Dexter's coming back, and there's nothing we can do about it

Aux Features TV
Dexter's coming back, and there's nothing we can do about it
Photo: Jesse Grant/WireImage

When last we saw Dexter Morgan—a.k.a., John Lithgow’s worst enemy who is not also a sasquatch, Sylvester Stallone from Cliffhanger, or the grim specter of small-town dancing—he’d seemed to have landed himself a pretty plum gig at last, having ducked out on all those murders he committed down in Florida in favor of a life of solemn, remorseful lumberjacking. But not even the siren call of the majestic oak can keep a good serial-murderer-who-kills-other-serial-murderers down, because Showtime has announced that it’s given into its own Dark Passenger—i.e., ratings—and decided to bring Dexter back for one of those oh-so-popular limited series revivals that have been going ’round of late. (Note to the networks: We would totally be here for Will & Grace & Dexter.)

Deadline reports that the revived series will not only bring back Michael C. Hall, who racked up 2 Golden Globes for his turn as the titular semi-heroic blood fan, but also showrunner Clyde Phillips, the guy who guided the original series through most of its first four seasons, i.e., before the show got just absolutely goofy as fuck. Both men have previously threatened that they might bring Dexter back to television if they ever had a good enough idea, and lo-and-behold, said idea has apparently arrived. No word yet on what form said pitch might take, but we do have a couple of guesses based on nothing but our keenly held understanding of the character’s M.O:

  • Dexter is forced to confront his past when fellow lumberjacks start dying off across the campsite. Dexter eventually discovers that the killings are being conducted by an evil tree—but will his own dark attraction to this seductively malevolent larch keep him from doing what the Code Of Harry tells him is right?
  • Looking for love after being separated from Hannah in the series 8 finale, Dexter signs on for a reality dating competition exclusively for serial killers. But when he discovers that Bethani is actually an undercover cop who also only kills serial killers, where will his loyalties lie?*
  • After breaking his arm in a freak logging accident, Dexter discovers he can now suddenly throw a 100 MPH fastball. But when members of his new teammates on the Chicago Cubs start dying in grim Grand Guignol scenarios, can Dexter balance his new career—and a flirtation with a hot new team publicist—with his need to avenge their decapitated corpses?
  • Dexter fights Dracula. (Note: This is a clear violation of our long-held and highly anticipated IP, John Wick Fights Dracula.)

*We would actually watch the shit out of this.


  • deletethisshitasshole-av says:

    Dexter discovers he works as a lumberjack alongside Wolverine. They compare knives before the combined awfulness of the last season of Dexter combines with X-men Origins to create a blackhole of terribleness that devours all of existence.

  • dirtside-av says:

    “John Wick fights Dracula” is an odd phrasing, because it implies the absurd possibility that John Wick could lose.

  • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

    who fucking wants this

    • blpppt-av says:

      I would, if it erases just about everything that happens in Season 8.But if its just “Lumberjack Redemption”, it will just be a ‘hate viewing’ for me.

      • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

        Would be so weird for them to undo S8, with how much of what happened in S8 was predicated on the fact that Showtime told them what they could and couldn’t do for the sole purpose of eventually doing this and bringing the show back.

        • blpppt-av says:

          Actually, what I want is for them to undo a certain offing in Season 2.Everybody knows the real star of Dexter was Erik King.

          • notochordate-av says:

            Thank fuck, since they kept the series going after killing him off I assumed people didn’t mind that the whiny-ass serial killer (I wish I had feeelings! Really) won over the best character in the whole show.

          • Axetwin-av says:

            I was just saying to my wife a couple weeks ago they killed him off too soon.

          • whoisanonymous37-av says:

            He was recently in a couple of episodes of The Good Fight, in which he plays an actor who becomes the conscience of Julius Cain.Disappointingly, his character doesn’t say “Surprise, motherfucker” even once.

          • blpppt-av says:

            IIRC, he played a wimpy guy in Burn Notice a while back. It was a stark contrast to James Doakes.

