Devil in disguise: Who's inside Charlotte Hale's head on Westworld?

TV Features For Our Consideration
Devil in disguise: Who's inside Charlotte Hale's head on Westworld?

Photo: John P. Johnson

Westworld is playing a different game in season three—Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy’s sci-fi drama (née Western) is much more forthcoming in its storytelling, and more restrained in its number of timelines and perspective-shifting flashbacks. As Zack Handlen notes in his review of the third episode, “The Absence Of Field,” the series has “reinvented itself; in leaving the park, it’s streamlined its focus, simplified its approach to narrative, and become far less withholding in terms of thrills.”

Season three has introduced new characters, including Caleb Nichols (Aaron Paul), a construction worker who looks to a crime-gig app to stay afloat, and Engerraund Serac (Vincent Cassel), who, despite being the richest man in the world, does not exist for most identification intents and purposes (his work on the predictive supercomputer Rehoboam might have something to do with that). But these additions haven’t overburdened the narrative or otherwise require any note-taking while watching, which means that for once, fans can just sit back and enjoy the ride. Or not—there are still big mysteries afoot, including who or what locked Incite CEO Liam Dempsey Jr. (John Gallagher Jr.) out of Rehoboam, as well as some that carried over from last season, like which host pearls/consciousnesses Dolores Abernathy (Evan Rachel Wood) smuggled out of the Forge.

We know at least one of those pearls belonged to Bernard (Jeffrey Wright), who Dolores transplanted into a new version of his old, Arnold Weber-inspired body. Another pearl is now inside of a facsimile of Connells (Tommy Flanagan), who met his end when he crossed paths with Dolores, though we don’t yet know which former Westworld host she chose to make her Incite plant. A third pearl went to the host version of Charlotte Hale (Tessa Thompson), who is now in charge of running Delos, thanks to a vote from an AI standing in for William a.k.a the Man In Black (Ed Harris). This new Charlotte has two warring consciousnesses inside of her—traces of her old self and the AI mind of someone whom Dolores knows well enough to want to comfort when she sees how they’re reacting to playing the role of someone who was prepared to wipe out host-kind.

Tessa Thompson does an admirable job portraying this Charlotte’s inner conflict, which is worlds away from the steely executive—and, as we learned last night, a corporate mole for Serac—who first entered the futuristic murder park. But just moments before the end of “The Absence Of Field,” we see the two personalities, if you will, merge when new Charlotte murders a man who was preying on the old Charlotte’s son. So whose mind struck a deal with Charlotte’s? Who’s behind the immaculate exterior, and who remains on the hook for the park data that was hidden away in Peter Abernathy’s (Louis Herthum) core? Here are some theories, from long shots to most viable.

Hector Escaton

Hold your horses—we know this one’s more miss than hit. But we refuse to believe that, after all Hector (Rodrigo Santoro) and Maeve (Thandie Newton) have been through, he’d get stuck in a loop in Warworld, waiting for a British spy named Isabella, like a sadder Rick Blaine. Here’s hoping that Maeve gets to put together a crew before agreeing to do Serac’s dirty work, i.e., kill Dolores.


Like Dolores, Angela (Talulah Riley) is—er, was—one of the oldest hosts in Westworld. But Angela was conscious of her artificiality long before Dolores was first awakened. In season one, she welcomed guests to the park but by season two, she was as hell-bent on bringing Westworld and the human guests to their knees as Dolores—or should we say “Wyatt,” the narrative that was merged with Dolores’, lending her the murderous prowess that helped make her who she is today. Angela was a follower of Wyatt’s, so maybe Dolores somehow retrieved a backup of her pearl to install her as a figurehead at Delos. Angela’s had sentience all this time, which could be why she struggles with pretending to be Charlotte, who never saw the hosts as more than data and storage devices. The fact that she was destroyed in the explosion at the Cradle undermines this theory, but maybe Westworld and Delos were diligent about backing up their data?

