Michelle Wolf offers opinions on Louis C.K., Dave Chappelle, and the #MeToo movement

Michelle Wolf—no stranger to controversy herself—gave both disgraced men more grace than a lot of her peers did

Aux News Dave Chappelle
Michelle Wolf offers opinions on Louis C.K., Dave Chappelle, and the #MeToo movement
Michelle Wolf Photo: Astrid Stawiarz

Michelle Wolf infamously roasted Sarah Huckabee Sanders and other members of the GOP so hard at the 2018 White House Correspondents’ Dinner that journalists on both sides were pissed off. It’s no surprise, then, that the comedian—who recently released a new Netflix special called It’s Great To Be Here—is not exactly in the business of being swayed by other people’s opinions.

In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Wolf was asked about controversial comics Dave Chappelle and Louis C.K., neither of whom she shied away from discussing.

Chappelle—who has been in hot water multiple times but most notably for his transphobic jokes in 2021 special The Closer—is actually a close personal friend of Wolf’s, she said—close enough, in fact, for her to live with him and his family in their Ohio home for the better part of a year during the pandemic. “Dave is the kindest, most generous person I know. And he’s also great at comedy,” she said, explaining that the standups would often do “cornfield shows” together in 2020. When the interviewer pressed her on Chappelle’s views, Wolf responded:

I think people really miss a lot of what he’s saying. He says it very clearly in his one special: “Why was it easier for Caitlyn Jenner to change her gender than it was for Cassius Clay to change his name?” I think that spells it out right there. He wants everyone to be able to live the way they want to live, including Black people. Time and time again we see that, as a country, we literally don’t want Black people to live and we don’t do anything about it. They try to act like Dave is some sort of villain when he’s not. He’s a hero. He’s fighting for his people.

Wolf is also critical of the #MeToo movement in her special, calling it “the worst-run movement I’ve ever seen,” because, as she explained to RS, “I think it was a very black-and-white approach that they took, when in fact it was an incredibly gray subject matter that required a lot of conversations that we literally weren’t allowed to have.” Her following comments on Louis C.K. probably fall into that bucket.

“Louis, I feel, is the only one who actually admitted to anything or apologized. And we can go back and forth about how good or bad his apology was, but I don’t think you’re ever going to have an apology that everyone is going to be happy with,” she said. “He’s the only one who did that, and it seems like he got punished the most for it… He apologized and wants to make things better, and instead people were like, ‘No, you can’t. There’s no way for you to make things better unless you do this and this.’ But nobody said what ‘this and this’ was. Nobody said what he could do because nobody agreed on what he could do.”

You can read Wolf’s full Rolling Stone interview here.


  • djjdnewyork-av says:

    I love the subheading “both disgraced men…” Chappelle is disgraced for what exactly? Expressing something anyone who wields IQ points in the triple-digits’ range knows to be true?
    I enjoy the AV Club, but, man, it really comes across infantile at times—or are we still all in deep “pretend” mode here?

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:

      Disgraced for being a transphobe and a NIMBY rich cunt. Btw, counting the zero in front of the number of your IQ doesn’t make it “triple-digit.”

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        Lol “NIMBY”. You really do just regurgitate buzzwords don’t you?Post more trans porn, that’ll really show me. After all, no one has ever seen porn on the internet before. So shocking. And definitely not indicative of your mental state.

  • mcf1988-av says:

    Lol. Very refreshing to see somebody come in with a valid critique of the MeToo movement. I’m a woman with my own share of uncomfortable experiences and I quickly grew fatigued and, sometimes, annoyed by the tenor of MeToo conversations. Nuance matters and it seems that it was almost immediately declared anathema to the movement. On the whole I think things have changed for the better, so I’m glad it happened, but I’m also glad to see the tide start to turn against the black-and-white rhetoric that made everyone either heroes or villains. That doesn’t really serve anybody.

    • akhippo-av says:

      Sure, James, sure.

      • jhhmumbles-av says:

        You think maybe when a woman shares her perspective and we automatically question her honesty and call her a man that kind of, you know, illustrates the point?

        • akhippo-av says:

          Oh dear!

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            You’re not and will never be a woman lol. No matter what you do, or how hard you try. 

          • iboothby203-av says:

            Trans women are women, trans men are men, no matter what TERFs say, no matter how hard TERFs try.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Chant more slogans. There is currently no medical treatment to change anyones biology. Objectively men who put on skirts are still men.

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            “There is currently no medical treatment to change anyones biology.”That’s exactly how medication and medical treatment works, they literally change biology. Jesus, you’re a fucking idiot.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Hahahahaha. Omg you actually believe this. It’s absolutely unbelievable that someone could be this stupid. It’s literally impossible for someone to “change their biology”. It’s clear to me now that you’re a 14 year old or something along those lines. 

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            Not only am I not surprised you don’t understand that medication literally works by altering biology, I’m also not surprised that instead of just taking the L, you double down and then project your astounding ignorance on others.HahAHahaHAhahA.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            You’re objectively wrong. There is no grey area here. Flooding your body with synthetic hormones obtained by slaughtering animals does not somehow “change” your chromosomal makeup. That you think it does should be deeply embarrassing for you. Although as we’ve seen, you’re too stupid to know better.

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            And now you’re moving the goalposts. Not everything is about your transphobia, dude. Give it a rest some time.You literally think medication doesn’t change biology, which is literally how medication works on a basic level. That’s hilarious!

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            So you’re doing a bit right? There’s no way you actually believe this? 

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            Yes, this is a bit. I’m doing that famous Borscht Belt character who clowns on guys who only have a 3rd grade level understanding of genetics and, even more hilariously, don’t think medicine alters the way a body functions. I hope it gets a standing O!

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            “ don’t think medicine alters the way a body functions.”Lolol. You for real don’t understand what the word biology means huh? 

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            Yes that’s… what “change (anyone’s) biology” means.bi·ol·o·gy the physiology, behavior, and other qualities of a particular organism phys·i·ol·o·gy the way in which a living organism or bodily part functionsMedicine literally works by altering/modifying (these also means changing, kitten) a body’s biology. Once again, it’s a mundane process—so your poorly thought-out, scientifically illiterate special exception to gender transitioning medication can join your other poorly thought-out, scientifically illiterate special exceptions to gender transitioning medication like tHe mEdiCaTioN iS sYnThetiC aNd coMes FroM aNImaLs (yes, many medications are synthetic and derived from plants and animals) and your third grade-level knowledge of genetics (“Look at me I’m so smart, I know about X and Y chromosomes!”).Seriously, why are transphobes so confidently stupid? Lolol indeed.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Lol this is hilarious. You’re actually a mentally retarded person.  Wow

          • recoeegnitions-av says:

            Fine, you’re right. I’m a dumb ass. I was so committed to my stupid “I’m intellectually and morally superior to everyone and I hate it when people disagree with me” routine that I kept doubling down just to save face. How can I keep up the act of how smart I am if I say such a fundamentally stupid thing and keep refusing to just acknowledge it was a dumb mistake, like a normal person would? I can’t believe it all came down to someone having to explain a basic definition of a basic word to me. I’m deeply humiliated. I can’t promise I won’t continue to be an angry parrot writing the same dumb insults over and over to people who dare say something I don’t like, but at least right now, for this moment, I can’t pretend any longer. I’m a moron.And you’re right, I’m also deeply aroused by trans women, and it is the reason I’m such a miserable transphobe. I just can’t stop fixating on big-tittied girls with dicks, which is why I lash out with slurs and dumb pseudoscience talking points like a 13-year-old edgelord. Lastly, I also acknowledge I’m a big douche for writing things like “standing O” and “a quick google.” Douche chills wracking my body even writing those phrases again. I’m a douche who’s horny for trans women and I hate myself. Trans women are women!

