Disney+ redesigns Black Panther's opening logo in honor of Chadwick Boseman's birthday

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Disney+ redesigns Black Panther's opening logo in honor of Chadwick Boseman's birthday
Chadwick Boseman Photo: Leon Bennett

Today would have been Chadwick Boseman’s 44th birthday. In order to commemorate the late actor, streamer Disney+ has altered the Marvel logo that opens Black Panther and turned it into a moving tribute, per Variety. Instead of the usual mosaic of Marvel films leading up to the beloved installment, the new logo features an array of Boseman’s appearances as T’challa/Black Panther in Marvel films—both in-character and behind the scenes—including Captain America: Civil War and Avengers films Infinity War and Endgame. Additionally, some of T’challa’s quotes can be seen in the clip, including a moment when he addresses the UN assembly: “In times of crisis, the wise build bridges while the foolish build barriers.”

Disney exec Bob Iger announced the change on Twitter ahead of the reveal, advising fans to “watch the film on #DisneyPlus late tonight, for a special tribute to someone that was and will always be near and dear to our hearts.” Boseman died on August 28 after a largely undisclosed four-year battle with colon cancer. As of now, Disney reportedly plans to move forward with production of Black Panther 2 in the summer.


  • mech-armored-av says:

    That seems appropriate. No problems with this from me.

  • Velops-av says:

    The title is misusing terminology to make a confusing description. That is not a logo redesign. That is an edited version of the studio logo animation.

  • alliterator85-av says:
    • signofthenine-av says:

      I’d stopped a MCU rewatch after Civil War, and was thinking maybe enough time had passed that I was ready to continue. NOPE, not after that intro. It hurts so much that he’s gone, and (selfishly) we won’t get to see him as T’Challa again.

      • soylent-gr33n-av says:

        I was re-watching Endgame a couple of weeks ago, and when T’Challa came out of the portal, I was all just, “well this SUCKS.”

    • douglasd-av says:

      Damn onion fairies.

    • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

      I wasn’t online for most of yesterday, so waking up and seeing this first thing Sunday morning was not what I expected. I’m happy and sad at the same time, and it’s weird. Disney did a good thing here.

    • stryker-trailwood-av says:

      unrelated but it always bothered me that it makes more sense for the first and second frames of this meme to be switched.

  • eresa-av says:

    well that was a good old tug at the heart.

  • 555-2323-av says:

    I don’t know how they’ll do Black Panther 2, although… I think whatever they come up with will be good. Letitia Wright is great as Shuri and, before Boseman died, I was pretty sure that would be the plot of the movie – T’Challa passing the mantle on to her. But I don’t know how the MCU people will handle it. In my admittedly fanboy opinion, they haven’t made wrong moves yet since Iron Man – but this is a sad, sad situation that  I don’t think anyone was prepared to take on.

    • cjob3-av says:

      I feel like Shuri is already too many things. She’s a scientist, doctor, AND she makes all the weapons and tech? And now I guess she’s be a great fighter as well? If anything, Okoye, the bald warrior woman, would make more sense as the new BP. Though personally, I’d rather they just carry on with another actor and dedicate the film to Chadwick.

      • douglasd-av says:

        I agree with you on Shuri. I can see her as Queen of Wakanda (which maintains Romonda (Angela Bassett) as Queen Mother, or Dowager Queen, or however they have her styled) which allows her to still be an engineer and a doctor, but I think we need a new character to take on the mantle of The Black Panther. I would love for it to be a woman and I equally love Danai Gurira as Okoye, but I don’t think they’ll do that. I’m not sure where they’ll go with it. Particularly since the heart-shaped-herb has (supposedly) been destroyed in the first movie. I think it will be a new character, and it’s possible that they’ll go with Shuri. It would be fascinating to see them try to bulk up Letitia Wright to fill out the suit. Lupita Nyong’o is another possibility, but I somehow think not. Maybe? I think Danai Gurira just has more charisma. That Superhero glow, so to speak.Gonna be a fascinating few years watching this play out.

        • briliantmisstake-av says:

          I think Lupita’s the best choice, and it’s weird to me more people aren’t suggesting her. There’s also Winston Duke’s M’Baku, which could make for an interesting storyline, seeing as he nearly became BP in the first film. 

