Ellen DeGeneres addresses workplace abuse allegations: "Today we are starting a new chapter”

Aux Features Ellen DeGeneres
Ellen DeGeneres addresses workplace abuse allegations: "Today we are starting a new chapter”
Ellen DeGeneres Photo: Jason Kempin

The Ellen DeGeneres Show is back for its 18th season and as promised, its host wasted no time addressing the toxic workplace allegations that permeated the summer. Appearing in front of an adoring “audience” (or rather, a sea of flat screens projecting remote fans), DeGeneres stood by her claims that she didn’t know of the abuse rendered by the show’s former producers, but that she takes responsibility for what happens on her show.

“As you may have heard, this summer there were allegations of a toxic work environment at our show and then there was an investigation. I learned that things happened here that never should have happened,” DeGeneres said. “I take that very seriously and I want to say I am so sorry to the people who were affected. I know that I’m in a position of privilege and power and I realized that with that comes responsibility, and I take responsibility for what happens at my show.” In this context, “taking responsibility” means firing producers Ed Glavin, Kevin Leman, and co-executive producer Jonathan Norman. Per Buzzfeed, each of the axed execs were accused of a range of abusive behaviors, from racist microaggressions to sexual misconduct. Now that the they’re gone and the remaining employees have been awarded basic benefits, we can all just take a page out of DeGeneres’ book and move on: “We have had a lot of conversations over the last few weeks about the show, our workplace, and what we want for the future. We have made the necessary changes and today we are starting a new chapter.”

DeGeneres also used that time to formally announce former DJ Stephen “tWitch” Boss as a new co-executive producer and assure the world that she really is that kind, dancing, smiling ball of affable sunshine that you see every week among “a lot of other things.” So all of those detailed accusations of less-than-kind behaviors that are, per some fellow Hollywood figures, well known around town? Those were probably just her bad days.

“This is me and my intention is to always be the best person I can be,” DeGeneres said. “And if I’ve ever let someone down, if I’ve ever hurt their feelings, I am so sorry for that. If that’s ever the case, I have let myself down and I’ve hurt myself as well because I always try to grow as a person.” Check out the monologue below.


  • chris-finch-av says:

    Sure, Ellen.

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    I’m still up for replacing her with Eric Andre.

    • igotsuped-av says:

      Do you think Margaret Thatcher had girl power?

    • ckellough-av says:

      As delightfully weird and subversive as Eric Andre would be, I don’t know if he could be weirder or more subversive than Drew Barrymore.  Her show’s first episode was the strangest daytime talk show ever.  Maybe this will be the changing of the guard and Ellen will fall to Drew, as Oprah fell to Ellen, as Donahue fell to Oprah, as Merv fell to Donahue… circle of life.

    • typingbob-av says:

      I’m up for replacing her with her coffee table.

      • nightriderkyle-av says:

        I’m up for replacing her with someone else I don’t have to pay attention to.

      • smaugtheunpretentious-av says:

        I second the coffee table. Shows like Regis and Ellen always seem very cult of personality-esque to me and I have a hard time with the idea of venerating Celebrity

    • hypermark-av says:

      Where does Ramadan Steve fit into it? 

    • bmglmc-av says:

      replacing is fine. Deplacing is better. We can’t implace or subplace her, but we can misplace or displace her. But can we transplace her?

  • ooklathemok1994-av says:

    Can we get an apology for today’s abomination of a slideshow that tried to load up 40 ads at once and crashed my phone?

  • captaingreybar-av says:

    I definitely believe every word she said! Sure, you pessimists might think this is just a clumsy public relations attempt to keep that cash machine churning out daily yenta content. But yes! She is absolutely a sunny, awesome person who had no idea whatsoever that any of this had been going on. Very likely!

  • mark-t-man-av says:

    And if I’ve ever let someone down, if I’ve ever hurt their feelings, I am so sorry for that“I’m sorry you were offended by my actions.” I have let myself down and I’ve hurt myself as well Well yes, she is the real victim here.

