Drug dealers, sex workers finding some creative ways to support Australia's bushfire relief efforts

Aux Features AUSTRALIA
Drug dealers, sex workers finding some creative ways to support Australia's bushfire relief efforts
Photo: Andrew Merry

Listen: Australia is on fucking fire, man. The country is experiencing one of the worst droughts in decades, and, due to a record-breaking heatwave and strong winds, fire is spreading at a terrifying rate, destroying homes and native wildlife.

Dozens of celebrities have donated money to help combat the crisis, while the world’s less affluent are finding more creative ways to lend a hand. That includes, wouldn’t you know, your friendly neighborhood drug dealer. Despite being the kind of guy who texts what they have in stock to every contact in their phone, one dealer offered 10% of all purchases made last weekend to directly support bushfire relief. “As a lot of my family have been affected…not a joke,” he told one of his customers, who obviously screenshot the text and uploaded it online for it to go viral. “Actually being legit.”

Of course, coke’s not everyone’s thing, but, hey, there’s always nudes. A number of sex workers have been offering nude photos to those who can provide proof they’ve donated money to any charity involved with relief efforts. The nude-for-donation exchange reportedly kicked off when “naked philanthropist” Kaylen Ward—@lilearthangelk (NSFW, obviously)—tweeted out a call to arms (still NSFW!) earlier this month.

Ward tells the New York Times she raised over $1 million, and she’s not the only sex worker offering this trade-off. See a few examples below.

If you’re disinterested in cocaine and nudes and would just like to donate, you can send funds over to the Australian Red Cross or wildlife charities like the RSPCA or the WWF. You can also send money directly to fire departments in Australia, like the New South Wales Rural Fire Service, the Country Fire Service Foundation in South Australia, or the Country Fire Authority in Victoria.

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  • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

    One of these models was getting a ton of flak like “she’s capitalizing on the fires to promote her brand!!!!!”  She raised like over $20k so far.  Capitalize away.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Maybe she should just be naked and shill diarrhea tea and make-up instead. The selfish Kardashian way.

    • justsomerandoontheinternet-av says:

      I don’t think Australia cares too much that the money they desperately need to recover came from titties and nose candy.  Well, OK, maybe a little, but I’m sure they’ll take it nonetheless. 

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      She hasn’t raised it. She has just received confirmation of it.

      • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

        ?  You mean it’s like these but like 2000 people have confirmed they gave $10, instead of that she actually charged people $10 and donated it?  Actually, don’t bother to answer that, I could look it up if it were worth any more of either of our time 😀

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          Yes.  You send confirmation of your donation to the Red Cross or whoever, and she will send you a free nude.

    • bigknife-av says:

      The people getting the nudes have already donated through other means though. These people may have promoted giving, but claiming that they raised the funds is disingenuous. The spate of wagon jumpers are clearly just in it for the self-promotion now and quite frankly, as an Aussie, I find it pretty sickening.

  • madame-curie-av says:

    each of these sex workers has more human kindness and empathy in one nipple than Rex Tillerson has in his entire body

  • websterthedictionary-av says:

    It does not fill me with relief to know that actual drug dealers appear to be more proactive in the matter than Scott “Everything’s Fine!” Morrison.

    • kirinosux-av says:

      I live in a country that had terrible leadership. We had a terrible PM currently under the 1MDB investigation charges and our current PM is a 94 year old who used to be a former PM and is now implementing terrible austerity policies as a petty fuck you to the previous government.But you know what these two Prime Ministers won’t do? Going to Hawaii during a massive wildfire crisis.All Scomo had to do was to end his Hawaii trip the moment the bushfires got worse. He didn’t, and it all went wrong from there.I see more leadership from an average firefighter than I do from the fucking PM of Australia:

    • rowan5215-av says:

      let’s not forget that ScoMo’s idea of being proactive in this situation is forcing exhausted firefighters to shake his hand for the cameras and then turning his back on her when she asked him for some help. he’s a piece of fucking dung-sniffing bottom-dwelling trust-fund garbage.

  • kirinosux-av says:

    Honestly, we need more drug dealers and sex workers running for politics instead of failed marketers and McKinsey alumni.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      People did appreciate Buddy Cianci’s ability to get shit done in Providence. His background was … flawed to say the least. 

      • ghostiet-av says:

        Cianci is such a good story. He broke a baseball bat and doused a cigarette on his wife’s lover IN THE MAYOR’S OFFICE, got removed from office, then he started a hit local radio show and got reelected years later. And that’s all after he made waves at the DA’s on a crimebusting platform only to realize his connections make him a perfect candidate to just take over organized crime in Providence. Amazing.Like, how is the Trump worship a shock to anyone.

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:



  • mykinjaa-av says:

    This makes sense in a country founded by transplanted criminals.

  • sharoncullars1-av says:

    ain’t mad at ‘em.

  • sensesomethingevil-av says:

    I always worry when tragedies like this happen that grifters are going to come out of the woodwork. The lack of transparency on a lot of this is concerning. I’m not saying these people are going to run off with the money, I just wonder how effectively that money is going to be used. It’s kind of like when you see donations pouring in after a big fire or hurricane and logistics end up biting the aid workers in the ass, whether it’s distribution, or just not getting the right things they need (people donate a ton of “not so gently used” clothes from their closet, or empty their pantries of stuff they’d never eat). I can see this money going to well-intentioned groups that just can’t handle that kind of scale.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      These people aren’t getting the money.  They are telling you to donate to a charity and send them the confirmation.

      • sensesomethingevil-av says:

        Which goes to my point at the end. Can these groups handle this kind of donation scale? Last thing we need is another Puerto Rico clusterfuck with aid delivery (and that was with the help of the U.S. government).

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          Yeah that’s always a possibility with any large-scale tragedy. I misunderstood “these people” to mean the twitter folks. But that shouldn’t stop you from donating. Just reserach to find te best possible place to send the money.Anyway it won’t be another Puerto Rico clusterfuck because most of the people in Australia are white.

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    So re the nudes, though, you still only have to donate one time, right?  And just send the same confirmation to all of them, so it’s not really like they’re all raising individual monies.  Which is fine, I guess.

    • officermilkcarton-av says:

      I think it’s okay to assume good faith on peoples actions in situations like this. If you just want to see boobs on the internet, there’s a lot simpler ways than continually forwarding one receipt.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        I think it’s fine to assume it, but I think it would be foolhardy to actually believe it.  Not that anyone gets hurt either way, so it’s not a big deal, but I don’t think as much money is being donated because of these people as they think.  Which is fine.  Some is more than none.

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