Adorable Benedict Cumberbatch thinks his Doctor Strange sequel will be as big as No Way Home

Will a movie with more than one Doctor Strange be as big as a movie with more than one Spider-Man?

Aux News Benedict Cumberbatch
Adorable Benedict Cumberbatch thinks his Doctor Strange sequel will be as big as No Way Home
Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Photo: Marvel Studios

As of this weekend, Spider-Man: No Way Home has made $792 million. It is the third highest grossing film of all time and undeniably the beneficiary of some lightning-in-a-bottle magic due to the fact that it hit at the perfect moment in our COVID-ravaged world. It seems like its specific success will be impossible to ever replicate, if only because of the timing of its release and the huge groundswell of hype over its—spoiler alert!—inclusion of multiple different generations of Spider-Man actors. Hell, The Batman is doing pretty well, it has the benefit of declining COVID numbers throughout the country, and it’s still way short of where No Way Home was after a couple of weeks.

And yet Benedict Cumberbatch seems to think the upcoming Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness is going to “have a success on the level of Spidey.” Okay, Benedict. Sure. We’re not going to criticize you for having confidence in your movie, that’s actually a good thing, but come on. He even added, “There you go, I’ll put my flag in the sand,” indicating that he legitimately thinks it could happen.

This comes from an interview Empire, and it almost certainly has something to do with the fact that the Doctor Strange sequel has some of the same ingredients as the Spider-Man movie: For starters, Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange is in it, and the trailer makes it clear that it’s going to involve more than one version of him and some mysterious multiversal shenanigans (is that Patrick Stewart’s voice or not?). Also, it was directed by Sam Raimi, who is often great, and he’s the guy who made the older Spider-Man movies that people (mostly) liked.

Is it really so absurd to think Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness will be one of the highest grossing films of all time? Yes, it is. Come on. It’ll do well, maybe even really well, but what No Way Home did was practically a miracle. Even if Multiverse brings in some X-Men characters, as people online are theorizing (not that that’s anything new), it seems hard to imagine that it will be as big as No Way Home.

We don’t have to wait too long for Cumberbatch to prove us wrong, though: Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness comes out on May 6.


  • lisarowe-av says:

    it could happen. why not?the hype was through the roof when the trailer dropped. evil scarlet witch being in it is a huge draw (patrick stewart too and possible reed richards? idk) and i’m sure the lead up to the release will make a lot of people want to watch it right away. the publicity will be wild for this.and don’t you know? apparently, covid is over. it’s totally gone for the rest of time.

    • capnandy-av says:

      Swear to God I will burn shit down if Scarlet Witch is evil

      • captain-splendid-av says:

        I think it’s a fakeout. There’s no way Tony gets a pass for all his shit and Wanda doesn’t.

        • capnandy-av says:

          It’s a comic book fan thing, I’m sick to death of “women be evil and SO GODDAMN CRAZY right fellas”, and nobody’s gotten hit with that particular stick harder, and more often, than the Scarlet Witch. I’m not in any mood to ever see it in the movies.

          • cosmicghostrider-av says:

            It’s more of a “woman can’t have power otherwise they’ll destroy everything” thing. Born out of the misogynist idea that males need to be a dominant sex. It’s the same reason why white baby boomer dads get upset when you ask them about their opinion on the BLM movement. They’ve been benefitting their entire life from racism so of course it bothers them. They “don’t know why” it bothers them, but they do.

          • cosmicghostrider-av says:

            “Well I’ll get the job/be picked for the team/ etc. etc. etc.” said every white guy in the back of their head without realizing it. 

          • cosmicghostrider-av says:

            Wanda powerful must equal villain because women with power is a danger to men. Also see, men who are bothered by women feeling more empowered sexually by dating apps. Also, see my own father for any further questions.

          • soapdiggy-av says:

            Yeah but also I really would like to see Wanda lay waste to all the dumb, dumb white men.* From a moral standpoint, I don’t care if she’s a villain. But from a character standpoint, she’s more likely to let loose with the rage if she’s allowed to be a villain. * Isn’t the whole fan obsession with the Illuminati clearly a desire to keep white men in power? Lol. 

          • Shampyon-av says:

            It’s more of a “woman can’t have power otherwise they’ll destroy everything” thing. Born out of the misogynist idea that males need to be a dominant sex.I just finished watching the entirety of Star Trek: The Original Series (which I’d only seen piecemeal as a kid). It left a very bitter taste in my mouth that the series finale is basically this concept. The whole episode is a blatant rebuke of the contemporary feminist movement.A bitter ex-girlfriend swaps bodies with Captain Kirk because apparently that’s the only way a woman can become a starship captain in 2269, but she’s so petty and vindictive and completely lacking in merit that she fucks everything up (to the point of ordering the illegal executions of Spock and Kirk-in-her-body) and inspires the normally loyal crew to mutiny.And the whole thing has the added bonus of watching William Shatner trying to act like a woman who’s trying to act like a man.