      • wastrel7-av says:

        If you ever get a time machine, just go back to previous generations and tell them that in 2021 everyone is watching The Good Serial Killer IX: Lumberjack Redemption. Show them how far we’ve come!

      • murrychang-av says:

        What about seasons 5, 6 and 7 though?  That season where Deb’s psychologist told her she should totally bang Dexter, ugh…

    • robert-denby-av says:

      People who have already burned through Hannibal, Bates Motel, and The Following during quarantine.

      • actionlover-av says:

        You leave Hannibal out of this!

      • teageegeepea-av says:

        Is “The Following” really on the level with those? I thought critics only mocked it.

      • keithzg-av says:

        You should do yourself a favor and watch “The Inside”, if you’re going down those sorts of roads during quarantine. A weird but I think fun combo of “serious murder crimes” and the more genre folks of the time (both in terms of writers and in terms of actors), that time being the early- to mid-‘00s.There’s a lot of good shows in that vein just lurking out there, quickly forgotten after they aired a season or two. No need to bring back Dexter, we can just dig through the dusty bargain-bin shelves!

      • manganious-av says:

        That Hannibal one hurts so bad. I really wanted another season. If anything, that series deserved it. I’m hoping this new season of Dexter retcons almost all of the final season.

    • returning-the-screw-av says:

      I do. STFU and don’t watch it. 

    • bartfargomst3k-av says:

      The coronavirus.

    • isaacasihole-av says:
    • the-assignment-av says:

      If it brings the series to a better resolution than the ending it got, then I’m interested.

    • weallknowthisisnothing-av says:

      yeah that’s an easy question. anyone who enjoyed any part of the original show before it died in a fiery pit. if a limited series makes rewatching it enjoyable again it’s easily worth it. maybe himym comes back and does this if Dexter is successful.

  • 000-1-av says:

    Dexter jumped the Knife around the time they killed Rita , after that it became STUPID !   

  • kpopwhat-av says:

    I can only hope that the show ends up being about lumberjacking, pure and simple.  No murders, no mystery, just a man cutting down trees relentlessly. 

  • evanfowler-av says:

    The interesting part of Dexter was not that there is a serial killer who only kills other serial killers. It’s that Miami is so thoroughly infested with serial killers that such a thing is even possible.

    • jackdonald-av says:

      wait til you hear about a place called Midsomer.

    • Harold_Ballz-av says:

      See also: the Criminal Minds Paradox.
      There are so many devious, diabolical killers in the US that 24 episodes a year for 15 years is necessary*, but not so many that a squad of six or seven profilers would be overwhelmed.*“necessary” is a very relative term here.

      • joe2345-av says:

        What always perplexed me about Criminal Minds, other then the utter horror of the show, is that FBI criminal profilers wear jeans to work ? And that profilers are also really attractive as well

      • jvbftw-av says:

        My Dad and I had this discussion about Longmire.How does a tiny town in Wyoming have that much crime?  And why would they keep re-electing a sheriff who can’t solve it? 

      • rogersachingticker-av says:

        To be fair, they tried to expand that to three squads totaling 18-21 profilers, but none of the spinoffs really took. 

        • Harold_Ballz-av says:

          But the same paradox would hold, no?
          6-7 profilers and 22-24 episodes per squad. That’s a whole lotta killing and whole lotta overworked profilers.

          • rogersachingticker-av says:

            I agree. I was being tongue-in-cheek. Also, one of the squads was supposed to be international, so it’d be 6-7 profilers handling all the world’s non-American serial killers 22-24 episodes a year, with all the travel that entails.My personal favorite in the “that’s a lot of serial killers” genre was Hannibal, which required there not only to be a steady supply serial killers to fill 13 episodes, but they also had to be MFA-level artistic serial killers, and located mostly within driving distance of Baltimore.

          • Harold_Ballz-av says:

            How dare you be tongue-in-cheek on the Internet! How will I be able to take everything way too seriously if you’re joking around?!Yeah, I love Hannibal, but man, some of those killers… MFA-level, exactly. I do wonder if Hannibal taught a course at the local community college.

