Why did Dave Chappelle pop into the last seconds of Saturday Night Live this week?

The divisive comedian came up on stage for goodbyes this weekend, to the seeming chagrin of some of the cast

Aux News Dave Chappelle
Why did Dave Chappelle pop into the last seconds of Saturday Night Live this week?
Justin Timberlake, Dakota Johnson, Barbara Cocoran, Mark Cuban, Jimmy Fallon, and Dave Chappelle on SNL this weekend Photo: Will Heath/NBC

It seems the cast of Saturday Night Live simply cannot escape the presence of Dave Chappelle, even on a night when he’s nowhere near the call sheet. The divisive, transphobic comedian popped up on stage alongside host Dakota Johnson, musical guest Justin Timberlake, and a slew of other celebrities including Jimmy Fallon and Shark Tank’s Mark Cuban and Barbara Corcoran during the goodbyes segment of this past weekend’s broadcast, seemingly to the surprise of the cast as much as the audience. And sure, this writer is no body language expert, but it seems clear that certain cast members weren’t too thrilled about welcoming the three-time host back to their place of employment.

Studio 8H is no stranger to the unexpected celebrity guest. Dakota Johnson called attention to this pattern over the weekend in a bit from her monologue, in which she shared a photo of herself sitting in a star-studded audience during the show’s 40th anniversary, alongside both Donald Trump and Taylor Swift. Her monologue was even “crashed” by Fallon (who also showed up in a sketch with his old pal Timberlake later in the show), so it’s not as though Chappelle’s intrusion was totally unprecedented.

But that didn’t make the surprise visit any easier for repertory players Bowen Yang and Sarah Sherman, who seemed visibly distraught when they realized Chappelle had joined the group on the other end of the stage. Chappelle has come under extreme fire from the LGBTQ+ community in recent years for self-identifying as a TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) and peddling other nasty, homophobic dialogue in Netflix specials like The Closer and The Dreamer.

This isn’t the first time Yang and Sherman have come into contact with Chappelle. The comedian has hosted SNL three times—most recently in 2022—an appearance which also caused a good deal of backlash. While Chappelle’s reps denied it, Page Six reported at the time that some of the show’s writers boycotted his episode because they did not agree with his views. Even though none of the actors staged an explicit walkout and everyone participated in the show, Trae DeLellis did note in his review of the episode for The A.V. Club that Yang, Sherman, and Molly Kearney, a featured player who identifies as non-binary, were “notably absent” from that night’s goodbye segment.


  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Yeah, definitely odd, but I don’t think it’s unprecedented.IDK, if I had nothing to do with a show, I’d probably stay offstage for curtain call.

    • dookyspooky-av says:

      Omg such a tragedy. He totally made someone uncomfortable in their safe space. Pray for they/them

    • gargsy-av says:

      “IDK, if I had nothing to do with a show, I’d probably stay offstage for curtain call.”

      Why? People who didn’t appear on the show end up standing their, waving, for the goodbyes all the time. The fact that he wasn’t on the show isn’t the issue.

    • phonypope-av says:

      I mean, he’s been the host (multiple times, I think), since all the trans stuff started, so I’m not sure why him popping up for 5 seconds at the end of the show is suddenly a big deal.

    • recoegnitions-av says:

      but you don’t. 

  • luckysharp7-av says:

    Love the fake outrage by ppl. He’s a comedian. Sorry there are no protected classes in actual comedy.

    • mshep-av says:

      Freedom of speech protects his right to be a bigot and a bully, and it protects our rights to call Dave Chappelle a piece of shit hack. Shit cuts both ways. 

      • Bazzd-av says:

        Freedom of Speech protects his right to be a bigot and bully — from the government. People are fully allowed to tell him to STFU and keep him off Saturday Night Live.

      • Rev2-av says:

        Thanks to freedom of speech we’ve also given the biggest misogynists on the planet the right to call any woman that believes in basic biology a “TERF.”

      • youareonfire-av says:

        Progressives don’t believe in freedom of speech. I can quote everyone from Derrick Bell to Kimberlee Crenshaw to Ibram X. Kendi talking about changing the fucking Constitution to implement a hate speech exception. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯Herbert Marcuse, who is one of the biggest influences on modern identity politics idiots/critical theorists and who tried his damnedest to start an actual revolution with the New Left back in the 60s (Angela Davis was his brightest student), wrote an essay on “repressive tolerance.” It calls explicitly for the censorship of non-left wing ideas. You’ll hear this echoed forever by progressives and it influenced the idiotic “paradox of tolerance” claptrap they always cream themselves over.But do go on about how the left loves free speech. It’s hilarious.

      • slicknshiny-av says:

        You can agree with Chapelle or not, but calling him a hack shows you have no credibility on the issue. 

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        I’m going to knit that into something.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      “Stop acting like you’re under attack!” he said, logging on in defense of the rich entertainer.

      • youareonfire-av says:

        How are they under attack from jokes? Is Mel Brooks a war criminal? Fuck off with this obvious power play to shut people up. They are jokes. If you’re offended…so fucking what.This fucking website claims Chappelle puts trans lives in danger. Pure, unadulterated power play for hate speech rules. Fuck protected classes. If you can cut your tits off, you can take a joke, to paraphrase Chappelle.

    • TRT-X-av says:

      There’s things in comedy called “punching-up” and “punching-down.”The former is funny, the latter is mean-spirited and not funny.

    • barnoldblevin-av says:

      I’m just mad that his comedy is unfunny trash.

      • luckysharp7-av says:

        I know, you are more of a Hannah Gadsby fan

        • davidwizard-av says:

          I’ll bite: Hannah Gadsby is ten times the comedian modern Dave Chappelle is. There’s absolutely nothing interesting or complex in what Chappelle puts out these days. It’s essentially just the worst parts of Twitter, but up on stage being regurgitated by a bitter, aging rich guy. Gadsby, on the other hand, is in her prime, pushing stand-up in new directions. Each show is meticulously crafted, in nearly as much detail as a Bo Burnham show. Chappelle just has a jumble of thoughts, none of which are unique or specific anymore. It’s honestly sad, because he was one of the best.

          • luckysharp7-av says:

            Hannah is embarrassing. Are you being for real? All she does is yell at her audience over nonsense. 

          • davidwizard-av says:

            Sounds like you only watched her first special, and you’re misrepresenting even that one. I’ve seen her live twice – she didn’t once yell at us. I’ve seen a lot of stand-up live, and her shows had the most laughs of any I’ve ever been to.

        • barnoldblevin-av says:

          I’m kind of over stand-up I think. It all sounds old and tired, like both Hannah and Chappelle

          • johnbeckwith-av says:

            I know. I got back into the NFL this season, after ignoring it for some years. Pretty sad to see football fans largely haven’t changed at all, and the league must cater to that. Same happens with live comedy and the type of people who regularly pay money for it. It’s clear that Chappelle has fallen victim to this echo chamber as he confidently assumes he must be in the right.

        • eternalfella-av says:

          Dave Chappelle must be a piss poor comedian to alienate most of his audience like that. Compare him to Bill Burr, a comedian with some lightly conservative POVs who can bring the audience to his side. He’s just kind of bad at comedy now so he leeched onto a culture war so the same bigots he used to hate get on his level.

          • luckysharp7-av says:

            Sure Jan. Ive seen Burr twice, Chappelle once, seen multiple specials of each. Chappelle is a 10. Burr is really good, but he doesnt get close to Dave. BB is like an 8. I saw him this past summer, it was mostly awesome, but some draggy parts.

          • eternalfella-av says:

            I don’t know. I keep asking around and not a single person seems ready to quote his bits. Chappelle seems like a culture war cudgel for people who live in eternal fear of being proven wrong.

        • misterpiggins-av says:


        • theunnumberedone-av says:

          You’re still thinking about Hannah Gadsby? Ohhh man.

        • nimbh-av says:

          Oh man you were so proud of this line you didn’t even come up with yourself. 

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        Nah, see, *real* comedy isn’t being actually funny, or incisive, it’s just indiscriminately pissing people off.A bunch of nigh-literate dipshits keep telling me this, so it must be true.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Where do you see outrage?  I’m genuinely curious because you guys call any sort of disagreement “outrage” so I’m curious if you know what outrage actually means.

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:


      • luckysharp7-av says:

        Here, SNL Reddit. People are super fake-mad.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          Well I don’t spend time on Reddit because I’m an adult, but here I’ve seen a few people who might qualify as mad, but you do know that “anger” and “outrage” are two different things, right? I’m also curious how you can assess the truth of perceived feelings from people you’ve never met. That’s a neat trick.

    • Mr-John-av says:

      When was the last time he was funny?I used to deliver papers, haven’t done it for over 30 years so I’d not call myself a paperboy

    • pgoodso564-av says:

      Neither are comedians a protected class, even those you think “tell it like it is”. So, fuck that guy.And lo! Look how uncanceled both he and I remain after my non in-depth or researched but still valid epithet!Guess they were all out of single-edged arguments when you were out shopping. I loathe the fake above-it-allness of people who have a consistent need to declare it.

    • minimummaus-av says:

      “Sorry there are no protected classes in actual comedy.”Except, it seems, comedians. Holy hell, they have more weird nerds jumping to protect them than Elon Musk.

    • youcancallmeluke-av says:

      You just know this clown cries when people make fun of conservatives. In fact, you can see it on his comment history.

    • johnbeckwith-av says:

      Untrue. Learn some history and you’ll find that comedy has always been about punching up. 

    • misterpiggins-av says:

      He’s not protected either then.

    • nimbh-av says:

      You wouldn’t know comedy if it fucked your mouth

  • mshep-av says:

    As much as it would suck seeing that hack bigot wander onstage for the curtain call, imagine the extra sting of seeing your colleagues and coworkers eagerly embracing him.

    • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

      Jimmy Fallon excitedly grasping at him was eye roll worthy, but then again so is literally everything Fallon does

      • TRT-X-av says:

        Never forget:

      • blpppt-av says:

        Yeah, its not like he’s done something stupid like that before or anything.

        • paezdishpencer-av says:

          Christ…..I had almost put that out of my mind. I mean…shit….CHRIST Jimmy. You dipshit turd polishing try hard. That was beyond fucking gross and he better realize its gonna follow him for fucking life.

          • deeeeznutz-av says:

            Eh, it was standard late night show bullshit. I’m pretty damn far from a Trump supporter, but I couldn’t care less about that.

          • amessagetorudy-av says:

            I don’t think it’s “standard” by a longshot. Colbert wouldn’t do it. Kimmel wouldn’t do it. Noah wouldn’t do it. Stewart wouldn’t do it. MAYBE Bill Mahr? I was never a fan of Fallon anyway, so this doesn’t make me hate him/like him any more or less. But it’s not “standard” considering when it occurred and who it was and what we already knew about him.

          • mshep-av says:

            Speaking of SNL . . . Fallon and Michaels played a significant role in humanizing that piece of shit, and no one should ever let them forget it. 

          • xirathi-av says:

            That gif is really going to haunt him in the future. 

          • djclawson-av says:

            Some people said they were undecided but they voted for him after seeing that clip. Jimmy, you motherfucker.

          • necgray-av says:

            To be fair, he was probably drunk off his ass.

        • xirathi-av says:

          Best gif ever. That never gets old!

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        Yeah everybody knows Fallon is just a huge sycophant. Kenan was more disappointing to me.

      • misterpiggins-av says:

        Fallon shouldn’t be there either.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    He’s no Buck Henry.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      I appreciate this reference.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      If he stopped ginning up controversy he could have a career like Howie Mandell or Whoopi Goldberg, and we’d all be happier. 

      • slicknshiny-av says:

        1. Howie Mandell is a weird example as he went the game show host route some time ago. Not exactly winning a Twain award.2. You need to review your Whoopi history. She’s had plenty of controversy. Holocaust denying, Cosby defending, Ray Rice defending. Plenty of others. 

        • mifrochi-av says:

          1. Talk show host is exactly the career Chapelle deserved after Bobby’s World went off the air. Or whatever his show was called.2. Daytime TV is a lead box for stupid opinions, and Chapelle begs to be background noise while people vacuum their carpets. 

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:


  • dudznsudz-av says:

    This is the kind of thing we have to stop doing. Dave Chapelle is funny, says funny things, and makes jokes. Some of those jokes hit, some of those jokes feel a little dated now or maybe don’t work well with the way some people’s values have changed, but it’s just comedy. He isn’t out there advocating for anything terrible, and he’s definitely a person who would not stand for actual harm being done to anyone. He’s said as much. I realize that stirring up online B.S. is how the AV Club tries to stay relevant now, but this kind of crap has to be overcome. We all have to live in a society, not everyone is going to agree with you or joke in a way you would agree with at all times, and life goes on. Vote, and make sure people’s basic human rights are protected by the law, and after that, you’re entitled to your opinions, but we don’t have to encourage division and exclusion.

    • mshep-av says:

      He isn’t out there advocating for anything terrible, and he’s definitely a person who would not stand for actual harm being done to anyone.Anti-trans jokes affirm anti-trans worldviews, and embolden anti-trans violence. It’s shocking to me that people don’t understand this. Normalizing bigotry leads to more bigotry.
      Vote, and make sure people’s basic human rights are protected by the law, and after that, you’re entitled to your opinionsOkay, so, since I vote, and I donate money and time to human rights causes, am I entitled to say “Dave Chappelle is a bully, targeting perhaps the most marginalized community in America today and indirectly putting the wellbeing of people I love at risk?”

      • dudznsudz-av says:

        Yes. You can say that, and you should, if you feel compelled to.“Anti-trans jokes affirm anti-trans worldviews, and embolden anti-trans violence. It’s shocking to me that people don’t understand this. Normalizing bigotry leads to more bigotry.”^^ This is pretty bad reasoning. It relies on a series of cause and effect relationships that don’t necessarily exist, and it categorizes all of his jokes as something that they are not. Also, it’s an argument for, essentially, not saying anything, ever, that could in some way lead to some kind of harm, potentially. It’s an anti-free expression argument and I don’t think it holds much water. We’re supposed to accept or reject things by thinking critically about them. It’s how we can both be freely expressive, and also change our minds. Having watched his specials lately (and being only mildly amused and sometimes turned off by his need to keep cracking jokes on this topic), I can agree with you that he should probably just move on to other topics or maybe express more of a desire to grow personally, but he doesn’t have to and it really doesn’t matter if he does in any of our lives.While it’s true that increases in actual hate speech can lead to increases in violence, it’s a failure of understanding, on your part, as to what constitutes hate speech versus jokes you may not think are funny or hit the right mark. I agree with you that some of his jokes on this subject aren’t really that funny, or miss the overall points activists usually are trying to make, but he’s also mocking the self-serious and, frankly, sometimes confusing nature of this stuff, and also people like you who freak out online about it. Believe it or not, that’s not hate speech.

        • mshep-av says:

          This is pretty bad reasoning. It relies on a series of cause and effect relationships that don’t necessarily exist,I’ll grant you that there hasn’t been any hard science proving a direct correlation between anti-trans speech and anti-trans violence. Just as there’s likely no evidence that racist comedy lead directly to violence against black folks during the Jim Crow era, or that homophobic jokes about the AIDs crisis lead directly to violence against gay folks and lack of government action to slow the spread of HIV. Could be a coincidence.it categorizes all of his jokes as something that they are not.I didn’t say anything about “all of his jokes.” I’m clearly talking about his anti-trans “jokes.”
          it’s an argument for, essentially, not saying anything, ever, that could in some way lead to some kind of harm, potentially.It’s not, though. It’s an argument for not bullying marginalized communities that are already at increased risk of violence.
          It’s an anti-free expression argument and I don’t think it holds much water.I didn’t say anything about limiting free expression. I am saying “I wish Dave Chapelle wouldn’t say those things, and fuck him for saying them.”
          I can agree with you that he should probably just move on to other topics or maybe express more of a desire to grow personally, but he doesn’t have to Agreed. But then, I never said he should “have to,” only that he’s a piece of shit for refusing to. it really doesn’t matter if he does in any of our lives.That’s an awfully big “our” there. Because for my trans friends and family, a prominent public figures mocking their existence is not without harm. Psychological harm is harm, and there have been studies showing that exposure to anti-trans messaging in the media can lead to an increase in “depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and global psychological distress.” 1it’s a failure of understanding, on your part, as to what constitutes hate speech versus jokes you may not think are funny or hit the right mark.And it’s a failure of understanding, on your part, in that you think I was talking about hate speech. Because I’m not. I’m talking about casual jokes that normalize prejudices against marginalized groups.

          Trans people are four times more likely to be the victims of violence when compared to cis-gendered individuals. 2 While there isn’t conclusive evidence that anti-trans jokes lead directly to violence, it sure as shit isn’t helping anyting.1. https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-trans-press-release/
          2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7826438/

        • hennyomega-av says:

          “it really doesn’t matter if he does in any of our lives.”Unless you are trans, you utterly clueless dipshit. It kind of matters a lot then, dumbass. Which, again, is the entire fucking point.But I’ll tell you what, the next time my trans child is targeted with violence I’ll be sure to tell her thar it doesn’t matter, and it doesn’t matter if people use their platforms to actively encourage people to hate her and treat as a subhuman freak. Because it’ just comedy! And anyways, it doesn’t affect dudsnsudz life!
          Seriously: how are you this fucking dense? Are you trolling, or are you somehow actually this much of an absolute dipshit?

        • hennyomega-av says:

          “it’s an argument for, essentially, not saying anything, ever, that could in some way lead to some kind of harm, potentially”It’s not even remotely close to that in any way, shape, or form. Are you being disingenuous, or are you actually this dense? It’s an argument for not using your platform primarily to encourage hatred and violence towards a demographic that is already disproportionately targeted by hatred and violence. If you can’t see the difference there than you are, against all odds, even more fucking idiotic and clueless than I thought.

      • youareonfire-av says:

        Fucking bullshit. Jokes cannot be taken seriously, and do not engender hatred. If someone hates trans people, they’re going to hate trans people. Fucking Dave Chappelle does not control them.This conflation of fucking jokes with violence is a power move by trans activists to stifle…fucking jokes, because they know they can leverage this stupid shit into shutting people up. It keeps working, and you are fucking delusional if you think his jokes—JOKES, which by nature cannot be taken seriously—are dangerous. It’s grandiose postering and a power play to control language.

      • sayhay888-av says:

        Stop. Too much logic here. 

      • murdoughnut-av says:

        For the entirety of human civilization, minus the last four seconds for but a small minority of White affluent westerners, the idea of a woman with a penis has been absurd. Comedy has its roots in absurdity, and thus I will continue to laugh at his jokes. If he actually advocated violence against trans individuals (which he hasn’t done, notably expressing empathy with them) that would change, but he hasn’t.

        I stand for the rights of trans individuals to make decisions about their bodies that they determine to be in their best interest. I stand against discrimination targeting trans individuals. But I still find a chick with a * funny, and if that makes me a “TERF,” then so be it – I’ll live with the condemnation of 1% of the western world.

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        SOOOOOO BRAVE. We so desperately need more people like you being sanctimonious and chanting slogans constantly. 

      • helpiamacabbage-av says:

        I mean, a real issue with Chapelle’s “jokes” about trans people is that they are not funny. Indeed, it’s basically the same comedic premises over and over again (“I identify as an attack helicopter” and “trans people are creeps” are the two basic ones.) He just believes that anything that gets people to get mad at him shows that he’s doing the right thing, but the worst thing you can do as a comedian is “fail to be funny.”Chappelle is capable of being funny (or at least was) but he’s decided he prefers the negative attention he gets for this.Like Carlin’s been dead for 15 years, but none of Chappelle’s jokes about trans people have anything on “I knew a transsexual guy whose only ambition is to eat, drink, and be Mary.”

        • necgray-av says:

          And do we think that Dave wouldn’t have some shit to say if a white comedian went up on stage and talked about Black culture in the same ignorant way he talks about the trans community? He might not get fired up because of whatever Freeze Peach bullshit he’s got in his head/heart but he for sure wouldn’t let it go. And there are plenty of genuinely funny trans comedians who can speak to their own experience. Stacy Cay, for instance.

