Dave Chappelle to host yet another post-election SNL

Saturday Night Live apparently hasn't looked up what Dave Chappelle has been up to lately

Aux News Dave Chappelle
Dave Chappelle to host yet another post-election SNL
Dave Chappelle Photo: Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

In what is apparently now a regular tradition, even for the mid-terms, Saturday Night Live has announced that its next host after Tuesday’s election will be none other than Dave Chappelle, following his previous hosting gigs on November 7, 2020, and November 12, 2016—both of them being the first episodes after the presidential election. In 2020, pre-election, we questioned the rationale of tempting fate like that by setting us up for any kind of repeat of 2016, but now we can’t help but question the rationale of the whole goddamn thing.

Since he last hosted SNL, Chappelle released “The Closer” on Netflix, a comedy special that was quickly condemned by GLAAD over transphobic comments from Chappelle, leading to a walkout at Netflix that inspired co-CEO Ted Sarandos to really think about who he was letting onto his platform and what sort of damage could be done by what they were saying. Actually, no, his company later released a similarly transphobic comedy special from Ricky Gervais, and Sarandos insisted that “nobody would say that what [Chappelle] does isn’t thoughtful or smart” and that it’s Netflix’s goal to offer “something for everybody”—even, apparently, people who just fucking suck.

Anyway: SNL! They’ve certainly had a lot of shitty people host over the last few years, including a billionaire asshole and a fake-millionaire asshole (he’s a real asshole but a fake millionaire), so there’s a zero percent chance that any backlash to Chappelle hosting again will impact the show in any real way. So… whatever. The musical guest will be Black Star.

Also, while we’re talking about the past repeating itself, Chappelle’s episode on Saturday will air two weeks after the return of Tom Hanks’ David S. Pumpkins, who made his debut in 2016 in an episode that aired two weeks before Chappelle’s 2016 episode. Does that mean something, or is it just that Halloween happens a few weeks before election day?


  • bythebeardofdemisroussos-av says:

    So the Republicans will take the house and senate and then there’s this guy there to kick us while we’re down

    • bio-wd-av says:

      Yeah he’s gonna be an asshole and say y’all had it coming for trying to cancel “us” something something this country identifes as red blah blah blah.  Knowing him he probably voted for JD Vance.

  • yourdadsboyfriend-av says:

    Wow. A comedy show got one of the best stand-up comedians of all-time to host? That is infuriating. Don’t they know to consult with whiny lefty pissbaby bloggers first? Shaking and crying and pissing rn.

    • wombat23-av says:

      they brought mitch hedberg back to life? cool, i though they were going to have a transphobic hack who hasn’t been funny for a decade. fuck, hedberg is still funnier than chapell, and hes dead.

      • bio-wd-av says:

        This duo host of Mitch Hedberg and Sam Kinnison is brilliant, truly the best stand up comedians together at last………… I think Chappelle is talented but he isn’t best of the best.  He is talented enough though that it sucks seeing him sink into petty nonsense. 

      • yourdadsboyfriend-av says:

        You thought Chappelle was funny up until the point he made fun of your sacred cows, and then you started pissing your pants. 

        • turbotastic-av says:

          I didn’t think he was funny or unfunny. I didn’t think about him at all. I, like everyone else in the world, pretty much forgot Chapelle existed for most of the last two decades, because he dropped off the face of the Earth after he ran out of ideas (which did not take long.)Then he came back a little while ago to reassure everyone that he still doesn’t have any ideas, but he’s discovered that if you insult a minority group loudly enough, conservatives will line up to pretend you’re entertaining.
          Because Rightists are incredibly desperate to have a famous person pander to them. Thanks for providing an example of that, BTW.

          • yourdadsboyfriend-av says:

            If I really wanted to break your brain I’d tell you that I’ve never voted Republican once in my life, but I know that would make you start pissing all over yourself even more, and nobody wants that.I just can’t believe the diverse audience of mostly POC that shows up at Chappelle’s tapings for his specials are all “rightists.” That must be a really bad sign for the future of progressive politics. Maybe that’s why you guys are about to get your asses handed to you in the midterms, oof.

