Disney employee Oscar Isaac says “gay gay gay gay gay gayyyyyy” in response to “Don’t Say Gay” bill

Moon Knight’s Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke voiced support for Disney employee walkout in protest of Florida’s bigoted legislation

Aux News Gay
Disney employee Oscar Isaac says “gay gay gay gay gay gayyyyyy” in response to “Don’t Say Gay” bill
Ethan Hawke and Oscar Isaac Photo: Alberto E. Rodriguez (Getty Images for Disney)

Disney has so thoroughly biffed it in their response to Florida’s anti-LGBTQIA+ “Don’t Say Gay” bill that the company’s employees are taking any opportunity to not only say “gay, but to also avoid work. The bill, which prevents teachers or instructors from discussing sexual orientation or gender identity, has been the object of national condemnation for the past few weeks.

Yesterday, a company-wide walkout in protest of Disney’s response (or lack thereof) to the legislation in Florida, where Disney famously has an entire Disney World, caught the attention of some of Disney’s more famous employees.

One such employee is Oscar Isaac, star of Disney’s upcoming Moon Knight television series. Isaac was very blunt when speaking to Variety about the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. “I guess my comment would be: gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gayyyyyy!” Isaac said.

“It’s an absolutely ridiculous law,” he continued. “It’s insane. It’s insanity. And I hope that Disney as a company comes out as forcefully as possible against this idea. It’s astounding that it even exists in this country.”

Isaac’s Moon Knight co-star Ethan Hawke agreed. “My life’s work is dedicated to creating empathy,” Hawke said. “I feel the power of stories that we tell each other. If you tell the truth about the human experience, you invite empathy. And the more places we shine light, the less dark places there are, and there’s less to be afraid of. And the more we understand each other’s experiences, the more humanity we find in them, and the better we all actually feel. So that’s my job, and that’s what I believe in.”

Other famous Disney current and former employees spoke out in support of the walkout. Larry Wilmore tweeted pictures from the picket line, Kerry Washington posted a petition, and Mark Ruffalo, who, only a week ago, gave a hearty “Bravo” Disney’s response, retweeted Washington.


  • idksomeguy-av says:

    For the thousandth time, that’s not what the bill is called. It’s a disingenuous nickname the left gave it to spread their false narrative.

    • galdarn-av says:

      Fuck off, homophobe.

    • drkschtz-av says:

      Get fucked

    • galdarn-av says:

      You’re right, it’s not the name of the bill.So. Fucking. What.We all understand it, shithead. All of us. It’s interesting that you don’t understand people at all.

    • murrychang-av says:

      Yep and Obamacare isn’t actually called Obamacare but I seem to be the only person in the world who calls it The ACA.Funny, that.

    • rogar131-av says:

      I’d have more sympathy for this point if the right hadn’t spent the last year complaining about non-existent CRT teaching in elementary and high schools. 

      • blpppt-av says:

        How about yesterday when Cruz accused Jackson of supporting CRT, despite NOBODY ON THE RIGHT OR LEFT BEING ABLE TO DEFINE WHAT CRT ACTUALLY IS.How TF was she supposed to answer that?

        • rogar131-av says:

          I haven’t even been watching or keeping up with the confirmation hearings that much. My sanity is tenuous enough without it.But yeah.

    • mckludge-av says:

      Hence the quotation marks around the words. Actual text from the bill:Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standardsI guess it would be more accurate to call it the “Don’t Say Gay or Queer or Trans or Non-Binary or Actually, Just Don’t Mention Sex At All” bill.

      • idksomeguy-av says:

        Even though you’re being snarky, that last name would be 100% more truthful than “Don’t Say Gay.” The law just prohibits talking about sexual identity to young children in general.

        • captain-splendid-av says:

          “The law just prohibits talking about sexual identity to young children in general.”This is incorrect. You might want to actually read the thing, as well as some of the things the bill’s creators have said about it.

