Brie Larson says the women of the MCU are "passionate" about making an all-female superhero movie

Aux Features Film
Brie Larson says the women of the MCU are "passionate" about making an all-female superhero movie
Photo: Kevin Winter

Marvel Studios is finally getting off its lazy butt and making a Black Widow movie, giving MCU fans one of the female-led projects that they’ve been asking for, but there’s still no word on the other idea that everyone keeps pitching: An all-female team-up movie where heroes like Valkyrie, the Wasp, Okoye, Gamora, Pepper Potts, and Captain Marvel can all go off on their own adventure. We first rumblings of this being a possibility back in 2017, with Tessa Thompson revealing that she and some of her fellow Marvel women got together at an MCU event and told Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige to his face about how much they all wanted to make a movie together. He told them he’d do it, but we all saw how long it has taken for that Black Widow movie, and a few months later the best he could promise was a vague tease about the female MCU characters getting together again at some point (looking back, he may have just been referencing that big moment in Avengers: Endgame, and that sequence was hardly a whole movie).

Brie Larson—Captain Marvel herself—has now offered her own support for this all-female Marvel movie, telling Variety that it is definitely something that has been talked about. She said that “a lot of the female cast members from Marvel walked up to [Feige]” and told him that they wanted to do it, but she has no idea if it’ll happen (also, it’s reasonable to assume that she’s referring to the previous time that we know they talked to Feige, so it’s unclear if this is something that has actually been brought up in that kind of situation more than once). That being said, Larson noted that she and her colleagues are “really passionate” about the idea, and “if enough people out in the world talk about how much they want it, maybe it’ll happen.”

So, there you go. Open your copy of The Secret and flip to the part about superhero movies.


  • grimweeping-av says:

    I would see such a movie in a heartbeat. Bring it, Marvel.

  • teodorotrescuuu-av says:

    Now ask her about China , what does The Secret say about that?

  • alliterator85-av says:

    They really should make an A-Force movie just so all those tiny misogynists that ranted about Captain Marvel will get so mad, their heads will explode. Spite is a good reason to make a movie, right?

    • maltbrew01-av says:

      So I’m a misogynist if I didn’t love Captain Marvel?

      • brontosaurian-av says:

        No, but your need to comment on it here makes me suspicious of your intentions. 

        • martianlaw-av says:

          There’s only one way to find out the truth. Maltbrew, what’s your opinion on Rose Tico?

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            Does this make you feel the need to talk about why Alita Battle Angel was so much better?

          • schmowtown-av says:

            Alita: Battle Angel, while still a very dumb movie, was leagues better than Captain Marvel. The subterranean action sequence alone puts it above everything in CM.

          • raptureiscoming-av says:

            Had to Google that name… that’s the impact her character had on me. I didn’t like her character at all, but to be fair I haven’t really been happy with the new Star Wars films. I hate Finn the most but that’s another discussion (he’s this trilogy’s Jar-Jar). /chants RogueOne!
            On topic… I thought Brie was fine as Marvel and I’m into to more movies with her as Marvel. Maybe give her a supporting role in a Nova film also? /dreamsofaNovafilm

        • maltbrew01-av says:

          I just feel it’s kinda mean getting called a misogynist if I don’t enjoy wooden terrible acting, but you know whatevs.

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            Ok buddy. Feel the need to vent anymore? We’re here for you, I understand how upsetting these blockbuster MCU movies can be.

          • maltbrew01-av says:

            Vent? I’m as calm can be. You’re the one who’s answering for other people so just dial down.

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            Make sure to reply back to every comment. 

          • maltbrew01-av says:

            I’m trying. Kinja is the fucking worst though and it doesn’t work well with Firefox.
            So why do you want to fight?

          • macattack24-av says:

            You mean like the exact same thing you do and are doing? 

        • macattack24-av says:

          Great, no one really cares if you’re suspicious of someones intentions or not. 

      • derrabbi-av says:

        If you ranted about it probably. If you just didn’t enjoy it was much as other Marvel movies then no. 

        • maltbrew01-av says:

          What’s a rant though? At least you gave me an answer as opposed to Bronto who just seems ready to fight.

