David Simon headed back to Baltimore, HBO for new police corruption miniseries

TV Features HBO
David Simon headed back to Baltimore, HBO for new police corruption miniseries
Photo: Dia Dipasupil

David Simon has lined up his next HBO project, and it’s sending him back to the streets—and corruption-rife police departments—of Baltimore, as Deadline reports that Simon and regular producing partner George Pelecanos have begun casting on We Own This City, a miniseries adaptation of Justin Fenton’s book about cop corruption in the city in the mid-2010s. Specifically, Fenton’s book—which, not coincidentally, carries a blurb from Simon, whose work as a newspaper reporter on Baltimore’s crime beat inspired and powered much of his later television work—tracks the rise of the city’s Gun Trace Task Force, meant to curtail the rise in murders seen in the Maryland city in the aftermath of the unrest provoked by the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray while in policy custody in 2015.

As Fenton’s book outlines, though, the Gun Trace Task Force didn’t so much cut down in street crime as participate (and maybe even innovate) in it, leading to a 2017 racketeering indictment that saw all 8 members of the unit accused of having run a multi-year con to rob Baltimore citizens of sometimes massive amounts of cash (and drugs) (and property), all under the auspices of keeping the people safe. It was a massive scandal, even by the standards of Baltimore policing, and also obviously catnip for David Simon, whose blurb for Fenton’s book notes that it can “stand as the inevitable coda to the half-century of disaster that is the American drug war”—and kudos to all of you who just filled the final space in your David Simon Newswire bingo card.

Per Deadline, Pelecanos—whose last project with Simon was The Deuce—spoke a bit about the potential project a few years back, including the fact that at least some of the old The Wire writing staff will be back to work on the project. (Although, to be clear, it doesn’t sound like the new series will place itself in the lightly fictionalized version of Baltimore from that celebrated show.) The new series reportedly got a greenlight from HBO earlier this year.


  • blpppt-av says:

    2Homicide2StreetsThe Wire: Baltimore Drift

  • 10cities10years-av says:

    Hopefully Simon can pepper in some of his truly masterful swearing (as exhibited daily on his Twitter account).

    • disqusdrew-av says:

      HBO should scrap their idea and just make a show filming Simon expertly roasting public people on the spot. His Twitter account is high artform of insults.

  • recognitions-av says:

    Is he gonna have a brave white male main character who tells Black Lives Matter protesters that they’re being “selfish” and to “go home”?

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      This should be good.  What’s the reference here?

        • skibo91-av says:

          Yes, one bad tweet from 6 years ago definitely means that the guy who gave us multiple profoundly nuanced and sympathetic portraits of various Black communities and the systemic racism responsible for the problems they face, based on his own experience working within those communities, needs lessons from recognitions on how to portray racism.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Tweet? It was a whole ass blog post. And I’m sorry, I didn’t realize David Simon was responsible for writing all those shows by  himself with any help, or that he was on the list of magic celebrities who are forbidden to be criticized along with Alice Cooper. Any other names I should be aware of that it’s verboten to say anything bad about?

          • skibo91-av says:

            It’s not that he is impervious to criticism. It’s that you, who seem to only understand race as something you can get internet points for if you say the right thing about it, are decidedly unqualified to provide criticism about the creator of The Wire’s ability to make a nuanced show about the systemic racism driven problems that Baltimore faces.

          • recognitions-av says:

            So who is qualified? And what makes you qualified to say that I’m not? I get it, you liked his shows. That doesn’t mean everyone has to line up with your opinions.

          • moggett-av says:

            So we’re not allowed to judge him based on numerous writing projects but we should based on a blog post?  That makes no sense. 

          • recognitions-av says:

            Where did anyone say you’re not allowed to judge him? I’m not the one going around acting like I can decide who can criticize who.

          • moggett-av says:

            Sure you did. You were arguing that people should ignore his numerous shows (because other(?) people are involved) in favor of the blog post. Which is silly. Particularly when talking about a show he might write. 

          • recognitions-av says:

            Where did I say that exactly? I must have missed it.

          • moggett-av says:

            Considering you also sanctimoniously and disingenuously whined about people supposedly declaring you weren’t allowed to criticize Simon, this question is deeply amusing.

          • recognitions-av says:

            So wait, you’re admitting that I didn’t actually say what you claimed I said? And I didn’t set myself up as the arbiter of who could and couldn’t criticize various celebrities, that was the other guy.

          • moggett-av says:

            Nope. I saying you know exactly what you said and now you’re trying to play some weird, “Me? What? When?” game.

          • recognitions-av says:

            I said it was dumb of him to lecture Black Lives Matter protesters on the approved way to fight racism. Which has nothing to do with anything you said up there.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            “I said it was dumb of him to lecture Black Lives Matter protesters on the approved way to fight racism.”That’s not what he said, but carry on.

          • recognitions-av says:

            No, it’s what he did.

          • itsoktobegray-av says:

            Good lord. You’re still here? How many years have you been having internet arguments on the AV Club?  Is this really what brings you joy?

