know you’re “safe,” right? You can’t just deny the ones who don’t “pass,” right?  So I’ll ask again:  How do you know?

          • vanheat-av says:

            Be serious.

          • vorpal-socks-av says:

            I am.  I am seriously asking how you are going to enforce this rule.  How do you know?

          • vanheat-av says:

            Demand medical records. They don’t fucking belong.

          • vorpal-socks-av says:

            Ok cool, so I assume you will be ready to provide documentation on demand for the legitimacy of your alleged penis, sir (or madam)?  We have to ask everyone, you know, obviously.  It’s the only way to be fair.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Yep. So be it. I was fucking raped by a woman. If that’s what it takes (and again, it wouldn’t even take that if you were being honest), so be it. Get them the fuck out.Happy?

          • vorpal-socks-av says:

            Ok cool, and what documentation will you be providing today, sir (or madam)? Long-form birth certificate? Doctor’s note? Perhaps references from your parents, friends, and/or local pastor? You can never be too careful, you know. I know this must seem like a terrible imposition and invasion of your privacy (and it really is!!), but we have to be sure, right? We have to do this completely by the book and all. I’m sure you understand, sir (or madam).

          • vanheat-av says:

            All of they above. Don’t give a shit how it’s done. Why do you want them there? Why can’t they go to a woman’s shelter? There are no shortages of those, after all. I’m a little more fucking invested, so I don’t give a flying fuck how it’s done, but why are you dead set on them being there if victims don’t FUCKING WANT THEM THERE?If women don’t want men in their spaces, too bad, so sad, no fucking men in women’s spaces. Don’t give a shit how it’s done. Why do you want them there??

          • vorpal-socks-av says:

            Careful, snowflake, you’re starting to sound triggered.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Yeah, I tend to get triggered over when I was raped. What a pussy, right?Why do you want them there? I’ve answered your questions, go ahead. Why should men be allowed in women’s spaces? Why do you *want* them there, if women don’t? If female rape victims tell you they don’t want them there, what would you say to them? Too bad, we sacrifice you on the altar of trans? C’mon, champ. You’re so heavily invested, go ahead. 

          • vorpal-socks-av says:

            Oh my dear dimwit, you’ll never even understand where it is we disagree, will you?  I don’t disagree with your assertion about the sanctity of “men’s spaces” and “women’s spaces.”  I disagree with your premise that trans men are not men.  Trans men ARE men, and as such should have equal access to “men’s spaces.”  And yes, the same applies for trans women.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Nope. They are not men. You can believe in the Holy Ghost, friendo. Doesn’t make it real. Trans men are women, in every which way besides in your skull. Trans women are men. Yes, we fundamentally disagree on physical reality. I guess that’s a draw? Are you done virtue signaling to a rape victim, yet?

          • vorpal-socks-av says:

            Yep, I guess we’ll never see eye to eye. Oh well.And buddy, you are the one that keeps bringing up your personal trauma, not me. I have not mentioned it at all (until now). It isn’t relevant to my point and, frankly, I don’t care enough about you to pretend to be empathetic.I mean, trying to use your own personal trauma as a cudgel against a stranger in an argument on the internet is a pretty weird flex I guess, but you do you.

          • vanheat-av says:

            I brought up my trauma by stating that I don’t want women in men’s shelters if I have to go to one. What a weird fucking flex, right? Don’t be a pussy now, explain to me how trans men are actually men. Go ahead. I answered your questions. Reciprocate. Obviously, you know much more about this than I do. Do it.

          • bdylan-av says:

            “explain to me how trans men are actually men.”here, read for yourself

          • vanheat-av says:

            Nope. No such thing as a “male” or “female” brain. Male and female brains are more similar than not:“Except for the simple difference in size, are no meaningful differences between men’s and women’s brain structure or activity that hold up across diverse populations. Nor do any of the alleged brain differences actually explain the familiar but modest differences in personality and abilities between men and women.”“What’s more, recent research has utterly rejected the idea that the tiny difference in connectivity between left and right hemispheres actually explains any behavioral difference between men and women.”,to%20get%20the%20job%20done.Study in question:

          • bdylan-av says:

            the article i posted didnt say they were male brains and female brains, its about about brain activity . the study you posted is about shape and size of brains.

          • vanheat-av says:

            The study I posted is also about brain activity, which addresses the article you posted. The idea of say, a trans woman having a brain of a cis woman makes no sense if there’s no real difference between the brain activity/connectivity between males and females.

          • bdylan-av says:

            again, the study i posted doesnt say anything about male and female brains being different. youre purposely misconstruing to dismiss it. the study you posted acknowledges sex differences in cognitive functioning.
            its fine. i understand you’re going to dismiss any scientific evidence that doesnt support your belief.

          • vanheat-av says:

            From your article: “Brain activity and structure in transgender adolescents more closely resembles the typical activation patterns of their desired gender”This strongly implies that there are male and female brains. How else would a trans person’s brain more closely resemble one of their “desired gender”? Because of their activity, no?From my study: “Except for the simple difference in size, are no meaningful differences between men’s and women’s brain structure or activity that hold up across diverse populations. Nor do any of the alleged brain differences actually explain the in personality and abilities between men and women.”
            So, again: How can a trans person have the activities of their desired gender if their are no meaningful differences between male and female brain activity?

          • bdylan-av says:

            “This strongly implies that there are male and female brains”

            no thats you inferring something it didnt say in order to dismiss it, while ignoring what the study is saying.

            from the study you posted:
            “However, we can conclude that sex differences in hemispheric asymmetry are certainly not the driving force behind sex differences in cognitive functioning”

            the study you posted acknowledges differences in cognitive functioning between the sexes. why are you dismissing what the study you posted states?

          • bdylan-av says:

            to answer your question:
            “How can a trans person have the activities of their desired gender if their are no meaningful differences between male and female brain activity?”you seen to have taken a study about how conative abilities are no different between sexes and interpreted to mean there are no differences between cognitive functioning in the sexes, which is in correct. again there are no male or female brains.“It’s easy to see sexual dimorphisms and conclude that the brain is binary; easy, but wrong. Thanks to the participation of trans people in research, we have expanded our understanding of how brain structure, sex and gender interact. For some properties like brain volume and connectivity, trans people possessed values in between those typical of cisgender males and females, both before and after transitioning. Another study found that for certain brain regions, trans individuals appeared similar to cis-individuals with the same gender identity. In that same study, researchers found specific areas of the brain where trans people seemed closer to those with the same assigned sex at birth. Other researchers discovered that trans people have unique structural differences from cis-individuals.”

          • vanheat-av says:

            “there are no differences between cognitive functioning in the sexes, which is in correct.” Research shows that cognitive differences are both much smaller than previously thought and most likely attributable to social factors. “The research suggests that perceived or actual differences in cognitive performance between males and females are most likely the result of social and cultural factors”“Hyde gathered 46 meta-analyses, which together analysed data from around seven million people looking at sex differences across diverse behaviours, from language skills to throwing ability. She found that 78% of the studies showed sex differences to be small or negligible, even in areas classically held to robustly distinguish between males and females. This lack of difference has been mirrored with data from children. Hyde points out that the National Assessment of Educational Progress in America found less than a four point difference in science ability between 9-10 year old boys and girls on a 300 point scale. Others have found similarly negligible sex gaps when using large national data sets, with small differences in maths achievement emerging only at the very end of school[ix]. Although nations do vary quite substantially in the degree to which sex gaps in maths performance can be seen, on average the gap remains small, and indeed differences tend to be larger for attitudes towards maths than for performance”“In conclusion, differences between cognitive abilities in men and women, girls and boys, are smaller than once thought, and probably occur largely due to either strategy differences, and/or societal expectations.”

          • bdylan-av says:

            again your study doesn’t contradict the study i posted as much as you wish it did. but please continue to ignore history, culture and science. you do you boo

          • vanheat-av says:

            you’re illiterate. your argument is that cognitive differences prove trans people most closely the gender identify as, and I provided proof that cognitive differences between men and women are not that profound and are likely environmental. So your argument make no sense. boo

          • bdylan-av says:

            “ I provided proof that cognitive differences between men and women are not that profound and are likely environmental”

            not profound but they still exist.
            again you’re ignoring what the study you posted is saying in order to dismiss scientic proof for the exitance of trans people. again im aware you’ll dismiss any science that doesnt support your ideology.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            You’re an extraordinarily unintelligent person.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Impossible, eh?

          • vorpal-socks-av says:

            It’s funny that you think I owe you any answers and that you think calling me a pussy and demanding that I “do it” will get me to cooperate. You are adorable.

