Brie Larson is a YouTuber now

Aux Features Film
Brie Larson is a YouTuber now
Screenshot: YouTube

In what we can only assume is the first step in some sort of nefarious scheme to lure every obnoxiously loud male commenter on the internet into a single location—and then the trap is sprung!—Brie Larson launched a new YouTube channel today. The channel currently features only one video, showing Larson explaining her love for the platform, then brief snippets of her talking to a whole bunch of famous YouTube folks, who are still probably not as a famous as Brie Larson, Oscar winner and movie star.

But hey: Larson seems to be having fun. And since “seeming to have fun” is the single most important trait pretty much any YouTube star can possess, we can only assume that this latest endeavor will be another massive success for the Room and Captain Marvel star. That being said, she does seem to be having a little bit of the Will Smith problem, at least for now: You know, the thing where someone is massively famous, but for something that doesn’t necessarily translate to social media stardom, so they have to spend a bunch of time asking people “Hey, what should I do on my channel?” So far, that mostly entails taking a lot of Zoom calls—because famous people really are just like the rest of us—and enthusiastically cracking jokes about how she doesn’t know what to make videos about. (And also, of course, preparing the webcam-enabled bear traps, for that grim and wonderful day when just a few more loud dudes show up to tell her she should almost definitely be smiling more.)


  • perfectengine-av says:

    Hey William, grab your memo pad and back that sweet little caboose up on in here. I’ve got some pencils for you to pick up.

  • laserface1242-av says:

    Well I can’t wait for her YouTube comments to be infested with accusations that she is the Anti-Christ, runs over old ladies for sport, and created the Coronavirus in her secret volcano lab.

    • pubstub-av says:

      I would just turn them off if I were her. 

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      If nothing else, I have to admire her work ethic.

    • Shampyon-av says:

      About half the comments are “As a white man, she doesn’t want me to watch this” and “Is that a personal attack?”Ironic, given the overlap between people who hate her and people who use NPC Wojak memes.

    • nilus-av says:

      Honestly I kinda wish that was the kinda stuff people hated her for. Instead they just hate her for, let me check my notes, saying “it would be good if their were more women and POC in the movie review industry”.  Clearly she is a modern day Hitler! 

  • deletethisshitasshole-av says:

    What a tard.Anyone with it, watch Baki. This show is so good you’ll beat your parents. Watching Yujiro Hanma fight should be the knot the ties this all together. He’s a freakin monster.

  • mifrochi-av says:

    Envy Adams has a YouTube channel!?

  • cinecraf-av says:

    Say, this Larson has screen presence, moxie even!  She should consider movies.

  • jhelterskelter-av says:

    Her HotOnes interview was delightful. Its immediate surge of dislikes…isn’t.It’s fascinating that such a huge group of sarcastic, introverted nerds with social anxiety has such a huge hateboner for this sarcastic, introverted nerd with social anxiety. It’s almost as if they’re, I dunno, sexist or something?

    • thecapn3000-av says:

      you’d be mad too if you got any kind of boner and weren’t able to do anything about it

    • pubstub-av says:

      The amount of hate she gets almost solely for mentioning that the film press could stand to be a little more diverse than “98% white dudes” is amazing. 

      • ghostiet-av says:

        She also gets a bunch of hate from WIRED’s autocorrect Q&A. I used to think that she doesn’t come off as particularly charismatic there, but then I watched more of those videos and almost no one does, not even the goddamn Fab Five, because the format sucks shit.

        • pubstub-av says:

          I can only imagine that a lot of the dudes who hate that video have Roman sculptures as their Twitter avatars and go by “The Refined Atheist” or whatever. 

    • cthonicmnemonic-av says:

      I don’t agree with the hate at all, I mean those people are awful but…So she is a phenomenally talented actress, watch the United States of Tara and like a ton of other things…but she was a teen singer who released an album called like “Recess!” or something? And the talk of her asking everybody what she should do is giving off serious “Who Am I This Time?” vibes. She is putting “Who am I?” a little too far out front, as if she’s really asking.I’d hate to say it but success is the worst thing that could have happened to her, Glass Castle was turrrrrrrible. Blending into prestige movies or tossing her hair around is a waste for a person of her talent (which still hasn’t really been tapped). Like, she is a craft person. She should go and do theatre, if it still existed. I’d like to see her go more euro and get out of the studio cycle…play Ingrid Thulin in a movie directed by Joachim Trier? Or if Olivier Assayas made a “Summer Hours” type movie in the US that wasn’t as sexist as 99% of his output?

