Cardi B talking aliens, FDR, censorship, and big feathered hats is peak Hot Ones

The "Bongos" rapper recently stopped by Hot Ones for a potential series best segment

Aux News Cardi B
Cardi B talking aliens, FDR, censorship, and big feathered hats is peak Hot Ones
Cardi B on Hot Ones Screenshot: First We Feat/YouTube

Cardi B was already the voice of a generation, but clearly, ghost pepper sauce only amplifies her oratory power. The “Bongos” rapper recently stopped by Hot Ones to give her thoughts on some of the most pressing issues facing the world today, and the results are—predictably—delightful.

Cardi B Tries Not to Panic While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

Read on for some highlights from the gospel of Cardi:

She doesn’t believe in aliens: “If aliens are real and they’re smarter than us, I just feel like, why haven’t they invaded us?’” Cardi asked. “Aliens, if they’re smart, they know how humans are. Humans are despicable! They want to take over everything.” As for the Fermi Paradox, Cardi doesn’t believe in that either. “People are like, ‘By why would aliens want to invade Earth? Earth is ghetto. They’re probably so advanced they think the earth is like a small fry,’ and it’s not about that. It’s the art of war.” Take that, Tom Delonge.

She’s a history buff: “I don’t know why, I’m obsessed with war,” said the star. But while she of course “loves” World War I, World War II is her true passion. She’s “obsessed with just learning everything about it.”

She loves FDR: Cardi did not want to talk about getting a chopped cheese with David Letterman. (“I didn’t really care about that part.”) Instead, she masterfully pivoted the conversation to talk about how excited she was to visit the 32nd president’s house. “I saw the room where Churchill and FDR was talking about the nuke,” she said, beaming. “That’s crazy to me! Like, I’m really here!”

She hates censorship: Recording clean versions of her songs is “so annoying.” In “Bongos,” she shared, the lyric “eat this ass like a plum” became “Baby, eat these peaches and plums.” “I was so over it. Like, I cannot say that. It’s so corny. Like, that sounds like a Kidz Bop, whatever… But I had no choice, so baby, eat these peaches and plums!”

She loves hats: “There’s nothing more luxurious than hats, and big feathers and big everything.” Simple as that!


  • yawantpancakes-av says:

    I have no idea why people what to hear her opinions on anything. I read these “highlights” and now I’m mad at myself for reading something so obviously dumb.Like the first one. If aliens are real and smarter than humans, why don’t they invade us? Somehow, the Art of War matters here. Like, just typing that killed a bunch of my brain cells.
    As for censoring her lyrics, it’s not like she’s writing them anyway…

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      It’s simple tactics, dude. Aliens want to control the galaxy, and they need to take over the Earth to establish a base close enough to attack Alpha Centauri.

    • JohnCon-av says:

      I have no idea why people what to hear her opinions on anything. They enjoy her and think she’s amusing? It’s not deep. I have no idea why people invest so much time in ranting about celebrities they dislike. Feels equally as pointless as kvetching over what flavor sparkling water someone drinks. Why waste your time? I’m Pamplemousse La Croix, fwiw.

    • Ruhemaru-av says:

      She’s someone who got famous because of her persona more than anything else. She’s fun for marketing and interviews because of it. Putting her on your show is like inviting Flava Flav back in the early 00’s.
      Her initial rap flow was straight Kindergarten, her real personality is hood, and no one should ever go to her for a nuanced take on anything that actually matters.
      That last thing also applies to anything I say.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I mean, I’m not saying I agree with her reasoning on the existence of aliens, but seeing as it’s entirely a hypothetical discussion I have no problem with her voicing her view. I don’t see the point in getting worked up about Cardi B’s thoughts on aliens one way or another.

      • yawantpancakes-av says:

        It’s like Ruhemaru said in another post. She’s all about persona.
        She’s presented like she’s a circus side show. Look at the girl from the Hood. Look at how they talk and how that act. It’s more like she’s not part of the joke, she is the joke.If I’m “worked up” about anything, it’s how she’s used the media in general as a modern age minstrel show.
        That said, if she doesn’t mind, that’s her life. Do whatever. As far as I’m concerned, I stay away from that bullshit.

      • tvcr-av says:

        This is an internet comment board. What’s the point of being here if you’re not going to get worked up? If you want to read lukewarm opinions about pop culture, just stick to the articles.

    • KingKangNYC-av says:

      “I have no idea why people what to hear her opinions on anything.”You could just ignore it and focus on something that brings joy to you. Why waste life thinking about stuff you don’t like?

  • daveassist-av says:

    She should launch a multi-part documentary on FDR. Having her host it might get young folks interested that might not have been interested before.

  • crithon-av says:

    a national treasure! 

  • quartz-miked2-av says:

    Love me some Cardi B! Bronx represents!

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