            I have to be honest with you here:  I don’t give a shit about you.  I’m not trying to convince you of anything.  I used you as a prop to make a point about how arbitrary, invasive, and, yes, bigoted it would be to enforce trans exclusion from “safe spaces.”  In the process, you also exposed yourself for the ranting, frothing, vicious little bigot that you are.  So… bonus, I guess.

          • vanheat-av says:

            oh no I swore. you called me a snowflake. who cares?I answered your questions, I assumed you would answer mine, but this…who is ranting and frothing? I’m a vicious bigot for not wanting men in women’s spaces? so be it.

          • vorpal-socks-av says:

            Huh. If I knew it was going to be that easy to get you to admit to being a vicious little bigot then… oh who am I kidding? I would have done the whole “sir (or madam)“ thing anyway. That was kinda fun. Shoo now, vicious little bigot.  You are no longer needed.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Dude, you think men are women and vice versa and cannot cough up a reason why, and think I’m a bigot for not wanting women in men’s spaces if I’m ever abused again. Meaning you’re putting trans ideology over the wishes of actual victims. You’re just like a billion other ideologues who cannot justify their beliefs. So, well done, I guess.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            You write like an autistic 13 year old. 

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Cool. You don’t matter and no one anywhere cares what you think. 

          • bdylan-av says:

            are you done validating your transphobia cus you were raped?

          • bdylan-av says:

            seems like you have a number of issue that may be better worked out not in a comment section of the avclub. just a suggestion.

          • nilus-av says:

            Yep because anyone fleeing their abuser in the middle of the night just have their entire medical records just handy and ready for the shelter.  You do know how shelters work right? 

          • vanheat-av says:

            As far as I’m concerned, tough shit. And you people are the ones insisting that some kind of screening process is needed, as if we cannot tell who is trans. I don’t give a shit if we use genital inspections. Again, tough shit. I don’t want a fucking female in a male’s space if I’ve fled domestic violence.

          • nilus-av says:

            I’m sorry for the abuse you suffered and I hope you get some help to work through it. What you suffered was horrible but you seem to be focusing your hurt into toxic levels of misogyny and transphobia.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Dude, it’ not misogyny and transphobia. If a woman was raped and doesn’t want a biological male in the shelter, is she a transphobe? Why does trans ideology trump the feelings of actual biological women? No one will answer this. 

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            You’re assuming I’m some militant LGBTQ+ rights activist because I’m challenging your logic, but your ideology simply doesn’t make any sense. This is what the dipshit class refuses to grok, mainly because they don’t recognize (or don’t care to) that this is just another version of the same dumb, cynical, politically motivated moral panic we’ve seen many, MANY times.The bogeyman wasn’t real when it was ::takes breath:: D&D, Doom, Mortal Kombat, ZOMGSATAN!!!!, gays in the military, gays marrying, etc.Some of us are just tired of being lashed to the anchor that is brain-rotted, reactive, lizard-brained stupids.

          • rockhard69-av says:

            Defund the rape trauma clinics! Now dats woke!

          • waterhornet84-av says:

            National Review!? Get outta here. No, really, leave.

          • vanheat-av says:

            In what way was the story inaccurate? 

          • rockhard69-av says:

            If you would get off your ass and establish a tranny shelter, they might have somewhere to go!

          • rockhard69-av says:

            “Trans men present as men.”No they dont

          • bdylan-av says:

            “a female” are you Quark cus you sound like a Ferengi

          • nilus-av says:

            The fact that you said “female” instead of women is a huge red flag here.

          • rockhard69-av says:

            This whole thing is stupid and makes everything more complicated than if you just left normal people the fuck alone, shitstain

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            I love that you truly think you made a valid point.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Nah, see, literally every trans person is automatically a bad actor looking to infiltrate cis women’s’ spaces to do…something, I guess? It’s unclear, seeing as how the sex offender registry doesn’t have very many trans folks on it. Whole lot of cis het white dudes, tho!, again, the dipshit argument is essentially “I have decided that I, a layman, know better than entire swaths of people who actually study this shit and have devoted their lives to same.” That’s it. Usually based on the “common sense” argument that “I learned this in grade school.”It’s indicative of the bone-deep stupidity of this country. “I don’t want to believe this, so I don’t. Fuck nuance.” Double points if it makes your imagined “enemy” mad.Me? If my car is fucked, and I’m not a mechanic, and 9 out of 10 mechanics say that my engine block is cracked, I’ll probably go with the consensus there. But, on matters of sex/gender, again: I am not supposed to listen to anyone professing to be an expert in the field (credentials/CV be damned) as regards the transgender phenomenon. I *am* supposed to listen to people who *maybe* passed a few bio prereqs on their way to getting a marketing degree or working in a muffler shop.

          • rockhard69-av says:

            But what if they swear to not fuck anyone with their surgically attached cocks?

          • bdylan-av says:

            then those women should try being less sexist and judgemental. 

          • rockhard69-av says:

            Because they’re not women, dumbfuck. They can go to the tranny-only shelter

          • disparatedan-av says:

            Because sometimes when women have been assaulted they want to speak to other women in a male-free setting. They should be afforded that very basic level of respect and dignity.

          • killa-k-av says:

            Trans women aren’t males. Even if you argue that they’re not women either until you’re blue in the face, I don’t understand how being around trans women is disrespectful to assault victims.

          • disparatedan-av says:

            What sex do you think trans women are so? Regardless, if you can’t see why a woman who has been raped might want to be in, for example, a support group made up only of people without penises then I don’t know what to tell you.

          • killa-k-av says:

            Do you think post op trans women have penises? That would explain everything.

          • disparatedan-av says:

            No of course not. But given the vast majority of trans women are not post op I don’t see how it’s especially relevant. Unless you wouldn’t have a problem with a shelter that excludes the majority of trans women? In which case I’m pretty sure the poster I initially responded too would consider you a raging bigot. 

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Do you think post op trans women have penises? That would explain everything. Another card in their deck, and one that makes direct engagement a waste of time: they simply refuse to acknowledge the validity of the phenomenon, and insist that you work within that framework if you wish to “debate” them. It’s kinda like a Machiavellian tactic on the part of someone who doesn’t know how to spell “Machiavellian.”

          • disparatedan-av says:

            What the fuck are you talking about? How does any of that apply to what I said? Or did you just really want to use the word Machiavellian?

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            What the fuck are you talking about? How does any of that apply to what I said? ::reads replies to this point::Previously, you appeared to be setting up the (false) dichotomy that if you’ve ever had a penis, you cannot be considered a woman. This is an old trick that anti Trans folks truck out literally every time, in an effort to frame the debate before it can be had (it helps them think they’re “winning”). After I had posted the response you replied to, you posted this: No of course not. But given the vast majority of trans women are not post op I don’t see how it’s especially relevant. So, yeah, I can work with that.My problem with the shelter issue is threefold:1. There are many people who need these services, ideally (for them) on a temporary basis.2. The vast majority of sexual offenders are cis het men, with the highest concentration of offenders being white (black men in second).3. The assumption that Trans folks might be infiltrators or bad actors is…yeah, kinda not great? It’s akin to that whole “A black dude is walking down the sidewalk! Better cross the street!” thing.

          • disparatedan-av says:

            Ok, sorry if I’m being thick here but I still can’t how those points add up to you objecting to a female only shelter? I could understand it if it was the only shelter in the area, but given that there already are mixed sex shelters why do you find it so objectionable?

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Ok, sorry if I’m being thick here but I still can’t how those points add up to you objecting to a female only shelter? I object to the idea specifically if it is a denial of services for which there is no ready substitute.In a city like Boston? Robust resources. 20 shelters in this link alone (below). When resources are comparatively abundant, I see less reason to force a fight on the issue: just get the help. other, less-funded areas? Yeah, not a fan of splitting hairs there.My main issue is the fear, though. It really comes across as my “cross the street because a black dude is walking toward you” example. What about Trans folks causes people to think that they’re just trolling for victims? What causes people to think that Trans folks are somehow more susceptible toward victimizing people?The answer is fear. Just a bone-deep, lizard-brained revulsion of the type ordinarily reserved for, like, cannibals.Me? I’m not going to tell an abused woman what they should or shouldn’t fear. I *am* going to confront people who (often cynically) take up for them with the fact that it isn’t Trans people who are doing the victimizing. Far from it.

          • disparatedan-av says:

            Ok, so in this specific case where Rowling has contributed to this service you don’t have an issue with it. Good. As for the issue with fear of trans people, that’s just not the issue. It’s males generally. And males very definitely are more likely to victimise people. 

