Dexter revival re-introduces us to "Jim Lindsay," regular human man

TV News Dexter
Dexter revival re-introduces us to "Jim Lindsay," regular human man
“Hello, I enjoy fish and also game.” Photo: LOIC VENANCE/AFP via Getty Images

Bound, we can only assume, by some arcane code of paternal restraint, the Dexter revival has been playing its new status quo both quiet and coy. We’ve gotten a few little teasers, and a confirmation that Michael C. Hall will still be murdering people in the new Showtime show, which will not, tragically, be a low-key drama about the perils and pitfalls of Pacific Northwest logging operations. Now, we’ve gotten another one of these little dribs and drabs: Our first look at Dexter Morgan, circa 2021—or, should we say, Regular Human Man “Jim Lindsay.”

Named, presumably, as an homage to original Dexter author Jeff Lindsay, our shot of big, smile-y Jim, with his regular, non-murderous face, does give us a few hints about what Dexter’s been up to over the last several years. Not cutting down trees, apparently, so much as servicing the general tree-cutting-down ethos, working for Fred’s Fish And Game. Who is Fred? Does his mental pick-up truck have its own Dark Passenger? What horrifying Grand Guignol of fishing wire, bear traps, and duck calls is he preparing to propagate upon our sort-of-still-technically hero? God, and returning showrunner Clyde Phillips, only knows.

Dexter returns to Showtime sometime later this year.


  • mwfuller-av says:

    Needs more Doakes.

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      There was plenty of Doakes to go around.
      In the lake. In the bushes. A few bits of him up a tree.

    • notochordate-av says:

      TBH still mad at that arc. Yeah, I did stop after two seasons of the show.

      • dustyspur-av says:

        I made it halfway through season 3 before Doakes’ death actually pissed me off enough to make me stop watching. You don’t know what you’ve got till its gone and all that.

      • bjackyll-av says:

        100% in the same boat; I tried, I really tried to watch Season 3, but when they burned Doakes and made it clear that Dex would face no comeuppance for it I was out.

      • laurenceq-av says:

        Season 2 was great….up until that awful, shitty, cop-out ending.Season 4 was great throughout.The show was never, ever remotely great at any other point.

        • notochordate-av says:

          hah, maybe I should’ve given 4 a try then. But TBH I was a little not-sold from the beginning on how much time he spends whining about how he doesn’t have emotions. “I’m not sad, but gosh I sure wish I could be sad” what.

          • laurenceq-av says:

            It’s a deeply flawed show, no doubt! But they cracked the code for season 4 and it’s worth a watch.

      • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

        Well done.

    • detectivefork-av says:

      It’s never too late for Cyborg Doakes.

      • blpppt-av says:

        Given how ludicrous the original run ended, they could claim Doakes survived the blast and has been in a coma for the past 7 years.Then…he’s going to take Dexter to…

      • ozilla-av says:

        Perhaps James Doakes had a twin, with whom he corresponded all his thoughts and suspisions weekly to his brother, John?

      • tokenaussie-av says:


    • scaytheofhyponeros-av says:

      I miss Doakes :-(#JusticeforDoakes

    • usernamedonburnham-av says:

      why not just bring him back as a ghost? or have the actor play doakes twin brother looking for revenge? Can they really say theyre above that, at this point?

    • cmartin101444-av says:

      “Welcome to Fred’s Fish and Game. I’m Jim. What can I help you with today?”

      “Supplies, Motherfucker!”

    • kinggmobb-av says:

      Given Dexter’s new job, all I can say is:
      “Cast flies, mothafucker!”

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      if they incorporate someone who overuses “mother fucker” in a very menacing way, I’d be content.

  • rigbyriordan-av says:

    The one weakness of their coming back is that they killed off too many beloved characters. Also, is Yvonne Strahovski and Dexter’s son going to come back? If not — how does that make sense?!?! Will he stick to “The Code,” or is there no code now?  Just finish strong and make up for that finale, damnit!!! 

  • dirtside-av says:

    “How do you do, fellow lumberjacks?”

    • turbotastic-av says:

      *skateboards over to a tree and chops it down* Lumber, am I right? Hey, do any of you cool cats smoke the mary jane or vote Democrat? Speak clearly into my lapel when you answer.

    • sh90706-av says:

      I’m a lumberjack and I’m OK
      I sleep all night and I work all dayI cut down trees, I skip and jump
      I like to press wild flowers
      I put on women’s clothing and hang around in bars

  • oldmanschultz-av says:

    I am a fan of regular humans. I am on the edge of my seat already, wondering what this regular human will be up to. Will he eat breakfast? Will he dance in a night club? Will he call another human on the telephone? The possibilities are endless. Consider me somewhat curious.

  • turbotastic-av says:

    I like the repeated sarcastic use of “human man,” implying that Dexter is secretly some sort of goblin or robot or something.
    Actually that would make me much more interested in this revival.

    • obatarian-av says:

      Its a What We Do in the Shadows reference. See Nick R’s response.

      • bigal6ft6-av says:

        Only on S2 episode 3 now for meself (I’d have to complain about canadian cable companies on demand services to explain why), looking forward to that episode.

      • rarely-sober-insomniac-av says:

        Love that show and nearly all the characters in it, side or main.That’s it, I’ve nothing constructive to add. Good show!

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Fred’s Most Dangerous Fish & Game

  • billyjoebobson-av says:

    as bad as the last couple of season were…if you wanna see Dexter *really* jumping the shark?  read the books…

  • mark-t-man-av says:

    Regular Human Man “Jim Lindsay.”

    • nooooooooooooooope-av says:

      Oh no, this gif cuts off before Hugh Man scuttles off but it also went for longer than I expected!

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    so now he makes his own plastic wrap?

    • tampabeeatch-av says:

      It’s 2021 dude, he uses re-usable beeswax wrap which is sustainable and biodegradable. 

      • anathanoffillions-av says:

        I mean feeding your kills to hogs isn’t the worst idea unless Wu comes looking for royalties, maybe a certain number of feral ones

        • tampabeeatch-av says:

          I’m a little in love with you right now and need to go put on my crossed fingers “SWEDGIN!” t-shirt. Al and Wu were ahead of their time as conservationist/environmentalist/sustainable champions. Don’t let them eat the opium fiends though, they make the pork smell like cat piss.

  • toolatenick-av says:

    At least he always knows where to go for a drink.

  • laurenceq-av says:

    But…but how will the show survive without its stacked deck of incredible, indelible supporting characters working for Miami Metro like, uh….that one gal…and the hat guy….and….um….

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    is it confirmed that this season is “one and done”?  because the whole “we *need* to revive this show to right the great wrong that was its ending” pretense was and still is pretty obnoxious.  Just admit you’re scraping for anything to get people to watch Showtime again.

  • libsexdogg-av says:

    It’s been long enough now that I remember the good parts of the show more than the bad, so sure, I’ll watch. But if I so much as see a single hint of Bench LaGuerta, hoo boy… why, I’ll cease to watch! Yeah, take that, ya suits! Nyah!

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