          • recognitions-av says:

            “You guys”

          • yourdadsboyfriend-av says:

            Correct, you guys. I’ve only voted Democrat in my life, now I’ve just stopped voting altogether cus you weirdos have ruined that party.

          • recognitions-av says:
          • yourdadsboyfriend-av says:

            Didn’t read any of that

          • recognitions-av says:

            Right because you have no comeback

          • yourdadsboyfriend-av says:

            No, cus comics have literally never been funny in the history of the universe. Pretty funny that you enjoy them but are trying to convince people that Dave Chappelle isn’t good at comedy.

          • recognitions-av says:

            I like that you’re angrier about comic strips than transphobia

          • yourdadsboyfriend-av says:

            Well, comic strips are a real thing, so yeah.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Thanks for openly showing off your bigotry

          • spiraleye-av says:

            Oh look, ad hominem

          • spiraleye-av says:

            Oh look, irony. 

          • tallestdwarf-av says:

            I’ve only voted Democrat in my life, now I’ve just stopped voting altogether cus you weirdos have ruined that party.Yeah, you sure showed everyone. 

          • roboj-av says:

            You can stop bullshitting that you ever voted Democrat in the first place. Not sure why you internet conservatrolls like pulling dumbshit like this, “I’m a liberal/POC voter, therefore I should be able to get away with saying far right crap.” thinking that people would easily fall for it.

          • yourdadsboyfriend-av says:

            lmao, I love how idiots like you cannot comprehend that anyone who generally votes for the same candidates as you, does not just do so in lockstep for the entirety of their lives. Yes, dipstick, I voted for democrats in every selection since the first one I could participate in, which was 2008. Believe me or don’t, it really does not matter, because your opinions do not matter to me.

          • roboj-av says:

            lmao, I love how dipshit idiot internet conservatrolls can’t just be honest and say “I’m here to own you libs, because I’m a pathetic loser in real life that has nothing better going on but to troll liberals on comment sections on blogs” so you make up all these stupid, bullshit lies and games about how you’re really a Democrat/liberal voter and/or POC despite endlessly spewing right-wing talking points and scoring high on the Trump bingo card. Seriously though, how fucking stupid do you think we are? It really does not matter, because your opinions do not matter to me or anyone else here, so why are you doing this? Why can’t you numbnuts ever stay in your echo chambers? You’re 32 and this is all you’ve got going? To everyone else reading this, there is a reason why there are greys here. Let’s keep dipshits like him in there please.

          • ooklathemok3994-av says:

            I want to know how this dipshit from Truth Social gets out of the greys and I’m still stuck in here. 

          • yourdadsboyfriend-av says:

            Ooooh boy that was a lot of text that I’m definitely not going to read lmao

          • roboj-av says:

            But you did read it. Hence why your dumbass….err sorry “Democrat voter” (lol!) keeps replying. And why you’re still here. Keep on trying though. You’ll own us libs someday.

          • yourdadsboyfriend-av says:

            I assure you I didn’t, but you kept this one nice and short so now I did :)Idk if I’ll own any libs but it sounds like the GOP is probably going to tomorrow. At least you can probably blame Dave Chappelle for it.

          • roboj-av says:

            “I’m not reading your replies” says the moron on the internet who keeps reading and replying. But I guess that’s better than your equally moronic “I’m not a conservative but I attack and troll liberals like a conservative.”

          • yourdadsboyfriend-av says:

            I said I didn’t read your long reply, and said I did read the one after that. Sheesh man, can you even read?

          • roboj-av says:

            24 hours later and you’re back in here still replying and keeping this thread going. That’s what i’m reading: That you’re a big dumb hypocrite of a F grade troll. lol. Keep replying though. This is entertaining watching you. 

