Brie Larson punches a bunch of Skrulls in the new Captain Marvel trailer

Aux Features Coming Distractions

It’s been almost three months since we got the first full-length trailer for Captain Marvel, the Brie Larson-starring superhero film that made us all very happy thanks to the included shot of the title character punching an old woman in the face. But now, there’s a brand-new trailer to start poring over.

This new trailer actually opens right on that poor old woman, who—as you’ve probably guessed if you know anything about Marvel comics—is actually a Skrull. The shapeshifting bastards are the bad guys in Captain Marvel, and if the big moments of this trailer are anything to go by, Captain Marvel is going to seriously wreck their shit. We’d heard that Larson’s character was going to be pretty powerful (and she better be if she’s going to help kick Thanos’ butt in Avengers 4), but damn.

Captain Marvel falls to earth on March 9, 2019.


  • dirtside-av says:

    That feline better not get hurt, or this will be… CATPAIN MARVEL

  • sabbage3-av says:

    Good grief. looks like the next the next phase of Marvel movies entails sanding away any amount of directorial flair or cinematic personality. 

    • capeo-av says:

      Eh, that’s impossible to judge from a trailer. It’s written and directed by Boden and Fleck and their strengths, interpersonal and character drama, aren’t really going to come through in a trailer that also needs to show some whiz bang special effects. I’m not saying they can definitely intergrate their style with a superhero movie but they’re far from gun-for-hire commercial artists.

    • nilus-av says:

      People say this every time we get one of those trailers and yet we have gotten Black Panther, Ragnarok, both Ant-mans and Doctor Strange which have all had very distinct styles outside the “studio Marvel” style.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        And honestly, I already get a different kind of vibe from this. It seems warmer and more lo-fi, like we’re looking at a Marvel world before the events of Iron Man, where things were quieter and less weird.

      • areyouseriouswiththis-av says:

        We get it. If comics had dicks you’d suck them. But this trailer was not good at all. Quit being a fanboy bitch.

        • nilus-av says:

          You are so wrong!!!!IF STAR WARS had a dick, I would suck it!If Comics had a dick, I would let them go to town on my asshole. Anyways for the record I didn’t even say this trailer was any good(in fact I don’t think it was). I just pointed out the “All Marvel movies are the same” complaint is old and fucking bullshit. I’d tell you to quit being a troll bitch but we all know you get sexual gratification from it and I would hate to take that away from an incel.

        • galvatronguy-av says:

          This is like a 1/10 troll attempt

        • themarvelous1310-av says:

          WHOA BITCH YOU’RE TOO EDGY FOR US feel free to fuck off

      • dankelleher-av says:

        I would bet that OP thinks all those movies merely followed the “marvel formula” 

      • tossmidwest-av says:

        If anything Marvel has given increasingly more leeway for stylistic deviation with each new phase. Guardians of the Galaxy probably kicked off the trend in phase 2, and they really ran with it in phase 3.

        • nilus-av says:

          Yeah Guardians was such a deviation that I know a lot of people who didn’t even realize it was in the MCU at first.  

    • areyouseriouswiththis-av says:

      You’re in the wrong parts for this comment, but yeah, this trailer was bad. No one here will admit it, but it was bad.

    • bagman818-av says:

      That’s a piping hot take, right there.

    • thesaurusrax-av says:

      It’s weird.  Usually they can at least make trailers that make the movie seem exciting and fun, but this one left me completely cold.  And the effects don’t look good at this point.

    • sabbage3-av says:

      Just educated myself on the directing team behind this big-budget gamble and it’s exciting, but the [HER]O is kind of insulting to the audience’s intelligence, but that’s how the Haus of Maus likes to play. I recently watched Room for the last time and Brie Larson is a force to be reckoned with and has already more than proven herself fit for Comics with Scott Pilgrim, and will probably be able to hit emotional depths in a way that feels more real than most Marvel leading actors. The rest of the cast looks exciting too: Jude Law, like Chris Hemsworth, delivered the goods Paul Feig comedy, but SLJ hasn’t been given a solid performance since Black Snake Moan. The hype train for this movie is shaky as a coal minecart’s path to Saigon. 

  • gaf1701-av says:

    The old Skrull lady was probably eating a tuna sandwich. That ass kicking is on her!

  • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

    It looks like other Marvel films, which is to say, it looks way fun.*swoon*

  • laserface1242-av says:

    Fun fact, the leader of the Kree Empire, The Supreme Intelligence, looks like this:

  • brianarmstrong-av says:

    This shit looks like the Green Lantern and Brie Larson is butt. 

  • maecenas37-av says:

    Okay, new favorite Nick Fury moment. 

  • laserface1242-av says:

    Yeah best not to mess with a Flerken.Even Rocket knows this.

  • andrewbare29-av says:

    Nick Fury, Cat Person. 

