David Crosby, a few years late, takes a shit on Fleet Foxes

Aux Features Music

While other celebrities tend to value their privacy and keep their opinions close to the vest, David Crosby, of CSNY and sperm-donation fame, has quickly become one of the most accessible music icons out there. This is due in large part to Crosby’s willingness to answer any and all questions posed to him on Twitter with a curt, one-to-five-word truth bomb. Whether you’re asking what his dog’s name is or if he’s ever met Hulk Hogan, Crosby will tell it like it is, even if that means totally shitting on a band half a decade after everyone else stopped shitting on them.

That’s exactly what happened this week when a Twitter user reached out to Crosby noting that late-2000s indie-folk sensation Fleet Foxes “have drawn a lot of inspiration from CSN” and asked Crosby what he thought of their music. The singer’s response reads like a TL;DR of a review of Helplessness Blues.

Given his tepid response, there’s little chance Crosby will be heading to one of Fleet Foxes reunion shows coming up this year. But if you want to know for sure, just tweet at him.

[via Spin]

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