Dev Patel reportedly broke up a knife fight in South Australia

Representatives for Patel stressed that he's not a hero

Aux News Dev
Dev Patel reportedly broke up a knife fight in South Australia
Dev Patel Photo: Lia Toby

Although he’s navigated onscreen situations as adventuring the wilds as a knight, Dev Patel recently faced a real-life incident straight out of a thriller. The actor and his friends reportedly intervened in a “violent altercation” outside of a convenience store in Adelaide, Australia on Monday night.

Per 7News Australia, the fight occurred just after 8:45 p.m., and during the altercation a woman stabbed a man in the chest. Patel, who was last seen in David Lowery’s 2020 fantasy epic The Green Knight, took a page from the film’s chivalrous book and stepped in to prevent any further violence.

“Dev acted on his natural instinct to try and de-escalate the situation and break up the fight,” Patel’s representatives shared in a statement. “The group was thankfully successful in doing so and they remained on site to ensure that the police and eventually the ambulance arrived.”

After emergency services were called, 7News reports that the victim was treated for non-life-threatening industries, while the aggressor was arrested and charged with aggravated assault causing harm. She has been denied bail.

The statement from Patel’s reps continued on to stress that the actor is not a hero for stepping in, and hoped that the attention the altercation is getting would bring attention to a larger issue.

“This specific incident highlights a larger systemic issue of marginalized members of society not being treated with the dignity and respect they deserve,” Patel’s reps concluded. “The hope is that the same level of media attention this story is receiving (solely because Dev, as a famous person, was involved) can be a catalyst for lawmakers to be compassionate in determining long-term solutions to help not only the individuals who were involved but the community at large.”


  • dudebra-av says:

    I’m glad he didn’t lose his head..

  • softsack-av says:

    What!? Dev Patel broke up a spoon fight!?

  • rpdm-av says:

    Concealed carry would have been a great leveller in this situation. Crime is far lower in areas with the least gun control. – The_Master_Don, Far Away from HUSSEIN Obama, Antarctica, August 2015

  • softsack-av says:

    What terrible representation he’s providing for British people. We’re supposed to start fights in foreign countries, not end them.

    • pocrow-av says:

      After the fight, he claimed Adelaide in the queen’s name.

      • jalapenogeorge-av says:

        Fun fact, the Queen already owns Adelaide, and the rest of Australia, so that kind gesture would probably not be that appreciated.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      I’m an Australian in the UK at the moment and I haven’t even been able to get around to dealing with a moment of national shame (my cousin still has two cans of Fosters in his fridge!)

      • maulkeating-av says:

        If it makes you feel better, Fosters was invented by a Seppo. Explains a lot, really.

      • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

        Nah you guys gave us Divinyls and AC/DC; you’re off the hook for everything. Well, *almost* everything.

    • columbocorrector-av says:

      If you guys didn’t start fights in foreign countries, Dev Patel wouldn’t even be English.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Since it didn’t happen in Hawaii, it’s safe to assume Ezra Miller wasn’t involved?

  • 49782374fljkasdhl----av says:

    Wait. I’m totally confused here, and I’m not being snarky about that. I’m being genuine. The writer seems to think Dev Patel played the protagonist in Life of Pi (“he’s navigated onscreen situations as dicey as being lost at sea with a tiger”), but that wasn’t him. (He was way too old for the role at that point.)The character’s last name, however, was Patel.Am I missing something here?

    • ghboyette-av says:

      They’re both brown actors, and as far as new AV Club goes, that’s close enough!

      • 49782374fljkasdhl----av says:

        Yeah, I was going to lead with this sentiment but instead decided to be cautious and make sure I wasn’t missing anything.What a gaffe. Ridiculous.

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      It’s such an uncommon surname (only a few million in India and at least 100K in the UK) so I’m sure they must be brothers or cousins or something.

    • spandanav-av says:

      Suraj Sharma was the protagonist in the Life of Pie, not Dev Patel. Seriously AVClub these days! If a celebrity had made this mistake, AVClub should be all over it for weeks.