      • Rev2-av says:

        Antireligious views are no different, yet even your worst cultist can define what a woman is, and manages to accept that most others have different beliefs.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Knock-knock jokes affirm anti-door world views, and embolden violence against poultry attempting to cross roads.

      • reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-av says:

        Buzzword Buzzword Buzzword.  Sorry.  A man is not a woman.  Never will be.  

      • vp83-av says:

        Trans people certainly face a higher rate of violence, which is overwhelmingly domestic violence.This is because of the unfortunate fact that trans people are often pushed to the periphery of society, and are often selecting partners at that periphery, who suffer with mental health issues.Theres an argument that Chappelles humor helps keep trans people at that periphery. But the idea that someone is watching Dave Chappele and going out and attacking trans people just isn’t how it works.

      • ohmygodthatissoterirble-av says:

        trans people are just suffering from a mental condition, if they weren’t they wouldn’t be able to have hormones perscribed to them. 

    • jlseagull-av says:

      Chappelle had no part in Saturdays show – why should be be onstage during goodbyes/credits? There was no bow for him to take because he didn’t do shit. There was a time I liked Dave Chappelle and his work (knowing a little about how he grew up), there was a time I hated his work – but this is a time for not giving a … because he doesn’t deserve to be on stage (because he didn’t do anything – when’s the last time you went to a play and received applause for being in the audience?).

      • dudznsudz-av says:

        I’m pretty sure famous people can and do show up for that whenever, and it really doesn’t matter if they do or don’t participate in skits. I don’t think this matters?

        • levyd75-av says:

          It isn’t unusual for celebrities with no other involvement in that week’s show to be in attendance, but they don’t normally appear on stage during the curtain call.

        • datni99adave-av says:

          Yep. Alec Baldwin was there a few shows back and nobody said anything.

          The whole idea that people feel entitled to never hearing things they don’t want to hear is the worst thing that ever happened to our society. Not everyone has to agree with you on everything and if that hurts your feeling that’s too bad but it’s just how it is. It is absolutely not unusual to think people shouldn’t mutilate themselves because they’ve decided they’re in the wrong body and the fact that the media has perpetuated this idea that questioning anything = hate crime is exhausting and outrageous. I would never support violence against anyone who hasn’t committed horrible crimes against others but that doesn’t mean I *have* to accept the trans thing. Just as I would never abuse someone in any way because of it but I should always be entitled to feel the way I feel without the phony outrage that comes spilling out every time someone dares to say the obvious. Losing your shit over Chappelle being on stage as if they rolled out a child molester or a mass murderer is absolutely pathetic.

      • youareonfire-av says:

        Famous people who see the show/hang out have walked onstage for literally decades, my dude. This is a non-story following the AV Club’s recent coverage of Chappelle, claiming that he was quite literally putting trans lives in danger. They can’t miss an opportunity to pile on.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      I’d say declaring “I’m a terf and proud” in the midst of seismic anti-trans laws denying basic human rights getting passed is advocating for something incredibly terrible, but hey that’s just me.

      • dudznsudz-av says:

        I understand what you’re saying. I think you’re being reductive, though.

        • chris-finch-av says:

          I’d love to hear more about how it’s reductive to draw a connection between anti-trans rhetoric in entertainment and anti-trans legislation gaining traction. I won’t hold my breath though.

          • dudznsudz-av says:

            Please show us how Dave Chapelle is the problem that yields discriminatory legislation.

          • chris-finch-av says:

            Did i ever intimate a cause-effect relationship between the two? Now *that* is reductive!

          • dudznsudz-av says:

            What is the nature of the connection you are drawing, then? Or is it purely speculative?

          • chris-finch-av says:

            Man, you went from “I understand what you’re saying” to being willfully ignorant about this situation and deliberately reductive of my take. It almost seems like the moment i asked you to back up your opinion (re: my comment being reductive) you decided to constantly deflect by projecting the worst possible reading of a comment you expressed understanding of. Real “debate me, coward” shit. If you can’t see the harm in going onstage and parroting the false, alarmist anti-trans rhetoric used to prop up legislation denying gender affirming care and demonizing trans folks…I don’t think you’re going to find anything in a comments section to persuade you otherwise. I can type all day but it ain’t my job to make you think critically.

          • dudznsudz-av says:

            “If you can’t see the harm in going onstage and parroting the false, alarmist anti-trans rhetoric used to prop up legislation denying gender affirming care and demonizing trans folks…I don’t think you’re going to find anything in a comments section to persuade you otherwise.” – I could see the harm in that. Is that actually happening, or did you just make it up? I don’t see (probably Republican) legislators citing Dave Chapelle for what they are doing.As far as gender affirming care goes, I think there is plenty to discuss there and we should certainly let the doctors, not politicians, lead the way on determining if and when that kind of care should happen. I would point you towards what our peer nations are doing over in Europe, which I think is reasonable and should be happening here (it varies by country, but the general consensus is never deny treatment, but have clear guidelines and definitely some restrictions on age, parental consent, and what kind of treatment is available). As for demonizing trans individuals, well, I don’t think his jokes do that, but if you do, that’s fine. I don’t care. You’re kind of full of a lot of hot air but offer very little substance in your replies. Unsurprising, as this medium rewards this kind of crap.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            “I can type all day but it ain’t my job to make you think critically.”You’ve literally spent all day arguing about this. 

          • chris-finch-av says:

            and you say the same one thing day in day out ya dumb bitch

          • recoegnitions-av says:


          • Rev2-av says:

            What “false” and “alarmist” things has Dave said? If you’re worried about alarmism, talk to the hyperbolic gender fascists.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Then what’s the fucking problem? If there’s no cause and effect, what is the problem? Enough of this “adding to a hostile environment” bullshit. Who decides what adds to that culture? You? Yes, you and progressives, who will get to decide what can be said. Obvious power play is obvious.

          • king61986-av says:

            Special after special focusing on anti-trans “jokes” normalizes that viewpoint. Do you not see how that’s a bad thing?

          • dresstokilt-av says:

            Ahh, I see someone has zero concept of how entertainment moves culture.

          • macis3d-av says:

            There are countries with anti-trans legislations with no such rhetoric in entertainment (Russia, Hungary and Turkey etc. where the trans topic is ignored in media). I don’t see the connection you see – at least not the direct effect in political decisions.
            What I see is the normalization of insults towards the trans groups in anti-social media and on the streets by common people, an increase in violent attacks worldwide. That’s coming from right-wing politics that were there before lazy comedians picked up the scapegoats. But Chappelle is part of the dehumanizing aspect. Netflix though is a much bigger part for financing it and distributing it globally.
            Kudos to Bowen Yang and Sarah Sherman for not acting along the fake camaraderie on the SNL stage. It was a reaction I hoped anyone would show at the Oscars when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock.

          • chris-finch-av says:

            “I don’t see the connection you see. But, to elaborate, I see the connection you see.”“Also, might I add some panic around a years-old awards show scuffle.”

      • youareonfire-av says:

        It advocates jack shit. It’s a fucking joke, it has nothing to do with legislation by people who probably never heard these jokes, and even if they did, they’re fucking jokes. Your moral panic about anti-trans jokes is a total power play, plain and simple. Get bent.

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        “denying basic human rights”Like the basic human right to inject a highly suggestible autistic teen with a bunch of synthetic hormones?You don’t even know what the things you’re saying mean. 

      • breezeway1-av says:

        I get disagreeing with TERFs, but I think it’s disingenuous to pretend that one cannot understand their POV and slagging them off as evil or whatever. Millenia of the violent oppression of women. Women get to say that a natal male isn’t welcome in their locker room, if they so desire.

        • chris-finch-av says:

          What’s disingenuous is pretending the historical oppression of women is remotely comparable to not getting to go into ladies’ locker rooms.Plus, I get plenty of exposure to the terf perspective as fresh commenters drop out of the woodwork to “well actually” whether their shitty beliefs are evil or not.

      • fyodoren-av says:

        Indeed it is. I mean, you, and a vocal but pitifully small few. 

    • spiraleye-av says:

      Dr Baby’s response to you tells you everything you need to know about the way this discourse always plays out. If you don’t agree with the leaps in logic that it takes to arrive at “jokes = harm”, then you’ll be labeled a nazi. Modern progressive purity, via the toxicity of social media, is a bane on people’s ability to think critically.

      • chris-finch-av says:

        There’s something deeply ironic about you reading that response and saying “they always jump to calling you a nazi,” and being the one to actually bring that term into the conversation.

        • spiraleye-av says:

          Speaking of irony, you can pretend like you’re new to the AV Club’s commentariat’s ways to get one over on me, but I see you here way too much to pretend like you don’t know the playbook by heart.

          • chris-finch-av says:

            …I never said I was new here, but I will admit to ignorance about this “Playbook.”

          • preparationheche-av says:

            You should have got the AV Club Playbook after your membership was approved and you first met with Donna in HR. Here’s her email address if you want a copy:

            [email protected]

        • recoegnitions-av says:

          You don’t understand what irony is. 

      • dudznsudz-av says:

        Yeah, well, I’m trying to point that out without coming off as unduly angry about it. I’m not angry about it, but we badly need regulation of social media so that this kind of behavior gets ratcheted down, in my opinion.

        • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

          but we badly need regulation of social media so that this kind of behavior gets ratcheted down, in my opinion. What kind of behavior? People loudly complaining and rending their garments over a comedy special that they dislike, or a performer that they dislike, within the code of conduct of a social media platform?If so, huh! Seems pretty anti free speech, conceptually! I mean, social media outlets are free to do that, if they wish, but what you suggest is just a different flavor of reactivity.If people are posting the dude’s address and such, or tracking his movements with an eye toward intimidation, or deluging him with hate speech? Yeah, that’d be actionable. But…what, non-millionaires bitching about a millionaire entertainer (i.e. a public figure) on social media? Saying mean things about someone who absolutely does not have to care any more than they choose to? FFS no. Block people, step away from social media for a bit, stop saying dumb shit, etc. All options are available.

          • dudznsudz-av says:

            That’s actually a pretty good point. I guess this was a waste of my time, then.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Eh, all of this shit is, for the most part. I think people lose sight of that, because social media has conditioned many of us to become validation-addicted reaction monkeys. Even the “facts don’t care about your feelings” crowd are in their feelings approximately all the damned time.We’re all folks just screaming our ids toward the sky in the hopes that someone – ANYONE – will care. I’m not even knocking that, necessarily, but the perspective is good to have.

          • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

            Pretty much.
            We could all be nicer to each other, but there must always be room for communication. Because the alternative is we keep our opinions to ourselves, no one ever really knows how the other is thinking, and nothing ever gets worked out. 

          • thatsmyaccountgdi-av says:

            No, YOU are a waste of energy and matter. Kill yourself. It’s the only way you’ll ever contribute anything of value to the universe.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          “I’m not angry about it, but we badly need regulation of social media so that this kind of behavior gets ratcheted down, in my opinion”lol “I’m not angry about it.  I just really think we need to make sure people who say things I disagree with aren’t allowed to say them anywhere I might see it.”

        • thatsmyaccountgdi-av says:

          Shut the fuck up and kill yourself, you child-molesting faggot

        • necgray-av says:

          What regulation of social media do you think would ratchet down this kind of behavior? If Marjorie Taylor Greene can be a virulent transphobe in fucking CONGRESS what the fuck do you think can be done about a comedian who makes shitty transphobic jokes?

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        “the leaps in logic”An inch is considered a leap if you’re an ant.  Point being, it’s only a leap if your brain is tiny.

        • spiraleye-av says:

          Yes, all the smart people actually realize that “comedy = violence”. You got me there. 

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            It’s just that nobody said “comedy = violence,” and smart people can, at the very least, exhibit some modicum of reading comprehension. In fact, you are the only person who reduced the entire concept down to “jokes = harm,” which literally no one else said or agrees with.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Not drawing a 1:1 comparison here (i.e., I’m not saying that Chappelle is doing anything close to what I’m about to link to), but there is precedent for that, given a long enough period of unchecked rhetoric being taken too far.Exhibit A: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_T%C3%A9l%C3%A9vision_Libre_des_Mille_Collines

          • hennyomega-av says:

            There are two possibilities here: you are being wilfully obtuse in order to troll… or you are alarmingly fucking stupid, completely incapable of understanding even the slightest amount of nuance in a given topic, and completely devoid of critical thinking skills.BUT by all means: the next time my trans child is targeted by violence by some meat headed dumbfuck like you because the words of some famous person that they idolize convinced them that trans people are freaks and should be banished from society, I’ll be sure to tell her that it’s okay and to suck it up because it’s just jokes.PS: FUCK YOU.

        • recoegnitions-av says:

          Lol you’re such a fucking idiot lol. 

      • pseudosherlock-av says:

        I’m a bit on the fence about Dave Chappelle as I like him, but he does seem to just be stuck on this issue and dragging himself down along with it. That is just to say that I’m not reflexively booing him like a typical online robot.
        However…to paraphrase your conclusion that “jokes != harm” sounds really sadly like the schoolyard bully taunt of “what’s the matter, you can’t take a joke?”Anything can cause harm. The only thing you can do is either attempt to avoid harm, try to cause it, or ignore that it’s causing harm. Dave appears to hedging toward the second one, when he used to firmly illustrate the third. And, of course jokes can cause harm.

      • samh5621-av says:

        Or you’re just a shithead.

      • mshep-av says:

        Comma Chameleon’s response to you tells you everything you need to know about the way this discourse always plays out. If you don’t agree that bigoted jokes about marginalized communities are harmless, then people will imagine that you called them a Nazi, rather than saying something as anodyne and uncontroversial as “Normalizing bigotry leads to more bigotry.”

      • hennyomega-av says:

        Yeach, gee… how could a hugely influential person using his platform to spread hatred and prejudice towards a group that is already inordinately targeted by violence possibly lead to harm??? It’ not like people are ever influenced by the opinions oft heir idols or anything. It’ not like we have a multitude of examples of people using the world and opinions of a famous person that they look up to in order to enable and excuse their own hatred and bigotry or anything.I swear, it’s like you dumbf**ks actively try to sound as stupid as f**king possible.

      • greghyatt-av says:

        Do you realize the amount of intolerance and hate that’s piled upon the trans community? In just the last few weeks, the Ohio governor signed an executive order stripping trans people of their legal protections, EIGHT anti-trans bills were introduced in a single day in Missouri and the Marshall Project discovered that trans women in Florida are being forced to undergo detransition treatment.The gay panic defense is still allowed in a large portion of America and a federal ban has died in committee every time it’s been introduced. America is not a safe place for trans people and the stuff bigots like Chappelle spout makes things even worse.

      • dresstokilt-av says:

        OK cool let’s just skip the part where anti-trans rhetoric is deeply intertwined with Nazi rhetoric, because it’s a classic dodge to say shit like “you label everything you disagree with ‘Nazism’.”

        • necgray-av says:

          Yeah, it’s funny that nobody brought up Nazism until Comma Chameleon did. Despite the fact that Nazis literally burned books about transgenderism. Like… we didn’t go there, dude. But if you wanna bring that shit up, there’s plenty to discuss!

      • saratin-av says:

        What a completely overblown and ridiculous response.  Maybe don’t behave like an asshole if you don’t want to be called an asshole?

      • minimummaus-av says:

        It’s really fucking weird how “jokes” have become a get out of jail free card for being an asshole. Sorry, jokes don’t necessarily equal harm but they’re hardly harmless when they’re used to belittle already marginalized people.

      • misterpiggins-av says:

        You’re the one who said ‘nazi’.

      • nimbh-av says:

        No one called him a Nazi, you sniveling little shit. 

    • sethsez-av says:

      it’s just comedy

      Comedy can be used for all kinds of things, from satire to propaganda, mockery to telling truth to power, etc. When they’re puffing themselves up hacky comedians love to invoke that potential (usually with comparisons to Bruce, Pryor and Carlin), and when they say something shitty or stupid they’re just smol guys tellin’ jokes that don’t mean anything i swear
      Vote, and make sure people’s basic human rights are protected by the law

      yeah thanks I can walk and chew gum at the same time, nobody is complaining about Chappelle in lieu of doing those other things
      we don’t have to encourage division and exclusion

      Okay but we’re talking about someone who’s spent the last few years doing precisely that. Why does this man get to spend all that time shitting on trans people but it’s some great affront to comedy and his right to exist to call him a douchebag for it?

      • dudznsudz-av says:

        I understand what you’re saying, but I think you’re missing my point.

        • sethsez-av says:

          No, I’m getting your point and disagreeing with it. The things he’s saying aren’t just jokes devoid of any external context or meaning, and the people criticizing him aren’t ignoring other avenues of fighting for trans rights.Remember, this is the man who claims he left his TV show because the wrong people were laughing at his jokes the wrong way. He’s completely aware that his own material carries weight beyond just the potential to make people laugh, and that the message he’s conveying and the audience reaction to that message both matter. If anyone doesn’t get to play the “who cares, they’re just jokes, none of this matters” card it’s Dave Chappelle.

    • barnoldblevin-av says:

      Maybe he was funny 20 years ago. Now he is straight up garbage

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      “Dave Chapelle is funny, says funny things”I mean…not always? You can’t just say “he’s a comedian and therefore everything he says is funny. Everything he says isn’t funny. That’s the point. Also, even if you personally find it funny, that doesn’t mean everyone who doesn’t is wrong.“He isn’t out there advocating for anything terrible”That’s debatable, and again, even if you don’t find it “terrible,” you aren’t the final say.“We all have to live in a society, not everyone is going to agree with you or joke in a way you would agree with at all times”And yet here you are reprimanding people who disagree with him, and you.“Vote, and make sure people’s basic human rights are protected by the law”lol Yes that’s been very effective.“you’re entitled to your opinions, but we don’t have to encourage division and exclusion”Who is doing that?  And how is your “anyone who doesn’t like his comedy should shut the fuck up” strategy any better or more inclusive?

      • dudznsudz-av says:

        Woof, where to even begin with this.I never said everyone had to find it funny, or that I even found it all that funny. I know I am not the final say. There is no final say, there is broad consensus that gets built over time, and there are changing values and taste. I’m not reprimanding people for not liking what he does. I’m saying, it’s a stupid thing to suggest he shouldn’t be on stage, or tv, or doing comedy, or whatever other stupid implication is suggested by this piece.Voting and making sure laws are followed (via lawsuits/litigation) has been very effective, in the aggregate. If you reject that, you’re making an a-historical argument.I also didn’t say everyone had to shut the fuck up. This is exactly the kind of thing I was saying, in my original post, that we should stop doing to each other. Over-exposure to this kind of stuff (by being too online) breaks your brain. And before you try to make a silly point about the irony of me doing this (posting about not being too online, while online), I’m well aware. I sometimes like to see what the arguments are, in case mine are wrong, and if being online is still bad. And with that, I’m out! 

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          “I never said everyone had to find it funny, or that I even found it all that funny”No you didn’t. But you did say “he says funny things,” which, I was noting (pretty obviously and clearly, I thought) is not always true according to everyone who receives his comedy.“there is broad consensus that gets built over time, and there are changing values and taste.”What does consensus have to do with anything? People are allowed to find him funny or unfunny regardless of the consensus, and changing values and taste aren’t the issue here. It’s his changing comedy. This isn’t the same comedy he was doing 20 years ago.“it’s a stupid thing to suggest he shouldn’t be on stage, or tv, or doing comedy, or whatever other stupid implication is suggested by this piece”Oh got it. You’re not reprimanding them for disagreeing with you. You’re calling them stupid for disagreeing with you. And in other comments you’re suggesting they should be banned from social media. Got it got it.“Voting and making sure laws are followed (via lawsuits/litigation) has been very effective”Oh neat. Tell that to women in Texas who want abortions. Tell that to authors in Florida who want their books in libraries.“in the aggregate”In the aggregate isn’t helpful to the individual in the present. The Black man being lynched in the 1930s wasn’t helped “in the aggregate.” In fact, he didn’t get any real legislative help until the 1960s, and that didn’t happen until after years of protests and civil unrest. If you reject that, you’re making an ahistorical argument.“I also didn’t say everyone had to shut the fuck up.”Really? Because you said they shouldn’t say he shouldn’t be on TV. You said they should be kicked off social media. Exactly how can people express their disagreement with Dave Chappelle in a way that doesn’t offend you? Because it sounds like you only left them with “voting,” and that ain’t it. People have tried respectfully communicating the issues with you and your responses have been nothing more than veiled insults and moved goalposts. So what is the best way to have this conversation in a way that won’t upset you?“I sometimes like to see what the arguments are, in case mine are wrong”LOL This is very cute, because you definitely give the impression of someone who is truly open to being wrong and changing their mind.

