Donald Trump was shook by last night’s episode of Insecure, apparently

Aux Features Donald Trump
Donald Trump was shook by last night’s episode of Insecure, apparently
Photo: Merie W. Wallace

No, it’s not as bizarre as the time Ted Cruz liked a porn tweet, but the president liking a tweet about the HBO series Insecure from an account with only a few hundred followers is still a head-scratcher, even if we can agree that Issa and Molly’s blow-out was indeed devastating.

Last night, an account with the handle @shiningheaux lamented the fight that rocked the series’ two main characters, wishing instead that the pair’s friendship could return to its bygone innocence. After firing off a few more tweets—one condemning this weird Terry Crews tweet and another calling for killer cops to face justice—they logged off only to return to a hellscape of notifications.

Insecure star and creator Issa Rae, meanwhile, was just as confused. “What the fuck is this,” she tweeted, processing, we imagine, both Trump liking the tweet and it being the only tweet Trump has liked. (For the record, he’s liked other tweets in the past, and gone on to unlike them.)

Considering Trump only watches cable news, eclipses, and the Gorilla Channel, we can only assume his Twitter flunky Dan Scavino is a fan. Or that this is just one of those things. Like covfefe, it will linger in the ether for a while until QAnon fanatics claim it’s yet another strategic move in Trump’s ongoing game of 4D chess.

Still, the resulting tweets have been very funny:

Though The Black List founder Franklin Leonard may have stumbled upon another theory. “Do you think he searched for the word ‘insecure’?” asked one his followers.

Considering “insecure” is one of the words most bandied about when discussing the president, it’s not too far-fetched to wonder if one of his sweaty fingers smooshed the heart on @shiningheaux’s tweet while he was reading other tweets about his own fragility.

Regardless, if you now find yourself invested in the state of Issa and Molly’s relationship, have a look at our review of last night’s episode.

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  • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

    to the contrary, he was searching for “shea butter kneecaps”

  • robert-denby-av says:

    “People who call me insecure are forgetting about the THOUSANDS of brave @SecretService agents assigned to protect me. The White House is the MOST SECURE BUILDING IN HISTORY. Fake News!!!!!!”

  • miked1954-av says:

    How insecure do you have to be to be word searching ‘insecure’ looking for articles about yourself? That’s a mobius strip of insecurity.

    • puttercoogin-av says:

      “I’m the most insecure person there is. Believe me, no one is more insecure than me. Especially Obama.”

    • pocrow-av says:

      “Many people are saying that I should have my photo in the dictionary next to this word. I don’t say it, but many people are. Dictionary makers are all big Hillary fans. Haters. SHAME!”

    • rata-tejas-av says:

      I like the thought of an ouroboros more, but Mobius strips are cool.

      • bmglmc-av says:

        Mobius strips are a bit risqué in Ouroborotic society, as it’s code for folk who sniff their own buttholes. Fact.

    • mykinjaa-av says:

      How long do you think it took him to copy the word from a piece of paper someone gave him after he made them spell it out?

    • dinoironbodya-av says:

      I think it’s a major testament to the power of cognitive dissonance that Trump supporters seem to believe that he’s a self-assured, confident guy. After 8 years of calling the cucumber-cool Obama thin-skinned, no less.

      • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-av says:

        Who “gave up everything” to “answer the call of his country” and is being “unfairly persecuted” “just like Jesus”, and also his “wife is classy”.

    • goddessoftransitoryrisesagain-av says:

      Goes nowhere, comes from nowhere.

    • lurker113-av says:

      This is probably the correct explanation. Second place is Russian troll farming.One of their common tactics last time around was to create fake accounts that spent a few weeks ingratiating themselves into a community with safe, non-controversial posts. Then once the account has a veneer of credibility, it starts spewing out political disinformation and divisiveness to that community.Trump, being a moron, may have jumped the gun on his marching orders and starting liking this account too soon.

    • thhg-av says:

      I gotta say, like that Gizmodo post, that Trump searched ‘racist’ and saw himself pop up all over the place, somehow decided it was either a good thing or more proof that the lamestream media are out to get him, then went on a roll searching for Trump-related terms. 

    • squirtloaf-av says:

      This is also how Trump found out about Little Richard’s death.

      …Google:”We are showing results for:”Little Richard”. Would you like to see results for “little dick” instead?”

  • martianlaw-av says:

    He thought he was liking a picture of Diamond and Silk.

    • asdfghjkl12step-av says:

      How dare you…those women are hideous. How DARE they even be paralleled to the likes of Yvonne Orji and Issa Rae. HOW DARE…

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    An idiot is an idiot in everything

  • fever-dog-av says:

    Definition of sinecure. 1 : an office or position that requires little or no work and that usually provides an income. He was looking up “sinecure” and mashed the keys.

  • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

    All this will blow over in some other tweet or another tweet.I just want that TV. Seriously. That is straight from the 5 year old inside me. I. Want. That. TV. 

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    I was going to make a joke about him not being able to afford an HBO subscription, but he’s probably mooching off the one Obama had installed.

    • thhg-av says:

      I’m pretty sure he’s using John McCain’s HBOGo login, because I’m also 99% sure he’s been cashing both Fred Trump, Sr. and Jr.’s social security checks well after they died.

  • roisinist-av says:

    blease be barron

  • joestammer-av says:

    He’s just trying to position himself as a “Never-Trumper.”

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    It’s not outside of the realm of possibility either that he searched “Black Lives Matter” (this person’s display name) and liked one of the first results to come up out of some clumsy attempt at outreach toward “the blacks.”

  • piedmont1-av says:

    great post. you really nailed the old cheeto this time

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    Scavino is trolling Issa Rae.

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    ironically I bet even his most devoted cultists would be OK with using this as proof that it’s time to invoke the 25th Amendment

  • turtle-bot-av says:

    The like is pretty obviously an accident. But this shows how far into the twitter hole he was instead of worrying about how his country is in a revolution….

  • hotscotreincarnatedagain-av says:

    I must be too old.I have no idea what this article is about.The writing is terrible.

  • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Now all I can think of is Trump singing “You Shook Me”.

  • thesillyman-av says:

    What it probably was is that he was scrolling and his finger hit like. I do that all the time while scrolling down comments and then go back and unlike them (No Free Likes!) What is wierd that someone he follows musta commented, liked, retweeted it for it to even get in the way of his chubby fingers.

  • lazylazarus-av says:


  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    “Issa is a winner – block party was YUGE success! Go-nowhere Molly is just jealous. SAD!”

  • precognitions-av says:

    let’s not overthink it.he saw a photo of black people in a field and he liked it.

  • artisonfire-av says:

    Or could it be that he’s trying to pretend he’s interested in pop culture with black people because it’s an election year?  He knows all he needs is to ‘like’ something and everyone will talk about it. This is marketing.

  • meanwhileinpdx-av says:

    This show is an absolute gem, and even Trump can’t overcome the allure of great writing, relatable characters and conflict that fells poignant and personal.

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