Charles Manson is here to ruin the fun of Once Upon A Time In Hollywood's first trailer

Aux Features Coming Distractions

No, the latest Once Upon A Time In Hollywood posters haven’t been much to look at, but the trailer for Quentin Tarantino’s latest is something to behold. Offering a zany, kaleidoscopic view of ‘60s-era la la land, the trim clip sets the amicable relationship between actor Rick Dalton (Leonardo Dicaprio) and stuntman Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt) against the sunny pop of Los Bravos’ “Bring A Little Lovin’.”

Margot Robbie’s doomed Sharon Tate also surfaces, but her grinning, dancing star is quickly diminished by a grinning Charles Manson (Damon Herriman), who pops up for one quick, eerie frame. Also, Pitt does karate and DiCaprio does the best acting this little girl has ever seen in her life.

Tarantino’s latest drops in July. Check out the trailer above.


  • swans283-av says:

    tbh I totally forgot this had Charles Manson in it. I thought it was a buddy “cop” comedy with DiCap and Pitt. Whatever it is I’m intrigued

    • rogue-jyn-tonic-av says:

      Yeah, this already looked good, ‘all on it’s own’ without needing to add the Charles Manson bit.Now I’m thinking I’d really like to see Tarantino do a buddy-cop movie, like Midnight Run.

      • captain-splendid-av says:

        “Yeah, this already looked good, ‘all on it’s own’ without needing to add the Hitler bit.”IB turned out alright.  I’m not all that worried.

      • snagglepluss-av says:

        my guess is the movie is about the scene in LA in the 60’s which was pretty crazy and how Manson was the one who end of the scene. I have a feeling he’s not as important to the movie as people are thinking

    • satanscheerleaders-av says:

      Manson helps them solve crimes and gets into shenanigans.

      • chancellorpuddinghead-av says:

        “Charles Manson helps the cops solve murders because, being the most famous murderer in the world, he obviously has great insight into every murderer ever” sounds like CBSs next procedural hit.  

        • satanscheerleaders-av says:

          For a second, I thought you were going to say Manson helps cops solve the murders he orchestrated. 

          • chancellorpuddinghead-av says:

            That’s far too cerebral for CBS.  Instead, Charles Manson’s brain was saved by the Helter Skelter Institute (WINK) to be used in their latest tool in crime fighting: M.A.N.S.O.N., the criminally insane crime solving robot.

          • satanscheerleaders-av says:

            The documentation specialist in me demands that you define M.A.N.S.O.N.

          • dirtside-av says:

            “Mechanical Artificial Nullification and Scientific Observation Neohuman”, obviously….

        • dirtside-av says:

          I want that show to start with that premise, except when the two lead cops get to Manson’s cell, they find out that he’s just a crazy lunatic who doesn’t know anything and is totally useless to them. But the chief insists that they get his insights so they have to sit there for an hour while Manson rants at them, and then invent advice Manson supposedly gave them. When the advice, which they made up to be abstract and silly, turns out to accidentally describe how the murder they’re trying to solve was carried out, the chief demands that they go back to Manson for every murder, thus trapping them in a cycle of having to invent crazy new ideas every week and trying to later on figure out how to make each murder fit with “Manson’s” crazy advice.

          • chancellorpuddinghead-av says:

            Call it “Unreliable Witnesses” and you’ve got yourself USA’s next winner.

        • noisetanknick-av says:

          “Alright, Charlie, we got 5 bodies spread across two states. Same MO in each killing, but aside from being white males, not a single gossamer thread to connect them in any way. Ages range from 19 to 75, worked in unrelated fields, never crossed paths, never so much set foot in the same city at the same time. What’s our unsub’s motivation here? And so help me God if you say ‘Race war’ again!”“Hey, maaaaaaan, I’d have to say…he’s trying…to instigate…


          • brandonii-av says:

            Is it just me or would Charles Manson be immensely popular nowadays with his ‘race war’ nonsense? Ahead of his time, perhaps?