          • breadnmaters-av says:

            Thank you.

          • memefacemcallum-av says:

            Go be woke somewhere else

          • mullah-omar-av says:

            Blame Sinbad!

        • dremiliolizardo-av says:

          She even brings that up in the trailer.

        • maulkeating-av says:

          But think of the clicks Barsanti can generate by crying sexism…

      • bagman818-av says:

        A Scarlet Witch will likely be evil. As will a Dr. Strange; it’s fine. This is the multiverse! They can do whatever, and there are no consequences.

        • delete999999-av says:

          Yeah exactly, it’s super weird it took so long for anyone to mention variants for a movie that literally has Multiverse in the title.

      • badkuchikopi-av says:

        She definitely was at one point, I’m hoping that’s what the reshoots were about.

      • ghboyette-av says:

        Should I get the fire extinguisher? 

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      I think it’s very unlikely Multiverse of Madness will touch No Way Home’s record, but it doesn’t seem at all unlikely that it might hit the same relative orbit, for all the reasons you list. I could see it beating $1.5 billion worldwide pretty easily, which I would say meets Cumberbatch’s boast. In fact, the only real difference between the two is name recognition, between a contender for most popular superhero of all time and a relatively new household name. And the way the MCU works, that distinction matters less and less as time goes on. There might be some people who only see Spiderman movies because he’s their favorite character, but more and more people are seeing these movies regardless of who is featured in them.

    • bagman818-av says:

      Spider-man is the most popular super hero of all time. Dr. Strange…is not.It will likely do well in the US, but it won’t have anything like the legs that Spider-man had internationally.

    • nilus-av says:

      Not to mention even more relaxed Covid restrictions by that point. 

    • viktor-withak-av says:


    • dikeithfowler-av says:

      I’m with you, it’s a Strange sequel and a Wandavision sequel, possibly a Loki one too, and I’m sure as it gets closer to the release date we’ll learn what other Marvel characters are in it, it might not make quite as much as No Way Home did but it’s clear that- and, gah, I’ve become annoyed by yet another Sam Barsanti shitfest and provoked in to responding to his poorly written and thought out opinions. I really hope one day I’ll learn to ignore them. One day.

  • captain-splendid-av says:

    Alright, so now we know that at least one or more Spideys is going to cameo in this.

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    I’m sure the physical media this movie will eventually be released on will be of very similar if not effectively identical dimensions to the ones No Way Home was released on.

  • bigbydub-av says:

    Our domestic dimension box office only, or across the multiverse?

  • delete999999-av says:

    Dr. Strange and Cumberbatch may not be as bankable as three Spideys, but Multiverse of Madness is positioned almost as an Avengers movie pulling together and paying off a lot of elements seeded in other properties. It’s hard to tell how many people actually watched Wandavision, Loki, What If?, but we know a ton of people watched No Way Home. Multiverse might get a big bump now that COVID forced the No Way Home/Multiverse order to switch. Personally I’m psyched for it, but I’m pretty deep in the MCU nerd filter bubble. I doubt many other people just can’t wait for live-action America Chavez.

  • docprof-av says:

    Seeing as the first Doctor Strange movie ranks 16th among Marvel movies in global box office and No Way Home ranks 3rd, no, I don’t think that’s gonna happen.People love Spider-Man. And Tom Holland. And Zendaya. People think Doctor Strange and Benedict Cumberbatch are ok.

    • rauth1334-av says:

      i hate tom holland. hes 10 year too old for the part. 

    • noreallybutwait-av says:

      I think the big draw for No Way Home was partially the familiarity with Spider-man and the actors, but also the whole idea of pulling past Marvel movie franchises together into the fold of the multi-verse. All anyone was really talking about was the possibility of villains and heroes from the Sony movies showing up, or characters and actors from the Netflix shows. The buzz was more about that than anything involving the main cast.Doctor Strange seems to be amping that up. People want the FoX-men to come back (for some goddawful reason) and the tease of Patrick Stewart was all it took to get people going crazy.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Adorable Doctor Professor doesn’t think it’s going to happen.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    If that lackluser Spiderman film can do it, why not?

