Edgar Wright is live-tweeting the entire first season of Spaced tonight

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Edgar Wright is live-tweeting the entire first season of Spaced tonight
Screenshot: Spaced

It’s Friday and you’ve got nowhere to be. So, why not plop down on the couch with your roommates and enjoy a marathon of a beloved British sitcom? That’s what director Edgar Wright is going to be doing and he wants you to join him. Tonight, starting at 11:05PM local London time (6:05PM EST), Channel 4 will be airing the entire first season of Spaced, the highly cinematic and sometimes surreal sitcom created by and starring Simon Pegg and Jessica Stevenson and directed entirely by Wright.

“Like this if you would be keen for me to do a three-and-a-half-hour tweet along with the Spaced marathon,” the Baby Driver director wrote last Saturday in a tweet that has since garnered over 7,500 likes. For those wondering how an entire season of television can possibly fit into only three-and-a-half-hours, remember, this is British TV we’re talking about. The first season of Spaced is a whopping seven episodes. Still, the marathon, which is in celebration of the 21st anniversary of the show’s original airing, is scheduled to go until 2:30 a.m. Wright’s time. Luckily, he’s got plenty of the essentials near at hand to get him through it:

Obviously, those outside the UK will have to find creative ways to watch along with Wright and the rest of the fans who have Channel 4 queued up on the telly. The first series is currently available on YouTube thanks to the British comedy channel Dead Parrot, but you’ll have to figure out how to strategically pause when commercials happen. Even if you don’t, though, it’ll still be fun just to scroll through Wright’s timeline tonight and enjoy his fond remembrances.

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