Donald Trump would like to introduce you to his new favorite rapper, "Little Pimp"

Aux Features Lil Pump
Donald Trump would like to introduce you to his new favorite rapper, "Little Pimp"
“Little Pimp” and President Donald Trump Photo: Jeff Kowalsky

With three simple words—“Fuck Sleepy Joe!”—Lil Pump, the kind of rapper the “WAP”-fearing GOP would normally scurry from, has become Donald Trump’s favorite new artist. Now, the president just needs learn the kid’s name.

Pump, no fan of Joe Biden’s proposed tax plan, joined our president at a Monday night rally in Grand Rapids, MI. Trump, finding the perfect segue for the “Gucci Gang” rapper—“Speaking of sound, music, and other things…”—invited him onstage, but not before introducing him to the deplorables as “Little Pimp.”

To be fair, it’s an easy mistake to make, especially for an old racist. And Pump doesn’t seem to care. “I’ve come here to say, Mr. President, I appreciate everything you’ve done for our country,” he said from beneath a MAGA cap. “You brought the troops home and you’re doing the right thing. MAGA 20/20/20. Don’t forget that!”

A gifted orator, Pump capped off his mini speech with a rallying message: “And do not vote for Sleepy Joe…AT ALL!” (His delivery of “AT ALL!” is mesmerizing, by the way. It sounds like it was added in post by a little child.)

Pump’s Instagram, meanwhile, is a tapestry of pro-Trump posts, signaling that this isn’t just an endorsement for the rapper, but a full-on rebrand. MAGA, after all, isn’t just an affiliation for the artists in its orbit, it’s a lifestyle. And it seems Pump’s been looking for a change. Earlier this year, he claimed he was quitting music.

Time to place bets: How long until Pump joins Scott Baio and Dean Cain on Fox News?

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  • martianlaw-av says:
    • phizzled-av says:

      Hashtagged blessed

    • mrdalliard123-av says:

      “Lil’ Jon, vote for Trump!”“WHAT?!”“Vote for Trump!”“WHAT?”“Vote For Trump!”“OKAY- no, no! You’re not going to trick me this time. Good day, sir! I SAID ‘GOOD DAY’!”“…so that’s a ‘no’, then…”“YEAH!”-An Election Day in the Life of Lil’ Jon

      • soveryboreddd-av says:

        Who cares when was the last time he had a hit anyways. He’s also alot like all of so called celebrity Trump supporters in being a has been.

    • doobie1-av says:

      Lil Jon may remind me of Cookie Monster, but he went to Morehouse and has used his money to open much needed schools in Africa. Lil Pump’s most famous personal attribute is drinking cough syrup with Fanta.

      This makes sense, is what I’m saying here.

  • argiebargie-av says:

    Trump’s rapper name is “Bigly Plump”

  • decgeek-av says:

    The funny thing is that one of Trumps favorite put downs is to call someone lil’. Like Lil Marco, Lil Adam Schiff. Gotta wonder what is going through his warped mind when he hears you call yourself that.   

  • argiebargie-av says:

    I don’t think the font size on those new Chinese-made red MAGA hat is big enough. 

  • miked1954-av says:

    What did Trump pay Steve Harvey to be nice to him? Something like $90,000, right? I get the impression wheelbarrows of money had been sent to Kayne to get him to suck-up to Trump. A big payday for a few black pastors too. Trump’s racist white base should be offended, all they got from Trump is left out in the cold.

    • jshrike-av says:

      Yet it’s likely we get four more years of Trump. I don’t know if it’s just racism being the most powerful factor in the country, just sheer stupidity, or a combination of racist and stupid. I’ve started stocking up on bourbon and ammo for the Trump 2020-2024 era

    • wuthanytangclano-av says:

      I don’t think Kanye, an actual billionaire, is motivated by trump’s money. I don’t even think he cares much about the tax cuts for the rich that seem to drive most of the other celebrity endorsements. I think the rejection from Obama and the narcissistic energy of Donnie inform Kanye’s opinion. 

