Corks pop and truth spills in the first trailer for Amy Poehler's Wine Country

Aux Features Coming Distractions

Once upon a time, perhaps, what happened in wine country stayed in wine country, but that changes with age, and the 40-somethings in Amy Poehler’s new comedy look like they’re ready to learn that the hard way. Poehler co-stars in the film, which centers around the 50th birthday of Rachel Dratch’s Rebecca, whose milestone offers a chance for her disparate group of old pals to reconnect.

Tina Fey, Maya Rudolph, Ana Gasteyer, and a hilarious-looking Paula Pell round out the cast, as does Jason Schwartzman’s suave, bearded sommelier type and at least a few dozen bottles of pinot.

Prepare to pour a glass or three when the movie hits Netflix on May 10.


  • itjustme-av says:

    good bad or otherwise i will watch this because all of them.

  • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

    I feel like the fact that this movie is hewing pretty close to what you would expect even if this was a generic studio comedy will be the source of some grumbling but make it very successful, hmmm.Then again, I find Liz Cackowski (one of the writers) sneakily funny when writing about otherwise mundane over-tread subjects (her Jeannie Tate show about minivan moms).

  • minimummaus-av says:

    Despite a couple of eye-rolling moments (“When was the last time we were
    all together” has been in how many movies now?) this looks good and I
    can’t wait to see it.

  • tmage-av says:

    I feel like I’ve seen this movie countless times before but the cast is going to be what makes me watch it so that’s fine.Somewhat tangentially, it bugs me that Rachel Dratch doesn’t have the same kind of success as Fey or Poehler (or even Rudolph).

    • peterjj4-av says:

      I didn’t even realize for a long time that Dratch was let go from SNL. It made no sense to me when I found out – she was never a “star” on there, but she had tons of popular recurring characters and was a cast member for many years. She was a real bridge for the women before her and the women after. Apparently it was budget cuts (which also led to Chris Parnell not getting the exit he deserved) but still, to just dump her without at least a nice goodbye? Then she was dumped from having a central role in 30 Rock.I read that she had a surprise baby, so I imagine that has diverted some of the career she would have had…and she does work regularly…but I do think she deserves more credit than she gets.

    • gizhipocrisy-av says:

      She’s said herself that it’s because she’s ugly.

      • thecapn3000-av says:

        I wouldn’t say she’s ugly, insofar that I also wouldn’t say a progeria patient is ugly.

      • mercurywaxing-av says:

        Ok, I’ll give her that even though I disagree.  But think about all the less than good looking actors who have had great careers.  She’s more talented than a lot of them.

  • peterjj4-av says:

    The trailer is a bit overlong (and the treacly version of “Eternal Flame” is not for me) but that’s a great cast. The cast who got me into ‘modern’ SNL (I first started it with the ‘classic’ reruns on Nick at Nite) had Jan Hooks, Nora Dunn, and Victoria Jackson. I thought they were all just wonderful, and at the time I liked to think everyone in the cast was close, and especially in the case of Jan and Nora (Sweeney Sisters, best recurring characters ever), there must have been a bond. Reading years later that none of them liked each other and they were in competition, and so on, was like some kind of childhood dream destroyed. It’s logical, I guess (and Nora and Jan did get in contact again before Jan died), but so is knowing Santa Claus isn’t real. It still hurt, in some way. I’m glad some of the more recent casts have such strong and supportive bonds between women. 

  • chancellorpuddinghead-av says:

    Having worked at the front desk of a 4 star resort in Wine Country, I can tell you that there is no type of guests that would set my teeth on edge faster than The Four Girlfriends.  

  • qvckv-av says:

    I’m always glad to see Rachel Dratch working.Though this movie seems to have taken the Nancy Myers aesthetic and amped it up to 11 for extra comedic effect. I appreciate that.Though I’m getting really sick and tired of the use of an 80s or 90s girl group/band song as theme for the female characters. “Push it”, “Hold on”, now “Eternal Flame”? Enough already.

  • dot-2001-av says:

    This looks pretty…not bad, exactly….but generic. Yeah, that’s it. 

  • bobbymcd-av says:

    Great cast, pretty awful trailer.

    I’ll still probably watch it, but…yikes.

  • sosgemini-av says:

    That wasn’t Melissa McCarthy? 

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