Claire Foy, Jason Momoa, and Matt Damon are Saturday Night Live's final hosts of 2018

Aux Features Saturday Night Live

As another lackluster season of Saturday Night Live limps to a close, the sketch show took to Twitter to announce the hosts for its final three episodes of 2018. Claire Foy, the Crown actress who’s currently drawing Oscar buzz for her turn in Damien Chazelle’s First Man, will take the reins this Saturday, with brawny Aquaman Jason Momoa and Matt Damon lording over the two following weeks. This marks Foy and Momoa’s debut outings on the show, and a second turn for Damon, who first hosted back in 2002. Damon’s return is relatively fresh, however, as the actor recently made a guest appearance as creepy Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Anderson Paak, who recently dropped his anticipated Oxnard, will provide the tunes on Foy’s episode. Mumford & Sons will likely play some tunes from this month’s Delta when they guest on Momoa’s episode. Damon, meanwhile, will be joined by Mark Ronson and Miley Cyrus, who, Variety reports, premiere their latest song from Ronson’s album. Expect Cyrus, who has quite the history with the show, to pop into a sketch or two.


  • h1ghf1-av says:

    Limps to a close? Isn’t it just about a third of the way done?

    • mwfuller-av says:

      They have to make room for SCTV: The Next Generation, and Kids in the Hall: Beyond Thunder-Doom.  I mean, it’s all politics with these people, believe you me.

    • kinjatheninjakatii-av says:

      Someone is maybe confused by the difference between calendar years and show seasons…On another note, I had to recreate this account–can someone get me out of the grays!

    • hlawyer-av says:

      They just cut and paste that to the beginning of every article about SNL.

  • gojirashei2-av says:

    As another lackluster season of Saturday Night Live limps to a close Limps to a close? Are we even halfway through this yet?

  • mcpullm-av says:


  • mwfuller-av says:

    And Luke Null will be serving drinks at the after party, that freaking goofball.

  • madamederosemonde-av says:

    Looking forward to Miley Cyrus, she’s reliably good on the show. Maybe Vanessa Bayer will drop by!

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    Do people actually still watch SNL or is it just websites desperate for content?

    • the-colonel-av says:

      The only thing more reliable that a post about SNL is an awesome comment asking if “people still watch SNL.” You know they fucking DO, the article demonstrates they fucking DO, and yet here you are, making that most super awesome dad joke we’ve heard 97 billion times before.If there were any justice in the world they’d strap you to a chair, pry your eyes open like Clockwork Orange and make you watch every second of every episode into perpetuity. And then allow you to throw yourself out a window.

      • bjackyll-av says:

        Right along with the “Remember when MTV played music videos?” crowd.

        • merged-5876237249237691007-aw8qpq-av says:

          I remember when MTV was mostly ALL music videos, which were introduced by VJs. I also remember some show that was on Friday night that played music videos. 

    • printthelegends-av says:

      I mean, I do. I know I suck.

  • rennerx-av says:

    Started watching during the Farley years, even though I was way too young to understand 75% of the jokes, and have stayed pretty loyal since. I can’t say I can keep going. The current writing team just isn’t up to the task of making funny TV. They seem too focused on politics and shaming to create any characters that are even remotely memorable. Kate has a couple, but they’re running out of steam. Remember the Ferrell days? The hot tub couple, too lazy to look up their names, would have me in tears. Wiig, Bobby, Hader, all amazing character actors with good writing behind them. Now we get caricatures of politicians that frankly I’d like to go without seeing on my Saturday night, or more likely Sunday morning with a cup of coffee.As you may have guessedI agree with Randall’s assessment of this season being yet another lackluster effort. While I’ll look forward to Damon’s show hopefully keeping it light, I know too little of Clair Foy to get my hopes up. Mamoa… well I’m writing that one off now. His delivery in anything even remotely comical has been sub-par, and I’m still surprised he was considered enough to try and carry Aquaman given the DCU is one bad movie away from admitting total and utter defeat. I happened across him one time while they were shooting on the east coast and definitely did not get a lead actor vibe. More of a “I’m just hot enough right now to warrant a few demands here and there while subjecting everyone in a 10km radius to my nauseating overuse of patchouli” vibe that I hope will subside after Aquaman inevitably shits the bed.

  • gnatkingcole-av says:

    kinda tough to be the moral high ground when Matt Damon is brought on as a host

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