Dave Chappelle’s imminent hosting slot reportedly drives some SNL writers to boycott

Dave Chappelle, known in recent years for blatantly transphobic jokes, is set to host Saturday Night Live on November 12 alongside musical guest Black Star

Aux News Dave Chappelle
Dave Chappelle’s imminent hosting slot reportedly drives some SNL writers to boycott
Dave Chappelle Photo: Kristy Sparow

As Saturday Night Live prepares to welcome Dave Chappelle back into Studio 8H, some writers are reportedly stepping back in response. Chappelle is set to host the November 12 show alongside musical guest Black Star, a decision that’s already caused public backlash given Chappelle’s well-documented transphobia.

A source reportedly close to Saturday Night Live shares that there are staff writers who are “not going to do the show,” but “none of the actors are boycotting,” per Page Six.

In recent years, Chappelle has become known for unapologetically transphobic comedy, a harmful content choice he has consistently and publicly doubled down on. Chappelle also led Netflix into hot water for repeatedly platforming his comments. His 2021 Netflix special The Closer—which features several jokes where Chappelle asserts that trans women are not real women—prompted a collective of Netflix’s trans employees to stage a walkout in protest.

Saturday Night Live has multiple queer cast members, and just this year welcomed their first non-binary player in comedian Molly Kearney. No cast members have made any public statements condemning the show, as of yet. However, at least one SNL employee, writer Celeste Yim, shared a message to their Instagram Story that seemingly alluded to the Chappelle announcement.

“I’m trans and non-binary,” Yim wrote, alongside a picture of them on the job at 30 Rockefeller Plaza. “I use they/them pronouns. Transphobia is murder and it should be condemned.”

Despite all the stirrings of backlash, a representative for Chappelle paints a different picture. According to the comedian’s rep, a Tuesday writer’s meeting preparing for the show indicated “no evidence” of a boycott brewing amongst writers and cast.

“The room was full of writers,” the rep tells Page Six. “They all pitched ideas and they seemed very excited about it… Dave is looking to have some fun.”


  • dresstokilt-av says:

    While we’re doing redemption tours, they should bring Mel Gibson on for a Channukah special.

    • cinecraf-av says:

      It’s been long enough, maybe it’s time to give Trump another shot at hosting.

    • seborst-av says:

      This is not redemption. What he said in his special is OK and I agree with it.

    • blpppt-av says:

      Adam Sandler’s “Hanukkkah” Song, as sung by Mel Gibson. 

    • noisetanknick-av says:

      My only pitch is something about Mel meeting the “sugarplum-tits fairy.” I’ll leave it to the Harvard grads to stretch that out to 7 insufferable minutes.

      • kleptrep-av says:

        Mel Gibson, Mikey Day and their kids enter a Christmas Grotto.MIKEY Are your kids looking forward to Santa?Mel doesn’t speak. Mikey turns to the camera.MIKEY Could you imagine not answering a question, that would be rude, the point of that is that it’s rude.James Austin Johnson, Punkie Johnson and Cecily Strong enter dressed as Santa and two elves. Mel looks at Punkie, Mel looks at the camera smirks. Mel looks at Punkie. (Look it’s SNL, you have to repeat this shit, this ain’t Broadway)MEL Hey how long we gonna wait you buncha sugar plum tits fairies.Everyone stares at the camera, makes a funny face, stares away from the camera.MIKEY Could you imagine someone going into a grotto and calling someone a sugarplumtitsfairy? Could you imagine if that were to happen. That would be rude. That’s unrealistic. It’s unrealistic that language like that, look I’m gonna spell it out, I should be outside staring at cakes but instead I’m getting paid to explain jokes so that idiots like you won’t feel stupid. Uh, fine. Mel.Mel Gibson smirks at the cameraMIKEY It’s not right to say those words. That would be shocking.Cecily bursts into song. I don’t know what she’s singing but she is. It’s a 3 minute ditty about rights or some shit.Punkie goes to speak. Mel Gibson smirks at the camera. Mikey Day makes a face like a “what’s going on”. JAMES I’m in this sketch.Mel Gibson smirks at the camera. Mel turns to Punkie.MEL You are a sugar-Punkie punches Mel. Mel Gibson smirks at the camera. Mel Gibson is on the floor. Mikey Day evaporates. Punkie Johnson smirks at the camera.PUNKIE Who’s the sugarplumtitsfairy now bitch?Everyone stares awkwardly. The skit just meanders for another 30 seconds or so.

    • waystarroyco-av says:

      Mel thinks that word means a Russian Vodka brand

    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      Or Ilhan Omar.

    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      Or Cardi B for a special on why drugging and robbing men is wrong.Whoops she doesn’t need redemption because she suffered no consequences. I love that fucking shit, love the hypocrisy where that is okay but Louis CK is a piece of shit.  Not defending CK, just saying anyone who wants him cancelled but not Cardi B is a hypocritical piece of shit.

  • jeremyphillipssame-av says:

    Lorne Michaels continually invites on bigots like Trump, Musk and Chappelle, signal-boosting and normalising their disgusting behaviour. Fuck Lorne Michaels and fuck SNL.

    • jrcorwin-av says:

      Trump is an all-around bigot in all possible ways, Must is an egotistical asshole and Chappelle tells jokes as a profession. One of these things is not like the other.

    • hardscience-av says:

      The Kids in the Hall are lucky just getting to hang out on Amazon and aviod this live sketch bullshit.

    • dinoironbody1-av says:

      What makes you think SNL has the power to “normalize” people?

    • Bazzd-av says:

      Thinking about this week and MatPat uncharacteristically going hard in the paint at SNL for mocking the Try Guys firing co-management after an undisclosed extramarital affair with a subordinate by throwing up a half dozen articles of everyone from Jimmy Fallon to Lorne Michaels being in controversies for sexually assaulting and harassing and grooming underage interns at coke parties. (And as a fellow worker at NBC it was weird seeing them mock a bunch of dudes for doing exactly what NBC’s own internal guidelines REQUIRE employees at NBC to do in the exact same situation… which is probably explained by all the coke parties and sexual assaults by Lorne Michaels.)

      • recognitions-av says:

        Wait, what?

        • ghostiet-av says:

          I dunno about straight up sexual assault but Fallon, Michaels and Tracy Morgan are involved in Horatio Sanz’ sexual assault of a minor case from this August, listed as enablers. Michaels was reportedly fostering a predatory environment by allowing/having teenage girls at the show’s afterparties, while Fallon and Morgan were involved participants of said parties. The parties were apparently steeped in drugs and sexual harrassment.

    • ejaydj-av says:

      CRY BABY….ohhh don’t joke about my gayness it hurts my feeling…GTFOH!!!

    • rockhard69-av says:

      Signal boostingI checked the official Wokester Dictionary and found that this is another term for “platforming”. I’m getting really fluent at Wokester.

    • peterzeeke2-av says:

      Yeah he’s evil… like Dr Evil

    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      I also see people taking shots at Chappelle saying he hasn’t been funny for a long time. That might be true, but SNL hasn’t been truly funny for a long time either.But Lorne has always been trash but people looked the other way because he had Alec Baldwin on making fun of trump.Its like when Nike gave multi-millionaire Colin Kaepernick millions of dollars for an uplifting commercial and suddenly people forgot about the sweat shops.

    • drkschtz-av says:

      No one was cool with what Kweli was doing to those women here back in 2019 or whenever that was. But it’s a smaller, older scandal with a tinier platform.

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      I remember when Talib Kweli Greene was a good dude who rhymed about how people like grown Kweli are dicks. A “conscious” rapper who acts badly is really useless.He was a fun presence in cyphers and in the underground scene back in the Reflection Eternal and early Blackstar days, but dude really never had the MC chops to become the elder statesman type he is now either.

    • rockhard69-av says:

      Giving a shit about women is lame. Its all about dudes who say they are women now. Stay woke!

    • dr-darke-av says:

      Not at all, but every time I raise the issue of Black Men being violent to Black Women? I’m told I’m a bigot and “don’t understand”.They’re right—I don’t understand why a Black Man can assault a Black Woman with impunity! 

    • Mr-John-av says:


    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      Are you cool with Cardi B?  Admitted to drugging and robbing men.

  • gargsy-av says:

    ““The room was full of writers,” the rep tells Page Six.”

    And who would know the roster of SNL writers, and who was and wasn’t there, better than Dave Chappelle’s reps?

    And it’s not like the people who showed up at the writer’s meeting are going to tell the host about the writers boycotting the show.

  • scissorspectress-av says:

    The ratings dumpster fire that passes for SNL now needs DC a helluva lot more than he needs them. Quite a charitable chap, he is. 

    • insignificantrandomguy-av says:

      Your comment is identical to what every sad fan says when SNL doesn’t book or re-book their hero. From wrestling fans to Sean Hannity listeners to K-pop groupies.
      Dave Chappelle is only relevant at all at this point because he’s a bigot at the perfect time for him to get a lot of support for being one. No one has talked about a single thing other than his coming out as a transphobic dbag since his return. Drop that part of his shtick, and no one can quote a thing he’s had to say about anything since.He’s the Larry the Cable Guy of homophobes at this point.

      • rockhard69-av says:

        Except he’s saying it on article about Chappelle being re-booked so you’re the one with sour grapes and nuts. Should have kept this one in the chamber, wokester. But you couldnt hold it, you splooged too soon and made a mess.

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        Its the same as people who now say Dave is no longer funny.  

      • jimv71883-av says:

        Tell me that you’ve never listened to Dave Chappelle without actually telling me you’ve never listened to Dave Chappelle. Seriously, accusing him of bigotry is one of the dumbest things I’ve heard.

    • romanpilotseesred-av says:

      SNL may be a lot of things, but even with the expected downturn in viewers from a major cast overhaul season, they still turn in pretty decent (for 2022) same day ratings. It’s routinely above 4M viewers, give or take, and even the highest rated comedy on TV, Young Sheldon, is only in the upper-4M same-day. I’m assuming it pulls in a fair chunk of change from Youtube replays from people like me who wait until the Sunday recaps to catch up on the one or two sketches a week worth watching.

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        I don’t know if high ratings always translates into high quality. I mean all these procedural cop shows get high ratings. Hell shows like the bachelor get millions of views.Or to bring up movies: critics loved the last jedi and it made money solely due to being a star wars movie, but audiences didn’t like the film.   

      • jimv71883-av says:

        I wouldn’t be surprised if the Dave Chappelle episode gets the best ratings of the season. 

  • sncreducer93117-av says:

    Also, you know, Talib Kweli and women.

  • keithtyler-av says:

    “Some writers!”

    …. lists one.

  • honeyharlaquin-av says:

    I’m going to have to take the weirdly controversial position that lesbians don’t have penises and heterosexual men with in-tact penises who claim to be lesbians aren’t. A fetish isn’t an identity. If your position is that a lesbian who rejects having sex with man who claims to be a lesbian is a transphobe/exclusionary, and that she should be ejected from the LGBT community as a bigot, you have lost the plot.Same sex attraction is real, it’s valid and a straight man with a kink for women’s clothes and g/g porn does not get to say otherwise.