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            Interesting. Thanks, sport.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            This level of ignorance is hilarious. Post more porn – that’ll really show me.Weird little fag. 

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            Okay, I’ll keep posting more. See, I knew you loved it!

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Actually I doubt we’ll be speaking again. Hope you turn 14 and become less stupid but I wouldn’t bet on it. Cheers!

          • dapoot-av says:

            Resident dumbass get busted!

        • crocodilegandhi-av says:

          Northerneye has no use for women that won’t fall in line with his way of thinking. They might as well just be “men” at that point! 

        • ohmygodthatissoterirble-av says:

          we should question everyone, especially if they’re a woman, because we’ve only just started educating them in the past 75 years

          • jhhmumbles-av says:
          • ohmygodthatissoterirble-av says:

            my great grandma only learned to read because she hid under the desk of her younger brother as he was tutored, my grandma didn’t go to college, and my mom got an associates degree and did nothing with it, my sister got an associates and works at starbucks AND as a graphic designer. Burried in student loan debt, she wants to go back to get a degree in graphic design. Might as well, you’re never going to retire, and it doesn’t really matter because you don’t want any kids.

          • tomatotugofwar-av says:

            I hope your family knows how you feel about women!

          • jhhmumbles-av says:

            Ain’t that America, I’m just not sure what point you’re making. 

        • arkayjiya-av says:

          I believe you. I still think your take is bad though. Black and White rhetoric? Rapists and sexual assaulters have been given the benefit of the doubt under the guise of “it’s more complicated” or “the world isn’t black and white” for decades if not more.What is “refreshing” is to actually discuss these issues as the horror they actually are. They are in fact black and white most of the time and the “world is grey” fallacy is apologist nonsense 99% of the time and should not be reinforced.

          • jhhmumbles-av says:

            Not the poster.  

          • arkayjiya-av says:

            True, my bad!

          • goldengirlsgirl-av says:

            I don’t necessarily think Wolf was saying the morality of sexual assault is grey – it’s all wrong. I interpret it as her saying the severity & frequency of sexual assault exist on a spectrum (e.g., violent rape & grabbing someone’s ass are not the same offense) and so putting all men into one of two buckets – hero or monster is both inaccurate & unproductive. I personally feel a lot less forgiving of men who behave like that, whether they apologize or not but I don’t see Wolf’s comments as apologist nonsense. I agree with you that rapists have been given the benefit of the doubt for far too long and that needs to change but we’re not going to convince skeptics if we suggest every assaulter is equivalent to a rapist.

        • misterpiggins-av says:

          It’s the internet, skepticism is probably fair.

        • SquidEatinDough-av says:

          Yes rightoids never pretend to be women or poc on the internet right before they spout concern troll talking points.Or maybe she’s a Pick Me, which is even sadder.

      • budsmom-av says:

        Nice to see how much you respect women when they state their opinion on a subject that affects, you know, women. Asshole. 

      • Rev2-av says:

        White gender fetishists just can’t even grasp the concerns of women while treating being a woman like cosplay. AND you’re a misogynist? Shocker!

      • dapoot-av says:

        Fuck off transphobe!

      • kidkosmos-av says:

        Way to prove her point.

    • maxleresistant-av says:

      The important part was that women now know that they can and should talk about this to the people close to them. That they will get support.
      Not so long ago, women were actually punished for being raped, either by being ostracized by their family, or rejected by men as “damaged” or just ignored. Like their parents would just change the subject and never talked about it ever.

      More importandly, we needed to have a conversation about consent.
      There is a blurred line between seducing and forcing, where men get women drinks, sweet talk, fake promise, and on the other side some women like being chased, they fake not being interested, they like to say no but they want the man to insist because they want him to “work for it”.

      Not saying that’s every man or woman, but that’s the point. The rules of the game are different for every person, and honesty and trust are key, but for some people it “kills the mood” or they’re just afraid of killing the mood. Which I find just stupid and dangerous.

    • jackburtoniii-av says:

      Yeah it’s super refreshing to see someone defend the status quo and say things we’ve routinely heard in response for the past 10 years. So brave and novel.

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        Right, and then douchebags like you attacking them for giving a truthful opinion because you’re threatened by anyone not chanting the same slogans as you. Because you’re a bad, dumb person. 

    • misterpiggins-av says:

      I think it’s brave of you to come out as a TERF so publicly.

  • sncreducer93117-av says:


  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    the issue with ck isn’t whether or not he apologized, the issue is: doing it in the first place. it’s not a real apology, we don’t actually know each other. it also didn’t actually upset me or hurt my feelings, but it does change my perspective of the guy. if your whole job is saying opinions i’m gonna be less receptive to the opinions of a guy who does that stuff. as a consumer, that’s how it works!

    • recoegnitions-av says:

      Cool. I don’t remember anyone asking you how you felt? 

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      The issue IS his apology. You either believe it was sincere and that he deserves a second chance or you believe he is insincere and doesn’t regret and isn’t remorseful for anything he did.End of.

    • frommyhotel-av says:

      Exactly. He was my favorite comedian, and I loved his show, but I can´t watch him now.  

      • rsqcom-av says:

        Same for Chapelle here. For a guy who quit his show because his jokes were entertaining racist instead of shaming them, I don’t understand how he can’t understand how his takes on lgbt culture are the same fucking thing.

        • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

          chappelle controlling a small town like a supervillain weirds me out so much more than anything he’s said.

        • seborst-av says:

          What BS! In the early days, Dave was actually guilty of a little racism. This was mainly in his skits is which White people were  continually portrayed as bumbling and lame.  He never entertained any white racists.  What he said about transgender people is a simple scientific fact.

        • rsqcom-av says:

          To Steve who deleted his message I guess. Chapelle explained why he quit to Letterman. He was afraid people were thinking the racism was the point. But sure you know why he quit better than him. “Letterman asks about the specific sketch in question and what it was about. Chappelle describes it as such: “The sketch wasn’t that bad. It’s actually funny. It was a pixie. It was me dressed in blackface who’d pop up anytime a person felt the pains of racism, which is a tough trick to pull off. It’s not a bad sketch, but hearing the wrong laugh, while you’re dressed that way, it makes you feel shame.””