        • Fieryrebirth-av says:

          Right, and it’s clearly intentional. Hate/Ignorance = division = political clout, and not just rewarding closed-minded views of society. Demonizing and criminalizing minority communities is a very easy way to gain power(Fascism 101), and a lot of white Americans live insular lives despite being the majority demographic. It’s almost as if white Americans are weaponized through this concept.

          By embracing their hatred of the other, the GOP can easily turn back on any progress on society – likely to their, and only their benefit.

        • souzaphone-av says:

          “The law just prohibits talking about sexual identity to young children in general.”

          And what does that mean, in practice?

          Because I am 99% sure it does mean you can’t read a fairy tale to a classroom where a prince marries a princess.

          I am also 99% sure it does mean that you can’t read a fairy tale to a classroom where a prince marries a prince.

          Both of these fairy tales are equally about “sexual identity,” which is to say not at all, and also very much so, depending on how you define the term. But the intention of Republicans is clearly to ban the latter and not the former. 

          • coatituesday-av says:

            hey, wait a sec, I don’t think you can say “fairy” either.

          • necgray-av says:

            Right!?!They don’t fucking get that “cishet” is ALSO a gender and sexual identity.So I better not hear any kindergarten teacher saying “Listen up, boys and girls.” Or else I’m gonna sue their ass off!

          • Logical-av says:

            Are you equating the two stories? Why would you want to teach gay stories to children? You really it’s as simple as the flip side of a coin.

            It hasn’t been part of classrooms for decades but you’d like to create this division all of a sudden?

            You DO know kids are more easily influenced the younger they are, right? Why would you want to present this influence to more and more kids? What’s your angle or agenda here?

        • shindean-av says:

          You do realize there is now an entire MONTH dedicated to LGBTQ, right?
          And every single company from McDonald’s to At&t go full out rainbow for that whole month.
          So…what are we supposed to do? Please, tell me the logistics since you’re so proactive on having everyone respect the name of this bill.

        • laurenceq-av says:

          Not Cis Het sexual identity, though.

        • sarcastro7-av says:

          “The law just prohibits talking about sexual identity to young children in general.”

          Just as anti-miscegenation laws applied equally to all races.

        • drdny-av says:

          You lost the argument when you used “Left” as a pejorative, asshole.
          Do you think if you LIE enough times people will believe you?Well? Do you…Punk?

      • voon-av says:

        More accurate would be “Don’t Mention Sex At All To Anyone Third Grade Or Younger If You Work At A School”

      • laurenceq-av says:

        Well, no, you screwed up there, because it’s only conservative loons who conflate discussions of identity with “sex.” It’s okay to say, “let’s not talk about sex” to our youngest kiddies. It’s not okay to pretend that anything other than Cis Het people even exist, which is what the bill does.Simple acknowledging the existence of LGBTQ people isn’t “discussing sex” and is no more or less appropriate than discussing the fact that heteronormative relationships simply exist.(and perhaps I overreacted, because the word “sex” has many definitions!)

        • ajvia123-av says:

          my 8 yr old has more questions about sex in general- and sex concepts- than she ever has about “gay stuff”. They hear and see and learn sexualization and over-sexualization from the time they begin understanding words and concepts around them. Showing some empathy, understanding and kindness around LGBTQIA+ others is not hurting anyone, and is only doing EVERYONE a favor, to help those in need and educate those who are not yet open to “everyone has the right to be who they want to be” concepts.but, yes, the right is worried that we’re going to turn everyone into part of that acronym by simply acknowledging their existence. You know, like how talking about racism has magically turned all white people into oppressors and victimizers, because it can’t be anything more subtle than ONE OR THE OTHER.

          Point is, this is crazy talk from crazy people who fear, hate and disregard anyone who is different than themselves.