    • srdailey01-av says:

      This is incomprehensible.

      • drkschtz-av says:

        It’s complete gibberish. But it smells TERFy

        • recoegnitions-av says:

          Lol “gibberish”. You people are below scum. 

        • honeyharlaquin-av says:

          Life fish? Yes, I’ve heard. Same sex attraction is real and valid. This is the cornerstone of the gay community and straight colonizers can die mad about it.

          • crankymessiah-av says:

            You seem amazingly fucking dumb.

          • sgt-makak-av says:

            can die mad about itYou are projecting so hard.

          • honeyharlaquin-av says:

            Yes. I am mad. I am mad that straight men think they they own women’s bodies. I am mad at straight men who have a pornographic fetish for women’s clothing and have gaslit people into think they are members of the gay community. I am mad that non gender conforming children are being told by their parents, their therapists and their doctors that they are in the wrong body and must be corrected with surgery and a lifetime of medication. I am mad at doctors who put effeminate boys on puberty blockers because they are really “girls” and I am mad at doctors who perform unnecessary double mastectomies on girls because they think they are “boys”. I’m mad a mediocre men who can’t win at sports competing against women and being called brave and wonderful for it. Non gender conforming children are perfect as they are. They will not commit suicide because they don’t get mutilated. They will become happy if society loves and accepts them as they are. They are free to live their lives and call themselves whatever they like. They can change their names, their pronouns and their clothes to whatever they like. I am mad at right wing people who hate homosexuals and non-gender conforming people. I am mad at men who hate women and deny them their spaces and bodily autonomy.Every decent person who reads this needs to wake up and realize that vicious misogynist straight men are pushing a homophobic ideology on society. People’s kindness and desire to support homosexual people is causing them to be manipulated into supporting medical conversion therapy, as practiced in Iran and other far-right countries.

          • sgt-makak-av says:

            All you have is anger, directed at made-up monsters.

          • dr-darke-av says:
        • rockhard69-av says:

          TERFs are dumb. Why would anyone be a feminist?

        • Lyr-av says:

          “TERF” is the new version of “b*tch* or *c*nt*. I would suggest you visit the terfisaslur website and educate yourself. Misogyny dressed up with progressive colors is still misogyny.

        • rockhard69-av says:


      • Rev2-av says:

        Lesbians = women attracted to other women.What is there to understand??? How entitled are you to say who other people should be attracted to?If a woman doesn’t want to date me, a biological man – apparently thank to the gender cult, I can throw on a dress, wig and new pronouns and I’m a woman, too? Now THAT is incomprehensible. What kind of perverted psycho does it take to not understand or accept that lesbians area attracted to other WOMEN? Basic stuff. Quit being a troll. Do better. Don’t shit on people suffering with actual gender dysphoria just so you can play little Groomer Nancy Boy in your mommy’s dress. Keep that pervy shit to yourself, incels.

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        If you really believe that, the problem is with you, not OP. 

      • rockhard69-av says:

        Forget the heteros! You know you’re fucked when even the LGBs aint on your side.

      • rockhard69-av says:


      • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

        Not if you’re following what’s actually going on. Trans “women” have been invading lesbian dating apps (or going on regular dating apps and marketing themselves as lesbians) for some time. It’s getting more prevalent, and some of them reeeeeealllly don’t like it when the lesbians rebuff them. It’s basically the latest iteration of male entitlement.

    • iamamarvan-av says:

      Queer transphobes are the worst people

    • bio-wd-av says:

      Good to see Posey Parker has enough time out of her busy time palling with neo nazis to make posts on the AV Club. How very brave of her………………….

      • dogboysplastichair-av says:

        Did Parker Posey do something, or is there some social media douchebag named Posey Parker who I don’t want to know about?

        • bio-wd-av says:

          Parker Posey is fine.  Posey Parker is a big leader of the Gender Critical (TERF) movement in England.  She is an extremist who is allying with far right parties to suppress trans rights and her big thing is claiming to support lesbians.  She’s on Tucker Carlson fairly often  

          • ghostiet-av says:

            Small correction: she’s Posie Parker.I had a minor panic attack because I love Parker Posey, but apparently all she did was post a shitty trans joke about herself on Twitter and apologize when people told her it’s shitty, so I’m fine again.

          • bio-wd-av says:

            Ah damn it I have such a bad habit of spelling the same.  Yeah the comedian she’s fine no hard feelings.  The British bigot can get fucked.

          • ghostiet-av says:

            Very much agreed.

          • anathanoffillions-av says:

            You have made me remember how much I love Parker Posey.  Maybe I’ll watch Henry Fool again.

          • bio-wd-av says:

            If Best in Show was on right now I’d watch the shit out of it.

          • kpinochle-av says:

            That’s not Busy Bee, it’s a bear in a bee costume

        • westsidegrrl-av says:

          I just looked this up–at least on the Wikipedia article, Parker Posey doesn’t appear to be anti-trans. I don’t dare google the other name.

        • thelincolncut-av says:

          The latter. Posie Parker is a TERFy piece of shit.

      • Lyr-av says:

        I love how women standing up for themselves invite the ire of handmaidens, pick-me’s, and other XX’s dying for XY approval.

      • anathanoffillions-av says:

        is Posey Parker JK Rowling’s screen name?Or have I had a stroke?

      • rockhard69-av says:

        Stupid cunt

    • Bazzd-av says:

      Alternately, I’m going to have to take the scientifically coherent position that some women have XX chromosomes, some women have XY chromosomes, some women have XXY chromosomes, some women have large clitorises, some have small clitorises, some have no clitorises, some have surgically altered penises that look like vaginas, some have half-formed vaginas, some have unaltered penises, some have wombs, some don’t have wombs, some have breasts, some don’t have breasts.I’m going to have to take the non-controversial position that you don’t have to sleep with anyone you don’t want to and no one cares if you don’t. Relying on a debunked BBC article from TERF-island that quoted a notorious cis lesbian with repeated accusations of sexual assault against her redirecting all of her controversy on non-existent trans women in an article that literally only includes cis lesbians saying they “feel like” people think they “might be” transphobic for not wanting to sleep with trans women doesn’t make an irrelevance suddenly topical.

      • disparatedan-av says:

        Do.you often find yourself dismissing women’s accounts of sexual assault and coercion offhand like this?

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        “some women have XY chromosomes”No they don’t. By definition. 

      • ashford1971-av says:

        Alternately, I’m going to have to take the scientifically coherent position that humans with eggs as gametes are females, and humans with sperm as gametes are males. There IS a baseline to biological sex, and pointing that out does not make anyone a transphobe. One can identify as a man, woman, non binary or what the fuck ever. Nobody cares. However, people care when the trans community and its allies are awful at messaging, and resort to punching down when anyone questions anything a very non familiar subject.   

      • jimv71883-av says:

        Saying someone that is XY is a woman or that someone that is XX is a man would require changing the definition of “man” and “woman”. Those words would have no real meaning anymore. 

      • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

        No women have XY chromosomes. Not a single one.

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      Um, what?

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      Impossible to understand what you’re trying to say, but it’s clear that it’s a combination of transphobia and nonsense.

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      A fetish isn’t an identity. So you’re saying being trans is a fetish?
      a straight man with a kink for women’s clothes and g/g porn So you’re saying this defines trans people?
      If so let’s be clear: trans people don’t become and identify as trans because it’s an easy thing to do for themselves and easy to be accepted by everyone else.
      It’s not just “a fetish” or “a straight man with a kink for women’s clothes and g/g porn”. And anyone who defines trans people as such is oversimplifying the situation terribly at best.
      If your position is that a lesbian who rejects having sex with man who claims to be a lesbian is a transphobe/exclusionary, and that she should be ejected from the LGBT community as a bigot How many times has this ever happened in real life, if at all? Who’s position is this? It’s obvious no one is required to have sex with anyone.
      If you have to come up with such a convoluted fantasy to get your point across, it’s you who have lost the plot. Upsetting that you’ve somehow gotten about a dozen upvotes with this twisted “logic”. But then the world is an upsetting and twisted place so I guess you’re just blending in. Shame you can’t be better. Real shame.

    • insignificantrandomguy-av says:

      Don’t post when you’re drunk, even if you are somebody’s uncle. It’s just too on the nose at this point.

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      What the fuck are you talking about?

    • puckstims-av says:

      Everything you’re saying is literally factually verifiably incorrect. How completely ignorant bigots think their bigotry is more valid than literal science is beyond me. Luckily, your opinion is literally worthless (just like yoooou) 🥰

    • cynicaladultwatchescartoons-av says:

      A: None of that is real, it’s just the shit you people make up to make it look like your bigotry isn’t unfounded2: It’s “intact.”

    • crankymessiah-av says:

      What the fuck are you even talking about, and how is this even remotely related to the article? Did you bump your head before typing this, or are you actually just this stupid?

    • bigbydub-av says:

      God help me.  I get this.

    • dr-darke-av says:

      Let’s hear it for Proud to be Exclusionary!

    • bluphoenicks-av says:

      Im a gay Hispanic male and I love Dave Chappelle – in an age where it’s almost socially illegal to question anything, I’m happy he’s still doing it – and who gives a crap about the hacks at SNL – haven’t had a good writer since Tina Fey – show is trash! 

    • thelincolncut-av says:

      Stop shitting on your keyboard and calling it an opinion.

    • preparationheche-av says:

      You’re dog shit.And you’ll always be dog shit.

    • Mr-John-av says:

      Did you hit your head or something?

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      The idea that anything you said was “incomprehensible” or “TERFy” is deeply hysterical.

    • brewerzt-av says:

      Sounds like first-wave feminism. You belong in the 1900s.

    • mikes1979-av says:

      You’re given the freedom in this country not only be a complete fucking moron, but to flaunt it publicly on the internet like the mouth breathing assclown that you undoubtedly are.  That doesn’t change who and what you are, as you put that on full display.  How anyone can follow the same path our ancestors took of trying to intellectualize slavery and homophobia, you’ll go down in history as another blind, ignorant fool.   Good luck with that. 

    • lobotomies4free-av says:

      somebody never took advanced biology

    • ellisdean204-av says:

      I’m mad at words.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    If enough writers boycott but not enough cast members do the whole show can be a rotation of recurring characters playing Leonard Cohen on the piano.Your move, SnL!

    • rockhard69-av says:

      Yeah, there’s no way one of the world’s best sketch comedians could possibly come up with any material if some rando writers dont turn up. And only the wokest deny that the Chappelle Show was funny.

    • julian23-av says:

      At least have the sing “The Future” which would have been on point. Fucking Hacks

  • snaxodus-av says:

    “harmful content choice” ok, go crawl in a hole.

  • nx-1700-av says:

    Wait SNL has paid writers for the crap they put out weekly?Its about time someone funny was on .

    • peterbread-av says:

      Was thinking this.

      Chapelle is funnier in his sleep than most SNL writers are at peak output. This is not the loss that AVC “writers” seem to think it is.

      • insignificantrandomguy-av says:

        You clearly haven’t watched SNL in a long time and also probably find Chapelle’s creepy transphobia is insightful and witty. Both reveal more about you than anything else.

