Ellen DeGeneres gets 4 shows on HBO Max

Aux Features TV
Ellen DeGeneres gets 4 shows on HBO Max
Photo: Kevin Winter

Ellen DeGeneres is jumping on the HBO Max bandwagon hard, with The Hollywood Reporter saying that the streaming service has picked up three shows from DeGeneres and is still developing a fourth. We don’t know if she’s getting millions and millions of dollars for these shows, like Ryan Murphy and other creators who went to Netflix have been getting, but she’ll be fine either way. She has plenty of money.

As for these shows, the three that have already been picked up are Ellen’s Home Design Challenge (which will feature DeGeneres giving “humorous color commentary” as home designers compete against each other), First Dates Hotel (which is various ages of single people meeting up with appropriately matched single people at a romantic hotel), and Little Ellen (an animated series about DeGeneres as a kid). The fourth show, Finding Einstein, will be a documentary series about trying to find “the next generation of potential Einsteins” and has “the blessing” of the real Einstein’s estate.


  • peterjj4-av says:

    Any time I’ve seen Ellen in recent years she seems very cold, passive-aggressive, and extremely difficult to watch. I can’t say this is much reason to get HBO Max.

    • taumpytearrs-av says:

      She is absurdly rich due to her daytime show, she’s probably hit that point where due to money/fame she has completely disconnected from normal life/human beings. And she makes to much money not to do the show, but also probably has very little interest in doing it. 

      • yummsh-av says:

        I’m sorry, but I don’t think either of you two know what you’re talking about. You’re doing a good job of saying the same thing while not knowing what you’re talking about, though. I’ll give you that.Ellen’s team puts a ton of clips from her show on her YouTube channel. Find me one where she’s ‘cold, passive-aggressive and extremely difficult to watch’. If you don’t like her show, that’s fine, but claiming she’s any of those things on her show is just flat-out wrong. She wasn’t even an asshole when she had Billy Bush on, and that’s no small feat.Go ahead. I’ll wait.


        • a-t-c-av says:

          not that I don’t think that comment deserved a star in its own right…but full disclosure: I came looking for a place to say that mayor of the greys remark deserved several but the only one I could have given it would have pulled it out of them & I felt like that would be wrong…

        • taumpytearrs-av says:

          I actually don’t know if she actually seems cold/passive aggressive now as OP said, I was just reacting to that and saying if she is, its probably the combination of disconnect/boredom that seems to hit a lot of people who are super successful but stuck in the same high-paying but repetitive gig for many years. Although the only time I do ever see clips from Ellen, its the occasional awkward or uncomfortable moment removed from context for humor value, but I’m not gonna claim that is representative or anything.

          • yummsh-av says:

            So you had no idea if what was being said about Ellen was actually true or not before you agreed with it, or at least gave reason for why it was happening even though it’s not. Got it.

    • yummsh-av says:

      I’m curious where and when you saw any of this.

    • duffmansays-av says:

      That sounds like projection, since anytime I see her, while waiting in a doctor’s office or waiting at my mechanic’s, she’s warm and empathetic. Seriously though, is Ellen on 4 times a day?

      • caseycontrarian-av says:

        You guys have the same doctor and mechanic? What are the odds?
        She’s always been a peach at Trader Joe’s. An organic one, obviously.

    • qj201-av says:

      other gossip blogs have run stories for years about what a monster Ellen is behind the scenes.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    Ellen Degeneres has how many shows and Portia di Rossi doesn’t even have one? What the fuck, world

    • dikeithfowler-av says:

      She’s supposedly retired from acting, though I have a theory that she only did that because she saw the quality of the Arrested Development Season 5 scripts and needed a way to only appear in a tiny amount of it, and that she’ll be back soon. I hope so anyway as she really is a great actress.

      • flytrainer-av says:

        Right. I heard she wanted to devote more time into stretching out her face and resculpting her nose.

      • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

        She was terrific on Arrested Development and Better Off Ted & I am hopeful she will unretire when someone offers her a project of similar caliber (before Arrested Development went downhill)

  • wackd32-av says:

    “I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.” –Ellen DeGeneres

  • flytrainer-av says:

    On a side note, why do most lesbians dress like 14 year old boys?

  • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

    Part of the joy of cord cutting is not having to know reality shows exist. First Netflix starts bringing reality shows into its programming and now HBO is going to? Please fuck off with this garbage.

  • musictheoryjoey-av says:

    Can’t wait for all of the new and innovative ways we can launder terrible people through her shows and rehabilitate their war crimes, crimes against humanity, and general evilness!

  • spacesheriff-av says:

    I’m seeing double! Eight Ellens DeGeneres!

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