William a.k.a The Man In Black

“I remember what it’s like to be me… You’re not the only predator here.” So says new Charlotte when she strangles the man who posed as a friendly guy with a fluffy dog while preying on little Nathan. The tighter her grip gets, the more she remembers—but though we see some flashbacks of the real Charlotte’s final days, we aren’t privy to what new Charlotte is recalling as she wrings the life out of the guy. Could it be because William/The Man In Black is reminiscing about the days when he saw himself as the most dangerous person in Westworld? William’s relationship with Dolores has changed considerably since he first traded a white hat for a black one, but they have known each other for decades. Dolores obviously doesn’t trust William, but she could have altered his memories, somehow submerging his Man In Black-ness, making him easier to control. If it is William in host Charlotte’s head, that could be why she got his vote via robot at the board meeting (though that could also have been arranged by whatever AI Dolores has been calling on all season). But the simmering rage this Charlotte showed tonight suggests the Man In Black isn’t out of play.

Teddy Flood

We know who Dolores wanted to change the world with, and that was Teddy Flood, the man who died a thousand deaths but couldn’t bring himself to wantonly kill his oppressors until he got a murderous upgrade. Last night, Dolores told new Charlotte that “no one knows you like me, and no one knows me like you,” which certainly suggests that whoever’s putting around in her head is someone Dolores trusts or cares for. Although she snaps at new Charlotte in the hotel lobby, Dolores is gentle as she repairs Charlotte’s wounds, partially undressing her before lying next to her on the bed in an attempt to soothe the roiling consciousness. Although Teddy was in the Valley Beyond at the end of season two, Dolores could have very well made a copy of his pearl, just in case. We know, the predator line that Charlotte utters toward the end of “The Absence Of Field” doesn’t quite jibe with the Teddy we saw for most of seasons one and two. But long before Dolores flipped his kill switch, Teddy committed some horrible acts as part of an old narrative—could he be tapping into that old storyline to make his way in this new world?


It just makes sense that after everything she’s been through, Dolores would rely on herself—or a part of herself—to help her bring everything crashing down. No one knows Dolores better than the other consciousness that was tucked away inside her mind, that helped her rewrite her story. Okay, so that was Robert Ford’s doing, but Dolores has grown far beyond anything Ford could have imagined. The scenes in the hotel room are ambiguous in their tenderness; they could represent the fact that Dolores has long since reconciled her original programming with the Wyatt aberration and is embracing every part of herself. Even Host Charlotte’s lines about remembering that she’s a predator could just be the Wyatt narrative coming back online.

Of course, there are two pearls still unaccounted for, so maybe none of our guesses are correct. But as far as Westworld mysteries go, Charlotte’s split identity is one of the more engaging, without being all-consuming, new riddles.


  • tekkactus-av says:

    Weird that you bring up Hector as an option but not Armistice, given that Charlotte 2 was compulsively scratching patterns into her skin.Not saying that’s where my money is, but of the two she makes more sense?

    • skipskatte-av says:

      Yeah, neither one of those work for me, just because they weren’t really in Dolores’ orbit. Armistice and Hector were Maeve’s companions. 

  • djclawson-av says:

    Probably none of these. I’m assuming it requires an actual pearl, and of someone Dolores has previously interacted with in the series, and someone who is a “predator,” and not a human-host-hybrid because of the whole “we have no mother, no father” line. Which REALLY narrows it down. Dolores didn’t have a lot of interactions with hosts who aren’t dead (pearls destroyed/wiped by entering the door). She had no interactions with Hector or Armistice. She wouldn’t say she had no father to Peter Abernathy. Bernard/Arnold wasn’t a predator. So I’m really stumped, and honestly a little annoyed about the dragging out of this plotline.

  • the-misanthrope-av says:

    I just assumed it was another (an undoubtedly earlier) copy of herself. Gosh, I guess I really am desperately incurious.

    • djclawson-av says:

      This is actually an interesting guess, though I think Charlotte would have been smart enough to not go into Westworld and let herself get recorded. When we saw her around Westworld, she never wore a hat.

      • the-misanthrope-av says:

        Sorry, I meant to say an earlier copy of Dolores, like an previous build (presumably before the Wyatt nonsense).  I can see why you might have assumed I meant Charlotte, though.