          • recognitions-av says:

            Sorry, who are you? Should I ask how long you’ve been here and how many arguments you’ve had on this site?

          • itsoktobegray-av says:

            1. I’m nobody2. Since about 20133. Enough to realize that it’s a colossal waste of time

          • recognitions-av says:

            And yet here you are wasting your precious time, as per your definition

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Dude went from “hobbyist gadfly who will *occasionally* make a salient point” to “noisemaking shitbird who lives for daily Internet arguments and doesn’t realize how achingly pathetic that behavior is.”

          • jmyoung123-av says:

            It’s your reductive attitude. David Simon has done much more for the cause than a thirsty little bitch like you. Why don’t you post under your real name?

          • recognitions-av says:

            Lol who the fuck posts on this site under their real name? And tell me more about how it’s okay for a boss to push a pregnant woman to get an abortion after you get through calling me reductive.

          • jmyoung123-av says:

            Way to dodge the question, you coward. Quite a spin on my statement too. And I use my real name. EDITED: You are a troll. Everyone knows you are a troll and yes I am feeding the troll right now.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Ah yes, I am sure everywhere you go people greet you effusively by saying “Why hello Mr. Jmyoung123. Lovely weather we’re having, Mr. Jmyoung123.”

          • jmyoung123-av says:

            You are a sad little person. You remind me of a typical Trump supporter.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Nah I think the Trump supporter would be the guy more likely to defend sexual harassers. You know, like you do.

          • inspectorhammer-av says:

            In fact, I wouldn’t even call it a bad tweet, given that it wasn’t in response to protests but to, y’know, assault and arson.

        • captain-splendid-av says:

          Guess the answer to your question is no, then.

          • recognitions-av says:

            I guess we’ll see!

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            Nah.  You’ve misrepresented what was said.  Your odds are even lower than you think they are.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Please do explain.

          • charliedesertly-av says:

            He means shut the fuck up.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Ah, the predator defender has logged on

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            You could take your own advice, that would be great.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            Explain what? You know exactly what you did.  Find someone else to hold your hand.

          • recognitions-av says:

            I posted a comment on an article. You can explain why you have an issue with that or you can continue to just be pissy for no reason

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Explain what? You know exactly what you did. Yep.And each time he pulls the shtick, more people remember the asshole who pulled the shtick last time around.It’s almost like homie might have to, IDK, grow? Adapt?

    • lattethunder-av says:

      Is he gonna have a twelve-year-old and a sixteen-year-old hook up?

    • highlikeaneagle-av says:

      Was he wrong? If I recall what he said, he wasn’t talking about protesters; he was talking about rioters.

      • recognitions-av says:

        “TV producer David Simon, who dramatized Baltimore’s police force and racial tensions on the HBO series The Wire, pleaded with protesters in the city to go home after the scene turned violent.”

        • highlikeaneagle-av says:

          After the scene turned violent. Seems perfectly reasonable to me.But I guess SOMEBODY always has to be the “fuck this guy for some random reason” guy. The curse of the internet, I suppose.

        • captain-splendid-av says:

          ““TV producer David Simon, who dramatized Baltimore’s police force and racial tensions on the HBO series The Wire, pleaded with protesters in the city to go home after the scene turned violent.””LOL, you mendacious prick. Using a summary, instead of Simon’s own words to make your point, because they don’t line up with your claim.
          Fucking hilarious how shallow you are

          • recognitions-av says:

            So were the people he was lecturing not protestors?Also you’re really mad on behalf of a TV producer for some reason.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            “So were the people he was lecturing not protestors?”…unless you think protesters and rioters are the same thing. But you’re not that dumb, are ya?

          • recognitions-av says:

            I mean, why do you think they were rioting in the first place?

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            Clown shoes does a classic dodge, answering a question with a question.Go bait someone who still cares.

          • odosbucket-av says:

            Don’t worry, Black people. recognitions is here to solve racism. 

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            By fighting with people online!

          • recognitions-av says:

            You’re really angry about a TV show producer getting criticized. Maybe time to go for a walk?

          • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

            I really love how you can make a silly (and maybe a little pissy, but ultimately harmless) comment on a celebrity and a corps of goofs need to make sure that you see their myriad of pissy retorts in defense of a celebrity that will never know or care. Hypocrisy knows no bounds especially done in the name of celebrity idolatry. 

          • recognitions-av says:

            It staggers the imagination. Of all the things people could get mad about in 2021

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            COUNTERPOINT: Nah, people just really, REALLY don’t like recognitions. For reasons that should be apparent. Namely the fact that there’s at least one exchange like this – started by recognitions – per week.It’s almost like he’s a weird, useless troll hiding behind a caricature of “social justice” for cover. ::shrug::

          • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

            That’s pretty petty- ignoring the dude is more constructive than a bunch of internet commenters going on a tirade at the thought of them speaking their mind. I’m fairly sure I’ve been as much a hypocrite and fought stupid internet battles, this one is up there, but all the same, there is absolutely nothing gained from defending Simon’s honor, especially on the hypothetical that he could have evolved past that egregiously stupid article he wrote. Maybe this is too much hero worship, and we can all acknowledge that our having read recognition talking shit won’t change our viewing habits, David Simon will continue making quality television. The same will be the case if we all dump on the troll, albeit we also got to stoop to petty internet tantrums while we were at it.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            So, at the end of the day, the ultimate lesson is that nothing really means anything and we’re all a bunch of jackasses braying at the fucking sky?Y’know what? Fuck it. I’ll take it.

          • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

            Touche. And while that’s a sobering truth, I’ll be braying in the same place tomorrow.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Nah, people simply do not like you. You, personally, based on your repeated and detested shtick. You help nothing and aid no one. You live to be a scold, likely for the pathetic “reasons” that most hobbyist scolds have for doing what they do (usually all of which perpetually circle the mental drain of “ego”). This isn’t about justice, or actual criticism of David Simon. It isn’t about actual racial tension or equality. This is you engaging with sociopolitics in the same obnoxious hipster fashion that a lo-fi purist dickhead would engage with fellow purist dickheads on the Pitchfork forums.So, what is it? Hobby? Fetish? Why do you do this? Do you even know?

          • recognitions-av says:

            A lot of subjectivity and baseless accusations in this comment. I comment on articles on a pop culture website for the same reason everyone else does. It just so happens that I occasionally dare to point out when some venerated celebrity — usually a white man — has said or done something fucked up that people like you get really really mad about it and usually just insult me or ascribe false motives to me instead of, I dunno, just going on with your life? Personally, I think pointing out that a white male creator who’s made a fortune writing about black people’s suffering and then turns around and criticizes how black people respond to that suffering is worth discussing. If you don’t, well, that sounds like a you problem.

          • captain-splendid-av says:
          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Nope. Was going to leave it hang until you wrote this: that people like you get really really mad about it …and indicated that you missed the point entirely.But thank you for indicating that you, in fact, have nothing of actual substance to say and that people should, in fact, ignore you in favor of doing literally anything else.So, kudos. Good advice, that.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Yeah you’re totes not mad bruh. And I would definitely love to never receive another of your insulting, concern-trolling comments again, so here’s to that.

          • captain-splendid-av says:
          • captain-splendid-av says:
          • recognitions-av says:

            As opposed to all of your over-the-top namecalling?

          • captain-splendid-av says:
          • recognitions-av says:

            You ok there bud? Looks like your needle’s stuck.

          • captain-splendid-av says:
          • recognitions-av says:


          • captain-splendid-av says:
          • recognitions-av says:

            You know, you’re the one who first asked me to elaborate on my initial comment. For someone who’s so astute about identifying “bait”, you sure did a lousy job of avoiding it, if that’s how you truly see things.

          • captain-splendid-av says:
          • recognitions-av says:
          • captain-splendid-av says:
          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Keep going. Homie will reply for actual days.

  • brickstarter-av says:

    The Wire 2: The Wire

  • doctoradambricker-av says:

    The Wire: Baltimore GigoloYR2.The Zre.The Wire 2: Cornerboys in Paradise.The Wire 2: The Quickening.The Wire 2: Citizens on Patrol.

  • bigknife-av says:
  • vaporware4u-av says:

    -Bring back the cast of Homicide: Life on the Street
    -Bring back the cast of The Wire
    -Burn every reference to The Plot Against America
    -Bring back the cast of Generation Kill
    -Get Barry Levinson off his lazy ass to team up again
    with Jim Finnerty and Tom Fontana
    -Bring back the cast of OZ
    -Swing for the fences and go for the cable version of a Hard-R
    …..call me when it’s ready

  • lordpooppants3-av says:

    Around last Fat Tuesday I was thinking that a 5th season of Treme would be super relevant starting during summer ‘20. By all accounts covid has been more devastating than Katrina.

  • drew8mr-av says:

    Gun tracing is such a fool’s errand as well. Who cares who bought it new 20 years ago? That information is in no way helpful to 99.9% of criminal investigations.

  • ijohng00-av says:

    i love the David Simon Universe!

  • djmc-av says:

    Herc was definitely on this task force in The Wire’s universe, right?(Looking it up, I see I forgot he ended up off the force. But still…)

  • cscurrie-av says:

    I wish there could be a show that focused on Gary, Indiana, or Detroit, Michigan.

  • ospoesandbohs-av says:

    This is gonna be something.The GTTF guys were brazenly, cartoonishly corrupt.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    This is a reminder that The Corner STILL isn’t on HBO Max.And this is a follow-up reminder to read The Corner: A Year In the Life of an Inner City Neighborhood

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    I know other cities might argue that their police are worse, but wow am I looking forward to hearing the local police around here whining about this show’s portrayal of the poor, downtrodden, but still valiant men in blue. I also hope he doesn’t spare the Baltimore County police, they’re just as bad and suffer from just as huge of an inferiority complex as the city cops, but without quite the same baggage as the city cops.

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    *reads headline, immediately sets DVR to record whatever it is, whenever it airs*

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