        • rockhard69-av says:

          Have you seen ratings? Nobody watches that shit unless someone interesting is one. Turns out everyone who brings ratings is also someone wokesters hate. Should tell you something.

        • yugeeome-av says:

          Let’s get this straight.., You literally fabricated that this person hasn’t watched SNL in years. Then went on to decide how that person feels about Chapelle’s trans jokes. THEN you decided attack their character based on the assumptions that YOU made. You’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel of the human genome. 

      • insignificantrandomguy-av says:

        We get it: lazy old hack jokes about women having penises is brilliant comedy in your world. 

      • rascalmcadams-av says:

        I read this article as “SNL writers outraged to have Mark Twain American Humor prize winner and most financially successful modern sketch comedy writer on set” lol

      • lizaerika-av says:

        Totally agree

    • gildie-av says:

      SNL has now and has had in the past a lot of great writers but the show isn’t set up to support great writing.

  • madkinghippo-av says:

    So one staffer won’t work on the show?  That’s it?

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    It’s like I should be mad but I stopped watching when they let a certain someone host in 2015. The only time I was ever tempted to watch SNL in all that time since was a year later when John Cena hosted. 

    • killa-k-av says:

      You haven’t missed anything.

      • gospelxforte-av says:

        Honestly, the fact that they put all of the sketches online plus cut for time stretches renders watching the full show pointless. If there’s something really worth watching, someone will say so and you can just watch the one thing without having a full investment.And I say this as someone who watches the show the next day on Peacock. Most reasonable people watch the show a la carte if they watch it at all.

    • thegobhoblin-av says:

      You can’t see him!

  • frankwhite8536-av says:

    go ahead, take the week off.  Dave’s got this..

    • insignificantrandomguy-av says:

      You can’t have 90 minutes of transphobic material. I mean, you can…but Netflix has to release it a little bit at a time so people don’t realize it’s just the same tired shtick over and over again.Anyone still impressed with Chapelle might as well also follow Kid Rock. It’s close to being the same at this point. 

  • reformedagoutigerbil-av says:

    I’m not a big fan of Dave’s ongoing transphobic thing, but early on in his career he used to do a bit on gerbilling that was up there with his Sesame Street routine.

  • jrcorwin-av says:

    I always, from the very beginning, understood the basis of his trans-related bits to be that there are no sacred cows in standup comedy and I believe that to be true. I also believe, personally, that many people approach a standup routine as if it were a TED Talk. As opposed to a person who picks a topic and attempts to find what they believe to be a humorous angle and works it out at show after show after show after show until it works, regardless of whether or not they agree with that angle. Transphobia is real and it is dangerous. Telling jokes about transgender people as part of standup routine during a standup act as a bit is not transphobia. Standups tells jokes about white people, Black people, Asian people, straight people, gay people, nonbinary people, transgender people, men, women, children, old people and on and on and on and on. Either we all get to be the butt of the joke or none of us do and if none of us do. Any number of people listening/watching will not think it is funny…and that is perfectly fine. Our sense of humor is incredibly diverse as a society. JK Rowling is taking a transphobic social/political stance. Dave Chappelle is crafting jokes and if enough people laugh he keeps them in his act until he has about an 60-90 minutes worth of material for a comedy special. Jokes. He’s telling jokes. These are not jokes in the office. These aren’t two dudes sharing an inappropriate joke at their kid’s school fundraiser. No, it is professional comedians telling jokes to a paying audience as a function of their job in the exact environment that has been created for exactly this purpose. This isn’t the local garage band breaking into your home and forcing you to listen to their shitty music. It’s buying a ticket to watch Metallica play their hits. Context does actually matter.

  • darthstupid-av says:

    Who was that serial rapist who would quote Andrew Dice Clay jokes before doing horrible things to his female victims ?Oh yeah, it never happened. Chappelle’s joke about continuing his dance andor spending the night with they hemwhoever, is doing that community a favor by making people comfortable with an uncomfortable subject (for some people).  Richard Pryor did the same with his stand-up routines regarding racism.  

    • insignificantrandomguy-av says:

      It’s cute when people who aren’t part of a group assume to say what’s good for that group on their behalf. Let me guess….you think what Chappelle says about trans people is “the truth,” right? As it turns out, you also think this is GOOD for them all on your own! What luck!!

      • rockhard69-av says:

        “It’s cute when people who aren’t part of a group assume to say what’s good for that group on their behalf.”Have you met white wokesters?

    • pinkkittie27-av says:

      Richard Pryor was a Black man joking about racism. Chappelle is not a trans person joking about transphobia. This would be like a white comic doing a Pryor routine — it would be wildly racist and harmful.

  • mantequillas-av says:

    “I’m trans and non-binary.”“Transphobia is murder”Neither of these statements make any sense.  

  • bio-wd-av says:

    What annoys me about Dave is that he is confident he’s right.  He just keeps doubling down and acting like he’s being reasonable while hanging with Joe Rogan and people like him.  He isn’t unaware of systemic problems in the US, he is okay with not always being funny and his writing skills are top notch.  Yet this sympathy for people who suffer in an unfair system just doesn’t extend to trans people.  Its this double down behavior that always gets me, its so easy to just spend an hour reading and go oh well I was wrong.  This also applies to Rowling, although she’s frankly worse at this stage.  Its taking the hard route and continuing to claim superiority and also using dull lame “jokes” and its infuriating. 

    • gargsy-av says:

      “This also applies to Rowling, although she’s frankly worse at this stage.”

      No shit. He’s doubling down on jokes because they annoy people and she doesn’t think that trans people should be allowed to live.

    • roboj-av says:

      Because he still has a large batch of fans and supporters, mostly white, middle age conservative males, ironically the very people he used to make fun of on his show.

      • seborst-av says:

        Yes, Dave had so racist views in the past, but he is doing much better now

      • seborst-av says:

        You sound like a racist

      • bio-wd-av says:

        Yep, the irony is stunning.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        Black men, too, though.  

        • rockhard69-av says:

          No way. You never see a non-white person or any of the woke youths at a Dave show. Its nothing but 60+ straight white men. And we know the audience is straight because there’s never any buttfucking at a Dave show.

        • rockhard69-av says:

          Stupid cunt

      • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

        “mostly white, middle age conservative males”I don’t think this is true…plenty of Black faces in those crowds of his.

        • roboj-av says:

          You don’t “think” so because of what you see in the audience?And even so, it does not change the/my point that he would not be hanging around Joe Rogan, Elon Musk and those types a decade ago when he was at his peak. He mentioned in an interview that one of the main reasons why he was cancelling his show is because he didn’t like white, middle age, conservative males liking and using his jokes.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            So just to be clear Dave outed himself as racist decades ago and you didn’t care, but if he goes after trans people you do?

          • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

            I don’t disagree with your second paragraph but what you wrote was that his fans were mostly white middle aged men. 

          • roboj-av says:

            And this is now my second time telling you that’s based off of your personal anecdotes. According to the Nielsen ratings, 59-60% of his audience for The Closer were white males. Only 40% were African American. QED, mostly white, middle aged men. 

          • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

            “Only” 40%? That’s a shitload of people. If you want to be in denial about transphobia and homophobia being a problem only in the white community that’s your jam. *shrug*

          • roboj-av says:

            And you what’s an even bigger “shitload” of people? 60% Sorry that math isn’t your jam.And as I just said to another commenter, you bigoted white boy Chappelle fans need to come up with better excuses than “bbbbut black people like him too! they’re the real bigots!”

          • timebobby-av says:

            Hmm, I’m calling bullshit. You’re claiming that 60% of the audience were white males and 40% were black males? Not a single woman watched the special?

          • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

            Very reductive of you to assume I’m white (I’m not, I’m black and Hispanic) and twisting my words (find where I said blacks are the only bigots). Again if you want to ignore part of the problem to get likes in the AVClub go off and go on But I suppose you’re the kind of unserious chucklefuck that I should not bother with anyway so carry on with your goofy ass

      • noisetanknick-av says:

        Yep. The early 00’s frat boys who screamed lines from Chappelle’s Show – uncensored – on a daily basis are now a good part of the audience who laugh and applaud his transphobic material (and they still quote his routines, but now they have the “good sense” to do it behind closed doors.)

        • recoegnitions-av says:

          Why is “good sense” in quotes? Anymore dumb, vague assertions you want to apply to broad categories of people you imagine to be prevalent?

        • roboj-av says:

          Yep. Just look at all the greyed accounts commenting on this article that should provide a good window into the these types of people that are his biggest fans. 

          • bio-wd-av says:

            Its quite funny. Its the same handful of people going I IDENTIFY AS HELICOPTER DURRR or YOU DIDN’T WATCH THE SPECIAL or READ SOME TERF MATERIAL THEN GET BACK TO ME. If they think this is gonna get anything more then a mild chuckle out of me boy do I have some bad news.

          • roboj-av says:

            They make Elon Musk fans seem progressive by comparison. I bet the Venn diagram of Elon and Chapelle fans is pretty close.

          • bio-wd-av says:

            They both have way too much of there personality invested in one person.  Hell I’m not innocent of that, but said people tend to be either dead or retired people.  I don’t idolize tech bros or washed up used to be talented comedians.

      • Rev2-av says:

        To be fair. A lot of black liberals are also big fans of Dave. Also. A lot of black liberals don’t think gender is cosplay… Blaming a huge majority of people believing in the traditional/biological definition of gender/sex on “conservatives” is ridiculous. I’m 53, have a mix of friends with all sorts of political beliefs. Yet I have yet to meet a single person that thinks being a woman amounts to putting on a wig, make up and choosing “she/her” for your pronouns.Misogynists are having a field day with treating women like 3rd class citizens. I’m surprised so many young people are aggressively hateful and confused about something as basic as the concept of men and women.God bless Dave for being normal. God bless him for speaking out. Too many pervy misogynists have a platform to do little more than shame people for being human beings. Gender cosplayers better get used to the fact men and women have a voice. Calling somebody a “transphobe” because they have beliefs based in reality makes as much sense as calling an atheist a “sinner.” Though, it’s not as funny as calling people SMURF/TERF. Made up insult for people with no particular gender issues is downright silly.You dude wanna wear dresses? Nobody is stopping you. Just admit you incels wanna be free to display your perversions for all to see and accept the consequences.

      • rockhard69-av says:

        Comments like this reveal that white wokesters have never been to a Dave Chappelle show.

      • ejaydj-av says:

        Americans are so spoiled and weak now…cry anytime someone says something you don’t like…our country is doomed…

      • Lyr-av says:

        Not just men…women of all classes support him too.

      • waystarroyco-av says:

        Im a white. 30 something. Obama voting liberal. Jew straight from Israel. And I think Dave is hilarious and woke crusaders are ruining fun for everyone.Seriously. Theres worse shit in this world then a comedian telling jokes. If you’re feelings are hurt…then grow up…and find something else you enjoy listening to.Lifes too short to waste being annoying and bitchy

      • rockhard69-av says:


      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        Can you link me to your source for the data you’re using to make this claim about his fan base?