          • roboj-av says:

            Yeah, bronto is kinda of a jerk in that regard as he’s one of the bigger keyboard warriors here. DNE.You’re also seeing how this and the rest of the Kinjaverse’s comment boards work: you have to auto-agree with them no matter how bad, dumb, or non-sensical and toe the line as far as the ideology, or get shouted and trolled down into oblivion. Like how you’re now a “misogynist” for not liking the Captain Marvel movie. Notice how you didn’t actually say anything bad or negative about Brie Larson, women, or anything actually misogynistic as a whole.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            “you have to auto-agree with them”Never understood this argument. There’s plenty of stuff written in comment threads here I don’t agree with.Now, whining about people not liking you not agreeing with them is a whole other matter.

          • roboj-av says:

            Hi stalker! Long time! How are you before I dismiss this thread and your usual creepiness?

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            “Hi stalker!”I see you’re going with the “rubber, not glue” defense. Good luck with that.

          • roboj-av says:

            Speaking of “rubber, not glue” I noticed you stopped calling me a stalker back. Have you finally accepted the fact that you’re the trolly, loser, stalker after all this time?

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            “Have you finally accepted the fact that you’re the trolly, loser, stalker after all this time?”Well, no, since I don’t keep busting into your replies to keep litigating something you said months ago.That’s your thing.

          • roboj-av says:

            As opposed to your thing which is to busting into a reply and thread I made that you had nothing do with just to troll me because you’ve got nothing else going on in your sad pathetic life?Speaking of having better things to do, I’m not going to carry on this trolly “rubber, not glue” back and forth for multiple comments bullshit you enjoy doing so much, so please feel free to have your last word before I dismiss this thread. Bye now.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            “As opposed to your thing which is to busting into a reply and thread I made that you had nothing do with just to troll me because you’ve got nothing else going on in your sad pathetic life?”No, your comment is one I see posted by a lot of people on this site and I genuinely don’t understand why people like you think the rest of us get together to agree on what’s permissible here. That idea is Looney Tunes.“Speaking of having better things to do, I’m not going to carry on this trolly”You keep teasing without ever following through. Why should I believe you this time?

          • roboj-av says:

            Hello my internet stalker! Long time since you’ve trolled me. Anything stupid in particular you’d like to say this time before I dismiss this thread and continue ignoring you until you try to troll and stalk me again?

          • roboj-av says:

            Carried through with it this time! Just wanted you to see this before I dismiss it too. Buh-bye and go fuck yourself you shit stalker. Until the next time when you decide to want to troll. 

          • alliterator85-av says:

            Like how you’re now a “misogynist” for not liking the Captain Marvel movie.He’s not a misogynist for not liking the movie; he’s a misogynist for responding to my post saying how “tiny misogynists who ranted about Captain Marvel” wouldn’t like an A-Force movie and took it as a reference to himself. He basically called himself a misogynist.You can’t tell me I’m wrong. Because that’s what literally happened.

          • roboj-av says:

            You are wrong because that’s not what he literally said. He straight up said, word for word copied and pasted that: “So I’m a misogynist if I didn’t love Captain Marvel?” What in that statement is hateful towards women in anyway? He didn’t love/like Captain Marvel. A fair opinion. So? What? How is that hating all women now?
            Its not enough that you had to go and prove my point, but you took an extra and stupid step of straight up lying too. Like as if I didn’t see what he actually said and tried to imply and explain himself.

          • wykstrad1-av says:

            “Oh egads, people are praising Captain Marvel! But what if… I were to stridently and repeatedly accuse others of misandry, and disguise it as formal criticism? Oh ho ho ho ho…
            delightfully devilish, Seymour!”

          • roboj-av says:

            And we have our next contestant/idiot making my case and proving my point for me. Gesus you’re all too predictable and are making this too easy.

          • wykstrad1-av says:

            Yes, it is far too easy to be proved right by all the people who are saying that actually I am wrong. It is almost as though they do not understand that, while I am rubber, they are glue.

          • roboj-av says:

            Uh huh. Any more unfunny, corny, and stupid snark you’d like to add before I dismiss this thread? You’ve already proven my point about the “toe the wokeness line or i’ll troll you to death like the petulant child I am.”