          • douglasd-av says:

            I disagree, but respectfully so. Winston Duke was great as M’Baku, but I simply don’t see him as the Black Panther. He’s more the “Little John” to T’Challa’s “Robin Hood.” Lupita? Again I just don’t see it. But realistically I think they’ll bring in a whole new actor and probably an unknown character. Possibly an antagonistic one, who learns to love Wakanda and takes the mantle reluctantly. Possibly an American, since in the comics much of the Black Panther story lines happen in New York. (The Bronx, if I’m not mistaken. Although I often am.)

          • briliantmisstake-av says:

            I respect your respectful disagreement. I still don’t quite understand why people don’t want Lupita, but I also realize that I’m apparently in the minority there, so … I dunno. I also would prefer Shuri staying her wisecracking teenager self for a while longer, rather than taking up the mantle immediately in the next movie. But who knows what they’ll do, especially seeing how they were as blindsided and are as grief stricken as everybody else when it came to the loss of Boseman. I really don’t think they’ll just recast T’Challa, and I really don’t want them to. 

          • faithful-av says:

            Lupita would be the better choice in my opinion as well. Shuri is just to physically slight. Lupita’s character is one that rescues people from bondage, and captivity as demonstrated in the first movie when she was undercover. Her character I believe is a good segue-way to picking up the mantle as Black Panther.And if you consider her intimate relationship with T’Challa is another reasonable cornerstone to picking the mantle. 

          • douglasd-av says:

            I agree about Shuri. She’s already carved a place in fan’s hearts that I think would offend people if they changed her. But I’m still willing to bet the new Black Panther will be a totally new character. It’s how I would write it. Someone who will come in and be a different kind of Black Panther than T’Challa. This leaves the rest of the characters more-or-less the same, preserves the memory of Boseman, and doesn’t try to be the same as his characterization.

          • TRT-X-av says:

            “Leaves the rest of the characters more or less the same…”Except Shuri has no brother, and Nakia loses someone who was on track to be her husband.Nakia was already doing guerrilla combat when we meet her in the first movie. Transitioning to the Panther role would fit her character as a next logical evolution.Introducing some new character and just dropping them in would be really weird. Especially in *one* movie.

          • douglasd-av says:

            Except that Nakia has next to zero character development in the movie. She’s basically the prize T’Challa wins at the end. We know she’s a spy (War Dog) and that she’s from the River Tribe. That’s about it. Okoye has considerably more screen time and development, and we learn a lot more about her job and place in society in the three movies she’s in. Not to mention she’s got some inbuilt conflict because her brother is part of the Boarder Tribe that sides against T’Challa.Hell, Nakia isn’t even at Tony’s funeral. (But neither is Ramonda, which I think is interesting.)

          • TRT-X-av says:

            Good thing we’ve got a whole movie to help people better get to know Nakia. Easier to build her up with audiences who already recognize her than trying to drop someone in brand new.

          • TRT-X-av says:

            Good thing we’ve got a whole movie to help people better get to know Nakia. Easier to build her up with audiences who already recognize her than trying to drop someone in brand new.

          • TRT-X-av says:

            I’m guessing in the five years since then things have changed. Especially in the aftermath of the Snap.The whole premise should be that no one in a position of authority should be the Black Panther. Panther needs to protect Wakanda and its people…and as we saw with Killmonger that may not always coincide with the goals of its leader.T’Challa had already begun to change how Wakanda viewed it’s position in the world, the next logical step would be that it’s leader shouldn’t be suiting up to dole out extrajudicial action across the globe.

          • briliantmisstake-av says:

            All good points. Wakanda can become a functioning democracy.

          • TRT-X-av says:

            Doesn’t even have to mirror the American system of government. But each group/region already had a seat at the table around the King so there could have been changes made in the aftermath of the Snap that allowed those groups to help lead through the crisis.Because we know Okoye was more or less the liason between Wakanda and the “Avengers” while they tried to keep things together in that five year span, but we don’t know if she was ruling or just serving in that specific role.

          • filthyharry-av says:

            I think it’s because of how adamant she was in the movie about not being a warrior or Black Panther, and she’s such a great actress we all believed her.