    • ps90-av says:

      Came here, eyes bugging out, to write just this. WTF, does fact-checking not exist anymore? Or well, ya know, it’s the usual all-brown-people-are-the-same thing. But this is egregious even by these low standards. 😂

    • bobbyshekondar-av says:

      The writer also tells us “the victim was treated for non-life-threatening industries” – frankly, I’d be checking for signs of stroke.

    • maulkeating-av says:

      It’s just like when Emma Watson played Sherlock Holmes’ offsider.

    • 49782374fljkasdhl----av says:

      My lord, they edited the first sentence, swapping in a different film. And left out the word “such.”

  • christiggis-av says:

    Non-life threatening industries???  Like what?  A pillow factory???

  • theeviltwin189-av says:

    Representatives for Patel stressed that he’s not a hero
    He absolutely he is. Have you seen the what the size of what they consider knives there?

  • gobergmoser-av says:

    Just quietly, the first paragraph seems to refer to Dev Patel starring in The Life of Pi – which he did not. Given the current A.V. Club’s commitment to smug sanctimony, this might be worth correcting.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    Stay classy, Adelaide.

    • maulkeating-av says:

      That implies they were classy in the first place.

      • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

        Yeah nah, Adelaide’s all about the sarcasm.

        • maulkeating-av says:

          I thought Adelaide was all about…all about…hang on. Can you give me a bit so I can go research what Adelaide’s about? *googles**bings**asksjeeves*Er, I thought Adelaide was all about being founded by hippies and colonised by Germans?

          • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

            Get in the 21st century, mate.
            Now Adelaide’s just trying to blend in with the rest of the country.

          • docnemenn-av says:

            Excuse you, it is a well known fact that Adelaide is all about Farmer’s Union Iced Coffee.It is the primary, nay sole, reason why it exists. 

          • maulkeating-av says:

            True, but then, this exists: Also, if you’re able, BUY MORE NORCO STUFF. They got fucked over by the floods, and, since they’re not an airline run (into the ground) by an idiot leprechaun, the government ain’t exactly leaping to help them.

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          Fair dinkum?

  • pocrow-av says:

    He’s the real Green Knight!

    Meaning he also prematurely ejaculated right after.

  • dudull-av says:

    Just to be clear Suraj Sharma and the late Irfan Khan were on Life of Pi…..Patel. I hope the Life of Pi reference wasn’t because they both brown.

  • terentiusneo-av says:

    Although he’s navigated onscreen situations as dicey as being lost at sea with a tiger, Dev Patel recently faced a real-life incident straight out of a thriller. That was Suraj Sharma. Aside from their cultural background, they’re nothing alike. Do better, AV Club.

  • theunnumberedone-av says:

    Wait. Did the AV Club hire… a good writer? I need to sit down.  …More.

    • docnemenn-av says:

      Well, they did originally mistake Dev Patel for a fictional character portrayed by either Suraj Sharma or Irrfan Khan, so I’m not sure I’m ready to go quite that far. Though I see that’s been subtly corrected in a way that conveniently means they can pretend it never happened. Well played, AV Club. Well played. 

      • minsk-if-you-wanna-go-all-the-way-back-av says:

        Although he’s navigated onscreen situations as adventuring the wilds as a knight, …
        But now it makes no grammatical sense.

  • capeo-av says:

    “he’s navigated onscreen situations as dicey as being lost at sea with a tiger”Holy fucking shit. I mean, I know AV Club has devolved into “writers” trying to chase whatever is trending, but for fuck’s sake. That’s literally just googling a Patel and having no clue who you are talking about.

  • docnemenn-av says:

    I’d be lying if I said this was a headline I was expecting to see today, but after reading the linked article the thing that honestly surprises me more than anything else is that it happened anywhere other than Hindley Street.

  • fsmcleod-av says:

    My pick for the next James Bond. Don’t think it will happen though

  • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

    Big whoop; I *start* knife fights all the time, but where’s my parade? Where’s my article? Why has God forsaken me???
    I mean, as soon as the fight starts I run away but still.

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