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      Hey, c’mon. It’s not like she has a team of writers that can workshop an appropriate apology before… oh.

    • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

      I will always love half-assed apologies from folk in the public eye. Those with half a brain see right through it, the rest just keep on lovin’ it. Oprah ain’t no saint, but Ellen isn’t ever gonna be Oprah.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    Step 1: Employees of The Ellen Degeneres Show are hereby mandated to smile more.

    Step 87: Any employee of The Ellen Degeneres Show must, upon entering any room, do the “Ellen Dance”. This rule applies whether or not Ellen Degeneres is in the room. This rule also applies to exiting rooms (“entering hallways”), entering alcoves, foyers, cubicles or the little rooms inside bathrooms where the toilets are.Ellen Degeneres hopes that these changes will encourage employees of The Ellen Degeneres Show to come to her first if there are any issues. Finally, Ellen Degeneres would like to remind her employees that snitches get stitches.

  • recognitions-av says:

    Ironically, the new chapter in question is from 120 Days of Sodom. Heyoooo!

  • peon21-av says:

    “Today, we are closing the old chapter, if you know what’s good for you.”

  • precognitions-av says:

    I’ll just add “threw a bunch of other people under the bus to cover her own ass” to her list of fucked up actions

    • nightriderkyle-av says:

      Ugh but it’s so long now. Can’t Cancel Culture come to our rescue and cancel her instead of make us wade through that long list?

  • disqusdrew-av says:

    “Today, we’re starting a new chapter”…“WE’RE DOUBLING DOWN!”*throws hot coffee in a PA’s face*

    • ooklathemok3994-av says:

      “You should all be so lucky to work for me. Today we start a new chapter. I can finally cast off these bonds of society and become who I was always meant to be.”

      -Darth Ellen

  • honeybunche0fgoats-av says:

    Being in the higher echelons of a dictatorship is all fun and games until the purges start and the ice picks come out. 

  • impliedkappa-av says:

    I’ve heard the story really gets going in chapter 11.

  • nycpaul-av says:

    This will not wash. Anyone who works in TV in New York has heard stories about her for years, not just about her producers, etc.  Her.

  • miked1954-av says:

    Recently I saw a video of a foreign music star fooling around on the phone. Making believe she was a new worker, she called her production company’s VP and asked him what the ‘purpose’ of the company was. Eventually he replied the company’s primary mission was the welfare and happiness of their employees. Slightly taken aback, the star asked ‘Not of the talent’? The VP explained ‘I’m an employee too’.

  • cosmiagramma-av says:

    Honestly, just own it at this point! Get your Miranda Priestly on!

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    As I have no attachment to Ellen’s “nice” persona, I am fine with thinking of her as a flawed but not entirely monstrous person who, had she resigned, would have taken down a lot more people with than in the current scenario, and moving on.  

  • cscurrie-av says:

    Kudos to DJ Twitch, continued success.

  • urbanpreppie05-av says:

    Actions speak louder than words.Now, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and believe in making amends, and changing…but honestly, I’m not seeing it with her “addressing” it. I hope she proves me wrong. 

    • nightriderkyle-av says:

      Yeah, the benefit of the doubt is now hiding in the corner saying “Don’t you involve me with Ellen Degeneres!” now.

  • hamburgerheart-av says:

    s’ok Ellen, you be you.
    Ellen is the best!

  • ducktopus-av says:

    “Out of respect for those I have offended I have excused them of their requirement to endure my presence and the indignity of cashing my checks, please report any further incidents of offense or friends or family member employees who have suffered due to me so that I can quickly alleviate their pain”

  • julian23-av says:

    Am I the only one getting the Youthful Indiscretion” excuse from a 48-year-old congressman vibe from this?

  • fleiter69-av says:

    Anybody who has ever worked in Hollywood knows these people are horrible. They quickly forget what it means to work for a living.

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