          • timebobby-av says:

            “So what is the best way to have this conversation in a way that won’t upset you?”

            Lmao, I love when the overly emotional retards like you try to make it sound like the other person is the one who is upset. 

          • edawman-av says:

            Yeah, Dudznsudz, saying “he says funny things” should in no way be interpreted as “I think he says funny things” because expressing an opinion should always be preceded by “I think” lest it come off as you declaring it as an objective fact.Also, “it’s a stupid thing to suggest he shouldn’t be on stage, or tv, or doing comedy, or whatever other stupid implication is suggested by this piece” is an opinion. That it’s a USELESS thing to suggest is a fact. Me suggesting Trump shouldn’t be allowed to run for president again is as useless as the 100 million other similar suggestions from Americans who overestimate the power of the court of public opinion. Anyone working up the indignation to declare an established comedian unfit to stand on stage at the end of TV show and expecting it to matter in the larger, ugly scheme of this world just might be stupid though.

        • mosquitocontrol-av says:

          I just don’t get why you think it’s ok for Dave to use his massive platform to say something shitty about people, but bad for us to use our tiny one to say something shitty about him

        • ididntwantthis-av says:

          Still railing against the reality that speech has an effect on the world I see. 

      • datni99adave-av says:

        But everything he says is at least trying to be funny. Whether you or I or anyone personally finds it funny is irrelevant. You’re welcome to not watch his specials. Many people love them. Who gets to decide what is and isn’t funny other than the individual? Patrice O’Neal once said that anything CAN be funny and that’s the point. This whole “punching down” bullshit as if comics should only go after Trump or Elon or people with more power and money than them is absolutely ludicrous and completely anti-comedy.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          “Whether you or I or anyone personally finds it funny is irrelevant.”Not when the claim is “he says funny things.” It’s not irrelevant at all. The claim wasn’t “he is trying to be funny.”“You’re welcome to not watch his specials.”What makes you think I don’t know this? Also nobody is talking about his specials? The question is why is he randomly on the SNL stage?“Many people love them.”What makes you think I don’t know this? Many people love them because they also like making fun of trans people. That’s a part of the problem.“Who gets to decide what is and isn’t funny other than the individual?”I’m not the one who made the blanket claim. Ask that question to the OP.“anything CAN be funny”Which of Chappelle’s trans jokes was funny?“This whole ‘punching down’ bullshit as if comics should only go after Trump or Elon or people with more power and money than them”I mean if you think it’s hilarious to make fun of marginalized people because they’re marginalized people literally no one is stopping you. You can do what you want.

    • Bazzd-av says:

      He isn’t out there advocating for anything terrible“If you let them build a homeless rehabilitation center across the street, I’m taking all of my money and leaving your community. Now go to the city government and protest on my behalf because I own this town!!!!”Dave Chappelle. A man of a thousand terrible advocacies.

    • ragsb-av says:

      I don’t agree at all. “Soft” cultural change like painting trans people as weird, confused, or silly humans still impacts people’s perception, hatred, hate crimes, and how legislation is crafted, so this is hardly harmless.

    • king61986-av says:

      He isn’t even telling jokes anymore. That Jim Carrey method acting trans “joke” from his latest special was just him saying he doesn’t like trans people.

    • thepowell2099-av says:

      stirring up online B.S. – the A.V. Club

    • nimitdesai-av says:

      Bro, he’s not going to appear out of nowhere and fellate you. 

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      This is the kind of thing we have to stop doing

      you’re entitled to your opinions

      Pick one.

    • stewiesmom-av says:

      He doesn’t even pretend to try to be funny anymore.
      ALL of his jokes now are just:
      1 crapping on some discriminated group and pretending that makes him brave
      2 bragging about being rich
      3 complaining about being canceled despite never actually
      Combine 2 or more for extra credit.

      I miss the actually brilliant comedian he used to be.

      • necgray-av says:

        The shame of it is how clever he could be about transphobia if he just got past the idea that it’s taking up oxygen/attention from race activism. I’m open to the idea that the guy is just a misogynist who has targeted trans women in addition to cis women but mostly I think he saw how much attention trans people were getting from progressives and his knee-jerk reaction was “They’re distracting from Black people.” Obviously ignoring that Black trans people, particularly women, are more victimized than their white counterparts. I think Dave, being a bit of a zero sum thinker, sees trans issues as a threat to race issues.

    • stewiesmom-av says:

      What we should really stop doing is pretending he is still nearly as funny as he used to be. 

    • hennyomega-av says:

      Are you utterly clueless and have no actual idea what he has actually said, or are you just an amazingly f**king stupid dips**t in general?You don’t think actively and intentionally using his platform to spread hatred and prejudice towards a vulnerable group that already faces an absurd amount of hatred and violence constitutes advocating for something terrible or doing harm, you aggressively stupid dumbf**k?“We don’t have to encourage division and exclusion”Oh okay, so you’re just amazingly fucking dumb, have self-awareness, and are completely devoid of critical thinking skills. The fact that you typed this out without realizing how fucking stupid it is… He is the one actively encouraging division and exclusion, you moronic buffoon. That’s literally the entire fucking point. How are you actually this dense?Absolute f**king moron. Ignorant clueless dipshit.

    • ginnyweasley-av says:

      Sorry, we’ll continue to fight for trans people. You’re on the wrong side of history, and obviously so.

    • nell-from-the-movie-nell--av says:

      This is the kind of thing we have to stop doing: pretending the 1st Amendment shields you from criticism. The trans person he uses as a prop in his act, Daphne, is dead and cannot speak for herself. After her death, Dave made up a story (link below) that trans community criticism of Daphne precipitated her suicide. TALK ABOUT CREATING DIVISIONS, AM I RIGHT?Daphne has no voice. Dave took advantage of it — his version of “I have Black friends, so I can say what I want.” And when people spoke up in Daphne’s defense — and the defense of others like her — they were accused of “canceling” this poor millionaire. Cry me a damn river. https://www.transadvocate.com/why-i-support-cancelnetflix-its-not-because-chapelle-is-offensive_n_64606.htm

    • saratin-av says:

      Except they aren’t “jokes”. Like seriously, feel free to quote for me anything about trans people from any of his recent specials that wasn’t either out and out punchline-free commentary or mean-spirited horseshit. He literally said we are “holding LGB people back”. That’s not even kind of a joke.

    • minimummaus-av says:

      Or maybe nah, he’s a piece of shit who is punching down. Fuck him.

    • youcancallmeluke-av says:

      Dogshit take.

    • johnbeckwith-av says:

      Why can’t Chapelle pick some other group to pick on? Seems like a much simpler solution.Your “upside” argument that Chapelle isn’t advocating for terrible things to happen to LGBTQ people only shows that he doesn’t really give a shit what group he’s making fun of as long as it’s a) an easy target, and b) gets him notoriety.Pick another group.

    • mrcaymans-av says:

      I realize that stirring up online B.S. is how Dave tries to stay relevant now. Fixed it for you. Also, I am going to keep encouraging division from people who contribute to the worsening of others lives because they are homophobic, transphobic, etc…

    • ohmygodthatissoterirble-av says:

      i love how you had to spin yourself up to say absolutely nothing.

    • misterpiggins-av says:

      Dave Chapelle is funny, says funny things, and makes jokes. This is all debatable actually.
      He isn’t out there advocating for anything terribleOh! You don’t know what he’s been doing!  Why are you talking?

    • ibell-av says:

      Although I don’t agree with everything in your post, (the “vote” part most directly) I have to give it a star because its the most practical assessment of the “Dave Chapelle debate” i’ve read on here.

    • simplepoopshoe-av says:

      You’re a dipshit

    • theporcupine42-av says:

      It’s not stoking division to say that transphobes should be killed it’s just stating facts

    • firebirdwinters-av says:

      This perfectly encapsulates the issue with Chappelle these days. He’s someone who absolutely should know you don’t just jump onto a stage uninvited. He has been a victim of it and has said a lot about the subject. But when HE does it, it’s fine and anyone ELSE who has a problem with it doesn’t properly appreciate comedy or somesuch.

  • charliemeadows69420-av says:

    Makes sense an unfunny hack would want to hang around and associate with SNL.    Maybe they will let him play Tim Scott in some cold openings.   

  • hellosparky-av says:

    In what way exactly is Chappelle a terf? I can’t think of anything “radically feminist” he’s advocated – he’s just a plain old anti-trans bigot.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “I can’t think of anything “radically feminist” he’s advocated”

      Well, you don’t understand what TERF actually means (the term, not the words) but it’s nice to see you trying to enter the conversation anyone.

      How could adding more ignorance possibly hurt?

    • drkschtz-av says:

      Traditionally speaking you are probably right, that he isn’t even feminist in any way, so also isn’t really a TERF vs a regular reactionary transphobe. But he once declared himself “team TERF’ on stage, so the moniker is self chosen.

      • youareonfire-av says:

        He also literally puts trans life in danger, according to the AV Clubs’ previous coverage, and his jokes actually make him an anti-trans activist. His jokes—which do not endanger lives, ever—endanger trans lives, and his jokes—again, JOKES, which cannot be taken seriously—make him an anti-trans activist. Am I doing this right?

        • ididntwantthis-av says:

          Words still matter and still have an effect on the world. I know, reality bothers you SO fucking much. 

    • hackesquire44-av says:

      He identifies himself as “team terf” – just google him along with “terf” and you’ll find articles about it. Whether he is or not is up for debate, but it’s definitely what he says he is.

    • sh90706-av says:

      I was about to post a similar line. Some journalists get on this bandwagon to point to someone they dont agree with and try to get page hits from angry readers and that works. IRL everyone is, or should, be able to express their identity and not have other people label them as something different. Thats the rule in one direction, at least. Im so over a noisy mob telling me what I should like and not like. Counter culture is still culture so live and let live works 2 ways.

    • snooder87-av says:

      It was a joke from one of his standup specials. The one that was mostly him being extremely butthurt over people calling him anti-trans.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      You got me for a second; nice job.Now you have me wondering, is terf a very precise term? From my understanding it means someone who claims to be progressive or forward-thinking in most ways beyond their virulent anti-trans stance. Like they wouldn’t go so far as to say a woman’s place is barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, but they still squawk about there being two genders.

      • disparatedan-av says:

        Terf didn’t start off as a pejorative, it was just a descriptor for feminists who organise their activism around the reality of how females are treated by society.In other words, anyone who thinks being a trans exclusionary radical feminist is necessarily a bad thing thinks female people should not organise politically in ways that exclude all males: i.e. misogynists

      • badkuchikopi-av says:

        Wow, really? How does anyone consider that being a “radical feminist?” 

        • ragsb-av says:

          In the UK for some reason the two issues are separated hence why someone like JK Rowling can claim to be a feminist while constantly spewing anti-trans sentiments

      • mifrochi-av says:

        Academically, radical feminism is a branch of feminism that organizes its philosophy primarily around the patriarchy (rather than, say, economics or race), and TERFs are the subset of radical feminists who consider trans women part of the patriarchy. I’m pretty sure the term originated in the specific context of trans women being excluded from gatherings of radical feminists, but I could be mistaken and don’t care to Google it. Practically, it’s become a general term to criticize people who espouse anti trans bigotry without being overtly religious or politically rightist.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “In what way exactly is Chappelle a terf?”

      Ask him, fucko. He’s the one who said it.

    • youareonfire-av says:

      Yes, his insistence that trans women are trans women, as expressed with his friendship with tran women, makes him a bigot, as he is not a lunatic and not claiming trans women are actual women. What a bigot.

    • brianjwright-av says:

      The term certainly seems to have expanded in scope, I see people who can’t be called feminists (radical or otherwise) called terfs on the internet all the time.

    • Rev2-av says:

      And an atheist is a sinner according to the hardcore religious. What’s your point?

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      what qualifies one as a “radical” feminist?

    • misterpiggins-av says:

      He said he’s a TERF. *shrug*

  • williagr-av says:

    I would care more what Bowen Yang thinks if he was actually funny.

    • jlseagull-av says:

      8 billion people on the planet; more than 300m live in the US and yet about 10 of them are given 90 minutes of airtime each week on a comedy program. You’re one of the billions of folks who can’t manage to make people laugh on a live tv show – it’s sad, I know but don’t try to pull other people down because you have nothing to offer.

      • Rev2-av says:

        Wow… If someone has “nothing to offer” for not finding a comedian funny, I can only imagine what you think of the angry pervs bashing Chappelle… You gender Nazis are a lovely bunch.

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        The only reason Bowen Yang is on SNL is because Shane Gillis said a naughty word and a bunch of tattletale losers freaked out. Their hands were pretty much tied.

      • williagr-av says:

        Dumb, I’m not paid to attempt to be funny.

    • gargsy-av says:

      Because gay minorities are only worth defending if they’re talented, right?

    • tvcr-av says:

      This is why I’ve never been a fan of Noam Chomsky. Not funny!

    • pjrussell-av says:

      Except Bowen Yang is a cast member, and you, and Chapelle, are just a pair of twats not actually connected to the show. So, yeah, his opinion in this case is much more important than yours.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Weird statement. You only value the opinion of funny people?  That’s a strange barometer.

    • davidwizard-av says:

      I hardly think the cast of SNL is made up of the funniest people on TV right now, but Bowen Yang and Sarah Sherman are easily the two funniest ones on the show. Sorry your taste is so bad. Thoughts and prayers, etc.

      • williagr-av says:

        Weekend Update is the only consistently funny thing (I like Sherman, not sure why she was brought into this). Bowen Yang even messes up WU.

        • davidwizard-av says:

          Ahhh, I see where we diverge now. WU is by far the worst part of modern SNL – Jost and Che are the absolute hackiest ones on the show. Bowen Yang’s Titanic iceberg desk piece was the best thing on WU in years.

          • williagr-av says:

            I understand comedy is subjective, but god damn it must be tough to be THAT wrong.

          • necgray-av says:

            “Statement X. Anti-statement X!”That’s some fun cognitive dissonance!

          • davidwizard-av says:

            I spend most of my spare time hanging out with comedians and improvisers and I don’t know a single person who doesn’t roll their eyes at Jost and Che. They’re like… infamously reviled. But I’m glad they’re entertaining someone!

          • williagr-av says:

            I spent most of my time hanging out dinosaurs and wizards, they all said your mom is fat.

          • williagr-av says:

            Also… hacky?! You’re going to accuse people other than Bowen Yang of being hacky? Here… I can give you Yang’s next skit… Whatever or whoever he’s playing, he or she or it is going to be a flamboyantly gay man. Woo-pee.

    • nimbh-av says:

      Do you think your subjective taste is fact? No one is that stupid. 

  • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

    That Sarah Sherman double take (wait, WHO’S HERE??) spoke volumes. I’m very glad I didn’t stay up or waste time watching this whole episode; between Timberlake, Fallon, Dakota Johnson and now Dave Chappelle For Some Reason, it seems insufferable. Please Don’t Destroy sketch was seemingly the only worthwhile bit, and I caught that one on YT the day after.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Check out the “Maury” sketch. Probably the best bit of the night.

      • dinoironbody7-av says:

        One thing I noticed about Dakota last night is how different she looks with different wigs.

        • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

          That and the numerous blown spots were about the only things I noticed about her. I don’t have a high bar for SNL hosts, but FFS *pretend* that you want to be there.

          • dinoironbody7-av says:

            I thought that episode was actually pretty good, at least by current SNL standards(I liked the PDD sketch even though I haven’t enjoyed their stuff this year as much as last year). In the comments I think some people were predisposed to hate the episode because of some appearances by people they didn’t like.

      • xirathi-av says:

        And it’s also kinda horrifying…the are actual 20 somethings out there who can go on YT and find their own parents fighting over their paternity in old Maury clips. 

    • ssomers001-av says:

      What exactly is wrong with Dakota Johnson?

      • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

        Not my cup of tea. Her new movie looks like complete shite. She’s like Kristin Stewart, except we found out she’s an actually competent actress.

        • dinoironbody7-av says:

          Funny thing about that is, though, that whereas Kristen had to prove she’s a good actor despite her Twilight performances, from what I heard Dakota didn’t have that problem because she actually acquitted herself pretty well in the 50 Shades movies.

          • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

            I think both actresses were dealing with such shit source material that they did for the betterment of their careers, but to me it’s only Stewart that’s outgrown her awkward acting days. I’ve never seen Dakota Johnson’s face change in any of her work.

          • necgray-av says:

            She’s also quite good in the recent Suspiria. (Which far too many horror hounds got stupid about.)

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        I haven’t seen it, but according to my missus, who saw the Gray Shades thing: kid’s got a really nice ass but can’t act.

      • mackiej-av says:

        Speaking from a first-hand source, she’s an absolute monster on set. So there’s that.

    • toatesy-av says:

      Yeah, if you’re right, her career is over, between that and the Fran Drescher sketch. Nothing worse than a professional who doesn’t respect their elders.

    • xirathi-av says:

      Home movies skit was pure classic snl gold. It was the only good part of the show.

  • samo1415-av says:

    Dave Chapelle can’t stand it when anyone other than black people ask to be treated fairly.  I find that kind of take to be hypocritical.

    • Rev2-av says:

      Huh? Y’all love treating being a woman as cosplay yet can’t show any decency. Not surprised.

    • youareonfire-av says:

      He is treating them fairly: He’s making fun of them. There are no fucking protected classes in comedy. You exist, you get mad fun of. Tough titties, and if you can’t handle it, stay in academia.FFS, the left control every single fucking institution in the country, and they’re making speaking against it a fucking hate crime by going after comedians. This is about power. Always has been, way back to Marcuse, up to Angela Davis, then Derrick Bell, then Kimberlee Crenshaw, now Ibram X. Kendi. The New Left and now modern progressives are laser focused on destroying free speech. Every thinker I’ve just mentioned has explicitly called for it. This victim bullshit is their strategy, they literally say so in all of their work. FUCK THEM. AND, TO PARAPHRASE DAVE CHAPPELLE, IF THEY CAN TAKE A SCALPEL TO THEIR DICKS, THEY CAN TAKE A FUCKING JOKE.

      • samo1415-av says:

        I wasn’t talking about Dave’s standup.

      • ididntwantthis-av says:

        “and they’re making speaking against it a fucking hate crime by going after comedians.”

        Where is that actually happening other than your diseased mind? We clearly established already that you have no fuckign clue what you are talking about on any topic. That’s why you had to run away from me like a scared little bitch. 

      • nimbh-av says:

        I wish we could silence you. Your stupidity is spreading. 

        • youareonfire-av says:

          I know the left wants censorship, I get it, thanks.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            There is no mainstream movement on the left to take your legal rights away. 