        • yummsh-av says:

          CSI: Charles Manson

        • martianlaw-av says:

          “Help us solve the Red Dragon murders, Charles.”“Hey, man, we’re all Red Dragons. Cut us up and we’re nothing but bloody lizards. I’m gonna eat your kids!”“He’s done it again. He’s a genius.”

        • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

          So exactly between Silence of the Lambs and Blacklist?

      • hell-iph-i-kno-av says:

        all set to Yakety Sax playing over a Keystone Kops-like montage … Quentin always picks his music first and then writes the scene

    • xcjedi1974-av says:

      Played by the same actor who played Dewey Crowe on the FX show Justified.. He’s actually really damn good and it’s neat to see him in something higher profile like this, however small his role is probably going to be.

  • solamentedave-av says:

    I’m in the grays so this will never be seen, but god damn, did they actually resurrect Bruce Lee? That’s the most spot-on casting I’ve ever seen.Also, this looks great.  

  • gudgercollegealumnus-av says:

    The cast alone (including top-billed and the supporting players) makes this a will-see for me.

  • northamericanscum-av says:

    Is DiCaprio kind of playing John Wayne in the original True Grit?

  • franknstein-av says:

    Is there anything Charles Manson doesn’t ruin?

  • wiscoproud-av says:

    Its doesn’t look nearly as violent as most Tarantino films, but i want to see it. 

  • kirinosux-av says:

    Death Grips?

  • kirinosux-av says:

    This film certainly does have a mix of Kill Bill and Jackie Brown, both movies I really love from Tarantino and it’s the type of film I’ve been wanting to see from Tarantino for decades now.

  • kirivinokurjr-av says:

    I’d watch this for the Bruce Lee scenes alone.

    • satanscheerleaders-av says:

      The Bruce Lee scenes are when he was a student at the University of Washington earning his B.A., and mostly consist of him studying in the library.

  • conanthelibrarian-av says:

    Bruce Lee did not do karate. He had his own system of Kung Fu called Jeet Kune Do.

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      Is that different from Rex Kwon Do?

    • manwok-av says:

      Brad Pitt, on the other hand…

    • mwfuller-av says:

      Bruce Lee was totally awesome.

    • thedreadsimoon-av says:

      been practicin’ huh?

      • conanthelibrarian-av says:

        While my panther-like reflexes and speed would be well suited for Jeet Kune Do, I prefer to use steel blades while whipping myself into a wild battle frenzy so that I can more easily slaughter everything before me in a flurry of spinning blades and gore. Although, I did pierce a man’s skull last week with a 3D printed plant-stem holder after I saw him licking his fingers before turning the pages in his library book.

    • koharskisdoughnuts-av says:

      Whatever, Vincey Masters.

    • galdarnit-av says:

      You should let the Long Beach International Karate Championships know so that they can uninvite him.
      And maybe tell his karate trainer Ed Parker that he was wasting his time…

      • conanthelibrarian-av says:

        Ed Parker was not “his trainer”, he was a colleague and friend and they would occasionally train together. Bruce Lee didn’t compete in the 1964 Long Beach Karate Championships, he was an exhibitor. He famously demonstrated his “one-inch punch”, and two fingered push ups, neither of which were “karate.” Bruce Lee’s entire fighting philosophy was to specifically not limit himself to a style, that is why he developed Jeet Kune Do.

        • galdarnit-av says:

          “Bruce Lee’s entire fighting philosophy was to specifically not limit himself to a style”

          Nobody, EVER, said that he *only* did karate. YOU said that he DIDN’T do karate.

          If I say “I don’t limit myself to just liking one sport, I like all sports” it doesn’t mean that I don’t like hockey.

          I know that’s difficult to understand, but it’s true. 

