Doja Cat says she’s quitting music: “Y’all take care”

The rapper became frustrated after an online back and forth with fans

Aux News Doja Cat
Doja Cat says she’s quitting music: “Y’all take care”
Doja Cat Photo: Frazer Harrison

Last night, after engaging in an online fight with fans from Paraguay, rapper Doja Cat tweeted that she is quitting music.

“It’s gone and I don’t give a fuck anymore I fuckin’ quit I can’t wait to fucking disappear and I don’t need you to believe in me anymore,” Doja wrote on Twitter in response to a couple of fans. “Everything is dead to me, music is dead, and I’m a fucking fool for ever thinking I was made for this this is a fucking nightmare unfollow me.”

Shortly after, she sent out, “This shit ain’t for me so I’m out. Y’all take care.” The artist also changed her Twitter name to “i quit,” and her bio simply to “lol.”

The online back and forth took place after Doja’s set in Paraguay at the Asunciónico festival was cancelled earlier this week due to intense flooding. When fans allegedly began to flock around her hotel, looking to take photos with the rapper, she never showed. Fans seemed particularly angered with Doja for not tweeting or posting any photos from her time in Paraguay (as if that’s a thing she’s obligated to do).

In her Twitter rant, Doja also wrote, “I moved on I’m just gonna let everybody be mad,” as well as “I’m not taking pictures again with anybody else after this tour.”

On the same day, after her first Brazil show, she tweeted, “I don’t think I gave Brazil a good enough show tonight at all and I’m sorry for that but thank you guys for coming out I fucking love you and thank god we got another show tomorrow I promise I’ll do better.”

Doja is currently still slated to perform another set at Brazil’s Lollapalooza.

This isn’t the first time the artist has found herself frustrated with the expectations of fame, particularly when it comes to taking photos. Last year, following the release of her popular album Planet Her, she took to Instagram Live to rant about not having fun making music, and feeling the mounting pressure of fame.

“I don’t want to take fuckin’ pictures,” she said. “I feel pressured to do shit like that. I don’t want to do that. I want to be home. I wanna make music. I wanna play fuckin’ video games.”


  • coolgameguy-av says:

    First Ringo stops signing fan memorabilia, now Doja Cat won’t take pictures with fans… what is the music industry coming to!?

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      The problem is entitled fans, not the music industry.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      You sayin’ that with peace ‘n love?

    • Cricket1955-av says:

      I’ve always wondered if this sort of thing is part of why plenty of amazing musicians stick to session work. Even if I had musical talent (I could be described by paraphrasing someone’s description of Fred Astaire – “Can’t sing, can dance a little.” – only legitimately…), I have no interest in anything beyond that. Don’t like people much, don’t expect most of them to like me, perfectly happy to stay in the background.

      Having no musical talent, it’s not a worry – but I can understand those who have issues with the people part of the job.

  • cognativedecline-av says:

    Awww, turns out she’s a cow after all.

    • spaceidiot-av says:

      What does that mean?

      • Keego94-av says:

        It means she has a song called Mooo.No, really. 

        • spaceidiot-av says:

          Haha. Fair enough!

        • pie-oh-pah-av says:

          That’s how I found out about her. Was looking for a totally different cow-related song, and that popped up in the search results. Had no idea whether it was supposed to be a gag or not, but I instantly knew for sure that I was a fan.

          • scootzonkinja-av says:

            Same. Wasn’t looking for it, saw the video, thought it was awesome, found a bunch of her other stuff and loved it as well. While not all of her stuff is great, she does have a bunch of good songs worth a listen that are catchy and fun. And its sad that someone who maybe didn’t anticipate all that would happen when her songs blew up, no longer feels able to go along with the marketing machine that is needed these days for some of these artists and discovers she can’t just do what she loves and forget the rest, but hopefully she will be able to enjoy her world a little more now. As to retiring and living off the profits, not sure that’s a thing at this stage.. Record companies (do they still call them that?) take a lot of the early profits to cover their initial marketing and promotion efforts which can be substantial.. Some one hit wonders never see a dime.. on the other hand, some one hit wonders live the rest of their lives in comfort (see the Knack, for instance)… hopefully she is in the latter category.And hopefully she puts out some more fun stuff when she gets in a better headspace.

        • Steadysoul-av says:

          after hearing the story behind that song I find it less cringe. 

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        We’d like to examine her tools?

