Billy Eichner hits the street with Chris Evans, just happens to run into Paul Rudd

Aux Features TV

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of his show Billy On The Street, as well as his long-running show being available on Netflix for the first time, Billy Eichner pulled out the big guns: Captain America Chris Evans, to be exact. Is it just us, or do Billy’s street participants seem less thrilled than they once were? The first person he accosts barely looks up from her phone to say, “Yeah hi, Billy, I’m thrilled for you.” A young girl with a fetching Edward Scissorhands T-shirt seems much more excited about Chris Evans being there (as he tries to plug his upcoming movie, Knives Out) than Billy’s anniversary.

Honestly, the best part is Billy asking people to sign a petition to remove Kevin Spacey from homosexuality in favor of adding Chris Evans. Second place is the pair running into Paul Rudd, and then asking a random women who she’d rather have sex with Rudd or Evans. She immediately responds, “Paul Rudd all the way,” due to his appearance in Clueless and his agelessness (fair!) and Rudd then just casually walks up to her. Check it all out in the clip above, or, like Billy says, view his old episodes on Netflix, if you’d rather see him sing Christmas carols with Amy Poehler, or destroy a car with Lindsay Lohan. (“Don’t judge!” Billy yells.)


  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    That Paul Rudd appearance really did appear to be unplanned. He does seem like the kind of guy who would walk alone down to the nearest CVS for toothpaste while not realizing how famous he is.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Anecdotal proof. I sat a few seats down from him at Burritoville on 23rd in Chelsea (quite a while ago) and he was eating alone. My friend turned to me as we sat down and said “Oh my God I love Josh!” in a hushed mock excitement. However it’s really not uncommon for famous people to just be out and about by themselves. I see Jeffrey Wright weirdly often. 

      • matthuger-av says:

        do you tell him how you fake being gay on the internet?

      • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

        I miss burritoville.  the one with mangoes was dope.  Wait what there is one burritoville left and it’s in Jersey City???  

        • brontosaurian-av says:

          I know! I looked it up once because Burritoville was great, but I rarely go to Jersey City and haven’t been. I do enjoy that Barcade, more than the countless other ones though, it’s pretty calm and usually not too crowded.

          • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

            MANGO DURANGO o lordt I am definitely dropping in on that place. Yeah I try not to let my feet hit the ground in NJ. Even getting gas there is dicey, my credit card number has been stolen by gas station attendants at two different stations. the Barcades often have tap lists that are punching way above the weight desired by the people populating said Barcades. It’s like a 5 year aged 13 percent stout made with marshmallows and hazelnuts from a boutique producer and I’m like…why here. I have some great memories of Burritoville on W 72nd and the one in the West Village from the early aughts…like, I really didn’t start liking spice until that Mango Durango…did they have one called Bob Marley’s Last Burrito as a special maybe or something like that? warm fuzziesV Spot at the vegan food court on St. Marks (incidentally right near a Barcade) doesn’t have the exact same vibe but it’s pretty darn good.

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            I always had one near work which was HK, Chelsea and the East Village at those times. It was my treat day yeah I’m gonna eat the whole damn thing while I eat way too many complimentary chips and salsa. Plus they were way ahead of the curve on veggie options. Rte 66 was my usual.

    • stevie-jay-av says:

      Because he actually is *that* dumb.

    • SailorE-av says:

      One night, 3 or 4 years ago, I got out of my car after finding a spot in Hudson Square and started heading in for the overnight shift. I saw a man and woman walking towards me. “My first thought was “Wow, that’s a truly awful moustache. Like the biker from the Village People.” And then my second thought was “Oh hey, that’s Paul Rudd, and his mom or aunt or someone.” His eyes glanced at me briefly with a look that said “please, please don’t be someone who recognizes me, or one who makes a big deal of it.”
      I shot back my own look that said “Dude, I walked to the closest subway station starting on this very block with John Turturro behind me the whole way talking shit about how crazy Halle Berry is and that he’d never want to work on anything anywhere near her again. I had Amy Poehler roll her eyes at me to signify her frustration with the woman price checking everything at the register at Hudson Pharmacy. And you see right over there? That’s where I shared a moment with Wil Arnett both laughing at the chaos after making eye contact as he tried to corral a gang of 6 or 7 youngsters who all seemed to be trying to go in different directions during which I almost… ALMOST said ‘you’ve made a huge mistake.’ So yeah, Paul Rudd, ‘Paul Rudd and his mom or someone heading to dinner’ barely rates on the experience factor.”Some might say it was a weird look. A sort of ‘Blue Steel while trying to touch my nose with my tongue’ deal. He then looked kinda concerned, or perhaps angry. I thought we might fight. But in the end we both nodded and said “hey” as we passed. If you’re a New Yorker, and curious, it was right in front of the Judo place on Greenwich between Charlton and Vandam. He’s probably there a lot. You should go say hey.

  • stephdeferie-av says:

    paul rudd is sexy b/c he’s funny & seems nice.  take note, incels.

  • bradaboutyou-av says:

    I’ve been watching episodes of this on Netflix, my wife can’t watch it because it gives her anxiety. I think that’s the goal though. 

    • modusoperandi0-av says:

      “You think that’s the goal? DON’T BE RIDICULOUS, OF COURSE THAT’S THE GOAL!” ~ Billy Eichner, probably

    • thundercatsarego-av says:

      I love Billy Eichner, but my heart rate definitely jumps a few bpm and my blood pressure rises while I watch him. His energy is very disconcerting to me, apparently. 

    • g22-av says:

      I used to get anxiety because of all the people who didn’t know who he was and I felt bad for him. Now this gives me anxiety because of all the people who SHOULD know who he is, and it makes me feel bad for them.

    • markagrudzinski-av says:

      One of my favorite moments is when he has Julianne Moore cry (because acting) and then yells at the guy they’re accosting on the street for making her cry. I love him so.

  • mshep-av says:

    Wasn’t this posted yesterday? I know I watched it yesterday, and this is the only website I look at . . . 

  • rootyrevue-av says:

    I laughed hard at Billy saying the following to Chris Evans “…Even if your straight older brother doesn’t get me”We had just watched Chris Evans and his straight younger brother on Jimmy Fallon and I feel like I know too much now.

  • rogu3like-av says:

    I like to laugh and tend to think I have a decent sense of humor, but Eichner just annoys the piss out of me. What am I not getting here?

    • smudgedblurs-av says:

      He’s loud and very specific. Usually loud people tend towards generalities. 

      • rogu3like-av says:

        Actually, I find that loud people tend to be highly annoying. I’ve given his stuff more than a chance and I’m done trying to figure out his appeal.

        • vishalbachan-av says:

          Who is strapping you to a chair and peeling your eyes open? No one cares for your opinion even if I share the same

          • rogu3like-av says:

            Hey pot, how’s that kettle coming along?

          • vishalbachan-av says:

            The kettle seems very inept and does not understand how idioms work apparently. The kettle’s low IQand EQ suggest that their criticisms are amateur at best and only serve to suck the joy from others. The kettle should stick to boiling water and keeping unconstructive criticisms to themselves unless they too can match the work of those that they criticize

          • rogu3like-av says:

            I appreciate you going for the lowest point possible (insulting IQ and EQ) and still trying to maintain that you have the highest possible ground in an article about Billy Eichner. You should stick to following promotions on Kinja. Oh. Did I stoop to your level? Damn. I guess that qualifies as an unconstructive criticism, although it could probably be said that I’m matching the level of your words now.

          • vishalbachan-av says:

            I appreciate you confirming everything I said. I did say I share your opinion if you knew how to read. The point is that unconstructive criticisms and opinions like yours are unnecessary and to let people like things. Your life will be so much better by putting out positive actions vs negative in the world. No one cares about your personal Eichner journey but there are plenty of people who do like him so the purpose of your comments is to seem important by bring contrarian.