          • anathanoffillions-av says:

            Yeah the main reason why I laughed at all of Dave’s jokes about black people was because I was immediately thinking of an analogue in my culture…it was basically like “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” –> you laughed at the similarities you laughed at the differences.  Quitting his life because a guy on the crew of his show found something on his show funny was kind of a red flag that something was off, and something was off, and something has been off ever since.  Calling him a hero when his main joke these days is “some men pretend they’re women ha ha ha” is fucked up.

          • mckludge-av says:

            I saw him do stand-up in Orlando fairly soon after he quit his show. I don’t know if it was truthful or just a bit, but in that show he pretty much said that the relationship between him and “Hollywood” was becoming a whore-pimp kind of relationship, and he decided he didn’t want that anymore. The way he said it was a whole lot funnier than what I typed. 

        • amoralpanic-av says:

          Many comedians turn into the people they used to make fun of. I just didn’t think he’d be one of ‘em. It’s disappointing.

      • dapoot-av says:

        I only started watchin after findin out he was a perv

      • aikimoe-av says:

        I work with people recently released from prison, help them find jobs, get back on their feet and start on a healthier path. Some of them did really bad things, but I have to deal with who they are right now and I can only judge by their current behavior the degree to which they’ve taken responsibility for their previous actions. Of course, there’s no way to know for sure. That’s what informs my opinion of CK. My understanding of CK’s bad behavior is that he did it many times over the years, stopped doing it in 2007, apologized personally to the people he did it to (years before he was caught), and there’s nothing to indicate he did it again after that. I sincerely don’t know what more a person can do or what we should expect of them.

        • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

          i don’t begrudge anyone for supporting him, hell i don’t begrudge anyone who didn’t care about it in the first place (whether or not a celebrity does something does not have any impact on my life, in any material sense). tom scharpling always said it’s very hard to find things you like in this world, and if you can’t live without laughing at louis ck, he’s out there putting out stuff for you to laugh at.my issue is just simple: he’s a comedian and i can’t laugh at him anymore, because i think he’s a weird freak. so what’s my incentive here? force myself to watch his stuff? nah, i’m just gonna take him out of the rotation and focus on other funny people.what i think is weird is when people act like i’m a weirdo for not ‘forgiving’ him or whatever. he didn’t do anything to me! i don’t care. that’s why i said the apology isn’t real. it’s not that i don’t think it’s an actual apology, it’s that it’s not an actual two-way street here. i don’t know the man. i know his work, and his work has been tainted. 

          • rsqcom-av says:

            If you make any choice but the one on the right wants you to make you are “woke” you must continue to consume all content approved by Great Leader!Marxists who scream capatilism while not understanding the role of consumers in the marketplace is the new normal. Someone not using ‘woke’ ironically coming in hot to prove my point on every message is humorous.

          • aikimoe-av says:

            I certainly don’t think you or anyone else who has a negative view of CK is a “weirdo.” And I completely understand your perspective on how his behavior affected your response to his comedy.

        • necgray-av says:

          We can expect that comedy venues, where he routinely accosted young women comics to whom he made tacit agreements of bringing up via opening and middling on the road, would ban him for WORKPLACE VIOLATIONS. Nobody is saying he can’t make a living. We’re saying he *shouldn’t* be able to make a living *as a standup comic*.Wolf’s insistence that we can’t have whatever bullshit conversations she thinks would apply is fucking bananas. A man in power used that power to sexually assault his junior coworkers. What can he do? What should we expect? Well, for a start how about some actual fucking *consequences*? And not some bullshit “He stayed away from standup for 8 months”.

          • aikimoe-av says:

            I’m not sure that I agree with your description of the facts of what he did (“routinely accosted young women comics to whom he made tacit agreements of…opening and middling on the road”). I think it would have been appropriate for him to make offers of compensation to the women who were subject to his negative behavior. But the fact that the behavior ended 10 years before it was widely reported indicates that he’d changed his behavior. I think changes in behavior are what matter most and a person in an occupation should have the opportunity to continue in it if they don’t engage in negative behavior.Of course, CK hasn’t been stopped from performing stand-up and still makes a good living doing it, because people still enjoy his work. If his negative behavior had continued, who knows if he’d still be successful?I’m generally opposed to the concept of “punishment,” as it’s a thoroughly subjective concept. Public safety and natural consequences can also be subjective, but much less so.

          • necgray-av says:

            It’s worth asking if the behavior stopped because of a personal realization that it was wrong or because it happened often enough and started to become known enough for him to feel threatened by potential blowback. The multiple rumors that he encouraged his management and people in the industry to essentially blackball anyone who made it clear that they intended to talk are also worth mentioning. The women who came forward with the strongest claims are also no longer comedians. In part because they felt chased out by CK and everyone who backs him. Which is depressingly a LOT of people in the comedy world. Turns out they can be an insular flock of shitbirds.

    • ohmygodthatissoterirble-av says:

      FACT: Louis CK asked nice if he could jack off for tigg narutoFACT: Tigg Naruto consented and did a shadow clone jutsu

    • doctormoo-av says:

      Well put. Most of the time, “cancelling” just means people don’t want to watch your stuff because they think you’re a jerk. It’s not a “culture,” it’s just a natural consequence.

    • dapoot-av says:

      Woketard Council rules no possibility of parole from cancellation

    • poopjk-av says:

      The guy made women watch him jack off into a potted plant like he was ashamed.In any other context, resturant owner, sales lead, retail manager, would there even be a converstation about weather he should get his job back

      • psizzle21-av says:

        he lost his jobs. Would your guy in question NEVER BE ABLE TO GET A JOB AGAIN FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE. That would actually be the apt comparison for what you apparently would like his sentence to be

      • precognitions-av says:

        Nope. That was Weinstein. Louis went home with two girls at 2am to his hotel, asked to jerk off in front of them, they said yes, and he did.

    • tarst-av says:

      We’re so far removed from CK’s heyday that I forgot a huge portion of his bit was being an “ally” to women. Like that was a big reason I appreciated his comedy. Everything he did just smashed that to pieces, and ok he apologized. He hasn’t done anything since to actually repair the damage he did to his legacy, but the whole attitude seems to be that we should ignore a gaping hole in what made him culturally relevant to begin with.

    • pugnaciouspangolin-av says:

      The thing that infuriated me was hearing people saying things like: “He asked before he did it in front of them” or “He did it on the phone so it wasn’t that bad.”The point is that he NEVER SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT IT WAS IN ANY WAY APPROPRIATE IN THE FIRST PLACE! I don’t care how close of a relationship you have to your friends, you don’t expose your genitalia to anyone except your doctor or your current partner. Of course, there are probably some exceptions, but that’s my baseline.Power will corrupt those who are susceptible, and I found his apology middling, as it did not sound like true contrition to me. It sounded like a half-assed attempt to apologize, ignorantly salted with an inability to accept the blame for putting his ostensible friends in a very uncomfortable position.