      • mattballs-av says:

        Kanye is just a big, dumb contrarian. Everything he has done and said over the last few years demonstrates that. Trump makes it seem cool to be a big, dumb contrarian. Also, Evangelical Christianity.

      • miked1954-av says:

        I still smell money, I smelled money when, on 2 occasions that I’m aware of, Kim Kardashian showed up in to oval office too.

    • unregisteredhal-av says:

      Kanye presumably likes Donald Trump because he legit likes Donald Trump. Over half of the men in American support Donald Trump, and there is a small but growing number of Black and Latino men who support Donald Trump. While it certainly boggles my mind that anyone supports Trump, there’s no need to look for special explanations in Kanye’s case. He is buying with Trump is selling.

      • miked1954-av says:

        No, over half the men in America do not like Donald Trump. If less than 50% of eligible voters vote in this country that means the one who gets 25.1% of the vote wins. In Trumps case he lost by 3 million votes in 2016, anyway.

        • unregisteredhal-av says:

          That’s true, it’s more accurate to say that more men support Trump than support Biden. Because some men don’t support either candidate, neither one receives the support of half of men. This is all kind of irrelevant to my point, though. A lot of people like Donald Trump, among them Kanye West.

  • normansfacepaint-av says:

    … Who?

  • franknstein-av says:

    I see a great future for this man in the GOP. One day he may become Senator for South Carolina.

    • lannisterspaysdebts-av says:

      It would not surprise me at all if the sole reasoning behind the rebranding is taxes.  All because homeboy got a little bit of money and now thinks he’s rich.

      • mattballs-av says:

        It’s even more pathetic. He saw the attention Kanye got when he put the red hat on, so Pump did the same. This is a desperate last-ditch attempt at relevance by a guy whose one hit song wasn’t even that good.

  • cannabuzz-av says:

    Lil’ Pump, Pimp, Punk….whatever, garbage is garbage.

  • joe2345-av says:

    I feel like just looking at these pictures could give me chlamydia 

  • libsexdogg-av says:

    First Kanye, now this? The fuck happened on the “I Love It” video shoot?

    • mattballs-av says:

      Two loud-mouthed, contrarian morons had a meeting of the “minds”. Also, Pump saw the attention Kanye got when he put on the red hat, and, as he is currently about the most irrelevant person in hip hop in 2020, decided to jump on the MAGA train. Attention whores, whoring themselves out for attention.

      • libsexdogg-av says:

        Yeah, I was trying to remember the last time I heard any talk of Lil Pump outside of “Why is he famous, again?”, and that ponderance answered my original question. Wouldn’t be surprised if Ye had said “I’ll do the MAGA thing for a bit, then when the backlash gets too hot, you take over”.

    • miked1954-av says:

      Former famous people whose lifesyle can no longer be supported by their current income so they pimp themselves out for $$$.

  • kencerveny-av says:

    Trump probably just got the name confused with what he calls his eldest son.(Actually, I’d bet that Trump said exactly what he meant to)

  • keng6-av says:

    I suppose it’s too much to hope for that this is part of a Pump and Dump plan.

  • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

    Well, the U and the I are right next to each other on a keyboard.

  • miked1954-av says:

    Oh, I was so unaware of the existence of anyone called ‘lil Pump’ that I didn’t recognize Trump’s hilarious Freudian slip when he called him a pimp.

  • misterpiggins-av says:

    Lil Pump is a truly silly name though, even by rapper standards.

  • jmg619-av says:

    Oh look, Takashi69’s little brother is hanging with Trump. I mean first of all who is this clown? Never even heard of him. And that’s the best Trump can do to get a “rapper” on stage with him? Was Lil Wayne too busy for him? And what’s with Trump’s obsession with “rappers” named Lil? So many questions!!And Trump is obviously getting senile. He can’t remember anyone’s name! Hasn’t he done this a few times with other people he’s tried to introduce?

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