      • tkazy13-av says:

        You’d be surprised how many of his fans are not white, not conservative, and not middle aged. Many people who have supported the trans community…still support Dave Chappelle. And that’s totally ok.

        • roboj-av says:

          I love how you white boy Dave Chappelle fans are all like, “bbbbut black people like him too” as a convenient apology and deflection. He hangs around Joe Rogan and Elon Musk for a reason which is a 100% reversal from the “I don’t want those kinds of white people liking me” a decade ago.

          • tkazy13-av says:

            Have never heard or seen Dave Chappelle buddy buddy with either of those , sounds like a buncha BS. I love how his “transphobic” material is all in support of trans people choosing their own spaces. I wish more transphobic material was that supportive.

        • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

          That was my point. As much as white supremacy is an issue let’s not pretend that there’s not homophobia and transphobia in the Black and Latino community that are totally ok with Chappelles views and jokes (I say this as an Afro Latino)

      • wuthaniel-av says:

        His fan base isn’t remotely predominantly white conservative. I know that’s your fantasy, but things aren’t that simple. You can’t just group all the things you hate and say “that’s the bad, over there!”

      • rikrm-av says:

        Did you hear that on The View? Dave has a huge fanbase. If you ever pull your head out of the sand and watch his shows you will see his audience is mostly BLACK. 

      • dmol4444-av says:

        > mostly white, middle age conservative malesMost black people agree with his views

    • seborst-av says:

      Dave is right

    • recognitions-av says:

      Honestly I don’t think he’s so confident otherwise he wouldn’t need to be so loud and defensive over it. He needs to keep provoking trans people so his bro squad can keep rallying to his defense and make him feel justified in his initial stance

    • jrcorwin-av says:

      He’s not taking a political or social stance. He’s telling jokes. The origin of those jokes being the concept of being satirized applies to either all of us or none of us.

    • johguly-av says:

      He’s a comedian, he tells jokes, do you disagree with his jokes? Great! Move on with your life. Why do people waste time getting upset when someone “SAYS” something. That is one of the beautiful things about living in the USA… We CAN say whatever we want. Its not Dave’s fault that “Some People” disagree with him. Blows my mind. Have a lovely day!

    • zythides-av says:

      Don’t worry. At the rate he vapes/smokes, he won’t be performing for much longer. Dude seems to have a nicotine-fueled death wish for his vocal chords.

    • ejaydj-av says:

      MIllinois and millions find dave jokes funny…no one is off limits…if he talks about ni**az…LGTQ people are quite…if he can joke about white..blacks..and other nationalities…why can’t he joke about gay…they  Are no more special than anyone else….Damn…brittle gays…weak spirit…cry when someone says anything against what you think they should say…you don’t get to control people…

    • Lyr-av says:

      Dave *is* right.  JKR is right too.

    • peterzeeke2-av says:

      I think Dave totally gets the injustice and the parallels to racism… I think that’s the joke

    • murdoughnut-av says:

      You’d be severely disappointed to know just how many of us who vote and carry progressive beliefs, and will absolutely stand up for trans rights, still don’t actually believe that a trans man/woman is the gender they claim. We can treat them with respect, we can acknowledge them with their choice of pronoun, and we can work towards ending violence and discrimination against them – and we can do all of that without actually believing that you can just change your gender. Throw as much hate as you’d like my direction, but this is how it is.

    • rockhard69-av says:


    • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

      This is amusing because you strongly strike me as someone who has never read anything that goes against your position ever. Read Trans by Helen Joyce, or Material Girls by Kathleen Stock, or any of the in-depth reporting on this issue by Jesse Singal and Katie Herzog and get back to me.

    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      Did you ever consider maybe he is right?  Men cant be women no matter how badly they want it.  Maybe one day we will have the technology to literally change a person’s sex, right down to their DNA.  But that day isn’t today. 

    • kk386-av says:

      Did you actually see the special everyone’s having a heart attack about? This article (& a ton of others) was terribly biased. Calling him anti trans from the start. I think a lot of people are mad about something they didn’t even see and jumping on a band wagon. Watch the special, get through to the end. No it’s not haha funny. It was a reactionary special on  how much he was hurting after the loss of a dear trans friend. It was about how he gave her a shot at comedy opening up for him and how the trans community berated his friend to actual death. How his friend was a parent and was torn up inside. I don’t understand where people balked and said all that stuff. Yes he made jokes, he’s a comedian making a comedy special, jokes are par for the course. Then he connected them all together to a point. It’s is called context. He said he was angry at the trans community abandoning and berating his friend and later after her death it was his commitment to that her that got him to help support her kid. It was social commentary and no one’s actually talking about context which just makes me believe no one that actually comments on any of this saw it.All these right wing anti trans pple that are jumping on here and everywhere else with their trans bigotry bc they think they have a partner in crime. But it is bc they are looking at the same tiny clips and jumping on the irresponsible authors calling him anti trans. Add to the trans community backlash trying to cancel Dave and throw him the mix with these other people without listening to what he’s saying. He literally spoke about this exact thing in his special. It’s a shame and just quite dumb.

    • toecheese4life-av says:

      I have sort of the notice the same thing with Bill Maher. Him and Chapelle just can’t handle the criticism so suddenly everything is called cancel culture because previously the left fawned over them to a certain degree and as society progressed (as it should) they can’t adapt so they just default to calling us sensitive. It is honestly pathetic.

      • bio-wd-av says:

        Those two do go hand in hand.  Although Maher was frankly never that great unlike Dave.  I do think Maher is more hateful, I mean he fucking sided with Milo when it came to trans rights in like 2016.  

      • collex-av says:

        It’s especially pathetic of Maher because – dude, you got actually, literally cancelled for a joke you made in the past. And it wasn’t be trans people, or AOC, or “Social Justice Warriors.” It was by the W. Bush administration. You know, right-wingers with actual power? 

      • jgp1972-av says:

        Not at all, theyre totally fucking right, its their critics that are stupid.

  • rerecognitions-av says:

    “Comedy acts I don’t like are murder.” 

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      Pretty straight line between the dehumanization of transwomen to the incredibly high rate of them being murdered.

      • rockhard69-av says:

        Say what you want, but Dave Chappelle killed it!

      • rerecognitions-av says:

        Humanness is not derived from getting to tell other people what words to say.

      • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

        I take it you also believe that there’s a direct line between misogynistic, homophobic, “thug life” hip-hop lyrics and real-world misogyny, homophobia, and gang violence, right?

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:


          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            Congratulations. You’re a conservative from 1995.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Well, that or a person of color trying to uplift the culture. That direct line mostly runs in the back, but only a fucking idiot from outside our culture would think that music doesn’t reinforce the culture it reflects.Or an incel thinking he has a clever argument.

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            Who would’ve thought that the shit Dan Quayle was getting laughed at for spouting in the ‘90s would eventually be adopted as the epitome of progressivism by the kids of the very people who were laughing at him? It’s a funny old world. Do you also tell black people that they should pull up their pants?P.S. – Just a quick FYI, if you persist in using ‘incel’ as a lazy synonym for “Everyone with an opinion I don’t like, or, conversely, everyone I don’t like with an opinion”, the only thing you’ll prove is that you don’t know the meaning of even the simplest words.Which, of course, would surprise absolutely no-one.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Go touch grass, you out-of-touch troll. Just because you don’t know shit about the long-term conscious, Afro-centric side of hip hop or how grown black and Latino folks feel about the impacts on our communities of the glamorization of gang culture to the benefit of white execs doesn’t mean I agree with Dan Quayle.And no, I don’t call everyone who disagrees with me an incel. I do call pathetic fucking losers whose only joy in life is anonymously attacking black, Latino, Jewish, queer, and trans people, because I think that kind of hate can only come from miserable fucking losers, and one of the best ways to hit those miserable fucking losers back is by mocking how fucking obvious it is that they repel women and have constructed massive delusional edifices about how it’s the fault of feminism, the Jews, the gays, or whatever the fuck — anyone’s fault but their own.Generally, the dicks (yourself included) running around talking that “real women” crap have lots of other ideas about what constitutes “real women” drawn from that pathetic MRA cesspool. Typically, men who have healthy relationships with women don’t obsessively attack minorities online.So, yeah. Incels. It obviously bothers you more than most anything else I could say.

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            Actually, it means you agree exactly with Dan Quayle. Just because it harms your self-image as an ostentatiously progressive Woke shithead to admit it, doesn’t mean it’s not true.And you won’t find me attacking black, latino, or Jewish people. I don’t know from which fundamental orifice you pulled that bizarre accusation, but I can make a pretty good guess. All I’ve done in this thread is stand up for a black man’s right to hold an unpopular opinion. Whereas all you’ve done is stand up for the people threatening and attacking him. As is typical of Woke shitheads, your accusation turns out to be a confession.I notice that you left women off of your list of marginalised groups. That’s rather telling, isn’t it? After all, it’s women who are having their safety endangered by the Woke infatuation with trans ideology. It’s women who are having to share their medical facilities and prison cells with biological males, and it’s women who, on more occasions than it’s practical to list, have been victimised, assaulted, and even raped by those same biological males. It’s incredible. You fucking people will actively fight to put men in women’s spaces. You’ll blithely dismiss the institutional brutalisation of women that occurs as a direct consequence of policies you explicitly advocate, and then you’ll turn around and blame stand-up comedians and mild-mannered British children’s authors for every troon who’s ever got his feelings hurt. And if that weren’t enough, you’ve even got the unmitigated gall to accuse opponents of your violent, women-hating agenda of being incels. Fuck off.Men who have healthy relationships with women want to support them and protect them. You, on the other hand, don’t even know what a woman is. I don’t care what you call me, because you’re a misogynistic sack of shit and I wouldn’t want your approval if it cured cancer. But for the sake of simple accuracy, if anyone here is an ‘incel’, it’d be the guy actively working to demolish what it means to be a woman, and to push men in dresses into women’s single-sex spaces with no thought for the safety of actual women who fought for those same spaces. It’d be you, chief. Now go fuck yourself.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            TL/DR: You are a fucking asshole. Have fun pretending to give a shit about some marginalized groups so you can attack other ones. It’s pretty transparent and pathetic.Good luck kissing a girl someday.

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            I accept your concession. And so does my wife.

      • tkazy13-av says:

        Good thing Chapelle didn’t dehumanize anybody then amirite?

    • pinkkittie27-av says:

      Ah, false equivalency! The sign of a sincere, good faith argument from someone who actually cares.You see, transphobia would actually have to be funny in order for it to be considered a comedy act instead of just hatefulness that normalizes bigotry.

    • Mr-John-av says:

      Tell me how bigotry and hateful rhetoric doesn’t lead to real world violence?

      • rerecognitions-av says:

        I think it’s something like this: If you, for instance, misgender someone online, then those bad pronouns you use all coalesce together until they incorporate as a kind of hate monster. These monsters then catch a Greyhound to Wyoming, where they beat a trans teen to death outside a small town gas station. Irrefutable direct link, it is.