    • precognitions-av says:

      yeah i personally can only laugh at the fat guy who says his life is a sad joke when i don’t know he got permission to masturbate in front of someone

  • akhippo-av says:

    Chappelle gleefully ignores the fact that the majority of trans women murdered in this rat-fucked country are Black. He and whoever this idiot is doesn’t give a single fuck about Black folks. He doesn’t need us ‘cause he barks on command/cash for white audiences. 

    • recoegnitions-av says:

      You’re mentally ill. Stop talking. No one anywhere cares what you think about anything. 

    • seven-deuce-av says:


    • moolila-av says:

      As I recall, in the first special he said being trans was a white person problem. Not only was much of the bit just transphobic, but it’s fucking wrong and harmful to not only a marginalized community, but a marginalized part of the community that has been actively targeted.

      I’m not white knighting, I’m a mixed race trans woman. These are not only people in my community, but it includes me and he just completely erased me from the discussion for the same shitty joke that has been done since the early 2000s.

    • gcodori-av says:

      Chappelle: the kindest man ever.

      Also Chappelle: Threatens a city commission with withholding a large donation if they consider building low-income housing anywhere near his home. So Kind, as long as they are rich like he is. I’m sure Jesus would have had the same opinion on poor people. This is one of his shite takes that most people forgot about because of his transphobic comments…

    • ndlb-av says:


    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      Yes, this! They conviently ignore that people can be black and trans! But they’re not interested in how Caitlyn Jenner’s experience differs from Laverne Cox’s. They are only interested is refusing the same support to Cox that they would to cis folks. 

      • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

        I mean…the original bit that got him in trouble was about how the cis, white, bourgeois men running the “LGBTQ+ Movement” didn’t give a fuck about people like Laverne Cox, other than viewing their movement’s association with people like her as an obstacle to their getting their due as cis, white, bourgeois men.

      • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

        Also, Chappelle’s been a raging, petulant dick since the DARVO tactics of the rich white men whose transphobia he was mocking successfully reframed the conversation around his bit into *Chappelle* being transphobic, based on a dumb, one-off line.

    • misterpiggins-av says:

      Him and Wolf are fucking blind assholes apparently.  Fuck ‘em both, I hope they’re miserable together.

    • dapoot-av says:

      The majority of trans women murdered in this rat-fucked country are victims of Black on Black, homie

    • dapoot-av says:

      That’s not cool. They would kill for a good rat fuckin in Africa

    • vanheat-av says:

      Jesus fucking Christ, he’s not “gleefully” ignoring that, he’s a fucking comedian who hasn’t addressed it, probably because it’s not funny. You want him to talk about murdered black trans folk in his act?
      You know what, he could probably make it funny.As for this “he doesn’t need us/cash for whites” nonsense, A) Chappelle is still massively popular in the black community, and B) You’re calling someone an uncle tom over jokes, which be their very nature CANNOT BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY.Between your bullshit and another user comparing Chapelle/CK to the confederacy, there sure are reasonable people and rational conversation from the progs about this.

    • ant1accurate-av says:

      She and he are full of ish, framing this as some type of blacks rights nonsense while ignoring reality regarding transgenders and violence.

    • seborst-av says:

      You are poorly informed. Dave didn’t ignore anything. He merely states the fact that a sex change operation does not actually change a man into a woman. The fact that a majority of transwomen who are killed are also Black is irrelevant. A slim majority of all people who are killed in acts of homicide are Black. Before you get on a high horse, slightly more than half of homicides are committed by Black people who are only 13% of the population. Go look it up on the DOJ website.

    • vanheat-av says:

      Wonderful racism on your part. Calling a man who is massively popular with black audiences and white audiences an Uncle Tom over jokes is totally normal.Here’s a hint: One cannot take jokes seriously. If you do, you are a moron. If you let words hurt you, you are giving other people control over your life (google external locus of control). Chappelle is hurting no one. Offense is never given, it is always taken. If the trans community wants to freak out over it, that’s on them.Your point about black trans women being murdered is insane. It has absolutely nothing to do with Chappelle. Zilch. The fact is that the murder rate of black trans women is no higher than that of cis black men. Should Chappelle not joke about cis black men? Do you see where I’m going here?

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      “He and whoever this idiot is doesn’t give a single fuck about Black folks.”Right?  And she has the nerve to claim he’s a hero because he’s fighting for “his people”?  White lady, you don’t get to decide what kind of hero “his people” need or want.

  • aaron1592-av says:

    How is Chapelle “disgraced”? He’s still doing stand up and can verbally destroy anyone who comes at him (he more than held his own against Hannah Gadsby) , got a bloody Mark Twain award and I believe is on tour with Jon Stewart. I mean, Michael Richards is disgraced (rightfully) who has seen him in years.

  • thewideocean-av says:

    Wolf critizizes the black-and-white approach of the metoo movement and then you write this:gave both disgraced menThanks for making her point, because you relly seem to believe, that jerking off in front of an unwilling female audience is on the same level as making a few jokes about the trans people. I’d wager, that 99% of all people do not identify Chappelle as either transphobic or disgraced. The 1% meet at the AVClub and Jezebel and similar places.

  • milligna000-av says:

    Pretty insipid stuff. I’ll pass on that special and she can enjoy her scumbag “friends” and fuck off to another cornfield.

  • byeyoujerkhead-av says:

    Does she know that black people can change their names now, but the government is trying to make it illegal for trans people to get life-saving medication? Just say you don’t give a fuck about trans lives. JFC

    • recoegnitions-av says:

      Lol “ life-saving medication”. You realize that medically transitioning has been shown not to have any effect on trans suicide rates right?Chant more slogans though. It’s really unique and interesting. 

    • darthspartan117-av says:

      Genuine question though. There was a comment on the back of a medication I was taking that said that Women should not take this. How can you genuinely be sure that any medicine that is designed for one sex or another is either good or bad to take? (I don’t have any angle with this, just curious)

      • killa-k-av says:

        I don’t think you can. I remember reading somewhere that there’s a pretty big problem with medical trials that exclude a lot of groups – particularly pregnant women, but also racial minorities.

      • budsmom-av says:

        Heart medications were only tested on men, and to the entire medical community, it was very surprising that it didn’t work that well for women, because, we’re different.Big pharma puts women in commercials for their products because they think it seems more empathetic and women go to the doctor more than men, but they fail to tell you it probably was only tested on men. 

        • ralphnz-av says:

          I’m really sorry to tell you this, but under the terms of the Everything Has To Be Equal Act 1973, for saying “women are different from men” you must be cancelled, horribly, including losing your job and tenancy (which in the US is like a death sentence only much slower and more painful, with no appeals).

          • budsmom-av says:

            In my several decades on this planet I have learned a few things.

            As a rule, and this doesn’t apply to all men, but to a lot (read most) men think every idea they have qualifies them for Genius of the Year, and then when it blows up in their face, women get to clean up the mess. If we dare point out the problems with their moronic plan before it’s put in motion, we’re told we have bad attitudes, hard to get along with, or just plain bitchy.But gee, thanks for making sure that you guys get all the good drugs to keep your dick hard, fix your fucked up hearts, etc. while women have to beg and fight to get a fraction of what you get.

