Dril is making a video game for "true and brave gamers only"

Aux Features Entertainment, Culture
Dril is making a video game for "true and brave gamers only"
Photo: Gareth Cattermole

“The video games & childrens tv show industrial complex” may have “pooped its own ass once again and made 2020 the year of the Actual Bitch,” but the last 12 months of pandemic frustration have still managed to inspire internet poet @dril to enter the “indie gaming scene” with his very own creation.

Billed as “the next great Gaming Classic,” for “true and brave gamers only,” dril’s Patreon announcement describes the currently (and maybe eternally) untitled game as “a full-fledged 2D action/adventure game which i believe will be pretty good.” dril notes that “the corona virus pandemic has Fucked us all,” which, for his purposes, means he’s been “locked indoors and/or unemployed” for long enough to start making a game about “the quest of a silent protagonist who stumbles upon the gift of immortality in a dangerous future where Top Influencers and corrupt hollywood guys maintain a cruel grip on society.”

A short video of the game in action shows off its main character, a cop in sunglasses, jumping around avoiding enemies. dril notes that he’s “done all the artwork and programming” on his own and would be interested in contracting some extra help if he can “raise enough ‘DOUGH’ here.” We’re promised further “lurid details regarding the content of the game” as work continues on it, but, for now, we can look to dril’s past video game tweets for a better understanding of the auteur’s view of the medium.

If you want to pitch in to his Patreon, dril says “any amount of support is appreciated, and if you think i should go fuck my self thats fine also.”

[via Gamespot]

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  • noisetanknick-av says:

    I am not being hyperbolic when I say that this is the most important artistic news of the last decade.

    • grant8418-av says:

      um, I think you mean “century”

    • deb03449a1-av says:

      everything else created since 2015 has been ass except dril. a true genius of the new world.

    • Fleur-de-lit-av says:

      If this guy’s schtick is to parody indy devs who get wwwwwway too far up their own asses, he’s spot-on.

    • pinkiefisticuffs-av says:

      “the most important artistic autistic news of the last decade”FTFYP.S. Yes, I’m going to Hell.  I’m going straight to Hell.  I will not pass GO and I will not collect $200.

      • erichzannsopus-av says:

        What was the point of that?

        • pinkiefisticuffs-av says:

          Which part?  

          • erichzannsopus-av says:

            All parts.

          • pinkiefisticuffs-av says:

            Well, I was initially suggesting that the person was not an artist but rather someone who deviated from the standard spectrum and into the autism spectrum as a way to explain the person’s monumental cluelessness about the impression he was creating with his tweets. The “FTFY” was shorthand for “fixed that for you”, a reference to using ‘strikethrough’ to amend the original post, suggesting that I had corrected the text to what the original poster should have stated or might have intended.The P.S. was a recognition that I’d made a joke that was possibly an offensive reference to people genuinely on the autism spectrum, consequently noting that I’m a bad person for doing so. I also threw in a Monopoly reference while I was at it. I had assumed that any and all of this was fairly obvious. I’m also available for parties and bar mitzvahs.  

          • erichzannsopus-av says:

            I love an unnecessary comment that kind of came off as ableist that compels you to you to write a four paragraph statement in a snide way that treated me like a child to defend a joke that’s simply: not very good and kind of a bad look.I’ll let you know if there’s any parties or bar mitzvahs in need of you though.

          • pinkiefisticuffs-av says:

            Which brings us all the way back around to the point: you could have simply said that the comment came off as ableist. When I asked for clarification, assuming that you intended to make the ableist point but giving you space to do otherwise, you AGAIN simply refuse to come the the point and identify it as a potentially ableist.So given that you were being purposefully obtuse, I felt it appropriate to give you a response that treated you as purposefully obtuse. As a side note, I had acknowledged that wasn’t a particularly good joke by virtue of the post-script. That was the point, if you were willing to pay attention.

          • erichzannsopus-av says:

            Acknowledgement of making an asshole comment does not stop you from coming across as an asshole. The reason I asked what the point of your comment was is because it was unnecessary, ableist, and at the same time, a poorly paced joke that went on for way too long that you were obviously proud enough to defend. I didn’t really want to go any further into it, but your dedication to hearing me specifically say why I found your comment irritating was so strong that here we are, DAYS after it has been posted. Self-reflection is a GREAT thing, so I would definitely recommend it.