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            As for the issue with fear of trans people, that’s just not the issue.I…what?Dude, I don’t know where you’ve been, but you can find examples of what I’m talking about in this thread. Find any other thread on the topic, and you’ll see the same horseshit bandied about. And this is ONE relatively niche site.Fear of Trans people, for many anti-Trans folks, very much is the issue. Hence the continued conflation of Trans folks and groomers or victimizers.Like…you can say that you don’t hew to it, that’s fine. You can’t really say that it’s “not the issue” when it very much is a whole-ass part of the overall problem. It’s males generally. And males very definitely are more likely to victimise people. Cool. Now let’s tease that out. The basic idea is that if there’s a pre-op Trans woman seeking shelter, then they’re automatically suspect, as they *could* be an abusive man just looking to exploit an opportunity. Despite the statistics showing that, no, Trans people are not statistically more likely to victimize, and no, the vast majority of victimizers are not going to infiltrate a women’s shelter (which have cops and governmental support services on speed dial) in an attempt to find victims, as that’s the least “effective” way to do that.Provide services on a separate basis, fine. But when the argument is presented as it tends to be (i.e., “NO Trans women because they’ll rape or hurt cis women”), I’ma call it out as the illogical horseshit that it is. 

          • disparatedan-av says:

            Surely the same arguments could be used for allowing cis men access though? Given that the vast majority of cis men are not abusers. Would you have a problem with cis men being excluded? 

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Surely the same arguments could be used for allowing cis men access though? No, they could not, because cis men are not in the middle of transitioning, nor will they ever be. And cis men already have resources, in various areas.You cannot take a conversation about Trans women and say “Well what about this group that ISN’T Trans women?” and have it make logical sense. It doesn’t. We are not talking about cis men. Would you have a problem with cis men being excluded? No. Because, again, they are not in any way approaching or interested in transitioning to the identity of a woman. This is the frustration: you’re stuck on this idea that Trans women should be considered in the same category as cis men. They are not cis men, by definition.As they are not cis men, by definition, a different arrangement is being figured out. And, frankly, a good portion of the opposition flatly does not *care* about level of transition. Someone incredibly female-presenting like Laverne Cox (who is LONG past transition) would be turned away by these people, because they utterly will not budge on their belief that transition is impossible and the Trans phenomenon is a large-scale hoax. That’s the whole “debate framing” thing I was talking about earlier. For much of the opposition, they want you to START at the idea that gender transition is impossible, and…no.That’s why this whole “we MUST protect our women!” gambit is…well…kinda shit. They don’t give a fuck about protecting women. They give a fuck about maintaining what they feel is a sacrosanct “social order” without examining exactly why they feel that way (because thinking is hard, and most Americans would rather die than sit in silence with their thoughts for five minutes). And that’s the ones who actually believe in any aspect of this conflict at all.

          • bdylan-av says:

            yes all penises are to blame for any and every rape that ever happened and ever will happen, clearly

          • disparatedan-av says:

            Real dumb and irrelevant comment there Dylan

          • bdylan-av says:

            Thats what you said boo, so yeah i agree your comment was really fucking dumb and irrelevant 

          • vanheat-av says:

            “Trans women aren’t males”Of course they are.And it’s not up to you to understand why it’s disrespectful. Women have fought hard for those spaces, and if they don’t want trans women–men–present, then that’s that. Why do you want them in women’s spaces if women don’t want them? 

          • killa-k-av says:

            No, they’re not. That’s the entire point of gender reassignment surgery.And I’m trying to understand why women don’t want trans women in their spaces since as a man I have no problem with trans men in my space. It’s clearly not all women that don’t want to share their space with trans women; just trans-exclusionary radical feminists. But you already explained why in your other reply to me: there’s no logic, or even a real coherent reason why.It’s just emotional.

          • vanheat-av says:

            “No, they’re not. That’s the entire point of gender reassignment surgery.”Ridiculous. One cannot change their sex. GENDER reassignment surgery does not change one’s sex.So it’s emotional. You just called every woman who wants women only spaces TERFs. Rather emotional.I fucking defy you to tell a woman who has been sexually assaulted and doesn’t want males in their spaces that they are TERFs and aren’t acting logically. To prove a point. You want to force males into their spaces, and YOU haven’t explained why. Explain it. Not to me. To them. Seems rather sexist and ghoulish to me, what do I know.

          • killa-k-av says:

            “GENDER reassignment surgery does not change one’s sex.”You got me there bro. Sex is biological; gender is a social construct. So I’m not sure why it’s called that.“You just called every woman who wants women only spaces TERFs.”Did I miss something? They are literally excluding trans people. That’s what the TE stands for.“You want to force males into their spaces”Nope.

          • vanheat-av says:

            So can a man actually become a woman or not? In what sense are they women? You want logic, there isn’t any. It’s purely emotional. If self-identification isn’t about emotion, what’s it about?And, again: Why do you want them in women’s spaces if women don’t want them there? And do I have to use the hashtag notall?

          • killa-k-av says:

            “In what sense are they women?”In the sense that their entire identity is feminine, the same way you and I identify as men no matter what we wear, do, or feel. And if they are post op, they are women in the sense that they literally have female body parts and hormones. Even Dave Chappelle recognizes that.“If self-identification isn’t about emotion, what’s it about?”That’s the realest thing you’ve said so far.“And, again: Why do you want them in women’s spaces if women don’t want them there?”And again, from the beginning what I wanted is to understand why (some) women don’t want them there. And you’ve explained that there isn’t any reason. It’s just emotional.I can put myself in an imaginary trans woman’s place and imagine what it would be like to escape an abusive partner and seek shelter in a women’s only, only to be turned away because one of those women already there felt ick about my presence.But I also already said that I’m not going to do anything about it, so AFAIC, I got what I wanted.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Again: So it’s just emotional. You dismiss the emotional response for having a biological male in women’s spaces, but embrace the emotional identification of trans people. Noted.

          • killa-k-av says:

            How am I dismissing it when this entire conversation I have been trying to understand it. The trans woman in the hypothetical scenario is easy to understand: she’s trying to escape an abusive partner, she has female body parts, so she goes to a women-only shelter. I am having a much harder time imagining what the woman who feels ick sharing a space with a trans woman. I don’t understand how the trans woman’s presence bothers her, especially when there are plenty of cis women that are not bothered by sharing their space with trans women. But like you said, it’s emotional, and emotions aren’t always rational. Clearly, I’m expecting something to make sense that never will.Let’s say “it’s emotional” three more times and clap our hands.

          • vanheat-av says:

            “I am having a much harder time imagining what the woman who feels ick sharing a space with a trans woman.”Because the trans woman is a man. He can “identify” all he wants as a woman, doesn’t make it so. How you fail to understand why a woman wouldn’t want a man in her shelter is on you. Considering men commit most violence, that’s not exactly emotional.

          • killa-k-av says:

            So 1) a trans woman with no male genitalia is a man? Hard disagree. Hard, hard disagree. Even if in your core of core beliefs, trans women are not “biological” or “real” women, post op trans women are not men. Stop. 2) Most trans women are the victims of violence, not perpetrators. So, a woman who doesn’t want a trans woman in “her” shelter (to be clear, I’m putting her in quotation marks because I doubt the woman in question actually has any ownership over the shelter) is not being rational or logical. Her fear has no basis in facts or statistics. It is very emotional. I thought we already agreed on that???“How you fail to understand why a woman wouldn’t want a man in her shelter is on you.”I feel like I admitted as much by throwing up my hands and saying, “Ok, so it’s emotional.”

          • vanheat-av says:

            “a trans woman with no male genitalia is a man?”When did I assert that? “post op trans women are not men”Biologically, yes, they are. You can keep asserting to they aren’t, doesn’t make it so. One cannot change one’ sex. You say they can. Prove it.Again, trans women are men. Men are the most likely perpetrators of violence. Perfectly logical to keep them out of women’s spaces.Why can’t trans women go to a men’s shelter? They are men. Edit: Actually, yes, a trans woman with no male genitalia is still a man.

          • killa-k-av says:

            “When did I assert that?”Two seconds later.“Biologically, yes, they are.”And no, they’re not. That’s the entire point of the hormones they take and surgery they undergo – to change their biology. They may not be able to change what they were born as, because time travel doesn’t exist, but saying that I am biologically “the same” as a post op trans woman is lunacy. We literally have different genitals. Of course some of our biology is the same because we’re both human, but your ideology is extreme and I do not wish to subscribe to it.“One cannot change one’ sex. You say they can. Prove it.”,urethra%20is%20preserved%20and%20functional.“Why can’t trans women go to a men’s shelter?”Because you said men’s shelters don’t exist.“a trans woman with no male genitalia is still a man.”You’re literally just asserting that over and over. It doesn’t make it true.It’s emotional! *clap clap clap*

          • vanheat-av says:

            I edited my reply to correct the fact that yes, it logically follows that a trans woman without a penis is a still a man. Oops. Unless you believe a man who loses his testicles is no longer biologically a man.Sigh: You keep talking about GENDER reassignment surgery, as if that changes one’s biological sex. This needs no refutation. They are male on a fucking cellular level. Their remains will be correctly identified as male a thousand years from now. They are biologically male. Why can’t you just accept that they are changing their gender identity? Why say they are changing their biological reality? Yes, we need men’s shelters. Then trans women can go there.