      • cocoawitch-av says:

        Pharmacy tech here – I won’t speak for all medications, but a *lot* of the time gendered restrictions on medication are based on potential reproductive side effects. These are situations that drs and pharmacists can help patients navigate for their individual situation.

      • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

        Isn’t that what we have…. doctors for?

      • byeyoujerkhead-av says:

        As a trans woman, I genuinely don’t know the answer to that. What I do know is that in the summer of 2017, I developed a chronic vomiting and nausea condition that almost killed me. I threw up twelve or more times a day, lost 80 pounds in a couple of months without moving my body. Some meds got me to be somewhat functional, but I still got ragingly nauseous every morning for two or three hours. That lasted for five years. It completely vanished in two weeks after taking HRT, and it’s been gone for nearly a year.

      • dapoot-av says:

        The medication is transphobic. If you identify as a man its safe to take

      • peon21-av says:

        In theory, they look through the data of the drug trials to look for demographic-specific effects. But that relies on a reliably diverse cohort of trial subjects. Some drug trials deliberately exclude women because they’re “too complicated” (y’know, because of all the periods, pre/mid/post pregnancy changes, menopauses, and so on) compared to gathering data on men, and just take the data and assume it fits all. Frankly, I’m surprised your medication’s makers actually bothered to find out if it was bad for women.I recommend the fascinating book “Invisible Women” by Caroline Criado Perez, that digs into the sheer scale of gender biases in supposedly universal design, research etc.

    • Rev2-av says:

      Life-saving = chemical castration and mutilation. JFC is right.

    • commk-av says:

      Yeah, that strikes me as a particularly dumb point. Because you’re comparing 2015 to 1964? What do you think would’ve happened to a trans woman publicly announcing her gender in the same year? Because we know, and it’s basically down to institutionalization or getting beaten to death. Literally zero chance an out trans person is even allowed to compete for heavyweight champion of the world.
      “’Why was it easier for Caitlyn Jenner to change her gender than it was for Cassius Clay to change his name?” I think that spells it out right there. He wants everyone to be able to live the way they want to live, including Black people.’”

      That does spell out the message Chappelle has been pushing since the beginning of this. “People like me obviously have it the worst in every situation, and the bigotries I don’t personally have to deal with are automatically lesser in comparison and undeserving of consideration. I don’t hate them, I just don’t take their pain as seriously as I demand you take mine.”

    • misterpiggins-av says:

      She had a real bonehead take, but that’s transphobia I guess.

    • dapoot-av says:

      Yup. Plus black men are dominating the NBA but not a single trans!

    • vanheat-av says:

      I’m always amazed how people can read into things and find faults that aren’t there at all. WTF are you talking about? Was the conversation about trans health care? No? Did Wolf, C.K., or Chapelle talk about trans health care at all? No? Does not talking about something automatically make you unaware of/against it?To progressives, yes. The answer is apparently yes.Hey, they didn’t talk about the homeless crisis. Don’t they know that various local governments are fucking them over even more? Just say you don’t give a fuck about homeless people. JFC.

    • precognitions-av says:

      Life-saving? How?

    • ohmygodthatissoterirble-av says:

      hormone treatment doesn’t save anyone’s life, that’s like saying giving your kid what they wanted when they held their breath saved it’s life.

  • twstewart-av says:

    I wonder what the actual history behind Muhammed Ali’s name change is? I can find a lot of why, but the closest to any documentation on the process is a USA Today article claiming no legal process was required in the 1960s. Meanwhile, Wikipedia says his name change was not respected by most newspapers at the time, but (understandably) doesn’t talk about when it became widely recognized.

    (As an aside, my mother didn’t recognize it until after he died. Until then, she’d use Muhammad Ali, but usually shortly after say that wasn’t his “real name”. So clear it wasn’t an easy transition, but I’m curious about the comparison)

    • gildie-av says:

      There’s a great Ken Burns series on Muhammad Ali if you’re really curious.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      He wanted to demonstrate his faith to the Nation of Islam (which, of course, rattled plenty of white people) and to rid himself of the name Cassius (Marcellus) Clay, after whom he was named. Clay had been an abolitionist but had also owned slaves.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    You know who else was kind and generous? People living in the antebellum South. They have a whole term for it: Southern Hospitality. Southerners, especially those with large estates, were considered incredibly welcoming and giving to all people*. It’s a perception so ingrained in the culture that it endures to this day.
    *I haven’t completed my research on this period of American History yet, so I hope there’s not some huge inconsistency in character I’ve yet to discover that would conflict with this perception.

  • mc-ezmac-av says:

    She looks like Carrot Top in that pic.

  • ghoastie-av says:

    Ultimately, the fact that the entertainment industry is a mostly-rigged lottery system is why, when anybody behaves badly, the remedy that makes sense to their most vociferous detractors is “GO AWAY FOREVER.” No matter how hard they worked or how talented they are, there is a lingering sense — and not an illegitimate one, either! — that they’re a lottery winner. They’re doing something far less vital to society than janitorial work, and likely getting paid WAY more for it if they’re deemed worth attacking in the first place.Unfortunately, if you think about that for another five seconds, you realize that the punishment we want to dole out to a bad actor (pun intended!) is just… the life that we passively condemn hundreds of millions of people to with a shrug, without knowing the first thing about their moral character (or what it might have been, had they not suffered the vagaries of another, bigger rigged game first.)

  • loremipsum010101-av says:

    Yeah, comparing Cassius Clay to Kendal Jenner is totally fair. It isn’t like 65 fucking years separate the two events or anything.“Actually this toxic person I personally know isn’t that bad” is pretty cowardly. Which isn’t surprising coming from a comic who gleefully performs in repressive countries in the Middle East. 

  • jackburtoniii-av says:

    Wolf is also critical of the #MeToo movement in her special, calling it “the worst-run movement I’ve ever seen,” because, as she explained to RS, “I think it was a very black-and-white approach that they took, when in fact it was an incredibly gray subject matter that required a lot of conversations that we literally weren’t allowed to have.”
    I’m sorry, who the fuck is “THEY” in that sentence? Someone please enlighten me. Is it “every person who had an opinion”? “Women who were allegedly assaulted across multiple continents, corporations, and industries”? I’m having trouble figuring out the identity of this mythical monolithic #MeToo representative and ringleader.

    • ohmygodthatissoterirble-av says:

      it’s woman, woman are terrible at running things. The leader of the metoo movement raped an underage boy, and I think amber heard was involved in the metoo movement and she was a liar too. I’m not saying bad things don’t happen to woman, but the ho’s that rose to the top were just dumb bitches

    • jrcorwin-av says:

      …you do know that the movement had leadership and structure, right?

    • malciredex-av says:

      I mean she seems to very specifically be focusing on the entertainment industry.Which makes it odd that C.K. is her example of most punished when there is, you know, Harvey Weinstien.

