Dexter Comic-Con trailer introduces the world to “Jim Lindsay,” mild-mannered knife enthusiast

Dexter is coming back to Showtime for a revival series in November

TV News Jim Lindsay
Dexter Comic-Con trailer introduces the world to “Jim Lindsay,” mild-mannered knife enthusiast
Michael C. Hall Photo: Kevin Winter

Well, Dexter is back. Not Dexter Morgan, certainly, because he was from Miami and he died (or whatever) in the original finale. Dexter the show is back, though, and it’s about a mild-mannered man named Jim Lindsay with a completely anonymous haircut who lives in a small town that is very cold. That’s totally different from Miami! Also, Dexter Morgan was a crime scene investigator and a serial killer, and Jim Lindsay works in a sporting goods store, or maybe a hardware store, or some other kind of store that provides easy access to guns and knives. They’re completely different, though Jim Lindsay does seem to have a weird obsession with violence and—in the trailer shown off during Dexter’s Comic-Con panel—somehow finds himself in close proximity to murder investigations. Also, both Jim Lindsay and Dexter are played by Michael C. Hall, which is suspicious. What if… Jim Lindsay really is Dexter? That’s silly, right?

We’ll know for sure on November 7, which is when Dexter returns for its revival series on Showtime. Hall and the show’s creators talked about the revival during the show’s Comic-Con panel today, revealing (among other things) that the finale of these 10 episodes will be “stunning, shocking, surprising, unexpected.” Everybody involved seems to agree that the old finale was bad, but original series showrunner Clyde Phillips, who is returning for this new season, says the new ending “will blow up the internet.” That’s a bold claim, without necessarily implying that it will be good, but what could possibly happen in a Dexter finale in 2021 (or maybe 2022, depending on how quickly these episodes drop) that will really make the internet stop and pay attention? Will Jim Lindsay meet Walter White from Breaking Bad? Will he go up into space and murder alien serial killers? Actually, yeah, just do that. That sounds fun.


  • bloocow-av says:

    I don’t know if this is necessarily the fault of the AV Club, but gee it would be nice to click on a video in an article with the word “trailer” in the title, and actually have it take me to a trailer. As opposed to a 40-minute panel discussion.

  • bagman818-av says:

    Whatever. They lost me when they fridged Rita.

    • thenuclearhamster-av says:

      Is killing off a main character (in a show constantly killing off main characters) after 4 seasons really fridging though?

    • laurenceq-av says:

      Not every death of a female character is “fridging.”

    • erikveland-av says:

      ** SPOILERS I GUESS *From tvtropes page on fridging:The whole first season of Dexter is a play on this trope. The Big Bad The Ice Truck Killer tries to get the interest of The Hero/Anti-Hero Dexter by brutally murdering people, knowing that he will not get mad about it. He puts most of his victims “on ice”, and (as a clue to him) a dismembered doll into Dexter’s fridge. It turns out both Dexter and the killer (his brother) were turned into what they are by witnessing the brutal murder of their mother and being left in the container in inch-deep blood for days. In the final episode the trope is inverted when the killer tries to kill Dexter’s adoptive sister, which he thinks would reunite the brothers for good. In the fourth season, where Dexter comes home after killing the Trinity Killer only to find his wife, Rita, another victim of Arthur’sThe death of Rita is a massive deconstruction of this trope: while Arthur killed her he was only able to do so because Dexter deliberately protected him from arrest to have the satisfaction of playing with him a bit more, so Rita’s death is to a great extent Dexter’s own fault rather than a misfortune to turn him into a woobie.

      • thegobhoblin-av says:

        Tvtropes! Where storytelling goes to die!

      • djtjj-av says:

        Yeah, but “fridging” isn’t about whether killing a female charcter is justified in the show, it’s where a female charcter is murdered and her plotline cut short, to advance the male hero’s plot.

        • light-emitting-diode-av says:

          That makes it not a particularly useful media trope, especially for analysis. As well, Rita’s treatment as a character vs just being a girlfriend had been a big part of her inclusion to the show. Dexter saw her initially as a beard but grew to love her to the extent that he was capable. But it took Rita telling him that she couldn’t just be some piece of furniture, that their relationship would take work.Rita’s death was closer to jumping the shark, in that after that instance they adjusted the show to Dexter being serial-killer Batman where the season antagonist threatens to upend his live but reset during the next season premiere.

      • bio-wd-av says:

        TV Tropes to the rescue once again.

  • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Internet evacuated after Clyde Phillips threatens to blow it up

  • bagman818-av says:

    Follow up, I didn’t sit through the Comicon video, but it appears to be “only on Showtime”. So, who knows

    • terrybukowski-av says:

      It’s true that it says Showtime all through the linked presentation and trailer, and Dexter was originally on Showtime, but this is Sam Barsanti writing this up and snarking all over it. If he put Starz in both the subheading and body, I’m sure he must know better. He’s paid to do this, after all.

    • gildie-av says:

      It’s not on Starz. It’s on Showtime like the original series. There’s no “who knows” about it. But you know, the AV Club doesn’t normally cover pop culture news so I understand how a mistake like that could happen.

  • cannabuzz-av says:

    The whole show was just a dream, and now, it’s set in an alternate universe, with Dexter’s twin brother, see, and, well…yeah, fuck it. Hard pass.

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    Obligatory:wtf is Starz lol

  • snogrog-av says:

    Dexter aired and will be airing on Showtime, not Starz. 