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      Sexist. And threatened. 

      • brontosaurian-av says:

        I checked to see if you were your troll, I feel like he’d spirit towards this to say some awful shit. Luckily not. 

      • dead-elvis-av says:

        Not sure if you’ve seen this one yet

        • amorpha1-av says:

          That would explain a greyed out comment I saw last week. I was confused since I didn’t remember Dr Lizardo being objectively awful.

          • dead-elvis-av says:

            The real (good) doc has had a persistent troll for well over a year now. He keeps creating new ones as they get banned or removed. Always check, is what I’m saying. Flag, don’t engage, just let it wither from lack of attention.

    • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

      “This is what I imagine it feels like to change form as a Pokemon” is a pretty great pull quote.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I feel like her introverted nerdity would only enrage them further.“She’s just like us, but she still won’t bang me! Where’s the justice?”

      • marsupilajones-av says:

        Nah. They shriek about how it’s a fake and she is just doing it because (insert catastrophicly idiotic/sexist reason here).

    • perfectengine-av says:

      She honestly always seems so delightful. I don’t get it. It’s almost as if teenage boys and those who never emotionally evolved past being a teenage boy are fucking assholes.

      • breb-av says:

        Well, generally speaking, teenagers who are assholes and being assholes have served them well in the past, typically grow up to be bigger assholes, i.e. successful businessmen, your boss or, at the very least, a cop.

    • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

      Brie Larson is the absolute best.

      • bmglmc-av says:

        Neither do i understand the Brie Larson hate, nor do i understand the Brie Larson love. She seems fine. Her Captain Marvel character is that of an empty suit, but thaat’s how she was written. Her Scott Pilgrim appearance was more transformative, but i’d say it’s because she was young, and young Humans all look the same and act exactly like each other until they hit 28 or 30 or so, then their Saturn returns and they experience a bit of ego-loss.

        I’m not surprised she doesn’t know what to do about her videos; she’s been pretty and famous for so long, she probably never had to learn to be interesting, or get hobbies, or cultivate odd interests. Or, it doesn’t occur to her to show those weird interests of hers, because her friends and peers don’t value such things.

        I might be wrong, she might be brimming with odd interests and great friends. In which case, she should just make videos about her odd interests and great friends, and their odd interests. Otherwise, perhaps YouTube is not for her, if she has nothing to say besides “i have nothing to say”.

        • breb-av says:

          I mean, I get it. We’re all on lock-down and she’s just looking for something to do but on the other hand, if it’s just going to be a random and chaotic Zoom version of ‘The View’, there probably isn’t much for the viewer to get out of it, so I’d say it’s more for her than for us.

          • galdarn-av says:

            “so I’d say it’s more for her than for us.”

            I guess that would make her the same as every single person who has ever posted a video on youtube then, wouldn’t it? 

          • breb-av says:

            Well, a lot of people monetize YouTube and provide content worth watching, often giving valuable information, insight and entertainment, putting hard work in research and editing.This is none of that but she doesn’t need the money either so it’s just her in front of a cam for those who are really into Brie Larson for some reason.

          • evanwaters-av says:

            I also suspect that with all American film production shut down for the duration this is one way of keeping busy

          • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

            Hey now – I like the cooking videos!

        • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

          Maybe the issue is that you’ve only ever seen her in comic book adaptations?When I say “I love Brie Larson,” those roles don’t even factor into it.I’m thinking United States of Tara. I’m thinking 21 Jump Street. I’m thinking Short Term 12. I’m thinking her supporting roles in Spectacular Now and Trainwreck.She’s an *outstanding* actress, who excels at both comedy and drama.Plus, she seems like a genuinely nice, real, human person.

        • galdarn-av says:

          “I’m not surprised she doesn’t know what to do about her videos; she’s been pretty and famous for so long, she probably never had to learn to be interesting, or get hobbies, or cultivate odd interests.”

          Well, at least you don’t come off as a misogynist asshole. 

        • perfectengine-av says:

          So what’s wrong with being fine? No need to be so cynical. She’s having a successful career, and seems like a good person. It’s clear that she’s doing this channel for herself as a means of expression and as a way to give something back to the various YouTube communities she’s learned from. Someone as young as she is (she’s 30! Nobody knows a goddamn thing until they’re at least that age anyway) shouldn’t be chastised for not having enough time to accumulate a wide variety of interests or any amount of expertise with them. That’s when life as an adult starts, if you ask me.Celebrate her efforts. Appreciate the fact that she’s a good person and wants to learn from people and a community that has educated and inspired her. Who knows who she’ll inspire to do the same thing in turn. In which case, she should just make videos about her odd interests and great friends, and their odd interests.Watch her first video and you’ll see that that’s exactly what she aims to do.

        • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

          Their Saturn returns? What the fuck does that mean? 

          • bmglmc-av says:

            Their Saturn returns? What the fuck does that mean?

            I fucking swear if you fucking google “Saturn return” it’ll fucking answer you, even without your needing to follow a single cocksucking link.

          • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

            I’m trying to encourage conversation! Through vulgarity! 

          • bmglmc-av says:

            oh! I thought i was the only motherfucker round here who did that.

            Astrologically, a planetary return is when it looks back to where it was when you were born. The solar return is your birthday; Mercury, Venus, Mars and Moon returns happen frequently. A Jupiter return is every 12 years, it’s eventful, but not as noticable as a Saturn return, every 28 years or so. As Saturn is the “lord of karma” and difficult life lessons, Saturn returns are (according to Hindu astrology) the markers for the major changes in one’s life.

          • gorillawithstrengthof80midgets-av says:

            You sound like a fucking moron. Maybe the elves in the bottom of her garden encouraged her to start a Youtube channel, did you consider that?

          • bmglmc-av says:

            I sound like a moron, but i am not. You are merely a moron, nothing more. Those are Pixies.  Elves don’t live in fucking gardens. Fool.

    • slimbim-av says:

      I guess if you care about YouTube downvotes on an interview show featuring millionaires and hot sauce, then I guess that’s something to be upset about. 

      • jhelterskelter-av says:

        Pfft, wow you’re shit at trolling. Can’t even write well enough to avoid using “I guess” more than once in your single sentence comment to put on an air of forced nonchalance.I know taking you out of the grays is your goal but it’s worth it to help more people see how bad you are at this.

    • mooxist-av says:

      Keep simping you spineless nu-male. She’s been well documented as being an unpleasant and ignorant loudmouth who has zero range yet cretins like you keep giving her back pats for “bravery” because running your mouth about shit you don’t understand from the confines of a mansion sure is brave as fuck. Grow up you ludicrous faggot.

  • mpbourja-av says:

    I will not rest until I have convinced her to do a deep dive interview on her role in HOUSE BROKEN (2009) starring Sir Daniel DeVito.

  • jackmagnificent-av says:

    When that whole CM thing happened, I heard about it but it didn’t really register. I later clicked on a video that was purportedly “reviewing” Captain Marvel, only for it to be SexGod42069xxxxx in his brother’s gamer chair mercilessly pause some interview she did and constantly ask his sexually-frustrated audience of GameStop employees, “Uh, no, Brie, that’s not why Chris Evans made a cameo in the second Thor. What the fuck – LEARN YOUR UNIVERSE!”It actually made me sad. Like, literally, it hurts my heart to know she gets subjected to 200x that on a daily basis.

  • boner-of-a-lonely-heart-1987-av says:

    We sacrificed Jenna Marbles to our gods for this?

  • kyle5445-av says:

    Daisy Ridley should be a guest so we can watch all the misogynistic neckbeards of the world burst into flames. And maybe throw in some Metric covers.

    • cgo2370-av says:

       Needs more Kelly Marie Tran for the hat trick. 

      • breb-av says:

        She really got fridged in TRoS and they didn’t even kill her off.

        • mindfultimetraveler-av says:

          That Mary Sue got fridged. I love repeating terms I’ve heard for likes. Makes me feel like I believe what I’m saying.

          • cgo2370-av says:

            You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

          • breb-av says:

            The reason I used the term was because what happened to Tran was even worse because they shuffled her off-screen early in the movie, not by an unceremonious death but by having her tell Rey and crew that she’d like to join their grand adventure but had some power converters or other that needed cleaning back at base.

          • docnemenn-av says:

            “Kylo Ren, I think you and your entire First Order are headed for a pretty big fall… but for right now, I gotta go study!”

          • breb-av says:

            First Order Rules!

          • citricola-av says:

            Isn’t the entirety of right-wing discourse now just repeating terms they’ve heard before in a weird word salad of buzzwords and acronyms? 

          • mattballs-av says:

            That, racism and petty contrarianism.

          • tesseract0-av says:

            I can’t help but feel Abrams gave ALL of the screentime that was originally going to go to Tran to Greg Grunberg.