          • youareonfire-av says:

            CRT wants censorship and hate speech exceptions, and want racists fucking arrested. It will be taught in all schools. YOU NEED TO SEE A FUCKING SHRINK.Marcuse on “Repressive Tolerance”: In the essay “Repressive Tolerance” (1965), the German born American critical theorist Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979) of the Franklin School of political theorists argued that, under the conditions of advanced industrial capitalism, the only hope for realizing the original objectives of “liberalist” or “pure” toleration (as articulated by the British philosopher John Stuart Mill [1806-1873])— freeing the mind to rationally pursue the truth—was to practice a deliberately selective “liberating tolerance” that both targeted and enacted the repression alluded to in the essay’s paradoxical title (Marcuse 1965, pp. 81, 85, 90). This “liberating tolerance” would involve “the withdrawal of toleration of speech and assembly from groups and movements” on the Right, and the aggressively partisan promotion of speech, groups, and progressive movements on the Left (pp. 81, 100). MARCUSE TO DAVIS TO BELL TO CRENSHAW TO KENDI. TO CRT IN EVERY SCHOOL. CHILDREN WILL BE TAUGHT THAT FREE SPEECH IS WHITE SUPREMACY.Scholars question First Amendment protection of speech that targets oppressed groupsIn general, these scholars argue that there is no societal value in protecting speech that targets already oppressed groups. They also question the logic of using the First Amendment to protect speech that not only has no social value, but also is socially and psychologically damaging to minority groups.Perhaps the most well known and certainly the most prolific CRT scholar on hate speech is Richard Delgado, a founding member of the CRT movement who began publishing on hate speech in the early 1980s. On CRT’s connection to the First Amendment, Delgado states, “Until now, the following argument has been determinative: the First Amendment condemns that; therefore it is wrong. We are raising the possibility that the correct argument may sometimes be: the First Amendment condemns that, therefore the First Amendment (or the way we understand it) is wrong” (Delgado 1994: 173). He questions the old axiom that the answer to disfavored speech is more speech, noting that power relationships might make it difficult or impossible for members of socially disempowered groups to respond to certain types of speech.CRT advocates have suggested laws that punish hate speechIn R.A.V. v. St. Paul (1992), the Supreme Court struck down a city ordinance that made it a crime to place a burning cross or swastika anywhere “in an attempt to arouse anger or alarm on the basis of race, color, creed, or religion.” In this photo, white robed members of the Indiana Ku Klux Klan watch a Kerosene soaked wood cross being raised in place at a Klan rally in Mansfield, Indiana, Saturday, July 27, 1985. The cross was burned after speeches by several Klan officials from other states. (AP Photo/S. Rossman, used with permission from The Associated Press.)Following the Supreme Court’s ruling in R.A.V. v. St. Paul (1992), which seemingly closed the door on hate speech regulation, Delgado continued to publish extensively on the legality and necessity of hate speech regulation. Relying heavily on social scientific data, Delgado outlined the harm caused by racist speech and developed a tort action for racial insults that he believes could pass First Amendment scrutiny.Mari Matsuda and Charles Lawrence are two more early CRT proponents of hate speech regulation. Matsuda suggested the creation of a legal doctrine to limit hate speech in cases where the message is one of racial inferiority, the message is directed against a historically oppressed group, and the message is persecutorial, hateful, and degrading.Lawrence contends that the way in which scholars and jurists enter the hate speech debate “makes heroes out of bigots and fans the flames of racial violence” (Lawrence 1990: 438). According to him, hate speech violates the Fourteenth Amendment. He has pushed for the establishment of hate speech regulations that will further enhance the role of the First Amendment in society, while still adhering to the principles of the Fourteenth Amendment.WHO WILL DECIDE WHAT IS HATE SPEECH? WHAT PART OF THIS DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND AND DO YOU REALIZE THIS WILL TAUGHT IN SCHOOLS?NO. OF COURSE YOU DON’T. FUCK YOU

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “CRT wants censorship and hate speech exceptions, and want racists fucking arrested.”

            CRT encompasses a lot of things. Nothing you said here is mainstream.

            Learn to be fucking honest for once in your miserable piece of shit life.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Link to Delgado, since you apparently can’t use google.https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/critical-race-theory/#:~:text=In%20general%2C%20these%20scholars%20argue,psychologically%20damaging%20to%20minority%20groups.
            It is already mainstream in academia and corporations, weirdo stalker who should kill herself. Nothing I said about it is controversial, and you could actually read the source, but oh well, you are mentally ill. Why would the core tenets of the theory not be taught in school?

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            I can use Google just fine, the point here is you can’t be honest, and you can’t even pay attention to what you post. You are a fucking moron who calls an opinion piece a scientific study.

            This constitutional amendment isn’t a core tenant and it is not a mainstream position.

            “who should kill herself.”

            See, I told you you were a garbage person and no way anyone would let you be a counselor. 

          • youareonfire-av says:

            You’re the fucking imbecile who posted to a Harvard “study”…that was self-reported opinion, you fucking psycho cunt. I haven’t posted any opinion pieces, I just sent you the link the in-depth dive into Richard Delgado’s illiberal call for censorship, and again, the purpose of pointing out the anti-racism amendment is to show that this way of thinking that has progressed exactly as I described is alive and well. Government repression of non-left wing ideas/hate speech are core components of CRT. You simply deny the reality off it. Go hang yourself.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Did I call that specific link a study? Your inability to be honest is pathetic. It does link to two studies and you can mewl about not linking that fact, but you are not a scientist, you claimed to be a theater nerd, remember? No one cares what you think of studies , your opinion is worthless.

            I know you want to forget all the dumb shit you did as TheAutromator and you think other people are as fucking stupid as you and don’t know that’s who you are. But you are and you did. You tried to pass a Sowell article off as a study and said it proved things. That’s why you finally ran off in shame, you knew I was right when I said you can’t recover from that and you have zero credibility. Delicious.

            Your purpose in mentioning he amendment was to claim it was mainstream when it wasn’t. You specifically did that. Because you are incapable of honesty on any level.

            “Government repression of non-left wing ideas/hate speech are core components of CRT. You simply deny the reality off it.”

            No, you are a fucking liar mired in a victim mentality that doesn’t let you be honest. You are the one living in denial of reality. You are a garbage person.

          • youareonfire-av says:


          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            I posted an article that discussed two different studies as one of many pieces of evidence for the existence of systematic racism. You can call them worthless if you want, like I said no one cares what “theater” dude cares about studies.

            Children being taught CRT doesn’t mean they are going to be taught that we need a new constitutional amendment. That’s the part you invent because you are a dishonest piece of shit.

            You are in denial about the existence of systematic racism, and throwing all caps hissy fits over science saying you are wrong.

            As always, your sources NEVER say what you claim. God damn you are fucking retarded. Hope you have your new account lined up, because this is your life now. 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “ Delgado outlined the harm caused by racist speech and developed a tort action for racial insults that he believes could pass First Amendment scrutiny.”

            Wow, sounds less like a need to have a new amendment and more like a position that says the 1st is applied incorrectly.

            But we’ve established you don’t even read your own links, they don’t say what you claim and most of the time show you are a moron when they disagree with you.

            This is why you ran is shame last time.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “ According to him, hate speech violates the Fourteenth Amendment. He has pushed for the establishment of hate speech regulations that will further enhance the role of the First Amendment in society, while still adhering to the principles of the Fourteenth Amendment.”


          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “ It often elevates the equality principles of the Fourteenth Amendment above the liberty principles of the First Amendment.”

            That’s not changing anything in the constitution, that’s applying what is there in a different way.

            You should run and go hide in a hole again at this point. 

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Yeah, you’re retarded. Nothing he proposes would pass first amendment muster. They want to ban hate speech. Do you think that will stop them? They want to be the ones to decide what is hate speech. There are no exceptions to the first amendment for hate speech. They WILL change that. They WILL change the Constitution. All institutions are onboard. You’re willfully fucking retarded, hang yourself, or wait to see who is right. Their moment is now. They have captured primary, secondary, and higher education. You live under the fucking rocks. HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THIS COMING? ENTIRE GENERATIONS WILL BE TAUGHT THAT FREE SPEECH, LIBERALISM, CIVIL RIGHTS, MERIT, INDIVIDUALITY, AND HARD WORK ARE WHITE SUPREMIST CONCEPTS, AS THEY CLEARLY FUCKING STATE. WHAT THEN, CRAZED BITCH?FUUUUUUCKKKK OFFFFFFFF.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            I didn’t say it would pass muster, dummy, the quotes were to show what a fucking liar you are and how your sources fucking contradict the bullshit you spew.
            There is no fucking mainstream movement to take your legal rights away you QANON twat.
            Hope you have your new account lined up, because this is your life now.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Said the crazed stalker who curses like a fucking trucker. These people have been talking about this for fucking decades. From Repressive Tolerance to Kimberlee Crenshaw to fucking Ibram Kendi, who thinks all racial disparities ARE FUCKING PROOF OF RACISM and TEACHES THAT DISCRIMINATION IS THE ANSWER. AND YOU KNOW IT.. Answer some questions:1) Will CRT be taught in all school districts?2) Do CRT proponents think that free speech upholds white supremacy? HINT: I just sent you a source that says they do, and previous sources stating their lunatic plans for bypassing the first amendment.3) What do you think they will teach children about hate speech, liberalism, the Civil Rights Movement, meritocracy, and individualism? HINT: I’VE ALREADY FUCKING SENT YOU WHAT THEY BELIEVE ABOUT THESE TOPICS.I won’t wait for the answers, you fucking psycho stalker cunt. Eat radium.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            A complete lack of self awareness on your part, Mr Potty Mouth. Typical.

            I’m not answering your stupid questions. None of that is going to prove your bullshit lies that a new constitutional amendment is mainstream. It fucking in’t, you are a paranoid liar with a victim mentality. 

          • youareonfire-av says:

            They spent sixty fucking years marching through the institutions, just like the critical theorists said they would.They have totally captured education, corporate America, Hollywood, and the fucking federal government has a Special Representative for Racial Equity and Justice. I’ve already quoted her, but here’s what she said after about what she discussed with Kendi: “the ongoing, global impact of white supremacy & the importance of collective effort across sectors to build a world where racial & ethnic equity & social justice prevail.”YOU THINK I’M SOMEONE ELSE. OF COURSE YOU WON’T ANSWER THE QUESTIONS, YOU’RE FUCKING DELUDED AND DELUSIONAL.HAVE A NICE LIFE, YOU FUCKING PSYCHO

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            An yet the things you claim are mainstream still aren’t, TheAutomator. 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:


            Yeah and I showed how fucking wrong you were with your own source.


            It’s only a matter of time before you try and hide in embarrassment again.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Remember when you said all the progressives would be in the comments on a story calling for actual laws against speech and then literally no one did? Good times.

            You are fucking clueless. 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Yes, I’m sure it’s the world’s most magical coincidence that someone with the exact same gripes, the exact same bad arguments, the exact same tone, the exact same style, the exact same mannerisms,etc just happened to crop of four days after you abandoned your other account in shame.

            I know you are retarded and think other people are as stupid as you. They are not. 

          • youareonfire-av says:

            You’re fucking nuts. NO ONE has ever brought up Marcuse, Davis, Bell, Crenshaw, critical theory, CRT, Kendi, and DEI and the long march through the institutions in these comments. Never happened, you fucking psycho cunt.Just to leave you with some key thoughts from the movement in charge of ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN, THAT YOU DON’T THINK IS A BIG DEAL:“All white people are racist or complicit by virtue of benefiting from privileges that are not something they can voluntarily renounce.” Barbara Applebaum, Being White, Being Good“It is a racial crime to be yourself if you are not White in America. It is a racial crime to look like yourself or empower yourself if you are not White.” Ibram Kendi, How to be an Antiracist.“Many critical race theorists and social scientists alike hold that racism is pervasive, systemic, and deeply ingrained. If we take this perspective, then no white member of society seems quite so innocent.” Delgado & Stefanic, Critical Race Theory: An Introduction.“Unlike traditional civil rights, which embraces incrementalism and step-by-step progress, critical race theory questions the very foundations of the liberal order, including equality theory, legal reasoning, Enlightenment rationalism, and neutral principles of constitutional law.” Delgado & Stefanic, Critical Race Theory: An Introduction.“[Critical race theorists] are also highly suspicious of another liberal mainstay, namely, rights … Think how that system applauds affording everyone equality of opportunity but resists programs that assure equality of results.” Delgado & Stefanic, Critical Race Theory: An Introduction.“The ideologies of meritocracy, equal opportunity, individualism, and human nature we described above play a powerful role in denying the current of privilege and insisting that society is just.” Ozlem & DiAngelo, Is Everyone Really Equal?“Formal equality overlooks structural disadvantage and requires mere nondiscrimination or ‘equal treatment’; by contrast, affirmative action calls for equalizing treatment by redistributing power and resources in order to rectify inequities and to achieve real equality.” Cheryl Harris, “Whiteness as Property.” “[Critical race theorist Mari] Matsuda suggested the creation of a legal doctrine to limit hate speech in cases where the message is one of racial inferiority, the message is directed against a historically oppressed group, and the message is persecutorial, hateful, and degrading.” The First Amendment Encyclopedia“We believe that so long as the white race exists, all movements against what is called ‘racism’ will fail. Therefore, our aim is to abolish the white race.” Noel Ignatiev in Critical Whiteness Studies.“In order to truly be anti-racist, you also have to truly be anti-capitalist…. And in order to truly be anti-capitalist, you have to be antiracist, because they’re interrelated.” Ibram Kendi, “Ibram X. Kendi on Why We Need to Fight Racism the Way We Fight Cancer.”“In challenging the property interest in whiteness, affirmative action [in support of property redistribution] could facilitate the destruction of the false premises of legitimacy and exclusivity inherent in whiteness and break the distorting link between white identity and property … Existing distributions of property will be modified by rectifying unjust loss and inequality. Property rights will then be respected, but they will not be absolute and will be considered against a societal requirement of affirmative action.” Cheryl Harris, “Whiteness as Property.”Seattle Public Schools told teachers that the education system is guilty of “spirit murder” against black children and that white teachers must “bankrupt [their] privilege in acknowledgement of [their] thieved inheritance.” San Diego Public Schools accused white teachers of being colonizers on stolen Native American land and told them “you are racist” and “you are upholding racist ideas, structures, and policies.” They recommended that the teachers undergo “antiracist therapy.” A Cupertino, California, elementary school forced third-graders to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities, then rank themselves according to their “power and privilege.” They separated the eight-year-old children into oppressors and oppressed. A middle school in Springfield, Missouri, forced teachers to locate themselves on an “oppression matrix,” claiming that white heterosexual Protestant males are inherently oppressors and must atone for their “covert white supremacy.”Buffalo Public Schools taught students that “all white people” perpetuate systemic racism and forced kindergarteners to watch a video of dead black children warning them about “racist police and state-sanctioned violence” who might kill them at any time. The Arizona Department of Education created an “equity” toolkit claiming that babies show the first signs of racism at three months old and that white children become full racists—”strongly biased in favor of whiteness”—by age five. The California Department of Education passed an “ethnic studies” curriculum that calls for the “decolonization” of American society and has students chant to the Aztec god of human sacrifice. The solution, according to one author, is “countergenocide.” North Carolina’s largest school district launched a campaign against “whiteness in educational spaces”—and encouraged teachers to subvert families and push the ideology of “antiracism” directly onto students without parental consent.Santa Clara County Office of Education denounced the United States as a “parasitic system” based on the “invasion” of “white male settlers” and encouraged teachers to “cash in on kids’ inherent empathy” in order to recruit them into political activism. Link.Portland Public Schools trained children to become race-conscious revolutionaries by teaching that racism “infects the very structure(s) of our society,” and telling students to immerse themselves in “revolution.” Link.The principal of East Side Community School in New York sent white parents a “tool for action,” which tells them they must become “white traitors” and then advocate for full “white abolition.” Link.Students at the elite United Nations International School launched an anonymous social media campaign denouncing their teachers as “racists” and “oppressors”—and school administrators immediately caved to their demands. The Treasury Department told employees that “all white people” are racist and that children become racist by 3 months old. A Department of Education-funded conference advocated for “abolition” of American institutions and told whites they must “give up” their “wealth.” The National Credit Union Administration told employees America was founded on “white supremacy.” The Department of Homeland Security told its white employees that they have been “socialized into oppressor roles.” The CDC hosted a 13-week training program declaring that “racism is a public health crisis” and denounced the US as a nation of “White supremacist ideology.” The State Department, EPA, and VA pressured staff to denounce their “white privilege,” become “co-resistors” against “systemic racism,” and sign “equity pledges.The Walt Disney Corporation claimed that America was founded on “systemic racism,” encouraged employees to complete a “white privilege checklist,” and separated minorities into racially-segregated “affinity groups.” Lockheed Martin, the nation’s largest defense contractor, sent key executives on a mission to deconstruct their “white male privilege” and encouraged them to atone for their “white male privilege.”Raytheon, the nation’s second-largest defense contractor, has launched a critical race theory program that encourages white employees to confront their “privilege,” reject the principle of “equality,” and “defund the police.”American Express Corp. has launched a critical race theory training program that teaches employees capitalism is fundamentally racist and asks them to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities, then rank themselves on a hierarchy of “privilege.”Bank of America teaches that the United States is a system of “white supremacy” and encourages employees to become “woke at work.”Verizon teaches employees that America is fundamentally racist and promotes “defunding the police.”A Google employee program claims that America is a “system of white supremacy” and that all Americans are “raised to be racist.”CVS launches a program that forces hourly employees to discuss their “privilege.”Walmart’s training program tells employees that they are guilty of “internalized racial superiority.” NOTHING TO SEE HERE. EVERYTHING IS FINE. CHOKE ON IT.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Of course you brought up all those things on your TheAutomator account. You argued about them for weeks.
            https://kinja.com/sargeantfatherchristmascard/discussionsJust to leave you with the key facts:Your conspiracies are bullshit, what you claim is mainstream isn’t. You spread lies because you are a dishonest piece of shit mired in victim mentality. You are too retarded to understand basic facts or comprehend the things you read. All while expressly calling for tyranny while claiming to be liberal.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            I just quoted from CRT texts, verbatim, and you see no problem with any of it—which you didn’t read—and linked to someone who from what I can tell brought up Derrick Bell, a super famous and deeply controversial figure whom you’ve never heard of, who finished his disastrous HARVARD CAREER a bitter, broken man. Nice case you got going for you, and thanks again for ignoring all the heinous shit these people have said and done and intend to do. YOU ARE CLEARLY A WINNER.I hope you get cancer.See ya!

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            What makes you think I have no problem with it other than your need to lie about people? The only thing I’ve said anything about is how your claims about a new constitutional amendment are bullshit. 

            Again, the fact remains that you try to pas things off as mainstream that are not because you are a fucking liar and garbage person.

            Hope you have your new account lined up.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Christ, you are the nastiest, most ignorant, most vile cunt I’ve ever come across online. Fuck you. Again, I’ll just quote them: “Unlike traditional civil rights, which embraces incrementalism and step-by-step progress, critical race theory questions the very foundations of the liberal order, including equality theory, legal reasoning, Enlightenment rationalism, and neutral principles of constitutional law.” Delgado & Stefanic, Critical Race Theory: An Introduction.They fucking hate the Constitution. And again, all school districts will teach CRT now. Please explain to me again how being taught in every fucking school—as well as in every Fortune 100 company—isn’t mainstream. Fucking cunt scum.To paraphrase Back to The Future, you may not be ready for it, but your kids are going to love it.You’ve sunk your teeth into the fact that Kendi’s amendment has gone nowhere (yet) like the rabid cunt dog you are, and are totally missing the point, which is, of course, that CRT WANTS TO CHANGE THE CONSITUTION AND WILL BE THE DOMINANT STRAIN OF EDUCATION GOING FORWARD. THEY ARE FUCKING COMMITTED TO BANNING HATE SPEECH, AND YOU FUCKING KNOW IT.FIND SOMEONE ELSE TO STALK, YOU CRAZED FUCKING LOSER.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            And you are the dumbest motherfucker I’ve encountered in all my years on the internet. Congrats.

            Quoting people isn’t how you show something is mainstream, why are you so fucking retarded?