          • yourdadsboyfriend-av says:

            24 hours later and you’re back in here still replying and keeping this thread going. That’s what i’m reading: That you’re a big dumb hypocrite of a F grade troll. lol.Keep replying though. This is entertaining watching you. 

          • roboj-av says:

            Repeating that doesn’t make you any clever or less of a dumb hypocrite. Especially from someone who claims that what I say doesn’t matter but then proceeds to spend the next few days caring about what I say. lol.

          • yourdadsboyfriend-av says:

            As long as you keep these comments nice and short, I have no problem reading them buddy. I care a lot about you. We’re friends now.

          • richardalinnii-av says:

            I can’t help but notice that you are weirdly obsessed with piss. Diaper fetish? Piss porn? Pretty odd,man.

          • yourdadsboyfriend-av says:

            It’s what your old man is into. Take it up with him, Bob.

          • richardalinnii-av says:

            My old man has been dead for over 20 years, and also he isn’t he one posting about piss on every comment. Way to show your intellectual capabilities, which are obviously severely limited.

          • kingofsaturatedfats-av says:

            The real question is why do you say “pissing” so much?

          • hallofreallygood-av says:

            Yes, I’m sure Netflix gave him $60MM for a handful of specials specifically because everybody forgot about him.

          • gargsy-av says:

            “I didn’t think he was funny or unfunny. I didn’t think about him at all. I, like everyone else in the world, pretty much forgot Chapelle existed for most of the last two decades, because he dropped off the face of the Earth after he ran out of ideas”

            I like how you’ve just decided to be Trump and ignore reality.

            Good job.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “they brought mitch hedberg back to life?”

        Only one person is “one of the best stand-up comedians of all-time”?

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        It’s a good thing you don’t matter. 

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        Is Hannah Gadsby funny?

      • rockhard69-av says:

        A decade? What a bigot you are. I havent found Chappelle funny ever. I’m so woke I thought the Chappelle Show was transphobic. Fuck you for making this guy rich and now trying to act woke, you shitstain.

    • cjob3-av says:

      No he made some controversial statements in recent years so now everyone has to pretend they didn’t used to rave about The Chapelle Show

      • turbotastic-av says:

        The Chapelle Show was great. But it also exposed that Chapelle is a better comic actor than he is a standup comedian. He was great when he was playing characters and acting out bits written by his writing team. But since the show ended and he’s lacked the crutch of those writers, he’s been utterly mediocre.
        Which is why everyone (including you) always points to
        Chapelle Show as their go-to example for why this guy is supposedly the
        Jesus of comedy.
        Chapelle’s Show was cancelled 16 years ago. You shouldn’t have to go that far back in time to find an example of the guy doing his job correctly.

        • gargsy-av says:

          “But it also exposed that Chapelle is a better comic actor than he is a standup comedian.”

          Stop it. Just stop it. His first two standup hours are ALL-TIME CLASSIC routines.

          You don’t have to pretend you never liked him just to look like an ignorant fool.

        • mpas-av says:

          He decided  not to renew his contract. It was not cancelled.

    • turbotastic-av says:

      Really? Your pick for “best stand-up comedian” is a guy who was only funny for roughly 18 months starting in 2003 and only when he was acting out skits written by other people?
      The Right’s standards for comedy are so low I actually feel sorry for them.

      • yourdadsboyfriend-av says:

        Bruh, the left thinks Hannah Gadsby is funny, I don’t think you want to have this argument. Dave Chappelle is on any great comics list of best comedians. I think Bill Burr and Chris Rock know more about funny than you do.

        • lostmyburneragain2-av says:

          In fairness I don’t think the left thinks Hannah Gadsby is funny, because finding anything funny contributes to a culture of oppression

      • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

        Chapelle deserves all the criticism these days but your timeline is very much incorrect 

      • gargsy-av says:

        “Really? Your pick for “best stand-up comedian” is a guy who was only funny for roughly 18 months starting in 2003 and only when he was acting out skits written by other people?”