          • wykstrad1-av says:

            Here lies RoboJoxtrolled… to Death

          • alliterator85-av says:

            He straight up said, word for word copied and pasted that: “So I’m a misogynist if I didn’t love Captain Marvel?”Yes, that’s what he wrote. But my post never stated that anyone who didn’t love Captain Marvel was a misogynist. In fact, my post had nothing to do with people who didn’t like the movie. It was about spiting tiny misogynists who ranted about Captain Marvel.Which he then replied to, asking if a question that had no bearing on my post. Which meant that either he was a) a moron, b) a misogynist, or c) a troll. Or possibly all three.Just like you.

          • roboj-av says:

            I’m still waiting for you to answer my question: what in that statement he made makes him a misogynist? Or me as one as you are now moronically accusing me as one, like the good little troll you are?

          • alliterator85-av says:

            He wrote “How am I a misogynist” when the post never called him a misogynist. It wasn’t calling anyone a misogynist except actual misogynists — and so him saying “How am I a misogynist” clearly meant that he felt he was being singled out, which meant that yep, he was a misogynist. If you feel you are being singled out by someone insulting misogynists, that’s your brain is telling you what you are doing is misogynistic.As for you, I know you’re a troll because of your post history. You’ve trolled here before, many a time. Shoo, troll, don’t bother me.

          • roboj-av says:

            He explained himself thoroughly afterwards. Specifically how moronic your point and post was. You just chose to ignore it and continued on being a moronic, specious, little twit you are because like I said: toe the line and auto-agree with me or else face the wrath of a million flame comments from the woke patrol.“As for you, I know you’re a troll because of your post history. You’ve trolled here before, many a time. Shoo, troll, don’t bother me.”And now here you go with the “rubber not glue” childish and petulant crap. With of course you lacking the self awareness and irony of the fact that I wasn’t even talking to you at all, but you decided to jump in to troll me anyway because you know you have the rest of your fellow trolls that have ruined this site will back you up.Any more specious and dishonest crap you’d like to add before I close out this one too?

          • alliterator85-av says:

            He explained himself thoroughly afterwards.

          • macattack24-av says:

            You’re wrong and an extremely unintelligent person. 

          • derrabbi-av says:

            Not to fight or anything but you know what a rant is. You seem smart and don’t need an exact paragraph count or post per minute count or something. Let’s use this measure if you post about it at the same level that I do that there has never been a good live action Batman then you aren’t ranting; if you post about it at the same level that I do that Trump is a treasonous mobster then you’re ranting. 

      • alliterator85-av says:

        Yes, you are a misogynist, but no, it’s not because you didn’t love Captain Marvel. It’s because you felt the need to respond to this post about tiny misogynists ranting about Captain Marvel. Clearly, you felt you were being targeted, which means somewhere deep down, you realize that you are a tiny misogynist.Congratulations. Admitting it is the first step.

        • maltbrew01-av says:

          Well yikes, so I’m only allowed to comment on something that impacts me and only me?
          This is gonna suck moving forward.

          • alliterator85-av says:

            Your response was basically Lucille Bluth going, “If that’s a veiled criticism about me, I won’t hear it and I won’t respond to it.”

          • maltbrew01-av says:

            Because I don’t agree with that you’re calling me a misogynist or?

          • alliterator85-av says:

            You appear to not understand what people are saying or are being deliberately obtuse. My comment referred to “tiny misogynists” who didn’t like the movie. It said nothing about how everyone who didn’t like the movie was a misogynist, because that would be silly. But that’s the way you took it, because you are either very stupid, a misogynist yourself, or a troll. Pick one.

          • maltbrew01-av says:

            Well you did write ‘rant’ and I’ve done my share of that because of how awfully miscast Brie Larson is in that role. I just figured you meant every man.

          • alliterator85-av says:

            Ah, so you are a misogynist.

          • maltbrew01-av says:

            And you are a misandris. Congrats. We’re both terrible! 

          • alliterator85-av says:

            I’m a guy, dude. But nice try.

          • maltbrew01-av says:

            It’s a shame to hate ones own gender.

          • alliterator85-av says:

            It’s a shame how much of an asshole you are.

          • maltbrew01-av says:

            It’s my one good feature though. Don’t you dare take it away from me!

          • hammerbutt-av says:

            Anyone who brings up Arrested Development in this post Tambour era is clearly a monster

          • alliterator85-av says:

            Wow, that is the shittiest take I’ve seen since…well, since the guy I was responding to. Still: that is one shitty take.