        • kinjakungen-av says:

          The herbs Killmonger had burned could simply have been the royal family’s private stash. There could have been seeds squirreled away (you would normally do that with something so important), or the plant could grow wild as well.It’s rare you find a species populating only a few square meters on all of planet earth… 🙂 Usually when a population is whittled down so low, some insect or fungus or something like that comes along and ruins the lot, and that’ll be that.

          • douglasd-av says:

            You’re right. It’s comic books so anything can happen….except perhaps a good Fantastic Four move.

          • kinjakungen-av says:

            Damn! And people say I’m pessimistic! lolOne thinks that when Sony has cooperated with Marvel Studios on Spidey, can’t they do the same with FF as well? Maybe they’ve mangled the property too bad now, can’t have three reboots in so short a timespan. *shrug*

          • douglasd-av says:

            I dunno. The Fantastic Four were an early success in superhero comics, but to be honest they’re kinda goofy. I don’t know that they fit in well to a live-action movie. Maybe? They were really the foundation on which Marvel Comics were built, although Spider-man and the X-men are the roof and frame.Personally I think trying to incorporate every superhero franchise into the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a fool’s errand. It makes it too big. Particularly now that we have the Marvel Cosmic universe in full use and Captain Marvel and the Guardians running around. They’ve got spacecraft and advanced technology, which kinda makes the space accident that gave the Fantastic Four their powers a little cheesy.  And their powers are all kinda corny.That said, I’d still love to see Ben Grimm throw down with Hulk, and without Tony Stark we kinda need a Reed Richards around for the technical stuff.  (Bruce Banner being a doctor more than an engineer, and Shuri stuck in Wakanda probably ruling.)

          • kinjakungen-av says:

            Hm, well, a lot of superhero powers are fuckin’ naff as hell. Wonder Woman’s invisible jet, anyone? looool Green Lantern’s weakness being…the color yellow?There’s a lot of wacko stuff going around in the superhero comics world. Banner violating the laws of thermodynamics by growing vastly in size and mass…because he gets mad? Oh, and because of the magic rays of “gamma radiation”, which I’m pretty sure Stan Lee knew absolutely fuckall about back when he created the character, but thought sounded super cool (not that he was wrong there, mind you.)But bitching about this is about as pointless as getting upset about TIE fighters screaming as they fly like WWII fighter aircraft through the vacuum of outer space. It’s just part of the deal. One’s gotta roll with it.I myself always rather liked the FF; the story where Galactus first shows up is a friggin’ classic (and beautifully immortalized in “Marvels” by Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross, by the way…) Ben Grimm and Reed Richards are very iconic characters, and really, what’s there not to like about a rubber band man? 😀

          • douglasd-av says:

            Not gonna argue about any of that.  Also realizing that Disney and the Marvel crew really know how to do that CG stuff these days, so some of the crazier stuff may not look so terrible.  (I mean, Korg is just The Thing… from another world.  Right?)

          • kinjakungen-av says:

            A much MUCH more charming personality, though! lol Korg… What a guy, and so beautifully played by him Whatsisguy. Just his introduction lines near enough killed me in Thor 3.“Hey, hey, hey. Hey. Take it easy, man. Over here. The pile of rocks waving at you. Here. Yeah, I’m actually a thing. I’m a being. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Korg. I’m kind of like the leader in here. I’m made of rocks, as you can see. But don’t let that intimidate you. You don’t need to be afraid unless you’re made of scissors. Just a little rock-paper-scissor joke for you.”Friggin LOL! 😀

          • douglasd-av says:

            (And I’m not a pessimist, I’m a killjoy.  Get it right!)

        • laningham-joel-av says:

          So, hear me out. This won’t happen, but I wish it would…Dr. Strange is starting to tangle with multiverses… There is a multiverse where Michael B. Jordan is a good guy, and somehow ends up being Black Panther in place of Chadwick Boseman.Just saying, more Michael B. Jordan is super welcome and it lets BP2 focus on the trigger point of how he became the bad guy in this one, but the good guy in the other one.

          • douglasd-av says:

            I doubt it.  I wouldn’t hate it, but I doubt they’ll do that.

