Chucky's possessing your compatible electronic devices in new Child’s Play trailer

Aux Features Coming Distractions

Chucky the killer doll is one of the enduring figures in modern horror, which is pretty impressive since he’s a little thing that you could just, like, kick or whatever. Franchise creator Don Mancini has nevertheless conjured seven Child’s Play movies from the myth—some much better than others—and is currently at work on an accompanying series to air on SyFy. Those, however, have nothing to do with MGM’s reboot of the series, which, per the film’s previous teaser and new posters, isn’t veering too far from the aesthetic of the knife-happy doll.

It is, however, weaving in themes of technology and artificial intelligence, which is not only timely, but could very well scuttle the need for the voodoo possession that kicked off the Child’s Play franchise in the first place—the robots, after all, are definitely going to kill us. Those ideas are front and center in the new trailer for Lars Klevberg’s reinterpretation, which hits a lot of the same story beats but adds in some twists. Chucky’s digital interconnectedness, for example, means he can control other smart things, from drones to cars, which gives him a little more to work with than just that kitchen knife (though he certainly still wields it). Also, it looks as if the film will give young Andy (Gabriel Bateman) a posse of pals to help take on the doll; there’s some shades of It there, which makes sense considering it comes from the producers of the 2017 hit.

There’s other reasons to be optimistic about the reboot, too, be it lead turns from Aubrey Plaza and Brian Tyree Henry or what’s sure to be a chewy vocal performance from Mark Hamill, whose lone line in this trailer closes out the proceedings. Sure, it’s a bummer to not hear the signature rasp of franchise stalwart Brad Dourif, but, rest assured, he’ll still be threatening children on Mancini’s series.

Child’s Play connects to all your electronic devices on June 21.


  • zimmy68-av says:

    Wait…  Orion is still in business?

    • brandonii-av says:

      This was the biggest shocker in the trailer IMO.

    • Spoooon-av says:

      Yeah, they came back from the dead a year or two ago. Gives me hope that we’ll get a Chuck Norris Ninja movie from Cannon Films any day now.

    • youarereiayanami-av says:

      I’m glad they did nothing to update the brand and in fact, seemed to lean in on that low-quality home video look. Seriously, that production card is seared onto my brain.

  • beertown-av says:

    Nice try, but that poster isn’t giving me nightmares. You know what gave little 8-year-old B Town nightmares?Just a poster of Chucky’s insanely ugly, original-recipe face. Straight, no chaser, little kid nightmare fuel. I avoided its gaze in video stores like the plague.

    • thebatmanofzurenarrh-av says:

      The horror movie aisle always scared the everliving shit out of me in blockbuster and the small video rental shops had an even scarier back room. 

  • cartagia-av says:

    No voodoo?  Fuck off with that shit.

    • puddingangerslotion-av says:

      Ha ha, get with the program! Voodoo is so 17th century! No, it’s all digital interconnectedness now.

    • chancellorpuddinghead-av says:

      To most people, the bleep bloops and flashing lights of a Com-Puter are voodoo enough. To the rest, adding the port number to end of an IP address will bump it into Sumerian Blood God level of technomancy.  

      • orbitalgun-av says:

        Incidentally, you’ll need to open port 65536 if you wish to communicate with the Sumerian Blood God’s network.

    • newdaesim-av says:

      Fool! Pagan! What good are your chicken-blood spattered gods against the ravenous maw of the singularity?!

  • roboyuji-av says:

    It’s harder to kick him when the first time you notice him is when he cuts your Achilles tendon from under your bed.

  • zzyzazazz-av says:

    I’m happy that this looks terrible. 

  • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

    I know other folks are down on it, but…I kind of dig it? I don’t know that it’ll be good, but it’s got a few things working for it. Like, one, the technology angle and the drone technology gets around a lot of the “why is this doll so physically strong” questions. Two, I like the doll design. The non-stitched up Chucky/regular Buddy face was always creepier than what he eventually became. And three, Mark Hamill! You know what movies should get another shot at the big-time? The Puppetmaster flicks, which…holy shit, I just read the wikipedia entries for the later ones.  

  • therealchrisward-av says:

    Here once again to say: we don’t need a fucking teaser trailer before the fucking teaser trailer. We’re already here to watch the teaser trailer. Stop putting fucking trailers before the trailer. 

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      When watch Doctor Who they put upcoming scenes in between the commercials and it’s infuriating. Thanks I’m currently watching this show I don’t need to see what’s about to happen a few minutes from now. You’ve already got my attention. I don’t know who thinks shit like this is a good idea.

  • nilus-av says:

    So someone had a horror script about Alexa going crazy and some execs were like “Find/Replace Alexa with Chucky…Bam Child’s Play Reboot!!!”

  • chancellorpuddinghead-av says:

    Just make sure Chucky has a Sprint plan.  Then he won’t be connecting to shit.  

  • cjob3-av says:

    Oh so it’s one of those children’s toys… that controls every form of electronic in your life. Got it. 

  • brontosaurian-av says:

    I’m interested in this movie, but that trailer was terrible. Just jump cuts flashing all over the place, good thing I’m not epileptic.

  • xenix33-av says:

    It sorta seems like to me whomever cut the official trailers is not a fan of Chucky’s new face? With the exception of one scene where it is half obscured in shadow they do not show his face at all in this one, and it is only shown completely black covered in shadow in the first trailer from February.

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