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      all the misogynistic neckbeards of the world burst into flames.As will my pants…

    • mattballs-av says:

      Wait, when did the angry incel nerds come for Metric?

    • almostblurry-av says:

      What happened with Metric?

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I worry that this will cause confusion with my YouTube channel about the best way to steal soft cheeses, Brie Larceny.

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    I would like her to explain why her ex-boyfriend Abed sold out and started working for Hydra.

    • nilus-av says:

      I did a full Community rewatch a few weeks back(before they pulled Advanced D&D) and total forgot she showed up as Abed’s girlfriend for a few episodes. I swear that show is going to be studied years from now as the proving ground for a huge number of the biggest entertainers and creators of 21st century pop culture.  

      • marsupilajones-av says:

        I mean, she had already appeared in Scott Pilgrim, had a big role in 21 Jump Street (which was a pretty massive movie) and was one of the main cast on United States of Tara for years. I think you might be giving Community a bit too much credit here.

        • galdarn-av says:

          “I think you might be giving Community a bit too much credit here.”

          I think you might be giving Scott Pilgrim, 21 Jump Street and The United States of Tara too much credit. 

          • marsupilajones-av says:

            How so? She very clearly had a strong, up and coming career long before she appeared on Community. To suggest that a handful of episodes as a minor charachter was “proving ground” for her when she was a already a main cast member on a well regarded TV show for years AND had a major role in a huge movie (among many other smaller roles previously) is a pretty big stretch, to put it mildly.She had like 30+ film and TV credits by the time she was on Community (and an Album!). She was far more “proven” than most of the people on Community lol.

          • jshrike-av says:

            While you’re not wrong, the connections Community has to creators of literally the biggest pop culture events of the last decade can’t be entirely discounted for getting her on that train. I do think she might have either already won or had already shot the film she won the Oscar for before Community, so I don’t think there’s any debate that she was well established as an actor before then. That said, being ‘an actor’ and being ‘a Marvel actor’ are two different things in this wacky world we live in. 

          • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

            I think galdarn’s just taking the piss.

        • perfectengine-av says:

          I think he’s talking about a lot of other people besides Brie.

          • marsupilajones-av says:

            I mean, the article is about Brie Larson and he specifically calls out her appearance on community. But I guess you could be right.Although I’m not sure I really agree with the idea just in general. Other than Donald Glover Community didn’t really launch anybody into stardom. And you could argue it didn’t even do it for Glover (his music did). But it was a good show.

          • perfectengine-av says:

            I swear that show is going to be studied years from now as the proving ground for a huge number of the biggest entertainers and creators of 21st century pop culture.That’s the point of the post.

          • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

            I think people are getting way too sensitive on Ms. Larson’s behalf. I’m sure they mean well, but not every less-than-glowing comment is a sexist attack on her person. That said, she COULD smile more… I’M KIDDING JESUS 

          • perfectengine-av says:

            You could smile more too, Mr./Mrs. Beat Up Lin-Manuel Miranda.Not getting defensive. I just don’t think she was the point of that post. The show was.

          • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

            Mr. Beat Up Lin-Manuel Miranda, thank you. 

          • perfectengine-av says:


          • marsupilajones-av says:

            Yeah, and it’s still not really true. Seriously, who are these “huge number of the biggest entertainers” community spawned? 

          • perfectengine-av says:

            Dan Harmon, the Russo Brothers, Donald Glover, and Justin Lin are enough to make the claim true. You just don’t want it to be. But that’s fine.

          • marsupilajones-av says:

            Calling Dan Harmon one of the biggest creators of the 21st century is a pretty big stretch at best. Laughable at worst. The Russo bothers were directors and producers on Arrested Development long before Community. They themselves even cite AD (and ron howard) as making their careers.Donald Glover was an award winning writer on 30 rock for years and an up and coming musician/stand up before Community.Justin Lin built his career on the back of the Fast and Furious franchise which he was part of before Community(he directed Tokyo drift in 2006 and Fast and Furious in 2009) community really has nothing to do with his success. Unless you think directing 3 episodes of a low rated NBC shoe outweighs the half a billion those two movies made lol.I think you are the one who wants this to be true when it’s not.

          • perfectengine-av says:

            It was ending a sentence with lol that really sold me. Consider me educated.

          • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

            Community did a TON for Alison Brie and Gillian Jacobs, both of whom have gotten Netflix vehicles since.