  • capeo-av says:

    I’m stoked they went full on with the mohawk helmet. I’m a little worried they are trying to fit a whole lot into one movie. An origin story and the Kree-Skrull War is a lot to try to give time to. Especially seeing as Carol doesn’t seem to remember most of her life and the audience is going to have to be filled in on all that. Also, I still can’t tell if they’re going with her “new” origin, where she was always Kree, or if they’re doing some weird blood transfusion Kree origin. 

    • nilus-av says:

      My bet is she isn’t a full Kree.  Either she is a human who was altered by Kree or they go with her  being half Kree.  I am almost 100% sure that her being part human is why she is so much more powerful then any super powered Kree

      • capeo-av says:

        That would make sense. Larson herself said something to the effect that the story was Carol trying to reconcile the two sides of herself. Her being a hidden half Kree would explain why both the Kree and Skrull seem so interested in her. And it hews a bit closer to her most recent origin reveal, the writer of which said the movie does have some stuff in common with that series. Her powers even look different as a Kree soldier, bluish in color, as opposed to the fiery colors when she goes full Captain Marvel. I wouldn’t be shocked if part of the Kree conditioning that seems to be happening is also them trying to keep her powers in check by suppressing her human side. I mean, we know pretty much all those Kree are bad guys.

        • 68comments-av says:

          As someone who grew up reading DC comics, I love the Marvel Movie/TV universe because they can’t screw up comic book canon for me if I don’t know the canon. But watching Agents of Shield for a while taught me that the Kree were bad. Thanks for confirming that, I was actually confused a bit.

          • capeo-av says:

            Not all Kree are bad really. The group featured in Captain Marvel are decidedly bad guys in the comics though. 

      • richardalinnii-av says:

        I mean, in the trailer, they said to her “we made you one of us”, so that would I would assume she wasn’t born a Kree.

        • capeo-av says:

          That’s true but I wouldn’t take anything any of the Kree say to her at face value. Every Kree character in the movie that we know of so far are bad guys in the comics. My guess is that they’re the militant faction of the Kree that disagree with peace efforts and are using Carol to start and/or perpetuate the war. A recent update to Carol’s origin in the comics had it turn out that her mother was Kree in exile and that her powers were due to the combination of human and Kree DNA. Basically her powers were always there, the accident just unlocked them. For all intents and purposes it was a way for Marvel to give Carol some agency rather than her powers being a result of an accident that melded her with a man. The writer of that series said that while the movie is its own thing they still utilized some stuff from the comic. 

    • calvinballer-av says:

      They say that the found her near death and re-engineered her. Like, right in the trailer we all just watched. 

    • resistanceoutpost42-av says:

      DC stole their thunder by making Wonder Woman the first female superhero to carry a major movie, so the only way Marvel can top them is to make this the first Kree to get her own movie. I’m not complaining. This looks great.

      • bakatadi-av says:

        I seem to recall there was Catwoman with a super headliner of Halle Berry.So that wasn’t the first attempt at a major movie for a female lead.

      • kinjaplaya011-av says:

        Catwoman, Elektra, and Supergirl disagree with you there. But you can be forgiven if you forgot about all of those films, they all sucked.

    • firedragon400-av says:

      It’d be nice if the writers actually tied one of these films into Agents of SHIELD and makes her experiment an offshoot/evolution of the Kree Inhuman experiments.

      • eshuster-av says:

        Coulson is in the movie, and wasn’t an infusion of Kree blood responsible for him being resurrected? Not that they would really ever refer to that show…

      • capeo-av says:

        With Coulson being in the movie I wouldn’t be surprised if they made some nod to AoS. Because it takes place long before that they wouldn’t have to worry about continuity issues going forward. I doubt they’ll make Carol an experiment though. The recent revelation in the comics that her mother was Kree was specifically to make it so Carol always was who she was. So her powers weren’t the result of an accident or an experiment. The writer of that series mentioned in an interview that the movie definitely borrows some of her ideas. I’m thinking Carol being half Kree from the beginning is likely one of them. 

        • 68comments-av says:

          I could see them ignoring AOS completely, especially if the events of this movie all happen before Avengers 1. He didn’t become the head of Shield until after Fury left.

  • kris1066-av says:

    – Really great- Not enough Minn-Erva.- Would like to hear the Supreme Intelligence speak.

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    Looks good

  • tuscedero-av says:

    These are not your daddy’s Kree—if your daddy is Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.Brie Larson’s voice seems off to me, softer and meeker than expected for the character and the lines being delivered.

    • capeo-av says:

      I have to agree about her delivery, not her voice per se, and that worried me a bit since the first trailer. The “I’m going to end it” line lacked some gravitas in the delivery for what was supposed to be a mic-drop kind of line. 