          • rogersachingticker-av says:

            You just gave me a vision of Julie Taymor teaching a seminar on making a compelling totem pole out of human torsos. 

          • Harold_Ballz-av says:

            Ha! I mean, I’d take that class.
            I was just talking about the human totem pole—during a viewing of the absolutely atrocious Random Acts of Violence, which features a similar, if smaller, human totem—and reminiscing how that episode was the clearest jump-the-shark moment of the entire series.
            Again, I love Hannibal.

          • rogersachingticker-av says:

            I’d be a little kinder, because I don’t think the quality of the show actually went downhill at that point. I just think that’s the point where they gave up any pretense of the show taking place in the real world. After that, you just had to accept that the world of Hannibal was the kind of place where someone could build a flesh totem pole on a public beach, and no one notices until they’re done. For me, I raised an eyebrow, but said “Okay. Fair enough.”

          • Harold_Ballz-av says:

            Yeah, jump-the-shark moment was the best I could do at phrasing there. After I hit “Publish”, I thought, But you still loved all the episodes after that.You stated it perfectly: That was the jumping-off point for the show to really lean into its most sensational, um… leanings.EDIT: Off-topic, but do you know how I go about getting out of the grays, as the kids say?

    • chris-finch-av says:

      I can tell ya, we got a load of ‘em here in the PNW. 

      • simulord-av says:

        Not long after I moved to Seattle, I went on a date with a girl who lived in Auburn, along the Green River.Said she, “You want to see where they found some of the bodies?” This, along with a drive along the road Sir Mix-A-Lot lives on, is apparently the height of “I’m from Auburn, Washington, and this is my town” entertaining outsiders.I have since moved to Kent, and my first apartment was right on the river (which divides the two suburbs in question along part of its run), which led to a lot of hilarious jokes from my friends and family back East. The only ones more disturbing than “what, are you going to start dumping women in the river?” were, of that same woman from the first date, “better watch out, that girlfriend of yours is going to dump you in the river.”

    • bio-wd-av says:

      I know.  That always made me laugh.  Having two active serial killers in one city is supremely rare.  But like 100?  Get outta here….

      • fezmonkey-av says:

        I won’t defend the sillier parts of the show, or the last season, but he killed a cartel hitman, wife murderers, and other assorted bad guys too. Though there was more than one serial killer on the show, (I think it was about 7 through the whole run of the show, I can’t recall) it wasn’t quite as chockablock with serial killers as some seem to think it was.

    • sicodravenshadow-av says:

      I mean its no Cabot Cove for murder volume, but I guess it does have them beat in the serial killer variety.

      • wastrel7-av says:

        The inhabitants of Cabot Cove are all just very excitable.[has anyone theorised that Cabot Cove is actually the site of one of those secret mass drug experiments that the CIA used to do on random villages? Would explain a lot.]

    • soveryboreddd-av says:

      They should have him travel the world hunting serial killers.

    • runjohnboyrun-av says:

      My wife and I just started Dexter this year, and just tonight she said the same thing. 

      • bamaguy2718-av says:

        It’s great when a show points this out. Like at the end of the 7th season of Psych, an outside consultant played by Anthony Michael Hall is brought in to assess the Santa Barbara PD and their use of a “psychic detective.” Shawn and the SBPD point out how they’ve solved something like 100 cases, most of them murders (this was like 2 episodes after the 100th episode).  The consultant points out they must not be doing something right to have such a high murder rate then.  

    • umbrielx-av says:

      At least more conceivable with a major metropolitan area like Miami, than with a quaint little burg like Cabot Cove, ME.

    • adohatos-av says:

      Hmm, I’ll give it a shot. Every disappearance in Miami is actually a serial killing because the local government is in cahoots with the serial killers in order to supply a lucrative black market organ trade. A very profitable trade in a state with so many wealthy, elderly residents. There, an explanation. I’ve never seen the show so I didn’t want to go supernatural in case it didn’t fit. How’s that?