      • brashmouse-av says:

        Wouldn’t that make sense? Shouldn’t the only thing sexual we are teaching 5-7 year olds is what inappropriate touching is? Seems teaching anything else about sexuality would fall under child sex laws. Kids aren’t supposed to be sexualized and shouldn’t be aware of sexuality other than in broad context of who is a couple or single until they actual develop sexually and then they should be taught what is not ok by law not “the joy of sex”

    • BlueBeetle-av says:

      A lot of politics is marketing and selling a message. Some are further from the truth than others, but this is the gist of it. It’s closer to the truth than calling Biden far left or calling Republicans pro-life.

    • butterbattlepacifist-av says:

      Woof, where’d you come from?

      • pete-worst-av says:

        Most likely the bigot hive known as Reddit, the same place where all the shit commenters are spawning from these days.

    • bdylan-av says:

      what more disingenuous is people saying that the bill is being passed to protect children when we all know thats not the case

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      You’re right, because I’m sure they’d have no problem saying “gay” if the whole sentence is something like “gays are going to hell.”

    • knappsterbot-av says:

      Cry more 

    • yttruim-av says:

      What false narrative is that? Are you saying that “gay” will be able to be spoken in classes?

      • jodyjm13-av says:

        They’ll have a gay old time!(Right about now, I’m sure people are wishing for the return of the downvote button.)

    • tituscovidius-av says:

      So you’re about as disingenuous as the bill, what a shocker. It’s a bill that addresses a complete non-issue, and you conservatives waste so much time and energy just shitting on your friends, family, neighbors, and fellow citizens. So much for wanting “big government” out of your lives… hypocrite 

    • killa-k-av says:

      tHaT’s NoT wHaT thE BiLL is cAlled – lol stfu

      • mr-rubino-av says:

        The Unfixably Blank: “But itz called Parental Rights in Education. U not want Parents have Rights? I liek Rights and for Parents have them. Rights is America!”

    • themaskedfarter-av says:

      Listen to Low Tier God’s rant and take his advice loser 

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      While it’s a shame all the replies to you have made your comment the most popular here, it’s almost worth it for all the ways people are showing how your argument doesn’t matter.

    • bromona-quimby-av says:

      So then you’ve never called the ACA Obamacare?

    • necgray-av says:

      The irony of you using the word “disingenuous”…

    • specialcharactersnotallowed-av says:

      It might not be what the bill is officially titled, but it certainly is what the bill is called.I mean, if you’re going to be pointlessly pedantic….

    • bigal6ft6-av says:

      how’d this chump get ungreyed? 

    • dudebra-av says:

      Poor little snowflake.

    • cgo2370-av says:

       You’re so bad at this. 

    • TRT-X-av says:

      Log off Ron.

    • greghyatt-av says:

      Fuck yourself

    • mshep-av says:

      Yeah, it’s actually much worse than it sounds. 

    • cab1701-av says:

      You’re either being purposefully obtuse or are sadly naive. It is a political point-getter by the Republican base-slobbers in power. It’s a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. Just like all of the anti-trans bills, and the outcry over abortion. They NEVER come up with helpful, useful legislation. Everything they do is to bolster their own power, lying to their constituents and convincing them to vote against their own interests – all in the pursuit for a fatter wallet.In the 4 years (and ongoing, unfortunately) that we endured tRUMP, impeached twice, DeSantis, and his ilk, what was done to improve the lives of their voters???NOTHING. Except to “own the libs.” Which to my knowledge didn’t create jobs, improve healthcare or infrastructure, put food on tables, etc., etc., etc.Ya know, things adults actually care about and want?Instead, the Right continues to try to revive the culture wars to NO ONE’s benefit but their own insane need for wealth and power.For you to NOT be upset about the INTENT of the legislation, but rather argue “That’s not it’s name!” only further feeds the hate beast that is the GQP.I wonder what has to happen to make people like you care about “the other.”

      • sassyskeleton-av says:

        That person will never care about another person ever.
        I have a trans son and I worry every damn day how his life is going to be with the GQP passing anti-trans laws left and right. With them also passing voter suppression laws, I’m afraid it’s going to take another civil war to actually remove the GQP from power.