  • leonthet-av says:

    Yeah, he also thought he’d make a believable cowboy, so …

  • rauth1334-av says:

    no one saw yet another spiderman movie.also, cast a normal looking teenager for spiderman, not captain america junior.scrawny should be an operative word. 

  • haodraws-av says:

    “This is a weirdly, unnecessarily mean, spitefully petty article… Let me see who wrote—oh, that makes sense.”

  • aaron1592-av says:

    Obviously not paying attention, the hype amongst Marvel fans for this movie is at least as strong as it was for No Way Home…

  • undrtaker1-av says:

    He should know. He’s seen every version of the future

  • rotteng-av says:

    help, the capeshitters are turning on each other

  • ruefulcountenance-av says:

    Marvel should tease that across the Multiverse, Doctor Strange runs into Martin, Douglas, Carolyn and Arthur. That’ll bring ‘em in.

  • noreallybutwait-av says:

    I mean since the current MCU modus operandi seems to be “bring back random cameos so people will point at the screen and get excited like Leo in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” it seems like Multiverse of Madness could certainly piggyback on the No Way Home success. If it brings back the FoX-Men Professor X as the trailer hints, or some of the more insane rumors and speculation of casting floating around, it’s less about being a Doctor Strange movie and more about whatever “gotcha” casting choices the MCU still has in the bag.

  • memefacemcallum-av says:

    Give a pen to a kid and it results in shitty articles like this

  • memefacemcallum-av says:

    Fun fact: I never even watched nwh because I couldn’t care less.I’m more excited about MoM not everyone likes spiderman.You haven’t even seen the movie yet and your already pressed.lmao better get a job as a clown because this article is a joke

  • anindoorkittie-av says:

    Give the guy a break. He has already had to sacrifice all his acting awards on the alter of diversity this year. And he deserved to win them all. So let him have a little self back patting for all his hard work. But it does worry me that all the reshoots (even as we speak) is very similar to the botched ‘add more stuff’ spell in NWH.

  • alexv3d-av says:

    I am more excited to see the potential Professor X and Illuminati appearances than I was for No Way Home (Which I enjoyed quite a bit).

    • drpumernickelesq-av says:

      I think I am too, even though Spider-Man is my favorite superhero. Just because it was so blatantly obvious that all three Spider-Men would be in the movie, whereas there’s actual mystery surrounding who will pop up in Multiverse. It’s much more intriguing to me, for that reason.

      • alexv3d-av says:

        Oh, I think I agree about the three Spider-Men because he is also my favorite.

        I actually worked on The Amazing Spider-Man and I really like Garfield so I would have loved the surprise.

        I really hope to make it to opening night without any major spoilers for Multiverse!

  • nothumbedguy-av says:

    I’m anticipating it immensely more than Far From Home (great film) and everyone thinks I’m adorable.

  • storklor-av says:

    400+ million domestic, 1bn+ worldwide doesn’t seem outside the realm of possibility. This is a character that has steadily grown in popularity since his 2016 introduction, figures prominently in Infinity War and No Way Home, and cameos in Endgame. Plus Cumberbatch himself has a not-insignificant fandom and is having a career year. Plus Wanda and Loki tie-ins, and potentially bringing X-Men into the MCU? Plus probably being a pivotal narrative nexus within the larger MCU storyline, a la Civil War? It’ll definitely be big. 800 mil domestic big? I don’t know about that. Also is it releasing in China? Spidey is globally big enough and had a 20 year history of nostalgia to pay off that it didn’t even need China. I don’t know if Strange has that kind of clout. 

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    I have absolutely zero proof, but the addition of Patrick Stewarts voice in the trailer gives me hope that the X-Men make an appearance.

  • coatituesday-av says:

    Sure it could happen. I know I’ll see it, so… that’s what, ten or 12 bucks toward the 792 million they need? I’ll tell some friends to see it, too!(I don’t fault him for his optimism – the movie looks like it has a ton of cool stuff in it –why wouldn’t everyone in the world pay to see it?)

  • bigjoec99-av says:

    So is he talking about No Way Home, or Spiderverse? The latter sharing a multiverse theme of course.Any way, this Dr. Strange would have to be the opposite of the dour snob from the first one in order to significantly better. Which I guess is an option in a multiverse movie?

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    How do you not get punched more?

  • tryinganewthingcuz-av says:

    What’s the big deal? It’s like a football player saying his team will absolutely win the Super Bowl.

  • watkins169-av says:

    It will happen. This movie will play off the last Spider-Man movie, Wanda vision, what if and Loki while at the same time bring in the fox x men properties, a rumored Tom cruise Tony stark variant and Deadpool post credit scene. I’ll put money on this killing it at the box office.

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