      • jackburtoniii-av says:

        There’s no #MeToo wing of SAG-AFTRA or any other industry organization. It’s just a hashtag people used. There’s no “they”. There’s people acting independently and in different ways and with differing degrees of response or even influence in light of mounting (but generalized) public pressure — many of them just anonymous people writing things on Twitter.

      • dapoot-av says:

        CK no rapey. Just a lil jerkin off

        • malciredex-av says:

          Very true.

        • precognitions-av says:

          no no you don’t get it, he used his power as a more successful comedian to take advantage of those two women.(the subtext being that he should have given them favors and free publicity in return for it to be “fair”)

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        I’m grateful for the movement; my only issue is that white women (and many of them celebrities) co-opted it from Tarana Burke and gave it a white face without giving her any credit.
        In an interview about the MeToo movement, Chappelle said he “doesn’t think people want to see a comedian who worries about the repercussions of what they say.”
        There’s a reason that kings kept jesters in their courts. They could say things others wouldn’t dare. Comedy is actually a very serious business and I’ve always found it disturbing the way Chappelle cracks a joke and then runs to the back of the stage like a bratty little kid.

    • thundercatsridesagain-av says:

      I haven’t seen her new special yet, so I can’t say for certain how well this material shaped up. But I saw her in an early tryout of this material, when she was still very much crafting the show and working through jokes. This whole section of the act did. not. land. It was awkward as hell. She touched on Chappelle a bit and I don’t remember anything about CK. But I remember this section of her set being not very good and tonally very different from the rest of the stuff she tried out. I’m interested to see how it shaped up for the tour, because it was definitely the roughest part of that early set last year. 

    • dapoot-av says:

      She’s referring to woketards

    • apewhohathnoname-av says:

      Thank you! I was thinking the exact same thing when I was reading the passage. These people live in a prison of their own minds. How dare women and men share their experiences working with shitheads who refuse to understand consent, boundaries, bodily autonomy?! No, it’s they pulling the strings.Regarding Chappelle and CK: Sometimes you learn something about someone and your opinion of them changes. It’s not fucking rocket surgery, Michelle. For so called, “free thinkers,” comedians can be very rigid. 

      • drips-av says:

        Can confirm. My ex does standup. And while she was good, a lot of her peers were gross, uptight, backstabbing, door keeping shit-asses.

    • galdarn-av says:

      “I’m sorry, who the fuck is “THEY” in that sentence?”Nobody at all, because we can all agree that there have been no instances where someone had a sexual experience they regretted and then wrote an article about it and people went out of their minds and acted as if Aziz Ansari being a lousy lay was the same as what Harvey Weinstein did.Never happened right? #MeToo has been nothing but smooth sailing with everyone agreeing about everything.

    • seborst-av says:

      Duh! It means a large and vocal fraction of the group.

    • dresstokilt-av says:

      The #MeToo movement is just a division of Antifa Supersoldier Command.

    • precognitions-av says:

      The media, obviously, who set the tone through reportage (and signal boosting random Tweets) of how this all was supposed to be discussed.

  • braziliagybw-av says:

    They try to act like Dave is some sort of villain when he’s not. He’s a hero. He’s fighting for his people.
    So were the Japanese in ‘41, lady…

    • budsmom-av says:

      You’re comparing a stand up comedian to a country that attacked a US Naval base, tortured and killed thousands if not millions of Chinese people and American military during WW2? JFC. And to be clear, Japan wasn’t “fighting for its people”. They were pissed off that the US had put an embargo on oil shipments when they invaded French Indochina in 1941. But nice try! Thanks for playing! 

      • ndlb-av says:

        Yup, this comment section is a good example of the left’s equivalent of the Trump cult.  Anything even slightly outside of their worldview is evil and deserves to be destroyed.

      • braziliagybw-av says:

        You’re comparing a stand up comedian to a country that attacked a US Naval base, tortured and killed thousands if not millions of Chinese people and American military during WW2?

        No. Actually my argument is way simpler than that: “one’s belief that he’s fighting for their people doesn’t inherently means the way he’s ‘fighting’ isn’t wrong”. Since the usage of the Japanese in WWII seems to have triggered you (I wonder what would have been if I had used Nazi soldiers – not top brass, but actual troops – who carried the Nazi efforts genuinely believing they were “fighting for the German people”), let me try a tamer example… Think about American soldiers who killed civilian Vietnamese (My Lai), or American operatives torturing Iraqi prisioners, lots of them lately found absolutely innocent (Abu Grahib). Those are undeniable, well documented examples, and no decent human being denies it was wrong. Yet, I bet money that at least some of the Americans who did those things sincerely believed they were fighting for “their people”, in the form of stopping the advance of Comunism, or Terrorism, towards America and American interests. It still doesn’t make it right…And just in case, again, no, I’m not equating one-on-one the seriousness of murder and torture to the effects of Chapelle’s shitty transphobic humor upon the transgeder community. The point is that whenever somebdy claims to be “fighting for their people”, we should not accept it at face value, and ask if that “fight” isn’t actually hurting people who were not a threat to said people in first place. In this case: Chapelle “fighting for his people” with transphobic humor is not only hurting and causing damage to the transgender community – who isn’t even the “enemy” of his people – but also isn’t hitting the people who actually attack his people – racists conservatives, who in fact actually love and praise Chapelle’s attacks on transgenders!Yes, that was too long, but since you hadn’t got it from the short form, it was necessary…P.S.: The Japanese fighting because “they were pissed off that the US had put an embargo on oil shipments when they invaded French Indochina in 1941″ is literally they “fighting for their people”: to try and stop something they saw as something that would cause suffering to them.Thanks for playing!

        • dapoot-av says:

          Damn. You went full woketard

        • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

          It’s polite to add a TL, DR when writing a lengthy essay in an internet comment section.Like most instances, the appropriate one in this case is:“I’m a straight white guy who never lettered in shit.”

      • vanheat-av says:

        Earlier someone compared these comedians to the confederacy. There is no chill here.

  • ohmygodthatissoterirble-av says:

    Louis CK did nothing wrong, he plainly asked if it was okay, it’s was 100% tigg naruto’s fault for saying it was okay for him to jack off for them.

  • hamiltonistrash-av says:

    Michelle Wolf?These takes are Michelle WOOF

  • jrcorwin-av says:

    Good lord hahahaha Dave is not “disgraced.” He told jokes you didn’t like. Calm down and move on.

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    “He’s the only one who did that, and it seems like he got punished the most for it… He apologized and wants to make things better, and instead people were like, ‘No, you can’t. There’s no way for you to make things better unless you do this and this.’ But nobody said what ‘this and this’ was. Nobody said what he could do because nobody agreed on what he could do.”Yep, that’s how it works sometimes. CK can’t just say some magic words and then instantly have his reputation restored and everyone showering him with Emmys again*. To many he’s just always going to be the dude who forced women to watch him jerk off. He’s not in jail, and he’s most definitely not broke or living under a bridge somewhere; he just has to life with the fact that a lot of people who once respected him now think he’s a weirdo predator asshole creep, and probably will forever. Shrug.*He’ll just have to settle for the Grammy he won last year.