      • cognativedecline-av says:

        Wasn’t one of her first hits Bitch Ima Cow?

        • spaceidiot-av says:

          I just thought it was some term I was late to. I don’t really know Ms Cat’s music. But it seems she made a cow song. haha

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Doja Cow?

  • argentokaos-av says:

    When’s she gonna start? 😀 😀 😀

  • evilbutdiseasefree-av says:

    I actually applaud her for this, though it may be possible to just make her music. I read somewhere the Weeknd doesn’t give interviews. Probably still interacts with fans.

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      I guess that’s what confuses me about this. Doesn’t she make music because she likes to? To stop doing that what you love because you don’t want some or all of the trappings of celebrity seems going too far in the other direction. If she was only doing it because it made her money, that’s fine too, but I just imagine most people who make art do so because it’s what they want to do, even if that’s a secondary or tertiary reason below money/fame/whatever.I’m sure part of the problem is the capitalist side of the industry makes it difficult for artists to demand certain things in terms of living their day to day lives, but it still seems like if you’re willing to quit entirely, you might as well have just refused to do the things you didn’t want to do, and if that ends your career, well you’re in the same place anyway.

      • 50drunksinabar-av says:

        I think it’s more the constant social interaction. If she just made music and stuck it on soundcloud or whatever and didn’t tour, she’d probably be much happier.

        • bcfred2-av says:

          I think she could still record and tour – just, as I would tell ANYONE who will listen, don’t let your self-image be governed by social media. 

      • chris-finch-av says:

        Reading between the lines, I’m taking a guess that her management signs her up for tours/shows she’d rather not do.

      • Superatomic-av says:

        She’s with a label tho right? Why doesn’t the label sort of put her through a media and celebrity training course or something so she can be prepared for what it means to be famous. I used to watch her on periscope a few years ago where she would just sit there and play around and make beats/songs on her stream. 

        • boricuaintexas-av says:

          She needs to step away from social media and focus on her music and chilling/playing video games if it makes her happy. Let someone in the PR team manage her accounts, and f@%k fans’ photo op expectations.

      • katkitten-av says:

        When you have a record contract it’s not that simple though – if she has a deal, then she can make whatever music she likes… but then they can remix it, repackage it, refuse to ever release it, release it before she feels it’s finished, etc. And she’s probably legally obligated to do promotion.

      • galdarn-av says:

        It’s a temper tantrum. That’s the entirety of what it is.

      • killdozer77-av says:

        She may have signed a contract with her label that obligates her to do things she rather wouldn’t. When she signed the contract she wouldn’t have known how much she hated it. 

    • chris-finch-av says:

      It’d be amazing if she went full Jandek and you had to mail cash in for hand-packaged cds.

    • graymangames-av says:

      I think everyone expected The Weeknd to be a superstar after the Super Bowl and “Blinding Lights” took off, but I question whether he cared either way. He certainly wouldn’t turn down the opportunity, but he always seemed like someone who was happy doing his own thing regardless of what success it got.

      And in-between he appears on American Dad! because he thought it’d be fun.

      • bitchmeetoo-av says:

        I think everyone expected The Weeknd to be a superstar after the Super Bowl and “Blinding Lights” took offWhat is this statement????? The Weeknd was already HUGE before the Super Bowl, omg.

      • wuthaniel-av says:

        He was already a superstar before he did the superbowl. That’s why he was asked to do the superbowl. 

    • triohead-av says:

      Probably that’s how this shakes out down the line. Not a permanent retirement but a decent hiatus to recharge. 

    • cannabuzz-av says:

      Weekend had the cover and did a long interview in GQ last year.

  • toxonix001-av says:

    It would be nice if you could just make music and people would listen to it and appreciate it. But that’s not how the music industry makes money. If they aren’t rolling in money from merch and ticket sales, they’re not going to make any effort to get your music out there. 

  • precious-tritium-av says:

    Cool, bye.

  • docprof-av says:

    She didn’t have to take pictures. But she also didn’t have to have a meltdown because people wanted her to take pictures. She’s been embroiled in quite a few controversies and has been “canceled” numerous times, and her fame only keeps increasing.I do not believe for one second that she is quitting anything. And no one will care about this either.

    • actionactioncut-av says:

      She’s been embroiled in quite a few controversies and has been “canceled” numerous times, and her fame only keeps increasing.Raw footage of Azealia Banks each time Doja Cat shrugs off another one:

  • Nitelight62-av says:

    Don’t look at me!Don’t look at me!……………Why isn’t anyone looking at me?

