It’s Christopher Nolan’s “responsibility” to make big movies

The Oppenheimer director knows how fortunate he is to have access to all the resources he does

Aux News Christopher Nolan
It’s Christopher Nolan’s “responsibility” to make big movies
Christopher Nolan Photo: Melinda Sue Gordon/Universal Pictures

Christopher Nolan is perhaps not the hero big movies deserved, but he is the one they needed. More specifically, Nolan knows—perhaps better than anyone—how to take a really huge production and make it feel intimate. Oppenheimer, a $100 million epic with an 11-mile IMAX reel about annihilation on a global scale, somehow feels as nuanced and tight as anything the director has ever done—including Memento, his first major film, which he managed to cobble together with a meager budget of only $9 million.

Oppenheimer’s Oscar-nominated screenplay was (somewhat infamously) written completely in first-person and Robert Downey Jr., one of its stars, compared the “spartan” experience on set to “100 people making a watch every day” (via Variety). Nolan even went on record recently with his love for small, tender films, telling Time magazine that two of his favorite projects in recent years were Past Lives (“subtle in a beautiful sort of way”) and Aftersun (“just a beautiful film”). Why, then, would he take on something as biblical as the bomb?

It turns out that Nolan’s drive towards largeness is actually an act of largesse. “I’m drawn to working at a large scale because I know how fragile the opportunity to marshal those resources is,” the director also told Time magazine. “I know that there are so many filmmakers out there in the world who would give their eye teeth to have the resources I put together, and I feel I have the responsibility to use them in the most productive and interesting way.”

For Nolan, part of this sense of purpose came in employing what he calls “cinema’s magical point of view”—the camera’s ability to make audiences sympathize with almost anybody—to create “the most nihilistic film I’ve ever made.” Ironically, or perhaps unsurprisingly based on the way the world is going, Oppenheimer started filming the same month Russia first invaded Ukraine: February 2022. According to atomic scientists, the doomsday clock—a measure of our proximity to global catastrophe—is still at 90 seconds to midnight; the threat of mutually assured destruction is as present as ever. The film, Nolan says, is about “the absurdity of relying on these systems or this precarious balance… it’s frightening to contemplate.”


  • killa-k-av says:

    I’d still love to see Nolan go back to his smaller-budget roots and make something as intimate and small as something like The Prestige (which is really only “small” in comparison to his blockbuster work, but cost tens of millions of dollars more than Memento).

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      I would too and I wonder if Nolan realizes that this attitude of his is very nearly like his character from that movie – Robert Angier.

  • bcfred2-av says:

    Time to pull the plug on the Doomsday Clock. We’ve been on the brink of global annihilation for so long that it’s hard to do anything but roll your eyes at the whole concept. We’re closer to doomsday today than we were at the height of the Cold War? The current setting is the closest to “Midnight” it’s ever been:

    • cinecraf-av says:

      Honestly, I think it’s pure publicity.  They’re guaranteed to get scads of free publicity and more page views every time they tweak the clock closer to midnight.

  • kinosthesis-av says:

    Nolan’s idea of “large-scale” = endless extreme closeups of his actors’ faces and a nonstop barrage of overbearing music and sound.
    He’s no David Lean.

  • carrercrytharis-av says:

    In the spirit of Nick Harkaway, who has evolved from twisty mind-bending high-concept roots to much more streamlined, character-driven storytelling, Nolan should direct an adaptation of A Price to Pay by Aidan Truhen. (Imagine what he could do with the head out of the pineapple cannon scene…)

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    So Nolan’s blockbusters (that make boatloads of money) are really Public Service Announcements?

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