          • maxyedor-av says:

            Somebody get this dude a job at Disney.My first reaction when I heard BP2 was in the works was ”Too bad MBJ/Killmonger is done and gone”. As much as I liked Chadwick, and would like to see a real sequel of Black Panther, that sadly can’t happen, but a alternate universe Black Panther with MBJ would kick-ass. His universe could diverge while he was a kid in Oakland, and he could become BP while growing up in Oakland, never really knowing about Wakanda. Instead of becoming Killmonger, disgruntled unloved kid bent on revenge, he could become Killmonger, the rightful heir to the BP crown because he earned the tittle without even knowing it was a thing.

          • fawzib-av says:

            Agreed, we already have an alternate timeline Gamorra. Get an alternate timeline Killmonger. 

        • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

          I love Lupita Nyong’o as an actress, but Danai Gurira seems a better Black Panther fit to me – between Okoye and Walking Dead she has a real badass warrior vibe.

        • MannyBones-av says:

          They’ve really been building op Okoye. I mean, she was already basically filling in for Black Panther for the Avengers in Endgame. And yes, Danai Gurira has plenty of charisma to pull it off.

        • vivavi-av says:

          Batman is just as omnidisciplined, although I guess, granted, not in his live action appearances. Still, it’s fiction tradition for a character to have a cartoonish range of unrelated talents in as many fields as the plot requires.

          • douglasd-av says:

            We can trace this trope clear back to the character who is arguably the first modern super-hero; Doc Savage. (If we include mythical heroes who aren’t gods, then probably Hercules would be the first, but then again, he’s a demigod so maybe not even him. Depends on your definition of superhero.) Doc Savage is the original “is expert in everything” adventurer. Brain surgeon, engineer, detective, scientist, martial artist, and all around polymath. He’s the prototype of a number of later comic book heroes.

        • kirkchop-av says:

          I do think Feige and his group will figure out a way to turn this into a positive without tarnishing Boseman’s brief legacy. How, we can only guess, but if there is one person in this universe who could, it’s Kevin Feige.

      • dxanders-av says:

        Make Shuri queen and shift Okoye as Black Panther to a position as her invisible hand. Emphasize the sort of international action and espionage of that Hong Kong scene with clever statecraft.

        Or just retire the series, but I don’t know. Black Panther means a lot to a lot of people, even if it is a mass corporate owned property. 

      • TRT-X-av says:

        Here’s the thing though, Wakanda has already dealt with the long term impact of losing T’Challa when he was a victim of The Snap.Open the film in the aftermath of the Snap, featuring Okoye returning and trying to pick up the pieces. Show enough to help the audience understand how Wakanda was able to continue functioning in that 5 year span, and then do a fade around Okoye that ends with her standing before T’Challa’s grave/memorial.And that’s your lead in to the Marvel Studios tribute logo.Open with a jarring set of edits around an action scene that communicate that T’Challa was lost on a mission, and Shuri snaps awake from her flashback/nightmare recovering from a particularly tough fight in her early going as Black Panther.
        We’re dropped in the relative aftermath of T’Challa’s death. Shuri is effectively queen with Okoye and Nakia as advisers.Part of how you work the transition is Shuri has been secretly trying to recreate the flowers that gave the Panther their power, both to be a better Panther herself…but also because she’s desperate to see T’Challa again both out of grief and a hope that he will advise her.At some point the experiments nearly kill her, and this drives conflict between herself and the Queen (as well as Okoye).You make the movie about how Shuri and Nakia eventually
        come to realize that Black Panther should be independent from the
        King/Queen for precisely this reason, and eventually Nakia takes on the
        mantle. She gains the strength from the experimental flower replacement, but Shuri abandons her attempt to recreate the spiritual aspect.

        • cjob3-av says:

          I actually like this a lot, but wasn’t the Snap really just a blip as explained in Spider-Man Far From Home? My understanding is that T’Challa would have disappeared momentarily and reappeared 5 years older. At the end of the day though I just don’t think Shuri can carry the franchise. Her character wasn’t designed to.  It’s like if Bond died and Q took his place.

          • TRT-X-av says:

            The Snap was only a “blip” to the people who were lost. To them, it was instantaneous. They started to disappear and then popped back up. They had no idea it was five years later and hadn’t aged a day.The rest of the universe went on without them.