  • uncle-ponto-av says:

    I’m grateful I was born before the internet and got to experience people when they still had souls.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    Maybe you can let someone stay at your nice house and have jokes that punch down..

  • tmcauley-av says:

    Good for her.

  • fnertpleeble-av says:

    “Why was it easier for Caitlyn Jenner to change her gender than it was for Cassius Clay to change his name?” I understand his point, and I’m not chosing sides. However, to address his question directly, it might be because the name change was 59 years ago. If Ms. Jenner had tried to change gender in March of 1964, she probably, literally, would not have lived to see April.

  • misterpiggins-av says:

    “Why was it easier for Caitlyn Jenner to change her gender than it was for Cassius Clay to change his name?”Oh I dunno…because Ali changed his name in the ‘60s? Maybe Ali helped make things easier for Jenner? But have ya noticed that for people not Jenner, it’s still not fucking easy for them to change their gender? Because of fuckers named Chappelle?“He’s fighting for his people.”Well, if they’re not trans.“Louis, I feel, is the only one who actually admitted to anything or apologized.”The fuck he did? Was it after he tried to sneak back into comedy venues and try some sneaky standup?I’m fuckin’ disappointed Wolf.

  • dapoot-av says:

    That’s what I’ve been sayin! Nothing wrong with a lil hanky panky. The Wolf is alright.

  • poopjk-av says:

    ….she knows we can see Chappelle is both obsessed and very much angry? Like he’s trying real hard to act like he isn’t angry but it is very clear that he’s feeling, “how dare you peasents try to pass judgement on my comedy? Do you not know who i am!?” as he retreads the same material for a third special.

  • KingKangNYC-av says:

    So according to her, Hitler should have been allowed to apologize. After all, he did make some decent paintings.

    • vanheat-av says:

      This thread is complete madness. You are equating a *comedian* to Hitler…for telling jokes. Jokes cannot be taken seriously. Jokes cannot be taken seriously. Jokes cannot be taken seriously.If someone is offended by a joke they are either a) very weak people with external locus of control, or b) disingenuous activists who want to shut down speech.Equating words with violence is a power move.

  • itstheonlywaytobesure-av says:

    I don’t really understand the logic here. Black folks had it pretty rough in this country* so other marginalized groups should too? There’s strong zero-sum-game energy around the “argument” that we can’t criticize someone for transphobic jokes or comments because racism exists. That’s assuming it’s a good faith argument and not some red herring. *and still do!

  • everyonesmom-av says:

    It’s pretty easy to throw a bunch of bullshit against the wall in a national interview when you, literally, have nothing to lose. Any publicity is good pub for MW. She’s not interesting to anyone, ever. This is her only schtick too stay “relevant”. She’s Giuliani.

  • charliebrownii-av says:

    Someone want to point out to these geniuses that comparing something that happened in the 1960s with something that happened in 2015 is not even remotely insightful?

  • thatsmyaccountgdi-av says:

    This bitch is the fucking Kato Kaelin of stand-up comedy

  • camillamacaulay-av says:

    So, we hate Michelle Wolff now? We hate Jon Stewart because he defends Dave Chappelle? I assume we should all hate Amy Poehler because she basically dedicated her entire (awesome) autobiography to Louis CK?Such an inclusive movement!  We are painting ourselves into a smaller and smaller corner. 

  • ant1accurate-av says:

    “I think people really miss a lot of what he’s saying. He says it very clearly in his one special: “Why was it easier for Caitlyn Jenner to change her gender than it was for Cassius Clay to change his name?” I think that spells it out right there.”So questioning the speed of transgender rights, (“easier”)is really an attempt to support black people?FOH, from a black man.

  • puggymemorialsociety-av says:

    “Why was it easier for Caitlyn Jenner to change her gender than it was for Cassius Clay to change his name?” Because one happened in 2015 and the other happened in 1964, with a half century of progress between the two. Hope that helps!

    • dresstokilt-av says:

      Wolf going full on Boomer here with the “things were once hard, now they’re not, and this is A Problem!” Can’t wait for her next special telling people that the only reason they don’t have a million-dollar house they bought on their single minimum-wage salary is because of avocado toast.

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        Actually, imo, she sounds a fair bit like the Millennial that she is (whose parents are boomers).

        • dresstokilt-av says:

          Ahh yes, Millennials, famous for questioning why things are so much easier now than they were before.

          • breadnmaters-av says:

            I did point out that their parents are boomers, didn’t I? What goes around, came around in this case.

          • dresstokilt-av says:

            I don’t know what Millennials you’re hanging out with.

          • breadnmaters-av says:

            Lol, you’re the one who went all “boomer and avocado toast” so I’m not suprised that you don’t get it. Yes, the boomers pretty much pulled up the ladder after climbing it, and they are sanctimonious assholes. They also ‘spoiled’ their kids (the Mills). I don’t know of any other generation that grew up with so much ‘stuff’. The economy is shit now and the Mills are bitching, just like their parents are. The Mills don’t lack in work ethic but they are woefully uncreative and they were overly attached to their parents in the first place. They thought a nice economy would be handed to them. We all thought so too. A lot of them also happen to be sanctimonious assholes.

          • dresstokilt-av says:

            OK boomer.

          • breadnmaters-av says:

            Not a boomer, lol. I have no part in any of this – literally.

  • patrick-is-occasionall-on-point-av says:

    Oh, we’re dogpiling Michelle Wolfe this week? Damn, dude… I was just getting comfortable dogpiling Ashton Kutcher and Mika Kunis and Drew Barrymore. It’s getting hard to keep up.  You guys have to maybe consider not freaking the fuck out every time a celebrity (who you will never know and never meet and has likely zero impact on your life in any way) expresses an opinion contrary to the party line. “Participation in online backlash” is not a healthy hobby.

  • weedlord420-av says:

    I don’t agree with her on every point but I do agree that there needs to be some way to actually make restitution. Nothing will ever erase the past, but I feel like these days people just assume that any sort of apology from people (well, famous people at least) is either an outright lie or made in bad faith.

    • necgray-av says:

      There ARE ways to make restitution. One of them is accepting the consequences of your actions. And since CK came back to standup comedy, the field in which he sexually assaulted coworkers, and managed to be nominated for a fucking Grammy, you can see where the idea of restitution is kind of fucking clownshoes. He took less than a year off from touring as a comedian and then got right back on that horse. No legal blowback. No professional blowback. The most you could say for his career right now is that it’s harder to book colleges and other progressive-leaning venues. And people don’t really want to see him on TV or in movies. But he still sells out clubs. He still has a massive following.Obviously part of the problem is that he’s a very, very talented comic. He’s GOOD at what he does. But that talent is largely responsible for his feeling that he could get away with his behavior.