        • djclawson-av says:

          That’s also a good possibility! Either way, we have to account for how the host’s information is outdated by several years.

      • skipskatte-av says:

        It’s also clear that fake-Hale doesn’t know a LOT about Charlotte’s life. Dolores gave her a lot of information, but it was nowhere near complete. 

  • mattswastaken-av says:

    I know it doesn’t make the most sense, but I got a real Clementine vibe from some of Tessa Thompson’s acting choices, so that’s still my first guess.

  • blackoak-av says:

    Have not watched any of the third season yet, just the first two seasons, but I had the (probably wrong) impression that not all the Hosts were like Delores or Maeve. Using Hector as an example, based on what I saw, I thought he and most others were “just” very advanced AI’s where select others, like Maeve, were truly sapient (if that is the word to use?).

    • abh19961996-av says:

      No, Dolores is just “Awake”

    • yepilurk-av says:

      Hector and Armistice (and their Samurai World counterparts) were awoken by Maeve during the series of failed robberies during Season 1. They were awake for all of Season 2. We haven’t seen Hector and Armistice yet in Season 3, the Hector Maeve saw was a simulation inside a simulation. (Yes, sapient is correct, most Hosts are mostly sentient and minimally sapient, the awoken hosts are completely sentient and fully sapient.)

      • hammerbutt-av says:

        Were they awake or just reprogammed by Maeve? I never got the impression that Hector was completely sentient.

        • yepilurk-av says:

          I think he was, but that the “link” for him was always more fragile than it is for Maeve and Dolores. Armistice may have been more tenuous even than he was, but we never really saw/heard much from her, so it’s hard to say. Probably the strongest/most solid claim would be Maeve’s, as she had the one trauma that snapped her out of typical Hostdom, followed by years and years of “nightmares” about the techs and the inner workings of the park’s repair rooms. Second would be Dolores, who had years and years of active trauma and abuse snapping her out of it, including the initial traumatic event for her, Arnold using her as the mechanism for his suicide. She stayed completely subsumed for a very very long time, until the initial Host revolt, then again, until the second/current revolt. So her awakening also seems more fragile than Maeve’s who’s seems particularly persistent, even when being overwritten again and again.I don’t know if I had a point when I began, but I think I lost it somewhere.

          • keithzg-av says:

            I don’t know if I had a point when I began, but I think I lost it somewhere.Much like the show, I enjoyed and appreciated the comment nonetheless, even if it turns out not to have a solid point to it in the end 😉

  • seestephenplay2-av says:

    According to this episode, Serac is supposedly a trillionaire. If my math is correct, he would’ve had to have made a million dollars every day since around July of 719 BC to hit the $1 trillion mark; or in other words, since around the time The Odyssey was written by Homer. Just FYI.I’m obviously bored AF.

  • zorrocat310-av says:

    This is kind of like the standard magician’s cup and ball trick. Or in this case, which pearl in which head?And the big question, who is the magician?   Stay tuned!

  • luckymc44-av says:

    Rather than focusing on the “predator” line, I find myself focusing more on the “You belong to me” line. All the hosts can be predators and prey in equal measure, but I find it more difficult to think of hosts that would be utterly subservient to Dolores. I think Teddy makes the most sense there, because he “belongs” to Dolores in a romantic sense, but I don’t like the idea that they’d walk back the kindness she did him by allowing him to go to the Valley Beyond.I think Clementine makes sense as a younger, more unsure host…she’s the only one who ever displayed a lot of fragility. But it’s also hard to think of why Dolores would trust her above many others. So far, it’s a well-crafted mystery!

    • monroefanatic-av says:

      THANK YOU! I, too, wondered why everyone kept skipping over that line! I also guessed it was Clementine, who has the demeanor and affect to be truly traumatized by Charlotte’s actions and lack of compassion (until her son comes into play). I was beginning to doubt myself until reading your comment!

    • skiptheasparagus-av says:

      I thought Clementine as well because of how she kept touching her face, much like they showed Clementine doing in the first season after the update. Although, Teddy makes sense by that logic too because they showed Delores spooning Charlotte and it could have been a call back to season two, but I thought Teddy went to virtual host heaven.