  • luasdublin-av says:
  • urkillingme-av says:

    Didn’t know who she was, but I’ve gotta say I like her (presuming she actually sticks to her words).One of the problems with pop-culture nowadays is it seems that the public thinks they own these celebrities. I respect that she’s saying F that and is going to live on her own terms.I think she should continue to make some music if she has it in her; but self-produce and self-publish. She can then do what she seems to love (albeit with less money most likely), but have the control over her own life to do as she pleases without having to stand up against pressure. I presume the pressure comes not only from the public but from within her label.

  • JohnnyWasASchoolBoy-av says:

    John Lennon would have probably preferred a nice twitter fight.Seriously though, people suck. Artists do NOT owe you time, photos, tweets, attention, or love. They make music. You buy it. End. Of. Story. People can fuck off with this “I’m owed something for free” nonsense. 

  • thegobhoblin-av says:
  • miffusa-av says:

    These artists are starting to realize now that they’re part of the “machine”. There’s nothing they themselves have done that is new, unique, or innovative. They’re the flavor of the hour/day/week/month. She will be forgotten and get what she wants, but won’t make money again – but then again products of the machine that do well shouldn’t NEED to make money again if they don’t waste what they’ve earned thinking it’d be an endless stream. Being a celebrity in a social media era does not afford you an opportunity to chill and play video games. 

  • volunteerproofreader-av says:

    And nothing of value was lost

  • faaaaqimscarey-av says:

    I dont listen to her music but I think I might like her as a person.  I genuinely like how real she was in those “rants.”  she wasnt mean spirited, she wasnt whining, she was straight up saying all the shit I imagine a LOT of artists feel but are too scared to say for fear theyll lose fans or fame or clout or whatever.  I thought she was pretty cool on Dave and I guess maybe she is in real life too.  huh.

  • gabrielstrasburg-av says:

    I dont know what a doja cat is, and didnt read the article. But I hope she does quit so I can stop seeing headlines about her.

  • cscurrie-av says:

    she’s not quitting. Seriously.Individual pop singers become “one person corporations”- with potentially dozens of people in their employ during a touring year, in particular.As a sidebar, more BIPOC hip-hop and R&B artists need to explore Latin American countries as touring locations. Historically a lot of folks from the “urban music” genres zero in on the USA only or at best, A few European countries and Japan and that’s it. There’s more of a demand out there than many of these performers (or their management) would assume.

  • gritsandcoffee-av says:

    She should make real music instead of trap booty stuff then. Go indie and do whatever you want and stop getting locked into the Minaj Rihanna frame of how to be a black female music star. Because they both quit and they both failed because the industry just portrays you as a slut on a pole. Don’t be the slut on the pole and you’ll have fun again. Be you and do whatever you want. It just seems like her production team is running her however they want to get the most dollars so of course that isn’t fun. But could she branch out and be her own artist? I don’t know. The whole pop-music industry in America specifically is shameful. Those booty hop videos are abhorrent. I can only imagine the fans are worse and more toxic.

    • milligna000-av says:

      as in the 90s, we’re pretending it’s seriously empowering stuff. Maybe in 20 years folks will have second thoughts.

    • ladisputisha-av says:

      I know one thing: You better be a Black woman talking all that stuff about Black women. Otherwise, you are WAY out of your jurisdiction there, hoss. 

    • noreallybutwait-av says:

      lol what the fuck? Minaj and Rihanna quit and failed? This is the weirdest comment I’ve ever seen.

      • callmeshoebox-av says:

        Everyone complains about the writing on this site but the commenters are the fucking worst

        • noreallybutwait-av says:

          This person really took a situation where entitled fans were mobbing a performer’s hotel thinking they were “owed” pictures, and saying “it’s ‘cause you’re a slut!” And then tried to come up with some Rihanna and Nicki Minaj comparisons like, as well as trying to say that none of these women is at all responsible for cultivating their own image and like…I don’t think that’s the case at all.Just a weird misogynist comment that seems divorced from reality.

          • callmeshoebox-av says:

            Wasn’t Rihanna just declared a billionaire? If that’s his definition of failing then sign me up!

          • noreallybutwait-av says:

            I can’t tell if the OP means that they tried to quit and failed at quitting? It’s baffling

      • gritsandcoffee-av says:

        They’re both retired, my guy. Pay fucking attention. Minaj tweeted she is retired and Rihanna is doing fashion. Seriously. And billions in fashion proceeds is still failed at music, my guy.