    • scarlett-o-av says:

      Stay strong. This is what the liberal mob does: Howl, harry, harass, and intimidate, because they don’t actually have any substantive arguments to make. Notice, for instance, the most-liked reply to you was “Get fucked.” That’s the summit of their intellectual discourse, and that’s how obsessed they are with teaching freaking 5-8 year olds(!) about “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” at taxpayer expense. If they think that’s appropriate they’re more than welcome to teach their own kids that in their own time at their own expense in their own progressive enlightened states like New York, California, Ilinois, etc. And let us rubes in our red states like Florida raise our kids the way we see fit. But no: they have to inject their poison on our kids too and groom them in their corrupt ideology as early as possible.
      Hey, while we’re giving out nicknames, I’d propose the “Anti-Grooming” bill is a way more accurate moniker for this legislation.

      • scarlett-o-av says:

        @AV Club: I guess my comment is still “pending approval” because only “progressives” are allowed to support each other and say whatever they want while anyone who doesn’t tow the party line can bugger off?

    • sassyskeleton-av says:

      Piss off fascist.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      For the thousandth time, that’s not what the bill is called. It’s a disingenuous nickname the left gave it to spread their false narrative. HAH! Nah, fuck off. Want people to gravitate away from “the left?” Convince the right to stop being a clown car full of culture war dipshits.

    • ajvia123-av says:

      um, even for a disingenuous defender of anti-equality and hysterical terrors of “they’re making your kids gay!” type nonsense, even you would have to acknowledge that what they REALLY want is to stop any discussions about the subjects, at fear of “turning” people into something based on access to information and empathetic discussion of other’s sexuality or gender or whatever. I say that as a left-wing bleeding heart liberal who actually DOES have some concern over saturation of these subjects to such younger ages/periods in life in which they DON’T yet need these talks- most kids at 6 or 8 don’t need to “decide” if they’re gay or not- but lets be real: Telling kids that there’s nothing wrong with being gay, or transgender, or having two dads, or whatever, is not some shaky foundation in which you’re now having to worry that you’ve “turned them all” into something else (besides the “acceptable” setting of cis/straight).It’s a supportive notion that the one out of every hundred kids at that age might benefit from and the other 99 will not be impacted in any way, besides maybe LEARNING A LITTLE BIT OF F*)&ING EMPATHY, KINDNESS, COMPASSION, and LOVE.Imagine that, you and your lying, shameless, exclusionary comrades who hate anyone different than themselves, might actually learn something from those types of discussions and inclusions. Welcome to the 1960’s, dude, it’s time to take off those black-and-white blinders you’re wearing and get with modern times and beliefs. Like, you know, teachers can discuss things parents might not want to, and educate your kids better than the close-minded one-track belief system your backwards elders taught/influenced you into believing your whole life. Imagine that! A country in which kids are taught “its ok to be yourself” even if that doesn’t match the setting your great-great-great-great grandpappy from olden times would have accepted.

    • milligna000-av says:

      The party behind “death panels” doesn’t get to whine

    • drdny-av says:

      I have a song that for you, Trump Nazi:

  • heyitsgogi-av says:

    When do we get to decide that this stupid bill is censorship? Because it is, right? I know Americans like to call any consequences for (white people) mouthing off, censorship. But when a government or law restricts what you can say, that actually yes, that actually *is* censorship.

    • cosmiccow4ever-av says:

      If legislatures can’t decide what government employees do, what are they for?

    • bensavagegarden-av says:

      You understand that it’s not literally forbidding people from saying the word “gay,” right? It’s about what can be taught in schools. That’s not even close to being considered censorship.

      • galdarn-av says:

        People can be charged for saying things.NOT censorship though. That’s what you think.You are bright, that’s for sure.

      • little-debbie-harry-av says:

        You’re right, it doesn’t just forbid people from saying the word gay. It forbids them from talking about sexual orientation in an age inappropriate way. The language is so vague about what that means that yes it will silence LGBTQ teachers, students and families of either for fear of provoking a lawsuit.To be fair, sexual orientation is broad enough to apply to heterosexuality too. I hope as a result this means that childhood instruction in Florida will avoid depictions of heterosexuality in classroom instruction, including course literature and the personal lives of teachers and students. 