          • conanthelibrarian-av says:

            Yeah, let’s just completely ignore the fact that you misrepresented his participation in the 1964 karate championships and his relationship with Ed Parker and instead pick apart my last sentence and ascribe it meaning that it doesn’t have. My point was that Karate is a traditional style of fighting with traditional training and Jeet Kune Do is non-traditional training that focuses on molding a fighting system to an individual person. So you can’t “do” Karate and Jeet Kune Do at the same time—they have completely different training methods.However, someone who wanted to couple Japanese martial arts with Jeet Kune Do could do that! In his own words:
   know that’s difficult to understand, but it’s true. Lee did not “do” karate. The emphasis on form and kata in karate was the opposite of how he believed one should train in martial arts. If you’re using “karate” as a term for Japanese martial arts, well, he didn’t really do those either. Bruce Lee’s flavor of Jeet Kune Do was pretty much Kung Fu (specifically
            Wing Chun) without the emphasis on form. It was not heavily influenced
            by Japanese martial arts. You might be able to make a case for him
            incorporating some grappling elements from Judo, but you’re not, which really makes me think you have no idea what you’re talking about.

  • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

    Skipping it. May be the best movie of this summer, but there’s no way I’m supporting the scumbag that is Tarantino. Almost killed Uma Thurman in a car stunt while filming Kill Bill, and was so connected in Weinstein’s inner circle that there’s no way he wasn’t privy to all sorts of fucked up shit that he let him get away with while saying nothing. Sometimes it’s not worth it.

    • brandonii-av says:

      Thanks for letting us know brah

    • tshepard62-av says:

      Go root for Buffalo

    • yummsh-av says:

      This isn’t an airport. You don’t need to announce your departure.

    • galdarnit-av says:

      Amazing story. I feel truly blessed for having been able to experience it.

    • hockeygodfather-av says:

      Just a heads up for trailers that pop up: you don’t need to announce whether or not you’re going to see the movie.

    • brandonii-av says:

      Sometimes it’s not worth it.Me, after reading your comment

    • noisetanknick-av says:

      I admire your conviction; I know he’s a creep and a weirdo (and you KNOW he’s going to make an cameo as “Guy gleefully shouting racial slurs who maybe gets some comeuppance”) but I’ll still be there in the theater 

    • yummsh-av says:

      If you want to get technical about the Kill Bill stunt gone wrong, Tarantino gave the footage of the crash to Uma Thurman (who then gave it to Maureen Dowd of the New York Times for an expose’), knowing full well it could end up screwing him over. Uma’s Instagram post with the video (linked below) blames Lawrence Bender (who, by the way, is not producing ‘Once Upon A Time In Hollywood’), producer E. Bennett Walsh, and everyone’s favorite birthday clown Harvey Weinstein for it happening. Those three turd farmers lied about it, covered it up, and attempted to destroy evidence. If you want to be mad at someone about it, be mad at them. She does not blame Tarantino, and has stated that he felt ‘remorseful and regretful’ about it.

    • anotherburnersorry-av says:

      that’s woke yo

    • mwfuller-av says:

      Yeah, I don’t get it either.  Tarantino should be booted from the business, he’s a real bad dude.

      • terribleideasv2-av says:

        Please read Yummsh post above. I don’t think he should be ‘booted’ from making films, but I am curious as to why you feel that way.

    • jackstark211-av says:

      Good for you.  I can’t wait to see it.

    • teh-dude-6969-av says:

      Got some bad news about the rest of showbiz as well, sport.

    • chrisnj-av says:

      Thank you for your service.

    • dvsrey17-av says:

      You do realize that EVERYONE in Hollywood knew what Weinstein was doing and none of them stood up to him, or Bryan Singer, or Woody Allen, or Les Moonves or anybody else in power, but I’m sure you knew that already.

    • htully-av says:

      man, we used to have like…. not always nice conversations here, but not absolute garbage over a cold take like “i don’t want to see this movie” before Kinja. Just a real bummer that this is getting dumped.

    • derrickdd-av says:

      You must be very proud of yourself.

    • geocities-av says:

      I’ll be seeing it twice. Once for you, amigo.

    • sbt1-av says:

      No worries, I’m going to see it twice.

    • kencosgrovesgoodeye-av says:
    • boyrd-av says:

      I’m seeing this movie, but I think the fact that Weinstein fucked with Mira Sorvino (Tarantino’s girlfriend) and ruined her career and Tarantino did nothing makes QT look seem a real piece of shit, no question. Contrast Tarantino’s inaction with Brad Pitt, who slammed Weinstein against a wall and said if he ever messed with Gwyneth Paltrow again he’d kill him. THAT’S what you fucking do.Apparently, Thurman has forgiven him but if you watch the footage of that car crash, it’s no joke, she could’ve gotten seriously, permanently injured in that wreck.

