Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman answer precisely one question about Deadpool 3

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman explain how Wolverine can be in Deadpool 3 if he died in Logan

Aux News Hugh Jackman
Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman answer precisely one question about Deadpool 3
Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in 2009 Photo: Frazer Harrison

Yesterday, Ryan Reynolds announced that Hugh Jackman will appear as Wolverine in Deadpool 3, a thing that both of them have been trying to make happen for years (if only they had thought to just go ahead and do it rather than acting like someone was stopping them), and obviously everyone has a lot of questions about what that means. We know Deadpool 3 will be part of the MCU, but does that mean Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine exists in the MCU? Do the X-Men exist in the MCU and nobody thought to mention them? Will there be multiverse nonsense happening to explain how they get from the old Fox Marvel universe to the Disney Marvel universe? Will Deadpool and Wolverine finally smooch each other?

Thankfully, Reynolds and Jackman got back together for another video, and this time they’re going to answer all of our questions! No, just kidding. That’s actually the central gag of the video, and the actually only manage to answer one question: How is Wolverine going to be in Deadpool 3 if he dies at the end of Logan?

Before getting to the video, can we just address this one ourselves? See, movies aren’t real. A character can die in a movie and then appear in another movie. That’s not a problem. And Logan will still exist once Deadpool 3 comes out. Maybe check in with a Star Wars fan to hear about what happened to the good old movies once they made the bad new movies (that might actually be a bad example, since the good old movies keep getting worse with new edits).

Anyway, here’s the video, which also points out that Logan takes place in the future (so Deadpool 3 could just take place before that), but the main point is that they insist that they’re not going to interfere with Logan in any way.

Another important thing to note: Starting the video with Jackman clapping his hands, pointing at the camera, opening his mouth, and then not saying anything is really funny. You don’t always need to have Deadpool waving his arms and saying “jokes jokes jokes” to make people laugh! Not that we wouldn’t love to see Deadpool just say the word “jokes.” Reynolds would probably kill it.


  • milligna000-av says:

    Very easily? The Old Man Logan stuff was always some weird alt continuity, surely?

    • bobwworfington-av says:

      Didn’t they also try to fuck around with the notion that the comic books were sensationalist tales of the X-Men real-life stories? If I recall, Sabretooth had a scene where he was like, “They never get it right?”

      Plus, fuck you. Logan climbed out of that grave like two hours later.

    • frodo-batman-vader-av says:

      Honestly, I think Reynolds and Jackman were just looking for an excuse to make (another) silly video together.Now, my big question, totally unrelated to Wolverine, is: if the first film subversively called itself “a romantic comedy,” and the second one cheekily posited itself as “a family film,” what usually-squeeky-clean genre will this film be skewering?Maybe a religious film, with Logan being resurrected, and Deadpool pondering his place in the (multi-)universe? Or perhaps a sports film? Nah, that’s too… ooh ooh ooh! Maybe a it’s a pet film, with Wolverine being the “very good boy!”

    • gargsy-av says:

      “The Old Man Logan stuff was always some weird alt continuity, surely?”

      Well strangely, as sure as you may be? You’re wrong.

      You’re welcome.

    • badkuchikopi-av says:

      Yeah, doesn’t it conflict with the ending of Days of Future past? Also it uses a  totally different version of Caliban than one of the movies did. 

  • g-off-av says:

    Before getting to the video, can we just address this one ourselves? See, movies aren’t real. A character can die in a movie and then appear in another movie.What an obnoxious take.Nothing in literature is real. It doesn’t mean continuity and character fidelity aren’t important parts of storytelling. And then Sam cites Star Wars, of all things, which is so obsessed with continuity that it ties itself in knots. (See: Obi-Wan Kenobi)I’m more than willing to give content derived from comics plenty of latitude in terms of abiding by continuity rules, keeping characters dead, etc. Marvel comics are full of all sorts of logic and continuity breaks.But Kevin Feige actually does care about that stuff. It’s why the Infinity Saga worked. There will always be a few plot holes, but it made 19 films work in harmony in a planned continuity. Besides, as the video itself says – Logan takes place in 2029, so unless Deadpool takes place in 2030, it doesn’t matter.Frankly, I’m more curious what this will mean for long-term Wolverine plans.Either way, do better, Sam.

    • longtimelurkerfirsttimetroller-av says:

      Yeah, but we’re talking about Deadpool here – a universe where [SPOILERS?] the fourth-wall-breaking main character went back in time and killed the actor who plays him before he can star in a (terrible) superhero movie from a completely different comics universe.

      • g-off-av says:

        Yeah, I’m not knocking Deadpool for doing whatever it wants. I’m knocking Sam for saying, “movies aren’t real, so there are no rules and none of them matter,” which is nonsense.
        He typically writes garbage, so I’m not surprised. Here I am, giving him the clicks.

    • rogueindy-av says:

      “Nothing in literature is real. It doesn’t mean continuity and character fidelity aren’t important parts of storytelling.”According to half the internet these days, continuity is the worst thing to ever happen to cinema.