        • noreallybutwait-av says:

          So did they quit? or fail to quit? Also, saying that billions in fashion is still failing at music is, again, fuckin weird. Nicki Minaj released a song literally fucking like…6 days ago? She is on deck to headline Wireless Festival in July and has an upcoming album in the works. So like…how is that quitting? Maybe you should be paying attention?Also what bananas fucking world are you living in where someone can release 8 albums in an 11 year period and every single one goes platinum/multi-platinum and that’s somehow a failure? What’s your benchmark? What do you consider success? Again, your comment is just one of the weirdest posts I’ve ever read.

          • gritsandcoffee-av says:

            Suffice to say, I see art as lyrics and rhythm that mean something, music that means something to my soul. Neither of them have made me feel that way. I’ve watched numerous videos, listened to albums, I find them both shallow. And I’m a huge Mariah Carey, Brittney Spears and Kylie Minogue fan, and I like female driven pop music especially. Neither of these artists gives me much to chew on. Rihanna quit for a business, that’s not much of an artist in my view. Sorry. Nicki said she quit because of the woke mob. So she’s trying music again? That’s cool, maybe she won’t get cancelled this time. I was pretty offended by the opening song on her album about calling some ‘ho’(?) queer and making it a negative. I thought everyone was in agreeance on that. Sales doesn’t mean success for me, it’s what you contribute to culture. You should have some depth. If these artists have shown that then I missed something, I guess? Literally all of these artists seem to quit one day and then come back. I’ll always give Nicki another chance. Her solo career hasn’t satisfied me thus far, though.

          • noreallybutwait-av says:

            So “success” means that an artist has to appeal directly to you?That’s a strange, non-universally recognized metric. So like, again your initial post remains very weird.You act as if all these artists are failures – on a universal scale – because they don’t appeal to you specifically.I may not agree with Nicki Minaj’s personal views, or even particularly like her output, but I can still recognize that she has talent and ability and has objectively achieved success.

          • gritsandcoffee-av says:

            “…talent and ability and objectively achieved success.” By the terms of capitalism. Congrats, I’ll see that the mods give you your Capitalist Star badge soon. Knowing they just laid off a bunch of writers for lack of incentives, I’m sure they’ll be keen to lick bootheel. If you want to cum on money I’m not going to get in your way. Go grab a wad and whack it, nobody will stop you. It’s so green, it smells like a printing press! I’m already hard myself. Sales in porn music automatically equals success to you? Yes, I’m sure they paid out their star well. Music is likely more than just business to a lot of people but it’s nice to see it honestly reduced to so little a fragment of its intentions. If only the Carter family had realized, perhaps they’d have never begun?They retired, accept it. They failed and retired. And one MAYBE unretired to profit from some more porn. They are objectively failures at music. They are objectively winners at swindling horny fans. Terrific! But at the end of the day, they are failures at what they set out to do. Objectively living failures who fail. Rihanna’s new career mode failed so she retired to fashion, and Nicki got woke bashed and failed at making an album fans liked, so she retired. Numbers in an account don’t mean anything when you don’t have the satisfaction in your soul, sorry to say.

          • noreallybutwait-av says:

            Jesus christ you fucken weirdo, go outside. Engage with real humans face to face. Try it, if you aren’t too far inside of your own asshole.

          • gritsandcoffee-av says:

            Good stuff. Haha. 

  • guororororoi-av says:

    The paraguayan fans are angry because, besides not showing up for those waiting for her outside the hotel in the rain, she made a private party and she demanded that nobody looked her in the eyes or spoke to her unless she started the conversation. And then the next day, she tweeted that nobody went to say good bye to her, wich was a lie cause’ fans were indeed through a storm trying to get a picture. Sorry if I get some lines wrong, I’m from Chile and this is not my first language. Anyways, a lot of it is just fun and jokes from people all around latin america making fun of her, defending Paraguay, and commenting on the weirdness of the situation. For example, she tweeted “let that sink in”, and a lot of people thought that she wanted Paraguay to sink in the storm. Mental health is an important issue, and I hope she’s ok, but a lot of what’s going on here are just jokes on the absurd of this whole deal.        

  • theonewatcher-av says:


  • kotzebueshotfirst-av says:

    Maybe music quit her. A long time ago. 

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