          • killa-k-av says:

            Unless you believe a man who loses his testicles is no longer biologically a man.He’s not. He can still identify as a man, and his gender can still be male, but there’s a reason it’s called “losing your manhood.” Ask the average person on the street. They’ll tell you the same thing.Sigh: You keep talking about GENDER reassignment surgery, as if that changes one’s biological sex.
            Nope. From the link: At the University of Michigan Health System, we are dedicated to offering the safest proven surgical options for sex reassignment (SRS.) “Why can’t you just accept that they are changing their gender identity? Why say they are changing their biological reality?”
            Because some trans people have undergone surgeries and hormone treatments. They literally have changed their biology which is completely possible, because biology is not static, it’s the science of chemical changes within a living organism. Even DNA isn’t static: the reason I’m pushing on it is because I’m trying to understand what the fuck biology has to do with a woman’s shelter. Yes, men are statistically likely to perpetuate violence against women. That’s factually true. Do you think that’s encoded into our DNA? Do you think there’s a “slap women” hormone running through men’s bodies?In fact, this takes us all the way back to what I initially asked, which is: what is going to happen if you let a trans woman into a woman’s shelter?Do you think a person who felt like they were living in the wrong body, was bullied and teased their entire childhood for not behaving like the gender they were assigned, underwent SRS and hormone treatment, and take estrogens every day did all of that… to sneak into women-only shelters and slap around cis women?Because I thought it was about the other women’s feelings, but the only reason I can think of that you would keep harping on the biology aspect is if you believe in your heart of hearts that men are biologically pre-disposed to hurt women. And that would just be fucking weird.“Yes, we need men’s shelters. Then trans women can go there.”Or they can go to a woman’s shelter where everyone there is okay with trans women. Right?

          • vanheat-av says:

            “He’s not.”I defy you to tell a man who has lost his testicles that he is no longer a biological male. “Because some trans people have undergone surgeries and hormone treatments. They literally have changed their biology which is completely possible”They have changed secondary biological characteristics, not their cellular reality.“But recent research shows that the “destiny” that your DNA lays out for you may not necessarily be set in stone. Simple changes in lifestyle choices may have the ability to shut off or silence genes in your DNA that lead to adverse health later in life.”You’re talking about altering one’s DNA via behavior in regards to health. What does that have to do with biological sex? Do you think you can change your biological sex by undergoing surgery and changing diet? I suppose you do. Again: Their skeletons will be identified as their biological sex after death. You cannot change biology, only secondary sex characteristics. Men in women’s shelter have assaulted women there. do you want to take the risk? For ideology? For what?

          • killa-k-av says:

            “I defy you to tell a man who has lost his testicles that he is no longer a biological male.”I wouldn’t do that. I imagine he would already be depressed and experiencing a lot of anxiety and sense of loss of identity. I wouldn’t want to add to that, and if he was my friend, I would support him any way he needs.Me and him aren’t the same though.“Why do you want to take the risk?”Again, I thought the reason to not let trans women in is because it would make a hypothetical cis woman uncomfortable. If all of the women there are okay with being around a trans woman, then I don’t see a problem. I’ll go even further and say that if they’re okay with a gay man working or even seeking shelter there, that’s completely up to them. Not me.

          • vanheat-av says:

            “Me and him aren’t the same though.”Yes, you are, on a cellular level. Fine, if all the women don’t care, fine. What if one does? Fuck her, right?Look, I know women who don’t want men in women’s spaces. I’m not going to lecture them and claim men are women, etc. They are biological women. They decide. 

          • killa-k-av says:

            Like I said, I’m not trying to force anyone into anywhere, so if one woman cares, it might not make sense to me but they’re the one who was being abused so the shelter has to listen to her.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Good. Fair. 

          • bdylan-av says:

            so let me get this straight, there are no male or female brains but men and women have “cellular reality” that are unchangeable? ok then

          • bdylan-av says:

            no, im capable of speaking.
            So you think because chromosomes exist that men are men on the cellular level and women are women on a cellular level and there’s nothing inbetween ? am i understanding you correctly?
            either way that link fails to acknowledge xxy and xyy individuals exist fyi

          • vanheat-av says:

            “xxy and xyy individuals exist fyi”yes, there are MUTATIONS in-between.And the reason I brought up sex is because you brought up intersex and said that “has to do with sex, sweetie”, which, again, has nothing to do with gender.If you can’t follow you’re own conversation, how can I?

          • bdylan-av says:

            cool so that means biologically speaking, even if one chooses to classify as mutations, they exist and your study ignores that reality.
            so if your ideology was #actually biology, you would agree that trans people exist since intersex people are part of the trans umbrella.
            but im fully aware you dont understand any these things and cant keep track of much. hell you dont even understand the studies you’re posting

          • vanheat-av says:

            Just because they “identify” as part of the trans umbrella, doesn’t make them trans.And if you can’t parse a simple study the directly referred to your Baker study re: cognition and addresses its limitations, that’s on you, sonny jim.

          • bdylan-av says:

            trans is an umbrella term for many different types of people.intersex, non binary and transgender people are all types of trans. its really not complicated.
            “And if you can’t parse a simple study the
            directly referred to your Baker study re: cognition and addresses its
            limitations, that’s on you, sonny jim.”

            no, that’s on you for ignoring what your study says and coming to conclusions it doesn’t say.

          • vanheat-av says:

            From the study debunking Baker that you didn’t read/comprehend: “The researchers also neglect well-established evidence that the brain and the neuroendocrine system are not stable foundations from which behavior and cognition emerge but develop and change in a constant dialectic with social and material inputs, including an individual’s own behavior, learning, and mood states. This presents a bit of a chicken-or-egg-problem about what these research findings are actually telling us. However, can we be sure that GD is the result of this difference in structure and function or is it the cause? Taking into account neuroplasticity as well as the fact that all trans children participants were already receiving care for GD, an alternative conclusion to draw would be that trans children receiving help and support go on to develop brain structures and activity patterns associated with their true gender.”oops

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Watching you own these guys over and over again is really satisfying. You can tell they’re having absolute meltdowns trying to come to terms with the nonsense they believe. 

          • vanheat-av says:

            Thanks. They’re ideologues. They’re like robots. 

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            “so let me get this straight, there are no male or female brains but men and women have “cellular reality” that are unchangeable?”Yes – objectively. This is embarrassing. You seem unbelievably uneducated.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            “They literally have changed their biology which is completely possible”Hahahahahaha

          • killa-k-av says:

            Also,“Again, trans women are men. Men are the most likely perpetrators of violence.”This is a logical fallacy. It’s like saying dogs make great pets. Dogs are canines. Wolves are canines. Therefore wolves make great pets.

          • vanheat-av says:

            lol ok.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            No it’s not. 

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Watching you do mental cartwheels to defend something you clearly know has no actual logic to it is very satisfying. You’re getting owned about as hard as I’ve ever seen someone online get owned. 

          • killa-k-av says:

            At least vanheat actually tries to make an argument, even if they ignore every question that pokes holes in their logic. You’re just going around saying, “No it’s not” “Yes it is” “You’re dumb.” But that’s what I expect for your side, honestly. You know you can’t really defend your ideology so you resort to name-calling and refusing to back up your assertions.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            “At least vanheat actually tries to make an argument” Which you ignore and pivot to some buzzword laden slogan. Arguing with you people is pointless. You’re not reasonable. 

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Because they’re men.See?  That wasn’t hard.

        • bio-wd-av says:

          Here is the direct quote taken from a Times UK op ed she wrote. “it is dangerous to assert that any category of people deserves a blanket presumption of innocence”

          • disparatedan-av says:

            Yes, so what she’s very clearly saying there if you read it in context (though it’s still obvious just from that quote) is that you shouldn’t assume someone is innocent solely because they belong to a specific group. For example “he wouldn’t hurt someone, he’s a priest/ cop/ whatever “. 

        • rockhard69-av says:

          Gotta let me into the women’s shelter! Dont mind my RockHard penis. I wont fuck anyone, I swear!

        • bdylan-av says:

          why dont you explain why you think house-less trans women dont deserve help. two can play this game buddy;)

          • disparatedan-av says:

            The context here that you’re obviously unaware of is that there already were mixed sex shelters that trans women could access. There weren’t female only shelters, which is why this one was established. But good job wading confidently into a discussion you know nothing about.