            That is not a mainstream position. Why are you so fucking retarded? 
            I’m not going anywhere, this is your life now. Hope you got the next account lined up. I’ll find that one too.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Jesus fucking Christ, get a fucking life.Is 40% of millennials wanting to ban hate speech a big enough majority for you? That’s a higher percentage than Americans than consider themselves conservatives (36%).https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2015/11/20/40-of-millennials-ok-with-limiting-speech-offensive-to-minorities/Tell me, oh stalker cunt, how will they ban hate speech?Again, get a fucking life. 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            That still isn’t changing the constitution, you just love to take one thing and make it something else. Why are you such a dishonest piece of shit all the time? Guess what? I already quoted YOUR OWN LINK answering your question. Dumbshit.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            How. Will. They. Ban. HATE SPEECH, CUNT?I don’t care what you say and will just not respond to you anymore. If you aren’t concerned about what CRT teaches and that it will be taught to ALL children, I hope you die of a failed abortion.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            What part of “I already quoted YOUR OWN LINK answering your question.” did you not understand the first time retard? YOU ARE OUT OF GAS AND CREDIBILITY AGAINHide in shame fuck face. 

          • youareonfire-av says:

            PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS: Hi. For fucking decades we’ve talked about changing the Constitution to ban hate speech, how we believe rationality, merit, Civil Rights and all Enlightenment values are white supremacist mirages. We’ve literally written thousands of papers explaining this, have gained control of all institutions, and have now been tasked with teaching all children this, along with identity politics.DANA CRAWFORDDuh huh-uh. Just because you’ve said your going to do it and literally marched through and conquered all institutions, you’re not going to do it. PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS: No, we are serious. If you look at the above quotations and incidents, it’s devastating evidence of our intentions. We seriously wrote all of this down, and 40% of young people agree with us banning certain forms of speech, which would require changing the Constitution, the Constitution we don’t believe in, as evidenced by, again, the above quotations from our own work. That you didn’t read.DANA CRAWFORDBut I have no life and didn’t read any of your quotations, and I refuse to believe you when you say that’s your plan. PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS: Again, it’s all we’ve been talking about for 60 years, we have whole academic and bureaucratic departments dedicated to it, and you can read our work yourself, especially Critical Race Theory; The Work that Formed the Movement. DANA CRAWFORDNo, you’re not going to do it. PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS: We’re fucking serious. Serious enough to specifically label all white people racists, do weird oppressor vs. oppressed exercises in grade school classes, written fucking extensively how we are going to change the Constitution and disparage all Enlightenment values to all of your children.DANA CRAWFORDI don’t believe you, and I refuse to read all of the above quotations which show absolute malice toward Enlightenment values. PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS: We’re telling you to your fat fucking loser stalker face; That’s the whole point of our project.DANA CRAWFORDSince when? PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS: Since Herbert fucking Marcuse wrote about it 60 fucking years ago, which we freely admit.DANA CRAWFORDDer huh uh. You won’t do what you say you want to do when you’re in control of our children. PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS: Yes, we will, we have said so. You’re a retarded stalker with no life. Did you not read anything posted about our absolute hatred of free speech, white people in general, and Enlightenment values?DANA CRAWFORDNo, but I read an article about how you wanted to get around the first amendment and even though I know you can’t and you’ll have to change the Constitution to get what you’ve been saying you want for 60 years, I’m so fucking autistic that I assume you won’t literally do what you want when given full control of our children. PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS: You’re a blind retarded cunt with no fucking life. We absolutely will teach your children this and this is by fucking definition a mainstream movement. To suggest that taking over all school districts isn’t mainstream is fucking retarded.(DANA SHITS HER PANTS, RUBS SHIT IN HER HAIR, EATS SAID SHIT)DANA CRAWFORDHuh uh. PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS: Suit yourself, blind retard cunt.THE END

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            You still can’t grasp that something isn’t mainstream unless a MAJORITY support it. Why are you so fucking stupid?
            YOUR OWN LINK said they don’t need to change the constitution and were working within what was already there.


          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            You, Paranoid Righty:Muh First Amendment! All the progressive want to take it!Also you:I WANT TO TAKE FREE SPEECH RIGHTS AWAY FROM PEOPLE. 

          • youareonfire-av says:


          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            That was you TheAutomator, there is no magic coincidence fairy.

            No one has taken any free speech rights away, you continue to be a paranoid righty liar.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            LOL you are trying to argue with the dictionary now? Damn you are retarded. 

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Oh, the dictionary discusses political pluralities, cunt? You’re saying that 65 million Americans aren’t a pollical majority? Gee, they make up a major MAINSTREAM FUCKING PARTY. CONSIDERING NON-VOTERS, THEY MAKE UP A FUCKING MAJORITY PORTION OF THE POPULATION. HOW DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THIS, TROLL STALKER PSYCHO CUNT.You’re a dunce cunt get a life.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            The dictionary knows what words mean, unlike you.


            If something is a majority it is mainstream, that is what the word means. Why are you acting like I said something different?

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Because Critical Race Theory will be taught in every fucking school. That makes it a mainstream movement by any fucking definition, you fucking dunce. You know what they believe. Again, they say themselves they don’t believe in the neutrality of the Constitution and want to ban hate speech. Dumb stalker cunt.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Literally nothing is taught in every school. They can’t even agree on evolution FFS.

            That still doesn’t make your mewling about a new constitutional amendment accurate. YOUR OWN FUCKIGN SOURCE said you were wrong. 

          • youareonfire-av says:

            https://tallahasseereports.com/2021/07/07/national-teachers-union-plans-to-promote-critical-race-theory/The National Education Association (NEA), which collaborates with approximately 14,000 school districts, recently debated and voted to support a number of resolutions and policy recommendations at their annual meeting.Among the items adopted during the meeting was New Business Item 39, which outlines an action plan to promote Critical Race Theory (CRT).The plan states, “We oppose attempts to ban critical race theory and/or The 1619 Project.”The item also planned to provide the study and critique of “white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society.”EAT SHIT. THEIR ARE 13,187 PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICTS. SO CONGRATS, I SUPPOSE THE PRIVATE SCHOOLS WILL—ALTHOUGH THEY ABSOLUTELY WON’T—BE SPARED. YOU ARE CORRECT IN THAT REGARD. PUBLIC SCHOOL: FUCK YOU, YOU ARE DEAD WRONG.DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE 1649 PROJECT TEACHES??? THAT THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR WAS FOUGHT OVER FUCKING SLAVERY.OH, THEY ALSO SUPPORT THE TOTALLY CORRUPT BLM FARCE.EAT SHIT ANDDIE. DIE. DIE. DIE. DIE.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            It’s a real shame you are so retarded you think showing me that the NEA supports CRT somehow proves your claim about the constitution is a mainstream view.

            How are you so fucking stupid? Dictionaries are right there, you should try and use one.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:


            Not sure if this is more or less stupid than your idea that Facebook will be necessary for banking in five years. Again, public schools cannot even agree on teaching fucking EVOLUTION, but you are convinced that every fucking one will teach CRT. How do you function in the world without a brain?

            And then you think even the private schools, including the conservative ones from groups who absolutely hate it, will also, without a doubt, teach it.

            It really is amazing how stupid you are. Mind blowingly epic level of dumb. 

          • youareonfire-av says:

            You are a putz. Of course they will teach it, it has captured academia. The top 50 private k-12 schools in the country already do it:https://criticalrace.org/elite-private/The students will just be absorbed by it in college AS WELL. It’s a fucking requirement in many states. https://www.bestcolleges.com/blog/colleges-add-ethnic-studies-class-requirement-lose-diversity/#:~:text=Diversity%20Classes%20Are%20Now%20Required%20to%20Graduate&text=Some%20introduced%20anti%2Dracism%20curricula,build%20empathy%20and%20establish%20context.Gee, what do Critical Race Theorists believe again? OH YEAH:“Unlike traditional civil rights, which embraces incrementalism and step-by-step progress, critical race theory questions the very foundations of the liberal order, including equality theory, legal reasoning, Enlightenment rationalism, and neutral principles of constitutional law.” Delgado & Stefanic, Critical Race Theory: An Introduction.Huh. I wonder if they teach that the constitution is a race neutral document and discuss banning hate speech—their main tenets—in their critical race classes. They fucking say in the news release they will shit on capitalism and teach intersectionality. That’s bad enough. They pledge to teach it in all school districts. I suppose we’ll wait and see! I’LL CONTACT YOU THEN, YOU FUCKING CRAZED STALKER CUNT!

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            LOL has evolution captured acedimia? JFC you are retarded. Put down the QANAN newsletter and touch some grass.

            Your bullshit about changing the constitution being mainstream is still a lie cooked up by your diseased brain trapped in a victim mentality.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            No, you obviously illiterate cunt stalker who didn’t read the links: CRT has captured academia, as proven by the links you didn’t read.Oh, as for other private schools, looks like you’re fucked again:https://www.newsweek.com/even-republican-private-school-kids-are-being-taught-crt-our-research-finds-opinion-1784753Stick your cunt back in the sand, psycho stalker cunt. I’ll get back to you when little Jonny wants to start a race riot. To deny that CRT will be taught goes against mainstream announcements and proposals as presented…in sources you didn’t read. To think they won’t use the opportunity for radical change is beyond retarded. You have encephalitis. See you at the race war! 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            You don’t thik there is as much support for evolution in acedimia as CRT? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA I didn’t think you could get MORE RETARDED!

            Your predictions are all amazingly stupid. Conspiracies have completely rotted your brain. 

          • youareonfire-av says:


          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Your links don’t do shit to show that it will be taught in every school no exception. Seriously, how are you this dumb and still breathing?

            I know I’ve won, I always do, but you keep crying and pretending to feel better while I continue to BURN YOU TO THE FUCKING GROUND.

            You know you always lose, that’s why you have to run off and make new accounts, to hide from the shamefully stupid things you said. Rinse and repeat.

          • youareonfire-av says:


          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Yes actually you did say there would be no exception. You said every private school would teach it too.

            My “tactic” is to be truthful and factual. You should try it some time.


            No, they didn’t. That’s not what your quote said. Why do you lie when the truth is literally right there? How are you this stupid?

            Yup, burning you to the ground, it’s only a matter of time before you run in shame from all your stupid once again. 

          • youareonfire-av says:

            PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS:The nation’s largest teachers union has pledged to teach CRT and anti-capitalist, intersectional themes in all school districts.DANA CRAWFORDYeah, that doesn’t mean you’re going to. PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS: No, we had a big fucking press conference and announced it and was very specific about it and the fact that it will taught at all 14,000 districts. We are very fucking serious. The head of the NEA announced it herself.DANA CRAWFORDWell, you’ll never do it na-na-na-na-na-na.PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS:What? We just announced we will. We obviously are expending an enormous amount of money to do so.DANA CRAWFORDWell, you won’t.PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS:What the fuck are you talking about, we are publicly announcing we will.DANA CRAWFORDWell, you won’t.PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS:Why the fuck not?DANA CRAWFORDBecause of evolution. You don’t teach evolution.PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS:Of course we fucking do, we just don’t teach creationism. (source:https://ncse.ngo/national-education-association) Besides, what the fuck does that have to do with the gigantic spectacle we just put on announcing we’re going to teach CRT?DANA CRAWFORDYou just won’t teach it.(DANA VOMITS, EATS OWN VOMIT, SHOVES VOMIT INTO EARS)PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS:Whatever. And here, look at these studies showing that every—literally—school child is exposed to CRT and the top 50 private schools all teach it?DANA CRAWFORDNot good enough. You said every school student- PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS: And we just clarified to mean every fucking public school student and then showed you a study that every student is exposed to it-DANA CRAWFORD:Not good enough. La-la-la-la-la-la. PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS: Leave her in her vomit.END OF SCENETHERE YOU FUCKING HAVE IT, PSYCHO STALKER CUNT, EVERY FUCKING SCHOOL CHILD IS EXPOSED TO IT AND HAVE ALREADY BEEN TAUGHT ABOUT HOW EVIL WHITE PEOPLE ARE AND I’M SURE THE NEA’S SUPPORT OF CRT AND BLM AND ANTI-WHITE RACISM WON’T LEAD TO FUCKING RIOTS, YOU USELESS, DISENGENUOUS, TOOTHLESS, CLITLESS, SNIVELING FUCKING CUNT.THE FUCKING END

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            None of that changes the fact that you are wrong about everything and lie constantly.

            Hope it made you feel better about being a complete loser with a conspiracy rotted brain!

            This never ends as long as you are posting on this site!

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            When did I say progressives don’t teach evolution? Oh right, never, you just make shit up and have zero shame. That’s why you are always such a fucking loser.

            What I actually said is that not all school districts can agree on teaching it. I’m certain the NEA supports teaching evolution, but GASP! that doesn’t mean it happens! Darn that reality, always making you look stupid!

          • youareonfire-av says:


          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “When they have a fucking press conference—from a source I’ve sent you twice—announcing that they will teach it,”

            That’s not what your source said, retard. 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:


            Do you think the NEA dictates what every district does and they all obey? How fucking stupid are you?

          • youareonfire-av says:

            So let me get this straight. The NEA announces they will teach CRT to all public schools. The president of the NEA commits to making videos staring herself pledging they will teach it, and they even describe some of the things they will study, in particular the oppressive nature of capitalism and an intersectional approach. And to you this means…they won’t teach it. OKAY, RETARD.Your whataboutism about evolution means nothing here. They are making a huge public commitment and obviously pushing this as far as possible, but to you, individual schools will tell their union “No.” Yes, I’m fucking positive that the fucking teacher’s union dictates what will be taught, especially in light of this massive commitment.Further, the union agreed to publicly “convey its support” for critical race theory, oppose restrictions in state legislatures, and use schools for political activism. The delegates pledged to “join with Black Lives Matter at School and the Zinn Education Project” to hold a “national day of action” on George Floyd’s birthday, recruiting teachers to hold political demonstrations and “teach lessons about structural racism and oppression.”Further still, I’ve provided evidence that CRT is already being taught to every student in the country, and most definitely in the top 50 k-12 schools.But to you, this massive project…means nothing. And your reason to doubt it is…that some schools *might* not teach evolution, something you haven’t proven, and for which the NEA has also pledged total support of, all of which is covered by my sources.Fuck. You. Die.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “The NEA announces they will teach CRT to all public schools.”

            No, they didn’t. Why do you lie so much/why are you so fucking stupid?

            “And to you this means…they won’t teach it”

            Do you comprehend that what they want doesn’t automatically happen? Can you grasp that? I bet not.

            To you basic facts seem to mean nothing. 

          • youareonfire-av says:

            What the fuck do you mean they didn’t announce that? They fucking literally announced it for all 14,000 school districts? You’re obviously quibbling over terms or nitpicking again. Fuck you. You’re going to reply that applying this to all fucking districts isn’t the same as saying every school, you autistic fuck, so allow me to address this now: Saying all districts will teach it fucking implies every school. Fuckwit.Oh, it won’t automatically happen, so it won’t happen at all. Again, you are being a nitpicking, grasping, idiot autistic fuckhead with no fucking point. YOU HAVE SHIT. THEY ANNOUNCED IT FOR ALL DISTRICTS, DEAL WITH IT CUNT BITCH PSYCHO.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            I mean exactly that, they did not announce that. The link and the site you keep providing do not say that. What it actually says is they support it being teached. They do not have the power to declare anything will be taught in all districts. You call it nitpicking to denigrate truth because you are a lying piece of shit. In reality, I’m being accurate and you are twisting reality to fit your narrative. Crawl in your shame hole.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Jesus fucking Christ, you’re autistic, of course they can declare that. They fucking pledged to do so and promote the practice in videos starring the head of the NEA. Did you fucking read the link? They make a HUGE commitment to it, it goes on and on. I swear to god, if this was the NEA promising creationism you would change your tune in a second. Fuck you.ONCE AGAIN, HERE IS THE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE NEW BUSINESS ITEM COVERING CRT. IT IS A HUUUUGGGEEE FUCKING COMMITMENT. THEY PLEDGE TO CREATE A TEAM OF STAFFERS DEDICATED TO IT. THEY WANT SCHOOLS TO CELEBRATE FUCKING “GEORGE FLYOD DAY”, FFS. NOTICE AGAIN WHAT THEY HAVE ADMITTED TO STUDYING. OF COURSE THEY INTEND THIS TO FUCKING HAPPEN:NEA New Business Item 39The NEA will, with guidance on implementation from the NEA president and chairs of the Ethnic Minority Affairs Caucuses:A. Share and publicize, through existing channels, information already available on critical race theory (CRT) — what it is and what it is not; have a team of staffers for members who want to learn more and fight back against anti-CRT rhetoric; and share information with other NEA members as well as their community members.B. Provide an already-created, in-depth, study that critiques empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society, and that we oppose attempts to ban critical race theory and/or The 1619 Project.C. Publicly (through existing media) convey its support for the accurate and honest teaching of social studies topics, including truthful and age-appropriate accountings of unpleasant aspects of American history, such as slavery, and the oppression and discrimination of Indigenous, Black, Brown, and other peoples of color, as well as the continued impact this history has on our current society. The Association will further convey that in teaching these topics, it is reasonable and appropriate for curriculum to be informed by academic frameworks for understanding and interpreting the impact of the past on current society, including critical race theory.D. Join with Black Lives Matter at School and the Zinn Education Project to call for a rally this year on October 14—George Floyd’s birthday—as a national day of action to teach lessons about structural racism and oppression. Followed by one day of action that recognize and honor lives taken such as Breonna Taylor, Philando Castile, and others. The National Education Association shall publicize these National Days of Action to all its members, including in NEA Today.E. Conduct a virtual listening tour that will educate members on the tools and resources needed to defend honesty in education including but not limited to tools like CRT.F. Commit President Becky Pringle to make public statements across all lines of media that support racial honesty in education including but not limited to critical race theory.YOU HAVE NOTHING BUT FUCKING NITPICKING. CUT YOUR OWN THROAT.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            They did not declare CRT would be taught in all districts. They said they support it being taught. They do not have the power to tell the district what to teach.You can repost the same thing over and over, it still isn’t going to say what you claim.What I have is the truth, which is why you will run to your shame hole eventually. 

          • youareonfire-av says:

            JESUS CHRIST YOU’RE AN AUTISTIC CUNT. THE FUCKING HEADLINE IS “NATIONAL TEACHERS UNION PLANS ON PROMOTING CRITICAL RACE THEORY.” THEY FUCKING STATE WHAT THEY PLAN ON TEACHING. IF THEY SAID THEY WERE GOING TO PROMOTE CREATIONISM YOU WOULD FLIP YOUR SHIT. THE FUCKING HEAD OF THE NEA HAS PLEDGED TO MAKE VIDEOS ABOUT IT AND PUT TOGETHER TEAMS TO IMPLEMENT IT. FUCKING AGAIN:The National Education Association (NEA), which collaborates with approximately 14,000 school districts, recently debated and voted to support a number of resolutions and policy recommendations at their annual meeting.Among the items adopted during the meeting was New Business Item 39, which outlines an action plan to promote Critical Race Theory (CRT).The plan states, “We oppose attempts to ban critical race theory and/or The 1619 Project.”The item also planned to provide the study and critique of “white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society.”In support of the plan, the NEA plans to commit President Becky Pringle (seen in photo above) to making public statements across all lines of media and to “conduct a virtual listening tour that will educate members on the tools and resources needed to defend honesty in education including but not limited to tools like CRT.”EAT AIDS.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Yes, they promote and support it’s teaching. They do not declare it will happen. They do not have the power to make it happen. They do not dictate curriculum for all the districts.

            “I want a thing to happen” and “I will make a thing happen” are not the same statement.

            Again, posting the same thing over and over doesn’t change the reality that it doesn’t say what you claim.

            These are facts and you are a triggered righty.

            Run in embarrassment you retarded tyrant.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            The head of the fucking union saying “I pledge to make this happen” IS pretty much “This will happen.” You’re just in denial, as usual, and cannot understand what a huge announcement this was. They’ve never pledged anything like this before. This is a more robust endorsement for CRT than their statement on evolution. The fact that they encourage activism and George Floyd Day is not saying “I hope this happens”; IT’S DIRECT INSTRUCTION, YOU REALITY DENYING CUNT.Besides, I’ve already posted proof that every student is already exposed to it. So, again, Dana: Eat the vomit.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            For starters, she didn’t say that. Secondly, no, they are not saying the same thing. Please learn how to read and comprehend basic English.