  • tedturneroverdrive-av says:

    I’m sure Dave has been told no trans jokes in the monologue, and everything else is written for him. People will tune in for the controversy, and get no controversy. Typical SNL.

    • jrcorwin-av says:

      There is a 0% chance that Dave, or any standup such as when Bill Burr hosted, has their monologue written for them. The actors and athletes? Yes, of course. 

    • rockhard69-av says:

      Believe it or not Dave makes jokes about lots of things. Hardly his fault that the tranny jokes are the ones that gets the wokesters mad. It was one the points he made in his special but naturally it went right over the wokesters’ heads.Its like when Bill Maher pointed out that he made his career shitting on Christianity but the moment he took a shot at Islam, the wokesters declared him a bigot.

  • theeviltwin189-av says:

    Considering how poor the quality of writing has been so far this season, a boycott against Chappell might actually have the opposite effect of what anyone would intend.

  • kevinsnewusername-av says:

    The “they/them” pronoun thing is always going to be weird. Mangling plurality and possessive usage is awkward and counter-intuitive. “Ms.” is just barely in the lexicon and it’s been around for more than a century.

    • rerecognitions-av says:

      In fact, the entire “I have preferred pronouns” thing will always be weird.

      • recognitions-av says:

        Not really. People getting all uptight about what other people choose to call themselves will definitely always be weird, however.

        • vet26-av says:

          You’ve got it exactly backwards (characteristically). People getting all uptight about pronouns is definitely weird. 

        • lazthehun-av says:

          This right here 💯

        • rockhard69-av says:

          Not really. People getting all uptight because other people dont give a fuck what they choose to call themselves will definitely always be weird, however.

        • lildaddy5678-av says:

          Not nearly as weird as trying to legislate language. 

        • rockhard69-av says:


        • chestrockwell24-av says:

          You call yourself whatever you want, sport. Dress up how you want, pump yourself full of as much hormones as you want, pay for any surgery you want. But don’t you dare demand society recognize you as something you are clearly not.  Don’t hand me shit and tell me it’s a new kind of funky smelling chocolate.  

        • amessagetorudy-av says:

          This. We (and I mean my community) went from colored to Negro to black to African American and people seemed to be able to handle it fine.  Not even trying or dismissing it right out IS weird.

          • jimv71883-av says:

            African American isn’t a term I’ve ever been a fan of. There are even some black people that don’t really like it. It can also be confusing since “African Americans” can also be white.

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        says you

      • pinkkittie27-av says:

        No, that’s not a fact. It is not “in fact.” Weird how facts work: they’re not based in your bigoted opinions.

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      Using “they/them” to refer to a single person in English goes back centuries. And then, when we all realized always referring to a nonspecific/hypothetical person as “he,” and “he/she” barely took off because it’s awkward as hell, using “they” became super common and never confused anyone. Applying that well-accepted principle to distinct individuals rather than nonspecific ones is not the arduous task people like you keep pretending that it is.

      • kevinsnewusername-av says:

        Meh, I don’t know if it’s arduous but it’s not intuitive. 

      • rockhard69-av says:

        “It” works best

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          It’s weird how much men who will never have sex have issues with other people’s sex and gender.

          • collex-av says:

            While I fully pro-trans rights and find people obsessing over pronouns ridiculous at best, shaming men for being virgins just feeds into toxic masculinity and helps no one.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Mocking terrible bigots using the only thing that shames them is perfectly fine.Lots of virgins deserve empathy.  Not this type.

          • collex-av says:

            Yeah, no. Fueling toxic masculinity only makes these bigots worse. Them being virgins have nothing to do with their transphobia. Like, absolutely nothing. Matt Walsh is married and kids, yet he’s one of the worse transphobe out of here. So why create a connection where there is none?Shaming transphobes for being virgins does negative good. You are making thing worse. Let’s shame transphobe for being hateful bigots. Wether or not they’ve had sex before is a pure non-sequitur.

          • rockhard69-av says:

            Dude, you need to get out of your mom’s basement if you want to lose your virginity.

      • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

        Nobody is saying it’s ‘arduous’. They’re saying it’s irritating, pretentious, and weird. Which it is. ‘They wants a cheeseburger’, for instance, or ‘They is running late’ sounds clunky and awkward, and makes the speaker appear illiterate.Basically, they/them is an affectation boring people use when they can’t be bothered to muster up a personality, and regular people quite rightly resent having to make themselves sound dumb in order to accommodate them.

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          “Regular people.”Yeah, no one is expecting asshole bigots to show people respect.  This is about everyone who isn’t an asshole bigot.

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            It’s not bigoted to ignore the nonsensical demands of narcissists who think their identities make them interesting. It’s not bigoted to laugh at them. It’s not bigoted to tell them to fuck off.Look, I know you’re super bummed that you missed out on all the real civil rights battles and have to make do with this piddly internet shit instead, but just because you take this nonsense seriously doesn’t mean anyone else has to.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Man, incels are weird as fuck.

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            No shit. Google “Incel to trans pipeline”. Explains why so many young male trannies bear such vehement hate for women.

        • gianp0400-av says:

          It’s “They want a cheeseburger” and “They are running late” dipshit.

        • collex-av says:

          But that’s not how the grammar works? You’d say “They want” and “They are” in those example, even if you are talking about a single person. They is always grammatically plural, but can be semantically singular or plural. It’s not even that uncommon for pronouns to be grammatically one thing and semantically another. Spanish has the formal “usted/ustedes,” which is semantically second-person, but grammatically third-person. French has “vous”, which is grammatically second-person plural, but can be semantically second-person plural or second-person singular (in formal contexts). And that’s only two examples. Can using a singular they sometime lead to unclear referents and confusion? But so can he or she. The solution to that is to tweak your syntax.

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          It’s really not the fault of transpeople that you are incapable of figuring this very simple thing out. Either you’re a deliberate asshole or fucking stupid.

      • rerecognitions-av says:

        Lots of things go back centuries. The male-female binary goes back centuries.

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          As do exceptions to it.  But my point was that the claim that this usage is new is bullshit, and this deflection doesn’t do anything to that.

          • rerecognitions-av says:

            But your argument — common though it is — isn’t all that good anyway. What actually goes back centuries, linguistically, is the use of non-standard pronouns for unknown or theoretical persons only. Upon discovering that you are talking about a male, longstanding precedent is to switch to masculine pronouns, and mutatis mutandis.  There’s no precedent whatsoever for “well, as we all know, it is completely impossible to use basic discernment and common sense to just tell whether the person you’re talking about is male or female.  And it’s offensive to even try.  After all, people can change from one to the other just by declaring it so.  Therefore, we’ll just continue to say ‘they’ even when it’s clear as day which sex they are.”  And that’s clearly the ideology that every person who ever brings up the “centuries of linguistic precedent” is trying to backdoor in alongside that limited, narrow old time usage.

    • shotfromguns-av says:

      “Mangling plurality and possessive usage is awkward and counter-intuitive.”Except you do it with literally zero problem for the singular second-person pronoun. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (See how I said “you do it” and not “you does it”? Whoops! A singular pronoun that uses a plural noun! Except you magically aren’t confused by that one!)

      • kevinsnewusername-av says:

        Yeah, that whole curt and smug thing pops up about a millisecond before the angry accusations and finger pointing. “They” have weaponized prescriptive high school English teacher cliches.

    • pinkkittie27-av says:

      Just say “I care more about grammar than people.”It’s a less awkward and more intuitive way to say “I’m a selfish asshole.”

      • babbylonian-av says:

        More like “grammar is my excuse to treat certain people like they are less than me.”

      • jimv71883-av says:

        I’d say that biological facts matter and people’s feelings don’t overrule that. It’s not the intent to hurt anyone’s feelings but if someone puts me in a position where I have to choose between someone’s feelings and scientific facts I’m going with scientific facts every time.

      • kevinsnewusername-av says:

        Yeah, there you go. Irrational name-calling.

    • beertown-av says:

      Language evolves. The old example I always trot out is how everyone pronounces “forte” for-tay, as in “That’s not my forte.” They really should be pronouncing it “Fort.” But alas, too late…the ship has sailed. And it doesn’t bug anyone except people like me who have the original pronunciation still kicking around in my head, and then I annoy everyone else when I bring it up.

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:
    • lildaddy5678-av says:

      The correct grammar would be it, not they/ them, yes?

    • bluphoenicks-av says:

      100 percent agree – no one should be forced to partake in anyone’s view of themselves –

    • Mr-John-av says:

      “Whose that person over there?”“Who”?“Them, over there”.“Oh, I don’t know who they are”It’s fucking easy in English. 

    • gianp0400-av says:

      Nope it’s always been They/Them when you speak about someone that has an unknown gender. Just because you are to much of a bigot to understand that doesn’t make it not true.

  • fadedmaps-av says:

    Maybe the monologue doesn’t need to be 16 minutes this time?  Just an idea.

  • spiraleye-av says:

    “I’m trans and non-binary. I use they/them pronouns. Transphobia is murder and it should be condemned.” Sometimes, the fiction writes the person.

    • recognitions-av says:

      We already know you’re transphobic

      • spiraleye-av says:

        So you’re saying I’m a murderer

        • insignificantrandomguy-av says:

          No, just so awful that you made someone’s actual struggle about you because your sense of self-importance causes you to lack empathy and understanding of those not as privileged as you are.

          • spiraleye-av says:

            Hey, where you see an “actual struggle”, I see a murder victim. Maybe have some sympathy, you monster

          • recognitions-av says:

            I don’t know if you noticed but you’re bombing here

          • spiraleye-av says:

            Oh thanks recog, you’re definitely a reasonable person of utmost credibility, whose opinion I hold dearly. 

          • recognitions-av says:

            So you’re just going to ignore all the other people telling you you’re behaving like a turd here

          • spiraleye-av says:

            You mean you and two other irrational people? If we all commented here based on who approves, your account would have gone dormant years ago. 

          • recognitions-av says:

            Yes, everyone’s irrational except you, the person who wants to hate on a group of marginalized people for no good reason.

          • spiraleye-av says:

            If you could parse text, you’d see I’ve never once hated on a group of marginalized people. But the gross thing about you is that you actually wish I did. You need that to feel righteous. 

          • recognitions-av says:

            I mean you apparently need to belittle trans people’s suffering to feel good about yourself so I think I’m still coming out ahead here

          • spiraleye-av says:

            No, it’s a singular trans/non-binary SNL writer’s protest of a comedy host that I’m poking light fun at. If you think that meets the definition of “suffering”, you’re even more hopeless than I thought. 

          • insignificantrandomguy-av says:

            Stop being lazy. Arguing in bad faith isn’t clever when it’s obvious. Being smug as you are here only reveals that you’re a weakling IRL. And likely a virgin.

          • spiraleye-av says:

            Wait wait wait. This person is saying that comedy is murder and I’m the one acting in bad faith? Thanks, InsignificantRandomChild

          • insignificantrandomguy-av says:

            Yeah, you are. Go have some pizza rolls, incel. You’ve got women to creep out and mom wants you fed while you do it.