      • evanfowler-av says:

        That would make sense, but no, the show presents it as though we are all of us constantly adrift in an endless sea of sequence-killing, but Dexter is the only one who can spot them. It’s kind of implied that every person who has ever disappeared was just killed by one of the presumably hundreds of thousands of serial killers that the police are just too myopic to discover. It’s basically the most cynical vigilante story this side of Death Wish 3.

    • mrwaldojeffers-av says:

      It’s still not the hotbed of crime that was Cabot Cove.

    • tshepard62-av says:

      Given the….ahem…competency displayed by the Miami-Dade law enforcement agencies in the show there’s obviously still enough serial killers operating in the southern Florida area to support another 20 seasons of Dexter.Viddy well my friends

    • genejenkinson-av says:

      In that same vein, my favorite part about Dexter is just how bad Miami PD are at their jobs. Worked with a serial killer for 8+ years and never caught the scent, huh?

      • evanfowler-av says:

        Yeah, Angel was pretty much the worst detective in television history. He focused almost exclusively on hats and dating. Doakes was better, but still couldn’t stop himself from constantly warning Dexter that he was onto him. If he’d just hung back, played it cool, and methodically collected evidence (like, y’know, detecting), then Dexter would’ve been a one season show. Dexter’s not even a very good serial killer. He keeps evidence of his victims, visibly salivates at the sight of blood, and has people nearly stumble onto his secret basically every single episode of the series. 

        • steve-harvey-oswald-av says:

          And this is why Dexter would have worked as a one or two season show, but not beyond that, let alone 8+ seasons. It was also so boring that half of each episode is spent watching Miami Metro soap opera love affair bullshit no one watching the show cares about. Why do I care who Quinn is fucking right now? The show isn’t called Quinn!Barry is like a more refined, better version of Dexter that cuts out all the fat.

    • systemmastert-av says:

      Well it just presupposes an ecosystem we don’t know about.  Lots of serial killers clustering up like groupers around a reef, and a few serial serial killer killers floating around the periphery like so many reef sharks, cleaning up the serial killers so fast you don’t even notice them serial killing.

    • mik-el-av says:

      I lived in Miami briefly. Doesn’t seem weird to me.

    • stryker1121-av says:

      Hannibal’s Baltimore/Washington D.C. corridor was absolutely lousy with supervillain-esque serial slayers. 

  • cannabuzz-av says:

    Dexter takes a p/t job at a mortuary, where people are already dead, true, but he…um…kills them again? It’s called Six Feet of Dexter, and it’s as bad an idea as whatever Showtime has in the works.

  • gildie-av says:

    Dexter’s in the USA Pacific Northwest killing serial killers again. It’s not that difficult as 80% of all lumberjacks are serial killers in hiding.
    Dexter gets wind of a Canadian serial killer. He goes to the border to take him out.
    This turns out to be Canadian Dexter, who is actually a serial killer who kills serial killers too. He’s heard about Dexter’s serial killing and is headed to the USA border to take him out.
    And stay with me here. Who should play Canadian Dexter? Why none other than Michael C Hall lookalike, Kid-in-the-Hall Bruce McCulloch!
    Now if we can just get Michael Ian Black in this we’re golden.

  • Nitelight62-av says:

    It will be 8 episodes of Dexter putting on women’s clothing and hanging around in bars……

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    showrunner Clyde Phillips, the guy who guided the original series through most of its first four seasonsThis might actually give Dexter the ending it deserves.

    • coatsorkeys4-av says:

      For what it’s worth, Philips was also the showrunner for the last three seasons of Nurse Jackie and brought that show to a shockingly good ending.

      • herewegoooooo-av says:

        I do think the tonal shift with the last couple seasons of Nurse Jackie was a little jarring, but I still get chills when I think of that final scene.

    • geralyn-av says:

      As long as they still kill Deb off I’m good with whatever they do.