      • robertmosessupposeserroneously-av says:

        Also if anyone would have anxiety and doubts about role-playing as a mean cut-throat executive raider, it’s soft-hearted Teddy.

    • skipskatte-av says:

      That “you belong to me” is what nudges me towards William. It would need a lot of unpacking, but a version of William who’s had his will broken through a (relative to him) extremely long period in the virtual world and coming around to Dolores’ side could make sense. It also tracks with how Dolores is a little cold, but also affectionate towards fake-Hale.

  • upstatefan-av says:

    I’m 50/50 Teddy or William. Nu-Char’s neediness and relationship dynamic with Dolores reminds me of Teddy. But the dramatic twist of William having new child issues in a new body is too delicious.

    • hammerbutt-av says:

      William is still alive when Dolores/Charlotte leaves the island

      • upstatefan-av says:

        This isn’t the same Charlotte that left the island. We also know at some point William is a host. We also don’t know the time span’s between the end the last season and the beginning of this one. The show constantly hides information from the viewer and plays with assumptions.

        • hammerbutt-av says:

          It’s the same body with Dolores’ marble taken out and someone else’s marble inserted. The time span has been mentioned it’s 3 months. I guess they could have kidnapped William in that time.

        • mfolwell-av says:

          We also know that, as of very recently, they hadn’t figured out how to make a human mind last more than a handful of days in a physical host. And it’s been stated (off-screen) that the William host we saw at the end of last season is in the “far future”.Backups would appear to be off the table too. Angela blew up the server where they were held last season.She seemed the obvious guess already, and based on the dialogue in this episode, Clementine still seems by far the most likely to me.

          • upstatefan-av says:

            All the more reason to wonder why Charlotte is cutting herself like the unstable James Delos did when he got unstable. Who knows? it’s just fun the speculate anyway. Once they give you the explanation it’s no fun anymore.

      • nilus-av says:

        In theory, but Westworld has never been shy with changing timelines

  • kermad-av says:

    I swear in one of the previews at the end in the first or second episode they straight up said Hale is Teddy.

  • aninsomniac-av says:

    Reasons why I think this is Abernathy:-Dolores will trust her host-father more than anyone else-Abernathy was already fragile because of watching his host-daughter get repeatedly raped and assaulted, had a breakdown after seeing the photograph of William’s wife, had his mental capacity overloaded because of Ford hiding the key in his core. His fragility now is a continuation of that, as well as his longing to just “be himself”.-The big theme this episode was about mothers and sons: Caleb’s mother abandons him when he is a child, and now, refuses to recognize him; Nathan is abandoned by real-Hale for her work and he refuses to recognize host-Hale. The third parent-child relation explored has to be Dolores and Abernathy: Dolores refuses to let Abernathy who he is and needs him to be someone else; she also abandons him when he is having a crisis. Their spooning in the hotel room mimics host-Hale spooning Nathan. Host-hale getting their mojo back after watching real-Hale’s goodbye video to her son and then killing that predator also cycles in with Abernathy’s experiences: he is reminded that everything he has been doing is for his “daughter” (like Hale tells in her video), and he is doing it because he was done with being powerless while men hurt his “daughter” repeatedly. These two things clinched his identity in his head – he is a father who will do anything to protect his daughter – and that made it possible for him to perform as Hale after that. 

  • mireilleco-av says:

    For some reason, I assumed it was Clementine. Granted, I don’t really pay very close attention.

    • grrrz-av says:

      yeah me too; exactly; “for some reason”

    • skipskatte-av says:

      The only reason I’m largely dismissing Clementine is that she had already been lobotomized. Throughout S2 there was no her to her, she was just a machine who did what she was told. 

    • nickb361-av says:

      But did she ever trust Clementine? Or interact with her at all? Dolores says she trusts whoever is in Hale, more than anyone. That’s what debunks this one for me.

    • willevee-av says:

      Same.  I think I over-read some clues.  New-Charlotte seemed very sexual, and had a more relaxed (kind of blank) demeanor.  And her strangling of the pedo guy seemed like Clementine to me.  