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        I just watched the trailer a second time, and I’m on board with it. There’s a sort of quiet confidence to the delivery. She’s not trying to be badass, she just is.

        • capeo-av says:

          Yeah, I watched it more myself and am not minding it as much. It has a bit of snark to it that seems to fit. It will likely land better actually seeing Larson saying it too, rather than as a voice over on an unrelated scene. 

    • TeoFabulous-av says:

      Yeah. When I heard the “I’m going to end it” line in the trailer, I got this horrible sinking feeling that Brie Larson is just terribly miscast in this role. I mean, Marvel is kinda due for a miscasting after their long, long, unbroken streak of successes (Don Cheadle as War Machine is about as bad as it’s been, although Mickey Rourke certainly challenges). I hope I’m wrong.

      • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

        From the start I thought she wasn’t quite the right fit for this character. The trailer hasn’t completely sold me on her, yet

      • thecapn3000-av says:

        I tend to agree, and I adore Brie. But she won an Oscar for playing a character so deeply internally damaged that she practically lacked emotion. Wondering how much of that was character or Brie’s range.

  • thisisnotausername11-av says:

    Trailer 2 looks much better than the first. 

  • docnemenn-av says:

    And yet no Blockbuster Videos were destroyed in this trailer, this making it an automatic -1 from the previous one. 

  • lostlimey296-av says:

    Does she smile more in this one?

  • jrobie-av says:

    Looks like they’re merging/streamlining Carol’s story and Mar-Vell’s. And her memory loss won’t be the result of Rogue absorbing her whole personality for obvious reasons. Changes that are probably necessary because otherwise her backstory would be a total clusterfuck.

    • capeo-av says:

      It also looks like they going with the latest reveal about her origin, that she was always half Kree and it had nothing to do with the accident binding her DNA with Kree DNA. It makes sense. It streamlines her origin and makes it so that her powers aren’t the result of an accident that fused her DNA with a man. 

    • laserface1242-av says:

      Especially since that story ends with Carol rightfully calling out the Avengers for letting a clearly brainwashed Carol walk off with her child/rapist/kidnapper in Avengers #200, the worst comic Marvel has ever produced.

    • lmh325-av says:

      I have a theory that Feige is already thinking about when its time to phase out Captain Marvel, they’ll phase in the X-Men and have Rogue do the whole absorption thing. Based on nothing other than the fact that they will conveniently have X-Men at that point.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    It looks interesting, but I’m going to have to see a whole lot more old lady punching before I’m fully on board.

  • nextchamp-av says:

    Looking good to me!Some predictions:1) Jude Law is the SUPER SKRULL2) Next “Phase” of the MCU is Secret Invasion (aka The Skrulls Invade the Planet). And I bet we’ll use that as an excuse to get rid of some big name actors from the universe for now.

    • capeo-av says:

      As many, including myself, predicted Law is playing:Yon-rogg. Not uncommonly, branded toys have already spoiled this. Marvel was apparently quite pissed about this and made Funko change the name on the box.

      • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

        Funko also spoiled another character in the movie, who doesn’t mean much on her own, but it sure could mean something for her daughter.

        • hankdolworth-av says:

          If you’re talking about the other pilot, the one with the call-sign “Photon,” her name is literally written on a plane in this trailer.(…and if you’re talking about someone else, I’m not sure I want to know.)

          • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

            Heh. I didn’t notice that in the trailer. I saw the Funko ad a few days ago.

          • capeo-av says:

            Maria Rambeau was part of the casting announcements too so no spoiler there. They also cast a young girl that most outlets are assuming is Monica. Given the time jump that would allow them to introduce an adult Monica in later movies. 

        • laserface1242-av says:

          It means we’re one step closer to a Nextwave movie.

      • jrobie-av says:

        From the trailer I’d’ve assumed Yon-Rogg

    • mrsaturn2000-av says:

      From what I recall, the Super-Skrull is off limits as a Fantastic Four property (separate from your run-of-the-mill Skrulls)

    • laserface1242-av says:

      No, he’s Mar-Vell. At the time the movie was made Disney had cut a deal with Fox to use the Skrulls but not the Super Skrulls since that’s more closely tied to the Fantastic Four.

      • capeo-av says:

        He’s Yon-Rogg. That’s already been (accidentally) confirmed but everyone had already predicted it anyway. 

    • nogelego-av says:

      Skrulls invade the planet!? You know what that means!

  • aboynamedart5-av says:

    Just wanted to add that a kind soul has already re-cut parts of the trailer to Destiny’s Child’s “Survivor.” Enjoy!

  • djclawson-av says:

    They are totally trolling us with that injury right above Nick’s eye.

    • sarcastro6-av says:

      Considering that the MCU has always shown his eye as having three long scars running down through it, they’ve been trolling us all along.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      Yeah we’re all going to be Rob Corddry’s character from Hot Tub Time Machine watching this movie.

