Brie Larson on Captain Marvel and bringing more perspectives to female-driven entertainment

Film Features Interview

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Marvel Studios’ latest surefire blockbuster Captain Marvel propels its way into theaters this week. To prepare for the film’s release this Friday, we sat down with the cast and directors to discuss the journey to Captain Marvel. First up is Carol Danvers herself: Oscar-winner Brie Larson talks to us about the film, why you shouldn’t compare it to Wonder Woman, and bringing more perspectives to female-driven entertainment.


  • enemiesofcarlotta-av says:

    She genuinely seems very cool and down to Earth. I’m really looking forward to seeing this on opening weekend. 

    • bennyboy56-av says:

      She recently did an interview on The Jonathan Ross Show in the UK and she was very cool and funny on it.

    • tombirkenstock-av says:

      Well, I hate to break it to ya, but I heard from a reliable source on the internet that Brie Larson wants to kill off everyone with a Y chromosome.

  • bellybuttonlintconnoisseur-av says:

    I can’t wait to hear from trolls how this is an attack on white men!

    • modjoconcarne-av says:

      You see this is the problem right here …..the movie isn t even out yet , you havent seen it but you have your pitchfork ready for anyone who will dare to say anything negative about the movie . So considering i don’t want to be labeled a sexist misogynistic man baby i will go ahead and tell you that yup captain marvel is the greatest movie of the decade it revolutionizes cinema it s groundbreaking oscar winning performances and a plot that makes the departed look like an episode of thomas the tank engine…so am i safe now ? 

      • bellybuttonlintconnoisseur-av says:

        If you want to avoid being labeled a sexist, misogynistic man baby, all you need to do is avoid engaging in sexist, misogynistic, man-baby behavior.There’s nothing sexist about not liking a movie or not wanting to see a movie. But let’s not pretend like there hasn’t been sexist, misogynistic, man-babies backlashing against Captain Marvel because Brie Larson is an outspoken feminist, and she asked for more diversity from press junkets. Next thing you’re gonna try to tell me that negative comments about this movie are just about “ethics is superhero movies.”

        • modjoconcarne-av says:

          Nop the next thing i m gonna tell you is that people have various reasons to make “negative” comments about this movie . Let s name a few …there are those who are pissed because it s not Monica Rambeau , there are those who dont like the mcu , there are those who don t like the fact that marvel releases a movie that ties into Endgame putting a label “you got to see this one to get everything in endgame” and kinda forcing people to shell more cash , there are those who hate the super hero trend that dominates the box office nowadays … You see there are sooooooooo many reasons to make negatives comments on this movie like on you know what ? EVERYTHING ON THE INTERNET WITH A COMMENT SECTION ! But yeah in the case of this movie all the examples i listed above get labeled as “sexist, misogynistic, man-baby”

      • ksmithksmith-av says:

        So considering i don’t want to be labeled a sexist misogynistic man baby…Don’t worry. You are only coming across as a whiny man-baby. However, you come across as a former sexist misogynistic man-baby who has not learned the right lessons, i.e. don’t be whiny about it.

        • modjoconcarne-av says:

          And arent you whiny about people not wanting to see a movie ? I mean that s the biggest problem in the world this month ….people dont want to see a movie . I mean it s kinda easy now to antagonize people by labeling them as racist sexist whatever just because they dont like the same things that you do . When people point out the fact that critics are inconsistent in their reasoning and that they have some serious double standard issues …well those people get called “whiny man baby” . When people point out the fact that you could NEVER review a movie prior to its release on rotten tomatoes and it was just the intent on watching a movie ,making all those headlines about “review bombing trolls” just blatant misinformation …well those people get called “whiny man baby”.

      • brontosaurian-av says:

        4 rather long comments all complaining about this movie in a row. “You see this is the problem right here…You’re suspiciously whining about this a whole lot. You seem to have an agenda.

    • waterontheknee-av says:

      I have no idea. Everything she said was down to earth and like non-threatening. Who knows.

      • jjones116-av says:

        you dumb? She literally said at an award show she doesn’t care about the opinions of white men. LMAO. Granted, she wasn’t talking about captain marvel, Brie was talking about that flop movie a wrinkle in time, but still. Imagine if a white actor claimed he didn’t care about the opinions of women or black people…ya’ll would be screeching to the ends of the fucking earth lol.

    • beopuppy-av says:

      I am so fucking sick to death about men whining about ghostbusters, the new Doctor and this movie. Grow the fuck up.

  • steelyis-av says:

    I just need this movie to do for Carol Danvers what the Iron Man movie did for Tony Stark, which is wash the stank of Civil War 1 and 2 off Carol.
    If it can do that then I will be eternally grateful.

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