C'mon, let's watch some scummy pools get cleaned

Aux Features TikTok
C'mon, let's watch some scummy pools get cleaned
Screenshot: YouTube

The “oddly satisfying” video compilation has become a genre unto itself, although, per the name, it’s often hard to pinpoint the psychology behind it. Who knows why humans are drawn to—and often comforted by—footage of frozen paint being cut or various objects being crushed by a hydraulic press?

But in the case of thep00lguy, the connection between his videos and the narcotic tingling sensation in our brains is immediately clear. You see, thepoolguy (real name Miles) is a self-described swimming pool engineer who specializes in restoring sullied aquatic paradises to their former glory, removing debris, adding chlorine, and—in some cases—skimming away foul layers of congealed, honeycombed scum. And if he can transform these filth-ridden cesspools back into regular-ass pools, well, maybe there’s hope for eradicating the bigger problems of the world. There’s catharsis in watching someone clean up babyshit-colored messes with such ease and grace.

According to his website, Miles started posting procedural videos of his work on TikTok last year, and his popularity grew from there. You can now even buy merch emblazoned with his catchphrase that ends every job well done: “Holla ya boy for the pool work” (it sounds great with an English accent).

But before repping any great artist, one must start with the art itself, which you can do via a YouTube compilation of some of his most disgusting clients. Highlights include Miles saving several newts and frogs from choking on poisoned water, his hypnotic sweeping of algae, and his dropping of several giant chlorine tablets into a floating dispenser—their satisfying clinks making it all look like an oversized game of Tiddlywinks.

Watch the 11-minute compilation below, and check out more videos on p00lguy’s YouTube channel.

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  • argiebargie-av says:

    This is what the pools at Merde-a-Lardo are going to look like in a year.

  • lakeneuron-av says:

    Does he find a French headmaster at the bottom of any of them?

  • bs-leblanc-av says:

    I wish I had a pool. Because if I did, from now on anytime I would do anything (literally anything – skim it, pick up floats) to improve it, I’d turn to my wife and say, “Holla at your boy for the pool work.”

  • puddingangerslotion-av says:

    It would be even more oddly satisfying if the guy could be persuaded to hold his camera horizontally. What’s wrong with a landscape configuration! Nothing!

  • mrdalliard123-av says:

    Ah, the memories of having an inground pool. The blazing heat beating down on you as you use an unwieldy tool to scoop out leaves, dead bugs and the occasional frog or rabbit. And just when you’ve finally finished that tedious task, your dog decides to find a garter snake in the garden and try to snap it’s neck as the snake begins coiling around her neck. Memories….

  • ginghamboxer-av says:

    I don’t think he’s English. He said “it’s august and it’s time to open this pool”Is he a Kiwi?I’ve also never seen a pool that filthy and disgusting after having been covered for a season. Someone did not winterize that pool well at all. It should not be that color. 

    • forkish-av says:

      I worked for a small pool company for a couple summers a long time ago, and the few times we opened pools in August was for clients who were out of the country and wanted to enjoy a few weeks of swimming before the end of summer, or were looking to sell their home and wanted it to look nice for the photos.
      I certainly remember some horror stories of nasty, nasty pools. We closed one once in early October that had sat untouched since June, and the water was black and smelled like it had been used as the neighbourhood urinal. Also once scooped six dead rats out of a pool.Still, I’ve never seen floating algae like in that video.  That was really nasty.

  • arcanumv-av says:

    Is it better than Drain Addict?I’m guessing it’s not more disgusting.Warning: Drain Addict is disgusting. He hydrojets drains and pipes. If you know what’s in drains and pipes, you know what clogs them.

  • jonnyjon91-av says:

    I’m hearing, “Follow ya boy for the pool work.”

  • officermilkcarton-av says:

    Haven’t seen that much scum since Mos Eisley.

  • knowonelse-av says:

    The pool at my parents house in Roseville CA (an area of many experienced pool companies) had a very odd growth of pink stuff. Nothing cleared it out and we couldn’t swim in it for almost a year due to the nasty chemicals they tried to clear it up with. They ended up draining the pool, blasting the surface and re-coating it.

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