Celebrate the 1-year anniversary of the 2016 elections by screaming at the sky

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It’s hard to believe, but it’s almost been one entire year since America brought forth the waking nirvana of a Donald Trump presidency—one year full of absolute bliss, where nothing is impossible and all dreams can come true if we only believe in them hard enough.

To celebrate such a momentous occasion, people from multiple cities are gathering to provide the President with the only sort of praise appropriate for his magnificence: screaming up at the uncaring skies, expelling frustration from the bottom of hundreds of sets of lungs.

The events, all very aptly titled “Scream helplessly at the sky on the anniversary of the election” on Facebook, are set, so far, to take place in Boston and New York City on The New New Year, November 8th. (At the time of writing, 21,000 plan to attend the NYC version, but, if it’s anything like a typical Facebook event page, we can expect maybe a third to actually show up on time.)

Following in the example of Yoko Ono’s succinct response to last year’s elections, each Facebook page offers a similarly brief summary of the rationale behind the gatherings:

Join us cucks and snowflakes, safe spacers and libtards, as we enjoy a collective cathartic yell into the heavens about our current political establishment.

It’s unlikely to effect much real change, but is still a fine idea. Perhaps, in years to come, these gatherings can even become a new American tradition celebrated in public or at home with friends and family close by, faces jammed against the soft, understanding reprieve of a pillow.

[via Mashable]

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