    • f-paul-av says:

      You wouldn’t have gone anyways. Fascists have no taste. 

    • zegota-av says:

      Didn’t he outright admit that’s exactly what happened re: Weinstein?

    • sharkdoll-av says:

      Damn, I dunno why everyone’s ragging on you for giving your two cents. Aren’t we all just here sharing opinions and having discussions?

    • justlikeyrmom69-av says:

      Shit i forgot about that. Well i wont ve watching it either then…. Well ill wait for the dvd release, and then ill check it out from the library

    • domusvita-av says:

      Get off the cross, we need the wood.

  • cctatum-av says:

    God I love DiCaprio.

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      I’m still waiting for the DiCaprio performance that’ll sell me on him. I think he’s fine, but I kinda want to love him. Catch Me If You Can might be my favorite of his, but I have yet to be blown away.

      • wykstrad1-av says:

        I like a lot of DiCaprio performances, but I do wish he had more roles where he played a charming con man. The closest we’ve gotten since is The Wolf of Wall Street, where he plays a guy who thinks he’s a charming con man.

      • nycpaul-av says:

        Don’t you know he won an Oscar for “Most Snot”??!

      • jay-zed-av says:

        When “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” came out, my friend was duly impressed by the performance of the mentally impaired kid and that he should win every award available. After I informed him that the actor’s name was Leonardo DiCaprio and that he was, in fact, not mentally impaired in real life, my friend immediately pronounced him as the greatest actor of all time.

        • bobbymcd-av says:

          I think DiCaprio has been great in two movies: Gilbert Grape and Django.

          But whenever he’s the lead I think he makes the movie worse. All I see is him straining to act. Hope this movie is different.

      • halanefleur-av says:

        I know it may be ruined by now for a lot of people, but tbh I think he peaked early in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?. He did it so well that a lot of people thought he wasn’t acting at all at the time, apparently.

      • igortherussianbot-av says:

        I’m kind of in the boat. He’s good in everything, but I rarely think he’s incredible. It’s not his best movie, but his performance in The Great Gatsby might be my favorite of his. 

    • mwfuller-av says:

      He ruins all movies, so I disagree with you wholly.

    • teh-dude-6969-av says:

      I really think the little girl’s end line is all he’s ever wanted.

  • brandonii-av says:

    Good heavens Manson and Bruce Lee are spot on. This looks fantastic.

  • malekimp-av says:

    From the trailer it looks like Manson is a smaller part of this than it previously seemed. Which is good. Tarantino has such a loving relationship with cinematic violence that it was worrisome that he was going to be tackling such a gruesome real life murder case.
    Other than that observation the trailer felt a lot like a Coen Brothers film.

  • Nitelight62-av says:

    I would rather see a movie about cult leader Dewey Crowe.

  • davmpls-av says:

    I love all the reviews of a movie based on a trailer.

  • MookieBlaylock-av says:

    It looks fantastic.  

  • cigarette38-av says:

    OUAT has really gotten dark! I’d like to see a hastily drawn comic strip about its evolution.

  • yummsh-av says:

    I need to see this right fucking now please. He shot some of it at an old Taco Bell location right up the street from my house. I heard about it late and didn’t get to see any shooting, but I drove by like an hour afterward, and they’d converted the whole location to look EXACTLY like Taco Bell used to back in the ‘60s. (Yes, youngsters, there were Taco Bells in the ‘60s.)It had the old logo, the font, the bell up on top, everything. Pretty cool.

    • skipbifferty-av says:

      Served with authentic 60s taco meat!

    • kinjobo-av says:

      Yeah, I went to Hollywood to watch some of the filming (nothing super exciting — mostly vintage cars driving in circles for background) and it was super cool how decked out the stores/marquees were.  And it was fun to see even Los Angeles make a movie filming into a minor city event, for once.

      • yummsh-av says:

        Absolutely! Good to see stuff shot in LA and not Vancouver or wherever, too. I didn’t get down there to see all the sets and whatnot, but I follow a Facebook page called Vintage Los Angeles that had a ton of photos. It all looked pretty amazing.