          • macattack24-av says:


          • galdarnit-av says:

            “Well yikes, so I’m only allowed to comment on something that impacts me and only me?”

            No, but when you reply defensively, completely out of nowhere, people are going to take it as the implication that it is and call you out on it.

            Don’t want to be called a misogynist? Then don’t preemptively be so defensive about not being a misogynist in response to not being called a misogynist by anyone.

          • precognitions-av says:

            i’d be careful arguing with this guy. it’s clear he got his PhD in Armchair Psychology from the school of Arguing Online After Having Recently Read The Wikipedia Entry For Projection

        • normchomsky1-av says:

          Another tell is when they go off on the actress themselves instead of the movie. I personally didn’t like the Ghostbusters remake but the actors all tried in the film and I’ve liked them in other things. I like Paul Feig too, but he just whiffed on this one. It didn’t help that Sony was running the show.

        • macattack24-av says:

          Wow you are such a bad person that it’s jaw dropping. 

      • mfolwell-av says:

        Either you’re a misogynist or alliterator wasn’t talking about you. Your opinion of Captain Marvel is not a factor.But given that you’re taking it personally, it certainly looks bad for you.

        • maltbrew01-av says:

          I’m not taking it personally. I just find it stupid on both sides! Don’t praise Captain Marvel to the heaves JUST because the main character is a woman! What alliterator said was just a stupid joke on equally moronic people who hated Captain Marvel because the main character is a woman. It’s either black or white now a days!
          If you say anything negative about movies where woman have the lead then you’re automatically branded a misogynist!

          • galdarnit-av says:

            “I’m not taking it personally.”

            Obviously. All your previous comments notwithstanding. 

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            “Don’t praise Captain Marvel to the heaves JUST because the main character is a woman!”No one’s doing that here.

          • mfolwell-av says:

            Except no one is praising Captain Marvel to the heavens here. Alliterator only offered spite as a reason to make more, that’s hardly a glowing endorsement.Either you’re misinterpreting the target of the “joke” (very specifically misogynists, not a blanket accusation at anyone who disliked the film), or it really was targeted at you (which you’ve somehow not felt the need to actually deny in 9 defensive replies in this thread so far), which I guess makes you a self-proclaimed moron. Either way, looks like everything’s coming up moron.

          • maltbrew01-av says:

            Yeah thanks, I’ve already got one version of this spiel.

      • sarcastro6-av says:

        I mean, you mischaracterized what he said right out of the gate with this question, so it does raise the question.

    • dillon-av says:

      To be fair, Captain Marvel was a shitty movie and Brie Larson was as wooden as a canoe.If I were you, I’d be hoping for a man to save Brie’s Marvel future.

      • galdarnit-av says:

        “To be fair, Captain Marvel was a shitty movie and Brie Larson was as wooden as a canoe.”

        To be truthful, not it wasn’t and no she wasn’t.

    • yttruim-av says:

      The twitter replies to the various news releases about this story had all of the misogynists coming out to play.Hillarious and sad at the same time. 

    • toasterlad-av says:

      Honestly, I live for teamup movies, so I’m totally onboard with this A-Force business, even if it is blatant fan service. But just knowing how much it will piss off the incels is absolutely all the rationale needed to make it.But please leave Pepper Potts out of it. I think we’re all pretty much over Gwyneth at this point.

    • jasonr77-av says:

      As this advocates spontaneous combustion, I am fully on board with it if for no other reason. It can be like the opening scene from season 1 of Preacher.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Not sure if it’s a good reason to make a movie, but spite is the reason I went to see ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ at the cinema, and that’s a decision I’m very glad I made.

    • raptureiscoming-av says:

      I thought people hated Brie because of what she said at some ceremony somewhere and not actually mad at the film? /shrug

  • laylowmoe76-av says:

    In other Brie Larson/MCU news, certain neckbeard misogynists are really really invested in the idea that Larson is intensely disliked by her fellow MCU castmembers, and have made numerous YouTube videos that “prove” it.