          • spiraleye-av says:

            At least you’re not trying to convince me that comedy is murder, because that well’s dry. Otherwise, flail away

          • rockhard69-av says:

            Actually it was your moron friend “recognitions” who made it about the OP.

      • vet26-av says:

        They aren’t a transphobe, just not an idiot.

      • rockhard69-av says:

        Who isn’t?

    • pinkkittie27-av says:

      Sometimes, the commenter is the joke. A sad, hateful joke.

    • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

      That’s a very good line. I look forward to passing it off as my own.

  • PrimeSah89-av says:

    By “harmful”, you mean offensive. It’s silly to act like his jokes are going to lead to real-world violence against trans people. It’s the violent video games moral panic with a new coat of paint.

    Ironically enough, the only reported cases of people being physically assaulted as direct result of Chappelle’s comedy were his fans/supporters.Eggs were thrown at fans by protesters trying to attend his Minneapolis show earlier this year and a comedian’s/counter-protester’s “Jokes are Funny” sign was torn up by a Netflix employee at the Netflix walkout/protest from last year.

    • recognitions-av says:

      I’m sorry you don’t understand how normalizing bigotry works

      • rockhard69-av says:

        Yeah, man. Ever since I played GTA there hasnt been a hooker in my city that’s been safe.

        • recognitions-av says:

          No one will mourn you when you die

        • Mr-John-av says:

          No you’re right, but the guy I worked with 20 years ago really fucking hated fags and decided it was a great idea to give me a third degree burn on my forearm.Tell me how that wasn’t linked.

        • chestrockwell24-av says:

          Same, I’ve killed so many hookers I’ve lost count.  And I can’t even blame it on cocaine like Charlie Sheen

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        Surely you can point to a specific incident of violence inspired by Chappelle? Even something circumstantial like “this guy killed a trans person and we found dvds of Chappelle show at his house” would be welcome.But because I am one magnanimous motherfucker I will even expand my request, it doesn’t need to be an incident against trans people inspired by Chappelle, it can be any comedian. Hell we can even expand it further: can you positively tie even one instance of violence against trans people to prominent celebrities who have been deemed anti trans by a small but loud minority of whiny motherfuckers? Just one, thanks in advance!

      • movingcloud9-av says:

        Didn’t realize not validating fetishists in dresses a women counted as bigotry. 

      • rockhard69-av says:

        Your lame wokester comeback didnt get posted, too dumbass even for Gawker, but I’m in a good mood so wanted to give you a special.
        Dumbfuck said, “No one will mourn you when you die”RockHard reponds, “Your mom is definitely gonna be bawling and holding onto my bloodless, but still somehow, RockHard cock at the funeral”

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      What do you think causes all of the violence against transpeople?

      • adohatos-av says:

        People who want to hurt them most likely, although I’m sure some get caught in rampages that have nothing to do with identity.It’s absolutely impossible to draw a straight line between a comedian’s act and any single incident of violence let alone an across-the-board rise in violence absent the performer directly telling his audience to do those things or a criminal stating that a comedy bit inspired their violence.

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          Every bit of hate helps.

        • chestrockwell24-av says:

          And if jokes about a group can lead to violence against them, shouldn’t that make most groups off limits? Jokes about men would be wrong, it could get men attacked. And since we’ve seen even presidents get killed they can’t really say the patriarchy all protect them. Most murder victims are men. Same with suicide.This is why i don’t adhere to the made up rule that comedy needs to “punch up”. No, it needs to be funny and it can be funny punching up, down, or sideways.I would never limit myself and what words i put out there because some lunatic might use them as an excuse to do something bad.  That is all it is: an excuse.  Dave Chappelle isn’t going to make someone go from being indifferent to trans people to blindly hating them. 

      • Lyr-av says:

        Sexual partners discovering they’re not actually the sex they were pretending to be. 

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          Oh, look. A fucking piece of shit.

        • collex-av says:

          Contrary to your frankly appaling belief, trans people don’t actually tend to “trick” people into believing they are cis in order to sleep with those people. On the contrary, trans people looking for sexual partners tend to be VERY EXPLICIT about their transness up front. First, because the vast majority of human beings like having sex with people who genuinely want to have sex with them. Second, because, as you point it out, there is a real potential for a “surprised” partner to reveal themselves as an absolute piece of shit and turn violent. So, don’t worry, buddy, no trans people will ever try to have sex with you. You’re perfectly safe.

      • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

        There’s not that much violence against transpeople. It’s a meme pushed by guilt-tripping pressure groups.

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          Bigots hate statistics.

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            It’s true. In the UK, in TERF Island of all places, the number of transwomen murdered in the last three years is…. wait for it…zero!That’s right. Fucking none. Meanwhile, three actual women are murdered in the UK every week. So excuse me if I’m not crying salty tears into my weetabix over the terrible, non-existent plight of the beleaguered British tranny.Oh, and if your “stats” come from Human Rights Campaign (spoiler: they do) you spoils know those stats are rigged.

      • fancykevin-av says:

        They’re mentally ill and very often drug abusers who put themselves in harms way far more often than most people.

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          Jesus fucking Christ you bigots and the bullshit that you have to force yourselves to believe to prevent you from having empathy are fucking pathetic.

          • fancykevin-av says:

            It’s the facts of the situation. If you acknowledge that, maybe you can be more helpful to them.

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        Obviously it’s comedians.  Gotta be.

    • pinkkittie27-av says:

      At least 32 trans people have been murdered in 2022.Normalizing transphobia or acting like it’s funny creates a culture of violence. A culture of violence leads to murder. A way to say that with less words is “transphobia is murder.”

      • Lyr-av says:

        And how many women were murdered during that same time period?  More specifically, women who were murdered that were not selling sex? 

      • PrimeSah89-av says:

        I fail to understand how this is any different from the arguments that GTA games and misogynistic rap lyrics lead to violence against women.

        A similar argument was made when the Joker movie came out

        While it is theoretically plausible, I find it difficult to see his offensive humor on par with works like The Turner Diaries or Mein Kampf.

      • babbylonian-av says:

        It’s not only about direct murder. Transphobia and its acceptance lead to trans people committing suicide at appalling rates.

        • chestrockwell24-av says:

          Jews at Auschwitz had a lower suicide rate than trans people. Are we really to believe it’s just society causing this?

      • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

        There’s no causal link between Dave Chappelle’s jokes and anyone murdering anyone. Get a grip, for fuck’s sake.Also, the 32 figure comes from a dishonest trans pressure group called ‘Human Rights Campaign’. They attribute the murder of every transgender to “Transphobia” even in cases where the killer and the victim didn’t know each other, or when the murderer was also trans.

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        How many of those people were for sure murdered for being trans?I could bust out stats saying men are much more likely to be victims of murder than women.  It doesn’t mean they are targeted due to being male.

      • movingcloud9-av says:

        Wow, 32? I’m sorry. I should be more sensitive. I guess it takes precedence over the tens of thousands of women that have been murdered globallyhttps://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2018/11/30/671872574/u-n-report-50-000-women-a-year-are-killed-by-intimate-partners-family-members

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:
    • Lyr-av says:

      But physically assaulting Dave and his fans is totally ok with TRA’s, because Dave and his fans “deserve it.” It’s the old “Look what they made me do!” excuse that abusers make for their actions.

    • dr-darke-av says:

      The Incel Edgelord air of so many people starting these threads is truly…disgusting.All I can imagine is that all of you sit in your basement typing incoherent screeds praising Zack Snyder as a genius, hating on any woman who dares to play the same games you do, and voting for Donald Trump.

    • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

      You’re absolutely right. Oddly, the same people who bang the “dAvE chAppELLe iS LiTTuRaLLy kiLLinG tRaNsPeOpLe” drum the hardest tend to get quite defensive when you draw a similar line between, say, hip-hop and gang violence. If these people want to be taken seriously, they need to explain why jokes about “Impossible pussy” do lead to trans people being murdered in broad daylight, but songs like “Bitches Ain’t Shit”, for instance, don’t lead to a net increase in bitches being treated like they ain’t shit.

    • Mr-John-av says:

      By “harmful”, you mean offensive. It’s silly to act like his jokes are going to lead to real-world violence against trans people. It’s the violent video games moral panic with a new coat of paint.That’s the dumbest thing in this entire comment section – and it’s full of stupid fucks.How did you write that and think it was true?

    • jimv71883-av says:

      Or what about Dave’s transgender friend that knew him well and knew he wasn’t transphobic. She came to Dave’s defense when people were calling him “transphobic”. For defending him she was insulted and threatened by people that say they support the LGBT community. She killed herself. I don’t know if the treatment she got for coming to Dave’s defense was a factor in her suicide but it wouldn’t surprise me.And people think Dave is the one causing the harm?

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    This site really needs Olivia Wilde to fart out Don’t Worry Darling 2. 

  • disparatedan-av says:

    “Transphobia is murder”It’s possible to disagree with Chapelle without resorting to this kind of nonsense. 

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      Hyperbolic, but way more accurate than “meat is murder.”

      • Lyr-av says:

        Eating meat results in the death of another living being. Referring to someone with the pronouns of their biological/chromosomal sex does not.

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          Meat animals aren’t humans, the only creatures one can “murder.”Dehumanization of transwomen leads to the grossly disproportionate rate of them being murdered.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            If you’re against blackface but okay with woman face you’re a hypocrite

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            This is the most profoundly stupid and offensive take conceivable.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            How is it offensive?  Dylan Mulvaney is a trans woman who recently even got invited to the white house.  They are doing woman face.  Go watch some of “her” videos.  It almost comes off as parody.  They act like a caricature of a woman.  But you wont find that offensive, right?

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Sounds like one stupid motherfucker who doesn’t know what blackface actually is and is embarrassing himself with a really fucking stupidly chosen false equivalence.Transphobia and being a fucking stupid dipshit really go well together.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            It’s womanface.  Own it.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Go to school, you idiot.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            I did, school taught me men can’t get pregnant or menstruate. 

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Your shitty school didn’t teach you what blackface actually is, what it’s connected to, and why terribly stupid false equivalences don’t constitute effective rhetoric.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            They did correctly teach me that men can’t menstruate. 

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Seems legit.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            It is a fact they can’t menstruate. What I’m hoping is you or someone else is dumb enough to say otherwise. Any takers wanna get shut down? Just link me to an example of a man menstruating. And nope mentally ill women will not be counted as men, so do not embarrass yourself by going down that road.Nor do intersex people prove men can menstruate, so best avoid that too.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Incels gonna incel.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Quit projecting.  Last time you touched a pussy is when your mom gave birth to you.

        • dr-darke-av says:

          Murder is murder.So you grant more rights for farm animals than you do for transpersons?Glad to know where your priorities are!

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        How does this make it okay?

      • joeperablackmetal-av says:

        But it’s death for no reason…

      • wastedp-av says:

        This is aside from the discussion of transphobia, but you have been to a butcher shop, haven’t you?  When they harvest that stuff, it doesn’t grow back and the animal doesn’t go on to live a long, happy life.

    • insignificantrandomguy-av says:

      It’s possible to not make a very real, very difficult struggle into how people should be nicer to those who mock, diminish, and make bigoted “jokes,” about that struggle, and also make it worse by doing so.Priorities.