            The only one here in denial is you, in denial of what words mean and what is actually said. You have always and continue to twist reality to fit your fucked conspiracy narrative. Righties like you always project.These are facts and you are a triggered righty.Run in embarrassment you retarded tyrant.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            “In support of the plan, the NEA plans to commit President Becky Pringle (seen in photo above) to making public statements across all lines of media and to “conduct a virtual listening tour that will educate members on the tools and resources needed to defend honesty in education including but not limited to tools like CRT.” YEAH, I SUPPOSE HER MAKING VIDEOS PROMOTING IT WON’T DO A THING. LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA.I suppose that when they promise to provide an already-created, in-depth, study that critiques empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society, that the study is merely a suggestion and that the videos from the head of the union will mean nothing. NO PRESSURE HERE.I GUESS THIS ISN’T A DIRECT PROMISE FOR ACTIVISM, RIGHT?“Join with Black Lives Matter at School and the Zinn Education Project to call for a rally this year on October 14—George Floyd’s birthday—as a national day of action to teach lessons about structural racism and oppression. Followed by one day of action that recognize and honor lives taken such as Breonna Taylor, Philando Castile, and others. The National Education Association shall publicize these National Days of Action to all its members, including in NEA Today.”You’re a fucking vegetable. Again, if the head of the NEA said the union supports creationism in all public schools, supplies study materials on how bananas fit perfectly in our hands, thereby disproving evolution, and promising to celebrate Ken Ham day, you would be totally nonplussed, right? RIGHT? YOU’D BE COOL WITH THAT, DANA, AND NOT TAKE IT AS A FULL-THROATED PROMISE TO PROMOTE CREATIONSIM? MY DICK YOU WOULDN’T.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Making videos in support is not declaring “I pledge to make this happen”. You hate truth and facts because you are a lying piece of shit who’s brain is rotted by QANON conspiracies. You can post the same quotes a million times, to try and feel better but it’s never going to suddenly say what you want it to say. These are facts and you are a triggered righty.Run in embarrassment you retarded tyrant.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            YEAH, THEY KIND OF ARE, COMING FROM THE FUCKING HEAD OF THE UNION. EVER BEEN IN A UNION?So the study plan they’ve put together to study cisheteronormativity and capitalism’s evils are just suggestions as well? Teachers can just tell the union head “no’? Please tell me you’ve never been in a union without telling me you’ve never been in a union.I suppose the plan for all schools to celebrate Saint Floyd’s Day and commit to community activism is simply just a “ya know, if you feel like it” kind of thing. I in no way see teachers being punished going forward for not going along with this bullshit. Nothing will happen to them, they won’t be branded racists, and I’m sure they will be supported and in good standing with the union.NEA UNION HEADWe’re providing all schools with a plan to teach evolution.DICKFACE CRAWFORDOh, well, I guess that’s just a vibe, man.NEA UNION HEADWe’re going to teach the kids that homosexuality is wrong.DICKFACE CRAWFORDWhatever. It’s not like it’s mandatory.NEA UNION HEADNo, we’ve put together an in-depth study on why gays will burn in hell and are proposing all schools use it.DICKFACE CRAWFORDThat’s cool. I’m sure no union member will get in trouble for not going along.EVERY FUCKING UNION HEAD IN AMERICA (IN UNISON)They absolutely will feel the full pressure of the union,DICKFACE CRAWFORDWell, it’s not like you’re forcing them into activism.NEA UNION HEADWe absolutely are. They will celebrate Ken Ham day and be forced to participate in ani-science activism.DICKFACE CRAWFORDThat’s cool. It will never happen.NEA UNION HEADThen why have we made such a major public commitment to doing all this?DICKFACE CRAWFORDBeats me. (DICKFACE CRAWFORD EATS OWN HAIR)THE ENDYou’re fucking retarded. Have you ever been in a union? I’m in one, and we had to go to strike over pay. It was a fucking breeze going against the union without pay, and I’m sure doing so in this case will be just fine and dandy.YOU’RE A MORON. KILL YOUR BRAIN.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Making videos in support is not declaring “I pledge to make this happen”. You hate truth and facts because you are a lying piece of shit who’s brain is rotted by QANON conspiracies.You can post the same quotes a million times, to try and feel better but it’s never going to suddenly say what you want it to say.These are facts and you are a triggered righty.Run in embarrassment you retarded tyrant.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            You keep mentioning Qanon. Yeah, I’ve never mentioned them. I actually read the critical race theorists and know what they want and how they plan to get it, and this is it. You are an ignorant fucking in-denial progressive cunt who should be against this based on basic liberal principle, since these people oppose liberalism. I guess you do, too.Yeah, you’re fucking wrong. And ignorant. This is a MASSIVE public commitment. I know you can’t think, but think for a minute: a plan for ALL districts, supported by the president herself in videos to be sent to the districts, with specific study material already ready and plans for activism attached. This is huge. The idea that the teachers will just shrug it off is fucking beyond braindeath, you psycho stalker cunt. You’re deluded. This is an enormous outlay of resources being committed. Fuck off, Dana. You’re a blind stalker cunt, and your idea that teachers will ignore this is fucking beyond ignorant. This is a massive, nationwide push with established subject matter and required activism in place. These aren’t fucking suggestions. You can repeat that a million times and it will never be true. Anyone who does not go along will be destroyed as a racist. And you know it.The union pledged $127K for this plan.https://kansaspolicy.org/nea-pledges-127k-to-promote-critical-race-theory/I’m sure they won’t mind letting that go to waste.You have brain worms. Die. 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Your position are not liberal, you are not a liberal. You are a tyrant asshole who wants to take people’s rights away. I mention QANON because your brain is rotted by conspiracy and you are a righty. It’s a fucking insult retard, don’t think too hard and set off a smoke alarm. I am not wrong about anything I said. Your claim about wanting to change the constitution being mainstream is a lie. Your claims about the NEA making declarations are a fucking lie. It’s obvious you have no fucking clue what you are talking about, or any credibility whatsoever.These are facts and you are a triggered righty.Run in embarrassment you retarded tyrant. You know I’m not going anywhere. Hope you got that next account lined up. 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            You know what is against my principles more than anything else in this thread? Fucking lying – the thing you do constantly. For example: “ and your idea that teachers will ignore this is fucking beyond ignorant.” is a thing you said that has no basis in reality, it’s a lie you have to tell to cope with the facts not supporting your claims. You do shit like this all the time.

            At no point did I say teachers will just ignore anything the NEA says, or that their support and activism will do nothing what so ever. Those are retarded black and white positions, and that’s YOUR MO. Taking retarded and extreme positions that are incredible easy to destroy because the world is never that simple.

            What I did was point out the reality of how schooling in this country works and who actually has the POWER to decide what curriculum is used in schools. There is an an incredible level of local control over schools within states and the states set their own curriculum standards. The NEA does not have the power to do the thing you claimed they declared they would do. Which is why they said something different.

            Sadly, facts and truth is kryptonite to retard righties like you, so I expect none of this made it through your mongoloid skull and you will continue to flail ineffectually, railing against reality until you run and hide again like the little bitch tyrant wanna-be you are.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            You fucking said that schools wouldn’t do it. What the fuck else was I supposed to think? Why wouldn’t they do it? It’s fucking nationally planned, promoted, and funded by the union. The fucking president of the union will send videos to the districts, along with, most importantly, FUCKING FUNDING. There is not a reason in the world that this won’t be taught. You’re quibbling about nonsense when we have a massive national, funded push for this shit.Let’s say a district says no. What do you think will happen? We both know they will be destroyed as racists, possibly making national news. The union knows this. The critical race theorists know this. You are standing on a pile of quibbling bullshit. These people aren’t liberals, retard. I’ve already quoted them shitting all over liberalism. You are deluded. These people have power and they will not stop and they have the union and the money that the districts desperately need, plus about god knows how many fellow travelers in the schools. You’re the one that can’t face facts. This will go out, along with cash, to all districts. YOU REMAIN A FUCKING THROWBACK.It’s too nice a day to talk to you. I hope you fucking die.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            No, I didn’t say no school would ever do it. That’s you twisting what people say like you always do.

            “ Why wouldn’t they do it?”


            “There is not a reason in the world that this won’t be taught.”

            We can start with the fact that some states have fucking BANNED it and go from there retard. Just because the NEA want it and promotes it DOESN’T MEAN IT AUTOMATICALLY HAPPENS YOU EPIC TWAT.

            Idaho, Iowa, New Hampshire,North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Montana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Virginia all have fuciing law preventing it dipshit. Do you think that’s a good enough reason whay it won’t be taught in all fuciing schools? Do you grasp yet how completely wrong you are about everything you fucking say?

            I doubt it, you will always be the dumbest motherfucker in any room.
            I’m not quibbling about nonsense, I’m holding you to the truth, the one thing you seem to fucking hate more than anything. YOU ARE A LYING PIECE OF SHIT.

            “Let’s say a district says no. What do you think will happen?”

            We already see it. Yeah some people don’t like it. Guess what? It STILL DOESN’T GET TAUGHT FUCKFACE.

            That pile of bullshit is under your own feet you ninny. Run in embarrassment you retarded tyrant. You know I’m not going anywhere. Hope you got that next account lined up.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Yeah, it was a lovely day without you.All of those laws violate the first amendment, specifically the student’s right to receive information and their right to freedom of expression. They will all get junked, it’s just a matter of time, like in Indiana, where it was already defeated. I’m not sweating it. Your faith in unconstitutional laws is quaint and cute.https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/03/us/indiana-anti-crt-legislation-shut-down-why/index.htmlPennsylvania is fighting it. UCLA is all over it. They have a neat interactive map where you can see where they’ve been defeated, like in Colorado, Nevada, California, Illinois, etc. They are clearly unconstitutional, and the progressive powerhouse will crush them. I’m not worried.https://crtforward.law.ucla.edu/map/Some laws have passed and are pending. Oh well. The ACLU is on the case.https://www.aclu.org/news/free-speech/defending-our-right-to-learnhttps://www.aclu.org/news/free-speech/what-the-fight-against-classroom-censorship-is-really-abouthttps://www.aclu.org/news/free-speech/teachers-frontlines-classroom-censorshiphttps://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jul/01/aclu-fights-state-bans-teaching-critical-race-theoryThey will fall. They have to. The progressives have all the power and control academia anyway.
            Go ahead, scurry away to the box you keep your rotting uterus in.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Yeah, facts and truth are hard for righties like you, I’m sure you felt better not having to cope with them.

            The point about the laws is that it shows it’s not automatic that what the NEA wants, happens.Your claim that it will is completely without merit and only serves to feed your QANION conspiracy rotted brain.

            “They have to.”

            HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA How do you get so fucking retarded? What power do you IMAGINE the NEA has?
            “The progressives have all the power”

            Weird, I thought the right had the House, several governorships, state legislatures, etc. It’s exactly like you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about!

            Run in embarrassment you retarded tyrant. You know I’m not going anywhere. Hope you got that next account lined up.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Jesus you have no life. You’re fucking always online. Go outside.They are fucking unconstitutional on their face. They will be defeated. I’d bet my balls on it. The republicans can control fucking everything and if they pass unconstitutional laws, they will be challenged and thrown out, ass eyes. There’s already mass mobilization to do so.Just more links you won’t look at:https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jul/01/aclu-fights-state-bans-teaching-critical-race-theoryhttps://www.chronicle.com/article/how-to-sink-anti-crt-billshttps://www.naspa.org/blog/student-leaders-pushing-back-against-anti-crt-billshttps://naacp.org/articles/naacp-continue-fight-anti-crt-legislation-after-midtermshttps://www.ednc.org/2023-03-14-house-education-committee-takes-on-so-called-anti-crt-bill/https://www.nea.org/nea-today/all-news-articles/educators-fight-back-against-gag-orders-book-bans-and-intimidation https://www.salon.com/2022/03/07/fighting-back-against-crt-panic-educators-organize-around-the-to-academic-freedom/https://www.lpm.org/news/2022-03-21/as-legislators-push-so-called-anti-crt-bills-citing-discomfort-black-students-ask-whose-feelings-matterhttps://www.wfyi.org/news/articles/indiana-anti-crt-bill-failed-republican-supermajorityhttps://www.k12dive.com/news/grassroots-initiative-aims-to-combat-anti-crt-movement/621504/https://www.chalkbeat.org/detroit/2021/11/15/22784151/detroit-school-district-pushes-back-against-anti-crt-bills-black-history/https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2022/02/19/colleges-critical-race-theory-bills/Yeah, nobody is mobilizing to fight this. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOGo find your uterus. It needs oil. I’m out for the night.Watch you respond in seconds, proving you haven’t read any of the links.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            The laws being unconstitutional do not fucking matter. The point about the laws is that it shows it’s not automatic that what the NEA wants, happens. Your claim that it will is completely without merit and only serves to feed your QANON conspiracy rotted brain.

            “They have to.”

            HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA How do you get so fucking retarded? What power do you IMAGINE the NEA has?


            Run in embarrassment you retarded tyrant. You know I’m not going anywhere. Hope you got that next account lined up.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “Watch you respond in seconds, proving you haven’t read any of the links.”


            And we both know you didn’t read them either. 

          • youareonfire-av says:


          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Not really, that’s the point. And if backlash matters, why are you ignoring the backlash by parents regard to teaching CRT? Does action only matter when you think it helps your nonsense? In addition, showing some backlash against these laws doesn’t do shit to prove that all districts will teach CRT. They won’t, you are a delusional QANON rotted righty.

            When did I say I wont read evidence? Pretty telling that you have to lie ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!

            Gotta love when you complain I don’t read your links (I do) then I show how you never did.

            I’ve done it so many times, it never gets old, but it is what makes you run away in shame!

          • ididntwantthis-av says:


            Oh wow, so you paid to read that? Or did you not even bother to click to see that you can’t read without paying?


            Gotta love when you complain I don’t read your links (I do) then I show how you never did.

            I’ve done it so many times, it never gets old, but it is what makes you run away in shame!

          • youareonfire-av says:

            I assumed you were aware of how to get around paywalls, cunt. Use archive.ph, you fucking throwback.https://archive.ph/l398tIf you won’t look at evidence, you lose the argument. Nice thinking.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Good thing I never said I wouldn’t look at evidence! You lost either way though, because it’s facts that do that.
            There is no mainstream movement to take your legal rights away. You do’t even know what mainstream means. The NEA did not declare they would teach CRT in all districts. They said they supported it being taught. They do not have the power to dictate to all districts what will be taught. You are a lying piece-of-shit who doesn’t even read his own links. Your brain is too riddled with rat jizz and victimhood conspiracies to function. You’ve been wrong about everything, on all your accounts. Run in embarrassment you retarded tyrant. You know I’m not going anywhere. Hope you got that next account lined up.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            You actually said you wouldn’t look at any of my links, you fucking dementia patient. Yes, there certainly is such a movement, I’ve described it with sources, sources which I know you didn’t look at.¯\_(ツ)_/¯The fact that the NEA has adopted this approach is all the evidence necessary to prove that these people exist, have power, and have a radically illiberal agenda. Need I quote them rejecting the Enlightenment again? Nah. You won’t read it.Get a fucking life.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            No I didn’t say that, I said I didn’t need to. But lying pieces of shit only know how to lie.

            There is no mainstream movement to take your legal rights away. You don’t even know what mainstream means.
            The NEA did not declare they would teach CRT in all districts. They said they supported it being taught. They do not have the power to dictate to all districts what will be taught.You are a lying piece-of-shit who doesn’t even read his own links. Your brain is too riddled with rat jizz and victimhood conspiracies to function. You’ve been wrong about everything, on all your accounts.Run in embarrassment you retarded tyrant. You know I’m not going anywhere. Hope you got that next account lined up.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “what the fuck does that have to do with the gigantic spectacle we just put on announcing we’re going to teach CRT?:”

            You mean the thing that didn’t happen? Why do you lie all the time? That’s not what you quote said, stupid. Is it that you can’t read, or do you think other people are as stupid as you are?

          • youareonfire-av says:

            This didn’t happen, you fucking cunt?

            https://tallahasseereports.com/2021/07/07/national-teachers-union-plans-to-promote-critical-race-theory/Yeah, they made a big fucking deal about it, and they specifically said they were going to examine how capitalism is oppressive and use an intersectional approach. You don’t read sources. Fucking eat the vomit, Dana. 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            It did happen stupid, and you are misrepresenting what it says. Because you are a dishonest piece of shit. I read it, that’s how I know it doesn’t say what you claim retard, your sources never do. You always take what they say and decide it’s something else.This is why you ran in shame before, it’s only a matter of time.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            The plan states, “We oppose attempts to ban critical race theory and/or The 1619 Project.”The item also planned to provide the study and critique of “white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society.”In support of the plan, the NEA plans to commit President Becky Pringle (seen in photo above) to making public statements across all lines of media and to “conduct a virtual listening tour that will educate members on the tools and resources needed to defend honesty in education including but not limited to tools like CRT.”The text of New Business Item 39, which was adopted last week, was recently erased from the NEA website. However, we have included the full text of the item below.Both the Florida Education Association and the Leon Classroom Teachers Association are affiliated with the NEA. TR has reached out to the leadership of both organizations for a comment. We will publish their statements when they received.______________________NEA New Business Item 39The NEA will, with guidance on implementation from the NEA president and chairs of the Ethnic Minority Affairs Caucuses:A. Share and publicize, through existing channels, information already available on critical race theory (CRT) — what it is and what it is not; have a team of staffers for members who want to learn more and fight back against anti-CRT rhetoric; and share information with other NEA members as well as their community members.B. Provide an already-created, in-depth, study that critiques empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society, and that we oppose attempts to ban critical race theory and/or The 1619 Project.C. Publicly (through existing media) convey its support for the accurate and honest teaching of social studies topics, including truthful and age-appropriate accountings of unpleasant aspects of American history, such as slavery, and the oppression and discrimination of Indigenous, Black, Brown, and other peoples of color, as well as the continued impact this history has on our current society. The Association will further convey that in teaching these topics, it is reasonable and appropriate for curriculum to be informed by academic frameworks for understanding and interpreting the impact of the past on current society, including critical race theory.D. Join with Black Lives Matter at School and the Zinn Education Project to call for a rally this year on October 14—George Floyd’s birthday—as a national day of action to teach lessons about structural racism and oppression. Followed by one day of action that recognize and honor lives taken such as Breonna Taylor, Philando Castile, and others. The National Education Association shall publicize these National Days of Action to all its members, including in NEA Today.E. Conduct a virtual listening tour that will educate members on the tools and resources needed to defend honesty in education including but not limited to tools like CRT.F. Commit President Becky Pringle to make public statements across all lines of media that support racial honesty in education including but not limited to critical race theory.FUCK YOU

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “The plan states, “We oppose attempts to ban critical race theory and/or The 1619 Project.”

            It sure does! That’s not making an announcement that they will teach it in all schools. Hope this basic lesson in English helps you be less fucking retarded but I know you are hopeless.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS:The nation’s largest teachers union has pledged to teach CRT and anti-capitalist, intersectional themes in all school districts. said they support CRT being taught in all districts. DANA CRAWFORDYeah, that doesn’t mean you’re going to. It will happen.PROGRESSIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORISTS:No, we had a big fucking press conference and announced it and was very specific about it and the fact that it will taught at all 14,000 districts. We are very fucking serious. The head of the NEA announced it herself.

            Yeah, good point, not everything we want happens like fucking magic. DANA CRAWFORDI know, right? Some people are so fucking retarded.

            THE END

          • ididntwantthis-av says:


            Conspiracies have rotted your brain Mr Manson. 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:


            You mean how they said they support it? That’s different than saying it will be taught in all school districts but you do love to just change what is said into whatever you want. It’s amazing how dishonest you are. 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:


          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            You are falling apart again, hope you got that new account lined up. 