  • bossk1-av says:

    The finale’s got to be “SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER” and the reveal that Doakes is still alive!

    • tombirkenstock-av says:

      Doakes should have been the main character.

    • loremipsumd-av says:

      We said that during every production night when I worked at my college paper. We would put Doakes wallpapers on each other’s laptops when they stepped away. Doakes was the whole ballgame. Dex v Doakes. We never. Saw. A. Body.

    • blpppt-av says:

      Doakes is god.He needs to be the one that puts Dexter under plastic sheets.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      They wasted his character and that’s when I knew the show was never going to be one of the greats.

      • laurenceq-av says:

        Season 2 was great up until that terrible, bullshit cop-out ending.It’s amazing we still got S4 out of it, but, yeah, Dexter was most definitely not “one of the greats.”  Quite often, one of the worst!

        • bio-wd-av says:

          Season 2 was fun but the ending was so blah that it taints it for me.  It was such a hardcore status quo is god.  The way the villain lady randomly gets killed was also lame.  Keith Carradine was fun at least. 

          • laurenceq-av says:

            Exactly.  It forced Dexter into a wonderful corner and then provided the shittiest, cheapest way out.  Oh, his girlfriend kills Doakes and he gets to kill her.  So fucking lame and cowardly.  Absolutely shackled to the status quo.  Bleh.

    • pabi1-av says:

      I gave up on the show after they killed him off. Everyone tells me that I should watch the rest of it, but I’m seeing in this thread that there are a lot more Doakes stans out there so I feel like I made the right choice.

  • mytvneverlies-av says:

    The Sopranos ending would break the internet, and it wasn’t even an ending.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      The Sopranos ending was ruined by the fact that, at the time, HBO would routinely black out during programming for no fucking reason.
      Because, I guess, the internet was broken?

    • brickhardmeat-av says:

      It was an ending. That dude in the Members Only jacket blew Tony’s fucking brains out all over his onion rings. Then he shot Carmela and AJ in the face. Cub Scouts running all over the place scarred for life, young lovers in the next booth puking their guts out on each other, and Meadow got there just in time to see all of it. That’s what I remember, anyway. 

      • laurenceq-av says:

        Carmela and AJ would not have been shot.

        • brickhardmeat-av says:

          I’d argue they would have been shot in that they deserved to be shot. AJ was a scum bag on the road to being an even bigger scum bag and Carmela was, by association and by her shallow craving for the materialism made possibly by her husband’s sins, not the most sympathetic figure. I think Meadow was the closest to being innocent, and hence is spared. I’m mostly joking, btw. I think the ending is up to you. But I find it hard to not buy that on some level what we’re seeing is the message that Tony is in effect a dead-man walking, whether he is literally dead or metaphorically dead, he is a doomed man destined to spend the rest of his days looking over his shoulder (listening for that bell) and inviting destruction on everyone around him, whether family members or innocent strangers. And of course Bobby’s pondering about what happens when you die, that everything just goes black. Note that I may have no idea what the fuck I’m talking about since I haven’t seen the series since it first aired, though I did go back to re-watch the last 4 minutes this morning.

  • laurenceq-av says:

    I mean, the trailer looks promising, but since they’re using the exact same top creatives, I can’t imagine this being any good.

    • loopychew-av says:

      I mean, it was the top creatives from the first few seasons, not the later ones (who subsequently went on to helm shows like Inhumans, so).

      • laurenceq-av says:

        Okay, whew.  Just double-checked.  Clyde Phillips left after season 4 (easily the best season, of course.)   Those fuckers responsible for the later seasons should be banned from H’wood for life.

        • bio-wd-av says:

          It was the guy who gave us Ironfist who did the last season.  Also the Inhumans.  He still gets a paycheck.  Life isn’t fair.

  • rigbyriordan-av says:


  • tinyepics-av says:

    Are there seriously enough people that are going to forgive the piss poor last few seasons of Dexter to reengage with the show let alone blow up the internet?
    Unless of course the show runner is describing what actually happens in the show.
    And Dexter’s code leads him to work out that the internet is to blame for all of society’s ills and goes on a killing spree through silicon valley taking out Bezos, Zuckerberg etc. Before blowing up the actual internet.
    All of which would be defiantly be a less ludicrous and far more satisfying way to end the show than out running a tidal wave in a speed boat and driving it around the coast of America to arrive wherever lumberjacks live.

    • brickhardmeat-av says:

      I’m curious enough to watch it. My brain works like this:Two amazing seasonsTwo pretty good seasonTerrible finale where they kill RitaSome shit happens I guess? He has to run away? Fake his death? IDK. Not important. Cool, now he’s hiding out in Alaska or whatever. 

    • bio-wd-av says:

      If that was the finale I’d at least say the show ended on a decent note.  Dexter murdered Twitter thus saving hunanity.

    • callmeshoebox-av says:

      I know way too many people who liked the ending so yeah unfortunately. 

  • mrgarrison-av says:

    Can’t get the network correct? Pretty basic

  • blpppt-av says:

    “ that the finale of these 10 episodes will be “stunning, shocking, surprising, unexpected.””Confirmed: Dexter will end up as a lumberjack again.

    • callmeshoebox-av says:

      Calling it now. They’ll jump forward in time and Dexter will end up on Harrison’s treadmill – I mean table.

  • majorkeys-av says:

    Dexter didn’t die, did he? I thought Dexter staged his death and went to work as a logger in Oregon. Am I mis-remembering the ending?

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