Ed Helms is a wacky cop with a kid sidekick in the trailer for Netflix's Coffee & Kareem

Aux Features Coming Distractions
Ed Helms is a wacky cop with a kid sidekick in the trailer for Netflix's Coffee & Kareem
Screenshot: YouTube

Every once in a while, a movie or TV show comes along that was clearly written with the title first. For example: Coffee & Kareem, a new Netflix movie starring Ed Helms and Taraji P. Henson about a guy named James Coffee who has to team up with his girlfriend’s son, a pre-teen boy named Kareem. If their names weren’t a pun on “coffee and cream,” the movie would be called something else, thus, someone said “Coffee and Kareem” and then—at least to some extent—they built a movie around it. We’re not saying that’s a bad way to do it, we’re just saying that it seems noticeable in this particular case. As a matter of fact, it seems like a fun way to make a movie. A cop named Coffee! A kid named Kareem! Together they’re… Coffee & Kareem. Super fun.

Anyway, this is a trailer. The movie was directed by Stuber’s Michael Dowse. Helms seems like kind of a dork. The kid (played by Terrence Little Gardenhigh, who isn’t even named in the YouTube description even though he’s playing a title character) has a bad attitude. They’re a mismatched duo! Coffee and Kareem! So much fun. You can stream it on April 3.


  • harrydeanlearner-av says:

    Blurst, let me say that this seems like a pretty tame concept. But hey, it worked to great success for Burt Reynolds and…The devil you say. 

  • mr-smith1466-av says:

    Please Netflix! Aren’t we all suffering enough already?

  • avataravatar-av says:

    “Every once in a while, a movie or TV show comes along that was clearly written with the title first.”Was the title conceived by Helms’ dimwit character from The Office? Because it really seems like a title a dimwit would’ve thought up around 2010.

  • eyeballman-av says:

    Still better titled  than Freebie And The Bean.

  • rogue-jyn-tonic-av says:

    >> Coffee & KareemHuh, maybe this could be goo…>> directed by Stuber’s… Oh f*** that!

  • brickstarter-av says:

    So it’s like Cop and a Half, but without the immensely charming lead.

  • augustintrebuchon-av says:

    Your write-up promised meh, and the trailer delivered.

  • docnemenn-av says:

    It looks pretty dumb, but I gotta admit that I sniggered at the bit with the doorbell.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    Netflix UK/Ireland version to be renamed Coffee and Malik (cos instead of cream we we put milk in our…oh ..nevermind)

  • kencerveny-av says:

    The movie was directed by Stuber’s Michael Dowse.

    High, high praise, indeed. Years from now, film students will be intensly studying the early works of…(checks notes)…Michael Dowse, the de facto heir apparent to the great cinema auteur, Dennis Dugan.

  • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

    Is Henson’s character named ‘Sugar’?

  • madamederosemonde-av says:
  • dirtside-av says:

    So the white guy is named “coffee” and the black kid is named “kareem”? But that’s backwards! *laugh track*

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