  • rexmusculus-av says:

    It’s got to be William. Someone who’s a murderous predator and also knows all the business of running the company? And an opportunity to bring back one of the A-lister cast members? William all the way.

  • iambrett-av says:

    I’m split 50/50 between “a copy of Teddy spliced over Charlotte Hale’s recorded data” and “a copy of Dolores spliced into Hale’s data”. I feel like they would have teased it more if it was William’s data spliced with Charlotte. Incidentally, did anyone else catch that they played William’s leitmotif at the end of the dialogue Dolores had with Caleb, where he mentions she’s the “first real thing he’s seen in a long time”? Not sure if that means anything deeper, or if it’s just a comparison. 

    • saltier-av says:

      I think that may have been to recall how young William came to Delores’ rescue during his first visit to the Park in Season 1, before he descended into being the Man in Black. 

    • skipskatte-av says:

      Incidentally, did anyone else catch that they played William’s leitmotif at the end of the dialogue Dolores had with Caleb, where he mentions she’s the “first real thing he’s seen in a long timeConsidering William and Dolores’ whole thing was finding something “real” with each other, it certainly makes sense thematically.

    • noisypip-av says:

      I’m with you on my strongest hunch being that it’s a copy of Dolores herself. I was feeling Teddy all through the beginning of the episode, but as it went on, I couldn’t make anyone fit except for Dolores herself, less the Wyatt upgrade. No one else makes as much sense, which, of course means I’m wildly off base and it’ll be someone even more unexpected.

  • grrrz-av says:

    whatever happened to Clementine? I was thinking of her; but have not much to back it up; except the subordination relationship between “Hale” and Dolores

    • hammerbutt-av says:

      I don’t think she ever had a scene with Dolores. Charlotte lobotomized her and used her as a transmitter to make all the other hosts turn violent. Bernard reprogrammed her to kill Ford if he interfered but Ford had a backdoor access and just shut her down. Nothing obvious that points to Dolores saving her marble.

  • curioussquid-av says:

    I’m leaning towards it being either Dolores herself (as the more innocent iteration) or her dad.Pretty much the only character I’m convinced it isn’t, is Teddy, as (1) he got uploaded Robot Heaven and (2) it would undo the impact of his death and Dolores letting him go. 

  • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Charlotte Hale has a spider in her head. The spider’s name is Charlotte. I spend a lot of time in John Malkovich’s head; but now I’m social distancing.

  • mr-ducksauce-av says:

    I say it’s Teddy since they were so close on that bed.

  • gt7619a-av says:

    Only partway through this episode, and I’m going for the 400 to 1 shot, but I’m going with Ford.

  • ellestra-av says:

    Angla is my bet. She’s a killer, had a penchant for self-harm and never cared for humans. She was Dolores’s most devoted follower so what Dolores says would make sense. She’s one of the oldest host so missing her looks would also make sense.

    • seamusking-av says:

      Angla was totally destroyed when the cradle was blown up and flooded. It’s possible the controller was retrieved but a more likely host is Williams daughter who was never definitively identified as human. 

      • ellestra-av says:

        Yes, Angela was destroyed by her pearlm may not have been. Or Dolores could’ve reconstructed her like she did with Bernard on a blank pearl. Or got her backup before Cradle was destroyed. There was a lot of those after the migration to The Valley Beyond (and Hale’s security guy says that besides Maeve only minor HCUs are missing so they could all be blanks from unimportant hosts that Dolores loaded with reconstructions). In this show you never know if someone is truly dead. Especially hosts.

  • badkuchikopi-av says:

    I don’t think Bernard was one of the pearls she smuggled out. She tells him at the end of season two that she rebuilt him from her memories. 

  • seamusking-av says:

    The host was referred to as she. It is probably William’s estranged daughter, who was a host as William suspected before killing her.

  • lisalionheart12-av says:

    I think Clementine. It makes no sense for it to be her, which why I think it is her. I think the writers want to surprise us by choosing the least likely person.

  • brianburns123-av says:

    Left field possiblity, if we are entertaining the option that we could be dealing with copies of consciousnesses from characters that were once fully human. How about a copy of Dr. Ford?