  • cmallen-av says:

    We can at least start with more female-lead superhero movies (I mean, if we’re being realistic about the genre and its treatment of women). The whole Avengers story line is easily a dozen major IPs. But only one of those films had a lead character who was also female (Capt Marvel, obviously), and that was the *last* film before the grand finale. So I guess that qualifies as progress.Feels a bit like Bill Murray in What About Bob. “Baby steps. Baby steps.”

  • fronzel-neekburm-av says:

    This is a bad idea because then their cycles will sync up and leave them more vulnerable to bear attacks.(To anyone who can’t tell I’m joking: I am. An A-Force movie would be pretty awesome.)

    • sirwarrenoates-av says:

      Don’t apologize: it’s a scientific FACT.

    • doctor-boo3-av says:

      “You hear that, Tony? Bears. Now you’re putting the whole compound in jeopardy.”

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      A-Force goes camping.

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      Also, who would open all the jars?(Also joking but seriously the movie should be full of old, dumb, sexist, jokes like this)

      • fronzel-neekburm-av says:

        They should have a scene where a really jackass of a guy yells something like “go back into the kitchen” then the final fight scene has them kicking some bad guy’s ass and he gets thrown into the kitchen and they continue to beat him up in there. 

      • grogthepissed-av says:

        And who would squash Spider-Man with a newspaper?But seriously, I want a Shuri Black Panther movie. 

    • westerosironswanson-av says:

      Fortunately, SHIELD has put one of its top agents on taking care of just this eventuality:

    • wykstrad1-av says:

      Aw man, the group already has a name? I was hoping they could be called The Avyngyrs.(To be followed by an all-gender-fluid superhero team, The Agenders.)

      • brontosaurian-av says:

        Followed by 50+ something year old superheros played by Winona Ryder, Ethan Hawke, Ben Stiller, Janeane Garofalo and more called The X-genners.

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          And then an all Druid team set in the middle ages called the Stonehengers.

        • wykstrad1-av says:

          Followed by a superhero team composed entirely of people who had been disowned by a particular branch of the Kardashian family, The Ex-Jenners.

        • insomniac-tales-av says:

          I would watch the hell out of that movie. The soundtrack is composed entirely of Seattle Grunge rock. Janeane Garofalo’s power is to be sarcastic and make flannel look good.

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            I thought it was a magic bowling ball with her dead father’s skull in it. Wait has this movie already been made?

  • markagrudzinski-av says:

    Someone’s a-gonna get triggered!

  • sirwarrenoates-av says:

    Forget that: when can we get an updated version of “Angel’s Revenge”?

  • bathsaltsbecky-av says:

    Cue the exploding incel heads!This is gonna be GOOD!

  • beertown-av says:

    An actual movie could be pretty dang fun, as opposed to that bizarre sequence in Endgame, where Mantis and The Wasp were somehow supposed to help out the interstellar god that is Captain Marvel.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    They should also include Jessica Jones (though I know Krysten Ritter has said she doesn’t expect to play the character again) and Daisy (at least) from Agents of SHIELD

    • alliterator85-av says:

      God yes. That would also spite all those people who are like “but the shows aren’t part of the MCU!”

      • trenkes-av says:

        You are all-in on spite-based moviemaking.

        • rogueindy-av says:

          Spite sells. Just look at Hatred.

        • igotsuped-av says:

          alliterator: Excuse me, I’d like to see you make this A-Force movie.Kevin Feige: Certainly. May I ask why?alliterator: …For spite.KF: Spite?alliterator: That’s right. I don’t care for the misogynists trashing Bri Larson. KF: I don’t think we can make a movie for spite.alliterator: What do you mean?KF: Well if our previous movies were unsatisfactory in some way, then we could do it for you, but I’m afraid spite doesn’t fit into any of our conditions for a $200 million film budget.alliterator: That’s ridiculous, I want to see it. What’s the difference what the reason is?KF: Let me speak with the manager, excuse me.(walks over to the manager and whispers)Bob Iger: What seems to be the problem?alliterator: Well I want to see an A-Force movie and he asked me why and I said for spite and now he won’t make it.BI: That’s true. We can’t make a movie based purely on spite.alliterator: Well, so fine then, then I want to see an empowering movie centered on female characters I’ve grown to sympathize with and that’s why I want to see it made.BI: Well you already said spite so…alliterator: But I changed my mind.BI: No, you said spite. Too late.