  • derrabbi-av says:

    Sorta wish they had let people spin on the punching the old lady thing. Otherwise looks fun.

  • Vandelay-av says:

    Great trailer, I just wish they hadn’t used the “NFL on CBS” theme music.

  • franknstein-av says:

    hat poor old woman, who—as you’ve probably guessed if you know anything about Marvel comics—is actually a Skrull.
    A pity… I would have loved to see them come up with an explanation for her punching an actual old lady… 🙂

  • presidentzod-av says:

    ….is her secret identity Carol Exposition Danvers? Because they explain the entire plot in 2 minutes 18 seconds.Fall to earthShe ‘splains to Fury about aliensFlashbacksShe is a hybridHer plot arc peaks in her realizing whole scope of her powers, changing costume, big pewpewpewpew space battle, fight alter ego, prevail.Flies off, says call me if you need me Fury, but I am realllllly busyEnd credit scene- she gets Fury’s page from Infinity War credit scene, and looks up from , and takes off.Captain Marvel Will Return in Avengers 5The End

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    last trailer didn’t do anything for me, but this gave me the goods.i still think ‘captain marvel’ is an embarrassingly bad name. i understand there’s comic precedent and it is the character’s name, but if dc had a character called ‘captain dc’ or a new playstation game was called ‘captain sony’ everyone would agree that was stupid and bad.

    • jrobie-av says:

      Well DC did/does have a Captain Marvel, though I understand they call him Shazam now.  (And Nintendo had “Captain N: The Gamemaster” – which was kind of stupid and bad to be fair.) And the existence of a Captain Marvel who wasn’t owned by Marvel was kind of the impetus for the creation of the Captain Marvel who eventually led to Carol Danvers here. If you’re at all interested in law and comics, the rights battles surrounding the Captains Marvel, the derivative character Marvelman/Miracleman and subsequent Gaiman/Macfarlane suit about him is pretty interesting to dig into.

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        i know all that stuff it doesn’t make the name less stupid.

        • mrtusksesq-av says:

          It’s called Captain Marvel but it remains to be seen whether the name will be used for the character in any consistent way. Like, has anyone actually said “Iron Man” since the first Iron Man movie? 

          • firedragon400-av says:

            The public does. Most of the heroes don’t address him by his codename, but he’s just as well known as Iron Man by the general populace as he is Tony Stark. 

    • firedragon400-av says:

      There’s actually a few other Captain Marvels back in the Golden Age that aren’t owned by either Marvel or DC. 

  • rraymond-av says:

    This remake of Green Lantern with a woman looks great!

  • pabi1-av says:

    The problem here is that I’ll be watching Nick Fury like Crispin Glover in Hot Tub Time Machine, waiting for him to lose that eye.

    • sarcastro6-av says:

      Ha, totally.  But since they’ve always shown his eye injury to be due to three long scars running through it, guessing they won’t until after the Fox acquisition is complete.

  • unspeakableaxe-av says:

    “I’m not gonna fight your war. I’m gonna end it.” …with some war. Yay!

    Movie looks pretty good if about as shallow as the majority of MCU movies. They were smart to re-use that sequence of shots of her picking herself up at different ages – very effective.

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    They should have leaned more into the whole 90’s thing and embraced it. Otherwise it looks just like another Marvel movie that will probably be decent but extremely cookie cutter.  

  • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Punching a lot of doughnuts?

  • dankburner420-av says:

    lmaoo why does she look and sound bored. does she know she’s in a movie?

  • ralphm-av says:

    What is it with people getting so damn upset that she’s gonna be so powerful? Articles elsewhere are full of screaming little children shouting that Thor and Hulk are more powerful.

    • capeo-av says:

      Cause whiny internet man-children who are upset that the most powerful character in the MCU is a woman? I’m not sure why this particular trailer would get them all up in arms though. It doesn’t show her doing anything she doesn’t currently do in the comics. I mean, she is a powerhouse in the comics too.

  • dalesams-av says:

    That young Fury CGI looks amazing

  • erasmus11-av says:

    I really hope CGI-Fury isn’t too jarring here; the de-aging stuff looks ok in small doses but can get into uncanny valley territory from time to time. I’m worried at how much screen time CGI-Fury appears to have here…

  • baniels-av says:

    The biggest issue with this movie is that right now I *only* care about what happens in the Infinity War sequel. I can’t imagine anything happening here that I find important.

  • iqra6500-av says:

    Showing Interesting story of poor women.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    The second Captain Marvel trailer
    made me more excited than the first, although it seems to spoil a
    little too much. (It will probably still be more satisfying than the Infinity War 2 trailer,
    should they ever deign to release it.) It looks like Carol may even go
    full Binary, which makes me wonder if they’ve saved anything for the
    . Now we know she powers up by yelling “SHAZAM!”

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