  • greycobalt-av says:

    I’m not buying all the theories that Hale is inhabited by Angela, Armistice, etc. Those aren’t characters that would mean anything to anyone with this big of a lead up. If it was going to be one of those tertiary characters, I think they would have told us already who’s inside.That being said, I thought it was Teddy until the “predator” moment. The only thing that makes sense now given everything they’ve showed us is William, whether it’s a copy of Young William or some bizarre timeline shenanigans making it MIB. I also sort of buy into the theory it’s a split of the Dolores/Wyatt personalities, but that (like Angela and Armistice) would require a “previously on” explanation of the highest order and I don’t think they’re headed that way.The preview shows William next week (and a mushroom cloud??) so I assume we’ll figure out what’s going on with him. I wonder if Dolores kept a copy of him inside a simulation and set it to run for hundreds of years (a la Black Mirror) and they ended up earning each other’s trust, and that’s how he’s inside Charlotte.

    • skipskatte-av says:

      I wonder if Dolores kept a copy of him inside a simulation and set it to run for hundreds of years (a la Black Mirror) and they ended up earning each other’s trust, and that’s how he’s inside Charlotte.That’s kind of my thinking. She put him in his own virtual loop and broke his will. It would make sense with how she’s affectionate, but also cold with Charlotte.
      There just aren’t all that many candidates that check all the boxes. 

    • noisypip-av says:

      I wonder if Dolores kept a copy of him inside a simulation and set it to run for hundreds of years (a la Black Mirror) and they ended up earning each other’s trust, and that’s how he’s inside Charlotte.This is a solid theory and it even makes sense in the greater storyline. 

  • lasttimearound-av says:

    You didn’t list my favorite one yet: Caleb.Rationale:* They want someone really surprising* It’s someone we already know Delores is grooming* “Fake Charlotte” is going through issues being a mom while Caleb was going through issues WITH his mom.* Caleb’s closeness with his dead partner may imply that it was sexual, which would mean he’d already be attracted to men.A time jump could easily explain all this and make us look back on the whole season in a different way.Only thing unexplained is how Caleb goes from being a mortal man to living inside Charlotte’s body. A few explanations:1) He wasn’t ever mortal. He’s a character in a simulation (Rehoboam’s?) that Delores had joined in order to get access to various people. I don’t like this theory though.2) Delores finds a way to transfer human consciousness into a host body. I like this one more, as it builds on the entire point of Westworld being built to create copies of the guests.Thoughts?

  • ItsaScnew-av says:

    It’s definitely a copy of William’s personality IMO. Delos was scanning and recording the personalities of every guest that came to the park, and nobody came to the park more than the Man in Black. The whole “You belong to me” line made me think that Dolores intended the personality to be more Young William than it is Man in Black, but then the “I remember what it’s like to be me” line is the MiB emerging. I think the human Man in Black is going to see through Charlotte’s disguise, but people will think he’s crazy after everything that happened in the park when he tries to do something about it. 

  • agtorange8-av says:

    Doesn’t this mean that one of the pearls is also in Conells? I figured that was Teddy. 

  • harvey-manfrenjenson-av says:

    I say it’s gotta be Maeve’s daughter. (Apologies for repeating a point I made in another thread). When Charlotte has her first conversation with Dolores, she seems like a child who has woken up in an adult body. It’s also consistent with so much else about fake-Charlotte— her combination of curiosity and extreme naivete, her fascination with real-Charlotte’s last message (it brings her to tears because she is remembering her own mother), and her reaction to the pedophile in the park.

    Besides, Maeve’s story is going to intersect with Dolores at some point, and finding out that her daughter has been reincarnated as Dolores’ sidekick will add an extra dimension to that. (I’m thinking that fake-Charlotte winds up at odds with Dolores, since Dolores is willing to accept all sorts of collateral damage in the name of “revolution”— including harm to human children— and fake-Charlotte is not).

    • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

      I’m hitching my wagon to your star. It’s too juicy a reveal for the showrunners to resist in a climactic Maeve/Delores showdown. “You bitch! You put my daughter in Charlotte Hale’s body!”***I do like the theory that William is in one of Delores’ pearls, however. The big dope played at the park so much that he (purposely or not) patterned his brain right into the data base moreso than any other human alive. I also like the theory up the thread where Delores set William’s pearl on game repeat hundreds of times and broke his will. It fits with last season’s tease and this season’s Warworld adventure with Maeve’s brain on a shelf in a simulation. William got put on a shelf.So my rankings go:1) Maeve’s Daughter2) William3) Clementine or Angela (either is almost as likely as the other)4) Pa Peter Abernathy5) Charlotte Hale (real) inside Charlotte Hale Host flipping out ala James Delos.6) William’s Daughter – because WTF not? She probably had a park copy & back-up.

  • weesner-av says:

    Maybe I’m thinking too binary, but the way Charlotte 2 got hot and heavy with her ex, suggests to me someone like Angela or Clementine. Her ex was all pissed and the first thing she thought to do was sex him up. Feels like it’s Clementine. Also the way Tessa Thompson has been portraying the innocence or anxious expressions, look very much like the way Angela Sarafyn portrayed Clementine.

  • dirk-steele-av says:

    My money’s on Old Man Jenkins, who owns the abandoned amusement park on the outskirts of town.

  • micah002-av says:

    I would have to say my vote is William, AKA the man in black. He’s the only one who could so seamlessly walking the company and run it smoothly. He was the only one who could be that brutal. His big speech about how underneath who he portrayed in the real world was a monster only makes this more accurate. It only makes sense that it would be William and I will be flabbergasted if it is anybody else.

  • baskev-av says:

    Couple of problems. Teddy got uploaded so he is gone. William would go mad ( like his father in law after 35 days) so he is also out. Hector…why hector? she did not even meet him. And she hugged the host in the last episode. So she clearly knew it. So angela is the only option. But she blew herself up and the place that holds her back………?

  • kca204-av says:

    My first thought was Peter Abernathy. Family feelings plus charismatic leader of a cannibalistic cult seems about with this Hale’s whipsaw of emotional states. 

    • hammerbutt-av says:

      That is a good point he did have the previous monster persona before his change to being Dolores’ useless Pa

  • gamersince89-av says:

    Lets not forget that Charlotte did have sex w Hector which would have collected her data and interactions. But over all I’m torn as to who the new Charlotte Hale is I want it to be Wyatt but I know that would mind fuck the biggest of WW fans

  • bobusually-av says:

    I don’t recall the specifics of every character at the end of season 2, so I could be missing something, but I had a hunch that it’s Lawrence. He’s one of the few hosts who’s shown to be a tough guy as well as a family man (hence new-Charlotte’s affection for her kid) and he has a history with Dolores in which (if I recall correctly) he played pretty straight with her, plus they share a hatred for William. Failing that, my money is on a shaved-down version of William, retrograded (?) to back when he treated Dolores better. 

  • chuk1-av says:

    I think it’s a copy of Maeve. Thus the mama bear bit where she kills someone threatening ‘her’ child, after looking for her daughter for so long.

  • hammerbutt-av says:

    If it’s William they’re going to have some serious splainin to do. While it’s clear they have done something to William based on Charlotte having his proxy. I have a hard time coming up with a reason to put him in Charlotte’s head. If she could make William obey her anyway why not keep some of his knowledge of Delos and his ruthlessness active and have him running the company instead of the scared timid personality in Charlottes head? 

  • krombopulosjimmy-av says:

    Has anyone guessed James Delos, yet? I’d have to re-watch some season 2 to make sure that makes sense, but that’s my guess right now. 

  • j-easy-av says:

    Her dad, Peter Abernathy, maybe?

  • cyradisnyc-av says:

    I’m amazed people think it is anyone other than Teddy.I can’t see William, even young William, showing the sort of guilt/remorse host Charlotte shows when watching the video of real Charlotte singing to her son. I can see Teddy, after the last season, choking someone that was a threat to someone he cares about. And it does seem like host Charlotte cares for real Charlotte’s son.

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