      • richardalinnii-av says:

        Are you suggesting they go scuba diving, find her body, resurrect her and then kill her again? I’m IN!

  • ducktopus-av says:

    Me, to Showtime: Hello, whore!

  • pocketsander-av says:

    here’s Clyde Philips’ original ending idea: mean, it’s better than what we got, but really not a fan of the idea.

    • jasonstroh-av says:

      Many times better than what we got, but in reality, they already did the perfect ending, the last episode of the Trinity season. The season itself was uneven, but Lithgow was fucking amazing and the final episode, the final moment, was thematically the perfect way to end the show. They could have had a classic finale and instead created an infamous finale.

      • mr-smith1466-av says:

        Dexter is a casebook example of a Showtime series that really dragged on way longer than was logical or required. It was almost a victim if it’s own success, especially since it was basically just a charming gimmick show at the beginning.

        • Axetwin-av says:

          It’s the American way!

        • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

          Plus they were in the mode of “one new season a year – come hell or high water!” Some shows need a year and a half or two to let the story gel. Prestige shows do it now and it’s not looked upon as terrible. 

      • pocketsander-av says:

        Not so sure about that being a real finale, but that event certainly wrote the rest of the show into a corner that the show struggled to really get out of. The writer’s response to it seemed to set a precedence for the rest of the series where any tough situation Dexter encountered would be met with a handwave and the problem just sort of disappears.

        • jasonstroh-av says:

          It was perfect as an ending because it took the show to what should have been an inevitable conclusion: Dexter can’t possibly have this end without him paying a price, and though he may deny it, he knows this. But he selfishly tries to have everything and in the end, someone he cares about suffers due to his obsession.

    • bassplayerconvention-av says:

      It’d be tough to be worse than what they actually did, and that idea is not worse, but honestly it’s not a whole lot better either.

    • 1428elmstreet-av says:

      Not the best idea but it is the most fitting end. The one we got was a cheat so as not to have actual closure but a possibility for a future iteration. And wouldn’t you know, here we are today with news of a return. Hopefully it will right the ship and give us a satisfying conclusion.

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    “John Lithgow’s worst enemy who is not also a sasquatch, Sylvester Stallone from Cliffhanger, or the grim specter of small-town dancing, or anybody who is a neurosurgeon/physicist/test pilot/rock star.”FTFY

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I think we’re all also forgetting a certain Professor Liam Neesam:

      • Axetwin-av says:

        I know enough about the show to know that’s 3rd Rock, but not enough to know if that’s the actual characters name.

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          It is; he’s a rival alien vying for Mary’s attention. I can’t remember if anyone points out the similarity of his name to Liam Neeson or not.

    • hamburgerheart-av says:

      Yeah, Lithgow’s Cliffhanger face is gonna stay with us for a looong time.
      but he was truly funny in 3rd Rock From the Sun.

    • oldefortran77-av says:

      Laugh-a while you can, Monkey Boy!(I simply love typing that)

      • andaristofdriftavalii-av says:

        And that Monkey Boy was a young Jonathan Banks.
        Sadly, after his character is killed, he isn’t rolled into the water in the basement of Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems.

    • callmeshoebox-av says:

      It’s like you guys didn’t even watch Harry and the Hendersons! They were buds! 

  • coatsorkeys4-av says:

    Anybody who was active during the AV club comment section for season eight of Dexter knows that this may be a blessing in disguise.

  • sh90706-av says:

    I want to see Dexter vs Barry.   

  • bio-wd-av says:

    I mean… you literally couldn’t fuck this up any harder…

  • theblackswordsman-av says:

    Admittedly I gave up on Dexter long before the finale, so I never even SAW it, but… I really…

    I don’t think Dexter has aged very well in many respects.

  • testor123-av says:

    GAWD! Dexter is my hero! And, the music calms me..

  • westcoastwestcoast-av says:

    I hope ghost dad comes back to teach Dexter about proper sawing etiquette.