    • pinkkittie27-av says:

      It’s possible this writer, who is trans, understands the real threat of violence trans people have to live under every day. You have no business telling trans people how they should talk about transphobia.

      • kolgrim-av says:

        You have no business telling trans people how they should talk about transphobia.This means that a trans person can say literally ANYTHING about transphobia and the responsibility of non-trans people is to at least keep their mouths shut and at most fall into step and agree with them. If a trans person says, “Cars are transphobic,” non-trans people are not allowed to say otherwise.

        This is why no one listens to statements like the one I quoted above. I’d argue, in fact, that this is pretty much the crux of Dave Chappelle’s entire thesis on trans people: he doesn’t have a problem with people living their lives, but he rejects that this particular identity or set of personal characteristics confers on them a special gnosis cis people simply cannot share or comprehend.

      • bemorewoke23-av says:

        Except we do it all the time. We tell trans-racial people their identites don’t matter and they don’t get to claim another to identify as another race.

      • dreadpirateroberts-ayw-av says:

        He is not telling them how to speak. This is a comment board, and he is commenting about the fact that this sort of rhetoric does not really help and tends to dilute the message. You are free to disagree of course.

      • dinoironbody1-av says:

        If I said that prejudice against people on the autism spectrum is murder would the fact that I’m on the spectrum myself mean others can’t argue with me?

      • rockhard69-av says:


      • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

        In the UK, transgendered people are literally the safest demographic. There hasn’t been a single murder of a transgender in the UK in the last three years. In fact, last year some idiot Member of Parliament tweeted something about that execrable ‘Trans day of remembrance’ guilt trip thing, and some very witty TERFs exhorted her to read the names of the dead in Parliament as a tribute, knowing she wouldn’t have any names to read.Meanwhile, three real women are murdered every week.

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        They have no business telling me i should deny reality and play along with their delusions.

      • seven-deuce-av says:

        “You have no business telling…”Who the fuck are you?

      • movingcloud9-av says:

        When those same trans people resort to threats of violence against any who do not stand with them (“kill terfs”, gonna choke you with my girlcock bitch”) we absolutely have the right to talk about violence. The majority of violence victims are BIPOC, many of whom are involved in sex work, a naturally hostile work environment. Meanwhile if I had a dollar for every time I’ve seen an online comment advocating for violence against woman from Transwomen, I’d have quite the pretty penny.

      • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

        It’s possible this writer, who is trans, I’d just engaging in the same cynical emotional blackmail that’s so common among the rest of them.

    • slurmsmckenzie-av says:

      Transphobia most certainly leads to murder the same way homophobia does, the same way anti-Semitism does. It creates a fear of the other, a feeling that they are subhuman and therefore not worthy of the same spaces that cis straight people are. Murders of trans people has trended up recently, with 2021 being the highest ever https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/2021-is-now-the-deadliest-year-on-record-for-transgender-people

      • disparatedan-av says:

        Yes I’ve seen that article before, and it’s exactly the type of nonsense that leads to people like the writer I quoted being unnecessarily terrified. What it doesn’t mention is that murder rates were up across the board in 2021, that murder of trans people was up at a lower than average rate, and that trans people are, again on average, a relatively safe demographic. Please stop spreading misinformation.

      • adohatos-av says:

        This sounds like a slippery slope argument and those are fallacies.

      • kleptrep-av says:

        Oh shoot, why the fuck are people killing trans people? Why is it so hard to understand that people can be like butterflies. Is a butterfly born a butterfly. No it’s born as something else much like how a trans person can be born as something else (say a male) and grow up to be something different (say a female). It’s not that difficult.Also what you said reminded me of this homosexual friend I met on a train who left London because he was a victim of so many threats due to his sexuality and I don’t understand why, if a consenting adult is in love with a consenting adult then what’s it to you?

        • chestrockwell24-av says:

          Jesus christ this is fucking dumb. It really hurts my brain. No butterflies are not born as butterflies, but it’s not the same.  You might as well have brought up the clown fish too.If a trans woman gets cut and bleeds and then doctors take the blood sample back to a lab it’s still gonna say the blood came from a man.  

        • wuthaniel-av says:

          Much of what you say isn’t wrong, but that butterfly analogy is idiotic. 

      • rockhard69-av says:


      • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

        Every year, the definition of transgender gets looser. Every year, the number of transgender people who are murdered goes up. It feels like there’s some kind of link between these two things but I just can’t quite put my finger on it…Of course, organisations with regurgitate that little factoid typically cite the trans pressure group’ Human Rights Campaign’, that dishonestly attributes the murder of every transgender person to tRaNsPhObiA, even in cases where the murderer was also trans.

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        I’ll admit this is clever, the same people saying transphobia leads to murder have also dubbed themselves the arbiter of what isn’t and is transphobic. Is it transphobic to note the inherent contradictions in gender ideology? To say men should not compete in sports against women? Does the fact I believe the following make me transphobic:If you are a man named Ted and you want to wear a dress and call yourself Tina, cool. If you are 18 or older and want to take it even further and get on hormones? Fine. If you want to use your own hard earned dollars for a sex change? Do it. But no competing in women’s sports and no tax payer dollars going towards your sex change.If you find those beliefs unreasonable or hateful or if you think a prominent celebrity saying the same thing will lead to murder then you have lost the plot.

      • vp83-av says:

        Important context from that article.  A big factor for this spike is that more trans people are correctly identified by the media and police as trans now than in previous years:In 2018, LGBTQ+ media organization GLAAD cautioned news outlets from sensationalizing stories about “the deadliest year on record for transgender people” without context. The organization pointed out that anti-trans murders often go inaccurately reported because of misgendering by police and media. As law enforcement and media have become more sensitive to trans people, reporting has improved, sometimes increasing visibility of those killed, advocates said.

      • nenburner-av says:

        I hate to pull the “as a gay Jew” card, but as a gay Jew, I’d never say “antisemitism is murder” or “homophobia is murder.” It’s just not true. Homophobia is ignorant and unkind and increasingly socially unacceptable, but it’s not murder. Murder is murder. Bigotry is just… bigotry.

    • Lyr-av says:

      Finally, a voice of reason.

    • dr-darke-av says:

      How does it feel to be completely, utterly wrong and bigoted to boot?

    • Mr-John-av says:

      What else would you call the systemic and intentional erasure of an entire group of people?

      • disparatedan-av says:

        Murder means killing people. If you can give me any evidence of systemic and intentional killing of trans people I’m all ears. 

        • Mr-John-av says:

          I mean, I get you’re some dumb fuck bigot, but since you asked:https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-trans-press-release/The rate of violent crime against trans people is four times higher than average.https://abcnews.go.com/US/homicide-rate-trans-people-doubled-gun-killings-fueling/story?id=91348274The number of murdered trans people has doubled over the last four years.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5551594/ the homicide rates of young transfeminine Black and Latina residents were almost certainly higher than were those of cisfeminine comparatorshttps://sanquentinnews.com/transgender-murder-rate-on-the-rise/The first 7 months of 2020 saw more trans people killed than all of 2019https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/2021-is-now-the-deadliest-year-on-record-for-transgender-people2021 was was the deadliest year on record to be trans.Oh and since you’re all ears “murder” literally means the “intentional killing” of someone you fucking idiot. 

          • disparatedan-av says:

            You said systemic. You have yet to show that. But moving on anyway.“The rate of violent crime against trans people is four times higher than average.”I haven’t disputed that so won’t bother reading that one, I was talking about murder specifically.“The first 7 months of 2020 saw more trans people killed than all of 2019″“2021 was was the deadliest year on record to be trans.”As for these 2 claims, as I’ve mentioned elsewhere in this thread, these figures are well below the national average, making trans people a relatively safe demographic. “Oh and since you’re all ears “murder” literally means the “intentional killing” of someone you fucking idiot.”Obviously I wasn’t trying to give a complete definition of the word murder.

    • dpc61820-av says:

      Go look up the dozens of murded trans people. See their faces, one by one. Know them as individuals. Then roll your eyes about people rightly fearing for their own lives and mourning the irreplaceable, devastating loss of the individuals who will never get another hug from a parent or hold a niece on their lap. Tiffany Banks.Semaj Billingslea.Acey Morrison.Mya Allen.Dede Ricks.Maddie Hofmann.Aaron Lynch.Shall I go on? Sadly, I could. 

      • disparatedan-av says:

        “people rightly fearing for their own lives”People like you and others posting here are contributing to a climate of fear fr trans people and their families by acting as though there is some epidemic of trans people being murdered, erased even as per one other poster, despite evidence to the contrary . It’s cruel and you should stop.

        • insignificantrandomguy-av says:

          Disingenuous bullshit is only clever when it isn’t obvious. Stop thinking you’re clever when you’re only revealing how little actual character you possess. 

          • disparatedan-av says:

            I don’t really care that you think I’m disingenuous, as I’m sure you don’t care about my opinion of you. But can I ask, do you really not see the harm in misrepresenting statistics in order to tell a vulnerable group of people that they are in far more danger than they actually are?

          • insignificantrandomguy-av says:

            Dude, your resorting to lazy loaded questions like that only prove me right.How long have you been beating your wife?

          • disparatedan-av says:

            That’s a very silly comparison.

    • thetransit-av says:

      But it is thought. It leads to murder. It leads to gratuitous attacks. It leads to IRL and online bullying that ends in suicide. 

  • cordingly-av says:

    Real talk: What are the odds Louis CK makes a return?

    • thegobhoblin-av says:

      I don’t expect him to, but that’s in large part because I just don’t think he has the notoriety he used to. If he was announced as host there would be a collective sigh and ratings wouldn’t change.

  • amessagetorudy-av says:

    I mean, c’mon, they knew they would get everybody buzzing the minute they announced he was hosting. I mean, it’s not like he’s promoting an upcoming movie or stand-up special or album (at least according to IMDB) which seems to be among their main hosting requirements, so there’s not too many other reasons for having him on except controversy. Which, IMO, is a pretty lame reason. He can be funny at times but, c’mon, Lorne, just say you’re doing it for the eyeballs.

    • vet26-av says:

      Wait, you’re saying that Lorne Michaels is actively TRYING to get people to watch his show? You are really blowing the lid off this whole deal!

  • jsm11482-av says:

    Whoever’s boycotting is ignorant. Period.

  • shotfromguns-av says:

    Why is AV Club posting articles like this and then not aggressively moderating them to remove comments from transphobes and delete their accounts? The top comment I see right now is a straight-up TERF, and the comment has been there for four hours. (Also worth looking into who’s pulling these users out of the greys, since it’s not like they tend to be quiet about their shitty opinions in general.)It’s important to report on these topics, but it’s equally important to not turn your articles into platforms for people to spew disgusting bigotry in the comments. This level of hands-off behavior is irresponsible and harmful. If possible, articles that bring the bigots out of the woodwork should always be switched to active moderation for all users, requiring approval for every comment.

  • i-miss-splinter-av says:

    Chappelle hasn’t been funny since he quit his show. He’s just angry. At what, I don’t know, but it was obvious in his very first Netflix specials back in 2017.