  • gooddude-av says:

    Cool, Tarantino made a Coen Brothers Film

  • yttruim-av says:

    For anyone interested. Here is a competitive collaborative draft of Quentin Tarantino movies

  • diabolik7-av says:

    In a bold re-writing of history, as with Inglorious Basterds, Manson actually gets to join The Monkees! Mickey Dolenz goes on to be the world’s most prolific serial killer.

  • danovations-av says:

    It reminds me of “The Nice Guys” from a couple years ago. It was a buddy detective movie set in the 70’s with Gosling and Crowe. It was funny, a bit violent, and probably better than this.  

    • sgt-pepper-av says:

      It’s a shame that The Nice Guys didn’t find a bigger audience. Great film.

    • derrickdd-av says:

      The Nice Guys should have been a lot better than it was but was hamstrung by the fact that it was written and directed by an idiot with no self-awareness.

    • ginjinka-av says:

      The Nice Guys got a lot right, but just enough wrong. Especially in the long shadow of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.

  • KoolMoeDeeSimpson-av says:

    Somehow seems appropriate that a movie that has MeToo stink all over it would appear to make light of the Sharon Tate murder. Or maybe it isn’t a comedy and they just put all of the funny stuff in the trailer. But that seems less likely.

  • mwfuller-av says:

    I always avoid Tarantino movies.  He’s the worst.

  • jodrohnson-av says:

    pitt sounds a bit too much like his inglorious character, otherwise im there on opening night.also – pitt is really starting to look like robert redford now that hes aging.

    • koharskisdoughnuts-av says:

      Yep, totally Aldo Raine. Basically a spot-on replication. No difference whatsoever here.

  • tmage-av says:

    That’s a scary good Bruce Lee impersonation.  Kudos to whomever found that guy.

  • nextchamp-av says:

    Enjoy Margot Robbie like this while you can.Cause unless QT is gonna change history in this film…she’s gonna get BRUTALIZED in this thing.

    • gladys23-av says:

      Is he going to show the murders? Tate was eight months pregnant when she was killed and she looks pretty un-pregnant in these scenes.

    • madamederosemonde-av says:

      Why though? Do you think Margot Robbie as Sharon Tate will be another Amanda Seyfried / Linda Lovelace career killer situation?

    • igortherussianbot-av says:

      “Cause unless QT is gonna change history in this film”Because he’s never done that before. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if he did for this movie too.  

  • bklynguitar-av says:

    I’ve yet to see anybody talk about this, so maybe it’s just me—but is anyone else really disturbed by the idea of this movie?Tarantino’s shock-core gore against his own hastily drawn caricatures is one thing; the brutal murder of an actual innocent young woman is another.  People get caught up in Manson-alia, but the details of his crimes don’t exactly make me want to reach for the popcorn.

  • nycpaul-av says:

    “Get Shorty” with a mass murder.

  • just-another-sad-person-on-the-internet-av says:

    Getting a slight Kurt Russel vibe from Leo.

  • jonesj5-av says:

    That’s a couple of handsome men right there. Damn.

  • doginpeopleclothes-av says:

    I’ve got a few questions about this movie.

    Do you feel the blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

  • boyrd-av says:

    I recall the trailer for “Inherent Vice” (which was also a period piece with Manson references) was kinda misleading, made it look like a “Lebowski”-like comedic romp, which is *kind 0f* was, but the actual film was much different than advertised. I remember re-watching it semi-recently and just yelling at the TV “what the fuck IS this movie?”

  • nycpaul-av says:

    How is it that everything Tarantino films looks like a 14 year-old boy’s fetish?

    • duffmansays-av says:

      Inglourious Basterds, Hateful Eight, Django Unchained, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs? I think you’re confusing Quentin Tarantino with Michael Bay. 

    • igortherussianbot-av says:

      Do that many 14 year old boys have a thing for 1969 LA? 

  • harrymfa-av says:

    Whoever plays Bruce Lee looks very realistic in the trailer, besides the racist accent.

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