  • dillon-av says:

    Does anybody want to see another Brie Larson shit show after the first one?

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    If I am limited to 8 Marvel characters for an A-Force lineup, my choices:Captain MarvelValkyrieNebulaGamoraJessica JonesShuriDaisy/ QuakeMaria Hill (non-skrull version) 

  • gseller1979-av says:

    I’m all for this but can I also get a movie just about Shuri? Because I legitimately think that could be awesome. 

  • brandonii-av says:

    Captain Marvel was great – one of the top 5 MCU movies in my opinion. 

  • sui_generis-av says:

    It’s weird how they keep talking about this idea, but never come out and actually say the words “A-Force”.Is it because they don’t want to address sorting out who has She-Hulk…?

    • grogthepissed-av says:

      I’d love a She-Hulk movie. I’d love it even more if it were a straight up legal drama that never addresses the fact that the courageous and principled lawyer at the heart of breaking open the villainous conspiracy behind the toxic waste dump hidden under the small town daycare center is actually a towering green giant with superhuman strength. 

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      She-Hulk is a TV show that’s coming. Terrible source, but it was officially announced.

    • derrabbi-av says:

      They have the rights to She Hulk in tv and film (ie the upcoming show). I do not believe they have the rights for a film to have the word “Hulk” in the title.  So “A Force” would be fine.

  • cjob3-av says:

    I feel like Marvel didn’t make a Black Widow movie because it didn’t see the need a Black Widow movie, just like we don’t need a Hawkeye movie. But hey, I’m sure internet commentors know what’s best when it comes to running Marvel Studios.

    • laylowmoe76-av says:

      Indeed, people who run movie studios have never made bad decisions about which movies to make. This is why every major studio release is a box office hit.

      • cjob3-av says:

        Last I checked, Marvel Studios had a pretty unprecedented winning streak when it came to deciding which movies to make.

        • laylowmoe76-av says:

          And clearly this means that if they had made a Black Widow movie earlier, it would’ve been a flop. You know this because you are a traveler of the multiverse.

          • cjob3-av says:

            Which universe are you from? The one where they only speak in sarcasm? 

          • laylowmoe76-av says:

            No, I’m from one where I am not at all a devastatingly witty raconteur whom persons of my preferred gender find irresistibly attractive.

          • kimothy-av says:

            I would like to be in that universe. I hate having to hold in my sarcasm.

    • zirconblue-av says:

      More likely they didn’t make one sooner for the same reason they didn’t make Black Panther or Captain Marvel sooner:  Ike Perlmutter.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    The antagonists should be women, too, and they can call it C*nt Puncher, and what do you mean I’m not helping, and oh sure, I’m the asshole!At least let me take a bearclaw on the way out!

  • imodok-av says:

    Even though I admit I choked up (a little) at the A-Force scene in Endgame, the A-Force team never made that much sense to me. When the X-men fielded an all woman team, it felt organic because the team members had a lot of shared history as mutants and X-men. Birds of Prey also seemed logical — female heroes (some of whom know each other well) with complementary skills and opponents. I’ve just never found the connective tissue of A-force as strong.

  • magpie187-av says:

    No superboys allowed

  • jesterdavid-av says:

    An “all female superhero movie”? I dunno. Shouldn’t they have a single token man. Y’know, for “representation.”Say, Hawkeye. So they have someone to pose sexily on the posters.

  • tinyepics-av says:

    Progress will only be achieved if Maria Hill becomes the first female head of SHIELD.

  • raycearcher-av says:

    I’m not confident in Larson’s ability to emote passion. And they killed Black Widow. So this is a movie I’d basically be attending for Hayley Lovitt and Danai Gurira?
    Well, they’re pretty great. Take my money, I guess.

  • bembrob-av says:

    Until she learns Scarlett Johansson is getting paid triple Larson’s salary.
    “What the Fuck! ‘Marvel’ is in my character’s name. I have an Oscar, Goddamnit!”

  • precognitions-av says:

    i’ll watch it if melissa mccarthy’s in it.she doesn’t even need to be a superhero. as long as she shits her pants in a wedding dress at some point.

  • stormcrow30-av says:

    While they are waiting, they can pick up a ticket to Birds of Prey

  • alansix-av says:

    Captain Marvel, the hairdresser

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