Don't worry, folks, Lumberjack Dexter still wants to murder people

TV Features Dexter
Don't worry, folks, Lumberjack Dexter still wants to murder people
Lumberjack Dexter Photo: Rick Kern

We’ll be honest: We don’t see much point in returning to the story of Michael C. Hall’s Dexter Morgan if he isn’t still pretty into killin’ people. As fascinating as a sober series about the logging industry in the Pacific Northwest—the logical endgame of Dexter’s much maligned 2013 finale—might prove, people are a lot more likely to watch the Dexter revival if they get to see Hall get back to what he does best, i.e., monologuing eternally while standing near bloody plastic.

That’s the gist of the (extremely brief) tease Showtime dropped onto Twitter this morning for the show. Given that it’s a 10 second clip, there’s really not much time for more than “Axe, quip, out,” but it certainly communicates the whole Dexter vibe pretty succinctly. (And let us be the first to bemoan the fact that the Dexter revival arrived after the bloody death of Quibi; we would have loved to see the show rendered down to 5-minute clips of Hall eviscerating someone while doing his little philosophical musings.)

Dexter is set to return in late 2021. Hall stars, while showrunner Clyde Phillips, who left the show after season 4 (a.k.a., when it kind of fell off a cliff) will be writing and producing. Oh, and Clancy Brown’s the bad guy, which feels like it should have happened in, like, 2010, but it’s not like we’re going to say no to more Clancy Brown.


  • dirtside-av says:

    Still waiting for the Dexter/Dexter’s Laboratory crossover.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:
  • bio-wd-av says:

    Clancy Brown as a serial killer sounds like something he should have done years ago and would totally work.

  • stevil555-av says:

    Didn’t the series finale of that show get an F right here on this site?

    • loopychew-av says:

      If not here, then at least in everybody’s hearts.

      • roughroughsaidhangoverdog-av says:

        B+ for me. A payment/redemptive death would have been too kind. Banishment to a tundra purgatory was fitting. Would’ve been an A but for the not-believable into-the-storm red herring.

    • kerning-av says:

      Yep and a well deserved F.Season 8 bungled such an awesome opportunity that the series laid out after these great seasons (1st, 2nd, 4th, and 7th). I always thought that the original plan for last season with Dexter being caught by police is the best way to end the series. Exploring Dexter’s origin when we already have good origin wasn’t the best narrative decision and that bogged down already vapid 8th season.If this season lived up to the promises of earlier seasons, then I could give it a watch.

      • inspectorhammer-av says:

        Season 7 already bungled the promise of season 7. The first 3/4 were great, but once the Russian mobster plot wrapped up, the last few episodes were crap. It gave us some ‘Deb is alcoholic and filled with self-loathing’ which was good in the first part of Season 8, but it never went anywhere worthwhile.  I consider the good part of Season 7 to be the show’s ‘dead cat bounce’ before it found its true nadir.

        • kerning-av says:

          Nah, I liked the whole Season 7 for giving some major family drama and the intensity of police catching Dexter… Well, except for the last part. I thought that Deb would have killed herself instead of offing her boss or killing her own brother, in order to escape the grief of finding out who here brother really is and what would happens to her. In the hindsight, that probably would have lead to a much better Season 8 with Dexter carrying the guilt of failing his sister and father while being chased by the police.What a waste.

  • coolgameguy-av says:

    Well I guess if you’re going to bring this series back, there’s no better killer to put him up against than The Kurgan.

  • flyingdics-av says:

    Oh good, god forbid people make something new.

  • noinspiration-av says:

    Who isn’t rooting for Clancy Brown in this matchup?

  • samursu-av says:

    what’s up with the creepy skulls in the background of that cover image?

  • freshness-av says:

    That last season was the best so-bad-it’s-funny few months of TV ever made.
    It was like the show was actually getting sabotaged simultaneously by the writers, cast, network and every single person involved in it. Beautiful really.

  • oldmanschultz-av says:

    “There really is nothing like getting back to nature… my nature.”Not gonna lie, like everyone I’m still skeptical about this revival, but that is a good ass line. I’m actually getting a little excited just off of that.

  • violetta-glass-av says:

    Stay away, Dexter. They already botched the best storyline they could have done (the wheels coming off, Dexter getting caught, Deb finding out) and there’s just nothing further here.

  • tokenaussie-av says:

    Huh. Pretty sure that’s a Plumb Rockaway in the that teaser vid. Pretty baller choice – rare head. But legit. Definitely got some age on it, but it’s got a new handle, at least. Straight haft is an odd choice but OK.

  • drips-av says:

    Never forget.Never forgive.

  • buffalobear-av says:

    Was it discussed that Dexter had gone cold turkey on murder? I don’t recall anyone thinking that. Lumberjacking is just a day job, and handy, as obviously evidenced by a ready arsenal of sharp things. Serial killers might take a break but they don’t have a patch to help quit that shit, you know? I’ll just say one thing: damn well better give me Jennifer Carpenter as Dead Deb, advisor and confidant deeply deranged Dex, along with previously dead Dex’s daddy. 

  • priest-of-maiden-av says:

    Dexter’s much maligned 2013 finale

    Dexter’s finale deserve every bit of hate that it got. A perfect example of writers not knowing how to end the show, so they literally didn’t write an ending.

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