          • bdylan-av says:

            sweetie, im not unaware of that context, i literally dont care about that. If one of these woman said they didn’t want to see any black people cus they were raped by a black person id tell her to to shut her racist mouth. so likewise, ill tell these transphobic bitch to shut their transphobic mouths. the trans women who need help arent the men who abused them and to equate the two is a big fuck you to whoever is doing the equating.

          • vanheat-av says:

            so if a women is raped and doesn’t want a male in the shelter, you will put your trans ideology over her feelings…why, again? she’s a bigot?

          • disparatedan-av says:

            Because male feelings are to be prioritized over female safety. 

          • vanheat-av says:

            And the activists/ideologues are vicious, too. They don’t care about victims and will brutally attack them. In my case, I was assaulted by a woman. Asshole on here used my experience to score points for trans ideology and literally told me he didn’t care if I was raped, females belong in male shelters, too. He also could not explain to me why trans women are actual women. It’s pure ideological possession at this point.

          • disparatedan-av says:

            I just replied to someone who happily said he would tell rape victims to shut up. Thats the #bekind brigade for you.

          • bdylan-av says:

            i never said i was part of #bekind. and yeah id tell rape victims to shut up if they tried to used the fact that they were raped to validate being transphobic or racist or homophobic.
            why do you think being raped should give one a free pass to be racist or transphobic or homophobic?

          • bdylan-av says:

            you think your views arent base on an ideology?
            HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA wow youre really fucking stupid

          • vanheat-av says:

            oh mos definitely they are: the ideology of biology. hahahha etc.

          • bdylan-av says:

            if your ideology is biology than you would understand that trans people exist. have you tried reading anything about human biology?

          • vanheat-av says:

            Trans has to do with GENDER, nor sex, professor.  

          • bdylan-av says:

            “Trans has to do with GENDER, nor sex, professor” not sure what this in response to but Intersex people are part of the trans umbrella, sweetie, and that has to do with sex

          • vanheat-av says:

            Intersex is a mutation, not a third sex. Oops.

          • bdylan-av says:

            not sure when i said it was a 3rd sex but ok
            what i said was “Intersex people are part of the trans umbrella, sweetie, and that has to do with sex” to your comment “Trans has to do with GENDER, nor sex, professor.”

            yes transitioning is mostly about gender not sex, but when one is born with both male and female body parts it may very well have to do with sex.

            again im not sure what your statement “trans has to do with GENDER, nor sex, professor.”has to do with anything i said.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            “Intersex people are part of the trans umbrella”Intersex people are a mutation. You’ve been told this several times. 

          • bdylan-av says:

            i never called anyone a bigot, i called her transphobic.
            why are one woman’s feelings more important than giving a woman in need support?

          • vanheat-av says:

            “i never called anyone a bigot, i called her transphobic.”lol ok then.“why are one woman’s feelings more important than giving a woman in need support?”Because WOMEN have fought hard for those spaces, and the “woman” you’re talking about is a man. 

          • disparatedan-av says:

            “im not unaware of that context”Well then your reply to me didnt make any sense. Nowhere have i suggested trans women shouldn’t also receive support. Apologies, I thought you were ignorant but turns out you’re just stupid. The rest of your post is the usual one-hand-typing gross misogyny. Racist too. You really packed a lot in there!

          • bdylan-av says:

            “Nowhere have i suggested trans women shouldn’t also receive support.”

            you cant even keep track of what you said and what i was responding to sweetie.scroll up and maybe you’ll figure it out.
            not sure what i said that you think was racist but im glad i upset you.

          • disparatedan-av says:

            Ok genius, go ahead and point out where I said trans women shouldn’t receive support?

          • bdylan-av says:

            i guess you are incapable of scrolling up.

            i didnt say you said that, i was asking it rhetorically in response to your “question” ‘Why don’t you go ahead and explain to everyone why you think female only shelters are a bad thing’
            no one here said female only selters are a bad thing.
            thats why i ended my question with “two can play this game”

            try keeping up

          • disparatedan-av says:

            “no one here said female only selters are a bad thing.”Oh really? Here’s what I was responding to:“sets up womens shelters that exclude trans people” I.e. female onlyMade a fool of yourself there haven’t you? You dunce. 

          • bdylan-av says:

            oh no sweetie. we aren’t against female only shelter, we want trans women to be included in those all female shelters.
            i understood thats how you were misconstruing what people were saying to seem hateful towards women. again thats why i asked you my rhetorical question. do you understand now or are you still confused?

          • disparatedan-av says:

            Oh I see, you’re one of those science deniers. Sorry yes I was confused, I had assumed a very basic level of literacy and intelligence on your part. My mistake. Why don’t you ask someone to explain the birds and the bees to you, then you might get a better grasp of what the words female and male mean.

          • bdylan-av says:

            No, not at all denying science, not sure what made you think that.
            You’re the one ignoring science (also history, culture and psychology) if you think trans people dont exist. enjoy

          • disparatedan-av says:

            I never said trans people don’t exist. Can you read? Tell you what, why don’t you go back to whatever woman hating corner of the internet you crawled out of. If you have enough tissues left you can tell the other incels about how much you love the idea of screaming at rape victims for disagreeing with you. Good night!

          • bdylan-av says:

            you’ve just been denying the existence of trans people for how many comment but ok sure why not?
            look i understand you’re projecting your sexual fantasies onto me, id be flattered if i wasn’t so disgusted by you.

          • bdylan-av says:

            “screaming at rape victims for disagreeing with you.”they, like you, can disagree all they want. not sure when i said they couldn’t disagree with me.
            no, i said id call them transphobic for equating transwomen with rapists and denying them support if they are in need. why are you against me stating what they are doing based on their actions and beliefs?
            why do think all trans people should be murdered in the street? (again two can play this game. if you want to purposefully misconstrue what people who support trans people say and think, i’ll give you the same respect)

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        She set up women’s shelters for women?  What a disgusting bitch!

    • darrylarchideld-av says:

      A lot of it’s circumstantial stuff, JKR liking or agreeing with people whose wider philosophies are terrible.But to summarize: the main reason for so much bad blood between trans people/allies and JK Rowling is the essay she released outlining her position, which perpetuates a couple harmful arguments: 1) that trans women are actually men falsely claiming to be women to gain access to women’s spaces like bathrooms or locker rooms to assault or abuse cis women. 2) that ‘trans ideology’ is dishonest and predatory, targeting vulnerable youth (especially cis girls) on purpose and indoctrinating them to “become trans” when they actually aren’t.The essay implies that a lot of this comes from specific traumatic experiences JKR has had, e.g. sexual assault (by a cis man, not a trans woman) and a toxic dynamic with her father who “wanted a son and not a daughter.” But taking those things out on trans people is shitty: trans youth already feel dysphoria on their own and are terrified of those feelings, so the “contagion” argument delegitimizes their pain. And trans women don’t want to be in men’s spaces because *they* do not want to be assaulted or harassed by cis men.The other semantic arguments about sex and gender are tedious and frustrating, but the main reason her position is considered harmful is these specifically actionable biases: impeding gender-affirming care by equating the support of trans youth with “grooming,” and barring trans women from safe spaces by vilifying their intentions as criminal.

      • batteredsuitcase-av says:

        JK Rowling is an awful TERF, but the main reason for bad blood is that a lot of people feel guilty that they made Harry Potter huge and they made JK Rowling rich.Elon Musk is worse that JK Rowling, with more money and power, but a lot of good liberals kept their Twitter accounts.

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        She never EVER said all trans women are predators.
        Trans women are men. Not all men are predators, but the majority of predators out there are men. She doesn’t want men in women’s spaces. It is that simple. She has never ever said all trans women are going into bathrooms to try to assault women. Never.I mean people used to have common sense and understanding. We had female only bathrooms because, as I said, not all men are predators but most predators are men. So why take a chance when they can just be separate?And it’s no worse than equating anyone against gender ideology as a hateful bigot.  She did nothing wrong.  Maybe she is so afraid of men sexually assaulting women due to her own experience?  Wasn’t she sexually assaulted?  Her problem seems to be with men lol.  And trans women are men.  When it comes to trans men it seems the “worst” thing she wants is for girls under the age of 18 to not get their boobs cut off because they think they are men.  What a fucking cunt, right?

      • herbaciouscrumb-av says:

        I think you need to re-read her essay without your perspective guiding your interpretation. The risks she highlights are real albeit purptrated by a distinct minority. This stuff is evidenced. Which is besides the point that when you are arguing that the rights of women are trumped by those of the trans community, who seem be hell bent on issuing rape threats and acting like Nazis. The trans community need to get their house in order and shut these people down otherwise you will never get your point across or take the narrative forward.And articles like this with the journalistic maturity of a 6 year old are just more moaning and noise.