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Better get some rope, you’re at the end of yours, and you’ll need it to hang yourself, stupid psycho stalker cunt.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Keep wishing while I continue to burn you to the ground!

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Again, thois will be just like last time with you crying in embarrassment. Hope you got that next account lined up. Coward

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Yeah, there is no progressive threat to free speech. Oh, wait:https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-first-amendment-is-for-the-powerless-and-marginalizedOh, and spare me the right wing censorship scare. Fuck them too, but they have zero institutional power. Education has been totally captured by progressives.Gee, I WONDER WHAT WILL HAPPEN???

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            No there isn’t, you are a conspiracy minded retard mired in a victim mentality.

            Nothing you think will happen, will happen. You are fucking retarded and think people are going to need Facebook to do banking in five years. You are fucking clueless about everything. 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            How are you STILL not able to grasp the definition of the word mainstream?

            It doesn’t matter WHO said it dipshit, why is that so hard for you to understand?

            Oh right, because you have a narrative and can’t cope with the fact that it’s wrong. 

          • youareonfire-av says:

            I do have a narrative, a historical narrative of the development of the New Left in the 60s to the critical theorists to the critical race theorists to modern anti-racism and DEI. I’ve given you the sources, you could check for yourself, but you won’t, and you don’t think something that has totally conquered all institutions and will be taught to all schoolchildren is mainstream. You have brain damage, stalker weirdo asshole die.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            You have a narrative that things that are not mainstream are, so you can harp on your dumb victim narrative.

            Your sources don’t show that this constitutional amendment is a mainstream idea. That you post them at all just shows how retarded you are and can’t engage with the topic.

            CRT being taught in schools doesn’t mean everything Kendi says is mainstream. That fact does not mean the amendment idea specifically is mainstream.

            You remain the dumbest motherfucker in any room.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            What dumb victim narrative? All the left has is the victim narrative, as specifically defined by Marcuse, et al. He fucking specifically said we need a new revolutionary force of intellectuals in institutions and “ghetto dwellers.” If you think that when CRT is taught they will refrain from teaching children that we need government intervention to ban hate speech and police racism, which are core tenets of CRT, than you are fucking retarded yourself, thanks.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Your dumb, straight, white guy victim mentality. You already whined about it.

            This constitutional amendment you keep harping on is not a core tenet of CRT. You just can’t be honest.

            You brought up the amendment because you think it’s the best thing to harp on and you act like that is mainstream because you are a dishonest piece of shit and a garbage human.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            And I brought up Kendi’s proposed amendment specifically to illustrate that the repressive tolerance and anti-free speech beliefs of the movement are still alive and well, you ignorant fucking stalker weirdo cunt. I already linked to Richard Delgado explaining all of this in CRT, which, again, you weirdo stalker cunt, will be taught to all children.I’d say that will do it.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “I already linked to Richard Delgado”

            No actually, you didn’t, you just had a bunch of stuff you posted that you claim is a quote from somewhere but you didn’t provide any links. Gee, seems familiar, TheAutomator.

            This is how you started to fall apart last time. Can’t wait until you call an opinion piece a scientific study again.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:


            This is your life now, I told you. 

    • recoegnitions-av says:

      What does this even mean? 

      • samo1415-av says:

        My comment was straightforward.

        • youareonfire-av says:

          Um, no, your comment wasn’t straightforward. You’re saying he is upset that trans people/others are being treated fairly and your proof of this…what, exactly?

          • samo1415-av says:

            No, I’m saying he is upset that trans people/others are ASKING to be treated fairly.

            This has been well established for months. Nothing new.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Established…by telling jokes…in comedy specials. If you’re fucking stupid enough to take jokes seriously, than the joke is on you, you fucking prude.

          • samo1415-av says:

            This has nothing to do with his standup. Why are you so fixating on that?

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Because we don’t have any other information to go on? What are you basing his supposed hatred of other people being treated fairly? Where? What source? What behavior? What the fuck are you talking about??

          • samo1415-av says:

            In the past he’s said he’s jealous of gay people for gaining acceptance so quickly while black people have been oppressed for hundreds of years. That’s not a justification for intolerance.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            That is shitty, I didn’t know that. You should have just stated that.

          • samo1415-av says:

            My original comment was: “Dave Chapelle can’t stand it when anyone other than black people ask to be treated fairly.”

            So, uh, yeah, I did state that.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            No, you literally did not say what he said that would prove your assertion. Like, literally did not say that.

          • samo1415-av says:

            I thought this was common knowledge. I guess you weren’t privy.  Try to keep up.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Well, I’m not the only one who asked you what the fuck you were talking about, so shove your attitude up your arsehole. And who gives a fuck? There are gay people who have said the exact same thing about the speed of which trans and non-binary people have been seemingly uproariously celebrated and accepted in no time. I guess people have flaws, I dunno, not me. 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “ so shove your attitude up your arsehole.”

            You are perpetually in need of taking your own advice. And reading your links. 

          • youareonfire-av says:

            You mean the two links I sent you, one directly disproving a widely held belief about “systemic racism” that explains that racism must actually be proven beyond mere disparity, and the other one from a black economist stating that disparity doesn’t prove discrimination, which demolishes all of the useless shit you dumped?FUCK YOU WEIRDO

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            None of the links you sent disprove systematic racism. You continue to not understand a single thing you read. If you even read it, you probably didn’t get past the headline.

            “ and the other one from a black economist stating that disparity doesn’t prove discrimination, which demolishes all of the useless shit you dumped?”

            That is not a logical conclusion, but we’ve been over your inability to use logic many times now.

          • samo1415-av says:

            You call it free speech. I call it transphobia.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Transphobia is free speech. Racism is free speech. Nazis marching is free speech. What, do you want free speech restrictions…designed by you, someone so obstinate that they couldn’t be bothered to even explain their own position when asked directly? OK, NO THANKS.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “ someone so obstinate that they couldn’t be bothered to even explain their own position when asked directly?”

            They did, but you can’t read to comprehend or be honest. 

          • samo1415-av says:

            I am against those 3 things appearing in a comment section (where free speech doesn’t apply). Thank you.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            There are zero speech restrictions here. Tough shit, fascist. 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Pretty ironic, you calling someone a fascist after declaring you wanted to take people’s free speech rights away. No wonder you want to try and distance yourself from that account.

            Notice how they preferred not to have them appear instead of saying it should be against the law, which would be the real fascism.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “There are zero speech restrictions here. Tough shit” says the guy who wants to block me because he’s scared of speech. LOL

          • samo1415-av says:

            That’s simply not true.  I flagged your original comment for hate speech.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            For what? Paraphrasing a fucking joke? You’ve proven everything I’ve said about the progressive left and speech true, you censorious illiberal pussy. The trajectory I outlined of the progressive left’s movement is centralized in your fucking brain. Good luck, pussy.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Wanting things a certain way in a PRIVATE space doesn’t prove any of the drivel you;’ve spewed. It’s not fucking illiberal unless you are denying people some legal right to speak. I know you think internet commenting is some public space but it fucking isn’t. No one owes you a platform and understanding that fact isn’t illiberal. (Pro tip: you cannot stop using the key phrases that out you, stop trying to pretend)

            The only one who want to take actual rights away is you. 

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “pussy” So much irony, how long before you make/switch to another account?

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            You: “I don’t know who you are”
            also you: “The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences won’t even allow your film to be considered for best picture unless you meet strict racial quotas.”

            COME ON. How many jack holes that sound just like you are spouting that same talking point you hounded?

            JFC you are obvious. And pathetic in your need to switch accounts. 

          • youareonfire-av says:

            You’re a fucking lunatic jackass. I work for a theatre company. Everybody knows this, AS THERE HAVE BEEN ARGUMENTS ABOUT THIS TOPIC IN THEATRE FOREVER, YOU FUCKING PSYCHO. https://deadline.com/2020/07/broadway-theater-artists-of-color-bipoc-plan-demands-we-see-you-1202984127/Fuck you.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            It’s pathetic that you are trying to pretend you are not TheAutomator. That and so much more make it obvious, you can’t stop talking about the same things in the same way.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            And what a coincidence that your account started a few days after you stopped using TheAutomator! OBVIOUS RETARD IS OBVIOUS.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Do you have a fucking point? I know you don’t in life, but I mean specifically here? Do you have a problem with what I initially posted in this thread? Have you read the following books which outline the New Left’s and then the critical race theorists/progressive want?One Dimensional Man by Herbert MarcuseCritical Race Theory: The Writings that Formed the MovementThe anti-racist’s proposed constitutional amendment to create an office of anti-racism that would have jurisdiction over EVERY STATE, LOCAL, AND FEDERAL LAW and dismantle the First Amendment?If not, fuck off, you don’t know what you’re talking about, you’re stalking me and have nothing to say.Die.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            I feel like I have been really clear in my points that you are fucking pathetic, retarded and a coward. Sad you can’t admit the truth. 

            “The anti-racist’s proposed constitutional amendment to create an office of anti-racism that would have jurisdiction over EVERY STATE, LOCAL, AND FEDERAL LAW and dismantle the First Amendment?”

            You mean one persons idea that you want to pass off as mainstream as always because you are a dishonest fuck face? that idea he stole from MLK?

            You know I’m not fucking off, you’ll just have to abandon another account in shame.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Do you know who Ibram Kendi is? He is THE anti-racism expert in the country. He’s consulted with the state department, earns ungodly amounts of money for totally inept work/speeches, was on TIME magazine’s most influential people list in 2020, teaches and lectures across the country…his positions ARE MAINSTREAM, PSYCHO. You don’t get much more mainstream than consulting with the fucking government, selling millions upon millions upon millions of books, and end up in every fucking mainstream publication. I noticed you did not address the other two sources. Do you always argue in this manner? Deny the reality of an obvious mass influencer’s fucking prominence and just ignore the other works you’re also unaware of?You are a piece of shit. You have send me like 40 messages harassing me and deny basic reality. Fucking die.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            And I told you before, just because he says something or endorses something doesn’t make it mainstream. The actual number of people who support something makes it mainstream. FFS, you literally told me something was mainstream and then posted an article where the author stated explicitly that the position WASN’T mainstream. You have no fucking clue about anything and just invent what you want to be true so you can rail about it like a good righty.

            You are still the same asshole tyrant under whatever name you want to use today and it never gets old pointing that out. Fuck off if you don’t like it, or get used to your new normal.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “Do you know who Ibram Kendi is?”

            You literally won’t shut up about him, it was a major clue that you are TheAutomator, stupid!

          • youareonfire-av says:

            You’re an obsessed loser/weirdo. Kendi is world famous. That fact that two people you’ve run into know who he is and you don’t should clue you in on the facts that you’re irrelevant and ignorant. For fuck’s sake, this guy has written numerous best selling books, including one for fucking children. He is the most famous “anti-racist” IN THE WORLD.And yes, the progressive trajectory I have painted from Marcuse to Davis to Bell to Crenshaw to Kendi is the dominant, fucking mainstream position of progressives, namely that of Marcuse’s “Repressive Tolerance” coupled with intersectionality and anti-racism. All of this would necessitate massive government oversight and the destruction of free speech. These people think free speech, liberalism, and colorblindness are “white supremacy culture.”And again you’ve failed to address Marcuse and the critical race theorists. And I know, I know, you people are so fucking predictable you will claim CRT is only taught in law schools, so let me nip that in the bud: The NEA (country’s largest teachers union) has stated it will implement teaching CRT in k-12 in ALL 14,000 school districts. You know nothing.FUCK OFF.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Loser is the guy who doesn’t know the basic definitions of words. Losers is you pathetically running around making new accounts to avoid all the dumb shit you said and then trying to pretend otherwise. You even post a the same times!

            And no, nothing you mentioned was mainstream because it doesn’t have any majority support. That’s the actual definition of mainstream. Get a fucking dictionary, it’s not difficult but having to be honest will be difficult for you.

            So weird how you are TheAutomator are wrong in exactly the same ways about exactly the same things! 

            “FUCK OFF.”

            So weird how you sign of exactly the same too! Jesus Christ you are pathetic and this is going to go EXACTLY like it did last time, hope you have your new account lined up.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            What the fuck do you mean not mainstream??? He was on Time’s list of influential people. He advised the government. Biden quoted him. He teaches in the Ivy League. He’s sold millions and millions of books. He’s the most influential racial thinker of his generation, you fucking psycho.And you know nothing of critical theory and critical race theory. Having the NEA demand it be taught in ALL school districts isn’t mainstream? You are on crack, go stalk someone else, and fuck off is a very common refrain, one I’m sure you are familiar with, weirdo stalker delusional bitch.FUCK OFF.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            I mean the actual definition of the word mainstream, retard. It means a majority of people support it.

            considered normal, and having or using ideas, beliefs, etc. that are accepted by most people:”

            Are you capable of grasping this basic fact?
            Biden cold say tomorrow that we should kill all cats in America, it wouldn’t be mainstream. It doesn’t matter who says it, it matters how many people support it. GET A FUCKING DICTIONARY.

            How would you know what I know about CRT when I haven’t said anything about it? Being a dishonest piece of shit making straw men is your MO though.
            Jesus Christ you are pathetic and this is going to go EXACTLY like it did last time, hope you have your new account lined up.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            You’re a buffoon. Most people are of a particular pollical persuasions, so there’s no such fucking thing as having one mainstream political belief system in the country, you fucking mongoloid. Sorry, the progressive left runs the institutions, having been influenced by critical theorists/critical race theorists/anti-anti-racists, given the ballooning and massive and unprecedented growth of DEI bureaucracies. In every fucking institution. Forget the universities, even a fucking imbecile like you know DEI rules academia. HOW ABOUT CORPORATE AMERICA, MORON?https://hbr.org/2022/01/dei-gets-realhttps://insights.grcglobalgroup.com/the-history-and-growth-of-the-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-profession/https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolinamilanesi/2023/04/20/the-business-impact-of-diversity-equity-and-inclusion/?sh=13c0faa26630Every major Fortune 100 company has a DEI imitative, which is CRT. Get it through your fucking head: YOU ARE STALKING THE WRONG PERSON AND DON’T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT; https://www.hrdive.com/news/2022-fortune-companies-dei/627651/IS THAT MAINSTREAM ENOUGH FOR YOU???FUCKING DIE. YOU ARE WRONG ABOUT SYSTEMIC RACISM, WRONG ABOUT KENDI, WRONG ABOUT CRT, AND WRONG ABOUT DEI. KILL YOURSELF.I’m not responding to you anymore, stalker.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            So now you claim there is no mainstream. LOL this is such a stupid tantrum over your inability to understand the basic definition of a word.

            If a majority of progressives supported a position, it would be mainstream within that party. You are throwing a fit because you know everything you claim is mainstream isn’t. You want to be dishonest and are getting called out.

            “I’m not responding to you anymore, stalker.”

            LOL you always say that. It’s going to be just like last time. Hope you got your new account sorted out, it’s only a matter of time before you go and quote a magazine article and call it a study again.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            You can’t even fucking read. There are different mainstream political currents, you fucking tool. There are the far right, the neo cons, regular bog standard cons, center right, moderates, center left, liberal, progressive, socialists, communists. I can’t believe I have to explain this to you.My claim is that modern progressives believe the results of critical theory/critical race theory/anti-racism. The fact that every single institution in the country is committed to DEI, which is the end product of this evolution, is totally uncontested and can be seen from fucking space.Again, Marcuse to Davis to Bell to Crenshaw to Kendi. If you read two books you’d understand, but you won’t. If you deny that DEI is not mainstream progressive belief, I have a Statue of Liberty to sell you.Die alone.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            I thought you weren’t going to respond! But of course you always do. Until you abandon your account in shame.

            Your claim was that “ proposed constitutional amendment to create an office of anti-racism that would have jurisdiction over EVERY STATE, LOCAL, AND FEDERAL LAW and dismantle the First Amendment?” was a mainstream position for progressives and that’s not fucking true.

            You also tried to claim something was mainstream because of who said it, and that’s just fucking retardation from someone who never knows what words mean.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Retardation. Nice.Yeah, if you read any CRT, you’d know they fully support a government agency that would criminalize hate speech and punish detected racism. Again, you can read Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings that Formed the Movement, online, for free, you fucking loser.They believe liberalism has failed, that colorblindness and Civil Rights are white supremacy culture, come down hard against ideas of merit, individualism, and of course, free speech, and fully support government bureaucracy to establish these tenets.All of this is available online.Again: The NEA has decreed that every single k-12 school district in the country will teach CRT, and they already mostly do.These are mainstream positions, taught or to be taught in every school in America. I REPEAT: THE BELIEF IN THE NEED FOR AN ANTI-RACISM AGENCY IS A FUCKING TENTPOLE FOR CRT, WHICH WILL NOW BE TAUGHT AT 14.000 SCHOOL DISTRICTS.In March of last year, State Department officials went to Boston to discuss the project with Kendi. In a summary of the meeting posted to Cormier Smith’s official Twitter account, she described discussing with Kendi, who leads BU’s Center for Antiracist Research, “the ongoing, global impact of white supremacy & the importance of collective effort across sectors to build a world where racial & ethnic equity & social justice prevail.”THAT’S THE FUCKING STATE DEPARTMENT.THESE ARE MAINSTREAM POSITIONS.READ THE FUCKING BOOK, THEN KILL YOURSELF.GOODBYE.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            Your claim that “ proposed constitutional amendment to create an office of anti-racism that would have jurisdiction over EVERY STATE, LOCAL, AND FEDERAL LAW and dismantle the First Amendment?” is a mainstream position for progressives is not fucking true.

            Why is it so hard for you to be honest?

      • nimbh-av says:

        Learn to read. 

  • universalamander-av says:

    Dave Chapelle is the only thing trannies hate more than their own genitals.

  • daveassist-av says:

    Hmmm… a couple of trolls that I’ve suspected of being sock-puppets of the same person are here now.   I wonder if they’ll have a staged fight?

  • ddnt-av says:

    Chappelle’s appearance specifically aside (but, for real, what was he doing there??), I’ve been frustrated by SNL’s repeated insistence on centering sketches around celebrity cameos instead of on the host and players in recent years. The Gibb brothers sketch had almost nothing for Johnson or any of the cast members to do and it was honestly uncomfortable to watch them just sit around in the background. That practice is frankly insulting to the players, because it implies they’re not good enough to carry the show themselves, and goes against the most fundamental principle of the show, which is to showcase lesser-known young comedians. At least JAJ has saved us from Baldwin’s Trump, but it’s still ridiculous to have a sketch or two in nearly every show hijacked by random celebrity cameos, even those from former cast members.

    • phonypope-av says:

      Yeah, I’ve been frustrated by that for a while, as well. Along with the reasons you mention, the main thing that bothers me is how lazily the writing always is for those skits. It’s as if they count on the audience being sufficiently wowed by Celebrity XYZ, so they don’t need to write any actual jokes.

    • slicknshiny-av says:

      JT was the musical guest and he appeared on a half dozen episodes or more. At SNL, the funniest most popular bits are what make it into the show. 

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    I expected an answer to the question posed by the headline. Aren’t you journalists of some sort? Investigate and find out the shit people want to know. We didn’t need an article with you asking the same question everyone else already was asking. I try to defend y’all sometimes but this level of hackery is just too far beyond.

    • davidwizard-av says:

      Congratulations: by commenting (and clicking in the first place), you’ve voted for more of this exact style of content. Management doesn’t care if you’re angry or happy, as long as you click.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        Oh my, is that how the internet works?? I had no idea!I clicked on it because I thought it would give the answer.  And they’re going to continue this kind of content regardless of my click.  but thanks for mansplaining the internet to me, David.  You’re a real wizard.

        • davidwizard-av says:

          If you know how it works, why’d you complain? Every comment is a vote for more! They don’t read the comments. They never have. So by continuing to comment, any rational person has to assume you actually love this article. Engage, engage, engage! Vote for more!

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            Because I felt like it? Exactly how does it affect you?  I guess your multiple comments indicate that you actually love this article as well, so I guess you’re welcome for my vote for more of them.

