Chris Pine didn’t know about that fourth Star Trek movie, but he sure is excited for it now

Captain's Log, Stardate 2263.2: Today, the crew and I found out we were filming another Star Trek movie

Aux News Star Trek
Chris Pine didn’t know about that fourth Star Trek movie, but he sure is excited for it now
Chris Pine. Photo: Michael Tran/AFP

Easily at the top of Hollywood’s “Chris Barometer,” Chris Pine recently fell into something many of us have experienced: unknowingly having plans. When news broke during Paramount’s Investors Day that a fourth Star Trek movie was ready to take flight, much of the original cast of the J.J. Abrams reboot film series heard at the same time as everyone else—including Captain Kirk himself.

“Well, what’s going on with Star Trek is frankly, I don’t know,” said Pine in a recent interview with IndieWire. “When the announcement was made at the shareholders’ thing, I didn’t know that they were doing that. I don’t think anybody did.”

Apparently, the main team of Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Simon Pegg, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldaña, and John Cho were all left out of the captain’s log. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the main cast of the rebooted films were unaware of the film at time of the Paramount Investor’s Day and that they were being used as part of the deal.

Yet, Pine seems to be more than on board with the next film now that he’s well… aware of it. After being the first to enter early negotiations, Pine voiced his excitement on working with the fourth Star Trek’s director, Matt Shakman. Known for directing Disney+ MCU hit WandaVision, Shakman joins previous directors J.J. Abrams and Fast and Furious’ Justin Lin in crafting the world around the USS Enterprise.

“I met Matt Shakman, the director,” Pine said. “He’s a super-cool guy, very smart, I like him a great deal.”

As to what the space crew will be getting up to this time around is just as mysterious to us as it is to the All The Old Knives actor. “I know there’s a script out there somewhere and I’m waiting to see it,” revealed Pine. “Looking forward to reading it. I love the group. I love the team. I love the world. Happy to go to work.”

For the fourth installment, Josh Friedman and Cameron Squires are writing the script, based off an earlier draft from Lindsey Beer and Geneva Robertson. The film is expected to start production soon, with a release date set up for December 22, 2023.


  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Is the cast already under contract for this movie? I don’t really understand how a studio can announce a project that will almost certainly have to involve specific people without making sure those specific people are on board first. But the article says they’re just starting negotiations, so it seems like they’ve done just that.

    • pgoodso564-av says:

      The contracts are precise on their involvement, but not on their time of completion. It’s literally “You will make 4-6 Star Trek films over the next 20 years” or some incredibly vague shit you can only get away with if the compensation for keeping your schedule open for said vague timelines is “a kajillion dollars”. The “negotiations” are really just about nailing down people’s schedules now that the film is a go.

    • secretagentman-av says:

      They would have had a 3 picture deal so yeah, starting negotiations after you’ve announced the 4th puts Paramount in a tougher spot. Ha!

  • blpppt-av says:

    I didn’t really like the 3rd one as much as 1 & 2, but this cast always delivers a great performance despite the middling material.I will give credence to whomever came up with that Enterprise destruction scene—-getting cut into pieces, helplessly, was up there with the most gut-wrenching scenes in ST history.That being said, the stupid motorcycle and “Beastie Boys Attack” was so ridiculous it pretty much killed the rest of the movie for me.Here’s hoping Lin does a more centered job this time out.

    • 2sylabl-av says:


      • blpppt-av says:

        Isn’t he involved in this new one? My bad if I read that wrong.

        • 2sylabl-av says:

          I think we get a new guy to declare a hero/hate until the end of time: “Pine voiced his excitement on working with the fourth Star Trek’s director, Matt Shakman.”But you’ve got me watching the destruction of the Enterprise now.

          • blpppt-av says:

            “Shakman joins previous directors J.J. Abrams and Fast and Furious’ Justin Lin in crafting the world around the USS Enterprise.”Yeah, I read that wrong. My bad.

        • nurser-av says:

          Matt Shakman from WandaVision which makes me lean in, as he seems clever and maybe will add some fresh air to the proceedings. I enjoy the reboot too, not all were perfect but I love the cast and have a good time in the theater, with Pine at the helm, so to speak.