      • precognitions-av says:

        I think he lost like $35 million dollars and all his movies and projects were cancelled and he’ll obviously never have any access to anything he doesn’t create himself ever again. I’d say that’s more than “no blowback” for a guy who got permission to jerk off in front of someone.

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        “No professional blowback.”Lololol. You’re delusional. And thankfully you don’t matter. 

    • taco-emoji-av says:

      there needs to be some way to actually make restitutionactually no, there does not. nobody is fucking entitled to a career in comedy or showbiz or whatever.also what would “restitution” even look like here? people en masse decide they don’t like somebody anymore. what can you even do about that?

  • iboothby203-av says:

    “He’s the only one who did that, and it seems like he got punished the most for it…” His people threatened the comedians that spoke out and the experience cost them work. How did he attempt to make them whole after that? Also he won a Grammy and is working big venues still. If that’s being punished the most… 

  • jallured1-av says:

    Louis CK and Dave Chapelle are two of the most financially successful comics working today — or ever. Their careers are stronger than ever; they attract immense audiences. I’m so confused why they need to be protected????? 

  • Lyr-av says:

    I love Dave Chappelle!

  • dresstokilt-av says:

    He wants everyone to be able to live the way they want to live, including Black people. Wow she’s going to be really shocked when she hears his latest specials.Time and time again we see that, as a country, we literally don’t want Black people to live and we don’t do anything about it.Interesting, interesting. Hmm what happens when you replace “Black” with “Trans?” Oh right, you get a Dave Chappelle special.They try to act like Dave is some sort of villain when he’s not. He’s a hero. He’s fighting for his people.You can fight for your people without being a crab in a barrel. This dude isn’t fighting for anyone other than his career, and he lashed himself (proudly, I might add) to a fucking fascist enabler using the language of genocide.

    Fuck him, and fuck her for defending a dude just because he let her crash on his couch. I have crashed on the couch of a few people who later came out as full-on trash, and never once did I feel the need to defend them just because they had once been generous to me.

    • vanheat-av says:

      You’re outside of your mind. You’re saying that because he told *some jokes*, he wants trans people to die.I can’t believe I have to explain this, but you cannot take jokes seriously. If anyone takes them seriously, that is their error, and the tactic of equating language to violence is simply about shutting down speech you disagree with. And if you do take language as violence, you are giving up your freedom. You have created an external locus of control, which is unfortunately totally encouraged these days, in academia and activist circles.Who is the fascist enabler? What language of genocide? WTF are you talking about?

    • dresstokilt-av says:

      To the grey who has no idea what I’m talking about: Check out this site called Google, I’m sure you’ll find it has many answers to your questions. It might teach you about comedy and the concepts of “punching up” and “punching down” which you don’t seem to understand.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        “punching up” is rewriting a joke or script in order to improve it.
        “punching down” is something assholes on The AV Club say to try to haughtily put down people who don’t parrot the acceptable party line du jour in their comments.

      • vanheat-av says:

        Lol ok. There is no such thing as “punching down.” You can make fun of anything or anyone. That’s called “equality.”I found no “fascist enabler” or “genocide language” when I googled Dave. Me suspects you are, um, a touchy regressive cunt who thinks language needs limits and comedy has rules.Thanks for passive-aggressively keeping me in the grays, though! You’re not a touchy progressive pussy at all!

      • dresstokilt-av says:

        To the other grey who called me a cunt, you’re welcome for staying there.

        • vanheat-av says:

          Oh mercy mercy me! What ever shall I ever do stuck in the greys!You think comedy has rules and that the progressive stack dictates who can be made fun of/who can do the joking, and you apparently think mainstream entertainers are fascists and want genocide.You are, most definitely, a regressive, unfunny, unfun, anti-comedy, censorious, delusional fucking cunt.

  • docprof-av says:

    How he can be mean to trans people, he’s nice to me, a person who isn’t trans!

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Ali changed his name in 1964. A great many things were more difficult for the Black community (and many others) then. It’s also unlikely that a celebrity like Jenner would have openly transitioned, if at all. That is some very uneven logic here. Has Wolf emerged as the “pick me” girl/comedian? You’re right, Michell, Your “not feminist enough” for this feminist.

  • little-king-trashmouth-av says:

    Dave Chapelle is not “fighting” for me and equality is not a zero-sum game.

  • vanheat-av says:

    Yellowfoot:You are entirely outside of your mind if you’re comparing these comedians to the Confederacy, and it’s truly disgusting and racist. The fact that people agree with you is just a snapshot of how mentally damaged progressives are. Utter, drooling madness.

  • thenoblerobot-av says:

    He apologized and wants to make things better, and instead people were like, ‘No, you can’t.

    I’ve heard this argument before, and it seems to make a lot of sense when you first hear it, but the problem is… ya gotta pay for your crimes, and sometimes that price is pretty high.Like, Louis CK did a bunch of extremely awful things over a long period of time, and it sorta doesn’t matter how sorry he is about it or whether he’s truely reformed. I just don’t want to see his stand-up comedy anymore, and I don’t owe him an opportunity to win me back. I really don’t.

  • hcd4-av says:

    Thank god there are no trans Black people, because then what would Dave do?

    • ohmygodthatissoterirble-av says:

      black trans lives don’t matter to the community, that’s the joke. As much as they vote democrat the black community is very conservative religiously, and they’d rally under BLM but  you add gay trans to the mix and all of a sudden everyone shuts up and gets wide eye’d.

      • SquidEatinDough-av says:

        Always cringe how whites/rightoids often generalize poc “communities” and spout the “actually they’re really religiously conservative/bigoted” talking point they’re so fond of.Stop speaking for us, thanks, you sound stupid and really out of touch.

  • 0vvorldisabombaclaart0-av says:

    people want Louis CK to go be a destitute civilian. 

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    “Why was it easier for Caitlyn Jenner to change her gender than it was for Cassius Clay to change his name?” I mean…I guarantee you that if both of these events happened at the same time rather than 50 years apart, the difficulty would have been more similar. Does Chappelle think Caitlyn Jenner would have had an easy time changing her gender in 1966? Or that Cassius Clay would have had a difficult time changing his name in 2015? It’s a silly comparison.“He’s a hero. He’s fighting for his people.”You’re not “his people,” ma’am. Why don’t you let us decide if he’s our hero.As for Louis CK being “punished” for apologizing…isn’t he doing sold-out shows now? “Punished” where? Anyway, this is some real pick-me behavior.

  • marceline8-av says:

    Why did she have to live with Chappelle and his family during the pandemic?

  • precognitions-av says:

    Pleasantly surprised by Wolf’s comments. But then again, maybe I shouldn’t be, since she is actually funny, after all.

  • vanheat-av says:

    To Jerk Gently, who is currently making Douglas Adams spin in his grave,Oh mercy mercy me! What ever shall I ever do stuck in the greys!You think comedy has rules and that the progressive stack dictates who can be made fun of/who can do the joking, and you apparently think mainstream entertainers are fascists and want genocide.You are, most definitely, a regressive, unfunny, unfun, anti-comedy, censorious, delusional fucking cunt.

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