Coitus interruptus: 15 reasons to knock first

TV Features Bonnie Sawyer
Coitus interruptus: 15 reasons to knock first

The movie trope of walking in on someone having sex is a common one, but it’s most often the result of someone making a surprise trip home, or getting off work early, only to bust in on their significant other, leading to sadness and pain all around. Sometimes, though, the reactions of those being interrupted are a bit more unusual than simply shock, or tears, or a defensive fistfight with a cuckolded spouse. In these other cases, the reactions can lead to some surprising situations—or possibly just some awkward ones.

previous arrow2. Discover that your partner is underage (Amy Townsend, ) next arrow

From a legal standpoint, it’s a nightmare to find out the partner with whom you’re getting busy isn’t actually above the age of consent. Thankfully, the Amy Schumer romantic comedy Trainwreck is able to use this situation as comedic fodder. After a few too many, Schumer’s magazine writer character, Amy, ends up going home from the bar with office intern Donald (Ezra Miller). Although slightly befuddled by his bedroom behavior—namely, he keeps slapping her, calling her “Daddy,” and wants her to massage his pierced nipples—Amy rolls with it in the name of being open to experimentation. She’s saved after a few minutes of awkward humping and petting by an even more excruciating presence: Donald’s mother, who abruptly enters the room and screams in horror that he’s just 16. Naturally, their makeout session is now very much over—and Amy’s left to experience some serious personal and career mortification, as well as a riotous hangover. [Annie Zaleski]

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