      • butterbattlepacifist-av says:

        Generally curriculum policy covers what must be taught/learned, rather that what cannot, so yeah, I think there’s a pretty solid case that it’s government censorship based on sexual/gender identity. 

      • bdylan-av says:

        the government deciding what can or cannot be taught in schools is most definitely censorship

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        Censorship can happen in schools too.  It’s just generally more accepted.  It doesn’t make it not censorship.

      • captain-splendid-av says:

        “You know it’s not one word, but whole phrases” is not the argument you think it is.

      • shindean-av says:

        But do YOU understand that we don’t live in the 50’s anymore?
        We now have an entire month
        Of LGBTQ displays.
        So please, pretty please, explain how a teacher is going to avoid that when right outside the window is a McDonald’s supporting LGBTQ with banners.
        I’ll wait…

      • necgray-av says:

        Nice dumb pop culture pun name. Tell me you’re a sock puppet for Gnarly Rae Jepsen without telling me etc. Or vice versa.

      • iamamarvan-av says:

        You really don’t see how ridiculous what you said is

      • mshep-av says:

        So, a law that tells a gay teacher that he can’t tell his students he’s married to another man under penalty of law is NOT censorship? 

      • amateurscapegoat-av says:

        “It’s not censorship, it’s just about controlling what teachers say”

    • drkschtz-av says:

      It is, but they are probably sneaky. For instance, as an extreme example, it would be totally illegal for a kindergarten teacher to show Al Qaeda beheading videos in class. Florida is now forcing “sexuality talk” into a similar category and calling it a day. This is going to be hard to fight, even setting aside the completely corrupt Federalist Society judiciary.

    • idksomeguy-av says:

      The law only applies to public schools, which are run by the state. The government is imposing rules on itself, not the general public. Might want to check those notes again. This is not censorship.

      • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

        So…you’re in favor of banning books that contain wrongthink.

      • bdylan-av says:

        right because the general public isnt effected by these rules that are being imposed. you big smart.lets look at the basic definition Wikipedia provides:Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. This may be done on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or “inconvenient”. Censorship can be conducted by governments, private institutions and other controlling bodies.either way “this is/isnt censorship” is completely beside the point that the bill will cause a lot of harm for queer families.

      • iamamarvan-av says:

        You can just come out and just say you hate queer people

      • amateurscapegoat-av says:

        Private citizens are still private citizens. Censorship is always necessarily vague and subjective and this creates a chilling effect on the very people who most need to be able to tell authentic truths.

    • voon-av says:

      It’s fine to oppose it, but the reason you give for opposing it is blatantly ignorant of what the bill does.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      You can decide it whenever you want.

    • brashmouse-av says:

      It doesn’t state what you can say. It states what can be taught to 5-7 year olds in the classroom.

  • milligna000-av says:

    Quoting Mark Hamill, I see

  • nerdherder2-av says:

    I can’t parse the last half of the last sentence 

    • BlueBeetle-av says:

      He said “Bravo” about a statement from Disney.  Now he’s retweeting an anti-Disney Tweet.  The sentence is missing word(s).

    • maulkeating-av says:

      Is that what it feels like to have and/or barely survive a stroke?

    • gone83-av says:

      Larry Wilmore tweeted pictures from the picket line; Kerry Washington posted a petition; and Mark Ruffalo, who only a week ago gave a hearty “Bravo” [to] Disney’s response, retweeted Washington.Possibly this? I guess Disney has been kind of all over the place, so I can see Ruffalo saying bravo to something Disney said they were going to do about their generally bad response.