    • Axetwin-av says:

      I hate this growing idea that “if the lore gets in the way of the story you want to tell, ignore the lore”. That’s what fanfiction writers do for the 6 people that follow them. A good writer, heck a great writer knows how to make it work for them. They know how to mold the story they want to tell to work within the confines of the already established lore.

      • bobwworfington-av says:

        There’s something to this, but I also don’t want Feige handcuffed by stupid lore.If Jennifer Lawrence agreed to come back, I dont want the abomination of those last two X movies to be considered at all. Fuck themAll canon ain’t good canon

      • bigal6ft6-av says:

        Eh lore and continuity is very, uhm, “fluid” concept when it comes to Deadpool which the whole thing can be written off by a one-liner.Or the whole movie and universe jump happens because Deadpool is still fucking around with Cable’s time travel device. 

      • commk-av says:

        Yeah, I understand that fifty years of accumulated narrative history can be stifling creatively, but the fact is that most of our biggest franchises feature expansive world-building. Even just from a purely mercenary perspective, it’s clearly a feature, not a bug. Endgame doesn’t sell a billion dollars worth of tickets if it’s an unrelated story about all new versions of the characters. Hell, Star Trek tried that and ended up making a whole film just to explain why all the details of the Abrams movies wouldn’t match up, effectively placing its non-canon universe in continuity.  And then all the TV shows went back.

      • fanburner-av says:

        The AU writers who throw canon out the window because it killed their blorbo or sunk their ship are several orders of magnitude more popular than the people who feel they must adhere to canon religiously.

    • fuckthatfuckshit-av says:

      Totally normal response to a throwaway joke about the third Deadpool movie. Splendid sense of proportion, combined with an exquisite deficit of self-awareness regarding the characterisation of someone else’s writing style as “obnoxious”.

  • CD-Repoman-av says:

    Fucking hell, you got me twice with Deadpool/Wolverine news today.Since I’m here, clearly Logan takes place in some future timeline and since they’ve introduced the multiverse who really gives a shit anyway.The only question any of this begs to be answered is exactly how cheap do you work, because I can’t imagine anyone is paying much for the tedious dreck you write.

  • charliemeadows69420-av says:

    Imagine being such a dumb asshole you find Van Wilder funny. Marvel movies are a cancer. Fuck you for enjoying them idiot.

  • opposedcrow1988-av says:

    I remember Logan did a pretty good job of showing it was clearly set a ways into the future, but not the super far future (like, Logan himself obviously looked much older and more haggard than his previous movie appearances and there were some examples of minorly futuristic technology, but people weren’t running around with laser rifles and jetpacks or anything), but I guess it still helps to clarify.There’s a lot of narrative ground between the older X-Men films and Logan so I’m sure finding a way to stick Wolverine into the Deadpool 3 story wouldn’t be a huge hurdle to overcome. Plus, if they really had to, they could always just use multiverse shenanigans to say it was an alternate universe version of Wolverine or something. I’m guessing they’ll be using the multiverse in some way regardless to bring Deadpool into the MCU proper.

  • stanleeipkiss-av says:

    I think anyone actually concerned with Jackman returning to play Wolverine is less so concerned with the continuity aspect and more so concerned with the idea that he had the perfect send-off already. It feels like Jordan returning to play for the Wizards or Favre returning to play for the Jets. I think it’s fine to feel that, and then after like a second of that, remember that it is actually not a big deal and doesn’t ACTUALLY diminish the special feelings you have towards that special, historic, legendary performance. and hey it might be good! and then you have more good stuff of the stuff you like! Just hope we don’t find out Wolverine was sending gross pictures to people in his heyday, cozied up to wannabe dictator scum in his retirement, and knowingly used welfare money to buy a building for his daughter. now THAT could tarnish a legacy.

    • whaleinsheepsclothing-av says:

      Heh. Jordan’s 2nd return is right up there with The Decision for sports fan overreactions that I will never not find hilarious.The former had people flipping out b/c their GOAT was coming back and not being dominant, ignoring that he was putting up decent numbers on a team that should have been absolute trash and the latter involving people not giving a shit that LeBron was A) raising money for charity using the media’s over-interest and B) doing a homage to Kobe’s draft declaration by quoting his phrasing.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    It’s probably not that hard for two famous actors to become friends, but I’ve always enjoyed how much effort and commitment Reynolds put into making it seem like he just annoyed Jackman into eventually befriending him.

  • themrmxyzptlk-av says:

    “how is logan still alive?”didn’t we have a whole ass tv show about variants with multiple versions of different characters? like who is legitimately asking this question?

  • suckabee-av says:

    I don’t get how this is even in an issue, Logan was in the future, and also the X-Men movies never gave a damn about continuity.

  • varkias-av says:

    I wonder if people who can read lips get any actual spoilers, or just extra jokes.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    a thing that both of them have been trying to make happen for years (if
    only they had thought to just go ahead and do it rather than acting like
    someone was stopping them)


  • dr-frahnkunsteen-av says:

    I’m less curious about how this fits into the MCU or Logan and more curious about how this fits in with X-Men: Origins: Wolverine. Wolverine already fought Deadpool!

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