          • marsupilajones-av says:

            Sure, they have gone on to other things. But they are a pretty far cry from “the biggest entertainers and creators of 21st century pop culture.” I honestly don’t even know what Netflix show Jacobs is on.The only people who really fit that description are Glover and the Russo brothers. And neither really owe their success to community (Glover had his music and actually left Community, the Russo’s were the OG Arrested Development guys)

          • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

            Glover doesn’t have “his music“ without Community, haha!The Gambino stuff caught on as “Troy from Community started rapping!”Pre-Community, his only pop culture presence was making (very funny) rape jokes on YouTube.And Jacobs was in “Love,” with Judd Apatow. The first season was very good, but I fell off.I expect to keep seeing her going forward.

          • marsupilajones-av says:

            He was a writer on 30 rock and stand up as well. I already said that the one guy you could make an argument for is Glover. 1 guy is still a pretty far cry the original claim that Community is directly responsible for numerous of the biggest people in this century.

          • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

            Let’s also not forget that Anthony and Joe Russo and Justin Lin directed episodes of Community before going onto Marvel films and the Fast and the Furious respectively.

          • perfectengine-av says:

            Did they? I hadn’t heard.

          • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

            That was just added as follow up information in general that I thought placed best after your post for anyone reading who didn’t know. Of course being a Perfect Engine, you’d already know this.

          • perfectengine-av says:

            Lin also directed Star Trek Beyond, one of the best Trek films ever made. Far superior to any of the Fart & The Flatulence movies by a very long shot.

          • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

            Going to be honest, I have seen neither Beyond nor any of the FF movies.

  • russell0barth-av says:

    Vocal Fry-Tastic!

  • cody-mckee-av says:

    The build-up to this was… interesting. A cryptic vid about how she “realized something,” and then another a day later about “breaking the news to the family.” The amount of people who were expecting/hoping for her to, and then subsequently disappointed by the fact that she didn’t, come out as a lesbian was staggering. I get it, though. That would be some pretty high-profile representation, but there sure were a whole lot of people on Twitter who felt like she was toying with their emotions by revealing her Youtube channel.

  • cody-mckee-av says:

    The build-up to this was… interesting. A cryptic vid about how she “realized something,” and then another a day later about “breaking the news to the family.” The amount of people who were expecting/hoping for her to, and then subsequently disappointed by the fact that she didn’t, come out as a lesbian was staggering. I get it, though. That would be some pretty high-profile representation, but there sure were a whole lot of people on Twitter who felt like she was toying with their emotions by revealing her Youtube channel.

  • jccalhoun-av says:

    She seems like a very awesome person who is genuinely having fun with this. I hope she keeps at it and breaks away from the youtuber tropes of cutting together different edits of a take like it does in the intro and having music constantly playing in the background.

    • perfectengine-av says:

      That jumpy edit shit drives me crazy. No wonder so many young people have ADD.Yes, I know that’s not what causes ADD. It’s a joke. Don’t @ me.

  • mindfultimetraveler-av says:

    Brie Larson is the best. So funny. So smart. Really has something to say. So much better than those people that just hurl “neckbeard incel” insults to anyone with a differing opinion. She doesn’t pander to the echo chamber. She’s just doing her own thing. Perfecto.

    • gorillawithstrengthof80midgets-av says:

      Ooof, someone takes the term “neckbeard incel” a bit too personally… you OK, chief?

  • newdaesim-av says:

    I don’t get it, but I really liked Captain Marvel, so I’m sure there’s a strategy in place.

  • patrickbateman456-av says:

    This is great and all celebrities should be on youtube.   They get media attention vastly disproportionate to their knowledge and face little scrutiny from a sycophantic entertainment press.  Put them all on youtube so as to undermine their credibility directly.  The more “I take responsibility”s the better.

  • xdmgx-av says:

    I like Brie Larson and think she is insanely talented. I don’t like the fact that I can’t dislike Captain Marvel (which I vehemently dislike) without being branded as a close minded male chauvinist asshole. To me its a paint by the numbers, blander than bland film. Not in any way her fault and to me she seems really like-able. Its a bad script and its directed poorly as I don’t think she is particularly great in it. She is no doubt one of the most talented actors in the world, just not in that movie. The hate towards HER is ridiculous. The hate towards that film is justifiable in my opinion.

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    her “Will Smith problem”…OMG YES, you have put into exact words the problem I always perceived with her and him, that for whatever reason her personality doesn’t seem to ring true with everyone, and she like WS feels obligated to flail and understand why everyone doesn’t like her?

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