        • wazzu232-av says:

          This entire story literally was centered about how stoked Pine is to work with the new potential director, Matt as Hackman. And literally states like 8 times through the whole story that Shackman is the potential successor to Lin (original signed on director, Marc aka the new Spider-Man dude) dropped out. These Star Trek movies are now planned to have a diff director every movie. Did you even read the story???😂😂😂

    • gwbiy2006-av says:

      I don’t know.  Seeing the Enterprise destroyed and replaced with the Enterpirse -A at the end just smacked of Into Darkness where they tried to recreate the emotional beats of the original movies with a cast and a ship that we had barely gotten to know.   When Kirk blew up the Enterprise in The Search for Spock, it was heart-wrenching because it was the ship from 20 years of ST history at that point. 

      • blpppt-av says:

        Yeah, but it was also symbolically worse in a sense that Kirk did that on purpose in ST3, to grab ‘victory out of the jaws of defeat’ or whatever—in Beyond, the Enterprise was utterly helpless, and the iconic shape, that neck, those nacelles getting cut to pieces, it was absolutely heartbreaking.For although it isn’t the Trek of yore, the Enterprise’s basic shape is the same.

      • bc222-av says:

        Now you’ve got me thinking about Trek timelines and feeling extremely old. The Enterprise E is now almost 4 times as old as the Enterprise D was.Also, the time between the last TOS ep and Star Trek: Generations, which seemed, uh, generational, is shorter than the time between Star Trek: Generations and right now.

      • tmicks-av says:

        They blow up the Enterprise all the time now, but in STIII, it was in the ads for the movie, and a friend of mine said they wouldn’t dare, he insisted it had to be a computer simulation.

    • erictan04-av says:

      Star Trek Beyond was crap, but somehow it’s the one so-called real Trekkers seem to love the most (of the Abramsverse movies). Destroying all the drones by using a Beastie Boys song is exactly like uploading a computer virus into an invading alien spaceship. Utter bullshit.

      • blpppt-av says:

        I think the only real thing that saved it from being a bad movie was that the main cast is so well picked—phenomenal performances all around, but particularly Pine, Quinto and Urban. Its still a hoot to watch until that silly “Sabotage” scene.

      • bishbot-av says:

        No, it’s reconfiguring a thing to broadcast a signal to disrupt another signal, which is the most Star Trek thing imaginable.

      • czarmkiii-av says:

        In TNG they basically plotted to destroy the Borg with a Mc Escher painting. Star Trek is full of crazy stupid stuff.  

    • roof76-av says:

      The effects on the motorcycle scene (at least the opening shot) were horrible — they looked like something out of Paint Shop (I’m old).

      • 2sylabl-av says:

        They’re really bad.But John Cho delivers one of the upper tier lines in Star Trek history:Kirk: “Mr. Sulu – you can, you know, fly this thing, right?”Sulu: [Side eyes] “You kidding me Sir?”

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      the first Star Trek was probably the “best” but yeah that motorcycle chase set to the Beastie Boys was pretty memorable for all the wrong reasons LOL. Hey Abrams, next time you want me to know this punk kid is a rebel, just paint it on his helmet or whatever and save yourself whatever licensing fees you had to pay to play the song.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      I loved 1 and 3, and didn’t like 2 much at all.

  • milligna000-av says:

    Roberto Orci must be shoving deranged notes under their doors, begging for work.
    Weirdly, I used to get that from the guy who used to make mouth noises in Police Academy movies. With his demo cd attached. Phew. Poor guy.

    • graymangames-av says:

      His output stops dead at 2017. It’s kind of amazing.
      Even after The Mummy tanked, Kurtzmann kept busy with TV production.

      • galdarn-av says:

        “His output stops dead at 2017. It’s kind of amazing.”He has writing and producing credits on Hawaii Five-O as recent as 2020. It’s not difficult to find.

  • iambrett-av says:

    “I like money!”More seriously, I wouldn’t mind seeing that particular Star Trek crew get back together again for one more movie. I’d prefer they do a Discovery movie now that the show has been around for a couple years, but this would be good too. 