  • thefanciestcat-av says:

    The first season and maybe a few more were really good, but the bad seasons have made it so my overall favorite thing about Dexter was seeing all of those shots of Long Beach, CA. I remember waking up a little hung over as a 19 or year old, playing Dexter on the DVR and seeing the karaoke boat that didn’t card me the night before in the background.See also: CSI: Miami and The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story

  • jhelterskelter-av says:

    The core problem with Dexter is that Season 2’s premise needed to be the endgame. Once you have a story about him being hunted down, you’re never gonna match the stakes. I liked Seasons 3, 4, and even 5, but any sense of suspense they were going for was out the window.

    • teageegeepea-av says:

      I have a hard time believing anyone like season 3.

      • nuerosonic-av says:

        It’s hard not to like Jimmy Smits.

      • jhelterskelter-av says:

        I can forgive a lot of boring nonsense if it comes with a healthy dose of Jimmy Smits.Gimme Smits and I’m happy.

        • devf--disqus-av says:

          Yeah, I feel like season 3 gets kind of a bum rap. Smit’s character was probably the most interesting iteration of the “fellow sociopath who accepts Dexter for what he really is” concept the series relied on much too often. Instead of serving as just a convenient mirror for Dexter (or a blank get-out-of-hell-free card like Lila in the previous season), Miguel possessed a unique and not entirely compatible sort of sociopathy—shrewder and less impulsive—that interacted with Dexter’s own in really interesting ways.
          “I accept you, Dexter. I accept you like a brother.”
          “I killed my brother . . . I killed yours, too.”

        • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

          Smits was one of the few positives in the back half of Sons of Anarchy too. 

        • phillylawyer89-av says:

          Heck, even the Star Wars prequels might have been more watchable if they added more Jimmy Smits/Bail Organa screen time and less of all the other dreck.

    • genejenkinson-av says:

      Should’ve ended after S4. Everything after was awful, the characters became unbearable and S8 was so bad that the only thing tethering me to the show was reading AVC’s blistering recaps.

    • hamburgerheart-av says:

      I liked the Lumen character from season 5. she was by far the closest match to Dexter’s alienation and hurt, but ultimately she chose to leave and live her life rather than act it out over and over again. I don’t accept vigilante action, but she was one of the few characters in the show I found genuinely likeable.

      as an actor too, we don’t see enough of Julia Stiles.

  • tombirkenstock-av says:

    Bring back Doakes! He was the only cop in Miami who had any business being a cop. Everyone else was a moron. I mean, they had a serial killer in their midsts for years and never realized it.

  • libsexdogg-av says:

    Still no Laguerta Bench spinoff? Turning into a bench was the most interesting thing to happen with that character! 

  • nilus-av says:

    John Lithgow’s true enemy is Officer Nick Styles(as played by Denzel Washington). And if you don’t know what I’m talking about then you need to watch 1991’s Ricochet. It is amazing early 90s trash action/thriller cinema. Lithgow fight a duel with a Neonazi in prison while wearing armor made out of phone books and that is only like the 9th craziest thing that happens in that movie!

  • mmm1875-av says:

    If Harrison returns, I’d love to see him have another go around on the treadmill!

  • blackoak-av says:

    Not the Dexter I was hoping for.

  • schwartz666-av says:

    How bout a Serial Killer Serial Killer Killer? A killer who only kills the killers of serial killers.
    And then it turns out there is a whole group of killer killer killers called Ouroboros and at the end Dexter has to kill himself to complete the crappy convoluted cycle to fulfill the ancient prophecy.. or whatever.

  • hexwrench-av says:

    Great. Meanwhile “On Becoming a God in Central Florida” gets shitcanned because Covid

  • miked1954-av says:

    Do you know how easy it would have been to make a new original series? Instead of calling the main character Dexter give him the name Maurice. You don’t need to change anything but the name. Voi-la, you’ve now got a whole new series original cable series.