        So you’re just pretending that Chappelle doesn’t have two of the best standup hours ever AND was the creator and head writer of the show that you’re pretending he didn’t write?

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        You’re not intelligent. 

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        How many right wingers are Hannah gadsby fans?

      • rockhard69-av says:

        Yup, who are these Nazi fools trying to judge comedy when everyone knows wokesters are the true comedy masters.

      • rockhard69-av says:

        Really, you’re such a hateful person that you laughed at his lame skits for 18 months? I’ve never found him funny. Get back to me when you get more woke, you fascist prick.

  • dmaarten1980-av says:

    Glad to hear, Dave is funny so excellent host with HOPEFULLY good material to work with

  • jacquestati-av says:

    His episodes are always some of my favorites, the last couple weeks have been rough. Brendan Gleason was good though.

  • disqusdrew-av says:

    Saturday Night Live apparently hasn’t looked up what Dave Chappelle has been up to lately

    I’d say they most certainly are. This is the hosting equivalent of clickbait. They know he’s gonna draw in views, regardless of any controversies around him.

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      He’s the GOAT.

    • jgp-59-av says:

      Maybe he will apologize during his monolog?

    • rev-skarekroe-av says:

      They’re getting a host that’s going to get everyone paying attention to the show?  Why would they do that?

    • inspectorhammer-av says:

      It’s going to work, too.  ‘Dave Chappelle to host SNL’ has twice the comments as the actual SNL episode review. 

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Hey guys! Chuck’s kid is talking about her vagina over here!

      • rockhard69-av says:

        Wokesters love being offended and they also get offended when you tell them they like getting offended.

        • inspectorhammer-av says:

          It’s not a facet of human nature that unique to ‘wokesters’. I go to right-wing forums and they’re chock full of stuff that people posted because they get mad at it and want other people to be mad at it with them. Like a trangender athlete wins something – the original poster (let alone everyone replying) didn’t read the article because they were big into women’s sports or even sports as a whole (there’s a lot of ‘sportsball’ references these days since they’re avoiding sports due to, of course, ‘woke’ athletes). No, it’s because they wanted to be mad at transgenders and there was something to read that they knew would rile them up.So yeah, while ‘wokesters’ do specifically read stuff in order to get mad at it, so do ‘anti-wokesters’.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Nah, see, it’s the OTHER side that’s full of ::checks notes:: “virtue signaling NPCs.”The dudes on the right, who post Pepe memes/clown faces, troll for their own amusement (and others like them), and rattle bullshit off of a badly-written script? Totally not “virtue signaling NPCs.” Apparently.

    • rockhard69-av says:

      Of course. Got to tune in to be offended. I cancelled all my Saturday evening plans. Me and some friends are gonna get together and just yell at transphobic fascist Nazi Hitler lover Chappelle on TV.

  • iboothby203-av says:

    Here’s not afraid to say what 1995 is thinking. 

  • nx-1700-av says:

    So  there is an actual chance there might be something funny on it for a change ?

    • turbotastic-av says:

      Not unless the musical guest is a magic time portal to 2003 because that’s the last time Dave Chapelle was funny.

      • yourdadsboyfriend-av says:

        No no, that was the last time corny white liberals felt comfortable calling him funny. He’s still funny.

        • turbotastic-av says:

          So are you just gonna follow me around and reply to all my posts with more whining about how no one outside the Bible Belt likes your favorite has-been comedian anymore?
          Because your anger is at least as funny as the mediocre last season of Chapelle Show.

          • yourdadsboyfriend-av says:

            Maybe if you keep projecting your anger onto me, I’ll start believing that I’m angry.BTW generally how this works is, when you reply to someone, they will reply to you. If you’d like to stop “following me around”, then you’ll probably stop getting replies from me!Yeah, definitely nobody likes Dave Chappelle outside of the Bible Belt. Which is why he’s selling out shows in New York right now, and you’re commenting on an article about him being picked to host a national TV show that is recorded there. And why Netflix paid him tens of millions of dollars to record specials, because nobody was going to watch them. You are very intelligent.