  • laurenceq-av says:

    The fact that “All the Old Knives” is NOT the title for the “Knives Out” sequel is only going to continue to perplex me for the next two years.  

    • bc222-av says:

      Also confusing is that another of the Hollywood Chrises (Evans) is not in the sequel, so he kinda IS one of the “Old Knives.”

    • noturtles-av says:

      King of Knives (2020) featured Chris Werkmeister; is that the “Knives Out” sequel?

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      I 100% clicked on the link of the movie to see if it was the Knives Out sequel.

    • galdarn-av says:

      It perplexes you that a movie coming out in 2022 doesn’t have the same title as a movie coming out earlier in 2022?

  • laurenceq-av says:

    Didn’t Pine drop out a couple years ago from a planned 4th Trek movie due to financial disagreements?Which party has grown more desperate in the ensuing years, Paramount or Pine?  I’m betting it’s a tie.

    • mr-smith1466-av says:

      Paramount without question. Have you seen their output lately? Pine isn’t hurting for work. Hemsworth has also alluded that the breakdown of that early 4th film was due to script issues as much as payment. 

      • laurenceq-av says:

        Pine definitely works consistently, but I was being snarky because few of his movies are considered “hits.”  Yes, the once-great Paramount is definitely not doing well!  Such a shame.  

  • erictan04-av says:

    If this fourth movie isn’t as good as some of the Trek TV shows, then it’s time to stop making them.

  • magpie187-av says:

    They should just start over with a new cast. This crew has run its course. Maybe a STTNG movie? Or the Tarantino thing. 

  • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

    “Easily at the top of Hollywood’s “Chris Barometer,”I still prefer O’Dowd even though that Get Shorty series on Amazon was just the fucking worst accidental parody of supposed prestige TV. 

  • haodraws-av says:

    TIL that Chris Pine has that voice that you can just hear in your head because I read the quotes here in his voice in my head.

  • legospaceman-av says:

    After the passing of Anton Yelchin, most of the cast felt it was pointless to make a fourth one since they weren’t going to recast for the role of Chekov.Makes you wonder if they’re doing it for the money or they’re doing it to honor him.

    • zirconblue-av says:

      Yelchin’s death was tragic, but it’s not like Chekov was that big a role in these movies. They should bring back Jaylah (the black-and-white woman from the last movie), as a new Starfleet member.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    I’m surprised that they went ahead and announced it with the implication that the same group of actors would be in it before yknow… asking any of them. Assuming that this is a new contract and not an extension of existing ones used for the previous three films. Weird. Lucky they’re all game (or just Chris Pine at this point I guess?)

    Can you imagine if just none of them were available? And Paramount would have to turn around and be like “nevermind we aren’t doing that, we just wanted to do that so we officially announced it before knowing if it could happen”.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      Disney Plus is starting this weird pattern of officially announcing upcoming titles at investor days and then being like “oh nevermind that one’s not doable were not doing that anymore”….. I don’t like this trend what-so-ever.

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        How do I know/believe what to actually get excited for with these “official announcements” that aren’t actually official at all?

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      if I were Paramount I’d be more worried that one or more of these busy actors would say “oh you’re counting that heavily on me to be in the next one?  guess what, my salary just tripled.”  LOL

    • galdarn-av says:

      The movie was announced with their involvement. Why would you assume they aren’t under contract?

  • redwolfmo-av says:

    So if they really want to blow our minds, remake Generations.  Give us a new TNG cast, retell the story in a much cooler way than Kirk dying when a catwalk falls on him and Picard is trapped in a Christmas memory.  Not sure who the new Malcom McDowell is but make sure you keep the line “Time is the fire in which we burn”

  • butterbattlepacifist-av says:

    The first two of these had great casts and scripts that never justified their own existence. Beyond had issues but was a blast, and actually seemed to want to be a movie. I would be very happy to have another with these people. 

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    I loved the third one after liking the first one and disliking the second one, but I do hope the next one is a bit more intelligently written. My favorite Trek films have been about ideas (though the highest grossers have always been more about action).

  • czarmkiii-av says:

    not to be a pendant nerd but according to the Kelvin timeline Stardate system the date of this article would be Stardate 2022.77 

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