  • iggypoops-av says:

    I read most of the books and watched the first two seasons of the show before giving it up as an idea that had potential but that neither the author nor the showrunners knew how to handle. The introduction of the “dark passenger” as anything other than some kind of metaphor — i.e., that it was some kind of real thing — was just unnecessary, lazy, and stupid… further proof that the author had no idea what to do with his creation. Massive levels of diminishing returns. 

  • oldaswater-av says:

    As long as they don’t go with ending in the novels where the two step kids start killing and frame Dexter for their murders.

  • buffalobear-av says:

    Fuck, yeah. Taking another stab at Dexter is a good idea. How you missed that headline opportunity is astonishing, by the way.Tough to imagine Dex without Deb but probably another foul-mouthed lady will fill the void.

  • stopmeantome-av says:

    Say what you want, but I find the idea of a killer tree fucking terrifying, and its not really been done all that well since Algernon Blackwood.

  • necgray-av says:

    If there’s no hilariously, fascinatingly weird sexual tension with his adoptive sister (played by his ex), I’m not interested.

    • Axetwin-av says:

      That would be awkward since Deb is dead.  Soooooooo………..

      • sandsanta-av says:

        Well if they are gonna do the series justice then they’ll delete season 8. The new season will be about Dex and Deb slowly coming to terms with working together to kill bad guys. And also the romance between them, and how everyone around them would have to come to terms with their relationship.. Masuka being the first to actively support them of course!And for once a tv show would have a happy ending. No stupid twists or killing off character! Just one final though jobb/killing and the end!

      • necgray-av says:

        You misspelled awesome.If Bates Motel can do it…

  • nonoes-av says:

    so is it worth it to watch some seasons of this show? the premise sounds all right – if i take the plunge, where should i top-out?

  • 10cities10years-av says:

    I will defend (to a certain degree) both the House and How I Met Your Mother finales, so take this with a grain of salt, but the Dexter series finale is the worst episode of TV I’ve ever watched, and I’ve been forced to watch some reality TV shows.

    • wastrel7-av says:

      The House finale wasn’t that bad. It’s just the majority of the four – OK five – years leading up to it that had serious, serious issues.It was better than the BSG finale, at least…

      • 10cities10years-av says:

        Yeah, there’s a serious decline after season 4, BUT, I would argue the only irredeemable season is 7(?) when he starts dating Cuddy. Lots of garbage there.Have still never seen BSG…

        • wastrel7-av says:

          I think it went into decline after season 2: s3 they made fun because they papered over the cracks with more absurdity; s4 had a lot of garbage, but the reality-show format and the new characters kept it fresh. But yeah, after that it was really bad (though, frustratingly, with some good episodes almost to the end).I actually preferred season 7 to the surrounding ones – yes, a lot of garbage, but I liked Amber Tamblyn, and I thought her character brought a new angle to the show. I agree, though, that House-Cuddy was just godawful in both concept and execution.
          BSG is brilliant. Well, no. Season 1 and first half of Season 2 are brilliant. And personally I think the initial miniseries is, too, although I know many people have problems with the pacing. After that, the finale of season 2 and the first 2 or 3 episodes of season 3 are pretty great too, but unfortunately then it goes off the rails, and the finale is really bad. But watch the miniseries! Or if you don’t want to invest in that, just remember “robots have destroyed human civilisation, the survivors live on a small fleet now, some of the robots look like people, Baltar is a narcissistic genius who is hallucinating his robot ex-girlfriend”, and then that sets you up to watch the first episode of season 1 – and s1e1 is (wrongly but understandably) considered by many to be the best of the whole show, so you can see what the show’s about immediately.

    • hankwilhemscreamjr-av says:

      I always love to point out the fact that Michael C Hall was in both the best series finale and the worst.

  • Mr-John-av says:

    I tired to watch this show, mainly because I wanted to get to the season with Jonny Lee Miller, but it was just dire.I think I made it a few episodes in before just not understanding the hype. 

    • taravon6-av says:

      The Jonny Lee Miller season was really not good. Not as abhorrently not good as the final season, almost as godawful as the Colin Hanks season. The show got really bad after season four.

