Person hit by Cardi B’s microphone files police report

The incident, where a fan threw a drink on Cardi B and she threw back her microphone, is being investigated as a possible battery

Aux News Cardi B
Person hit by Cardi B’s microphone files police report
Cardi B Photo: Vittorio Zunino Celotto

Over the weekend, Cardi B became another victim of the trend of audience members throwing stuff at performers onstage, following Harry Styles, Pink, Bebe Rexha, Kelsea Ballerini, and move, but what made Cardi B’s incident different is that she responded by throwing something back: her microphone. Her aim was apparently pretty good, though she had a little more power than she expected, because the microphone reportedly hit the thrower—who had tossed a drink on Cardi B—but then bounced off and hit someone else.

Now, according to TMZ, one of those people (we don’t know who specifically) has filed a report with the Las Vegas police department, and Cardi is listed as the suspect in a battery case. The cops confirmed this in a statement, with Variety adding that no arrests or citations have been issued.

Curiously, TMZ noted in its report that Cardi had previously asked the crowd to splash water on her since it was so hot, and because TMZ is classy, there’s even an accompanying video titled “Asking For It.” We don’t know what the drink-tosser tossed, but the various videos of the incident make it clear that it’s in a cup and not a water bottle—which perhaps means it wasn’t water, but who knows. She definitely seemed surprised by whatever it was after not being surprised when fans were throwing water earlier in TMZ’s video.

Either way, whatever allegedly happened here and whoever may or may not be at fault, it seems like, again, the lesson in all of this is that throwing things at people is bad—or at least that nobody likes it when something is thrown at them, unless they are a professional athlete in a sport that involves throwing and catching (but not exclusively throwing, because you don’t watch to get hit with a dart or one of those Cornhole bags).


  • nilus-av says:

    In the case of Carbi B vs some rando who can’t be asked to be an adult and not throw shit at people on stage. I, Judge Nilus, declare writ of “Fuck around and find out”. Case dismissed

    • specialcharactersnotallowed-av says:

      It might have been the other rando: “the microphone reportedly hit the thrower—who had tossed a drink on Cardi B—but then bounced off and hit someone else”.

    • bif67-av says:

      From your post to God’s ears. 

    • capeo-av says:

      Watch video from the show. Cardi repeatedly asks to get splashed with water on stage, and does, throughout the show, at one point bending over and facing her ass to crowd and telling them to, “put that in my pussy,” while she’s showered with people trying to splash water on her. Apparently she took offense to the fact that there was ice in this woman’s cup when she tried to splash her. There’s video of the woman, after the mic throw, immediately apologizing and saying it’s just water, you said to splash you with water and she made it cold as possible. The water with ice, yeah, probably not a good idea in the scheme of things, but water had been being throw at Cardi throughout the show because she told the audience to do so. I assume the ice made Cardi think a drink had been splashed at her, and she reacted that way. Either way, it’s not like these other unprompted incidents of psycho audience members throwing stuff at performers. I also have to note, it’s not even the woman who Cardi threw the mic at (with an incredible arm an accuracy I must say) that’s trying to get this charge but a rando who says the mic bounced off that woman and “hit” them and is obviously looking for a payday. 

      • subahar-av says:

        “Watch video from the show. Cardi repeatedly asks to get splashed with water on stage, and does, throughout the show, at one point bending over and facing her ass to crowd and telling them to, “put that in my pussy,” while she’s showered with people trying to splash water on her”
        I thought you were fucking joking lmao. What a clown. Thanks for the info though

      • nilus-av says:

        Thanks Captain un-fun. I knew most of this but I wanted to make a humorous comment!!

    • bcfred2-av says:
  • luasdublin-av says:

    Overreact and throw a metal object into a crowd…yeah that’s a really smart move there ..

  • ghboyette-av says:

    Yeah, kind of saw this coming from a mile away.

  • fredsavagegarden-av says:

    I don’t know how they can call this possible battery. It’s clearly not battery. It is microphone.

  • dachshund75-av says:

    Just watched the TMZ video (thanks a lot, never go to that site). She asked multiple times for people the splash her with water, (“I’m hot as f**k, cool my pu**y down” so classy) and a lot of people did exactly like that. Then she trips out because someone splashes her with (maybe) not water? Certainly looked like it could’ve been. Anyhow, it’s a concert, and yeah you pretty much asked for it. And throwing a mic into a crowd where it could hit anyone (and did) is a stupid move.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Then she trips out because someone splashes her with (maybe) not water?”

      Throwing a cup is not “splashing”. Not once did she ask for non-water objects to be thrown at her.

    • dodecadildo-av says:

      The words are FUCK and PUSSY. If you’re going to talk about them at least be adult enough to use them. 

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    I anticipated this. What better way to get attention and possibly a paycheck by provoking a celebrity to strike back? A lifetime of dealing with narcissists will teach you that.

    • capeo-av says:

      What? It’s not the woman who splashed Cardi, and who Cardi threw the mic at, that made the police report. It was someone standing next to her who says the mic bounced off her and hit them. Also, watch video of the show. Cardi asks to get splashed with water, and does, throughout the show. There’s literally water being thrown at her over and over again. It seems like she snapped because there was ice in the water the one fan threw at her and she assumed it was a drink, not water. Yeah, ice? Not a great idea, but there’s video of the woman, instantly after the mic throw, being hugely apologetic and saying it’s just water, it’s just cold water, and you told us to splash you. 

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        I watched the video embedded in the blog. It was clearly ice. I think you’re looking for an argument. My point was “don’t retaliate when jerks do stupid things.”

  • theporcupine42-av says:

    You guys really need to stop talking shit about TMZ then using them as your primary sources, you’re honestly no better than them at this point and at least they’re doing the work you’re ripping off 

  • mrsixx-av says:

    Damn these rich people. Just throwing $12 water away.

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    Seems shitty.  Was this person actually hurt, or are they just trying to soak Cardi B for money?  I get that it is a problem to be hit when someone throws something, but surely this person understands she was defending herself.  Just let it go, dude.  It can’t have hurt you that much, it was only a ricochet.

    • scelestus-av says:

      Seriously, it bounced off someone else first. This is just for a payday. 

    • fuckyou113245352-av says:

      Hustle baby.  Ain’t that what she taught us?

      • baggervancesbaggierpants-av says:

        is it better or worse than drugging someone and robbing them?

        • fuckyou113245352-av says:

          Those men were heterosexual and therefore reinforcing the patriarchy. Anything you do to straight (preferably white) men is justified. Like, reparations er sumpin. But since Cardi is now rich, she counts as “The Man” too and therefore should pay for throwing a microphone at a less rich Black woman. Identity hierarchy is the only true “equality”.

  • paulfields77-av says:

    Well it doesn’t exactly sound like the Beastie Boys Liverpool gig in 1987.

  • fattuna-av says:

    So she asked for people to throw water on her and her sistah did just that. Glad we got that cleared up. 

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