    • Shampyon-av says:

      Gee, who would have thought that publicly endorsing transphobia would lead people to think you’re transphobic. I mean, she’s only repeatedly endorsed and promoted people who say trans women’s very existence is a form of rape, but she didn’t say it herself and that’s the only evidence that matters!

      • rockhard69-av says:

        But there’s gotta be a way to separate the legendary transphobes like yours truly from the normal people that shitstain wokesters hate like JK

      • asdfqwerzxcvasdf-av says:

        That sort of bitter sarcasm isn’t nearly as devastating a debate tactic as you and Mary Kate Carr seem to think it is. Repeating your own catchphrases isn’t really strong enough to justify the hate campaign we’re hoping for. 

    • crankymessiah-av says:

      Cant tell if shamelessly disingenuous, or legitimately clueless. Either way, you clearly arent actually trying very hard to find her transgressions and problematic statements, such as the articles she has written or her implications that trans people are sexual predators who will attack women in public restrooms.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “I’m a fucking disingenuous asshole. Can someone please correct me so that I can make fun of them being a snowflake?”Fuck off.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Even if you think of sex as “the bits you’re born with,” there are still more than two.

  • asdfqwerzxcvasdf-av says:

    The AV Club’s treatment of JK Rowling qualifies as a witch hunt by any standard. We’ve gone on and on about how much we hate her and how evil she is, but I don’t recall anyone telling what she actually did. I don’t think it matters. The idea that the target doesn’t deserve a defense **because** they’re so evil is central to any good witch hunt.

    • drkschtz-av says:

      God, shut the fuck up. You trolls claiming “we don’t know what she did” in fucking 2023. Literally get fucked to death.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        reckon there’s worse ways to go out

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        You sound mentally unwell. 

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        and by “sound” I mean clearly are. 

      • liebkartoffel-av says:

        It’s just a tedious semantic game.“What did she do wrong?”“She did and said X, Y, and Z transphobic things.”“Ah, but none of those things are transphobic, according to me! Now, what did she do wrong according to my definition of ‘transphobia’? No, I will not share this extremely narrow and variable definition with you—you have to guess.”Rinse, repeat.

        • chrisabbeymusic-av says:

          I shorten my replies to them generally to, “What would you consider transphobic?”And surprise, surprise, if they answer at all, they go off on some rant about how everything must be transphobic to us, and we have thin skins, etc. Seriously, if we trans were as soft as they are, we’d not be able to wake up in the morning.

        • charliedesertly-av says:

          Well, in fairness, “transphobia” is often a BS accusation.

        • recoegnitions-av says:

          Do you not know what semantics are? 

        • liebkartoffel-av says:

          Hi! I’m a sociology Ph.D. candidate with a specialization in political culture and communication. My dissertation research is, in part, on how much political talk is oriented around exploiting ambiguously defined but commonly adopted concepts—what the political theorist Ernesto Laclau calls “floating” or “empty” signifiers—in order to simultaneously paint one’s own position as reasonable and others’ as extreme. I call this tactic “semantic gerrymandering.”(Yes, I know what semantics “are”—most likely far better than you.)

        • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

          Yep. It’s “debate” for people who got a couple chapters into Ben Shapiro’s debate book. 

      • rockhard69-av says:

        Make sure to get fucked with a surgically attached cock. Stay woke!

      • asdfqwerzxcvasdf-av says:

        Online death threats are ok when:- not meant to be taken seriously- people who can be construed as defending JK Rowling don’t deserve the protection of the law- identity of the target not known
        – other?

        • drkschtz-av says:

          I learned from Tucker Carlson and the far-right that eliminationist threats are A-OK as long as they aren’t “specific and imminent”.
          So I hope to just inspire some stochastic terrorism against JK. Have at it, unspecified people!

    • bio-wd-av says:

      How does it feel to play victim?  I thought that was the liberal stereotype.  All I see are idiots like you repeating the four or five arguments verbatim and complaining that people were mean to billionaire who lives in a castle.  Witch trial has been the recent go to phrase, is holocaust next?  Great Replacement?  Cis genocide?  Is that so, guy whose always right?

    • bdylan-av says:

      yes, reporting on what someone has tweeted is a witch hunt

    • chrisabbeymusic-av says:

      Well, we do keep telling you, and y’all agree with her, so it’s not worth you paying attention to the part where it hurts other human beings.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      “but I don’t recall anyone telling what she actually did”Your mouse broke or something? Never heard of google?  WTF kinda inert potato are you?

      • rockhard69-av says:

        Google said some minimum wage woketards are mad at JK because they are still stuck in their mom’s basements

    • gargsy-av says:

      “but I don’t recall actively refused to listen to anyone telling what she actually did.”There, fixed that for you.

    • getyerhotdogs-av says:

      eat a fat shit

  • furioso2-av says:

    Sounds like a good show. I will make sure to watch it. Just to watch the twitter mob lose it’s collective Orwellian mind.

  • disdogdare-av says:

    The AV Club is just one tantrum after another these days. The absolutely dreadful writers they employ are just here to peddle their ideologies at this point. If something has actually happened to connect it to, then great, if not, they’ll make shit up. 

  • grizzlehizzle-av says:

    Lol. Stay mad. Hogwarts Legacy is fantastic. You people are the reason we lost the House. 

  • vorpal-socks-av says:

    Wow. Even more trash in the comments than usual today.  I thought Monday was trash day.

    • r0n1n76-av says:

      With the comments being overrun lately, I’m starting to think the calls are coming from inside the house. Unless there was some coordinated Q-incel mouthbreather movement. There’s not really an explanation in the increase of morons.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      Guess they saw CPAC and clapped hard.

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        Lady have you even watched the show? I haven’t, but if it’s had like 5 seasons already it must be successful and the BBC must profit somehow from it.So why should they cancel a successful and profitable show in order to cater to an extremely tiny minority? That is just doing bad business.And worst is you’ll be a disingenuous little fuck if I ask for actual transphobic things JK Rowling said.  That is how you weasels work, you say “she’s too clever to be outright hateful” and that way you can just say whatever you want.   Do better.

    • rockhard69-av says:

      JK is a magnet for woketard dumbfuckery. So you must expect the trolls!

    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      Maybe stop acting like babies and throwing tantrums?  It’s funny how AV Club puts out trashy fucking clickbait articles and you’re not whining about yet another whiny trashy article about JK, but about the replies lol.  Get off the fucking internet if you’re that fragile, son.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Sounds like a good show. I will make sure to watch it. Just to watch the twitter mob lose it’s collective Orwellian mind. ~A Person Who Actually Cares About Making Complete Strangers MadY’all would be so much more fulfilled if you stopped being all of 13-y-o, developmentally.Seriously. That’s something that actual teenagers do. That’s how they think.

    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      I’m sure you said the same thing to people saying they were gonna buy Hershey products just to mess with conservatives?But, why do you care what they do? Seriously why the FUCK does a show renewal trigger you guys so much? I doubt any of you have even watched the show. I didnt even know they made a show about her shitty detective novels. Who cares? It has had multiple seasons so clearly it is popular. Yet people seem to genuinely feel the BBC should cancel a successful(and i assume profitable) show in order to cater to the tiny minority of people who think JK Rowling hates trans people.That is crazy logic.  I like how a network renewing a successful show is “bending the knee” lol.  Just insanity.

    • nilus-av says:

      I kinda assume some of these posters are teenagers.  At least I hope they are

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        I’ve run into a bunch who are, but more often it’s one of those “asshole is a personality type” dudes, who carry a 14-y-o’s ethos (usually “lol i maed u mad”) well into adulthood.

  • marchuittdoesntcareaboutyouracisttrash-av says:

    I’m just laughing at the leftist idiocracy on display here. No wonder you people are so despised almost everyone nowadays.

  • lmh325-av says:

    If I remember right, the plot of next season revolves around someone being accused of transphobia and getting killed for it in basically a mirror of what JKR had said at the time.That’s not a joke. That’s literally the plot. I can’t see where that won’t just bring a ton of bad press.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      You didn’t even mention the best part.  The book in question is over 1000 pages.  Its just wall to wall pages of fake tweets insulting the Rowling stand in.  Its genuinely pathetic. 

    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      So don’t watch it?  I dont get the controversy here.  BBC renewed a popular show.  You cant seriously suggest they should cancel it because a minority of people despise JK Rowling, right?  That is some hecklers veto bullshit.

    • nilus-av says:

      But JK claims that her book had nothing to do with her own struggle and she was writing it years before her own “cancelling”. Same with her next book,  Harry Potter and the Special sorting hat that tells you what bathroom you are allowed to use 

  • ghboyette-av says:

    Ugh. For people who are saying all she did was like a tweet, Vox wrote an excellent timeline of her actions/words. It’s worth a read. And if you still boil it down to “she liked a tweet” after reading it then please fuck off and die.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      The people who say she hasn’t done anything transphobic also say Trump never did anything racist.  They are either too stupid to fathom anything or lying.  No in between.