          • rogu3like-av says:

            Let’s pick this apart sentence by sentence:1. “I appreciate you confirming everything I said.” I’m not so sure about that. I may be a dick for going after a so called comedian that I don’’t get, but you are perhaps a bigger dick for going after the guy that just stated his opinion and made it a point to make his point. And yeah, I know I’m just digging deeper into this but go big or go home.2. “I did say I share your opinion if you knew how to read.” ;alkdjf;lksdjf;lasdkjfowiejlvmomelkmvoamdf I hate when that happens. 3. “The point is that unconstructive criticisms and opinions like yours are unnecessary and to let people like things.” The point is that this is the internet where folk like to share their likes and dislikes, such as mine for Billy Eichner. I’m sure he’s a nice guy. I think his shtick sucks. I’m sorry if that offends you and your audience of Kinja buys.
            4. “Your life will be so much better by putting out positive actions vs negative in the world.” I’m glad you know so much about me. Can you recommend a few life counselors, perhaps a rehab institute or five because you clearly know where to point people in the right direction.5. “ No one cares about your personal Eichner journey but there are plenty of people who do like him so the purpose of your comments is to seem important by bring contrarian.” You’re right. No one cares. You, however, do apparently care, so I’m making it a point to care as well now. This very sentence, with the ending of “…the purpose of your comments is to seem important by being contrarian” is summing up your entire response so well.
            And BTW, I went ahead and corrected that “…bring…” for you. It’s nice to see that your wrath made you forget to edit yourself. I look forward to your response, because these are important issues and need all our attention.

          • vishalbachan-av says:

            Nope everything there is a fair assessment. Wrath is the wrong emotion. It’s more of a frustration with the amount of negativity in the world. My point still stands but thank you for being inoffensive. It’s better to be positive than negative. And if you don’t have anything nice to say it’s better to not say anything at all. Trust me I’ve been that douche and it makes all the difference to not spread negativity.

          • rogu3like-av says:

            What is the point of criticism if you don’t have anything positive or negative to say? Pretty sure I never outright said that I hated Eichner, simply that I didn’t get him and (in my first comment) said that I’d like some insight (not really, but that was the intent in my words). I still never really went after him personally, although if you want to say that I’m done trying to figure him out is a slight, then maybe you need to grow some thicker skin and figure out what critique is. Jesus Fucking Christ. Grow a pair (balls or ovaries, ‘cause I know how I identify but IDC about you). All I did was do the internet thing and post a comment, that was pretty inoffensive (“I don’t like “A” and I’d like a reasonable response”) and your attack was apparently something you wanted to waste time on. Unfortunately for you I’m just wasting time and really have no stake in this aside from wanting to waste more of your time.I appreciate it, so please continue.

          • rellengibbons-av says:

            Hey pot, could you jump in front of a truck?

          • vishalbachan-av says:

            Good job defending the troll instead of common decency

        • smudgedblurs-av says:

          That’s fine. Finding him funny isn’t mandatory. 

      • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

        hilarious description, +1 internets

    • lednem1-av says:

      I watched several old episodes on Netflix last night and I generally like him and his schitck. The “quizzed in the face” part is tedious and I skip past those, but the show’s general swiftness (fast pace) and clarity of purpose I find enjoyable. Plus, him and his team are wonderful non sequitur generators. But I don’t think my wife would enjoy it as she would likely find it harsh and she’d miss the brilliance mixed with the fast pace (as she is usually only half watching tv in general anyways).

  • cybersybil3-av says:

    BRB screencapping Chris Evans and Paul Rudd hugging and photoshopping myself in

  • antsnmyeyes-av says:

    Billy was the best (only good) part of the new The Lion King.

  • cybersybil3-av says:

    DAMMIT KINJA LET ME POST MY SCREENCAPS:: runs to room :::: slams door ::

  • smudgedblurs-av says:

    I’m thrilled for you, do you wanna make a difference in my life?, and Gina Gershon are pure archetypal New Yorkers. 

  • stevie-jay-av says:

    These Jews will never be funny. Evans is pretty cool, though.

  • grimweeping-av says:

    I’ve been trying to remember who exactly Billy Eichner is and I’m coming up with nothing. It’d be fun to run into Chris and Paul though.

  • thedarkone508-av says:

    i watched this just for paul rudd. i will watch it later with sound.

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