          • pinkiefisticuffs-av says:

            Still missing the point: I never said it wasn’t an asshole comment, nor that I wasn’t an asshole. You are convinced that this is all due to my need to defend myself. You are incorrect.If you had actually read my responses, you would note that I explain the joke (at your insistence) but never actually defend it. Had you bothered to make the ableist issue to start with, we’d have been long done with this by now. This is still going on because you chose to be passive-aggressive in your response.So indulge in a little self-reflection yourself and be aware of your own bad look: high-handed snide wokeness.

  • jhelterskelter-av says:

    Is this when we finally learn that Dril is literally Jack Nicholson and he’s been telling us this whole time?

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    bought my brother mr 10 years for christmas. go dirl!

  • kinosthesis-av says:

    What the heck is going on in that header image? The guy in the back looks very concerned that something might fall on Nicholson’s head.

  • bastardoftoledo-av says:

    Honest question, no snark. Is this guy for real? Or is it really some 6th grader behind this? Either way, everybody seems to love him, but I just don’t get it. 

    • hamologist-av says:

      Yeah, I used to be dril ambivalent, too.I “got” enough of what they’re doing to get that half of the joke is whether or not or to what degree you “get” what they’re doing, and wow, hello freshman year.But then I realized once you peel back the cleverness, it’s very obvious that the dril account is actually a monitoring system for George Soros-funded sleeper agents, and every tweet is a ping to make sure their mind control chips are still working, and if an agent fails to retweet it they get disavowed and mulched into lizard food. It’s why there’s so much crossover between dril and the so-called “dirtbag Left.”

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      why can it not be both real and have a 6th grader behind it? are 6th graders not real? this guy’s a cop!

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      Or rather, does he exist outside AVClub? Literally, that is the only place I’ve heard of him. And I get around the Internet.

      • bastardoftoledo-av says:

        The only other place I’ve seen him mentioned is The Avocado (which is really just a place for AV Club escapees), so that tracks. 

      • homerbert1-av says:

        Are you on Twitter? I dont follow him but he comes up on my timeline a lot. Dude’s got 1.6 million followers and he’s very popular with blue tick comedians and media types. He doesn’t seem to do anything outside of twitter though.

      • weedlord420-av says:

        Clearly not enough

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      I’ve never heard of him so idk.

    • taumpytearrs-av says:

      Assuming its actually him under the mask on his show [adult swim] show Truthpoint, he is a funny, smart guy who is very good at emulating or pointing out some of the worst kinds of stupid, sad, and pathetic.

  • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

    “is this Dril”

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    I still miss Dril’s TV show. RIP Truthpoint.

    • omgkinjasucks-av says:

      Adultswim streams died for our sinsLast stream on the left is back on youtube on Tuesdays, no word on The Perfect Women or Truthpoint or even Bloodfeast or Stupid Morning bullshit 🙁

    • taumpytearrs-av says:

      I just don’t get cancelling that show, what kind of budget do you need for two dudes on webcams with powerpoint presentations? I guess maybe dril negotiated a good rate when it started and now they just don’t want to keep paying him? I’m glad I still have some episodes I have not watched yet, or I would be even more bummed it was cancelled.

      • happyinparaguay-av says:

        Adult Swim cancelled their entire lineup of online shows (the Adult Swim Stream.) The one I’m most bummed about is On Cinema, but I’m sure that one will find a new home soon.

        • taumpytearrs-av says:

          Yeah I heard about the culling. I was just bummed about Truthpoint. I love On Cinema, but I assumed at most it would delayed while they figured out a new way to make and distribute it. Its been through a number of different platforms and permutations over the years already and it exists beyond the bounds of the streaming series itself, so I can only imagine that universe will persist until Tim and Gregg lose interest.

  • mrfallon-av says:

    This game was 100% made in Clickteam Fusion and it shows (not that there’s a damn thing wrong with that), so calling it ‘programming’ is a bit of a stretch.

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    Everyone here seems to know who Dril is and I don’t. I honestly thought this article was meant to be a joke.

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