      • bio-wd-av says:

        I think Dave should take his own advice and WRAP IT UP!

      • nx-1700-av says:

        Still Better than the mid 90’s the last time SNL was funny

        • xirathi-av says:

          Nobody thought the mid 90s cast was funny at the time. Everyone always says “snl hasn’t been funny since “, forgetting that everyone complained about that particular cast as well.

      • xirathi-av says:

        It’s actually really funny you say that. The musical guest is Blackstar and this is they’re preforming from their first new album album in 20 years. LolThey also happen to be long time friends and collaborators with Chapelle, which tells me they where the only musical guests willing to preform on a Chapelle hosted show.

        • inspectorhammer-av says:

          Either that or one of the biggest names in comedy, who has hosted multiple times, used his position and rapport with the producers to hook his friends up.

          • xirathi-av says:

            Either way, now SNL has two shitty acts for this week. 

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Because their latest episode before this was just great.  Oh it wasn’t funny, but the host and musical guest agreed with me politically so…great.

        • lostmyburneragain2-av says:

          Whatever you think of Chapelle, him getting Black Star on national TV is worth it.

          • xirathi-av says:

            Lol. Preachy grampa rap from to men in their in their 50s. 

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            They should get Taylor Swift on to sing about her many boyfriends and breakups. It’s much better seeing a grown woman perpetually act 16, awesome yeah fuck Black Star.

          • lostmyburneragain2-av says:

            It’s Black Star who are performing, not Arrested Development

      • recoegnitions-av says:


  • tjsproblemsolvers-av says:

    Oh goody, more punching down in the name of comedy.Fuck this guy.

  • gospelxforte-av says:

    I’m an avid viewer of the show, but I’ve purposely skipped 2 episodes in the past 12 years of regular viewership. It’s likely I’ll be adding Chappelle to the list along with Trump and Musk.

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    Chappelle is the GOAT comedian. People don’t give a f*ck that the extreme left has tried to tar and feather his reputation on bullshit accusations of transphobia.Love it.

  • rerecognitions-av says:

    The obvious take is “it might be funny for a change.”

    • Shampyon-av says:

      Yeah. Totally obvious. When you put two unfunny things together it becomes hilarious. It’s just math.With that kind of effect at work, they should hire Jimmy Fallon as perpetual host and make the whole world die of laughter.

  • electricsheep198-av says:


  • milligna000-av says:

    Remember how everyone rushed to pretend his last insipid monologue was “thoughtful”

  • griffan-av says:

    Chapelle is not funny anymore. And I’m not talking about him being a closet case with all his trans/gay phobias. He just isn’t funny. I will still watch but only to fast-forwards to Weekend Update… which is the best part of SNL now.

  • coachma-av says:

    I just came to the comment section to see how out of touch people would be. Looks like I hit the jackpot. Time to admit you lost? The very very very small number of people who think there’s something wrong with Dave Chappelle should just come back to the real world and admit they’re wrong.It’s time.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Time to admit you lost? Lost what? Was there a game or something? We playing for money, or…?

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        If the game was “convince the majority of people he is transphobic” yeah you guys lost badly.  And now is when you pretend that wasn’t the goal all along

        • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

          Why the fuck do you think that any adult would spend time trying to convince online randos that a multimillionaire is transphobic?Seriously, the fuck is wrong with you? Go outside.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Follow your own advice if a comedian hosting a comedy sketch show sets you off. Go outside. Or just don’t fucking watch. Watch last week’s awful Amy Schumer episode.You’re not going to get your way here. Your whining will not result in him being removed by the show. You guys can bully smaller venues into not having Chappelle on, but you can’t pull that shit anywhere that matters. Once again it’s time you accept the fact most people do not think the way you do. This is why audiences love his netflix specials while woke movie critics hate it. It’s also why people still love Harry Potter and why order of the Phoenix was recently on the best seller list again.And don’t feign ignorance: the goal here is definitely to get the majority of people on your side, because only then can you have any real impact. Average Joe’s like me are exactly who you need to convince. Otherwise you’re just preaching to the choir. A tiny choir.Or do you honestly truly think the left wingers in the Kotaku, AV Club, etc represent the majority of average Americans?  How could they?  They probably look down on them, while demanding they pay off their student loans.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Dude…you just ranted against someone you’ve been carrying around in your head, who is not me.Seriously, re-read what you wrote. Get someone else to read it back to you. Just plain deranged. No one on “the left” is nearly as obsessed with you as you clearly are with them. Or if you’ve met someone on “the left” that *is* that obsessed, congrats! You’re all fucking deranged.“Or just don’t fucking watch” is what I’ve done, been doing, and will continue to do as regards shit I don’t find funny. I’ll leave the completely ineffectual comment section warfare to you and your fellow brain-rotted partisans. 

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Okay your projection is noted, have a lovely day.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            “Okay your projection is noted”Spoken like someone who can’t admit the failings of their position. You spent days projecting shit onto me that came out of absolutely nowhere.Fuck off, go outside, and try to counterprogram your weird partisan brain rot. Or continue to be some weird, deranged fuck who actually thinks that online randos are amassing against them.Seriously, is it derangement, or are you legitimately fucking stupid? Note that I was not the one who brought partisan politics to the convo.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            You’re not very good at this, want another shot?  I’m fucking nice, I will allow it.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Nah, off ya go. ;-* 

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            I accept your surrender, and might I add: wise move.  You made the right decision.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            I accept your surrender, and might I add: wise move. You made the right decision. Awwww, lil’ guy thinks that he can “win” a “debate” on the Internet.Stay adorable, you weird little man. ;-* 

      • rockhard69-av says:

        Yes, the great cancellation of Dave Chappelle has ended with a decisive loss to the wokesters. Of course we’re not playing for money. Wokesters are broke, drowning in debt and make minimum wage. I would say we can play for pride but wokesters dont have that either.
        People are just wondering when you’re going to stop whining about it. Famous comedian does shows and will keep doing shows. Nothing more to it.

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        Chest Rockwell is not terribly bright, turns out. ;-* 

    • ooklathemok3994-av says:

      I’m not admitting that Saving Christmas is a good movie.

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    Oh. Good. More Dave Chappelle discourse.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Maybe *this* time the weird nerds will convince the other weird nerds that zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    anyone want to set the over/under on “how long before he snarkily does a ‘trans’ joke in his monologue”? If there has to be a traditional post-election host why not Tom Hanks? Why have an A level troll host instead of someone who can muster up the acting ability to believably tell us it will be alright?

    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      Why the fuck do you need SNL to tell you it’s okay?  Watch the damn Hallmark channel.  It’s for comedy not soothing the bruised egos of out of touch liberals.

    • rockhard69-av says:

      Because morons like you should be in therapy not watching a tv show hoping for some fucking actor to be the daddy you never had.

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    I was right to never watch SNL again after they let Trump host. 

  • jodrohnson-av says:

     this gonna be black star as in mos def and talib kweli?

  • TRT-X-av says:

    Can’t wait for him to make that one joke during his monologue.

  • liberaltears6969-av says:

    Remember when AV Club wrote article after article trying to convince readers Chappelle was irrelevant?  This was as his popularity was skyrocketing.   What you don’t understand is this:  Calling people transphobic doesn’t make them transphobic.  

  • lostmyburneragain2-av says:

    It begins!

  • srl77-av says:

    I’m pretty sure NBC knows what Chappelle has been up to, they just don’t care that a small-but-overly-vocal minority of people think he’s transphobic.

  • rockhard69-av says:

    “The musical guest will be Black Star.”That’s pretty fucking racist. There’s lots of black stars. I’m sure the dude has a name.

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