          • davidwizard-av says:

            I do! It’s exactly what I was looking for – hadn’t seen the zoom-in on Yang and Sherman yet, wanted to see people fighting in the comments. A+ post.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            *takes bow*

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            Dude, you know this site’s been gutted multiple times over the last few years and yet you’re still asking dumb shit like ‘where’s the investigative journalism?’ Fuck outta here.

          • phonypope-av says:

            “Investigative journalism”? We’re not talking about Woodward and Bernstein here, dipshit. It’s reasonable to expect that someone who writes about pop culture for a major publication might have the smarts and/or the industry contacts to find out why Chapelle was on SNL.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            Yes, I am.  Literally what the fuck do you care?  I wasn’t talking to you.  I wasn’t asking you.  Why is this rubbing skin off your teeth?

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            Because there’s way too many people here who call themselves progressive and have no problem shitting on labour when they know full well management is to blame.

          • ooklathemok3994-av says:

            AI doesn’t have feelings. 

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            LOL This is one hilarious take, and I actually do applaud your imagination here. Thanks for this.  People talk about Barsanti every single day and you don’t say shit.  People shat all over the new writers who moved in under the new management and you didn’t say shiiiiiiiit.  But now suddenly it’s a problem.  lol  Fuck off.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            “But now suddenly it’s a problem.”This is incorrect. Try searching more than one page of comments next time, you lazy bum.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            Sorry, I have a life.  But you keep on policing AVClub comments.  Maybe you’ll make a friend.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            “Sorry, I have a life.”My brother in Christ, you comment more in a day than I do in a week. Pull the other one.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            I’m not a man. But you got me. You’ve spent your afternoon counting how much I post each day, but yeah, you got me. 🙁 You are the master of gatekeeping complaining. You’ve done important work here. Your badge is in the mail and Emma will finally start answering your messages and let you be her super special boyfriend.  She really is into the whole neckbeard thing, I promise!

          • necgray-av says:

            Allll right, Sheepie. There’s no need to go down that particular bullshit route. Having the back of one of the site’s writers, if you could even call what the Cap’n is doing that, does not equate to white knighting for the sake of Pretend Sexy Times. Let’s not engage in that variety of toxic masculinity. Same goes for the “neckbeard” comment. Leave it out. You can dunk on goofery without engaging in goofery in kind.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            And what I was doing didn’t amount to a capitalist attack on the proletariat, so today I’m choosing to meet goofery with goofery, but thank you. I don’t think prizes are given out for rising above someone’s bullshit. But if you are giving them out, let me know and I’ll consider meeting the criteria. (If the prizes are cash.)

          • necgray-av says:

            All prizes are in Bored Ape NFTs. Which some people around here will tell you are worth their weight in glod.(Typo or purposeful misspelling? Only The Sadhow knows!)

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            I don’t know how to use those.  🙁  Bah.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            Wow, that’s the hardest I’ve ever seen someone just flail about. I didn’t even get to call you a Karen and you melted the fuck down over being called a jerk. Seriously impressed.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            And you melted the fuck down over a complaint about bad writing.  So…hello pot.  I’m not as easily impressed, though.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            Jesus, you’re down to rubber/glue already?  Fucking simpleton.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            Okay!  Love you too.

          • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

            Your comments in this thread prove that’s bullshit. 

          • necgray-av says:

            Oh come the fuck on and get the fuck over yourself, Cap’n. You’re *really* gonna try to pass this off as a pro-labour grievance and not just shit-talking a fellow commenter because scorpions and frogs?

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            The fact that you can’t wrap your head around the fact that I am indeed pro-labour says a lot more about you than about me.

          • necgray-av says:

            I can wrap my head around it fine, Cap. I’m calling you out for using a pro-labour stance to excuse being a shit to a fellow commenter. As though ElectricSheep was “attacking the worker” or whatever. Sometimes complaining about a writer’s work is just complaining about their work, not taking a whole-ass political stance against workers in general. And you know that. So knock it off.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            “I’m calling you out for using a pro-labour stance to excuse being a shit to a fellow commenter”And I’m calling out a supposed progressive for shitting on labour. Glad you figured it out.“political stance”If your’e ignorant of how this place is run, sure. But no one involved here has that problem, now do we?

          • necgray-av says:

            A LABOURER is not the same as LABOUR, the concept. You can criticize A WORKER without making any kind of statement about WORKERS.I wish you would figure it out.JK. I know you’ve figured that out. But you *chose* to pivot the argument to make yourself look righteous and not like just another AV Club toddler throwing their shit at each other. Your very first response to ElectricSheep had not a fucking thing to do with labor or management. You told them the site had been gutted and it was stupid to expect journalism. And then you ended with “fuck outta here”. So you can throw on your fucking Che t-shirt and draw a circle with an A in it all you like but it’s nonsense. You wanted to toss off a cheap dismissal of a fellow commenter and when you got pushback you went righteous.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            There’s no pivot, it’s what I started with. It’s an exploitative business model and you know it, yet you middle-class fucks are just tying yourselves up in knots over this and it’s fucking sad.

          • necgray-av says:

            What on Earth are you talking about??? Who is tying themselves up in knots and what is “this”? I think you’re being an unnecessarily antagonistic dick to another commenter for being unnecessarily critical of THIS ONE ARTICLE by THIS ONE WRITER. You’ve made the tallest craggiest mountain out of this absolute fucking molehill of a complaint. And you’re pretending to do it under the guise of Worker’s Rights. Get over yourself! “you middle-class fucks” My guy, I’m a middle-aged man living in his parents’ house because I can’t afford skyrocketed rent on a college adjunct’s meager wages. I don’t know if you know this but the vast majority of academics on the non-tenure track are broke as shit. I’m lucky I’m a single man because if I had dependents? “middle-class” is a fucking joke. Not, mind you, that my economic status has anything to do with your self-righteous posturing to cover the fact that you’re being a typical AV Club shit-throwing commenter. You threw your shit at ElectricSheep, now you’re throwing it at me. Drop the act, drop the poo, and wash your fucking hands.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            You do know you’re not the only I’m conversing with on this topic, right? You’re the one barged into a conversation you didn’t have to. And while we’re at it, insisting this is just an act is one of the reasons you’re getting my spleen. I’m sure you’d love it if I told you to stop pretending to live in your parents’ basement, right?

          • necgray-av says:

            First, that’s fucking rich coming from someone who jumped into an exchange halfway down the responses between ElectricSheep and davidwizard. So you can barge yourself right off the roof of your nearest high-rise.And second, maybe if you stopped using labor relations as a cudgel in this dumbshit argument with someone who *gasp!* dared to criticize a writer on the site I wouldn’t be insisting that it’s an act. If the shoe fits, ya know? And for the record, it’s not like I’m saying you DON’T believe in worker’s rights. I very much buy that you earnestly think the writers on the site are fucked over by management. I very much think that criticizing the writers here for not hewing to some journalistic standard that the site clearly doesn’t maintain (have they EVER?) is silly. ElectricSheep’s complaint is SILLY. What it is NOT is an attack on labor, which is how you characterized it. And okay, maybe that was a misunderstanding or misinterpretation on your part. But at this point you have to know YOU made an accusation that just isn’t fucking true. Whatever your intentions, you slung mud at someone for no good reason other than you’re supposedly annoyed by faux progressives. And more power to you on that front! I don’t like them either! But I’m not going to mistake every dumbshit commenters complaints about Barsanti, for instance, for an anti-labor statement.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            Alright, you’re delusional. Have fun, basement dweller.

          • necgray-av says:

            Name one thing I’ve said that’s “delusional”. Or continue to pivot and dismiss.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Yep. For folks who’ve played Elden Ring, we’re in the “Crumbling Farum Azula” stage of AVC.

          • necgray-av says:

            I don’t see the problem with a pointed critique, which is what was offered. If we’re all just circle-jerking here as some have claimed then why disrupt ElectricSheep’s onanistic fun? Except maybe that AV Club commenters criticizing AV Club commenters is, itself, engaging in the circle jerk. It’s a big cummy ouroboros!Blech. Grossed myself out with that one…

          • necgray-av says:

            To be fair, they HAVE read and commented on posts in the past. It has happened. Not recently, not in a meaningful way, but still, you used the words “never have” and that’s just wrong.

        • youareonfire-av says:

          “Mansplaining” LOL fuck you misandrist tit.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        I click a couple times a day. I’m not a teenager anymore!

    • moldybread-av says:

      You’ve been here long enough to have lowered your expectations accordingly.Aren’t you journalists of some sort?That’s a stupid question at this point.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        I admit you don’t speak lies.  Though I don’t get why everyone else gets to complain about the writing but if I do y’all jump down my throat about it.

        • ooklathemok3994-av says:

          Why did ElectricSheep create so much outrage in the comments this week? -An AV Club investigation

        • necgray-av says:

          You have to complain about the things they do in the way they do.AV Club commentariat has never not been a bag of dicks. Yes, even in the Glorious Olde Days. They might have been smarter or more clued-in on film and TV but they were still always antagonistic jags.

      • necgray-av says:

        Is it stupid or rhetorical?(See, mine is rhetorical if you can’t tell the difference.)

        • moldybread-av says:

          ElectricSheep was asking a stupid question, you condescending prick.But you knew that, of course.

          • necgray-av says:

            There’s a difference between asking a genuine question for which you earnestly expect an answer and framing a complaint in the form of a question, which is rhetorical and is what ElectricSheep did. Or do we suppose they actually thought Emma was going to respond to them? Especially when the question was phrased so clearly antagonistically?Hey moldybreadNrottenmaters, why are you such a sack of hammers? No, seriously, I really want to know! Please answer my earnest question about your hammersackitude!I got your condescension right here.(I’m pointing at my crotch. Nonverbal communication is difficult in text form.)

  • youareonfire-av says:

    Definitely what the AV Club claimed in their last coverage: endangering trans people’s lives. Yes, the AV Club is officially on record that Dave endangers trans folks lives…with jokes. Further, he is no longer to be considered a comedian, which would be news to his millions of fans, and should be known going forward as an anti-trans activist. For jokes. The progressive left have mastered leveraging victimhood into power. It’s been a wild ten years. They have been busy establishing the new political and educational hierarchy, eager to enshrine hate speech laws, dispense with individual rights (as opposed to group rights), dismantle colorblindness and capitalism and generally the West (challenge me, I have the receipts, including the thought leaders expressly condemning liberalism and the Civil Rights movements as basically white people tricks to keep the “OPPRESSED” in line).I love a political movement that has totally captured every single institution still acting like victims. It must feel so. fucking. good. It’s all quite funny, really. A supposedly massive system of white toxic patriarchal capitalism brought low by…whiners. A brilliant move. I wonder what my new job will be under racialized socialism. Probably boot black. Wait, that sounds racist…

    • moldybread-av says:

      You must be exhausted after jerking yourself off so ineffectively. Should have asked your mom, she’s much better at that sort of thing.

    • youcancallmeluke-av says:

      Cry less, clown.

      • youareonfire-av says:

        Grunt, belch, “Cry less, clown” puked the monosyllabic retard. Well put.

        • youcancallmeluke-av says:

          Go back to 4chan. You’re just embarrassing yourself out here.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Jesus wept, you’re a fucking cliche.I can trace the development of victimhood culture from Herbert Marcuse, who called for a new revolutionary force in America made up of minorities and white intellectuals because the working class was too happy to revolt, to his protege Angela Davis, who fucking coined the the word intersectionality, to his fellow critical theorists who declared “the long march through the institutions”, through Derrick Bell and Kimberly Crenshaw, who ruthlessly derided liberalism and the Civil Rights movement as white supremacist culture and demanded identity politics and the end of free speech, right up to Ibram Kendi’s proposed constitutional amendment to create an Office of Anti-Racism beholden to no branch of government and in charge of finding hidden racism, hidden racists, and punishing hate speech…to now, when the left owns the establishment, and every institution upholds the “anti-racist”/intersectional philosophy. You can trace the outline of your dick on your hand and fling brainless ad homs.Go back to R/politics.

          • ididntwantthis-av says:

            “You can trace the outline of your dick on your hand and fling brainless ad homs.”

            Pretty ironic thing for you to say king of ad homs!

          • youcancallmeluke-av says:

            LOL look at that paragraph of shit no one will read. Seriously, stop crying you whiny clown. No one cares.

        • nimbh-av says:

          Yeah but you’re still short and can’t please your wife. 

    • necgray-av says:

      Shouldn’t you be off somewhere making a shitty rap song with Tom McDonald?

      • youareonfire-av says:

        Hey, I guess I could. It would be called We Once Had Liberals, Now We’ve Got These Progressive Motherfuckers.I can literally trace back the victimhood as power movement back to Herbert Marcuse, who said we need to relentlessly criticize society while building a new revolutionary force made up of white intellectuals and “ghetto dwellers”, to his most famous protege, Angela Davis saying the same thing, to Derrick Bell saying the same thing, to Kimberlee Crenshaw, to Ibram X. Kendi, all of whom explicitly call for the end of free speech and the use of identity categories to seize power, but you’ve got Ben Shapiro jokes, so I guess you fucking win. 

        • necgray-av says:

          Better to have Ben Shapiro jokes than talking points. But you keep on distributing those red pills, bud! Mug Club 4L!

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Talking points. Right.Again, I read 3 things:One Dimensional Man by Marcuse. Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings the Formed the MovementIbram Kendi’s proposed constitutional amendment.All three of which can be read for free online. These aren’t fucking “talking points”; these are the fucking themes of the works and the goals of the New Left, critical theorists, critical race theorists, and progressive left, in their own words, you useless fucking smegma.KEEP UP, DICKLESS.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            And let me get this straight: You think Ben Shapiro and Stephen Crowder are talking about Herbert Marcuse, Derrick Bell, Kimberlee Crenshaw, and Ibram Kendi? OH, RIGHT, YOU DON’T THINK THAT, IT’S A MINDLESS ADHOM. EAT SHIT MORON.

        • ididntwantthis-av says:

          You are not a fucking liberal no matter what username you are using today. Whatever you pick tomorrow to run around trying to escape from me still won’t make you a fucking liberal.

    • macis3d-av says:

      The progressive left have mastered leveraging victimhood into power.

      Do you get paid by the QOP or Moscov?

      • youareonfire-av says:

        No, I simply read 3 things:Herbert Marcuse’s One Dimensional ManCritical Race Theory: The Key Writings that Formed the MovementIbram X. Kendi’s proposal for amending the Constitution to create the Office of Anti-Racism, which would have the power to supersede all state, local, and federal laws to find the racism and punish the racists and punish “hate speech.”That’s it. They discuss the entire plan to march through the institutions using identity politics and victimhood status to gain power. And they did it. Every single institution, from academia to corporate America, now lives by “anti-racism” philosophy. But you won’t care and won’t check the sources, so suck my tiny dick.You still believe that Russian Collusion bullshit? lololololololololololo  

        • macis3d-av says:

          No, clearly drugs. Better paint something if you mix up reading with understanding. so suck my tiny dick At least you aren’t exaggerating everything.

          • youareonfire-av says:

            Says someone whom I guarantee has never heard of these works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯Go to fucking Wikipedia and entire the above works. They simply spell out exactly what was intended by the New Left and critical race theorists and it has all happened, except Kendi’s idiotic, illegal proposal, although it is still being pushed.My dick is fine. Average. The average is fairly tiny. Never had any complaints, except from your mom, who wanted to eat my jism but I had already nutted on her arsehole.

    • theporcupine42-av says:

      Dave Chappelle hasn’t told jokes in decades, he mostly wanders around the stage rambling about what minorities he doesn’t like these days.

    • nimbh-av says:

      I wish you were on fire. 

  • stevennorwood-av says:

    Came for the comments; stayed for the comments.

  • tedturneroverdrive-av says:

    Obviously can’t speak for every market, but on my NBC station, the goodnights cut in around Dakota Johnson hugging Mark Cuban and ended after 5-10 seconds. I never saw Chappelle.I’m assuming by Yang and Sherman’s reaction that Chappelle wasn’t in a cut for time sketch, but who knows?

  • nilus-av says:

    Not sure why this is a surprise.  If you have followed all the stuff about Chappelle very few of his comedians friends have said shit about his opinions and there are tons of famous folks seeing his local shows or hanging out with him on his farm or whatever.   

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    Did anyone answer the titular question?
    Why did he pop into the last seconds of SNL this week?

    • chronophasia-av says:


      • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

        By standing on the far right (hehe) of the stage, in an episode he wasn’t in.
        If I were a casual viewer I’d be thinking “guess they just let anyone up on stage there now, don’t they.”
        If I were a regular viewer I’d probably be thinking the same.

        • Rev2-av says:

          He was on stage left, FYI. But yeah, Chappelle is really “far right” for believing in the normal definition of man/woman.

    • djclawson-av says:

      I think Lorne just likes hanging with him because Lorne is a celebrity whore. And you know what? I’m not holding back on that. He’s the reason Trump hosted in 2016 despite many cast members and writers being against it. He’s the reason Chapelle could get up and say anti-Semitic jokes in his monologue. Fuck Lorne, fuck him right in the ass.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Promoting a new special?

  • kag25-av says:

    How many surprise guest showed up for this one, can’t really call it a single host show at this point.

  • realtimothydalton-av says:

    dave chapelle in 2024 is no longer funny. so, the snl stage seems like a natural place to see him

  • chatoyance-av says:

    Chapelle should not have been allowed onto that stage. I am disappointed that the entire cast did not stare at him, and then just walk off in support and unison. Bigotry cannot be allowed to be normalized, and social shaming is the best, primary, and most useful way to combat it.

  • grammarfeauxlice-av says:

    As with most articles about Dave Chappelle and transgender rights, the beef is misplaced.

  • scnew1-av says:

    He was probably in a sketch that was done at the 8 PM rehearsal and then cut for time for the 11:30 live show. 

  • pabloduganheim-av says:

    Chappelle popping in like that was the perfect last-minute sloppy, wet turd to accessorize an already really crappy SNL.

  • ohmygodthatissoterirble-av says:

    lol @ the idealouges in the back pretending to be comedians

    • nimbh-av says:

      lol @ broke virgins simping for a rich guy

      • ohmygodthatissoterirble-av says:

        do you know how easy it is to have sex, all you have to do is be nice to fat chicks. People are so mean to them, and they want to fuck too. Responses like this are not based in any kind of reality.

  • ohmygodthatissoterirble-av says:

    these comments are hilarious, it’s like watching a room full of agent smiths talking to each other in different voices.

  • misterpiggins-av says:

    Desperate for relevance he can’t from Netflix specials, and fucking with other people?  Seems to be his m.o.

  • ibell-av says:

    Chill everyone. He probably filmed a pre-taped segment that got cut.

  • ceallach66-av says:

    > it seems clear that certain cast members weren’t too thrilled about welcoming the three-time host back to their place of employment

    Gee I don’t know, Jimmy Fallon didn’t seem to have any problem interacting with him. If Chapelle had hair, I’m sure Fallon would have ruffled it. Oh wait, he’s not a cast member any more so he wasn’t supposed to be there either.

  • stevennorwood-av says:

    As good a place as any to talk about engagement: this article has been up since Monday, and it’s now Wednesday, and the point of the article is kind of a nothing, and the article has 300 comments, only a few of which have arrived in the past day or so. Why does this article rate being in your main table of primary content?To that point, William Friedkin’s R.I.P. post was up for less than one day. That’s one of the great American filmmakers of my generation, whose life and work was addressed for a very small amount of time. Articles (sometimes multiple ones on a topic) about senseless, pointless, nothing events are left up for multiple days. Why is that? Is there a formula to this? Because I don’t get it.

  • timebobby-av says:

    To make a bunch of fragile white hipsters cry.

  • jgp1972-av says:

    Sherman and Yang are probably assholes. 

  • jgp1972-av says:

    I have no problem with chapelle, but it IS weird he was there if he wasnt in any skits. Even if he was there visiting someone why would he have to get on stage? Unlesss he was there, noone knew he was going to do it, and he just jumped on stage.

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