Beauty And The Beast and its gay moment will play in Malaysia

Aux Features Film

Beauty And The Beast—and its much talked about “exclusively gay moment”—will reportedly come to Malaysia, despite earlier indication that the country’s homophobic censorship board might block its release. Malaysian theater chains announced on Twitter Tuesday that the film would arrive in full on March 30, per The Hollywood Reporter. After initially making a cut that excluded the very brief queer content from the movie, Disney then decided that it wasn’t going to allow that version to screen. But it seems popularity won out over bigotry, and Malaysian moviegoers will get to see singing furniture and a quick shot of two men dancing. The live-action adaptation of the animated classic, however, has been given a PG-13 rating in the country. Russia deemed it 16+. In the U.S., it’s rated PG.

Over the weekend Beauty And The Beast made $350 million worldwide, so clearly the allusions to LeFou’s sexuality contained within have not hurt its box office performance.

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