    • rockhard69-av says:

      Lame. A true wokester would never have found the Chappelle Show funny.

    • lizaerika-av says:

      Please he’s as funny as he’s ever been if not more. This whole string of comments is stupid and ridiculous. I’m so tired of this crap from certain people getting so offended and others just hopping on the wagon to be what they think is “so understanding”. I’ll never call someone they, her, he, him, whatever and I think it takes a lot of nerve to even demand people to do it.

  • crocodilegandhi-av says:

    Look what you’re reduced to, using Page Six as a source. What’s next, We Got This Covered?

  • coachma-av says:

    I don’t think this comment is going to get approved, but this is going to be the highest rated SNL since the last time he hosted. I wonder if the number of SNL writers that walk out will be bigger than the handful of Netflix employees that changed the world without their headlines.

    • rockhard69-av says:

      Nah, no worries. Gawker pretends to be woke but they are desperate for clicks and they know their regular wokester readership cant sustain them. We will be forever pending in grey but still welcome.And trust me, everyone reads the grey comments.

  • pinkkittie27-av says:

    Hey, AV Club, maybe stop posting articles that pretend you care about trans people if you’re not going to voraciously moderate your comment section so it’s not filled with the most toxic, transphobic bullshit. Seriously. Otherwise, you’re just creating another forum for bigots to get validation from each other.

    • rockhard69-av says:

      Just like SNL they need the views, dumbfuck. Sorry, you’re mad that the whole world doesnt share your opinions and think you’re awesome, shitstain.

    • rockhard69-av says:

      Definitely poor moderation. Why are dickheads who contribute nothing like Pink Everlasting allowed to post here? We get it. He’s mad at a TV show.

    • ghostiet-av says:

      The level of moderation here is such that they don’t even bat an eye when you criticize or plainly insult the writers (which at Kotaku is a surefire way to get sent back to the greys when everything else fails), so yeah, not happening because they don’t give a shit. I would know – I made my lack of respect towards Barsanti’s quality of writing very known, but I’m still here.This is a wasteland, ripe only for throwing poop at each other.It’s also very possible that nobody working here knows how to do that in Kinja.

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        Also people here are fucking lunatics and will label any criticism of trans ideology as you being phobic.You would never say I hate flat earthers and want them to die just because I say they are full of shit and the earth is round.And perhaps the really bad stuff is in the greys, because I’m seeing mostly typical “men cant be women” stuff not “die trans people die”

      • roboj-av says:

        Same for Gizmodo, i09, and Jalopnik, but AVClub is that pathetically desperate for clicks and views these days, this is what it has resorted to. 

    • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

      Oh, please. 95% of the comments are troons and their fetishizers stroking themselves off.

    • movingcloud9-av says:

      AV is going to continue posting performative articles so they can say they got their quota in for the day when it comes to toting the Narrative. There are real people in the comments who are going to leave their real opinions: Not everyone is going to play into your stupid charade and give the fetishists the validation you’re demanding.  If recognizing reality is transphobic, you shouldn’t be surprised when a lot of people eagerly adopt the title.  

  • Lyr-av says:

    Such snowflakes. 

  • lildaddy5678-av says:

    “Murder?” Wow, a bit hyperbolic yes?

  • dshep78-av says:

    It seems this is a very biased article AND forum. I get it; I, myself, am father to 3 queen children (1 birth and 2 step). I support them and their lives. There’s nothing to fear here. That said, your comments show that you—and a majority of the public—got it twisted. Listen to the man. He doesn’t hate the Trans community; he doesn’t understand how the T in LGBTQ have unceremoniously leaped to the forefront of the LGBTQ movement for civil and human rights. He can’t see how a marginalized section of the movement is now so empowered that it can play the “hate” card against people who have fought the same fight for human and civil rights. I get that. As a Black man in this particular country, that doesnt sit well with me. Now, they are a protected class…protected from any consequence, from any criticism. Even other queer groups within the movement are taken aback by the trans communities “protected” status. What is weird is that the trans community didn’t have this kind of power or visibility until an old, WHITE grandpa decided he was being overshadowed in his own house by a flock of harpies and also needed to not remain Bruce Jenner for legal reasons. 

    • insignificantrandomguy-av says:

      We are all aware of the bullshit ignorant excuses and and his fans need to make in order to feel like their bigotry isn’t obvious and creepy. None of them are rational nor wise, despite all the pretending they are by people just as clueless as Chappelle.The fact his fans think he’s intelligent at all beyond what he personally knows through his own experiences is hilarious. Take away race relations, and he’s a fucking moron.

  • djclawson-av says:

    Imagine you’re the first non-binary cast member, your whole career has led up to this, they bring up a noted transphobe to host, and you know if you boycott you probably won’t keep your job.

    • thegobhoblin-av says:

      I hope they stand by their principles. If they do get fired I’ll buy the book they write on the whole affair.

      • djclawson-av says:

        I definitely wouldn’t blame them for not doing it. I mean, that’s your career right there. You might never come back from it. If there’s a decision to be made, it’s a really hard one.

  • mathrockchicago-av says:

    Do we have any evidence that Chappelle’s special emboldened trans bigots or made bigots out of neutral parties on trans rights rather making neutral parties support trans rights more instead for those that watched it?

  • krinj-av says:

    No doubt, the show will be funnier with Dave and without the SNL writers (judging by the last, uhm… 3000 shows).

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    An hour and a half of the Lil Jon voice is all we want and all Dave’s got going. If he just does that this might just work out alright.

  • rockhard69-av says:

    If Johnny Depp makes a surprise guest appearance we might be able to trigger all of the wokesters into killing themselves.

  • waystarroyco-av says:

    Maybe of the writers don’t show up this week’s show might actually be funny?It’s not like they contribute much.That David Pumpkins reboot was like copying and pasting a Wikipedia article. Even my 7th grade teacher new that shit wasn’t original

  • phonefixnicole-av says:

    I don’t know if it’s good or bad

  • i-miss-splinter-av says:

    To what few moderators (if any) still work for this network, it’s long past the time to do something about the ridiculously obvious trolls. If anyone, in any position, working for the Gizmodo network actually wants to do something so save this company, stop thinking that trolls drive engagement and fucking do something.

  • fancykevin-av says:

    There is no such thing as transphobia.

  • chestrockwell24-av says:

    If you don’t like Chappelle don’t tune in, problem solved. The world will still be turning come Sunday morning.If this gives you anxiety try dunking your face in ice water or breathing like a baby.

  • poltergeist101-av says:

    Cool. It’s a free country they can walk out and their employer can decide if they like them not doing their job while they’re paying them. Meanwhile, I’ll be watching the show. Nobody is above being made fun of by comedians. It’s comedy. If he was only targeting a single group that would be bad, but Dave is an equal opportunity comedian…he makes fun of everything and everyone.

    • insignificantrandomguy-av says:

      Of course you’ll be watching. You certainly won’t be socializing with women or getting laid. 

      • yourdadsboyfriend-av says:

        Oh yeah, I’m sure you’ll be doing both of those things. There’s nothing that gets women wet quite like a white knight hipster in an AV Club comment section.

  • geronimox-av says:

    If you have a penis you’re a boy, if you have a vagina you’re a girl and if you have both you’re a hermafrodite… That’s just a given, you can feel different, but to be offended when people don’t know how or who you feel, is just ridiculous!

  • Axetwin-av says:

    Consider this. We live in a time where people are more concerned about misgendering a ship, than they are a person.

  • tkazy13-av says:

    Dave Chappelle is still the GOAT.Not a single comedian has come close.Not.A.Single.Comedian.Has.Come.Close.

  • wootyb-av says:

    What a garbage article with such hateful woke people.

  • j427-av says:

    Abhorrent as his behavior might be, I think they could lose 90% of their writers and nobody would notice.  Heck, maybe Chappelle himself will write some sketches.  The show might actually be funny.

  • brewerzt-av says:

    What is difficult is that David Chapelle considers himself, and I believe he kinda sorta was, an LGB -T advocate. So yay for a portion of the LGBTQIA+. I’m Trans and believe the Chapelle Show is brilliant and progressive and sardonic. This is still difficult for me because he does think he is right, and it’s clear this is both on him and his wife and their insecurities. Yet, just like JK Rowling, his negative publicity is something he has profited from. Ugh.

  • rikrm-av says:

    Transphobia? Why are you labeling Dave a transphobia? Label much? SNL should be kissing Daves feet for appearing on the show. Finally SNL will have a talented comedian on stage. The writing has been garbage for years.

  • lizaerika-av says:

    I wanted to make this comment to all but I guess I’m dumb and can’t see where to do it. Oh no who did I offend now? I can make fun of myself and you can make fun of me too. Everything is so tragic and poor me with these groups. If you’re going to be who you want to be then be it and get on with life. What do you want from people? The more you demand and play the victim the more people won’t want to deal with this. I could care less what you are, why do you have to force your personal choices down people’s throats? Face it, the majority of people think it’s strange they just don’t say it. Who cares there’s lots of strange things in this world. If it were me I would live my life and be happy.

  • adamwarlock68-av says:

    I think the attitude comes from Dave’s frustration with the state of movements for rights and recognition. Dave finds the LGBT community (& one could say feminism too) has white people among it’s ranks so they get far more sympathy and elevation than the black community. The black community’s struggles go back further than the gay community’s but the latter has come so far so fast compared to the former. Not sure I agree with the premise that some people can never be made fun of. That there are any off limits in comedy. Dave has not called for violence or bans. Wish he would move on from the subject as The Closer when on so long about the topic, it was a bore.

  • hduffy-av says:

    SNL writers have been boycotting for years…bah-dum-tssss…

  • ellisdean204-av says:

    All of this results in eyeballs on the screen. That’s what it’s all about. The writers who are “making a stand” are really giving Dave exactly what he wants: free publicity and material. Also, they’re hurting their career chances.If they simply ignored his comments and made them a nothingburger then he wouldn’t have material related to all of this, but instead they come off as looking ridiculous (“transphobia is murder”) and give him the edge. Now he has another 5-10 minutes of material about the “transphobia is murder” comment that was delivered to him on a silver platter.I disagree with his position on trans people and their rights. But the other 90% of his act is hilarious and if you can’t get around that pesky 10% then that’s fine.  It’s a free country.  That on/off button works wonders for your sanity.(And he’s 110% correct that Hannah Gadsby is not funny in the least)

  • notlewishamilton-av says:

    It’s one thing to have a host with different political views than the typical SNL viewer. It’s another thing to have a host — wealthy and influential — who espouses some/multiple forms of hate on minority groups (racial, religious, ethnic, national, LGBTQIA+). Having Chappelle host is a bad decision on Lorne Michaels’ part.

  • timkern007-av says:

    I miss pre-internet when unsolicited opinions were never heard.  

  • terranigma-av says:

    So theres hope SNL is going to have some funny episodes again this weekend

  • anpuca-av says:

    LOL America is an hilarious bucket of piss and nonsense. An Esher poster drawn by kindergarteners.  

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