    • chico2242-av says:

      I see a lot of anti JK/pro trans people wishing death on people here. This is top shelf irony.

    • erikveland-av says:

      For people that can’t be bothered copy-pasting the url:Is J.K. Rowling transphobic? Let’s let her speak for herself. An exhausting — if not exhaustive — timeline of J.K. Rowling’s transphobia.By Aja Romano@ajaromano Mar 3, 2023, 10:35am ESTJ.K. Rowling’s supporters frequently claim the author has never actually said or done anything transphobic. It’s a position you can see on social media, in the pages of the New York Times, and even on a new podcast with Rowling herself.It’s also an easily debunked lie. Some of this confusion around Rowling’s opinions can be cleared up with a definition of transphobia, which doesn’t — despite the “phobia” — solely mean fear of trans people, but, per Merriam-Webster, also an “irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against transgender people.” (In fact, Merriam-Webster’s own examples list cites multiple articles related to Rowling.) Rowling can say she likes everyone, but she has displayed that prejudice time and again. She’s also peddled explicit fear of trans people, particularly trans women, insisting they’re an inherently dangerous threat to cisgender women. Although some in the media distort the anger directed at Rowling from trans activists, trans people, and allies, the truth is those feelings — not just anger, but betrayal and grief — are justified. Rowling has made her antagonistic position on trans issues clear through tweets, sound bites, actions, and even a 3,600-word blog post. By 2023, her transphobia has become so rampant and constant that it’s difficult to build a completely comprehensive timeline of it. For those attuned to it, she doesn’t have to spell it out every single time; it’s a huge part of her identity. These dog whistles only lead to more confusion, however, allowing people to point to the absence of immediately obvious bigotry to claim she’s being unfairly maligned. Additionally, she increasingly threatens detractors with legal action, which contributes to critics of her behavior falling silent. Conspicuously, many of her legal threats appear to be directed at individuals identifying as part of the LGBTQ+ community.Since Rowling began airing her views, her community, especially online where many of these conversations are had, is now stacked with similarly minded people who share her transphobic beliefs. For instance, Rowling is friends with numerous anti-trans activists, including Helen Joyce, who’s made alarmingly transphobic statements calling for a “reduction” in the number of trans people. She’s tweeted public support for anti-gay, anti-trans activist Caroline Farrow. These connections are part of a social network echo chamber of trans-exclusionary radical feminists, or TERFs (sometimes called “radfems” or the “gender-critical” movement). In Rowling’s native UK, TERFism has gained a unique stronghold over some particularly vocal, ostensibly liberal feminists like Rowling.The facts we can easily point to suggest that Rowling has been turning toward an anti-trans stance over a long period, beginning mostly with simple engagement on social media and leading to fiery and extremist statements. While labeling something transphobic is a serious accusation, and not something we do lightly, it’s important to recognize Rowling’s bigotry for what it is. The rundown that follows shows her growing embrace of transphobic, even extremist rhetoric.2014: Rowling writes The Silkworm, the second novel in the Cormoran Strike mystery series, which involves a trans woman who is portrayed as conspicuous and unable to pass. The book includes a scene where the main character gleefully threatens this character with prison rape.October 2017: Rowling “likes” a tweet linking to a controversial, since-deleted Medium article referring to a theoretical trans woman in a female space as “a stranger with a penis.” While liking a tweet might seem small, this is notable because the piece made the basic argument Rowling continues to make today, namely that trans women are by default part of a “male-bodied” group who are dangerous to women and who should not have access to women’s bathrooms. In the public sphere, this kicks off questions about whether Rowling is anti-trans, which are followed by the author entrenching further.​​2018: In March, Rowling “likes” (and then unlikes) a tweet referring to trans women as “men in dresses” and implying that trans rights are “misogyny.” A JKR spokesperson later claimsthat this “like” was an accident and that Rowling was having “a middle-aged moment.” In September, Rowling “likes” a tweet linking to an opinion column by known TERF Janice Turner, which argues yet again that trans women are inherently sexual predators, referring to them as “fox[es] in a henhouse … identify[ing] as [hens].” The myth that trans women are a danger to cis women is a grossly transphobic stereotype with almost no real-world justification, but Rowling pins most of her anti-trans arguments on it, using her experience as a survivor of domestic abuse to justify her prejudice. December 2019: In a shift toward openly voicing her anti-trans sentiments, Rowling vocally supports the plaintiff of an employment discrimination suit in the UK. Maya Forstater became a cause célèbre in the TERF community after suing the company that chose not to renew her contract. In 2018, Forstater posted numerous anti-trans tweets, both generalizing about trans people and directly targeting one nonbinary person. The tweets made staff members at her company uncomfortable, and ultimately, in March 2019, the organization declined to renew Forstater’s contract. Rowling’s tweet, in which she distorts trans identity and the facts of the case, marks the first time many people become aware of her growing transphobic tendencies. June 2020: In a tweet, Rowling mocks the trans-inclusive phrase “people who menstruate” in an article about pandemic menstrual health, implying that the phrase, meant to encompass trans men and nonbinary people, erases, overrides, or obscures the word “women.”In a follow-up to the previous tweet and the backlash it spawned, Rowling posts a threadimplying that trans activists are “erasing the concept of [biological] sex” and along with it “the lived reality of women.” She also states, “I’d march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans.” Days later, Rowling produces her most overt and lengthy discussion of her views, a 3,600-word manifesto published on her website responding to “the new trans activism.” The post is replete with myths and false transphobic stereotypes, particularly revolving around the narratives that gender and biology are inextricable and that trans women are dangerous. Rowling states the movement offers “cover to predators”. She also repeatedly amplifies the alarmist, false idea that teens are transitioning as part of a social media trend, a claim based on a handful of inaccurate and shady scientific studies claiming that an outsize number of trans teens will detransition later, studies that have since been widely debunked. August 2020: After the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights organization issues a statement repudiating her transphobia, Rowling doubles down on her position and returns an awardgiven to her by the org in 2019.September 2020: Rowling releases the Cormoran Strike book Troubled Blood and is widelycriticized after she creates a villain who preys on women by wearing women’s clothes. This is exactly the specter of a sexual predator that Rowling believes hides behind the label of “trans woman.” Trans rights banners call out J.K. Rowling during anti-government protests in Bangkok, Thailand. Lauren DeCicca/Getty ImagesDecember 2020: In an interview with Good Housekeeping, Rowling claims that “90 percent” of Harry Potter fans secretly agree with her anti-trans views, but that “many are afraid to speak up because they fear for their jobs and even for their personal safety.” This once again stereotypes trans activists as an angry, entitled, and vicious mob.July 2021: Rowling tweets a screenshot of a tiny account — reportedly with around 200 followers at the time — of a self-identified trans user who mentions her in a tweet discussing gender identity. Since Rowling did not remove the trans user’s information in the screenshot that went out to her 14 million followers, that user is subsequently inundated with transphobic harassment and ultimately deletes their Twitter account. November 2021: Rowling publicizes that a group of three trans people shared a photo of themselves holding protest signs outside of her house, saying that she had called the police out of alarm (a fact Scottish police also verified). Rowling claims that these protesters had “doxxed” her, and the media runs with this report, which plays into the larger evolving media narrative of Rowling as a victim of trans harassment. But as many people have pointed out, Rowling’s address is publicly known — so well-known, in fact, that it is a frequent fan tour stop. Police later officially state there is “no criminality” in what the trans protesters had done. As trans culture vlogger Jessie Earl points out, trans people themselves are at much higher risk of experiencing doxxing, bullying, and harassment than cisgender people. Earl also notes that Rowling has supported and platformed (through Twitter likes, follows, and retweets) multiple TERFs who had themselves doxxed other people, including Marion Millar, who faced criminal charges for homophobically doxxing a police officer (though those charges were dropped pending review); Rosie Duffield, an MP who drew criticism for “publicly outing” a staff member who resigned over her transphobia; and Rosa Freedman, a professor who doxxed a student who emailed her requesting a chat about her views on trans equality. December 2021: Rowling shares a Sunday Times article that mocks the Scottish police for recognizing transgender identity. In her tweet, she parodies 1984, writing, “War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. The Penised Individual Who Raped You Is a Woman.”Later that month, in the middle of a thread ostensibly attempting to support trans equality, Rowling tweets, “The question at the heart of this debate is whether sex or gender identity should form the basis of decisions on safeguarding, provision of services, sporting categories and other areas where women and girls currently have legal rights and protections.” The idea behind what Rowling is saying is that allowing trans women equal access to those spaces will erode current legal rights for cisgender women and girls. This is a position that only makes sense if you are denying that trans women and girls are women and girls. Rowling then adds an insistence on separating “sex” from “gender,” an essentialist idea that contradicts current medical practice and scientific research, which advocates for treating gender identity as linked primarily to the brain, not anatomy. March 2022: In response to a since-deleted tweet (which was itself a reply to a tweet in which Rowling implied trans women were “predators”), Rowling tweets about a sexual assault committed by a trans woman, using this single incident to imply that all trans women should be denied access to public spaces designated for women.The next day, on International Women’s Day, Rowling posts a series of tweets maligning gender-inclusive language and mockingly referencing Voldemort by sarcastically opining that the day in future would be known as “She Who Must Not Be Named Day.” She also explicitly criticizes gender-inclusive legislation.Later that month, British lawyer Alison Bailey partially wins an employment discrimination lawsuit in which she claimed that she was discriminated against because of her gender-essentialist views. While the lawsuit was in progress, Rowling posted a tweet urging her followers to financially support Bailey. August 2022: Rowling’s latest Cormoran Strike book, The Ink Black Heart, once again comes under fire for transphobia because of its depiction of a character broadly viewable as a satirical stand-in for Rowling herself — an anti-trans public figure who is “canceled” by the internet on trumped-up charges of transphobia and then killed.December 2022: Rowling screencaps a thread about the controversial new Hogwarts Legacy video game by the aforementioned popular transgender YouTuber Jessie Earl, a.k.a. Jessie Gender. Earl points out that supporting the franchise would “justify her continued targeting of trans people”; Rowling, in response, sarcastically accuses Earl of practicing “purethink,” implying trans advocacy is a type of religious dogma. An onslaught of transphobic social media harassment targeting Earl follows.This month, Rowling also personally funds a new domestic violence support center in Edinburgh, Scotland, which explicitly excludes trans women; Rowling frames this new center as offering “women-centered and women-delivered care.” Edinburgh’s longstanding domestic violence support center has had a trans woman as its director since 2021. Trans women, in particular women of color, are at a vastly higher risk of experiencing domestic violence and sexual assault than cisgender women.January 2023: Rowling tweets that she is “Deeply amused by those telling me I’ve lost their admiration due to the disrespect I show violent, duplicitous rapists.” The most immediate context for this comment is presumably both the backlash to Hogwarts Legacy and the ongoing backlash over Rowling’s views writ large regarding trans women being dangerous predators. So a reasonable implication of Rowling’s words seems to be that she considers trans women, by default, to be “violent, duplicitous rapists.”

