DC Comics' Lobo to ask "What if a Korn song was a person?" with his own Syfy show

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DC Comics' Lobo to ask "What if a Korn song was a person?" with his own Syfy show
Screenshot: Syfy

Swamp Thing might be deader than a mildew-covered corpse in the Louisiana sunshine, but the TV fates of DC Comic’s third-and-fourth-tier comic book superheroes continue to soldier on: Variety reports today that Syfy has just begun development on a series centered on utterly ridiculous ’90s antihero Lobo, an intergalactic bounty hunter who smokes cigars, calls people “bastiches,” and drives a motorcycle in space. (There’s other stuff, too, but that covers most of the interesting bits.) Said series is being brought up as a spin-off of the network’s Superman-adjacent prequel series Krypton, and hey, let’s all take a second to marinate in the idea that it’s 2019, and Krypton is somehow spawning spin-offs shows.

As played by Emmett J.Scanlan, the TV take on The Main Man will debut on tonight’s second-season premiere of Krypton, where he’ll look like, well, this:

The Lobo series is being written and produced by Krypton showrunner Cameron Walsh, who is hopefully stocking up on his supply of “edgy” fake swearing and knuckle tattoos as we speak.


  • the-allusionist-av says:

    This just in, immediately after ordering the “Krypton” spinoff Syfy and DC have cancelled “Lobo”.

  • boggardlurch-av says:

    I beg your pardon. Lobo has a long and storied history well before Korn. Korn is Lobo in BroRage musical form, thank you very much.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    Irish Lobo sounds too posh in the trailers, like he should extend his pinky whilst fragging bastiches.

  • mark-t-man-av says:

    God, first they ruined Adam Strange, and now Krypton is ruining Lobo too.
    They’d better not put their filthy mitts on Starman. Any of them.

    • gseller1979-av says:

      I kind of liked their take on Brainiac, who at least looked pretty cool for a Syfy budget, but I don’t understand their take on Adam Strange as a time hopping wannabe hero. 

      • ponsonbybritt-av says:

        I have not watched the show at all (or even read anything about it until now), but isn’t “time hopping wannabe hero” just Booster Gold?

    • squamateprimate-av says:

      A version of something you don’t like doesn’t “ruin” anything for you. Calm down. It’s not like it’s erasing all evidence and memory of whatever media convinced you that Adam Strange is cool or whatever.

  • gseller1979-av says:

    I have a soft spot for Lobo. He’s one of the few beings in the DC Universe who seems to really get on Superman’s nerves and in a very different way than, say, Mr. Mxyzptlk.

    • ponsonbybritt-av says:

      One of my favorite episodes of the old Justice League cartoon (there are a lot though) is the one where everyone thinks Superman dies, and then Lobo shows up to the wake, announces he’s there to replace Superman, and then fights everyone until they’re too exhausted to argue anymore about it.

      It’s great, because Superman is super-polite and super-kind, and Lobo is a good “evil opposite” character because he’s just super-obnoxious.

    • halloweenjack-av says:

      I’ve always been a little fascinated by Lobo and his popularity, not because of the character himself–a one-note joke whose main impact on pop culture was his adoption by Rob Zombie for his go-to look–but for some comic-book version of Poe’s Law: there’s no parody of Wolverine possible that won’t be adopted by fans as a purer, better version of Wolverine. 

  • scottscarsdale-av says:
  • jamiemm-av says:

    Bring back Sheriff Lobo!

    • wanderingscout-av says:

      Fun fact, his canon full name is Zhariff Lobo. Yes, pronounced exactly the way you’re thinking.

  • the-hole-in-things-av says:

    I personally thought Lobo should join the Legends of Tomorrow.

    • crackblind-av says:

      C’mon, that’d be ridiculous.

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      I really do not like Lobo, but Sara Lance and Mick putting him in his place as a member of the Legends could be fun. But that show makes anything ridiculous work, as them pulling off the absurd theme park for magical creatures this season proves

  • biscuit4-av says:

    “What if a Korn song was were a person?”I mean, c’mon. That’s not even something an editor should have to mark up – that’s something a middle school teacher would mark up.
    I can understand mis-using ‘was’ that way by average people in casual conversation… but in pro writing? Nah.
    As any school teacher would tell you; saying “What if a Korn song was a person?” is akin to saying “What if a Korn song used-to-be a person?” and that’s totally not what you’re going for here.Okay. That’s today’s lesson, children. Let’s break for lunch. Except for those kids with lunch-debt – you head to the coal mine.

    • callmeshoebox-av says:

      I have a bear of a time using “was” and “were” properly, so thanks for the lesson!

    • squamateprimate-av says:

      What’s upsetting you doesn’t matter at all, really, and it’s a lost cause you’re fighting because your own insecurities have led you to a desperate attempt to seek control over others.Sorry!

  • dvsrey17-av says:

    Lobo is for the Gymbros that are in need of a Euron Greyjoy fix, bro.

  • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

    As predicted, SyFy puts Happy! and Deadly Class into a meat grinder, cranks out a bloody lump, and gives the meat to Krypton & Lobo. Should see more of this in the future with SyFy’s programming budget going to WB with these and the Harry Potter movie series. Not that this is a bad thing per se, it just… is. I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if they just jacked the price of HBO up by $10/month, dump all the third tier HBO channels, and add HBO-DC & HBO-CW. 

    • jmyoung123-av says:

      (1) Thanks for the disappointing news.(2) My understanding is the WB app will include HBO/Cinemax and will be $16 or $17. If it includes the DCU shows as well, it will be totally worth it.  

  • bembrob-av says:

    Problem with Lobo is that he’s a larger than life character made popular in the 90’s moreso by Simon Bisley and Kieth Giffen’s art than any story line. But even those stories are so out there, it would be impossible to replicate on a TV budget.You’d have to do Lobo ala MCU’s Hulk CGI to do the character any justice.Here, he just looks like a bad, fan-made film version.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Could be worse. Could be “Nickelback song as a person”.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    Not every TV show can star Alfred.

  • gerky-av says:

    I hope he’s killed and replaced with Slobo for a short time.

  • roninsocrates-av says:

    Needs more Guy Gardner.

  • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

    Needs more orange juice and Flintstones chewable morphine

  • ralphm-av says:

    Ha its Brendan Brady, aka prison guard from Kyln aka Jim Corrigan.

  • franknstein-av says:
  • anthonystrand-av says:

    I hope he still says “Feetal’s Gizz!” all the time.

  • slander-av says:

    Oh, hey, it’s DC Deadpool, jumping in to shamelessly attempt to boost the ratings of this weird Superman-less Superman show that I can’t be arsed to watch.(Yes, I know Lobo predates DP. Calm down.)

  • bobbybflavor-av says:

    How the hell could a boring channel like SyFy even come close to doing Lobo justice?

  • peon21-av says:

    I know Jason Momoa’s already Aquaman, but can we use some time-travel shenanigans to grab Stargate: Atlantis-era Momoa for the role of Lobo?

  • dhartm2-av says:

    From the network that cancelled The Expanse: Lobo!

  • mikosquiz-av says:

    They’d better remember he’s supposed to be a parodic joke character.Also, that looks way too small. He’s supposed to be built like a more vascular Hafthor Julius “The Mountain” Björnsson.

  • squamateprimate-av says:

    The writer of this article seems to have strange ideas about the origins of Lobo, a character that first appeared in 1983, when Jonathan Davis, lead singer of Korn, was 12 years old.

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