Dermot Mulroney very politely walked off The View to show support for the writers’ strike

In one of the most polite acts of public protests we've ever heard of, Mulroney let the ABC hosts know he was about to walk out of his interview

Aux News Mulroney
Dermot Mulroney very politely walked off The View to show support for the writers’ strike
Dermot Mulroney Photo: Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney

In what may be the least explosive act of protest in the long, frequently fractious history of ABC’s The View, actor Dermot Mulrony apparently walked off the set of the show mid-interview today—after giving polite and respectful notice that he was about to do so, and coming back for photos in the aftermath of his departure.

This is per Variety, which reports that, in the midst of an interview with the panel of the ABC talk series, Mulroney asked if the show was getting close to a commercial break, and then genteelly informed them he’d be walking out before said break, as a show of solidarity for the ongoing writers’ strike. Co-host Joy Behar then returned the courteous behavior, gamely plugging Mulroney’s Secret Invasion, despite his sudden absence. Then, apparently, Mulroney came back after the cameras has stopped rolling to take pictures with the show’s cast and crew. It really was the most damn considerate act of disruptive protest we think we’ve ever heard of.

Although The View mostly runs live, Friday episodes are pre-taped; Mulroney’s segment, in which he announced that he was going to “symbolically walk off in support of the writers,” will apparently air tomorrow, exactly as filmed. And, again, we’re partially just shocked to see this going down on The View, which, by dint of being a largely unscripted conversation between its various hosts, has never shied away from controversy or conflict.

Mulroney plays the U.S. president in Secret Invasion, which stars Samuel L. Jackson as he tries to figure out what the hell’s been going on with this Skrull plotline that’s been running in the background of the MCU for the last four years. His show of support for the Writers Guild Of America comes as the WGA strike moves into its 7th week.


  • coolgameguy-av says:

    Too polite… he should’ve shouted “how do you like this View!?” and pointed to his ass as he stormed offstage.

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      They cut to commercials just before he dropped his trouser and mooned the camera, revealing the “SOLIDARITY” tattooed on his left cheek and “WGA” tattooed on the right.

    • yellowfoot-av says:
  • gwbiy2006-av says:

    Every time I see anything about this guy, I like to remind people that he’s an accomplished Cellist who has played in the orchestras for the scores to a couple of Mission Impossible movies, Star Trek into Darkness, and Rogue One, among others.   Let’s see Dylan McDermott top that.  

  • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:


  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    “I’m annoyed as heck, and if it’s alright with you I’d like to stop taking it, at least for a little while.”

    • Bazzd-av says:

      Honestly, considering the actual themes of that movie and the rise of Fox News, this is perhaps the best response.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Time for Dylans McDermott and Mulvaney to step up.

  • mytvneverlies-av says:

    Love the guy, but that’s kinda weak. Trying to have it both ways.He made sure walking off didn’t cost him anything.And does that mean everybody at The View are crossing the picket line?

    • reallystrangepowers-av says:

      Or alternatively, taking an opportunity on a non-scripted show to publicise the strike. I’d say that was being a good ally to the union, and standing by the work he and others did on a scripted show pre-strike. You can say that’s having it both ways, but you can also say that’s being a thoughtful grown up.

    • mrfurious72-av says:

      He may be contractually obligated to do press, and considering that ABC is owned by Disney he may specifically be contractually obligated to do press on ABC shows.By showing up and symbolically walking off, he would have fulfilled that obligation and still demonstrated support for the writers.

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      That depends if you think The View is scripted like professional wrestling.

  • moxitron-av says:

    something something Michael Sizemore…

  • mckludge-av says:

    Is he secretly Canadian?

  • gargsy-av says:

    “And, again, we’re partially just shocked to see this going down on The View, which, by dint of being a largely unscripted conversation between its various hosts, has never shied away from controversy or conflict.”

    You’re shocked that they’re not shying away from this controversy because the show doesn’t shy away from controversy?

  • milligna000-av says:

    Man, seemingly 20 minutes ago he was in Living in Oblivion. if he looks like that now, what the hell do I look like?!!? Time to avoid mirrors.

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    First of all, I love him, for a lot of reasons.Second of all, this: “we’re partially just shocked to see this going down on The View, which, by dint of being a largely unscripted conversation between its various hosts, has never shied away from controversy or conflict.”Why are you shocked to see support for the writers strike on a show that has never shied away from conflict? I don’t understand this sentence. Just because the show hasn’t shied away from conflict doesn’t mean it’s going to go out of its way to be rude to a guest for no reason.Third: I guess I’m not sure how walking off helped the writers?  Was this just a symbolic show of support?  It’s fine of so! I just feel like I’m missing something.

    • akanefive-av says:

      I’m not confused by the gesture, but I am quite confused by this article about it–AV Club in 2023 is nothing if it’s not trying and failing to inject snark into their reporting. 

    • ohnoray-av says:

      The View is like the OG podcast of people sitting around giving their hot takes on things. I don’t think it deserves the “lesser than” treatment it gets.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        It’s women, so it’s going to be largely seen as a bunch of shrill housewives just gabbing and gossiping and bickering. I doubt it would get the same treatment if it were all male.

  • rigbyriordan-av says:

    “It really was the most damn considerate act of disruptive protest we think we’ve ever heard of.”Wow. How little protest have you all seen? Take it easy with the hyperbole.

  • the-hebrewhammer-av says:

    It’s nice of him to plug his Disney show (which uses AI art) before choosing to partake in the strike. Would mean more to post some kind of strike themed profile picture on social media. 

  • imnottalkinboutthelinen-av says:

    Thankfully, The View keeps Dylan McDermott around in case of just this type of situation. They came back from commercials with McDermott and the audience was none the wiser. 

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