          • imadifferentbird-av says:

            You’re thinking of how the blip was perceived by the blipped. T’Challa would have seen everything else disappear and then reappear five years older, but the people who weren’t blipped (presumably including Shuri and/or Nakia) would have lived through those five years, without T’Challa.

      • imadifferentbird-av says:

        If Tony Stark can do it all, why not Shuri?

    • mary2957-av says:

      I posted in another forum that Marvel could do Black Panther on another “Earth” where T’Challa is actually Michael B. Jordan, with everything almost the same, but a bit different. I never did like the idea of Black Panther and Storm as a couple in the books. It was just too obvious, meaning that the most two powerful black mutants should be together. It all read too forced to me. But that is just my opinion. So just let Lupita be Storm and be done with it (eye roll here) because I know that it is coming. Then let Shuri be Black Panther in BP3. It would make more sense. Other than that, one of the movies from the MCU, The Eternals or Dr. Strange or something else has to have a reality bending thing to answer for a different actor in the Black Panther role. Last ditch is a total reboot. Above all again, if it is going to tie into the first BP movie, it must make sense and be plausible. 

    • dystopika-av says:

      Just want to say, it’s refreshing to see someone NOT cast shade at MCU for their impressive run of movies. I agree, they somehow managed to make such strong moves throughout this stretch of films and this one’s a big test. I can only imagine they’re not moving forward with production on Black Panther 2 without a strong idea of what they’re doing.That said, I’m still a little haunted by what happened with Carrie Fisher in “Rise of the Skywalker”.  I know it’s a different franchise and creative team but I remember them insisting that they weren’t going to recast or use CGI, they were gonna use pre-existing footage of her and honor her memory… but I found the result was so awkward.  The Fast & Furious franchise had to deal with the death of Paul Walker in a similarly awkward way.  I’m just having a hard time imagining the most elegant way for them to move forward in a way that honors Chadwick’s legacy without it becoming an anchor that keeps the project from moving forward.

    • reddragon1017-av says:

      The ending of Iron Man 2 was trash which unfortunately colors the rest of the movie. I also really could have done without Guardians 2 – but I would take either of those over anything (for the exception of Wonder Woman) in the DCU (this of course does not include the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy – as it is not in the DCU)

    • kca915-av says:

      I would love to see a few writers talk about pros and cons of different options to replace T’Challa. I tend to lean toward new character, because:Shuri is awesome, but too young and green for the crown. But maybe by the end of BP2…Okoye is a general, and that’s the job she’s suited for. I’d be down for a story about her, though, so she could grow into the role…Alternate Universe Killmonger feels like a cheat, and a slight failure of imagination (really, why can’t any of these characters stay dead?!)M’Baku is too perfect in his current role. I think the movie loses too much by centering him, and the character isn’t worldly enough to lead the nation Wakanda has become (open, no longer insular)Nakia… I could get behind that. She gets the ideas T’Challa was fighting for, can handle the political requirements of a head of state, was already getting her hands dirty elsewhere. But she’s not comfortable being out front.W’Kabi (Daniel Kaluuya, I had to look up the character’s name) ain’t it. He’s a guy that’s good at his job.I think the best answer is probably a leader of one of the other tribes.

    • Harold_Ballz-av says:

      …they haven’t made wrong moves yet since Iron Man…What did you dislike about Iron Man? Or are you saying that since Iron Man hit the scene, all of Marvel’s cinematic moves have been good?

  • bakamoichigei-av says:

    Wow, that’s a fantastic tribute… It hits me almost as hard as the Stan Lee intro on Captain Marvel. (That one really got me, serious tears were shed.) 😥Wonder if they’d consider putting this clip out there in 4K for people to incorporate into their bluray/UHD viewings. 🤔

  • mary2957-av says:

    It’s fitting for true King that re-taught us how to be the royalty that we are…

  • leroyburntown-av says:

    That’s a good looking coat.

  • adventurepig-av says:

    I have a piece of concept art of Black Panther coming soon and I can’t wait to frame. Still so shocking we lost him. He instantly elevated any scene he was in. I’m sad he wasn’t in Endgame more but his entrance in the final battle is an all-timer.

  • djanroi-av says:

    The Marvel Studios intro has finally found a way to justify its absurd length.

  • franknitty-av says:

    Beautiful tribute Disney. Wakanda Forever 🙌🏽

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