  • franknstein-av says:
  • murrychang-av says:

    NOPE NOPE NOPE!Everything after the Lithgow season was horrible trash, you’re not tricking me again Showtime!

  • richardalinnii-av says:

    Episode 1 of this new season starts with Dexter in his car, driving to his lumberjack job thinking “Tonight’s the night…..I chop down a tree.”

  • seanathin-av says:

    Dexter rolls into this small town looking for doughnuts and a damn fine cup of coffee, then ends up in the black lodge with BoB. That or nothing Showtime. 

  • sarahkaygee1123-av says:

    Oh boy, I hope it involves Dexter somehow coming to terms with the fact that “blood spatter analysis” is junk science. What does the Code of Harry have to say on helping send innocent people to prison and possibly death row?

  • mattyoshea-av says:

    If they could just get super-ridiculous and make it supernatural and Dexter is haunted by the ghosts of his past – Ice Truck brother, Doakes, Jimmy Smits, Deb, Trinity – then it would be worth it. Other than that? Hard pass.

  • hamburgerheart-av says:

    oof, literally nothing we can do. If only they would bring back Lithgow as the identical twin of the Trinity Killer who is looking to find answers about his brother, and then segues in to a goofy sidekick role to Dexter.

  • wookietim-av says:

    Let me guess what the plot will be : A new lumberjack comes to town. One that is mysterious and brings death with him. Dexter discovers yet another family member that is a serial killer and has to kill this one as well while being surrounded by the least observant people in the world.You know… a big change from the seasons that came before.

  • razzle-bazzle-av says:

    I never watched the last season. I just imagine his sister actually shot him at the end of the previous season (or whenever that was).

  • violetta-glass-av says:

    I would only be on board for this if it features one episode where zombie Deb drags Dexter to the bottom of the sea.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:


  • burnasaurusrex-av says:

    As long as his sister gets to kick him in the balls, I’ll watch it.And… she and her buddies also deserve a “dumbest police force, ever” award.Of course, many of our U.S. real world police forces are much much dumber.

  • jvbftw-av says:

    Dexter fights John Wick please

  • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

    Dexter meets/starts dating a Canadian fraking-industry lobbiest, because maybe … you know, he might get back into the swing of things … but then she invites him to join her on a business junket to Mar-A-Lago. Hmm.

  • dave-i-av says:

    I think the problem is, the show ended and ended badly. They had run out of ideas years prior and came up with an ending that was hated and satisfied nobody. And that might be a great reason for a redo if not for the fact the show certainly felt like they no longer had a story to tell, and weren’t capable of of coming up with anything compelling at that point anyway.

    As a result of all of that, this feels like a cash grab that was set up a long time ago. By them not allowing the show to commit to a more satisfying finale, and running the series into the ground for way too long, there’s little to make anybody care. And I’m not entirely opposed to them trying to do right by the character or the show and make amends for that, but we kind of got here because Showtime couldn’t let writers make something more definitive and satisfying. Given their recent history with the character and the absurd direction they took things, I’d rather they put their efforts into creating solid original content rather than taking another swing at Dexter.

    Maybe it will surprise me. HBO’s Watchmen series was better than I expected (I thought it had some flaws, but was o.k. overall until the end which I sort of hated) and that was at least a revisit to that universe that told an interesting story. I’m not sure I see a new Dexter limited series being that ambitious or interesting.

  • stevetellerite-av says:

    hopefully he finally realizes he’s gaymaybe he’d stop following his Dark Traveler

  • theodorexxfrostxxmca-av says:

    Decker Vs Dracula is the only “Vs Dracula” I need in my life. I could see Dexter helping out John Wick, with their codes and all.I’d like to see Dexter Vs Hannibal Lecter. And John Wick Vs The Wolf Man.

  • geraldnopp-av says:

    DEXTER and The MATRIX both had shit endings. Both are getting a sorely needed revisit. Don’t frack it up this time. I have very little faith though.

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