      • ghboyette-av says:

        Thank you for doing this, and I would have done it myself, but I figured if they won’t go through the effort to get to the url then they won’t put forth the effort to read it or comprehend it in the first place.At any rate, you’re good people.

      • disparatedan-av says:

        Scrolled down to the bottom to see how long this stupid post was and noticed the final point is bullshit, so won’t bother reading the rest. The context of her Jan 23 tweet was her “misgendering” a male rapist who declared himself a woman after being convicted, in an effort to be housed in a woman’s prison. So she wasn’t talking about trans people generally. Aja romano is very dishonest and should be ignored. 

      • bellendo-av says:

        Mmm. A lot of that is inaccurate, opinionated and vague. I can’t see anything that definitively shows her as a transphobe.

      • peterrider-av says:

        What a complete waste of time all that was.

      • whatsnextnow-av says:

        Can I ask whether she has an irrational fear of trans people  so intense that it elicits a fight or flight response? If not then she’s not phobic. It’s bad enough these activists claims half the alphabet for themselves, now it’s changing the meaning of words to suit THEIR agenda!

    • rockhard69-av says:

      Vox is another shitstain woketard blog

    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      Recognizing basic biology isnt transphobic.

    • harpo87-av says:

      I’d also recommend Jessie Gender’s extremely long, but also extremely good and comprehensive Youtube video on the subject from a couple months ago.

      • ghboyette-av says:

        I’ll check it out. Thank you!

        • waterhornet84-av says:

          Jessie Gender has a ton of great work on her channel. I’ve been watching her for a long time now. Check out her Star Trek videos too. Even I, a person who has never watched or cared about that show, watched all of Jessie’s videos and learned so much. They didn’t make me a Trekkie, but I now understand why so many people are.

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    Wait, now JK Rowling is a racist too? What other bullshit can we throw against the wall to try to make it stick about her? Is she also a pedophile? No wait, I think that’s supposed to be socially acceptable now, isn’t it? Sigh, I just can’t keep up anymore…

  • disparatedan-av says:

    Hopefully the people who organized the boycott of Hogwarts Legacy can do the same for this, that would really sink it.

  • thugster-av says:

    So you have Rowling derangement, congrats. Someone who speaks the truth and this pathetic excuse for a blogger does not like it

  • charliedesertly-av says:

    “As of this writing, The BBC has not responded to The A.V. Club’s request for comment.” They have adult things to do.

  • jiren710420-av says:

    Lmfaoo fk off she said nothing wrong. Cope harder

  • erikveland-av says:

    Where the fuck did all these scumbags come from? Is 8kun down today or something?

    • rockhard69-av says:

      Your mom was busy today so we thought we’d hang here before she gets back for a good butthole pounding

    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      They pop up in every article about JK Rowling to whine and call her a terf.  It’s kinda sad.

    • nilus-av says:

      My bet is that this article is showing up in the “you might also like” feed on some articles over at Kotaku.  Not saying there are more transphobic posters over there but the level of discord of the posts here feel more like that place. 

  • rockhard69-av says:

    “The BBC has not responded to The A.V. Club’s request for comment.”Of course not! Just who do you wokester bloggers think you are?

  • rockhard69-av says:

    The Ink Black Heart, the latest novel in the detective series which focuses on—wouldn’t you know it!—a creator, whose work was criticized as racist, ableist, and transphobic, receiving online harassment”Hilarious. JK wrote a book ridiculing you woketards and ironically your dumbfuckery just contributed to her getting richer! She monetized you assholes! Just like the AV Club uses her to get clicks.
    Capitalism is a beautiful thing

  • rockhard69-av says:

    Oh no! How dare the BBC take into account the views of most people and ignore basement dwelling wokester shitstains

  • rockhard69-av says:

    Look at the bright side wokesters. Another failed cancellation attempt means another example to cite in your next “cancel culture isnt real” circlejerk

  • bedstuyangel-av says:

    Just get rid of all these labels and let people be people. If we’re all about equality there’s no reason for cis women to be scared of trans women. So what if they win a swim meet or dominate a basketball game? Cis women shouldn’t be afraid of a challenge. Remember Billy Jean King? These TERFs are the same people who scream “equality!” but are afraid to experience it and then demand protection.As for Rowling, she’s free to speak her mind. I disagree with her, but that’s life.

  • ellenok99-av says:

    Trans people once again trying to force everyone to accept everything they demand, sorry but after the vile actions of the trans community in the last month over the Harry potter game I have zero sympathy or care for that part of the LGBTQ community I am part of the LGBQ community. I am referring to the Trans people attacking, harassing, bullying and sending death threats to kids and teens who streamed this game as well as journalists who covered it and yet they still act like the victim after such a disgraceful display nah you are just as bad as the cis people who attack us

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Trans people once again trying to force everyone to accept everything they demand”

      Ah yes, it’s the trans people making demands.

  • ellenok99-av says:

    sorry but after the actions of the trans community in the last month over the Harry potter game I have zero sympathy or care for that part of the LGBTQ community I am part of the LGBQ community.I am referring to the Trans people attacking, harassing, bullying and sending death threats to kids and teens who streamed this game as well as journalists who covered it and yet they still act like the victim after such a disgraceful display nah you are just as bad as the cis people who attack us

  • chestrockwell24-av says:

    How dare the BBC not consider the opinions of whiny assholes at the AV Club before renewing a popular show!

  • Lyr-av says:

    Excellent news!  

  • peterrider-av says:

    What a ridiculous piece – people are entitled to believe whatever they choose.
    Get over it.

  • peas4breakfast-av says:

    My mom was too rough with my peepee and now it hurts. 

  • peas4breakfast-av says:

    My mom says my butt would stop itching if I wiped properly.

  • peas4breakfast-av says:

    My mom and I were talking about this during our bath.

  • peas4breakfast-av says:

    My mom said that dad left us because I wouldn’t stop setting the bed. 

  • timebobby-av says:

    It brings me great job how angry it makes the left that they can’t do anything about JK Rowling. And you know why they can’t do anything? Because most people know she’s 100% right about everything. Cry about it. Men are not women. 🙂

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