  • shindean-av says:

    What a wonderful coincidence, my father just pulled me aside as I was reading this article to a Spanish news interview of Oscar Isaac at the premiere of his show.
    Damn, so damn proud to be Guatemalan when that man is shining so bright with nothing but love.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    Disney employee Oscar Isaac says “gay gay gay gay gay gayyyyyy”Awww, for a moment I thought it said “Oscar Isaac sings ‘gay gay gay gay gay gayyyyyy’”, and I was really hoping there’d be a video of that.

    Another reason the Don’t Say Gay bill is why we can’t have nice things.

  • necgray-av says:

    You mean the Star Wars actor who admitted to playing his character as a fan ship with another dude character is supportive of gay rights? Whuh?????(I have traditionally been salty about that situation because I dislike fandom’s self-aggrandizing influence on creators, though I support the notion of gay heroes in pop fiction.)

    • hommesexual-av says:

      Especially when Finn and Poe absolutely had the chemistry (as well as the actors both being vocally in favour of it).

      • necgray-av says:

        It is the splittest of hairs but if they had decided before filming that THEY would play Finn and Poe as gay and into each other, I would be on board. As it is, there’s no proof of that. Just that it’s something the fandom glommed onto and the actors leaned into as a result. Which I resist.

        • nilus-av says:

          And the creators of those movies did everything possible to keep those two on seperate sides of the Galaxy after the first movie. 

          • necgray-av says:

            Yeah, talk about overcorrecting. I could be wrong but to me it’s the same problem but a shittier solution. It’s still a reaction to fan ship nonsense. Just a terrible reaction.And Poe/Finn would at least have been easier to deal with than the popular Poe/Finn/Rey thruple ship. Like… Gang, I’m not against polyamory but ffs this is a Star Wars movie. Notoriously NOT a series known for romantic nuance.

    • bdylan-av says:

      to be fair he has “fuck me” eye towards everyone

  • dudebra-av says:

    A lot of Floridians might be happier in Russia.You know, the Republican ones.

    • sassyskeleton-av says:

      You mean if they don’t like it, they should leave?!?!GASP!!!That’s only supposed to apply to liberals and black people and brown people and gays and lesbians and…./S

  • TRT-X-av says:

    Isaac’s statement is about as strongly as someone in his position can come out against a bill like this.Good for him.

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    Bob Chapek has allowed this story to take the one turn he absolutely cannot afford: the public seeing him rather than the whole company as the bad guy.

    • TRT-X-av says:

      And now he’s got the stars of his hot new Marvel property publicly calling Disney out during the press junket at a time when their visibility is peaking.There’s a good chance if Issacs is this comfortable going off on Disney directly that failure to take real action could impact their ability to draw talent.

    • sassyskeleton-av says:

      If he had any empathy (I know he’s a capitalist so he lost that long ago), he could have said “Since we have several LGBTQ+ employees and this could be used to harm them, we are suspending all operations in Florida until the bill is repealed or changed.”the bill would be gone by the end of the day

    • johnbeckwith-av says:

      I love that he has to actually take a stand that is not “I really love money”.

    • galdarn-av says:

      I like that you think the CEO of a publicly traded company would ever I a million years be able to just snap his fingers and do that.Have you ever lived in the real world?

  • stevie-jay-av says:

    And just like that, i ain’t watching any of his shit anymore.

  • robotseinfeld-av says:

    Not to disrespect Oscar Isaac, who does seem like a nice fellow with a lot of good opinions, but whenever I see headlines like this one, my first thought as a queer person is, “Well, what do you want us to do? Give him a fucking cookie? Stamp his ally card again so he can get a free Subway sandwich?”I mean, it’s nice to see people supporting the cause (it feels strange to call something as baseline-decency as “being treated like human beings” a cause, but I’ll just go with that for now) and all, but someone like Oscar Isaac saying the word “gay” a bunch and denouncing a heinous bill is like reading an article about Keanu Reeves publicly stating that murder is bad. Let me know which celebrities hate us instead, so that I can stop supporting them. At this point, unless I hear something shit about a celebrity, I just assume they don’t hate gay people. Maybe I’m off-base, but that’s one bi nonbinary’s take.

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